#lp Ijekiel when he saw Athy for the first time
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closing his eyes to all the women that are in love with him and opening them wide for the only one he can never have
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bvnga-aprikot · 1 year
I was looking over my old Unlovely (reincarnated!Jennette AU) notes, when i thought to myself that i never thought of attempting to design a new debutante dress for her. The story i have for it as well as how it contrasts Jetty’s actual dress was too intriguing for me to shaft into the back of my brain. So here’s what i came up with.
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I always wanted to talk about what i think Jetty, and in extension Athy and Kiel, would wear in the debutante in this AU as they are characters that went through the most changes in terms of character compared to canon. But then i realized i would have to explain so much backstory and relationships between each character for why i chose a specific design for their debutante outfits (hence why only Jennette’s is finished because i still can’t find a concrete design for the other two). That was why i was nervous about pulling it off, but now after two years i have decided that i want to do something fun with this AU, so here’s my design for Reincarnated!Jetty’s debut gown!
First off, the most obvious thing is that the dress is stylistically and aesthetically different from WMMAP and LP Jennette’s debutante dresses, going for a more neoclassical/regency inspired style rather than the rococo inspired dresses we see her in. This is partly due to the fact that this is my interpretation of a Reincarnated!Jetty who is different from the Jetty we know. However, as the picture says, the dress originally belonged to Duchess Alpheus, as well as a prominent accessory in Jennette’s outfit, her purple brooch. A concept that always tickles my brain worms is of Jetty finding family in the people around her before meeting the Obelias, and in this case it was Duchess Alpheus and Ijekiel.
The Duchess and R!Jennette didn’t really get along at first but coming to find out that they have more in common than they thought (after hijinks ensued), they slowly built a bond together and before they knew it, saw each other like mother and daughter. This is also helped by the fact that Kiel insisted that they get along because he thinks they’d benefit having more people in each other’s lives, which also made them closer to him as well.
Unfortunately not a lot of good things last in this AU and Duchess dies and it leaves the two traumatized and depressed. R!Jennette slowly drifts away from everyone because of this, unable to give herself time to grieve due to everything else that she was doing to change the story for the rest of the characters. This is made worse by the fact that in her previous life R!Jetty was already deprived of motherly love so let’s just say she really went through it during this time.
This is where the dress comes in, because the Duchess showed her and Kiel once some dresses she wore during her youth so she can gift them to her children one day, and this dress was one of them. Originally the dress had longer sleeves and looked more “casual” than formal, but not wanting to agree with Roger and Rosalia’s dress options R!Jennette rolled up her sleeves and tweaked the dress to be more “debutante worthy”. This did not go well with them, but it was too late for anyone to do anything about it so in the end she went with the dark blue dress that once belonged to the woman she thought of as a mother, and looking great in it.
The dress is a simple dark blue with short sleeves and lighter gloves as contrast. It's monochromatic color scheme gives it an antique and vintage look compared to the other dresses. I’m not sure what that drapery thingy you wear with a dress that goes over your arms but i gave her that to complete the look, as well as a small train for a flowey look. I also like to think that R!Jen changed the waistline so to better fit in with current trends too. Now i want to get to Jetty’s new choker, because personally i think it makes the whole look better and gives it a tiny bit of edge. I mentioned that the brooch in the middle also belonged to the Duchess once and this is important because in my AU, Duchess has purple eyes and black hair. To Jennette, it was like the Duchess never left their side.
In typical Jennette fashion, i wanted to incorporate bows in it because i think it would be cute if it was a consistent thing for her to like regardless. But unfortunately i could not for the life of me find a way to do so without it feeling tacky (perhaps the Duchess’s fashion taste calls for less bows because she might’ve hated them). So i opt for a simple bow with a tiny nod to Jetty's green eyes. I wanted the dress to contrast her previous debut dresses, like how Athanasia’s debut dress changed because she changed the tides of her fate.
The reason why i went with a more simpler gown reminiscent of the neoclassical/regency dresses from the early 1800s was because i kinda liked the fact that it came after the French Revolution, and before that was rococo. It's more simple yet still elegant and i thought it'll fit with what i was going for with R!Jetty's dress. She’s not here to make a statement like Athy, she’s here because the story calls for it, but also to investigate something about the Imperial Family, for plot reasons.
That is all i have to say now! I want to complete Athy’s debutante dress for this AU now because i really think that she needs something else to suit her more cunning and dark personality. And Ijekiel also undergoes a change after his mother’s death too so i’m thinking of giving him a new look for funzies (and also give him something from the Duchess too). Thank you for reading this have a nice day now ;p
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doomed-prophetess · 3 years
hey, may i ask, why do you dislike lucas! just wanna know i’m pretty curious bc everyone loves him lol. also, what about luc//athy? i wanna know your thought process. i’m not on either side, really. i don’t ship stuff but i’m invested in the drama of this fandom lmao
1. he calls Athy an idiot
2. the way he disrespects Jennette and refuses to treat her as a human being by calling her chimera
3. how the narrative tries to make me care for him so badly that it almost feels manipulative (he had abusive parents, then got adopted by another abusive parental figure after his parents abandoned him). In the 200+ years he lived there was no one who cared about him.
4. threatened to kill her (I think?), threatened to kill Blackie even though he knew it was basically her soul animal and the loss would wound her deeply
5. how he kind of enjoyed the power he had over her because he saved her and blackie and how he acted all innocent in front of others and Athy didn't dare to tell her father (did she fear that he wouldn't believe her?)
6. "Your father cares alot about you." Said father is a mass murderer who considered to murder her multiple times. Their relationship is toxic to the max, how Claude sees her mother in her till the day of her debutante ball, their images literally overlapping (it's not cute), how he doesn't want her to meet other people or ever leave the palace, how she has created a fake persona to please him. How does Lucas not realize that this is a toxic relationship when he is over 200+ years old and has likely seen stuff like this before? Lucas knows that Athy is/was deep down fucking terrified of her father since their first encounter where he pointed out that Blackie always runs away, because her divine beast reflects her inner desire to escape the palace. And despite all that he says that Claude cares about her, which might have influenced Athy in her decision to go back to Claude after the murder attempt and forgive him.
5. he ate LP Athy's mana beast and then fucked off to work with the Imperial Wizards and didn't even intervene when LP Athy got executed. He was possibly indirectly responsible for her death since she couldn't use her mana to escape and got killed.
6. so ready to commit genocide on innocents if Athy had died (I only like stuff like this if it's yanderes doing it)
7. appears in her bedroom at night when she is sleeping and touches her her and stuff. I think he also put her to sleep without asking for consens, which is something Claude also did.
8. everyone worships him and treats him like a god. if you don't worship him you are evil.
9. interrupts Athykiel scenes all the time and copied Ijekiel's handkiss in the library. After he saw Ijekiel kiss her hand he did the same. Made himself taller than Ijekiel. Stole Ijekiel's title as soft charisma prince at the tea party.
10. some of his fans
This scene made me dislike him alot:
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I can't really explain why but when he destroyed the effort Athy had put into braiding his hair and adorning them with flowers, and how he acted rudely afterwards...this is the scene where I came to realize how much I disliked him. Idk why it's something so minor and insignificant.
11. I'm biased af, but in my opinion Lucathy is detrimental to Athy's character. Once I saw someone argue that the reason why Lucas is so perfect for Athy is, because she has daddy issues and Lucas is similar to her father and...well they are not wrong but this is actually a reason why I think they should never be together. (Unless you want to make it a toxic relationship.) She'll never get rid of her role as a living emotional crutch and morality chain. The way she seeks out a romantic relationship with boy who has a similar personality to her father, reminds me how some abusive victims have a tendency to latch onto toxic people, because this kind of behaviour feels familiar and comforting. They are used to it, they know how to deal with that.
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ultramarine-spirit · 2 years
Now that we're talking about the novel. When I read the side-story of lovely princess I wanted to kill them all 😭 I hate them all, they treated lp Athanasia so badly that I just wanted to enter the book to hug her. Especially every time she saw Claude with Jennette
i hate lp claude too much i need revenge
Yeah LP! everyone are pretty awful, sans Athy, Lily and Lucas.
If it helps, all of them had arguably awful lives after the events of the side story. Claude is in a coma forever (or until he decides to wake up anyways, hopefully never), Jennette neglects her duties to look after him 24/7 and refuses to do anything else, inadvertedly ruining Roger and Countess Roselia's plans for her to ascend to the throne by being Claude's daughter and marrying Ijekiel, but Ijekiel is still promised to her so he doesn't get to pursue Athy (well, he only liked wmmap!Athy anyways). In turn, Athanasia takes charge of all State duties so at least she'll live and most likely be the next ruler (as there was no crown princess and now Claude is basically dead and can't appoint anyone, Athanasia is the first princess, has an immortal name and is the one actually capable and ruling the empire). But she'll at least stay as first princess (and won't be executed, that's an important part).
And well, in the manhwa version they all die.
But yeah lmao, novel LP!Claude had it too good forever dreaming of a happy life with Diana and Athy. He should have gotten the manhwa ending and died.
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alicehattera03 · 3 years
This is not a prompt just me sprouting nonsense: I saw your post "A hero would sacrifice her to save the world...a villain would tear the world apart if she was hurt..."
And it made me think about a case of a very dark and very desperate Ijekiel where he goes mad scientist trying to resurrect LP!Athy, after she got wrongfully executed by her father. Think of an AU where Ijekiel does have magic, but nobody notices it because he excels in a very specific type of dark magic: namely Necromancy. (Magician! Ijekiel makes actually sense, because every time his powers would act up, Roger would just think it was Jennette's magic that caused this mess. And Ijekiel has always been immune to Jennette's magic that made people fall for her left and right, despite being constantly around her...isn't this strange?) Anyway imagine Ijekiel playing the polite, mild-mannered and even tempered Emperor consort at daytime but at night he goes into bloodthirsty yandere mode and does human sacrifice behind Jennette's back. Have a nice day ♡
YES OMG YES it would absolutely, positively make sense for Ijekiel to be a magician or at least have some sort of magic because how else could he always be able to repel Jennette's black magic without even knowing??? (Claude that failure ugh we don't talk about him) moving on, but HOLY MOTHER OF GOD necromancy. yes. YES.
The type you would never see coming, just this amazingly smart, beautiful person raising his dead love from her tomb with hundreds of human sacrifices cause she's worth it and just smiles at Jennette when they're together but she doesn't know about anything cause she's the last one needed for Athy to come back *wicked laughter*
BUT I think Ijekiel wouldn't have really realized that he was magically talented until he starts to learn about it in school, and then all of the weird things from his childhood start to make sense.
Like how the baby bird that fell from its nest up in the old oak tree on the estate grounds broke its neck started to chirp and move its featherless wings when he held it in his hands and stroked it from head to wing tip, or when he couldn't ever stand visiting the Alpheus tombs with his family because it sounded like they were whispering to him in the dark, telling him family secrets he wouldn't have otherwise found out.
Definitely Athy's death would have been the absolute tipping point for the poor child.
The ground opened up like Death welcoming its bloodline back to his rightful place and dead hellhounds with bones of all sizes and shapes, covered in dirt or licked clean from a hunt- cracking about and knitting themselves into the mythical creatures that had terrified those from years past would come up from underneath the unsuspecting and kill the people who dared to murder the innocent first princess of Obelia.
The aftermath would be him cleaning up the bloody mess he had made.
He wiped the blood off his cheek, his cuffs stained a dark red, the brooch she had given him that time, not too long ago- shining on his lapel. He climbed up those steps, tears falling onto the wood below as he carefully cut her loose from where she hung, and held her cold body close to him, for perhaps his warmth would spread, however cold his heart may be.
Then the years seemed to pass by like water rippling in a stream, and the days were filled with fake smiles and shrill laughter, whilst his nights were showered with blood and pain. The voices only grew in number as dark grass grew over meticulously made mounds that stood out from the light grass that covered the palace grounds. He takes a single glance, smiles, and plants beautiful rose shrubs there.
Him becoming duke, then emperor consort, teaching himself the ways of the Underworld, but I would like to think he'd spend years to find a way to get Athy alive again but he'd revive her the wrong way because no magician has ever dabbled successfully in the dark magic of necromancy.
He had ended up stuck with an empty shell that kept her lovely appearance that reminded him of the angels in stories, but she- it- has nothing he loves about her, but he'll keep on trying to fix her, to find her soul from wherever she flew up to. His hand found the sheathed dagger in the darkness and his golden eyes were alight with the hope of love's return to his side as he pulled the covers back on the last sacrifice. Oh- he'll be with his love once more.
At whatever the cost.
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evanescentdawn · 3 years
Thinking about WMMAP, specifically about Lilian.....
an AU where Lilian from LP turns back time:
I really want to flip canon sort of and our Lily is LP who was reincarnated/went back in time as Jihye reincarnates as well
Lily quickly realises that this world is different but doesn’t realise exactly
She has a boiling rage to Claude because she remembers how he treated Athy, and how he killed her in the end despite how the lack of evidence
She also hates Felix. While they really didn’t know each other, she knows how he’s close to Claude and despite how he was favourable to athy. He didn’t do anything when Athy was going to be executed
This time, Lily resolves to save the princess. To do everything in her power to make sure this time it doesn’t end same
It’s EMOTIONAL for her to see Athy again, as a baby, to see her grow up all over again whilst remembering how she failed her
Okay okay I was planning this to be mostly canon compliant to the webtoon but you know what? that’s boring
So cue: Lily planning, Lily getting Athy ready for politics and such, and making sure that the same mistakes aren’t repeated. She showers her with love, tells her all about her mother in hopes that she doesn’t want to have her father’s approval
Because Lily knows that is what the princess wished for. And it saddens that she can’t have it, but it’s better than the princess dying. The princess going after a father’s love that doesn’t exist
What Lily doesn’t know is that this Athy isn’t quite the one she knows. That there lives a older girl inside of her
So like when things change, when Athy stumbles onto Claude
Lily has a PANIC ATTACK. She’s so scared. She’s angry. She’s fiercely protective of Athy
But like....she can’t go to Claude and say that he should stay away from Athy
She watches them, as their relationship develops like in canon, anxious and cautious
When Athy falls in the river, almost drowns. That scene doesn’t go down well AT ALL with Lily
Andddd while I do love Claude and all. He’s a complete dick, and his whole memory thing isn’t an excuse at all to how he treates Athy. Like what the heck, dude. So. I think it’s totally justified and extremely satisfying that Lily plans for Claude’s death. And ends up killing him but disguises as a death caused by whitey (sry literally do not remember his name. ijekiel’s father. yeah that guy.)
There’s angsttttt of course because this Claude is different and his relationship with Athy is different. How she grows to see him as a father and then, she sees him die at Lily’s hand
There’s also another alternative this could: Lily not ending killing Claude, giving him a chance as she realises that he’s not the same he’s change
There’s also side development with Felix and Lily. She hates him, because she sees him as someone who stands Claude and had a hand in Athy’s death
Which isn’t true at all of course. I like to believe that Felix did protest. But in the end, Claude was iron-fist in it, and Felix couldn’t persuade him. And Felix so gave up. Their relationship...Felix & Claude...is really interesting. Would love to explore it sometime
Anyways....so when she sees Felix come back with Athy (after she first meets Claude) Lily is protective and scared as heck. Basically that panel where she’s holding Athy and giving him that eye because that just was *chefs kiss*
And then, from then. Lily’s view of Felix getting challenged and changing as she realises that he’s completely different from how she expected
Don’t know if I’ll go a romantic route, but goshhh yeahh. Lily & Felix. Lots of feelings about. I want them to do Athy’s parents :’)
Mmmh. Unsure if Lily and Athy ever find out how they are both not from this time.
Okay. Just remembered about Lucas. Mmmh. He’ll definitely know when he notices Lily but doesn’t for some long time. He goes interesting
Oh no oh on Lily & Lucas would be an interesting duo and I sort of want to explore that 👀👀
Omggg like what if Lucas was the one who made an offer to her, and that’s how she got back in time??? Or something. Why would he do that though.... for fun? Because he saw smth in Lily that interesting him??? Idk
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eventyrstuff · 4 years
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So I started reading Manhwas after Kdramas, and I wanted to make a list as well.
I absolutely love Isekai themed Manhwas - specially historical, time travel and villainess themed. Most of them are based on a web novel but I could not find the novels per se so I read them as Manhwa at Manganelo Site
So here goes the list, I will input few at a time as I am rereading them again.
Warning: Unedited. I’m sorry if I mispell or has grammar lapses. Unabashed fangirling at times.  ALSO SPOILERS. IMMA GIVE OUT A FEW.
Inso's Law - Ongoing (Chapters: 81)
What made me read it: I found the earphone scene in Instagram and I instantly fell in love with Chunyoung. I mean I have this weakness with Black Haired characters. When I read the plot, I knew my tween heart will absolutely love this. The Main Character (Dan-I) woke up to a romance novel/parallel world where in she was friends with these very popular kids (I still can't believe they were 14 at the start). She did not want to be center of attention or to have any relations with the Female Lead and her reverse harem, but come on no one can resist those guys and their pretty faces and weird colored hair. The storyline may be a bit overused but my teenage self is very happy. 10/10
Is it visually pretty: YES. Everyone is pretty. This manhwa is also memeworthy. May not be as aesthetically pleasing as WMMAP but still 10/10
How much do I love the characters: I love Dan-I's internal monologue but hate how she sees herself as just the minor character, everyone adores her! Yeoryoung is the best friend you'll absolutely adore. Ju-In is adorbs. Chunyoung is LOVE. I love Jiho and Eunhyung too but Chunyoung is my ML. Ruda and Yeodan though *swoon* Other side characters are awesome too, but too much characters makes me forget a lot of em. Haha 10/10
Favorite part of the story: I LOVE their friendship so eveytime they show how much Dan-I is important too, all those text messages (especially Ju-In's HAHAHAHA text), Chunyoung is my fave so everytime he is in it I mean damn him and his beautiful hair, enchanting eyes and that smile *faints*, everytime Dan-I state one of every web novel laws, everytime Dan-I breaks the fourth wall and say how bullshit the story is hahahaha
Am I going to reread it again: Yes will do again and again
How do I describe thee: This was my first Manhwa! I'm a sucker for high school setting kind of stories. I really like it, makes me nostalgic of times I spent reading stories back in high school. I admit I was one of those teenagers who fell for the trope of being normal then every guy suddenly likes you *reverse harem for the win* but seriously this manhwa is one of my personal fave for being close to my tween heart. I really thought Dan-I was on a parallel world rather than a web novel as she did not got isekai'd to another person, she's still herself and it's still her family - it was like fanfiction of her own life. I like all characters eventhough, yes it's bullshit to have those kinds of friends (come on! A chaebol, a model in one group of friends in a normal highschool?) It's typical, it' cliche I know but their friendship is really #goals. When I first read this I was really cheering on Chunyoung to be ML, but when I read spoilers that Jiho will be the ML I thought whaaaat I shipped Jiho with Yeoryeoung. Then when I reread it I did saw how subtle his love was and it's really cute. I was really focused on Chunyoung since he has a lot of screen time showing off his affections but Jiho did too on the littlest of things you will see. Well, I'll wait for his time to shine. I just hope Dan-I finally notice them. And I want to know how she will be explaining to them her situation and how everything will be resolved - will she be going back to reality? *that's gonna suck* Also can I have Yeodan instead? Thanks. 10/10
Who Made Me A Princess - Ongoing (Chapters: 81)
What made me read it: I keep seeing screenshots of Athy's various expressions on the comments in manhwas so I searched for it. The plot is interesting, and as mentioned I absolutely love Isekai theme. But this is not romance (mostly), the story focuses on the dynamics of a father and daughter relationship. The main character was reborn as a character on a novel she was reading, Athanasia - the princess who was executed by her father. Knowing what will happen to her when she turns 18, she plans on saving herself. She changes the course of the story in order to survive. 10/10
Is it visually pretty: YES. JESUS CHRIST HAVE YOU SEEN DADDY CLAUDE. INSANE VISUALS. I mean the way the artist drew everything is pleasing to my eye. BUT ALL CHARACTERS ARE HOT. 100/10
How much do I love the characters: ONE MUST PROTECT ATHY FOREVER. Daddy Claude breaks my heart. LILY AND FELIX ARE THE CAPTAINS OF MY SHIP. Lucas is love. Can't help falling in love with Ijekiel/Ezekiel. I adore Jennette. DIANA AND LP'S ATHANASIA ARE DEAD BUT THEY DESERVE BETTER. Anastacius you evil motherfucker, I like you too. 100/10
Favorite part of the story: Every Athy expression. Tea time with Daddy Claude and Felix. When Lily is overprotective. Athy's debutante ball. All the boat scenes are gold. Everytime Claude shows how much he adores Athy even when he's supposed to hate her. When he picks her up and when he shows emotions. When Claude and Felix bickers. When Lucas teases Athy. Best boi Ijekiel/Ezekiel when he shows how much he likes Athy. Adorable Jennette and how she yearns for family.
Am I going to reread it again: Yes and No. Probably up to Chapter 45, I don't think my heart can take after that. Maybe when the manhwa is finished.
How do I describe thee: I AM EMOTIONALLY EXHAUSTED. When I first read this I stopped at Chapter 38,  I read another Manhwa and actually forgot about it but decided to reread again after. I thought this will be a funny, heartwarming story of how a daughter earns her father's love. OH BOY GET READY FOR FEELINGS. I love Athy so much, she just wanted to survive the story, but she was loved, she was finally happy. Claude was like fuck feelings but can't help but adore Athy. I love their relationship so much. It physically pained me after Claude loses his memory - BRING BACK THE FUNNY CHAPTERS. I cannot read that scene in Claude's birthday ever again without bawling. I like Jennette, I really do, but I hate how everytime Claude has headaches (especially when with Athy) he calls for Jennette. It hurts me the way it hurts Athy like I was the one being betrayed. I hate how what's happened to LP Athanasia might still happen ro present Athanasia and it will def break me. I hate Anastacius for being an evil bastard that he is but I hope his growing love for Jennette will be his redemption. This was the first time I did not care for the romance or love triangles (Lucas and Ezekiel/Ijekiel are still precious bbys). Still 1000/10 will recommend even if it's not yet finished. I just want everyone to have a happy ending. Also for my LilyxFelix ship to sail. Thanks. If you have spoilers, gimme.
The Reason Why Raeliana Ended Up At The Duke's Mansion - Ongoing (Chapters: 133)
What made me read it: It was on one of the recommended list and it caught my eye due to the title like pfft how very specific. It's Isekai so I know I'll love it. The Main Character got pushed (literally) into a novel wherein she got the role of Raeliana - a minor character whose death is the catalyst for the story to start. And of course our MC will not follow through the storyline and make her own destiny and survive. She ended up asking for the duke's (Noah, my love) help and became his fiancee, thus starting a butterfly effect for this manhwa's awesome story and twists. 100/10
Is it visually pretty: Definitely, everyone is absolutely pretty and the art is great. Not as insane as WMMAP but I got a lot of meme material. 10/10
How much do I love the characters: Raeliana is def one of top female lead for me, she's bad ass and not as dense as others. Noah, my love, is perfect. Even his brother that I could not remember his name because it's hard to spell. Naomi though is hilarious. Raeliana's family especially her mother. JUSTIN. GRANDPAAAA. SIR ADAM - NUFF SAID. No to Beabitch though but that says something for being villain. 100/10
Favorite part of the story: Chapter 130 hehehehe. Everytime Raeliana is BAMF who saves herself, everytime Noah flirts with her, Sir Adam and his aloofness and chibi self, the emperor's 40% playing pranks, Naomi and the emperor's bickering - which by the way ship it, when Noah confessed, when Raeliana confessed my heart could not take it, ALL THE TWISTS
Am I going to reread it again: YESSSS 100%
How do I describe thee: One of the God-Tier level Manhwa, I read because of Isekai I stayed because of the twist of that Isekai which is freaking mindblowing. Raeliana sets the standard for Female Leads, damn girl needs no man to save her shit. I LOVE HER. I LOVE THIS MANHWA SO MUCH. Noah is just perfect for her like it was really *winks* destined for them to be together. I JUST LOVE EVERYTHING. I love everyone, except that bitch. Also this was a first for me to have the MC admitting they were isekai'd to a novel and realizing her feelings and his feelings and accepting it and I just asdfghjkldfdfse 10000/10 READ THIS AND FALL IN LOVE WITH SIR ADAM WITH ME.
Living As The Tyrant's Older Sister - Ongoing (Chapters: 73)
What made me read it: The meme (you know the one - K.O), if you haven't noticed yet I am a collector of Isekai Manhwa. But this one def made me laugh at all chapters. We have your Main Character being thrown into a web novel (a novel her sister wrote btw) where she play as the Emperor's older sister - Alicia. She knows how the story goes (same old same old where she will eventually die) because she was her sister's consultant regarding the storyline and now regretting how she suggested to change the male lead. As always she devised a plan to stay as a minor character and survive but ended up sleeping with the main lead - Ares. 10/10
Is it visually pretty: Not a masterpiece but definitely meme material, all the screenshots I have stored are all memes from this manhwa 8/10
How much do I love the characters: Alicia is hilarious badmouthing bamf, very pretty very memeworthy. Ares could work on his personality a bit more but when they are together they're comical. Her brother is a typical tsundere and a fanboy. Lancelot is your typical nice guy. THAT BUTLER THOUGH BEST WINGMAN. 9/10
Favorite part of the story: Every meme hahahaha just read it this manhwa is the embodiment of a meme
Am I going to reread it again: Yes whenever I need a laugh ahhahaha
How do I describe thee: I AM WHEEZING. This truly is a comedic manhwa. You can't take it seriously because of the way it was drawn. If you really want a laugh this one's perfect. At times it is cringy when it exag a bit of their reactions but still 100% you will laugh. Not perfect but story is good, I like how it's still given a thought. But read it for the memes you won't regret it. 9/10
Survive as the Hero's Wife - Ongoing (Chapters: 79)
What made me read it: It's on the recommended list and someone mentioned that the art is *immaculate* and it is. IT REALLY IS. Well here comes another Isekai manhwa where the MC is pulled inside a novel where her character will be killed. But this time she was a minor villain character and the Male Lead's wife! 10/10 who are we kidding, I love em all.
Is it visually pretty: this manhwa is a work of art, it is *chefs kiss* visual explosion. Everyone is insanely hot, even the villains. The background, the characters - their hair and wardrobe is truly 1000000/10
How much do I love the characters: I really did fell in love with Canaria and Cesar. Best soft couple. Their luscious hair though so pretty. Noah best boi. Best team of suspicious knights - Miller, Raya, Jax and Ethan are loves. Best friend Ricardo. Even best butler Oscar. 100/10
Favorite part of the story: The visual explosion. Chos. When Canaria is being supportive waifu and Cesar is being an innocent best boy, they are just very soft and loving and I love their scenes so much, that popularity vote in the consort's palace ahhahaha, Jax and his misunderstanding, Ethan everytime he eats (all the time), Cesar's blushing face, everytime we are introduced to a new character because we know they are going to be gorgeous as hell.
Am I going to reread it again: MOST DEF ITS VERY PLEASING TO THE EYE
How do I describe thee: BEAUTIFUL. GORGEOUS. ENCHANTING. Boy, the visual is absolute masterpiece, Canaria's hair alone (love all her hairstyles) and her clothes, I want all of em. Cesar is the embodiment of a perfect male lead - soft boi. Best boi. Pretty boi. I love how he loves Canaria and how they truly support each other since being married at freaking 12 years old. This type of love please.  1000/10 Also, I am a lot curious about that Oscar,I think he is related to the emperor and the lady ghost in Noah's story - a lovechild? *gasps*. Also-Also if you will be reading this at Manganelo, translation at Chapter 76+ is a bit off but still grateful for the translators for what they give
Up next: It’s villain themed time (The villainess lives twice, beware of the villainess the villainess reverses the hour etc)
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doomed-prophetess · 3 years
ACTUALLY I FORGOT speaking of jieun why do people need to make other girls enemies of the mc 😭😭😭 i don’t understand??? why they blame jennette for the things happening when she was being used by someone else and she’s a 14 year old who was being isolated and just wanted to have a family that loved her. i get that shes naive and selfish!!! but athy was also selfish both of them!!! and that’ ok? people can be selfish. they’re human. and it’s ok to be selfish sometimes (at least imho, you’re allowed to) 🥺 why do ppl ignore jennette thinking of athanasia constantly and wishing to see her again etc. even jumping in the water to catch her umbrella? buying presents for one another?? bc jennette wanted to be close to her sister????? (also don’t ever put blame on jennette for claude losing his memory 😭 this is all aeternitas PLEASE) i get that shes frustrating sometimes. but being surrounded by adults (including athy) and just people who are more mature than her like ijekiel of course she would look naive? roger obvs didn’t raise her like he did his own son. and athy in the first timeline made mistakes like those by being too kind and dumb (sorry) and she ended up dead. now she’s trying to survive which means sometimes you have to be selfish. idk if i phrased that well but you get what i mean 🏃🏃🏃
Second female leads give readers flight or fight response because they are usually white lotuses or villainesses. This hatred is born out of experience.
Huh, Jennette being selfish? I’m surprised to hear this from a Jenne stan. If anything she is the exact opposite. Sis literally jumped into the lake and almost drowned trying to get Athy’s parasol (?) back. I don't get why people call Jennette selfish. She wants to be reunited with her family, she wants love. This is a basic need in humans. Contrary to Athy she does not try to monopolize Claude's attention. Instead she wants all three of them to be happy. Regarding LP! Jennette...we have not enough information about her. And the information we have has to be taken with a grain of salt as The Lovely Princess has been multiple times proven to be an untrustworthy source.
Let’s say, wmmap and lp Jennette are roughly the same person. If wmmap Jennette who saw Claude clearly favouring Athy, didn’t view Athy as a rival then why should lp Jennette who was the one being favoured feel threatened by her unloved sister’s presence? I’m assuming that lp Jennette had the same dream of them becoming a picture perfect family. My theory is that Jennette did try to improve the relationship between Athy and Claude, but it backfired. Claude resisted vehemently and opposed against the very idea of another daughter. There is a panel which comes to my mind which suggests this idea that Jennette might have tried to mediate between them.
This one:
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The panel gives me the impression that Claude passed by his daughters, as always ignoring Athy, who looks as if she were wavering to say something to him, and he only turns around when Jennette tugs at his sleeve to stop him. I wonder what she was about to tell him?
Those are mere speculations. Jennette’s attempts to reconcile Claude with Athy might have caused him to hate her even more (I’ve heard the theory that the memory spell acted up and caused headaches whenever he saw lp Athy who looked like Diana). And Jennette who saw Claude get mad at Athy, eventually stopped attempting to repair their relationship as she feared Claude would potentially start to hate her too if she were to force him to spend time with a thing he hated.
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