#lt nilsson
Official DISCO Bracket!
And here’s the final bracket! Round One will go live tomorrow, 4/21 at 10 am EST!
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Full List:
Round One:
Left Side:
Emperor (Mirror!) Philippa Georgiou vs. Dr. Hirai: poll here
Lt. Commander Ronald A Bryce vs. Kyheem: poll here
Me Hani Ika Hali Ka Po vs. Carl (The Guardian of Forever): poll here
Mirror! Sarek vs. Gabrielle Burnham: poll here
Ruon Tarka vs. Ripper The Tardigrade: poll here
Ambassador Sarek vs. Commander Ellen Landry: poll here
Ryn vs. Tareckx: poll here
Lieutenant Spock vs. Lieutenant Nilsson: poll here
Haz Mazaro vs. Commander Nahn: poll here
Voq vs. Captain Gabriel Lorca: poll here
Lt. Commander Joann Owosekun vs. T’Kuvma: poll here
Adira Tal vs. Captain Philippa Georgiou: poll here
Ensign Sylvia Tilly vs. Dr. Kovich: poll here
Admiral Katrina Cornwell vs. J’Vini: poll here
Captain Saru vs. Admiral Charles Vance: poll here
President Laira Rillak vs. Siranna: poll here
Right Side:
General Ndoye vs. Captain Michael Burnham: poll here
Mirror! Owosekun vs. Lt. Commander Airiam: poll here
Captain Leland vs. Commander Ash Tyler: poll here
Dr. Pollard vs. Cleveland “Book” Booker: poll here
President T’Rina vs. Lieutenant Linus: poll here
Zora vs. Oros: poll here
Leto vs. Commander Jett Reno: poll here
Amanda Grayson vs. Grudge: poll here
Lieutenant Aditya Sahil vs. Gray Tal: poll here
Lt. Commander Keyla Detmer vs. Osyraa: poll here
Lt. Commander Gen Rhys vs. Mirror! Detmer: poll here
Su’Kal vs. Captain Christopher Pike: poll here
Harcourt Fenton Mudd vs. “May Ahearn”: poll here
Captain Killy (Mirror! Tilly) vs. Dr. Hugh Culber: poll here
Aurellio vs. L’Rell: poll here
Guardian Xi vs. Commander Paul Stamets: poll here
Round Two:
Left Side:
Mirror! Philippa Georgiou vs. Lt. Cmdr. Ronald A Bryce: poll here
Me Hani Ika Hali Ka Po vs. Gabrielle Burnham: poll here
Ripper the Tardigrade vs. Ambassador Sarek: poll here
Ryn vs. Lt. Spock: poll here
Commander Nahn vs. Captain Gabriel Lorca: poll here
Lt. Cmdr. Joann Owosekun vs. Captain Philippa Georgiou: poll here
Ensign Sylvia Tilly vs. Admiral Katrina Cornwell: poll here
Captain Saru vs. Siranna: poll here
Right Side:
Captain Michael Burnham vs.  Lt. Cmdr. Airiam: poll here
Cmdr. Ash Tyler vs. Cleveland “Book” Booker: poll here
President T’Rina vs. Zora: poll here
Cmdr. Jett Reno vs. Grudge: poll here
Gray Tal vs. Lt. Cmdr. Keyla Detmer: poll here
Lt. Cmdr. Gen Rhys vs. Captain Christopher Pike: poll here
Harcourt Fenton Mudd vs. Dr. Hugh Culber: poll here
L’Rell vs. Cmdr. Paul Stamets: poll here
Round Three:
Left Side:
Mirror! Philippa Georgiou vs. Me Hani Ika Hali Po: poll here
Ripper the Tardigrade vs. Lt. Spock: poll here
Commander Nahn vs. Lt. Cmdr. Joann Owosekun: poll here
Ensign Sylvia Tilly vs. Captain Saru: poll here
Right Side:
Captain Michael Burnham vs. Cleveland “Book” Booker: poll here
President T’Rina vs. Cmdr. Jett Reno: poll here
Lt. Cmdr. Keyla Detmer vs. Captain Christopher Pike: poll here
Dr. Hugh Culber vs. Cmdr. Paul Stamets: poll here
Left Side:
Mirror! Philippa Georgiou vs. Lt. Spock: poll here
Lt. Cmdr. Joann Owosekun vs. Ensign Sylvia Tilly: poll here
Right Side:
Captain Michael Burnham vs. Cmdr. Jett Reno: poll here
Lt. Cmdr. Keyla Detmer vs. Dr. Hugh Culber: poll here
Mirror! Philippa Georgiou vs. Ensign Sylvia Tilly: poll here
Captain Michael Burnham vs. Dr. Hugh Culber: poll here
Ensign Sylvia Tilly vs. Captain Michael Burnham: poll here
79 notes · View notes
lightshiningforth · 5 months
I watched Season 3 of Star Trek: Discovery, after putting it off for a while bc I didn’t love the first two seasons. My god. Season 3 is when the show finally, finally finds itself.
I had a litany of issues with the first two seasons, which have certainly been hashed out by fans before but which I will divide into two relevant categories for the sake of discussion:
Being a prequel, the show leaned on, altered, and got bogged down with preexisting Star Trek lore. They changed the Klingons’ iconic looks and made them the villains again. They brought in Section 31 in a role that was far too front facing for what that organization is supposed to be. They burdened Michael’s character with the baggage of being part of Spock’s family, and made the family even more dysfunctional and traumatic than it was in TOS to drive the plot forward. Now, there are plenty of things they did well. The integration of the mirror universe was clever. The uniforms, IMO, were a better pre-TOS imagining than those in Enterprise or AOS. Original content, like the Kelpiens, was beautifully done. Overall, however, the show felt stuck. They couldn’t cover new ground without altering pre-established ground, and those alterations were frustrating.
The show didn’t allow us to get to know and care for the crew. This was especially a problem in the first season, when we spent all of a few minutes with the Shenzhou crew before everything went to hell, and then the rest of the season on Discovery was war and trauma. How were the characters before the trauma? What changed, what was lost? We sure don’t know! And who are these characters now? Yes, we know Michael, Saru, Tilly, Stamets, Culber - they get individual moments, or moments with each other. But everyone else? The rest of the bridge crew? What are their names, what are they like, how do they interact with and feel about each other? We don’t know. It’s all a swirl of faces and bad situations. We don’t know these characters, but we’re expected to feel their pain as they’re pushed into the most extreme, traumatic situations possible. I didn’t even understand that Airiam was human until the episode in which she dies. Suddenly, then, we get a handful of sweet, everyday interactions between her and the rest of the crew. And boom! She’s gone.
But Season 3… what a breath of fresh air. Finally, the show is in the future and free to cover new ground. The Burn, a differently configured Federation, the couriers, the Emerald Chain, new planets, new peoples… finally, finally, finally. Yes, there is still the familiar here. We see the Trill, the Vulcans, the Romulans, the Orions, the Andorians. But the show can do new and interesting things with them in the far future, WITHOUT bucking the familiar lore of Star Trek’s past.
And now that Discovery made a journey alone and together, as just their crew? We KNOW them. There are still characters who get more focus, certainly. Michael, Saru, Tilly, Stamets, and Culber, still. But now I would count Owo and Detmer among them - we see more of their personalities, their relationship with each other and with others, and they become crucial support to the character dynamics and plot. Now Bryce, Rhys, and Nilsson are more to me than just faces in the background - they are finally familiar as fixtures on the bridge.
Characters who are more occasional, like Jett Reno, Lt. Linus, or Dr. Pollard, fall into a different category for me - they were always distinct presences, and I did know who they were. Even so, I feel that they get to stand out more now that the main cast feels solidified, as opposed to before, when we had a blur of the Enterprise crew and other rotating characters cycling in and out.
(Don’t think I’ve forgotten Nhan or Emperor Georgiou, who are both impactful, distinct characters. It’s just that Nhan always felt like Enterprise crew to me, even after her transfer to Discovery, and leaves early in Season 3. Georgiou, meanwhile, is both a not-quite-crew character and plentifully developed from her initial appearance. She was never a mystery to me.)
Also! Book? I ADORE him. I adore his relationship with Michael (FUCK Ash Tyler, this is the romance she deserves). I adore Grudge (she’s a queen!!) (just stop taking her on deadly missions ok it stresses me out).
Oh, and Adira? A treasure! A delight! Ready to join the Star Trek category of “local teen collectively parented by starship or space station crew.”
Anyway. After two whole seasons didn’t resonate with me, I’m so glad to finally be able to say that I like the show. It feels like Star Trek now.
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AAAAAAAAH YOU LUCKY SONUVABITCH!!!! IM SO JEALOUS YOU GOT TO GO TO STAR TREK LAS VEGAS!!!! YOU LOOK SO CUTE WITH EVERYONE!!!! I know you said you got a few autographs, but what’d they sign for you????
Sjfjfjsjsjsj thank you!!! Okay so, I brought a banner sized Federation flag for the guests to sign and I’m very happy with all the autographs I got (half of them I got for free because it was a part of my gold pass perks). However I don’t want to post a picture of it since said autographs include my legal name, which I don’t feel comfortable sharing (and I’m too lazy to take a picture and them blur out my name). So instead I’ll just post a transcript of what everyone wrote (in no specific order)
- “To Wren, Happy Birthday!” ~ Garrett Wang ‘Ensign Kim’
- “To Wren” ~ Michael Dorn ‘Worf’
- “To Wren, all my best!” ~ Marina Sirtis
- “To Wren, Happy Birthday!” ~ Casey Biggs ‘Damar’
- “To Wren, w/ X’s and O’s from Dr Phil Phlox” ~ John Billingsley
- “For Wren ❤️, you are marvelous!” ~ Bonita Friedericy
- “To Wren, love always” ~ Cirroc Lofton
- “To Wren, Happy Birthday!” ~ Brent Spiner
- “To Wren, Happy Birthday” ~ Tim Russ
- “To Wren, qoslij Datlvjaj! Q’apla!” Mary Chieffo ‘Chancellor L’Rell’
- “To Wren, LLAP” ~ Tawny Newsome ‘Mariner’
- “To Wren, wishing you a happy birthday!” ~ Ronnie Rowe
- “To Wren” ~ Connor Trineer ‘Trip’
- “To Wren, happy birthday” ~ Jeffrey Combs
- “To Wren, too kind!” ~ Armin Shimerman ‘Quark’
- “To Wren” ~ Jess Bush ‘Christine Chapel’ ❤️
- “To Wren” ~ Raven Dauda ‘Dr Pollard
- “Happy Birthday, Wren!” ~ Nana Visitor
- “To Wren, Happiest of birthdays you lovely soul! Love” ~ Sara Mitich ‘Lt. Nilsson’
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defconprime · 11 months
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Lt Commander Nilsson
8 notes · View notes
brookston · 9 months
Holidays 12.22
Abilities Day
Armed Forces Day (Vietnam)
Be A Lover of Silence Day
Brussels Calling Day (Belgium)
Capricorn zodiac sign begins
Chipmunks Day
Christmas Eve Eve Eve
Christmas Tree Lights Day
Coal Day (French Republic)
Diplomatic Service Day (Ukraine)
Dongzhi Festival (China)
Flag Day (Proclamation of the Flag; Quebec)
Forefather's Day (Plymouth, Massachusetts) [Unless Sunday, then next Monday]
Freedom Day (on “Futurama”)
Hari Ibu (Mother’s Day; Indonesia)
Home Alone Day
Horn & Hardart Day
International Arbor Day
International Don’t Text & Drive Day
International Festival of the Sahara begins (Tunisia)
International Sound Engineers Day
Kagyed Dance (Sikkim, India)
Kayin New Year (Myanmar)
Mother’s Day (a.k.a. Hard Ibu; Indonesia)
National Ashton Day
National Be Safe, Be Seen Day (Ireland)
National Betty Day
National Day of Working Women (Pakistan)
National Mathematics Day (India)
Power Engineer’s Day (Russia; Ukraine)
Santa Claus Flight Clearance Day
Sound Money Day
Teacher Appreciation Day (Cuba)
Thermometer Day
The 10 Days of Wanking begins [ website ]
Unity Day (Zimbabwe)
World Day of the Thermometer
Yuletide Lad #11 arrives (Gáttaþefur or Doorway-Sniffer; Iceland)
Food & Drink Celebrations
Chocolate Orange Day (UK)
Defrost Your Turkey Day (UK)
National Cookie Exchange Day
National Date Nut Bread Day
4th Friday in December
Bakery Friday [4th Friday]
Independence Days
Democratic Union of British States (Declared; 2016) [unrecognized]
Kingdom of Caeruleus (Declared; 2014) [unrecognized]
Kingdom of Nepal (Declared; 1768)
Feast Days
Anastasia of Sirmium (Orthodox Church)
Berzelius (Positivist; Saint)
Bootsy Collins Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Capricorn zodiac sign begins (Astrology)
Cyril and Methodius (Christian; Confessors)
Day Sacred to the Lares (Ancient Roman Household Gods)
Eimhin (Christian; Saint)
Ernan, Son of Eogan (Christian; Saint)
Feast of Alvis (in “Sealab 2021”)
Frances Xavier Cabrini (Outside US; Christian; Saint)
Henry Budd (Episcopal Church USA)
Hunger (Christian; Saint)
Ischyrion (Christian; Saint)
Khoiak Ceremony for Raising the Djed Pillar (Osiris Festival; Ancient Egypt)
Lottie Moon (Episcopal Church USA)
Marc Polo Day (Pastafarian)
Masaccio (Artology)
O Rex Gentium (6th O Antiphon or Great Advent Antiphon; Christian) [O King of the Nations; 6 of 7]
Thomas Couture (Artology)
Wolfgang the Seal (Muppetism)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Dismal Day (Unlucky or Evil Day; Medieval Europe; 24 of 24)
Egyptian Day (Unlucky Day; Middle Ages Europe) [24 of 24]
Fortunate Day (Pagan) [51 of 53]
Tomobiki (友引 Japan) [Good luck all day, except at noon.]
Unlucky Day (Grafton’s Manual of 1565) [60 of 60]
Always (Film; 1989)
Avatar 5 (Film; 2031)
Born on the Fourth of July (Film; 1989)
Cast Away (Film; 2000)
Darkest Hour (Film; 2017)
Dirty Harry (Film; 1971)
Doctor Zhivago (Film; 1965)
The Enforcer (Film; 1976)
Flying Down to Rio (Film; 1933)
Goldfinger (US Film; 1964) [James Bond #3]
Invasion of the Body Snatchers (Film; 1978)
The King’s Man (Film; 2021)
Lady Liberty (Film; 1971)
A Man for All Seasons (Film; 1966)
The Matrix Resurrections (Film; 2021)
Meet the Fockers (Film; 2004)
Miss Congeniality (Film; 2000)
The Mummy (Film; 1932)
My Neighbors the Yamaha’s (Anime Film; 2000)
Night at the Museum (Film; 2006)
O Brother Where Art Thou (Film; 2000)
Passengers (Film; 2016)
Philadelphia (Film; 1993)
The Pilgrim’s Progress (Novel; 1678)
Pitch Perfect 3 (Film; 2017)
The Point, by Harry Nilsson (UK Musical Play; 1978)
The Post (Film; 2017)
Prélude à l'apres-midi d'un faun, by Claude Debussy (Orchestral Work; 1894)
The Prize Pest (WB LT Cartoon; 1951)
Rebel Moon (Film; 2023)
Roger & Me (Documentary Film; 1989)
Stand by Me (Disney Cartoon; 1995)
Suddenly, Last Summer (Film; 1959)
Symphony No. 5 in C Minor, by Ludwig Van Beethoven (Symphony; 1808)
Symphony No. 6, “The Pastoral,” by Ludwig Van Beethoven (Symphony; 1808)
Thirteen Days (Film; 2000)
True Grit (Film; 2010)
Watershed Down (BBC Mini-Series; 2018)
The West Point Story (Film; 1950)
Wiegenlied (a.k.a. Brahms’ Lullaby), by Johannes Brahms (Lied; 1869)
Today’s Name Days
Jutta (Austria)
Časlav, Flavijan, Honorat, Toma (Croatia)
Šimon (Czech Republic)
Japetus (Denmark)
Vambo, Vambola (Estonia)
Raafael (Finland)
Françoise-Xavière, Gratien (France)
Francesca, Jutta (Germany)
Anastasia, Natasa, Zoilos (Greece)
Zénó (Hungary)
Flaviano, Francesca (Italy)
Donalds, Donis, Saulvedis (Latvia)
Dovilė, Gedvydas, Ksavera, Zenonas (Lithuania)
Ingar, Ingemar (Norway)
Beata, Drogomir, Flawian, Franciszka, Gryzelda, Honorata, Ksawera, Ksaweryna, Zenon, Zenona (Poland)
Petru (Romania)
Anna (Russia)
Adela (Slovakia)
Demetrio, Francisca (Spain)
Jonatan, Natanael (Sweden)
Anastasia, Stasia (Ukraine)
Asta, Astrid, Trista, Tristan, Tristen, Tristin, Triston (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 356 of 2024; 9 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 5 of week 51 of 2023
Celtic Tree Calendar: Ruis (Elder) [Day 25 of 28]
Chinese: Month 12 (Jia-Zi), Day 10 (Jia-Yin)
Chinese Year of the: Rabbit 4721 (until February 10, 2024)
Hebrew: 10 Teveth 5784
Islamic: 9 Jumada II 1445
J Cal: 26 Zima; Fiveday [26 of 30]
Julian: 9 December 2023
Moon: 81%: Waxing Gibbous
Positivist: 20 Bichat (13th Month) [Berzelius]
Runic Half Month: Jara (Year) [Day 12 of 15]
Season: Winter (Day 2 of 89)
Zodiac: Capricorn (Day 1 of 31)
Calendar Changes
Capricorn (The Goat) begins [Zodiac Sign 10; thru 1.19]
0 notes
brookstonalmanac · 9 months
Holidays 12.22
Abilities Day
Armed Forces Day (Vietnam)
Be A Lover of Silence Day
Brussels Calling Day (Belgium)
Capricorn zodiac sign begins
Chipmunks Day
Christmas Eve Eve Eve
Christmas Tree Lights Day
Coal Day (French Republic)
Diplomatic Service Day (Ukraine)
Dongzhi Festival (China)
Flag Day (Proclamation of the Flag; Quebec)
Forefather's Day (Plymouth, Massachusetts) [Unless Sunday, then next Monday]
Freedom Day (on “Futurama”)
Hari Ibu (Mother’s Day; Indonesia)
Home Alone Day
Horn & Hardart Day
International Arbor Day
International Don’t Text & Drive Day
International Festival of the Sahara begins (Tunisia)
International Sound Engineers Day
Kagyed Dance (Sikkim, India)
Kayin New Year (Myanmar)
Mother’s Day (a.k.a. Hard Ibu; Indonesia)
National Ashton Day
National Be Safe, Be Seen Day (Ireland)
National Betty Day
National Day of Working Women (Pakistan)
National Mathematics Day (India)
Power Engineer’s Day (Russia; Ukraine)
Santa Claus Flight Clearance Day
Sound Money Day
Teacher Appreciation Day (Cuba)
Thermometer Day
The 10 Days of Wanking begins [ website ]
Unity Day (Zimbabwe)
World Day of the Thermometer
Yuletide Lad #11 arrives (Gáttaþefur or Doorway-Sniffer; Iceland)
Food & Drink Celebrations
Chocolate Orange Day (UK)
Defrost Your Turkey Day (UK)
National Cookie Exchange Day
National Date Nut Bread Day
4th Friday in December
Bakery Friday [4th Friday]
Independence Days
Democratic Union of British States (Declared; 2016) [unrecognized]
Kingdom of Caeruleus (Declared; 2014) [unrecognized]
Kingdom of Nepal (Declared; 1768)
Feast Days
Anastasia of Sirmium (Orthodox Church)
Berzelius (Positivist; Saint)
Bootsy Collins Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Capricorn zodiac sign begins (Astrology)
Cyril and Methodius (Christian; Confessors)
Day Sacred to the Lares (Ancient Roman Household Gods)
Eimhin (Christian; Saint)
Ernan, Son of Eogan (Christian; Saint)
Feast of Alvis (in “Sealab 2021”)
Frances Xavier Cabrini (Outside US; Christian; Saint)
Henry Budd (Episcopal Church USA)
Hunger (Christian; Saint)
Ischyrion (Christian; Saint)
Khoiak Ceremony for Raising the Djed Pillar (Osiris Festival; Ancient Egypt)
Lottie Moon (Episcopal Church USA)
Marc Polo Day (Pastafarian)
Masaccio (Artology)
O Rex Gentium (6th O Antiphon or Great Advent Antiphon; Christian) [O King of the Nations; 6 of 7]
Thomas Couture (Artology)
Wolfgang the Seal (Muppetism)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Dismal Day (Unlucky or Evil Day; Medieval Europe; 24 of 24)
Egyptian Day (Unlucky Day; Middle Ages Europe) [24 of 24]
Fortunate Day (Pagan) [51 of 53]
Tomobiki (友引 Japan) [Good luck all day, except at noon.]
Unlucky Day (Grafton’s Manual of 1565) [60 of 60]
Always (Film; 1989)
Avatar 5 (Film; 2031)
Born on the Fourth of July (Film; 1989)
Cast Away (Film; 2000)
Darkest Hour (Film; 2017)
Dirty Harry (Film; 1971)
Doctor Zhivago (Film; 1965)
The Enforcer (Film; 1976)
Flying Down to Rio (Film; 1933)
Goldfinger (US Film; 1964) [James Bond #3]
Invasion of the Body Snatchers (Film; 1978)
The King’s Man (Film; 2021)
Lady Liberty (Film; 1971)
A Man for All Seasons (Film; 1966)
The Matrix Resurrections (Film; 2021)
Meet the Fockers (Film; 2004)
Miss Congeniality (Film; 2000)
The Mummy (Film; 1932)
My Neighbors the Yamaha’s (Anime Film; 2000)
Night at the Museum (Film; 2006)
O Brother Where Art Thou (Film; 2000)
Passengers (Film; 2016)
Philadelphia (Film; 1993)
The Pilgrim’s Progress (Novel; 1678)
Pitch Perfect 3 (Film; 2017)
The Point, by Harry Nilsson (UK Musical Play; 1978)
The Post (Film; 2017)
Prélude à l'apres-midi d'un faun, by Claude Debussy (Orchestral Work; 1894)
The Prize Pest (WB LT Cartoon; 1951)
Rebel Moon (Film; 2023)
Roger & Me (Documentary Film; 1989)
Stand by Me (Disney Cartoon; 1995)
Suddenly, Last Summer (Film; 1959)
Symphony No. 5 in C Minor, by Ludwig Van Beethoven (Symphony; 1808)
Symphony No. 6, “The Pastoral,” by Ludwig Van Beethoven (Symphony; 1808)
Thirteen Days (Film; 2000)
True Grit (Film; 2010)
Watershed Down (BBC Mini-Series; 2018)
The West Point Story (Film; 1950)
Wiegenlied (a.k.a. Brahms’ Lullaby), by Johannes Brahms (Lied; 1869)
Today’s Name Days
Jutta (Austria)
Časlav, Flavijan, Honorat, Toma (Croatia)
Šimon (Czech Republic)
Japetus (Denmark)
Vambo, Vambola (Estonia)
Raafael (Finland)
Françoise-Xavière, Gratien (France)
Francesca, Jutta (Germany)
Anastasia, Natasa, Zoilos (Greece)
Zénó (Hungary)
Flaviano, Francesca (Italy)
Donalds, Donis, Saulvedis (Latvia)
Dovilė, Gedvydas, Ksavera, Zenonas (Lithuania)
Ingar, Ingemar (Norway)
Beata, Drogomir, Flawian, Franciszka, Gryzelda, Honorata, Ksawera, Ksaweryna, Zenon, Zenona (Poland)
Petru (Romania)
Anna (Russia)
Adela (Slovakia)
Demetrio, Francisca (Spain)
Jonatan, Natanael (Sweden)
Anastasia, Stasia (Ukraine)
Asta, Astrid, Trista, Tristan, Tristen, Tristin, Triston (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 356 of 2024; 9 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 5 of week 51 of 2023
Celtic Tree Calendar: Ruis (Elder) [Day 25 of 28]
Chinese: Month 12 (Jia-Zi), Day 10 (Jia-Yin)
Chinese Year of the: Rabbit 4721 (until February 10, 2024)
Hebrew: 10 Teveth 5784
Islamic: 9 Jumada II 1445
J Cal: 26 Zima; Fiveday [26 of 30]
Julian: 9 December 2023
Moon: 81%: Waxing Gibbous
Positivist: 20 Bichat (13th Month) [Berzelius]
Runic Half Month: Jara (Year) [Day 12 of 15]
Season: Winter (Day 2 of 89)
Zodiac: Capricorn (Day 1 of 31)
Calendar Changes
Capricorn (The Goat) begins [Zodiac Sign 10; thru 1.19]
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magdasabs · 2 years
Omg I love biathlon! What country or who do you root for? Personal favorites are the Öberg-sisters, Stina Nilsson, Sebastian samuelsson, tarjei Bø, Ingrid LT and a few others 🥰
did you come here after the last biathlon season ended? I ofc support sweden the most 😅 my top fave is elvira öberg but I also really like marte røiseland and tiril eckhoff, tiril esp for off the track stuff cause she's just hilarious
0 notes
jmalkki · 5 years
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Team Stamets 
Finally! A proper group shot, to feature some of the uncredited regulars of the Disco family. Hopefully this is only the first of few more to come.
Haven’t done a ‘cast post’ like this in a while, but here goes:
(Though, before the cut I also need to make the customary mentions of this work on instagram, on twitter, and that the Disco works are all listed here).
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I am so ecstatic to finally have gotten this done! I've been attempting to do group shots of the various Disco teams for the couple past years now (as some may recall me lamenting on several occasions). Poster type, posed things, which always failed at unnecessarily intricate planning stages (trying to figure out who to include, how to group them, and not wanting to leave anyone out), or couple times having already started drawing, to my attention just wandering off to more interesting scenes, away from illustrating just frigid poses.
This half-staged looking approach seems like it was the way to tricking my brain into sticking through with it. This looks it could very well be a paused scene in-universe; the (available) team gathering for a group shot mid workday, for some introductory organization PR clip or some such (though, Paul’s looking rather unnaturally mellow here for any Fleet propaganda nonsense *ha*).
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This duo continues to have a special place in my heart. LtJG Harrington,  played by Devon MacDonald, was introduced in ep3 of the first season, and was the first one of Team Stamets to ‘welcome’ Burnham to the Engineering in Paul’s absence. They were also the one who found Paul by the escape pods after the poor fellow had discovered and wandered off with dead Hugh later in the season (scene, which btw reeked of unresolved possibilities). Unfortunately we haven’t seen them after that (please, bring them back! ...if Devon is still up to play them, that is).
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Chris O’Bray. This fellow should get so much more recognition! They’ve played several roles in the series already, as a Klingon, Kelpien, Andorian, ‘red shirt’... more? As well as continuously appearing as a Science officer on Team Stamets (I hear they even played opposite Anthony in season 2 in a scene of frustrated Paul, and though the interaction was ultimately cut, you can see a glimpse of it in an episode opening montage scene where the team is trying to figure out how to recover Tilly from the network). Yet, uncredited, Disco isn’t even listen on their imdb-page. I keep waiting to see them to get invited to Trek cons eventually, alongside older ‘minor role alumni’, having already gained such a repertoire of Trek roles.
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Speaking of O’Bray, they were the one who’s mention of the name ‘Anna’ introduced me to this redhead on the left, too: Anna Popowicz (thank you!). I had been keen to know their name since season 1, where they are a prominent regular at the controls of the reactor core at that top level in the engineering room. In their most prominent screenshot I thought they greatly resemble Yeoman Mears from TOS.
Often appearing at the same station is also ‘Buddy’ - as I had gotten to calling this jovial looking fellow in the middle here, before learning they are played by ‘Jordan’ (name according to their instagram profile). Their most prominent on-screen appearances in season 1 include this lovely moment in ep 4 (with Paul Marion Landais, who didn't make the cut here, but was previously featured in this one), and the team briefing scene in episode 13. In season 2 they can be seen ie. standing behind Paul at Airiam’s funeral.
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Then there is this Science officer on the right. They are the only one yet to wear earring with their uniform, and were thus first most recognizable to me too. Appearing several times in season one at a fairly regular spot at the controls in the Engineering. Previously featured way back in here (with Harrington), and since discovered to be played by one ‘Naima’ (real, or a stage name?).
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Often alongside ‘the Earrings’ in season 1 is also this, as of yet unidentified character in the far background here. First appearing in ep 3 with ‘Earrings’, in that first Engineering scene with Burnham and Harrington, they’ve continued to be one of the most familiar presences around the premise all the way through to season 2 too. Their most prominent appearances in season 1 include that same celebratory sweep across the team in episode 4 mentioned above with ‘Buddy’, and running to the collapsed Paul’s aid in the spore reaction chamber with Saru, Tilly et co, after the mushroom man had taken upon himself to dose with the Tardigrate dna. In season 2 you can see Paul instructing them to a task in episode 13 (incidentally, while chatting with ‘Buddy’).
And this I haven’t asked in a while, but: if anyone recognizes them and knows to give a name, I’d love to credit them, and perhaps find more of them to help with featuring them more in any future works too. Any hints much appreciated.
Edit: Identified as one Michelle Browne. Yaay! So awesome to finally have the name to such a stable member of the Disco crew. Thanks to O’Bray, again <3
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And lastly, there is also the fellow reading the PADD, an Engineering Ensign portrayed by Christian Rodriquez. Previously featured/identified here alongside both Buddy and Harrington, and in this season 2 starter piece with several other familiar faces. Oh, and in this one, too. Their most prominent scene on screen must still be their first season 1 appearance: they’re the one on duty when Burnham sneaks into Paul’s mushroom garden.
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Oh, and there are of course Nilsson and Tilly of the credited cast there too, but much like Paul, I doubt they really need any introduction.
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Obligatory hands/arms appreciation shot <3
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Gosh, this was rewarding. Wouldn’t seem like the same ship without the recognizable crew aboard. Much kudos to the casting for keeping things consistent. Next, Bridge or Medical?
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I’m watching 409 Rubicon now. I’m about 20 mins into it and OMG it’s so good y’all!!
Nhan ✅✅✅
Rhys ✅
Bryce ✅
Nilsson ✅
Nilsson & Rhys disagreement ✅
Rhys & Bryce drama ✅✅✅
Bonus points for:
Tarka Wild Card ✅
Unanticipated peril ✅✅
Captain Saru & Dr. Culber leadership tag team ✅✅✅
I’m in heaven y’all! If I get a surprise Tilly cameo at some point in the ep, I’m gonna pass out!!
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nyotas · 3 years
so i finally finished discovery s3 and like. idk man i’m just so tired of continuous new side characters being added and yet we still know absolutely nothing about bridge crew characters that have been in the show since s1. we got what... one line of owosekun backstory in the final episode? bryce and rhys got more lines than usual, most of which is just relaying ship information? i want to learn about these characters. i’m glad that we got more scenes of the crew interacting but it really amounts to nothing when new characters are added and given more lines, more depth, more story than long-term, bridge crew characters, who 3 seasons in i still know absolutely nothing about.
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captainpikeachu · 5 years
here is the important thing I feel needs to be said...
Pike didn’t make the Discovery crew amazing, he didn’t make them better - they were already amazing and smart and brilliant and better people
No, what he did was that he created an environment where they could flourish. He gave them a safe place where their ideas wouldn’t be suppressed but actually nurtured, he gave them a place where they could speak up and be heard, he gave them a home and foundation for which they could build on and find their own way.
This whole entire season, Pike was the encouraging teacher who is trying to bring this group of students out of their shells, to heal their trauma after all the damage that Lorca did in suppressing them and creating that hostile toxic environment where they answered to nothing but him.
It’s why Pike has been more lenient and patient with this crew, it’s why he always opens up ideas to everyone - he is teaching every single one of them that they matter, that their voices and opinions matter, that they can stand tall and hold to their convictions, that they didn’t have to be afraid of opening up their hearts.
He didn’t make them better or smarter, he just gave them the safe place for them to find their own way, he just gave them a home - a place where they knew no matter what happened, he’s got their backs.
One day, the kids would leave the nest, but he will always be there to watch their backs when they need him.
He gave them a safe place to fall back on.
And that’s what a great leader does.
Being a great leader isn’t just about knowing all the right answers and making all the right decisions, the truly great ones know to trust their people and to build their people the environment they need to flourish and thrive.
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Round One
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galenaes · 5 years
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└ Star Trek: Discovery - 2x14 'Such Sweet Sorrow Part 2’
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quasi-normalcy · 6 years
My favourite Discovery thing is how the recast Airiam in between seasons 1 and 2, killed her off, and then replaced her with a different character played by the original actress. I have no idea what the fuck is going on there.
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defconprime · 10 months
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Lt Commander Nilsson
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brookston · 11 months
Holidays 11.8
Abet and Aid Punsters Day
Aboriginal Veterans Day (Canada)
Aicardi Syndrome Awareness Day
Colorism Awareness Day
Day of Baku Metro Employees (Azerbaijan)
Days of History and Memory (Kyrgyzstan)
Feast of Pamphleteers
Global Day of Action Against Waster Incineration
I Hate to Cook Day
International Cleaning Woman Day
International Day of Radiology
International Human Animal Bond Day
International Vampire Day
Intersex Day of Remembrance (Australia)
Leadworts Day (French Republic)
La Almudena (Madrid, Spain)
Merchant Sailing Ship Preservation Day
Moon Festival (Elder Scrolls)
National Aboriginal Veterans Day (Canada)
National Adam Day
National Ample Time Day
National Ashley Day
National Christopher Day
National Dunce Day
National First Generation College Student Day
National I Read Canadian Day (Canada)
National Irene Day
National Kyle Day
National Leon Day
National Loneliness Awareness Day
National Parents As Teachers Day
National Shot Day
National Signing Day
National S.T.E.M. Day (a.k.a. National S.T.E.A.M. Day)
National Thalassemia Prevention Day (Pakistan)
Nice Boobs Day (Japan)
Octave Day of All Saints (Anglicanism)
Personal Liberty Day (Chicago celebration of Prohibition's repeal)
Plastic Free Lunch Day
Pohnpei Constitution Day (Micronesia)
Rorschach Test Day
School Sport Jersey Day (Canada)
Shakespeare Authorship Mystery Day
Symphonic Metal Day
Talk Money Dat
Vietnam Veterans Memorial Day
World Gift Day
World Pianist Day
World Radiography Day (a.k.a. X-Ray Discovery Day)
World Town Planning Day
World Urbanism Day
World Ventil8 Day
X-Ray Day
Food & Drink Celebrations
Cook Something Bold and Pungent Day
Harvey Wallbanger Day
National Cappuccino Day
National Pupusa Day (El Salvador)
National Roast Dinner Day (UK)
Sandwich Day (Earl of Sandwich’s Birthday)
Try a New Recipe Day
2nd Wednesday in November
International Pathology Day [2nd Wednesday]
National CTEPH Awareness Day [2nd Wednesday]
Independence Days
Montana Statehood Day (#41; 1889)
Feast Days
Adeodatus I, Pope (Christian; Saint)
Appreciate Your Loved Ones Day (Pastafarian)
Big Bird’s Daddy (Muppetism)
Charles Demuth (Artology)
Demetrius (Orthodox Church; Saint)
Elizabeth of the Trinity (Roman Catholic Church; Blessed)
Feast of the Kitchen Goddess (Pagan)
Festival of the Mania (Ancient Rome)
Four Crowned Brothers (Christian; Martyrs)
Godfrey of Amiens (Christian; Saint)
Isabella of Castille (Positivist; Saint)
Johann von Staupitz (Lutheran)
John Duns Scotus, Blessed (Christian; Saint)
Mae West Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Mania Festival (Old Roman)
Mundus Patel (Ancient Rome)
Saints and Martyrs of England (Church of England)
Synaxis of the Archangel Michael and the other Bodiless Powers of Heaven (Eastern Orthodox Church)
Tysilio (Christian; Saint)
Willehad of Bremen (Christian; Saint)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Sakimake (先負 Japan) [Bad luck in the morning, good luck in the afternoon.]
Ace of Spades, by Motörhead (Album; 1980)
Buddy’s Circus (WB LT Cartoon; 1934)
Days of Our Lives (TV Soap Opera; 1965)
Doctor Sleep (Film; 2019)
8 Mile (Film; 2002)
Everybody’s Talking’, recorded by Harry Nilsson (Song; 1967)
The Goodies (UK TV Series; 1970)
Henry V (Film; 1989)
Jailhouse Rock (Film; 1957) [Elvis Presley #3]
Klaus (Animated Film; 2019)
Led Zeppelin IV, by Led Zeppelin (Album; 1971)
Life with Father, by Clarence Day Jr. (Play; 1939)
Metropolitan (Film; 1935)
Midway (Film; 2019)
Mutiny on the Bounty (Film; 1935)
Night School, 21st Jack Reacher book, by Lee Child (Novel; 2016)
Quo Vadis (Film; 1951)
The Robber Bridegroom, by Eudora Welty (Novella; 1942)
Robin Hood (Animate Disney Film; 1973)
Sacred Arias, by Andrea Bocelli (Album; 1999)
Sheer Heart Attack, by Queen (Album; 1974)
Stairway to Heaven, by Led Zeppelin (Song; 1971)
Surfin’, by The Beach Boys (Song; 1961)
Thor: The Dark World (Film; 2013)
12 Years a Slave (Film; 2013)
Today’s Name Days
Gottfried, Willehad (Austria)
Angel, Gavrail, Gavril, Mihaela, Mihail, Ognyan, Ognyana, Plamen, Plamena, Rada, Radka, Radko, Rafail, Raia, Raika, Raina, Rangel (Bulgaria)
Bogdan, Bogoljub, Gracija, Gracijan (Croatia)
Bohumír (Czech Republic)
Cladius (Denmark)
Nele, Nella, Nelli (Estonia)
Aatos (Finland)
Dora, Geoffroy (France)
Gottfried, Karina, Willehad (Germany)
Angela, Angelos, Gavriel, Michalis, Stamatis, Stamos, Taxiarchis (Greece)
Zsombor (Hungary)
Goffredo (Italy)
Agra, Aleksandra, Sandors, Sandra (Latvia)
Domantė, Gotfridas, Severinas, Svirbutas (Lithuania)
Ingvild, Yngvild (Norway)
Dymitr, Godfryd, Gotfryd, Hadrian, Klaudiusz, Sędziwoj, Sewer, Sewerian, Seweryn, Wiktor, Wiktoriusz, Wiktoryn (Poland)
Gavriil, Mihail (România)
Bohumír (Slovakia)
Godofredo, Segundo (Spain)
Vendela (Sweden)
Michael, Michaelina, Raphael (Ukraine)
Geoff, Geoffrey, Jeff, Jefferson, Jeffery, Jeffrey, Mercer, Montana (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 312 of 2024; 53 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 3 of week 45 of 2023
Celtic Tree Calendar: Ngetal (Reed) [Day 9 of 28]
Chinese: Month 9 (Ten-Xu), Day 25 (Geng-Wu)
Chinese Year of the: Rabbit 4721 (until February 10, 2024)
Hebrew: 24 Heshvan 5784
Islamic: 24 Rabi II 1445
J Cal: 12 Mir; Fiveday [12 of 30]
Julian: 26 October 2023
Moon: 20%: Waning Crescent
Positivist: 4 Frederic (12th Month) [Isabella of Castille]
Runic Half Month: Hagal (Hailstone) [Day 13 of 15]
Season: Autumn (Day 46 of 89)
Zodiac: Scorpio (Day 16 of 29)
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