niner1309 · 4 years
If you could change one event in your muse’s life (in their main or canon verse), what would you change?
Munday Questions | CLOSED
Everything about the last book in the series, but I guess the major event that sparked it was Order 66. If I had it my way, Niner and his brothers desert the Republic army before the purge. Niner doesn’t fall off the bridge and Etain doesn’t die. They escape to Mandalore with the others and Niner doesn’t have to witness his brother’s grief consume him. My boys don’t deserve that ;-;
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etainlives · 5 years
FMK: Zey, Windu, Skywalker
*record scratch noise*
*several moments of Etain outright spluttering*
Master Zey is my teacher and my boss and... He finished my Padawan training. You can’t. *hesitant beat* Okay, I guess I’m just going to have to kill him. Because. Because no.
As for Skywalker and Windu... I don’t know anything of them as people, even though Jedi Skywalker and I had some classes together. I do know he has... a reputation for drama. But Master Windu is twice my age and a Jedi Master and ...severe.
So I suppose.... marry Jedi Skywalker, and..well... what’s left with Master Windu.
Force help me.
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arc-77 · 5 years
👨‍🦲 - Are there times when you wish you were fully organic?
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    “More organic? Possibly. Fully organic? No.”
    “Accelerated aging is the fatal flaw in a Fett-Clone’s genes. Not only do I have no desire to go back to watching my body wither long before its time, but these modifications allow me to far exceed what I was capable of in peak human condition, and interchangeability will allow it to stay that way.”
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ltalpha-71 · 5 years
Does he have a type? If so, what is it? What characteristics does he favor (looks, smarts, kindness, athletics, creativity, etc)?
Although he doesn’t have a word for it, Vortex is demiromantic asexual (his bio still says panromantic - will update after this). If he does have an aesthetic type, he has no interest in pursuing it further. See the “overly interested female” exchange for evidence.
For him, romance starts only if he has an emotional connection with another person. Vortex likely forms these connections in high-stress situations (combat being the most probable situation) but they’re rarely of the romantic variety. On the rare occasion that they might be, he gravitates towards people with a similar dark sense of humor who can handle themselves in a fight. 
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alphatwosix · 5 years
| @ltcmdr-ramius | 
RINGTONE: Citizen/Soldier
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LAST TEXT RECEIVED: Wait, where are all the specialists? 
LAST TEXT SENT: Mission briefing in the TOC tomorrow, 0800 local. 
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trooperstitch · 5 years
*gives him a pair of medical shears that are also a multi tool and some candies* Happy Day of Appreciation for Beings You are Fond of! Thank you for keeping me not dead, I greatly appreciate that and you! -R
| @ltcmdr-ramius |
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“Um. Okay? I don’t actually know what to say about this.” 
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mandomirtagev · 5 years
E   :   EMBRACE.  does your muse like hugs? what are their hugs like?
She does, although it takes her a while to get comfortable enough with someone to get comfortable with embracing them. It depends on the person, too. Goran Beviin has been giving her companionable claps on the shoulder and easy half-hugs since the moment she set foot on his farm and didn’t seem to mind that she bristled the first dozen times; he just kept doing it until she realized she liked it. 
(Has she ever hugged her grandfather? She doesn’t think she has; she doesn’t think she ever will. Trying would be uncomfortable to an extreme…and besides, he probably doesn’t even know how. He’d just think it was an attack and probably stab her.)
For the most part, she’s learned to tolerate – and in some cases, even like – the quick, companionable embraces of fellow warriors: all rough, strong arms slapping hard against armored plates, clattering together briefly then releasing just as quick, ready for whatever comes next be that battle or relaxation. Those sorts of hugs feel like acceptance, like a way of saying you’re one of us. You belong. Mirta likes that feeling, even if she still goes a little stiff at the actual embrace.
She’s learning, though. She gives almost as good as she gets these days, when she’s in a good mood. The Beviin-Vasur Clan helped there even more than the Orades – although patient, amiable Ghes certainly did his fair share, too.
M   :   MOONLIGHT.   what is your muse’s ideal date? where / who with / etc?
If asked, her glib response would probably involve something about shooting someone – but really, a quiet walk under the pale moon of Mandalore in the peace between battles or contracts, with the scent of uj cake still lingering on their sticky fingers and their eyes still a bit watery from the hetiklesof a good dinner, the chatter of whatever family they’ve left behind too far away to hear clearly but still loud and happy in the night, perhaps with the faint notes of a bes'bevwinding through the air somewhere not too far off…that’s what Mirta would like, more than just about anything. Out of all the things she would like that are reasonable, that are possible, that ranks at the front.
As for who, it depends on the verse of course: in canon it’s Ghes. But whoever Mirta gives her heart to, they would have to be someone who could at least appreciate what makes life good on Mandalore even if they don’t wear the armor themselves, so the scenario itself remains largely unchanged despite the potential participants.
X   :   XOXO.   does your muse use / like pet names?
Definitely. Pet-names are an integral aspect of Mandalorian culture. (Perhaps in a society where you’re more likely to have your face hidden than exposed, verbal displays of affection – and exasperation – take on more import? Or at least more commonality.) Even if it’s just simple labels and generalities – ner vod, jettii, burc'ya,vaar'ika– Mandalorians are quick to throw nicknames at anyone in their vicinity (and terms of abuse too, of course, which can be used both affectionately and not) and popping the diminutive ‘ika on the end of someone’s name or title is absolutely ubiquitous.
The fact that said nicknames can almost always be used as easily for insults as for affection or camaraderie – or both simultaneously – is just icing on the uj'alayi.
If Chewbacca were still alive, and Mirta continued hanging out with Jaina long enough to get to know the Wookiee, it wouldn’t be long before he was Chew’ika. Size, after all, doesn’t matter much to Mandalorians either…and when it does, it’s sarcastic.
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The Legal Department has appeared: What to do???
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Stolen from: @ltcmdr-ramius
Tagging: Anyone and Everyone
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fridge-o-mancer · 4 years
“Why commander, if I didn’t know better I would say you’re concussed. There’s no way you could be falling for a rogue like me,” Jon teased with a wink after the kiss.
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niner1309 · 4 years
“Can you walk on your own?”
A pressure pounded against his right temple as he regained consciousness. His HUD was dead, encasing him in the blackness of his helmet and a deep crack ran down the right side of his visor. Concrete pressed against his back, body slumped against the bottom of a small and crumbling wall.
His helmet stirred when a woman’s voice asked him if he could walk. He tried to respond, but a groan escaped his lips and his chin fell to his chest. Nausea gripped his stomach and he was afraid if he moved or spoke he would make a mess in his helmet.
Fierfek, what happened?
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etainlives · 5 years
3 favorite foods
Muja fruit/vinefruit/ really any citrus fruit. I don’t care for sweets overly much, but citrus fruits make for a nice dessert, particularly if you’ve been in the field for a while and are dying to tear into a real life freshly grown plant before your body self-destructs. Berries are really nice for that too, actually.
Bilbringi cheesy meat pies with peppers. Listen, there is absolutely nothing healthy about the Belbringi meat pies your average lower level Coruscanti diner, much less the ones you find in Hutt space. I have never been to Billbringi to have the real thing, so I can’t speak to that.
But Master Fulier used to take us both for occasional treats to a few 24 hour diners after really long days on missions, and there’s nothing like them after you’ve been up going on 36 hours chasing cartel lackies. Meat and extra melty cheese wrapped up in a golden crust. Nothing like pure fat and protein and carbs to remind you that you’re not actually dead of exhaustion.
I have been advised caf does not qualify as food. Nor does behot or Gatalentan tea. I obviously disagree, but as a runner up…
Roasted Chando peppers , Chandrillan style, are always nice, especially as an appetizer before something more substantial, or in a salad with some fresh herbs, a light sauce or tangy cheese, and some sort of crunchy seed. They’re good even if you just douse them in some wine vinegar and oil and eat them raw with other vegetables, but roasted are just a touch more delicious. 
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etainlives · 4 years
Do you think Etain might have found purpose and peace in the AgriCorps if she hadn't passed her trials?
This ask ancient, but oh well.
This is purely headcanon, and thus 100% personal interpretation, but I actually really think Etain’s rejection of the AgriCorps is too ingrained for her to find peace there.
Etain is, more than anything, someone who is terrified of not being good enough and longs to be useful. She longs to not only be connected to someone, but to be valued by them. And she associates “agriculture”, and specifically the AgriCorps, very, very strongly with failure.
There’s a quote in Hard Contact that I’ve mainly based this off of:
Etain watched the display of rustic logic with growing respect. “We can harness the Force to nurture plants, yes.”That was all too true: she had heard the stories of Padawans joining the agri corps when they didn’t perform well in training. That was all she needed- life on a backwater planet, talking to fields of grain. It wasn’t just the intelligence data that she had hidden in her cloak that made her want to get off planet as fast as she could. Agriculture spelled failure. She didn’t need further reminding of her inadequacy.
I think it’s probably brought up a few times elsewhere in the series, too, although I’m far too lazy to do proper research at the moment.
But at least in my headcanon, Etain was very captivated by her ideal of Jedi as presented by Kast Fulier/ as it fell under her personal interpretation. Mainly someone who was competent enough to fix things for the people around them, who proved that they belonged.
Once the AgriCorps was presented as “the alternative for Jedi who can’t pass their trials or land a teacher”, even if that was a skewed perception, I think that immediately poisoned the idea enough for Etain to prevent her being happy there in the future. Landing in the AgriCorps would just feed into all of her self-doubts and insecurities...
... not to mention that AgriCorps Jedi still follow the Order’s rules of non-attachment from what I can tell, without even the nebulous sense of self-worth Etain would other wise get from being useful to strangers in need.
The way I play Etain, that plus the trauma she endures on Qiluura (rape threat+ Kast’s death + difficult pregnancy + near miscarriage + missteps as a General and the resulting casualties) ensure she actually never takes to agricultural or rural life in general. She thinks she’ll adapt to Kyrimorut... but it’s way more of a struggle than she was anticipating.
Also, her perception of the AgriCorps actually leads into my “Broken Images” AU where she is sent to the AgriCorps, is presumed dead in an attack on her outpost as a still young teen, and makes her way into the Outer Rim as an ex-Jedi drifter who’s somewhat embittered towards the Order and the Republic.
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etainlives · 5 years
🧖🏽 💊
🧖🏽Water Showers or Sonic Showers?
Water showers, definitely. If you ask Etain, unlimited hot water showers are the number one luxury the Temple has to offer. Sonic showers may do the job, technically speaking, but some part of her always feels less clean.
Plus, one of her favorite, not strictly Jedi-ish indulgences, which she will never admit to, is fancy scented soap from places like Chandrilla and Naboo and Alderaan. It’s definitely a luxury, but citrus flower soap and thirty minutes turned in water as hot as you can possibly stand beats getting knocked around by sonic waves and minimal cheap star ship detergent any day.
💊- What is their opinion on the spice trade?
Incredibly negative, which is no big surprise given how and where she grew up. She’s likely equal parts pitying and disapproving of your average street corner spice seller, but the bigger spice runners? Much less the cartels?
She spent a lot of time with Kast Fulier doing her training on missions at the edge of Hutt Space and its border with the Republic. She’s seen how devastating the spice trade can be, from the people families affected by spice usage, to the slaves used by the Hutts to mine and process the stuff.
By the time she herself is up to less than legal activities with the Rebellion (and sometimes forced to work with those who have a history in the trade) she can grudgingly respect the skills of someone like Han Solo, who independently did the smuggling of the stuff. But her distaste never really diminishes. She just learns when to hold her tongue about it.
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ltalpha-71 · 5 years
When he closes his eyes and thinks about relaxation, getting away from everything, a peaceful retreat, what does he see in his mind?
He envisions somewhere quiet where he has space to be alone. He doesn’t like the ocean much - it’s too similar to Kamino for his liking - but he does like places where he can sit and think, and for him that would be near a lake or a pond. I can see him thinking about a forest with a view of the stars (with the lake). A forest is closed in enough for him to feel comfortable, and he just finds the stars calming. Ultimately, he would take “peaceful retreat” as a place where he can take time to be himself and not what he has to be. 
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etainlives · 5 years
Top 3 ways to feel safe and cozy
1. Too many blankets and pillows. I always got chided when I was younger because Jedi are supposed to live simply and they didn’t take kindly to initiates raiding the linen cabinets. 
But the best way to fall asleep is always in a freezing cold room, but in a bed with the fluffiest pillows and quilts or those comforters that mimic being filled with feathers. 
(Preferably curled up next to Darman, her head on his chest, but of course she doesn’t say that.)
2. Tucked up in an overly large chair with tea listening to someone you trust deeply laugh over something mundane. I haven’t gotten to do that one very often, but it was… nice, when it happened
3. Sitting in a quiet, old-fashioned courtyard beneath the leaves of a fruit tree, the shadow of the leaves falling like lacework over your face. The wind whistles through the stone archways in conversation with the far-off murmur of the waves, and you can almost taste the salt. At first it starts as meditation, straight-backed and purposeful, but eventually you feel yourself relaxing against the trunk of the tree, opening your eyes to enjoy the sunshine. 
It only happened the once, but I think it was the most peaceful moment of my life.  
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etainlives · 5 years
A   :   AFFECTION.   how does your muse show affection?
Etain is ridiculously touchy-feely**. Like. Almost more so than the other Jedi are comfortable with. She’s very much a hugger, but also a platonic cheek-kisser if she gets the sense the other person would be comfortable with it. With a partner, she’s very much up for hand holding and sitting in their lap or leaning her head on their shoulder- she likes the sense of connection.
Her protective streak is also a pretty good sign that she’s taken a shine to you; if she’s angrily squaring her shoulders to fight with someone for your sake, then she’s probably adopted you as one of Her People (tm).
(**Fun fact: Muse is the OPPOSITE of the mun, which makes this hilarious to write.)
B   :   BOUQUET.   does your muse like flowers? which ones are their favourite?
Modern!Verse Etain loves sunflowers for their cheerfulness and peonies for their aesthetic. 
Clone Wars!Etain has never been given a bouquet and to be fair, also probably wouldn’t know what to do with it/where to keep it. But she thinks she might like to be given one anyway. She’s a romantic at heart. Sweet scented flowers would be more her style, for the extra sensory input, but nothing overly gaudy.
P   :   PARTNER.   what does your muse look for in a partner? looks / personality?
Etain is very bi and finds all kind of people pretty. But to consider them as a partner, she’s very much concerned with temperament.
 Different things attract her to different folks, but with Darman (and one other love interest she has from a previous RP blog/whose author I write with on my personal blog) it was the open earnestness, the humor, the kindness; she’ll melt easily with a little softness and sunshine.
 Y   :   YOURS.   does your muse get protective easily?
INCREDIBLY. Like. She trusts her partners to be competent, but circumstances have given her every reason and inclination to ramp up the protective instincts she already has
She’s not going to get in the way of them doing their actual jobs, but insult them or slight them or imply a lack of care for their safety, and you absolutely are going to end up with 4′11″ of angry, puffed up Jedi with a death glare… or worse
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