sora-writes-things · 4 years
Fallen Down
Fallen Angel AU Oneshot
Content warnings: None! Just an angel throwing himself out of Heaven so he can be gay.
Enjoy! It’s a newer AU, and I’m pretty proud of how this turned out!
From the moment Luca’s body fell back from the edge of the heavenly platform beneath him, the entire world became nothing but a blur.
His eyes grew dull as he allowed himself to go limp, tears streaking upwards from his half-closed eyes as he braced himself for his end.
This was it.
The moment of truth.
What was the true fate of a fallen angel?
The wind battered at his rosy-cheeked face, his hair whipping back in its rigid current. His wings were fanned out behind him, their clipped feathers spread out to catch the breeze one final time.
Through the soft swirls of orange, purple, and pink from the sunset skies around him, he could catch a slight glimpse of the ground below, which was rapidly starting to draw closer as he fell faster and faster.
As his body reached the atmosphere, his wings instinctively tucked themselves in, wrapping around his barely conscious form and acting as a shield, in the same moment that he was overcome by a strong, almost electrical energy, which crackled through him as he steadily gained momentum in his fall.
The former angel smiled sadly as he allowed his eyes to close, knowing that there was a good chance of them never opening again.
He lost awareness of the world around him merely a few seconds before he finally hit the ground, leaving a huge crater in his wake.
The fallen angel stirred at the sound of the soft-spoken voice, groaning slightly as his wings slowly unfurled, revealing his weakened form to the world around him.
His head was throbbing, and his body felt like it had been broken in every possible way, but... He was alive?
Luca opened his eyes, squinting as he was partially blinded with the sun’s radiant light. “Wh... Wha..?”
Once his eyes adjusted to the light, he was greeted with the sight of a familiar face... A face he knew and loved with all his heart.
There was no way he could mistake that soft, silver hair, or that gentle, sharp-fanged smile, or those glittering red eyes, for anyone else.
...It was the face that had made him clip his wings and break away from heaven to begin with.
“Aes.. Aesop...?”
The demon nodded, a small tear rolling down his cheek as he moved forward, running his hand through the fallen angel’s tangled brunet hair as he fought to keep that soft smile plastered on his face.
“You... You left...” He bit his lip. “Why did... Why did you leave..? Why did you sacrifice everything...?”
Luca gave a light chuckle, wincing as he became aware of the dull ache in his chest. “I-Isn’t it obvious? I couldn’t s-stand living without you. B-Being in Heaven for all e-eternity... Its m-meaningless if I c-can’t have you there with me.”
Aesop forced his grin to widen before he quickly turned his head away, blinking back the tears in his eyes before the former angel could see them. “You... You made a big mistake then...”
Luca tilted his head to the side, a curious look in his eyes. “Hm? H-How so?”
Aesop didn’t meet his gaze. “You just... You had everything you ever wanted up there... So why... Why would you throw it all away, just to be with me?”
“Y-You’re forgetting one b-big thing here...” The angel smiled weakly. “I-I had everything except y-you. And I c-couldn’t keep living like th-that.”
“But I’m...”
“A demon?” Luca finished, looking up at the other being with a questioning look in his eyes. “Th-That doesn’t m-matter to me. I-I love you for who you are. Even if you c-came from Hell.”
Aesop glanced back at the fallen angel as he shakily took ahold of his hand, pulling it in close as if silently asking for affection.
“Wow... You... You must be crazy.”
“M’not crazy. I just d-don’t wanna miss out on the man I love.”
Aesop’s cheeks flushed with a pale red color. “Well... The sacrifice you had to make... Means a lot to me... To think that you threw away a life of peace and happiness to be with me...”
“Don’t mention it. It’s only a s-small price to pay for love.”
Aesop’s smile widened as he finally allowed himself to cuddle up next to his fallen lover, closing his eyes and embracing the warm, welcoming aura that the former angel still radiated, despite having cut his ties with the heaven he came from.
“...It’s good to have you back, Lu.”
Luca breathed a soft sigh of relief, allowing his body to relax once more in the presence of the person he’d been missing.
“...I’m glad to be back, Aesop.”
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sora-writes-things · 4 years
In The Moment... Again
Bodyguard AU Oneshot
Content warnings: None! Except for some cursing, like the previous one, this is a completely innocent oneshot! All fluff-based! Written just to give you all happiness!
Enjoy! I hope this brings you all as much joy as it brought me! 💙
“Who are you? Who’s your contact?”
Luca smirked at the sound of his bodyguard’s voice coming from the kitchen. He was trying to drown the dishes again. And Luca had the best idea of how to react to it this time around.
“I need answers, coward.”
The inventor slid off the couch and edged towards the kitchen, stepping lightly to avoid getting the silver-haired man’s attention.
He crept over until he was directly behind his guard, a smug grin on his face. He took a deep breath before getting into character. “Wh-What do you wanna know?”
Aesop narrowed his eyes. “I already told you. I want answers. Speak up. Who are you, and who sent you?”
Luca faked a cough. “I... ain’t tellin’ you shit.”
“Oh? Is that so?” A hint of anger weaved into his voice. “Perhaps you need some time to rethink that?” He promptly shoved the glass under the water, lip curled back into a snarl.
Luca mimicked a gurgling sound in response, barely holding back a chuckle. Aesop growled, holding the glass under for a moment longer before he pulled it back out. “Changed your mind at all?”
Luca spat, making sure he turned his head away to avoid spitting on the bodyguard. “You won’t get me to talk...” He coughed again. “Not now, not ever.” He leaned forward a bit, grinning smugly. “Bitch~”
Aesop went rigid before shoving the glass back under, anger sparking anew in his eyes. “Damn bastard... Why can’t you just make this easy??”
When he pulled the glass back out, Luca coughed and sputtered, though there was a bit of barely masked laughter buried beneath it. “M-Making things easy takes away the fun, my dear~”
It was a wonder that Aesop couldn’t piece together that the voice he was hearing actually belonged to Luca... Just more proof of how much he was into this whole thing.
“The only thing you’re doing is pissing me off. And that’s only gonna lead you to a life filled with more agony than you could imagine.”
Luca chuckled darkly, his eyes shining bright as ever in his amusement. “Bold of you to assume I don’t enjoy the suffering, handsome~”
“Damn masochist-“ Aesop growled, but was suddenly cut off as the brunette-haired man behind him shot forward and landed a quick kiss on the side of his cheek, causing him to freeze in place.
Aesop slowly turned his head to look at the quirky inventor, his face as red as a ripened tomato. “L-Luca...?”
He laughed, a slight blush fading into view on his own cheeks as well. “Ah, just c’mere, you adorable little dumbass~”
The silver-haired body guard tensed for a brief moment as the inventor abruptly threw his arms around his neck and pressed his body into him.
A smile tugged at the corners of the slightly taller man’s mouth for a brief instant before it erupted into a full grin, and he lifted Luca up by his waist, pressing his lips against the inventor’s without even giving himself a chance to hesitate.
They embraced for a moment longer before they pulled away, though the body guard still held his client in his arms, not quite wanting to put him down yet.
“Y-You... You little b-bastard...” Aesop stammered, a teasing gleam in his pale grey eyes.
“Yep!” Luca put his hand beneath the guard’s chin, a smirk on his face. “And I know you love me that way, Ace~”
Aesop’s heart fluttered like crazy in his chest, but he found himself fully embracing the sensation, finally beginning to comprehend the meaning of the feelings he had at the core of his being.
It was something he’d never felt before, and he had long feared never being able to feel in his lifetime.
Yet here it was, in the form of a bastardly little inventor who’d managed to bring so much light and enjoyment into his once-dull life.
His life finally had a meaning.
And that was certainly something he’d protect until the end of time, no matter the sacrifices it would take to keep it alive.
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sora-writes-things · 4 years
In The Moment
Bodyguard AU Oneshot
Content warnings: None!Except for some cursing (and a brief hint at blood at the end), this is a completely innocent oneshot! All fluff-based! Written just to give you all happiness!
Anyway! Enjoy! And expect a sequel here shortly! 💙
“Who are you?”
The question, spoken by his bodyguard, who was in the kitchen washing the dishes, threw Luca off for a moment.
The question was followed by a splash, which only made the inventor even more curious. He glanced over at Tracy, who was asleep on the couch beside him, before he turned his attention back towards the kitchen, where he heard another splash.
“Who are you? And who sent you here?” Aesop’s voice came out as a slight growl, his tone completely serious.
Luca slowly half-rolled off the couch, sneaking over towards the kitchen so that he could see what his bodyguard was doing.
“Answer me, you son of a bitch... Who sent you?” The silver-haired guard shoved a glass cup under the water, a frustrated scowl on his face.
Luca had to hold a hand over his mouth to prevent himself from bursting out laughing. “Oh my god... He’s trying to drown the dishes...”
“Why won’t you fucking answer me?? I’m asking you a damn question!!” He splashed the cup under the water again. “What is your goddamn name?! And who the hell sent you here??”
Luca’s knees buckled, and he collapsed to the floor, trying his best to hold in his laughter. He couldn’t breathe. It was too much.
The sight of his protector, attempting to violently drown a piece of glassware in the sink to get “answers” out of it was too fucking funny.
“I’m gonna ask you again. Who sent you? Who’s your contact?” Aesop hissed, practically slamming the glass into the sink with a loud clash. It was a wonder that the cup didn’t shatter.
Luca wheezed, keeping one hand held over his mouth while he clutched at his midsection with the other arm, struggling so hard not to laugh that it hurt.
“Oh... So you still won’t talk, huh? Let’s solve that, shall we?” There was a click of a switch flipping, followed by a loud whirring sound as the garbage disposal turned on. “This is your last chance, you incompetent bitch. I need answers. Now.”
“Oh my god... I can’t...” Luca tried to keep his voice down, but he was too hysterical to actually do so.
Thankfully, Aesop was just enough into the moment that he didn’t hear Luca talking to himself. That, and his hearing was probably impaired because of the garbage disposal being on.
“Still no answers?” He gave a loud sigh. “Guess we’ll be doing this the hard way.”
The young bodyguard shoved the cup straight into the sink, with such force that it finally shattered. He flinched back as it happened, the angry fire in his pale grey eyes dissipating as he snapped out of the moment.
Luca, who had finally managed to calm down a bit and was now standing in the doorway again, slowly raised his hand to cover his mouth once more, unable to fully hide his smile.
Aesop quickly noticed his client’s presence after looking around, his eyes going wide and slightly fearful. “Oh shit- Hi Luca...” He averted his gaze, hiding his glass-cut hand from the inventor.
“Aesop... Holy shit...”
“Luca... I’m uh... Really sorry about this...” He swallowed hard, picking up a large shard of glass in his hand. “I uhh... Kinda broke one of your cups...”
Luca finally allowed himself to burst out laughing, which made Aesop flinch up for a moment. “Wh-Why are you laughing..? Aren’t you mad...?”
The inventor struggled to catch his breath for a moment, but finally managed to speak. “I... I fucking love you... so goddamn much.”
Aesop was clearly taken aback by the statement. That certainly wasn’t the response he had been expecting... Did he really hear that right?
“Wh-“ He didn’t even get a chance to question it before Luca shot forward and threw his arms around him, landing a small kiss on the silver-haired man’s cheek.
Aesop’s face turned bright red, and he went rigid for a moment. Holy shit. What the hell was even going on right now?!
Luca pulled away, his own cheeks completely flushed as he realized that his actions were completely unexpected. “I’m uh.. I’m sorry I did that. I dunno what came over me.”
A light grin spread across Aesop’s face before he suddenly pulled the inventor back into a hug, almost making a move like he was going to kiss him back, but ultimately deciding not to.
“I love you too.” The words slipped out before Aesop could stop them, but honestly? He could care less about it.
They pulled away from each other, locking gazes with each other for a brief moment before Aesop looked away. “You really aren’t mad?”
“Of course not. I’ve got plenty of glass cups, and they’re easy to replace,” Luca replied, flashing the young guard a smile before the expression dropped into one of concern. “Is your hand okay?”
Aesop tilted his head to the side, raising his hand to look at it. There were a few cuts along his palm and fingertips, which were leaking just a small bit of blood. “Oh... That’s a thing.”
Luca took ahold of Aesop’s arm and gave it a comforting rub. “It’s alright, we’ll get it all patched up. I’m not too worried.”
Aesop looked back towards the sink. “I should really clean up the mess I made...”
“No, don’t worry about it. Trace and I can take care of it later. Let’s just get your hands fixed up, and we can relax for a bit.” The soft smile returned to his face. “Wanna watch a movie? I was gonna watch Tombstone with my sis... You’re welcome to join us, if you want.”
Aesop smiled back. “I’d... really like that. Thank you.”
“Don’t mention it! You’re in the family now! So we’re gonna treat you like family!”
The bodyguard’s heart fluttered at the statement, and he found himself blushing again. This really was a lot different than all his previous relationships with his clients. He wasn’t sure what it was, but...
He finally felt like he’d found the place where he belonged. He felt like he was part of a family again. Like he was loved.
And that was more than he could have ever hoped for.
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sora-writes-things · 4 years
Just a quick question (T▽T) what's ur fav ship owo?
For Identity V? Lucaesop, for sure!
It’s a super rarepair ship (literally... I’ve never seen it mentioned anywhere besides amongst my close friends who are into IDV, haha), but I absolutely enjoy it nonetheless. ^^
On the side though, I’m really into Norton x Mike (I believe the official ship name is TonTon? I’m not sure, but my friends and I just call it Tigerpants for inside joke reasons lmao), and pretty much Luca with whoever makes him happy. :3
(I’ve been known to enjoy Luca x Andrew and Luca x Edgar as well... Oh, and I enjoy Elisop every once in awhile. <3)
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