#lucerys gets a goat
Fanfic Idea! (Pre-Lucemond, or not, where Lucerys has a pet goat)
Note: I had this in the drafts for quite some time, but I decided it's the perfect time to post it after seeing the exotic pets lucemond going on. @l-tothe-og, this is for you.
During Lucerys' search for a pig for the great prank, he came across a two moons old baby goat. A kid, one of the servants called it. And he was a cute one too. So after fulfilling his duties of finding a pig and helping in the prank, Lucerys went back for the baby goat and took it in secret (it wasn't in secret, every single servant and white cloak walking and guarding the halls saw him dragging/carrying the baby goat to his room).
Eventually, word got around and by the time it reached Rhaenyra, it was too late. She entered his room to find her sweet boy washing the goat with water meant for his bath, fur and droppings on the water, on the floor of his chambers, on his bed, and oh dear gods her son has named the goat Arrax the Second. She really didn't know whether to laugh or cry when she found out just how attached her son became (he wouldn't let the goat go, he screamed at the servants trying to take it out, and he was crying and pouting and begging with his little cherub face to please let him keep the goat he would be a good boy and train very hard and not run away from the maesters during lessons or the septons during prayers).
Laenor, enjoying the hilarity of it all, convinced Rhaenyra to let Lucerys keep it, because the poor boy is already completely attached and that having pets is normal for boys his age. Why, Laenor had a pet octopus once (for a good 4 minutes before his mother told his father to throw it back into the ocean, but Rhaenyra didn't need to know that), and if it could make Lucerys be better behaved, then wouldn't it be a small price to pay?
Long story short, Rhaenyra and Lucerys had a compromise, Luke gets to have it as a pet, but it has to live in the farm and Luke gets to visit it anytime he wants, after fulfilling his end of the bargain, of course (the servants are ever so grateful the goat won't live with Lucerys. The damage it had done to the bedroom after one day was enough to make even the most capable servant break down, especially once they saw the state of the bitten pillows and by the gods not the satin sheets!)
Aemond, on the other hand, is extremely unhappy, because not only did Lucerys get to humiliate him with a pig, he also gets to keep a ridiculous farm animal and not get ridiculed by it by anyone, in fact, he even heard the servants calling it adorable. The sheer unfairness of it all!
So he decided to punish little Luke. He bided his time, wait for the goat to grow up a bit (he didn't know it would take him moons, but he was nothing if not patient and unwilling to let go of a grudge), fatten him up (to be fair, Lucerys overfed him enough, so it wasn't hard), kidnap the goat (the thing almost got him caught with how loud and obnoxious it was, like it's owner) and placed him on the crate packed with the other goats heading to the dragon pit.
By the time Lucerys figured out his beloved goat was missing and that Arrax the Second might have been fed to Arrax the dragon, it was too late. The goats were all gone, and Arrax the second is no more.
Lucerys was inconsolable and couldn't look at Arrax the dragon for days because of this. This confuses Arrax the dragon, who was used to Lucerys visiting him and petting him and calling him prettier than Syrax and Seasmoke and Sunfyre. (Did his little human not see him as pretty anymore?)
Luke eventually did forgive Arrax the dragon (who may or may not have eaten his goat), but he couldn't even look at cooked goat meat without crying, and in the distant future, during the dinner, when Aemond was served a pig right in front of him, Lucerys was served a goat. Both wisely did not make a single comment for the entire night.
It was ironic, though.
For Arrax the dragon to share the same fate as his goat namesake.
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daemonsdivorcerock · 1 year
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IN WHICH: a decade after the two rogues of house targaryen run away, they live a content life in pentos until they are invited to laena velaryon’s funeral on driftmark and are forced to reunite with their dysfunctional family.
PAIRING: daemon targaryen x fem!reader
AUTHOR’S NOTES: sequel to “taming of the shrew”. i advise that you read that first. also reader is described as having silver hair. meraxes, the dragon of the first rhaenys targaryen, is alive for selfish reasons/j. sorry if this is shit.
WARNINGS: incest (bucket loads), westerosi shenanigans, mentions of death, childbirth, children, daemon being daemon, otto hightower, maiming/bodily injury, angst, fighting, dysfunctional family, targaryen shit etc
“THAT’S IT, PRINCESS, ONE MORE PUSH!” the young Pentosi midwife joyfully encourage, crouching at the end of a double bed, the white sheets tarnished with the crimson blood of the Heir Who Never Was.
(Name) panted, chest heaving. Sweat clung to her brow, eyebrows knitted, eyes closed and nose scrunched as her features contorted with pain. Her hands were occupied. One gripping Daemon’s alarmingly pale one in a vice-grip and the other holding her swollen baby bump.
“I AM PUSHING YOU CHILD-LOOKING CUNT!” (Name) shrieked hysterically. Daemon covered his mouth in a failed attempt to conceal his snicker, “DAEMON, SHUT THE FUCK UP! THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT! YOU ARE NOT BEDDING ME EVER AGAIN, YOU STROPPY SMALL-COCKED GIT!”
The room was soon filled with the loud set of shrieks that the whole castle could here. (Name) began to son happily as Daemon kissed her sweaty brow. “A boy, my Princess,” the midwife happily said, holding the naked, squirming, blood-stained babe in her arms.
“It is all over now, my shrew,” Daemon softy whispered, kissing her temple lovingly, “The babe is safe. He is healthy. He is kicking like a goat. Our son,”.
Minutes later, the Rogue Prince and the Shrew of King’s Landing sat on the bed, doting on their new son. The sound of subtle whispers, odd for their daughters, came from the corridor. The door softly opened, revealing their brood of silver-haired daughters in tow with a servant, Elaine.
“Come here, girls,” (Name) beckoned, smiling happily at her daughters, “Come and meet your younger brother,”.
Their eldest, Daenerys, was mature for an almost eleven-year-old and led her younger sisters. After an encounter in a brothel in the weeks leading up to Rhaenyra’s wedding to Laenor Velaryon, (Name) refused the Moon Tea from the Grand Maester and she hadn’t regretted it.
Daenerys was the eldest of now six children. Aemma, Rhaenys, Alyssa and Rhaella followed their eldest sister. “Girls, this is your brother,” Daemon said, holding three-year-old Rhaella on his lap, whilst five-year-old Alyssa climbed onto the bed with the help of nine-year-old Rhaenys.
Seven-year-old Aemma sat closest to (Name), doting on her brother. “This is Baelon,” (Name) told the girls, gesturing to the slumbering babe in her arms, fondling smiling at the sleeping baby boy.
The girls gushed over their new brother, each getting a turn to gently hold the babe. For none of them knew what the future held for them in the days coming.
Laena Velaryon was dead. Set herself aflame after failing to give birth. The funeral was in to be held on Driftmark, as she had wanted. She’d left behind her husband, Ser Harwin Strong, and their twin daughters, Baela and Rhaena.
The funeral was teemed with tension and was a sombre occasion as Laena’s stone coffin was lowered into the sea. Laena’s mother Rhaenys looked devastated. Ten years it’d been since (Name) had seen her family. And much had occurred in ten years.
Alicent had bore her father two more sons, Aemond and Daeron. Rhaenyra had bore three sons, Jacaerys, Lucerys and the infant Joffrey, who were in no method possible Laenor’s biological children and had an, as Daemon put it, “entirely coincidental and unmarked resemblance to the Commander of the City Watch”.
After the initial funeral procedures, (Name) had noticed how the girls had made Baela and Rhaena smile a little and how her daughter Rhaenys had taken a shining to Aemond. Daenerys and Aemma were in deep conversation with Helaena. The interactions made her smile.
The girls had yet to meet their cousins, Jace, Luke and Joffrey. Or their aunt, Rhaenyra. Rhaella clung onto (Name)’s skirts, hiding behind the thick, black velvet of the dress’ material.
Baelon was a heavy sleeper, currently residing in his mother’s arms, his chest rising and falling with each breath he took and gave. She’d reunited with her cousins, Rhaenys and Corlys Velaryon, offering her sympathies for what happened to Laena.
As children and teenagers, (Name) had shared a sweet friendship with Laena, comforting her after the events at the Heir’s Tournament all those years before. They’d danced at the celebrations for Laenor and Rhaenyra’s wedding ceremony.
Her father looked terrible. His hair had thinned and he looked frankly horrible. Yet, he somehow gave his eldest daughter a smile. “(Name),” Viserys spoke. His voice sounded heavy as if it pained him to utter the word, “It is…good to you, my daughter,”.
(Name) gave him a half-curtsey, careful not to wake Baelon. “As it is equally good to see you, father,” she spoke, half-smiling, “Ten years. It certainly has been a long time,”.
Daenerys, Rhaenys, Aemma, Alyssa and Rhaella trailed behind their rogue of a father. “Brother,” Daemon greeted, “Time hasn’t been too kind on you,”.
(Name) thought he’d be upset but Viserys laughed slightly at Daemon’s comment. “These are your granddaughters,” (Name) said, “Daenerys, she is ten. Rhaenys is nine. Aemma is seven. Alyssa is five. Rhaella is three,”.
Viserys fondly smiled at each of his granddaughters. “They have their mother’s beauty,” the King mentioned. (Name) noticed how he’d visibly tensed at hearing Aemma and Alyssa’s names but smiled, “Is this my grandson, who cried a little during the precessions?”.
Daemon smirked. “His name is Baelon,” he casually mentioned, causing the king to visibly tense again, “After Father. He was born but three weeks ago,”.
“That was around the same time as when Joffrey was born,” a voice chimed in. Rhaenyra, with her sons,“Sister. Uncle. It is good to see you both again. And meet my nieces and nephew,”.
(Name) was elder than Rhaenyra by a year. Their relationship soured when Rhaenyra was named the heir to the Iron Throne, despite (Name) being Viserys’ eldest child. “Sister,” she smiled, “Those must be my nephews. Jace, Luke and…Joffrey, he’s inside, is he not? They will be good knights, so…Strong,”.
Viserys’ face blanched. Rhaenyra glared whilst the boys looked confused. “Do not take is as an insult, boys,” (Name) spoke in a manner that bordered on mocking, “It is good to be Strong, is it not, sister?”.
Daemon began to snicker. (Name) handed Baelon to Viserys, who held him in his remaining arm. (Name) sharply elbowed Daemon in the ribs, causing him to spill his cup of wine slightly.
Rhaenyra huffed, walking away to speak to Laenor. Luke followed Rhaenyra suit. Jace lingered. “Aunt,” he asked, catching (Name)’s attention, “May I ask you something?”.
“Of course, dear boy,” (Name) spoke, smiling at the brunette boy, “You may ask me whatever you wish,”
“Mother will not be honest with me about this matter…” Jace spoke, nervously fiddling with his fingers, “Am I a…bastard? Is Ser Harwin my father?”.
(Name)’s eyes widened in horror. Was Rhaenyra truly planning to put a bastard on the Iron Throne? She always knew her father was metaphorically blind, but not this blind. She was blatantly aware of her father’s favouritism to Rhaenyra. But she never knew it was this bad.
“Yes,” she spoke quietly, “I cannot believe your mother is not being honest about this to you. Harwin Strong is your father. Laenor is not your father. Nor is he Luke or Joffrey’s father. I am so sorry, dear boy,”.
Earlier in the day, whilst Daemon was holding Baelon, (Name) found herself skulking around in black velvet after Laena’s casket had been lowered into the ocean.
“Hand turns loom…” the dreamlike voice of her younger sister, Helaena Targaryen, uttered, letting a spider crawl across the skin of her hand, “Spool of Red…Spool of Black…dragons of flesh…weaving dragons of thread,”.
(Name) crouched next to Helaena. “Sister,” Helaena greeted, smiling at her older sister, “May I tell you something?”.
The older woman smiled at her younger sister. “Of course, Hel,” (Name) spoke, “Anything,”.
As an infant, Helaena was restless and cried with her whole being unless she was held by (Name). “I have…strange dreams,” Helaena confessed, “And those dreams…become real as time goes on…do you think that is normal?”.
(Name) placed a hand on Helaena’s shoulder. “My dear Helaena,” she spoke, catching Helaena’s attention from the spider, “It is. You see…many years ago, before the fall of Old Valyria, our ancestor, Daenys, had a dream. She dreamed of the fall of Old Valyria two and ten years before it actually happened,”.
Helaena’s eyes widened, beckoning her sister to continue. “As Targaryens, we are known for our ability to ride dragons. Some Targaryens had the ability to dream of the future. Dragon Dreamers. I am a Dreamer, just like you. My sister, don’t ever let Aegon make you feel inferior without your consent. You are a marvel,”
The sun was barely setting when she discovered a horrific sight. Otto Hightower, who’d been reinstated as Hand of the King, was roughing up Aegon, who was half-drunk and slumped against the wall.
“Just what do you think you’re doing, Lord Hand?” (Name) spoke, glaring at hole into Otto Hightower’s soul. Her voice had a frightening steeliness to it.
Otto bowed. She truly resented Otto, as a man and as Hand of the King. “Princess,” he greeted, “There is nothing to see here. I suggest you rejoin Prince Daemon inside,”.
She scoffed. “I would rather feed myself to Meraxes than listen to a word you have to say,” (Name) spat, folding her arms, “I know a few dragons who would gladly set you alight, akin to a torch. Caraxes, Meraxes, Vermithor and Silverwing, for instance,”.
Otto visibly tensed. He bowed and walked past her. “Sister,” Aegon drunkenly slurred, as (Name) heaved teenager up from the ground, “-Nice to see you again! I missed you!”.
“I missed you too, Egg,” (Name) smiled to the boy, placing his arm across her shoulders for support and guiding him up the stairs. “Come on. Let’s get you to bed, sweet Prince,”.
It was the late evening when (Name) had been approached. The events following Laena’s funeral had been drastic. Young Aemond had claimed Vhagar as his mount, causing a fight between him, Jace, Luke, Daenerys, Rhaenys, Aemma, Baela and Rhaena.
It was an honest accident when Daenerys maimed Aemond and caused him to lose and eye. Alicent understood that. What she did not understand was that it was in defence of Jace and Luke’s legitimacy.
It’d blown up into a full-blown fight between Rhaenyra and Alicent, one of which had come at the other with a Valyrian Steel Dagger belonging to Aegon the Conqueror. (Name) had stepped in and gotten cut across the bridge of her nose.
There was a sharp knock at the door, catching both the attentions of the Rogue Prince and the Shrew of King’s Landing. “Enter,” (Name) spoke. The doors opened, revealing the visage of Otto Hightower.
Daemon blanched. “Lord Hand,” he bitterly spoke, “Have you come to darken our door for the ordeal earlier?”.
Otto sent a steely glare Daemon’s way, causing the Rogue Prince to mockingly smirk at him. “I have not, Daemon,” Otto spoke. Alicent stood behind him, guiltily staring at (Name), “I have come to speak to Princess (Name),”.
This caught (Name)’s attention, who was rocking Baelon softly in her arms, their daughters had since retired to the guest chambers with Baela and Rhaena hours prior. “Speak plainly, Lord Hand,” (Name) commanded coolly, briefly making eye contact with Ser Criston Cole, “What brings to you my chambers at this time of night?”.
“I believe we are…aligned,” Otto mused, adjusting the pin on his emerald-coloured lapel, making Daemon scoff, “In our beliefs in regards to the legitimacy of Princess Rhaenyra’s sons and the line of succession,”.
He was putting salt into the all the right wounds. (Name) was still evidently bitter about her younger sister being named heir over her and her plans to put her bastard son on the throne.
“My father is a fool,” (Name) confessed, softly stroking Baelon’s silver-coloured tufts of hair, “Nothing would change that. He is blind to the truth. Rhaenyra is his favourite child and nobody can deny that. He cannot accept the truth that Jace, Luke and Joffrey are bastards,”.
Otto smirked. “What if it did not have to be that way?” Alicent asked. This made (Name) glance at her stepmother, “What if another were to inherit the throne after the King’s passing?”.
“How would you like to be Queen, (Name)?” The Hand of the King quickly asked, making (Name) glance at Daemon, holding Baelon closer to her chest.
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midnightsapphire · 2 years
What Once Was (Chapter Two)
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Pairing : Aemond Targaryen x Strong!Reader
Warnings : Targ!cest, future nsfw, mentions of violence & death, slow burn, reader insert but slight oc! Descriptions, Aegon being Aegon
Feedback is appreciated! Much love!
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I guess sometimes we all get just what we wanted
“Dohaeris, Vermax!” (Y/N) watched with envy as her younger brother eagerly approached his dragon, standing protectively behind the keeper as his dragon seemingly obeyed. With furrowed eyebrows, her hands clenched as she heard the screeches of the baby dragon, moving with vigor as it locked eyes with a goat that the other keepers had brought to feed the beast. 
“Can I say it?” Jacaerys whispered with glee, practically bouncing in his steps as his bonded dragon slowly crept towards the oblivious animal. (Y/N) sighed, her eyes refusing to tear away even when she felt a hand slip into her own, receiving a soft squeeze that only brought her eyes towards Aemond. He held a sympathetic look in his own eyes, knowing the clenching jealousy of not having a beast to claim as their own. 
Her eyes looked for any sign of pity in it, much like her mother and father’s had when they saw her egg turn to stone. She grew to hate the adverted stares and “reassuring” hands on her shoulders when she had seen both her younger brother’s and their dragons flourish while she remained without one. The clanging on chains ripped her attention back to Vermax, her brother standing closer as her hands held onto Aemond’s tighter. 
“Dracarys!” Jacaerys exclaimed happily, grimacing at the bright orange flames that left Vermax’s mouth as the goat’s screams seemed to cease until it became nothing. (Y/N) mouthed the words along with him, almost as if her own held any effect to the beast as it crept to eat on its corpse. 
“Fascinating, isn’t it? The roar of the flames, the stench of the beast!” Aegon taunted, clapping his hands on both Aemond and (Y/N)’s shoulders as Vermax was led away. Her younger brothers joined in the harmless taunting, circling the two as Aegon let them closer to the mouth of the dragonpit. “Wonderful creatures they are, you aren’t wrong about that, Uncle.” (Y/N) said through gritted teeth, looping her arm through Aemond’s as his hand found its way over to hers, lightly caressing his thumb over her knuckles as she clenched her fist along the sleeve of this tunic. 
“Aegon, it is not polite to taunt a lady.” Aemond scolded, holding his head high as the others snickered at his immediate defense to (Y/N). 
“On the contrary, I see no lady around here.” He said with a scoff, earning a glare from the girl as his grip on her shoulder tightened. “I only jest, dear niece. But all joking matters aside, it’s no secret that both of you are without dragons, am I correct?’ 
“I suppose.” Aemond grunted, tucking the other arm that (Y/N) hadn’t held behind his back as he avoided Aegon’s eyes with a stifled breath. He recalled all the endless teasing he had received from all the boys, taunting their beasts in front of his face. To other’s, he held himself well, brushing off their jesting with a scoff and retort of his own against their combined intelligence compared to his, but even (Y/N) knew from the pink ringlets around his eyes that he blamed on his allergies to the flowers in the gardens, that it was no longer harmless jesting to him.
“We have a surprise for you!”
“What is it?” 
“Something very special. Apologies, dear niece for not bestowing such a gift to you but you do know how it is among us Targaryen men.” Aegon chortled, wrapping his arms over his brother’s shoulders as she separated the two, pushing his younger brother closer towards the center as (Y/N) glared at the elder’s back. 
“You’re the only one of us without a dragon.”
“And we felt bad so we found one for you.”
Oh how she wanted to give him the benefit of the doubt that he wasn’t lying. Her eyes glanced over to Lucerys, who excitedly ran into the darkness as Jace stood alongside Aemond, nodding along with every word that left Aegon’s lips. “How could you three have possibly found one, let alone tame it and drag it here?” She asked, with narrowed eyes, taking a step forward as Aegon turned his attention towards her instead. 
“Dear niece, there’s many things you don’t know that would surprise you.” Aegon hummed, circling around her as he held a hand onto her shoulder, leaning his lips towards the shell of her ear. “Like your parentage.. Or what other things you can do with your mouth than speak utter shit.” He hissed, backing away from her as her elbow swung back to hit him in the stomach. 
“Maybe that is why you are dragonless. The blood from your father runs.. Stronger than the other two.” Aegon smirked, his eyebrow twitching upwards tauntingly as he diverted his attention back to his brother, waving off the searing glare that was directed towards him as he stood back next to Aemond.  
“But alas, the god’s provide.” He said with an exasperated sigh, stretching his arms in front of him as (Y/N) furrowed her eyebrows at the sound of oddly familiar snorts that only grew louder as Lucerys emerged from the darkness. 
“Behold! The pink dread!” All three cheered in unison as (Y/N) gasped, her hands shooting to over her mouth as her brothers hauled in a pig. It’s body decorated with faux wings and a leash in itself as Aemond remained stoic, glaring at the snorting animal. 
“Be sure to mount her carefully, the first ride is always rough.” Aegon mimicked a snarl by his brother’s ear, all three bursting into laughter as they clapped the younger brother on the back. “We were sure to pick the largest one for the both of you, maybe then you can take our sweet niece on a ride as you both so dreamed.” He sighed dreamily, resting a hand on his forehead dramatically.
(Y/N)’s eyes flickered towards Aemond, who’s head dropped lower as he clenched his fists behind his back. She faintly saw the glistening of his eyes as she marched forward, pushing both her brothers and Aegon aside as she put a reassuring hand on Aemond’s elbow. “How can you three be so cruel?” She hissed, glaring at all of them. “He will have a dragon, bigger and stronger than all of yours combined. Then we shall see who will be laughing then.” She scoffed as the others only burst into further laughter. 
“He has a better chance riding Balerion’s withering skull.” Aegon spat, finally making his exit from the dragonpit with (Y/N)’s younger brothers in tow, their giggles fading at the narrowed stare of their eldest sister, knowing they were soon to get an earful from her. 
Aemond pushed her hand off of his once the trio were out of earshot, rubbing furiously at his eyes as he turned his glare at her. The sudden movement caused the girl to step back in shock, her hands clenching in front of her as his breathing quickened. “I don’t need protecting! Especially from the likes of you.” He hissed, voice cracking as he clenched his hands at his sides, crescent moons digging into his skin as (Y/N)’s mouth opened in shock. 
“The likes of me? I beg your pardon but you are not the only one suffering from the loss of a dragon.” She spat back, gripping his elbow despite his struggle against her grip. “You don’t get to mouth off about your anguish when I feel the same envy and resentment as you.” 
Aemond stopped his seizing, his breathing shaky as he glared at the ground, his voice coming out almost as a whisper. “Without a dragon.. How-how am I meant to protect you?” 
“Protect me?” She mumbled, loosening her grip on his arm as she ducked her head to meet his glistening eyes. “Why would I need protection?”
“A lady needs protection and I.. I wish to be the one to grant it for you but- what kind of man would I be to you without a dragon?” He scoffed, his shoes kicking at the gravel under them as (Y/N)’s hands moved to cup his cheeks, forcing his gaze to hers as she released a breathy laugh. 
“Foolishness. You will have a dragon. The largest and the most powerful in the entire realm! I’m sure of it.” She reassured, caressing her thumbs against his cheekbones as a blush crept on her own cheeks. “Then nobody in the seven kingdoms would dare to lay a hand on me.. On us..” She whispered as she rested their foreheads together, Aemond’s breath hitching at their closeness as he rested his hands upon hers. 
“Do you swear it?”
“I swear on my heart. You shall have your dragon and I shall have my sworn protector.”
< Strikes means tumblr wouldn’t let me tag :c >
Taglist : @neenieweenie​ , @amnesiiiac, @drewsgfduh​
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nashiriel · 7 months
Re-reading carrion bits again because teaser trailer feels. Anyways where Rhaena and Luke are discussing the dinner at kings landing and rhaena says "he never took his eye off us and that his stare toward rhaena and jace was hateful and that he looked at look like caraxes does his goats" what was going through Aemonds head at the time?
(Did he secretly (even to himself) want to dance with luke as Jace did Helaena? Even in show and shipper goggles boy does Aemond look jealous when Rhaena smiles at Luke...
I don’t think Aemond would be able to fully articulate what he was feeling in that moment, tbh. It’s not an accident that Rhaena said that he looked like he wanted to devour Luke.
He may not have exactly imagined dancing with Luke, but there were probably quite a few fantasises of beating Luke to a pulp that lingered suspiciously on the parts where Aemond would have his hands on him - a lot of frustration happening right there!
Ditto, Aemond would likely tell himself that the fury he was feeling was because Luke once again is getting things he doesn’t deserve handed to him on a plate like a beautiful Valyrian bride - but there was definitely a bunch of very snide thoughts about Rhaena being pathetic, cowardly and unworthy of any dragon including Luke
Aemond claimed Vhagar, but Rhaena’s the future Mrs Lucerys Velaryon, so who really came out tops there?
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dedalvs · 2 years
Welcome back :) How did you feel the younger actors in HOTD got on with Valyrian? Specifically, I thought the guys playing younger Aemond and older (well... as-old-as-he-got 😬) Lucerys seemed to get pretty into it. I enjoyed Luke's very rolled /r/s!
The younger ones were pretty good, but the series GOAT was definitely Wil Johnson, who played Vaemond Valaryon. His Valyrian was pristine, and I loved it. Gutted that he won't be back.
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dwellordream · 3 years
Dr Phil: let me get this straight, Aegon wants the throne but it actually belongs to Rhaenyra, Maris and Luke eloped and have goated Aemond into chasing after them while Maris chanted "did he steal ur the ball in your head betwixt your legs!", Daemon is a child killer, all of you are somehow related, did I miss something?
Lucerys: have i mentioned my wife is Beautiful and Loved by me? Because she IS
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