#luckily rem is pretty????? unpopular??????????
remma-demma · 5 months
Might be a bit of a rude vent
I thought I was over my whole “no doubles” complex but I just saw a person with a wol named ren who has hair just like mine and is a catboy and had rainbow and faerie themes and I am like. Oh.
Truly if someone has like two or three things in common with me I’m like!! Cool!! A buddy!!! But when someone has like all of my features and is also better than me in some ways (the art was like. Stunning.) I’m like. Oh so I’m not good enough. So there are people out there being me better than I can be me. Okay.
I hate that this is my first instinct to a complete internet stranger just living their life.
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I have absolutely zero ill will towards this person or their character I just hate it that I’m so insecure about my own identity,,,
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shipaholic · 5 years
16, 19 and 23 for the anime ask
Thanks for the ask Anon!
16. 10 best animes you have watched
This is where I struggle to come up with 10 animes total. :p OK - I choose:
- Death Note obvvv
- Psychopass
- Higurashi no Koro Ni (When They Cry)
- Digimon (digital monsters, Digimon are the Champions~)
- Ajin: Demi-Human
- Erased
- The Disastrous Life of Saiki K
- One Punch Man
- Persona 4
- ehhhh I’m reaching for this last slot... Tenchi Muyo? More for the nostalgia, it’s been 20 years since I watched it so I’ve no idea if it holds up. Madoka Magica or Paranoia Agent are more deserving of this slot tbh, but while they’re finely crafted, I feel only anime I have/would read fanfic for should get to go here.
19. favorite anime ships
Lawlight (Light/L) is pretty much my one and only anime ship. I love Rem/Misa but don’t feel a need to read fic for it, unless the musical counts as fic (it does, lbr). I have a big soft spot for Kanji/Naoto and Chie/Yukiko from Persona 4. Homura/Madoka in Madoka Magica gives me a few feelings in That Episode.
23. unpopular character you love
Hmmmmmmmm... I imagine various anime women I like just fine have been ripped to shreds by the mob over the years. I like Ayeka from Tenchi, I recall her getting a rough deal in fandom. Luckily I’ve gone a few years without running into OTT fanhatred aimed at specific characters. My fandom experience has been very calm and stable ever since Glee ended. :p
BTW if anyone wants to know more about any of the anime I listed for q16, send me an ask! I’d like to geek out about some of them, but uhhh couldn’t be bothered to do a write-up for the entire list (sorryyy).
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