#are written into their canonical ARR era
remma-demma · 5 months
Might be a bit of a rude vent
I thought I was over my whole “no doubles” complex but I just saw a person with a wol named ren who has hair just like mine and is a catboy and had rainbow and faerie themes and I am like. Oh.
Truly if someone has like two or three things in common with me I’m like!! Cool!! A buddy!!! But when someone has like all of my features and is also better than me in some ways (the art was like. Stunning.) I’m like. Oh so I’m not good enough. So there are people out there being me better than I can be me. Okay.
I hate that this is my first instinct to a complete internet stranger just living their life.
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I have absolutely zero ill will towards this person or their character I just hate it that I’m so insecure about my own identity,,,
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burgiethewriter · 5 months
Asks for a Fic Writer! 🔆
Tumblr really didn't want to show me this, the fiend, but I was tagged by @randomsquirrel (thank you!)
How many works do you have on ao3?
Oh only about 1,365 (6 if I remember to post another tonight)
2. What's your total ao3 wordcount?
2,676,845 I am very mentally well thank you for asking
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Whatever ones the brainworms are currently wiggling in. So currently it's ffxiv and ffxvi and a little dash of sso
4. what are your top five fics by kudos?
Breakfast NSFW Stranger Things steddie. Which is actually the sequel to the second most kudosed one but I guess we're all sluts for domesticity.
Monster in the Bed more NSFW Stranger Things steddie. The lines of kudos emails I got from those two were fantastic.
Sunny-weather Snuggles and now for something COMPLETELY different, SFW mlp appledash. I used to have this little tradition, I suppose, of starting a new '30 day otp challenge' for every ship I liked. Don't think I ever finished one though.
Garden Party which is another SFW mlp fic but this time rarijack (I love their dynamic).
Odd Tattoo NSFW wtnv cecilos, god knows why I gave it the mature rating. I actually had this on ff.net initially, it's THAT old. But wtnv is just that popular I guess (for good reason! Night Vale my beloved).
5. do you respond to comments?
I do now after sitting there making flustered noises for a good ten minutes.
6. what is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Funny thing about me, I never remember my fics. Ever. Legit I surprised myself one day discovering a stash of estimeric fics that I just. Don't remember writing. I feel like there was one though. It could be Frozen Wasteland SFW ffxiv which is about the bloody banquet at the end of arr which. Yeah. The saddest part is that I never went anywhere with it because then I started sb and met Lyse and um. Yeah.
7. what's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Starlight Kittens sfw ffxiv Lyseka I think. There are probably happier endings but that's the one that immediately springs to mind.
8. do you get hate on fics?
Sometimes there are weird 'this is so cringe wtf' comments but hey it's not my fault if they don't embrace the cringe.
9. do you write smut? if so, what kind?
I was called sin mother for a time for a REASON okay. All kinds, vanilla, kink, monster, you name it. Very much into a/b/o and monsterfucking but I keep overthinking it and that kills the mood so fast.
10. do you write crossovers? what's the craziest one you've written?
[hides the ffxiv/ffxvi one under the bed] I mean yeah. Craziest one was probablyyyyy the Gotham x SSO one. I can't remember what happened but I remember the crossover.
11. have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not to my knowledge but it's not like I go looking. Wouldn't surprise me if someone had stolen an sso one though, some of those kids man...
12. have you ever had a fic translated?
Again not to my knowledge but I also know that ffxvi is very popular in other languages so honestly I'm waiting for it.
13. have you ever co-written a fic before?
I swear to god I have but I can't find it (unless Jack posted it??? It was years ago though) but I suppose the Wild West AU also counts? Green-eyed Drake's Revenge was the last one (god I miss that era so fucking much I met some of the best people but also the worst but I just really loved being a part of such a big project).
14. what's your all-time favourite ship?
The answer probably would've been easier before I played ffxvi but uhhhh yeah it's Terence/Dion from FFXVI. Which you wouldn't know from my fics for that fandom (I keep getting distracted by other ships) but like. Canon gays. Hello. How can I resist. Ship that makes me go 'eeee' and then think about for a while after I see it.
15. what's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
Haha what unfinished WIPs I don't have those scattered everywhere. I would like to actually finish Frozen Wasteland (linked above) someday but there's also a phoenixflareknight fic that I'm slowly pecking away at but it has no real plot or anything so I don't think I'll finish that. And the aforementioned ffxiv/ffxvi crossover.
16. what are your writing strengths?
Making anything look good, baby. Or so I've been told. Sheer determination? Dialogue maybe?
17. what are your writing weaknesses?
"And where is all of this action taking place?" Shrug emoji. Descriptions.
18. thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
I think it's fine as long as there's a translation somewhere.
19. first fandom you wrote for?
Sonic. I don't think I published any of them though. It's probably better that way.
20. favourite fic you've written?
There are a few that spring to mind but I associate them with an ex-friend so ew but Lost and Found is the ffxiv/ffxvi crossover fic I do have published where I put my character and her sister and the arr-era Scions into the world of ffxvi. I love it and wish it got more attention but maybe the time's just not right yet, idk.
I tag @tiredassmage @trusted-friend-ffxiv and @sso-eden-dawnvalley
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shslivalice · 2 years
god i love some fic stuff i havent written yet but is just so good for canon
arr-era thancred has no idea he has a student-daughter out in the world due to the lives his soul had being in other worlds as well but he will get that vibe and everybody will notice he’s not flirting with this cute lady
he will NOT notice it
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starswornoaths · 3 years
9, 10, and 29 for the fic writer asks?
I’ma stick it under the cut bc I just get so rambly omg??? Thank you for the ask, I’m sorry for the wall of text jakfghdrkgdfjlh
9. Which fic has been the hardest to write? 
God, there’s been multiple.
I’ve got Serella and Aymeric’s post 5.3 reunion to write, which I have stubbornly clung to them getting two reunions because I’m being a self indulgent goob about it, and I’m just so stuck on how I want to transition between the two scenes.
furthermore, the sequel to their reunion. I’m still debating on whether I should just make it part of the reunion fic, or have it be it’s own immediate sequel to the next day. I think a lot of my uncertainty with the structuring is what’s really keeping me from finishing these two in particular.
I’m struggling with a lot of other drafts- starting the Heresy AU in particular, and adding more of the connective tissue for ARR/HW for Serella’s story, but I think because I’m stuck on the more “time sensitive” fics mentioned above, it’s more or less The Big Block that’s stopping everything else.
Also, just. Writing about Shadowbringers era Serella is really hard, generally speaking? She’s so obstinately a martyr, and while it’s draining to write her so desperate to be the one that takes all the hurt while simultaneously feeling isolated and generally neutral about her existence, there’s also a weird catharsis to it? Like I’m working out a Big Muscle Knot, and it’s great after I really work it out, but working it out feels awful and I can only handle so much of it at any one point? Does that make sense? I’m probably babbling, I apologize asjhdfksdlgdfjkg
10. Which fic has been the easiest to write?
Oh, without a doubt, “A Promise Made, A Promise Kept”.
As the 1/3 part of that link’s title suggests, the biggest problem with that fic was stopping. It felt like I was cramming as many little self indulgent moments as I possibly could into that fic. It’s one of the few of my own works that I’ll go back to sometimes, just because I remember that feeling of how hype I was while writing it.
29. If you could write the sequel (or prequel) to any fic out there not written by yourself, which would you choose? 
Oh god, what a question aksjdhksldfgl
I really need to get better at leaving comments on fics I read. I forget to every time because most of my fic reading happens either before I fall asleep or on my commute to/from work. Rather than take the vain route of wanting to take agency from the authors and “write it myself,” let me instead boost fics I would love to see continued/stories progressed, that I keep forgetting to leave comments on ajdfghkdsg
“The Black Wolf” by @usagi-mitsu
seriously, Usagi’s got a special talent for taking characters I might otherwise be ambivalent to in canon, and writing them in sympathetic ways that feel more true to what the writers had wanted out of that character versus what we got. Her Garlean Drabbles series is incredible, I can’t recommend it enough!
literally anything @lumikatdraws writes, I always want to see more of.
not to completely brown nose, but you also had an Aymeric heat fic that was incredible and I’d love to see more of that universe bc I like the concept of Ishgardians having to just generally deal with Dragon Things Sometimes that they never thought might be dragon things, that fascinates and tickles me endlessly!
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autumnslance · 6 years
Ao3 Writings as of August 2023
Summary list of my FFXIV fics on Ao3 under LynMars79, organized by Series. For compilation threads, tables of content and chapter summary notes will have timeframes and any content warnings.
Pieces of FFXIV Write 2017 are on Ao3; the original list can be found Here. FFXIV Write 2021 and 2022 are scattered across my Ao3; the original lists can be found Here and Here.
General Warrior of Light
Ruminations: Canon-spanning blurbs for a WoL. Savior: Heavensward. Short, 2nd person PoV, thoughts in the immediate aftermath of the Final Steps of Faith (Nidhogg). What to Do: Stormblood. WoL considers an old conversation, the events in Doma, & takes Nashu up on an investigation.
Warrior of Light - Aeryn Striker
Unexpected: Thancred & Aeryn canon-spanning ship thread prt 1. Despite the Gods We've Outlived: Ship stories thread prt 2. Living Memory: A thread for various prompts, microfics, etc. Slices of Light: A thread for various OCs supporting this WoL. When Everything Changes: Backstory from Zaine’s child POV. Where the Skies Are Safe: Backstory, Zaine child POV, Strikers in Thavnair. A Good Girl: A chocobo, the 7th Calamity, & her Warriors of Light. That Night in the Rose House: Heavensward. Aeryn & Haurchefant after Bismark's reveal. One Small Favor: After Stormblood's Dragoon quests, Aeryn wants Estinien to do 1 simple thing. See Notes. Teach a Warrior of Light to Fish: Shadowbringers. Ardbert, Renda-Rae, friendship, & fishing. Return to Dreams of Ice: Shadowbringers. Aeryn, Ysayle, Ryne, & Eden’s Verse: Refulgence. Emotions are difficult. Bearing Sins of the Past: Shadowbringers. A Striker family secret that Alberic's long kept leads Aeryn to a draconic foe. Return from the End: Endwalker. Aeryn at the edge of creation. Desert Divergence: AU; What If Zaine lived, what's the impact on a key moment in Shadowbringers, & for Aeryn & Thancred?
Lyn's Prompts Lists
Striking Fate: Prompt Responses for a 30 Day Challenge. Dreams of Light: FFXIV Write 2018: Daily prompt responses. Dreams of Shadows: FFXIV Write 2019: Daily prompt responses. Dreams of Home: FFXIV Write 2020: Daily prompt responses.
That Damn Rogue - Thancred Waters
Rogue’s Prelude: How Thancred met Louisoix (& 2 future Scions). Written a year prior to his official “Tales from the Shadows” story. Chin Up: Young Thancred & Yda have a talk in the Sharlayan Colony. A Constant Distant Thunder: ARR. Thancred’s post-possession recovery, up to the Sylphlands events. Walk in the Wilds: Heavensward. Thancred’s time in the wilds of Dravania. Younger Sister: Stormblood. Thancred’s PoV on the Hext sisters, particularly Lyse. Aetherology and Skulking Boots: Canon-spanning thread for Y’shtola & Thancred’s friendship. Petrichor: Shadowbringers. Thancred, Minfilia, & acceptance of fate. Fathers Sons and Brothers: For the Thancred Anthology fanzine; Thancred & Fourchenault talk in the late Endwalker patches.
Souls Rising Surface-Ways
Opening the Blind Eye: Lahabrea's contemplation post-Abyssos Non-Solution: Azem finds Venat is already aware of the Convocation's plans. Vicissitudes: Emet-Selch & Lahabrea have different approaches to their mortal hosts. Pre- to Early- ARR.
Tales of the Seventh Era - Various NPCs
There's too many to post here now, but there's a little for everyone in various styles; Scions, Ironworks, Eorzeans, Imperials, Ascians; allies, enemies, and others in between. Ranging from only a couple hundred words to a few thousand, mostly standalones. The few chaptered fics are very specific characters, instances and/or timeframes following tight themes, two in loose storyarcs for the involved characters. Mostly Gen Fic, with one darker/naughtier tone (thanks, Zenos).
I am thankful for the support, prompts and comments, and your own stories; you’ve all helped and inspired me.
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creekycoffee · 7 years
@scenikeight I'm just going to copy it onto here. Because I know I'll lose the link. Thank you so much for the comic recs. X-MEN Because the X-Men have been around for so. so fucking long. theres like a billion series. so I'm just gonna tell you to skip "The Original X-Men era" and go straight to X-Men: First Class. FC is a series of standalones that follows the original X-Men. You're already familiar with the X-Men so you don't need to start at the start for characters anyway, but FC will help to establish these characters in the comics universe for you. It's from the mid 2000s I think. If you want stories that introduce extra characters like Gambit and explain stuff like The Phoenix, read Chris Clairemont's Uncanny X-Men series. It's from the 70s-90s, I think. Theres like a million issues but it's worth reading (and it helps to piss you off in regards to movie interpretation lol). Also I think Wolverine was introduced here. Go from the Uncanny X-Men to the New Mutants books from the 90s (i think from the 90s.) Like the title says, there's new mutants. lots of em. this is where Deadpool is from. (ill get back to that) From there, you might want to go into solo series of the actual X-Men. I don't know that much about the older ones...i really only know about a few wolverine books like Wolverines which is a more current one Astonishing X-Men is another really good book, I think from the mid 2000s. Unlike most other comics in that time period it wasnt a part of any fucking crossover events which makes it MUCH easier to read. Theyre launching X-Men Gold/Blue and a few solo series this year which I'd keep your eye out for too. ...I really dont know that much about the X-Men comics to recommend anything else, all I know is that there's A TONNE of books about the mutants being wiped out. it's like every second story. House of M is one of these I think???? it's pretty well regarded I'd read that...but it's part of the Civil War II storyline i think so you might be a bit lost. I hate american comics so much fdkjhdfjk DEADPOOL OKAY here's where we get into shit i know heaps about. hes only been around for 25 years so it makes it much easier to find books. but dont let this fool you. these books are evil. in the space of a quarter century the character has been fucked so hard by the writers im not even sure if he has a characterisation anymore. nobody can make up their mind on who he is. god its hard to follow New Mutants #95 (i THINK, you might wanna check the number) is his first introduction and it's part of the Deadpool v1 collection. I don't...love...v1, I don't think anyone does...but you sort of should read it. Start at this issue, even if you don't read the rest of the New Mutants, then read the Circle Chase and Sins of the Past miniseries (in that order). These books don't establish..much..in the way of character but they do help to explain other shit from this era. The movie is partially based on this version. Deadpool v2 is the first actual SERIES and definitely better than v1, although it's pretty big. I haven't read all that much of it but it's a nicer interpretation than v1's DP is. Skippable, though. The movie is also partially based on this. Cable & Deadpool is the first series I can properly recommend for establishment. The writers have realised Wade's character by this point and his relationship with Cable and the rest of the X-Force is set up in this book pretty well. It's actually a good read although it can be fucking confusing at times. I'm pretty sure it has ties to v1, not v2, though, which is why you should read v1. it also has ties, i believe, to the civil war event. i didn't have any trouble reading it although i didnt bother with the civil war event so idk v3 is one of the most beloved interpretations of the character. I don't like it personally but the art is nice and it introduces the boxes (the voices in his head) which is cool. If you like the humour in the game you'll like this, its written by the same person. It's not my style but people like it for a reason. If you don't want to read it you can get info on this version of him from the game and skip it. I haven't read that much past this in terms of major series, but I'd recommend series like The Mercs for Money off of what I've heard about them. X-Force is probably a good bet too, although it doesn't focus on him he's a reoccuring character. Overall I think the latest series, the current one (and the one before it) is the best one to read. It has a few spinoff books too, like Mrs Deadpool and the Howling Commandos, which arent required reading but are still pretty fun series. For mini series, read the three Deadpool Kills... books. I think the order is Deadpool Killustrated, Deadpool Kills...The Marvel Universe, and then Deadpool Kills...Deadpool. For the last one you might want to read the Prelude To/Deadpool Corps series (even though they aren't that good and the art is revolting in some places.) You can skip it but if you like the corps concept you'll probably not hate the books. Cable & Deadpool: Split Second Infinite is a book I've been MEANING to read that I also recommend from word of mouth. It came out last year I think? Not necessarily tied to the original series. Spiderman and Deadpool. Holy shit Spiderman and Deadpool is a fucking good book. Its been going for like a year now and there's filler issues sometimes but it's definitely a good read. Read Spiderman and Deadpool. You don't really need any info on these versions of the characters, you'll pick it up as you go along. AVENGERS full disclaimer. i am not well versed in the avengers. what i DO know, however, is that the avengers are really fucking different in the comics than in the mcu. the mcu lied to you. Same deal with the X-Men, don't bother with the original series. There's too fucking many of them. If you didn't know already though, the great majority of current avengers books are fucking tie in series with other shit like the fourteen hundred civil war events theres been. god i hate the civil war events. it makes reading them ridiculously hard. i'm gonna recommend the 2012 onwards avengers/new avengers series. they lead into, yet, another, event...but you're probably going to want to read the event that follows onto it as part of the deadpool canon anyway bc it was part of the series before the current one i think. who knows. comics are hard. the series is pretty dark so you'll probably enjoy it. just be warned its hard to read, don't start reading comics with these series. i cant really recommend any other ones bc i know so little about them im afraid SPIDERMAN spiderman is fucking popular. therefore there are actually a billion spiderman books. everyone loves spiderman. god i fucking dont because there are so many books. like so many. its ridiculous how many books there are. its pretty hard to pinpoint..where...to...start but im going to say, start at The Death of Gwen Stacy. its an earlier one, i believe, but it's pretty fucking paramount to everything spiderman. read the books written by todd mcfarlane. how many arre there? god i dont fucking know. mans a living legend. just read them read them all. Amazing Spiderman Vol 1-4. this is everything else paramount to everything spiderman. its about him and mj, aunt may learning that hes spidey and all that good stuff. good book. dont pass on this book. Marvel Knights Spiderman. not overly familiar with the whole series but its good super good characterisation. Superior Spiderman. a series i havent read personally but I'm pretty sure it sets up the whole current spidey and parker industries stuff. spoiler hes like a young tony stark now. i guess. and thats my awful guide on the things you asked for. id find reading guides on reddit and stuff for further information.
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