calyptramoths · 2 years
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fuck it *turns into a ruby throated hummingbird*
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apartments4rent · 7 years
since it's way past valentines day now anyway, i might as well come out and say it bc i had made a poll for the valentines short, i had come up with the ideas for the other two options,,, just in case i WAAAS gonna write them anyway bc i felt like it but it's not that time anymore so i figured why bother i didn't get far in development in either rohjen or marvamb but i had the ideas so i thought id share rohjen's story was gonna be a date to the valentines fair and mostly an exploration of their relationship (up to that point) from roh's perspective. there was gonna be a small lucwill cameo (bc they went to the fair too rmbr lol) where will wins a carnival game on his first attempt, cementing his reputation as king of carnival games the marvamb story was a lil less of a solid thing; i was still thinking about it. mostly what i knew was marv wanted to take amb to the valentines fair but things kept getting in the way and in the end he gave his ticket to will so that he could take luc on a date. there wasn't much else to it, but amb gave him a cute lil magic cupcake as a gift, but she only left it on his desk for him to find later.... AND THAT'S ALL I GOT
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calyptramoths · 2 years
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oc comcic.c.c.c...
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apartments4rent · 8 years
The Letter
so i had a twitter poll back in february to write a “fic” for valentines day starring a pair that yall got to choose!! and lucwill won!!! so here it is haha it got kinda long, i hope u guys like it :^)
Lucas had a quiet life.
Keyword: Had.
He used to go to bed at 6am every day, wake up at about 6pm, head to work at 10pm, and come back in time go back to sleep. To some, this sounds pretty boring; and to be honest, sometimes it was. But Lucas liked it that way, it was routine. Familiar.
Now. Now, things were much different.
Ever since that scruffy-looking, hot headed, motorcycling kid came into his life.
They met in the mini mart.
Lucas was used to seeing a lot of strangers. He worked at the only gas station near the highway for miles. They would come in, usually use the bathroom, buy their stuff, and leave. There were a few regulars from in town that Luc would see; only a couple of night owls here and there.
One chilly November night, he came in. A cute kid - couldn't be older than 20; shaggy, dirty blonde hair and freckles. He grabbed a chocolate protein shake and three bags of almonds, then promptly left after asking for the time: half past eleven.
Luc was intrigued, but thought nothing more of it. After all, Luc was used to meeting strangers all the time.
But he came in again the next night. Same thing: a chocolate protein shake and three bags of almonds.
“D’ya have the time?”
Then, gone.
Again and again, night after night.
Till one day, he didn't show up at all. A couple nights passed with no sign of the handsome stranger and Luc figured that was all they would be seeing of each other. But, after the fourth night, Freckles came in again, as usual, as if nothing happened.
And this became their routine; almost every night, they would see each other, until they wouldn't, again and again.
After too long, Luc needed to know just what was going on.  
He didn’t know this would lead to opening up his home to the kid. It's not like you know him that well, he laid awake that night, thinking, how could you be so stupid, there's no way this is gonna end well.
Lucas always was the worst worry wart.
Turns out, things would go wrong, but not in the was he was anticipating.
No, it was much, much worse.
Things were still quiet in the beginning, it was awkward for them both; two virtual strangers, now living under one roof. They mostly kept to themselves, each not wanting to bother the other.
Then they started to open up to each other, started to learn new things about each other. They found out they had such good chemistry and a lot in common, too.
Soon they became almost inseparable. Will would make Luc get out more, actually explore things around the neighborhood; “You've been in this town for six years and you never once been to the boardwalk amusement park?” Luc would show Will all the things he loved doing indoors, introducing him to new tv shows, movies and videogames; “What do you mean you've never even heard of Majora’s Mask? It’s a classic!”
When they first met, Lucas knew he felt some type of way about Will; some way that interested, if not frustrated, him. Getting to know Will; the real Will, his flaws, his hopes, his dreams; it made Lucas realize exactly what that way really was.
And it terrified him.
A crush.
Lucas had a crush on Will.
As a few months passed, Lucas hoped the feelings would wither; if he pushed past them long enough, they'd go away, right?
Alas, it was not the case. Surprisingly, spending more time with someone who has your heart in the palm of their hand will not make you like them any less. Who knew.
“Sounds like you've got it baaaaad,” Ollie, ever the realist, was doing their best to comfort Luc in these trying times.
Luc let out a groan of agony and forcefully rested his head on Amber’s dinner table, “I don't know what to do, man. This is really getting out of hand.”
“Why don't you tell Will? Y’know, since it kinda concerns him too?”
This snapped Luc back upright in his seat, “Excuse me? Are you nuts? I can't just… tell him!” Luc was baffled at the thought, almost speechless. “We’re…” Luc searched for the right word, and couldn’t come up with anything better than, “We’re bros. And roommates! It would only make things... weird. Plus, Will isn't the best when it comes to romantic advances.”
Ollie blinked and furrowed their brow.
Luc sighed, “He's dense. And just plain uninterested in romance. Which is understandable, seeing how utterly bad this feels right now…” Another groan and he was back on the table, face buried in his arms.
After a moment of silence, Amber, who’s apartment the two were borrowing for this impromptu therapy session, returned from running a few errands.
“Hey, Amber,” Lucas said, muffled through his arms and the table.
“Oh,” she said, “Lucas, how lovely of you to stop by. What’s got you resting on my table like that?”
Just as Lucas was about to excuse himself from her apartment, not ready to share the truth behind this visit, Ollie blurted out, “Lucas finally admitted he has a crush on Will.”
“Ollie!” Luc shot out of his seat. He was beyond offended that Ollie would betray his trust so easily.
Amber seemed to ignore Luc’s protest, “Oh, that's beautiful Luc! You two make a lovely couple.” She sighed dreamily, “It's been so long since I've seen sweet love blossom!”
“Ew,” Ollie said.
“Please don't say things like that,” Luc crossed his arms, “this isn't a good thing. These feelings need to stop.”
“What? Why?”
Luc groaned again and turned away from Amber, “You don't understand, it's not simple ‘sweet love,’” he collapsed onto her couch, “it's complicated.”
Amber paused for a moment, thinking. She walked over to the couch and sat down next to Lucas. “Sweet love is rarely so simple.” She stroked his hair reassuringly, “Wanna tell me about it?”
Lucas hated to admit it but, if anyone would be able to help him out, it'd be Amber. He sat up, ready to tell her everything. And it was everything. He didn't know what it was about her that made him spill his guts; maybe it was the physical contact or maybe it was the Trustworthy Mom Voice.
Whatever it was, after about 30 minutes she was all caught up, and then some.
A long thoughtful pause after a solemn nod made Luc a bit worried.
“Want some tea?” Amber offered.
Tea did sound good right about now. Luc nodded, surprisingly exhausted after pouring out his heart twice in one day.
She got up and hurried into her kitchen. Opal, Amber’s cat, rubbed up against Luc and looked up at him. Luc smiled. The cat hopped up and curled into his lap. They say stroking a cat has its health benefits. Luc wondered if it included mental health.
Amber returned with two warm mugs of tea, “You wanna know what I think?” she continued without waiting for an answer, “I think you should tell him.”
Luc’s heart sunk. He could think of a million and one reasons why that was a horrible idea. How could she think that was a good solution?
“Now, now,” Amber could read the betrayal all over his face, “Let me finish.” She sat down.“I think you should tell him, but I understand the trepidation. ‘You could ruin what you already have,’ I get it, it's all too much. But you need to let this go somehow and a confession is the most effective way to do so,” she paused, expectantly.
A lot of things were going through his mind but absolutely none of them made sense. Amber hung her head in exasperation, as if it was his fault he couldn't read her mind.
“Write him a letter!” she said, as if it were obvious.
Luc cocked his head.
“Confess to him in a letter, address it to him, just don't give it to him! You know how helpful it is to write your feelings; you will definitely feel better after writing a love letter,” she said so matter-of-factly.
“Sounds kinda dumb,” Ollie voiced Luc’s opinion from across the room.
Amber scowled, “I wouldn't expect you to understand.” She turned to Luc with a hopeful look, “At least try it? You never know what might happen.”
Her smile was so warm and genuine, Luc almost felt better about the whole situation.
Luc left the apartment feeling better, but only marginally. He slowly shuffled to his apartment, only feeling more confused than before. So many things were still swimming in his mind.
I guess writing them down couldn't hurt…
When he got to his apartment, he opened up his laptop and stared at the blank word document for what seemed an eternity.
Maybe I should do it freehand?
He shoved his computer off his lap went to hunt for one of his many notebooks.
Dear Will…
He chewed the cap of his pen. What was he supposed to say? “Hey bro, I think I love you?”  That was way too heavy handed, and he didn't even know if that was true.
It was gonna be long night.
Luc decided, since Will wasn't going to read this anyway, he could say whatever he wanted. Once he got past that barrier, it was actually a lot easier to write. No inhibitions, not holds barred, just his feelings and the paper.
It was a stream of consciousness of sorts; he just wrote what he was thinking, even if it didn't make sense.
And he did feel better. A lot better.
He quickly scanned over the whole two pages, front and back.
Wow, I've got a lot of issues.
He ripped the papers out of the notebook and folded them up. He wasn't really sure he had an envelope in his house.
I'll just hide it somewhere, it'll be fine.
Indeed it had been a long night and, luckily, he wasn't scheduled to work either. Absolutely exhausted, Luc decided to crash early and quickly drifted off to sleep.
The letter helped Lucas organize and understand his feelings but, as months passed, those feelings all but faded. One could argue they only grew stronger.
Valentine's Day was right around the corner and it got him thinking about some… things.
One particularly chilly night, on a whim, Luc Googled, “how to confess to your best friend”. For absolutely no reason at all. He went through almost every article on the first page of results. He almost went to the second page but no, he wasn't that desperate.
The thought of confessing still wracked him to his core, but the thought of living his whole life keeping these feelings in agonized him even more.
I’m going to to do it, he decided.
I'm gonna tell him.
“You're really gonna do it?” Ollie sounded particularly enthused by the idea.
“Yeah, I am,” I hope.
“Oh, Luc, I'm so proud of you,” Amber was beaming. “I guarantee you’ll only feel better after you do.”
Luc wasn’t sure he actually believed that, but it’s what he kept telling himself.
“The only problem is… how should I do it?”
“On Valentine's Day, of course!”
“Yeah, but… how?”
“Hold up a boombox playing his favorite song outside his room window,” Ollie suggested.
“I don’t have a boombox,” Luc laughed, ”and I don’t think it’ll have the same effect if I use a Bluetooth speaker.”
“Meet him at the airport and confess just before his plane leaves.”
“What? Why is he at an airport? Where’s he going?”
“Oh! A confession in the rain is always romantic! Everything’s all wet...”
“Don’t listen to them, they’ve been watching too many romcoms with Opal,” Amber said, “You could send a bouquet of flowers with chocolates and a sweet note.”
“That’s too- wait,” Luc interrupted, “Note…”
Amber seemed to get the idea at the same time. “The letter,” They said in unison.
“Thanks for the support, guys!” Luc was out of that apartment faster than you could say, “Lucas and Will, sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G.”
He had put the letter in the safest place he could think of in his room. Someone would have to be VERY lucky to find it. Shoved between two random books in his bookshelf, it took even Luc a good while to find it.
Reading over the letter, in its entirety, surprised Luc. I wrote this? It was so honest and so deep, this came from my mind?
No, this won't work, he decided, this is way too much to lay on Will all at once. Plus, it barely makes sense, even to me.
He felt the room’s temperature drop.
“What’cha doin’?” Ollie said in an oddly sing-song voice.
“I'm going to rewrite the letter,” Luc said, looking for another piece of paper.
“Why? I thought it was pretty good…”
“You what?”
“I liked it?”
“You read it!?”
“What!? But I- How? Wh-” Luc groaned and pulled at his face.
Why am I even surprised, at this point?
“Ok, Ollie,” Luc took a deep breath, “Please don't read my personal writings from now on, okay?”
Ollie crossed their arms, “Alright…”
“Now, could you please leave? I don’t want you breathing over my shoulder while I rewrite this private letter.”
Lucas turned away from the ghost and the room’s temperature went back to normal.
Oh, boy. Here we go.
It took quite a few tries to get it right; several crumpled up pieces of paper lay strewn about his room. He managed to get everything on only one piece of paper, now that he knew exactly what he wanted to say.
Luc scavenged for a proper envelope and slipped it in, putting it back between a couple of books along with the original letter. Maybe he’d want to look back at it one day and laugh.
Now we wait.
With only about a week until Valentine's Day, Luc had plenty of time to worry about whether this really was a good idea or not. Several times he contemplated throwing out the letter; if he gave up, there would be no chance of it going terribly wrong.
No, you have to. You can't keep ignoring your feelings. You have to do something about it!
So the letter survived till Valentine's Day, a Tuesday. Will was working at the garage till the late afternoon.
All day Luc hyped himself up and contemplated all the good things that could come out of this experience while simultaneously pushing away all that bad things he would think of.
Will would be home any minute. It was time to put the letter on his bed. Luc walked right into the room; Will hardly left his door closed anymore.
Oh God, here we go. He could feel his palms get sweaty; they were almost shaking, too. He gently put the letter on the pillow, as if an alarm would go off if he made too much noise.
Deep breath.
He couldn't get out of that room fast enough.
Minutes passed, though it felt like hours. Luc was starting to get worried; he was pacing in his bedroom and Will still hadn’t gotten home. Was he always this late? Luc could have sworn he had always come in just before 3:30pm and it was already 3:50pm.
Just then, he heard the gentle click of the door unlocking. Lucas emerged from his doorway to greet his roommate.
“Hey,” Luc said softly.
Will whipped around to look at Luc, “Oh, hey! You're awake?”
“Couldn't sleep,” he shrugged. This whole ordeal kept him up all morning. “How was work?”
Will gave a sympathetic smile then rolled his eyes, remembering his day in the garage, “Oh my god, you wouldn't believe the morning I've had.”
Luc laughed to himself and followed Will as he made his way around the apartment, venting about his day and going about his afternoon ritual. Luc got more nervous every time Will got close to his room; he did a number of fakeouts before he finally went in. He was still really into what he was talking about, so he didn't immediately notice the letter.
Wait, thought Luc, what am I gonna do when he finds the letter? Oh my god, why didn't I think of that? I can't just stand there while he reads it; that would be so embarrassing. Oh god, oh, oh n-
“What's this?” Will held up the letter.
Luc didn't know what else to do, so he ran.
Ran to the only place he knew he could go. “Lucas?” Amber opened the door after an urgent barrage of knocks. “Aren't you supposed to be with Will?”
“I panicked!”
“You gave him the letter, right?” She opened the door wider to let him in.
“Yeah, he has it, I just didn't know what to do after that… I panicked! So I came here.”
“Now Lucas, how are you supposed to see his reaction to your beautiful, heartfelt words if you’re not down there with him?”
“Oh! He can use your crystal ball!” Ollie appeared suddenly, surprising both.
Amber scowled at the ghost.
“You have a crystal ball? For real?” Luc almost lit up at the idea.
Amber sighed, “I wouldn't call it that but yes.”
“You gotta let me spy on Will.”
Amber bit her lip, clearly uncomfortable do the idea, “Well…”
“Come on,” Luc was exasperated and desperate, “What else do you use it for, if not to spy?”
Amber huffed, “Fine! I don't condone this ridiculousness, but fine.” She went to go get the crystal ball from a very secret place-
“Underneath the sink? Why would you keep it there?”
She just shushed him and placed what looked to be a simple hat box on the coffee table. The three sat on the couch and gathered around as she pulled a dazzling crystal ball out of the box. Amber whispered some stuff under her breath and closed her eyes as a faint image of Will reading the letter on his bed started to appear.
“Oh my god, it's working!” Luc started to hop up and down on the couch, then moved in closer for a better look.
Will was just sitting there, reading the letter very intently. He was looking all over the paper, even going back and forth between the pages.
Lucas cocked his head to the side.
“Is that… two sheets of paper?”
The other two moved in closer, too.
“Oh my god.” Luc whispered, eyes very wide.
“What's the problem?” Amber asked, looking between the crystal and Luc.
“Oh my god,” he said again, standing up.
“That's the letter.”
“The first letter I wrote! The original? I rewrote it because it didn't make sense, it was too rambly, it was so… so much!”
He started to pace, thinking, biting his already short nails.
“Lucas, it's okay.” This was not going to end well.
“I rewrote it, I am sure I did! It was only one page, I know it was. How could it have- I wouldn't have- Oh, god. He's gonna laugh.” Luc couldn’t keep it in; it was like word vomit. Everything was just coming out again and he was powerless to stop it.
“Now, Luc, please listen,” Amber wanted desperately to soothe Luc’s nerves but she knew it would be futile; nothing she could say would help. Luc’s nightmare scenario came true and there was no bringing this boy back from that reality.
“No, worse! He's gonna tell everyone about it and get the whole town to laugh. He'll leave town and tell his home town friends about his dorky, desperate roommate that was madly in love with him. God, I'm such a joke.”
“Luc…” Amber’s heart was breaking for the poor kid; he was reacting so badly to this turn of events. She could relate. Sometimes screw-ups like this really did feel like the end of the world.
“I can never show my face around him again. Maybe I should leave town.”
“Alright, Luc!” Amber grabbed her panicking house guest by the shoulders, holding him squarely in place, “That’s enough. Lucas, you have to think clearly. You know none of that is true. None of it. Will isn’t like that, he would never,” she sighed and gave him a hug. “You can go lay down in my room, ok? Clear your head.”
So Lucas did just that. In fact, he may have even took a nap - he had been up for almost 20 hours already.
After a little less than two hours, Amber came in to check on him.
“How’re you feeling, dear?”
Luc’s moan was muffled by a pillow.
Amber sighed and sat down on her bed. “You should give him a chance.”
He curled into himself more.
“Really, you should.” She paused, clearly withholding information. “You know you left you phone out in the living room?” She held out his phone so he could clearly read it.
5 missed calls.
3 texts.
Hey where are u
Meet me in the garden before 6 pls
Luc sat up in bed and clutched his phone, reading the messages over and over. He looked up at Amber, worry written all over his face.
She put a hand on his shoulder and squeezed it gently. “It's almost six.”
Lucas didn't want to go.
But his feet were taking him downstairs already.
Every fiber in Lucas’s being was telling him this was a bad idea, that this was bound to end poorly.
But he kept going.
He stood in front of the doors that led to the garden for hours, days even, or maybe it was only a few seconds.
Deep breath.
When you count to 10, you'll open this door.
He closed his eyes.
With a hand on the door handle ready to turn, a sudden force pushed to door open seemingly out of nowhere.
“Lucas,” a surprised yet relieved voice said, a voice that Luc never got tired of hearing. The way that voice said his name made almost every fear and anxiety melted away.
“Will,” Luc had to force the words out of his mouth; he felt breathless.
They spoke at the same time.
“I was beginning to worry you weren't gonna-”
“I'm really sorry I didn't come sooner, things just-”
They laughed.
“We can,” Luc gestured,  “go back outside, if you want…”
Will smiled.
Amber laughed, all alone in her bedroom. Lucas had left so fast, it was hard to believe he was moping in here just a few minutes ago. He was worrying so much about what he thought would happen, he couldn’t let himself think about what actually would happen.
Or what did happen to bring them to this point.
Amber sighed.
She stepped out of her room to see the guilty spirit, still looking into the crystal ball.
She cleared her throat and put her hands on her hips, “Well?”
Ollie sunk further into the crystal ball, clearly invested in what they were looking at and not at all trying to avoid the gaze of the angry witch standing above them.
“Ollie, I know you were they one who switched Lucas’s letter.”
“You have no proof!” The ghost sat up defensively.
“Oh, come on, who else could it have been? No one but Lucas had any reason to be in his room, let alone know where those letters were.” Ollie was about to defend themself but Amber didn't let them, “Hold on, hmm… who do I know that can access any room in this building that they so please?”
“Listen, sister. He made it so easy! He didn't even seal the envelope the letter was in! How could I resist?”
“Ollie, we've been over this. You can't meddle in other people's business. It's rude! And contrary to your belief, you don't always know what's best for everyone.”
“Come on,” Ollie gestured to the crystal ball, still focused on Will, who was now talking to Luc in the garden, “look at how well this turned out.”
Amber sighed. Anyone could see that this was exactly what Luc needed - a push out of his comfort zone.
“That might be true, but my point still stands. You really freaked him out. I'm 89% sure he was having a panic attack.”
Ollie knew she was being serious but they couldn't help laughing a little. Luc was really freaked out.
“It's not funny, Ollie. He was really heartbroken.”
“Nothing happened.”
Amber’s voice reached a tone Ollie always hated hearing.
“Alright, I get it,” they got up from the couch, “I won't do it again. Jeez.”
“Ollie, please. I know you haven't been alive in a long time, so you may have forgotten what it's like to have feelings, but you have to be more sensitive to how you actions can hurt others.”
“Ouch,” they placed a hand over their chest, “I'm pretty sure you just hurt my feelings.”
Amber sighed a deep sigh. It was going to take a while to get through to this one, she could feel it.
“Hey, look what's going on in the garden!”
“So what I guess I’m trying to say is…” Will looked especially nervous, which was surprising as he had gone through this whole conversation pretty smoothly otherwise, “Marv gave me this extra ticket to, uh, the Valentine's boardwalk fair? Did’ya wanna go with me?”
Lucas’s head was running a mile a minute at that moment. After all, he had just heard that his roommate, and crush, had been harboring the same sort of feelings for him. For almost as long as he did!
Will said he didn't know what to make of those feeling because he had never really given much thought to anything related to romance ever, so he just brushed them aside. But, because of Luc's silly little love letter, Will knew he wasn't alone; that these feeling were real and valid, that he didn’t need to hide them anymore, that they could figure things out together.
And now, they were going out.
On a date.
With each other.  
Before Luc knew what he was doing, before he could stop himself, he tackled Will in the tightest hug. The force of the hug made Will spin with the momentum to avoid toppling over.
It was a warm hug; a good hug, a hug with promise.
It was the beginning of something beautiful.
Will pulled out of the hug and grasped Luc's hand tightly. He pulled Luc forward and started running towards the beach boardwalk.
They were both still very unsure about what hey had just done, but didn’t regret a single thing. Because, as long as they had each other, they knew they were gonna be alright.
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