docernie · 2 years
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fallmonds · 6 months
I made new random OCS and I'm thinking of writing little comics of them to post on here lol
(I stole my brother's friend's oc {Yoarg} and gave him a name and bsf SHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH)
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Yoarg has an extremely heavy mix of a Russian and German accent (Gaussian??) with slightly imperfect English, and Ludo has a more mild accent. Prushka is Yoarg's cat. She's an old mean fart who hates everyone except Yoarg and maybe Ludo. I also can't draw cats.
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illustratus · 5 months
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Ships in Distress off a Rocky Coast by Ludolf Bakhuizen
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cataclysmictide · 4 months
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I Love You, That's All
The Louvre - Lorde/Edgar Degas/The Creation of Adam - Michelangelo/Art Heist, Baby! - @otrtbs /The Gathering Storm - Ivan Konstantinovich Aivazovsky/The Last Great American Dynasty - Taylor Swift/The Louvre - Lorde/Unknown/Art Heist, Baby! - Otrtbs/New Year's Day - Taylor Swift/Margaret - Lana Del Rey/Unknown/Art Heist, Baby! - Otrtbs/New Year's Day - Taylor Swift/Ships in a Storm - Ludolf Bakhuizen/Interior with the Artist's Wife Emilie Heise -  Carl Holsøe/Art Heist, Baby! - Otrtbs/Half Return - Adrianne Lenker/Art Heist, Baby! - Otrtbs/My Tears Ricochet - Taylor Swift/Art Heist, Baby! - Otrtbs/Fourth of July - Sufjan Stevens/Unknown/Psyche Revived by Cupid's Kiss -  Antonio Canova/Bigger Than The Whole Sky - Taylor Swift/Love in the Heart of Everything; The Correspondence between Vladimir Mayakovsky & Lili Brik/Art Heist, Baby! - Otrtbs
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Ludolf Bakhuizen (Dutch, 1630–1708), "Ships in Distress off a Rocky Coast" (details), 1667
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Ludolf Nielsen (1876-1939) - Romance, Op. 20 ·
Anton Kontra, violin
Orchestra: South Jutland Symphony Orchestra
Conductor: Frank Cramer
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Christus im Sturm auf dem See Genezareth von Ludolf Backhuysen (1695, Öl auf Leinwand)
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circusboogaloo · 5 months
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leia-and-cannolis · 1 year
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holy shit i come back after not using tumblr for like a good year i think other than just mindlessly scrolling. now watch as i perform this really cool magic trick called “posting something, leaving, and never coming back until next year”.
anyways hi its kenji/leia... whichever you want to use lmao today was just one of those days where i revisit old ocs i know i have but refuse to draw them after having a hardcore phase for them back then. it do be like that sometimes but tbh i think its for the best of me. so here's my main OCs featured in whatever nutcracker story i have, Holle (old musketeer lady), Dolokhov (the little guy), and Roscow (the one i'm morally afraid for).
id love to get back more into them and the story i had for 'em tbh, so... idk hmu with questions or comments !! idk its been a while since i've drawn them but i have a lot of stuff planned for them tbh.
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here are just some extra closeups of stuff from the main page, and a pride quick sketch for them all!!
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yeah also i'm a warrior cats fan... even at 17, the series has a chokehold on me and to be honest i don't mind lmfao.
but yes as said, feel free to ask me stuff about my ocs n whatnot, i really appreciate feedback of literally any kind; it really helps with my in-general world and character building with a whole buncha things. tysm to those that read down this far... i hope i can make more content soon now that its summer and actually start this art blog lols.
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leifandthorn · 1 year
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Leif & Thorn Q&A #175-178
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Song Fic: Sleeping Alone
Song: Sleeping Alone by Dixon Dallas Characters: Kurt Lehmann, Gilbert Lehmann, Jorg Lehmann, Killian Lehmann, Lukkas Holt, Arthur Mitchell, Alice Sweeney Ship: Kurt x Lukkas, Lukkas x Arthur
Kurt sighed as he watched Arthur and Lukkas dancing around the ballroom together. He tried to keep the sting in his chest from showing on his face. He wouldn’t admit it out loud, but he missed him.
“So you really did break up?”
Kurt flinched, “Yes Gil, we broke up. Well, he broke up with me.”
Gilbert glanced up at him, “So you let him go? Doesn’t it hurt to see him with someone else?”
“Of course it hurts! But Lukkas doesn’t love me anymore! He left, I can’t keep him from leaving, idiot.”
Gilbert shrugged, looking back to the dancefloor, “Did you chase him away again?”
Kurt turned to glare at his younger brother, “Chase him away? What are you talking about?!”
“Killian says you push people away, especially when you love them. He said that’s why you yell at us so much. So, if you loved Lukkas, you’d push him away too. Killian says it’s what people do when they’re scared of getting their heart hurt. He said it’s because you miss Ma.”
Kurt turned away from Gilbert to shoot a glare across the room at their older brother, crossing his arms, “Killian needs to keep his mouth shut. Just because he’s the oldest doesn’t mean he knows everything!”
Gilbert gently kicked his foot on the floor, “Do you still love him?”
Kurt’s wide eyes met Gilbert’s, he hadn’t meant to answer, especially not so fast.
“Maybe you should talk to him? Alice says that if you talk to someone they’ll give you a second chance.”
Kurt rolled his eyes at his brother’s naivety, “Alice is a royal, Gil. Her world is different from ours. You need to remember that.”
“Ignore him, Gil, Kurt messed up too many times and didn’t think little Luka would actually leave him. When you push someone away too many times, they take the message even though you want them to stay.”
“Jorg, shouldn’t you be minding your own business?”
Jorg stood beside his younger brothers, “Shouldn’t you be guarding the ballroom instead of filling Gil with your cynical view of the world?”
Gilbert chuckled as Kurt received a quick scold from their older brother.
“I’m allowed to be upset.”
Jorg sighed, placing a hand on his shoulder, “No one said you can’t I’m just saying that you did this to yourself. You pushed the kid away and expected him to keep coming back. That doesn’t mean you can make Gil feel bad for suggesting talking to him to work things out. He’s younger and hasn’t been through a relationship, let alone a break-up. He just sees you sad and wants to throw out ideas to make his brother feel better. Don’t bark at us, pushing us away will be worse than pushing him away.”
Kurt huffed, marching away from the two and returning to his post outside the entrance to the ballroom. He didn’t need to be analysed by his brothers. He knew he messed up, he pushed Lukkas away too many times. He wasn’t an idiot. He couldn’t give Lukkas what he wanted and needed out of their relationship, and Lukkas couldn’t give him what he needed either. He just wasn’t ready to see him happy with someone else. He needed time to mourn what they had, what he fought so hard to change for. He was glad that Lukkas looked happy, but that didn’t make the pain hurt any less. Eventually, he could be truly happy for him, they were friends before they dated… He just needed time, and his brothers’ didn’t get it.
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4reudian · 3 months
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m-o-ustafa92 · 5 months
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كان لودولف باكهويسن رسام ألماني تدرب في البداية على يد والده ليصبح ناسخاً. في عام ١٦٤٩، إنتقل إلى أمستردام حيث أمّنت له مهاراته الرائعة في الخط العمل كموظف لدى واحد من أكثر تجار المدينة شهرة. في النهاية قادته براعته الإستثنائية في الرسم إلى ممارسة مهنة الرسام، مما أدى إلى نجاح سريع. كان لباكهويسن شغف خاص بإلتقاط تأثير الطقس على سطح البحر، وهو موضوع قدّمه بخبرة ملحوظة. بحلول الجزء الأخير من القرن السابع عشر، أصبح فنان المناظر البحرية الرئيسي في هولندا منتجاً لوحات بحرية للرُعاة الملكيين والأرستقراطيين عبر أوروبا. يمكننا تقدير موهبته اليوم بهذا المشهد البحري الرائع.
نرى ثلاث سفن شحن من نوع لعب دور محوري في تعزيز الازدهار الهولندي أثناء القرن السابع عشر. حاملة علم الجمهورية الهولندية باللون الأحمر والأبيض والأزرق المفعم بالحياة، تمثّل هذه المركبات الثراء الوطني بينما تتمايل بشكل خطير بالقرب من شاطئ صخري. لقد عانت كل سفينة بالفعل من خسارة صاري ويمكن رؤية أدلة على الحطام في الحطام العائم في المياة الرمادية الفولاذية في المقدمة. لكن وسط الكارثة الوشيكة يظهر بصيص من الأمل، إذ تخترق آشعة الشمس الذهبية السحب النذيرة بالشؤم مشيرة للبحارين المُحاصرين أن العاصفة على وشك الإنحسار. يُعد هذا المشهد تذكير مؤثر بعبور الحياة.
Ships in Distress off a Rocky Coast
Ludolf Backhuysen
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illustratus · 5 months
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Seascape and Fishing Boats by Ludolf Bakhuizen
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quo-usque-tandem · 10 months
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Ships in Distress off a Rocky Coast by Ludolf Backhuysen
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Ludolf Bakhuizen (Dutch, 1630–1708), "Ships in Distress off a Rocky Coast" (detail), 1667
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