oceanjoker · 5 months
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Last few days have been exhausting, buncha off bullshit happening, But i'm still cooking some stuff! So anyways I wanted to post this random ass stuff I drew based on a bunch of memes with a friend,
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jxckyx3 · 1 year
It's been a while since I've posted here!!
I hope you guys missed me as much as I missed you!!
Anyways, enough sappy shit. Let's get inta' some smut!
(⁠☞⁠ ͡⁠°⁠ ͜⁠ʖ⁠ ͡⁠°⁠)⁠☞
Ship: Nogla harem --who's surprised? Not us--
Top(s): Evan, Tyler, Jon, Brock, Marcel, Scotty, Lui & Brian
Bottom: Nogla
AU: Hybrid
Setting: Cave / Forest
Type: Smut
Warning ⚠️: The chapter that you're about to read contains mention of slavery, assault, attempt of sexual assault, sexual themes, animalistic behavior and other mentions or situations that may disturb, trigger or offend the viewer. Reader's discretion is advised. 🔞
Third pov -
The forest was large. Tall trees, wide fields, many meadows and beautiful creaks and waterfalls.
Hybrids were a main part of nature, symbolizing peace and kindness, fertility and vitality, Innocence and submissiveness. Or in the bible, at least.
Full breed humans were long gone. Wether rid of old age, or all off in space like they've been trying for years.
All that was left in their wake, was the remaining lives of the hybrids that were long forgotten, long uncared for.
The animals had to take what the humans left them, and recover. Turning the vast majority of human waste, into something beautiful.
Old cities were turned into housing for the more picky hybrids, wooden houses were turned into spare wood for the bugs and beavers that has use of it, the clothing that was left was used as a bit of cover-up, and human food was turned into medicine.
If hybrids knew anything, it was medicine.
Back when humans still lived on earth, hybrids were used as slaves. Abiding by the rules by their owners. But not anymore. They now lived by their own rules. Their natural rules.
The rules of the wild.
However, lacking a president of some sort or government, meant nobody could be taken accountable for their actions.
Predators were nasty, the more greedy of them leaving bloodshed behind. While the prey strived to survive in a world without punishment.
That's when the rules of the wild became more stern. More serious.
Hybrids had to live as the generations of animals like them once had used. If you're prey, survive any way you can. If you were predator, mark you territory and make yourself heard.
It was like the game that was played before the cavemen showed up. It was 'Live your life to the fullest, but watch out, because it can end in an instant'.
The hybrids did a pretty good job at letting everything fall back into place. Being the free wild animals they once were centuries ago—only this time, they had hands and feet.
Zebra stuck in large crowds, bunnies had babies like no other, and birds swooped through the skies without a care to get shot.
After all, the humans took all their weapons anyway.
Hybrids had to teach themselves the way of the human, of course. They didn't want to be entirely wild. Books were still a thing, but many hybrid couldn't read. Science was still a thing so electricity worked...but those were only used for the cats and dogs that lived in the cities.
The more house pet kind of animals liked to stay a little bit classy at least.
Many animals struggled to live, and here in the forest, was one of them.
Pale hands reached through the crystal clear water, admiring the cleanliness. Humans had always ruined their oceans and rivers, so it was nice to see the toxic waste disintegrate and the waters clear up day by day.
The humans at least had the decency to add in a chemical that killed all plastics and plastics only from the ocean. It wasn't harmful to fish, and was doing wonders on the seas.
Though many rumoured that it was only because they would want to return back to earth in the future. Not anytime soon hopefully.
They'd just ruin it again.
Big ears twitched as a water droplet shot up and landed on a stand of dark fur, causing the owner to shake his head to rid of the ticklish feeling.
He raised his hands from the river, cupping the water close to his mouth as he took a few large gulps.
The hybrid was a fox, born in Ireland. Long ago, his pack was taken down by a murder—murder as in a group of crows. The birds had attacked their colony and they had split up for safety.
The fox hybrid never wanted to, but it was the only way to stay alive. If he hadn't listened to his mother's last words before she bolted for the woods, he might've been dead by now.
He sighed softly, staring down at his own reflection. His bright green eyes looked back up at him, looking all so lonely.
The fox—named Daithi after his grandfather—had traveled around the globe aimlessly, trying to find a permanent home. Yet he had to find one. He fled Ireland more than twenty years ago, and if he could read a damn single letter, he'd be able to read signs he saw on the highway and find out where he was damnit.
But alas, not every hybrid was graced with an ancestor that lived upon human once, and that could teach them the way of the scribbles they doodled on papers they called 'words'.
Daithi giggled at the thought, loving the idea of having some old grandfather fox that could have sat him on his lap as a child and teach him to read and write.
That would've been great...
The fox then flinched, his hair standing on end and his head snapping up as he hears the sounds of leaves shuffling.
It was the ending of winter, and underneath all the melted snow were dry twigs and crunchy autumn leaves.
It was obvious someone was near.
Daithi lowered slightly, shifting his eyes around his surroundings. The half-naked trees blew lightly from the soft breeze, the sun hitting down on the river and making the moss covered rocks look to glow. It was a clear sky, so he was glad he could see all the blind spots behind the trees, canceling any shadow and place to hide.
Yet, it scared him. Because once he saw a trio of black bears, he was all fight or flight.
Tall, muscular, bulky. Too strong for him. If they were grizzly, he'd have a better chance by playing dead. But with black bears, he would need to fight back. And... Daithi's more of a lover than a fighter.
"Well...looks like someone's in our spot boys." The first bear spoke, his voice scratchy and deep. Daithi shivered at the tone. Malicious, violent.
"In our territory... Doesn't that call for death?" The second asked, crossing his thick arms over his chest as he glared the fox down. Their accents were American. Daithi knew he must be in the United States somewhere.
The third quickly cut the two off, waving at them.
"No, no, let's have a bit of fun. Been a while since we've tortured such a pretty little thing." He grinned, earning immediate agreement at the sinister plan.
Daithi growled softly, not liking where this was going.
He couldn't fight, but damnit he had to try. His shitty combat skills have gotten him this far, he can't give up on life now.
Even if he had nothing to live for...
He still had pride though. And he was not going to die by the hands by a few stupid bears that think the world is like their own circus.
"Fuck you." He snapped, slowly rising to his feet. One of the bears chuckled at that, taking great enjoyment at the way Daithi's claws shot out.
"With such tiny claws to defend? I think it's best if we do the fucking, babe." The first bear smirked, showing claws of his own.
Thick, sharp, long. Unlike Daithi's that were short and thin. He growled at himself softly.
I really need to stop worrying about manicuring my damn claws, he thought.
Daithi peered back up to the bears, shooting them one more glare before he was off, jumping across the rocks of the river gracefully and running into the forest.
He tried to keep a steady pace, breathing through his nose as he hears the excited roars and calls of the bear as they began to chase after him.
To them, this was just another wild goose chase. Like cat and mouse. They'd hunt Daithi down, rip him to shreds, and once they've had their fun, cook him up and serve him as diner.
'Daithi de diner' didn't sound very appetizing, in his mind.
He spared a glance over his shoulder, seeing the bears running to him as if this was a walk in the park. They weren't even sprinting.
But neither was he.
He dashed over the damp soil of the earth, turning a corner of a small rocky mountain and carefully jumping from fallen log to log.
The weather had gotten much better since the humans left, so a fresh winter storm had just ended. It had caused many large trees to fall, most of which were ranged from millions years of age.
Daithi smiled softly as he hears the curses from the bears, peeking over his shoulder to see them stumble on the logs like barrels.
The ground was still wet, and all underneath the logs was mud and sand. They had to be light on their feat and fast if they wanted to cross the log valley like the fox had.
Daithi finished the twenty feet of logs, landing on the solid ground softly. He chanced another peek back, only to grumble and stomp his foot in annoyance as he saw the bears start to pick up logs, throwing them aside like twigs and making their way to him. Fast.
And here all he wanted was some water. Now, he's going to get mauled by black bears.
He huffed, turning away and begining to run again. He heard them just make their way to solid ground as well, continuing to run his way away from the rocky paths and towards the open tree areas instead.
If he couldn't outrun them, he'd have to outsmart them. He was a fox, after all.
He panted lightly as he reached the trees, making sure to kick any small log of break down any lower branch to slow down the bears a little.
"Come here you mutt!" One of the bears shouted.
Wow, now that's just disrespectful.
Daithi pouted in offense, hating to be compared to those privileged k-nines that lived in the cities. They were almost as bad as humans.
Wolves and coyotes were cool, but dogs were not. They were too posh for his liking.
Daithi grunted as he jumped a bit, grabbing onto a low branch of a tree, and swinging himself up onto it. He landed with a soft puff of air, bending his knees and jumping forward.
He outstretched his arms, flying through the air and landing on another branch from a nearby tree.
Daithi ran through the trees as the bears ran on ground, hoping to keep the high ground if he couldn't outrun them.
His ears flickered, hearing more noises in the forest. But the trees were thickening, and the branches were fuller in this area. It was much harder to see his surroundings.
Also, the fact that he was getting chased by bears with the desire to demolish him, really distracted him from caring about what else was going on.
Daithi jumped to a far tree, yelping softly as he almost missed the branch. But he couldn't help but to snort when a shorter branch fell and smacked one of the bear in the face.
"You bitch!" He shouted. Daithi giggled, too busy laughing at the angry look on his face to notice the branch above his head.
He smacked into it with a choked gasp, the momentum causing him to fall from the tree. He winced as the sharp rocks in the ground pierced into his back, causing him to arch his body in pain.
But that was the least of his worries, when he felt a harsh yank on his tail and he was lifted from the ground.
He held in a sob at the pain of being held by such a thin limb that was more fur than flesh and bone. He swore if he was lifted any more, his tail would surely rip from his body.
"Now look who's laughing, you little shit!" The bear that got smacked growled, smacking Daithi across his face, claws out and everything.
The fox let out a sharp cry, but it wasn't the pain from his face. He felt it sure, but it was the pain from his tail. He could swear he felt it dislocate from the force of the smack.
He whimpered as the other bear grabbed him by his scratched face, squeezing his cheeks between his hand. The action caused more blood to leak from the three nicks in his cheek.
"Stupid dog, I was gonna kill you off easy. Now I want you to feel pain." He hissed, growling and barring his sharp teeth.
Daithi barked in pain as the other bear dropped him to the ground, at least glad that his tail bone was left alone.
He tried to get back on his knees, only for the third gear to kick his side and flip him onto his back. He wheezed as all the air was punched from his lungs, a stinging pain spreading over his ribs.
"Fuckin' mutt, you're gonna be begging for me to stop when I'm done with you." The first bear spoke, dropping to his knees between Daithi's legs and punching him square in the gut.
Daithi opened his mouth in a silent scream, feeling a coppery taste enter his mouth from the hit.
Yeah a few hits could cripple his strength to fight back just a little, but these were bears. Man eating, meat eating, fox eating bears. They were five times his strength. Hell, even a coyote would have a better chance at taking them on than he did.
Because he was just a measly fox.
"And I mean, begging." The bear spoke, his voice dropping to a deep gravely like sound. Daithi peered his watering eyes open, breathing sharply as he saw the bear reach his hands down to the soft material of rabbit hyde at Daithi's hips.
Great, this is how I die. Getting fucked by a couple of disgusting, creepy bears.
"You're gonna want me to kill you before we're done." He smirked wickedly, lowering his head down to Daithi's neck.
He gave a scream of pain as he felt those scarily sharp teeth latch into his shoulder, his whole body shaking in discomfort as the dark blood oozed down his pale skin.
"Mm, so sweet and tasty." The bear growled, running his tongue over the blood. Daithi cried, looking up at the sun to blind himself. That way, he couldn't see how he died.
At least he'll remember the pretty sun and the beautiful tall trees right before he was taken to death...
Yet death, never came. In fact, Daithi couldn't even remember why he was here. How long has he been here?
Right, the bears. But where were they?
Just a second ago, he swore he was just underneath one of them, about to get eaten alive. But now the bear was nowhere to be seen.
Daithi heard grunting and growling, blinking his eyes away from the sun.
As much as he wanted those things to be the last things he saw being going to heaven, his curiosity got the best of him, and he wanted to know what the hell was going on.
He tried to blink his vision back to normal, but the blurry spots from the sun blinded him momentarily and the tears of pain weren't making it better. He was sobbing weakly.
When did he start crying?
He felt his ears lower when a shadow casted over him- no, a silhouette blocking the sun and staring down at him. He gave a soft cry, wanting them to just go away and let him die in peace, but then another one popped up.
Then another, and he couldn't hear any more struggles or growls. Just quiet muttering, that sounded to fuzzy for him to head.
Had he hit his head that hard that he momentarily lost his hearing as well?
He started to panic as he felt arms wrap around his body, whimpering in fear as he was lifted from the ground. But thankfully, not by his tail this time.
He felt a solid, warm object pressed next to him, and he didn't know what was coming over him, but he pressed into it.
Wether it be because he was scared and needed the reassurance, if he didn't give a shit anymore, or because he was so touch starved that he'd give anything for at least a bit of physical contact. He didn't know, but what he did know, was that he was welcomed to the warmth, making small animalistic sounds of pain as the other stranger him tightly.
"Don't worry, you're safe now." Was the last words he heard, before all he saw was darkness.
Daithi blinked once, he blinked twice. And when he blinked the third time, he realized that he wasn't in his burrow and that he was in a world of pain.
He shot his eyes open quickly, looking around frantically but not moving a single muscle. He was facing a rock wall, that much was known. But where he was or how he got here, was a complete mystery.
He frowned in confusion, trying to stay as still as possible as if he was trying to play dead. Natural instincts I guess.
He thought back to what happened, easily doing so as foxes had great memory.
He remembers the river and the bears, the chase, the assault, and the...save he was given?
He remembered the silhouettes of the three that had helped him, but what were they?
Daithi flinched and let a squeak escape his lips as he heard a loud sneeze, bolting up and backing up into the wall he had been staring at.
"Woah there buddy, calm down." One of the men said. Daithi scanned the room as quick as possible, taking note of everything.
The four hybrids, the bookshelves filled with books lined against the rock walls, the man-made looking counters and shelves filled with what looked to be medicines. Then, the large open gap in the rock that looked to be the doorway.
If worst goes to worst, that has to be his getaway. There's no other option.
"Hey, calm down. Alright? You're okay. You're safe." He snapped his head over to the one who spoke, whimpering as he took a step closer.
He didn't know why he was summiting to surrender like a scared kitten. He could've growled at the man, but he knew better. He was hurt. He couldn't fight.
Even if he had to.
"Hey, it's okay. I know it's scary, just take a few deep breaths for me. Yeah?"
The man's voice was so soft and gentle, Daithi found himself following orders. For some odd reason, his body gave in, panting lightly and gradually slowing to a steady breathing as the man finally made it just a foot from him.
In punching distance...
"See? All better now. Just relax, nobody's gonna hurt you. I promise." The hybrid smiled, grabbing Daithi's hands gently and holding them in his own.
Daithi felt his heart do literal black flips, trying to remember the last time he'd been touched so tenderly
And though he was a fox with a memory of a healthy elephant...he couldn't remember a single time he's been handled so gently. So carefully.
So... lovingly.
"Hey uh, how about I get him more comfortable and you guys go get him something to eat from the stuff you got? We'll talk this all out later." The man said, turning to face the other three.
Daithi snapped his head in their direction, almost having forgotten about them.
The three exchanged glances before shrugging or humming and making their way out of the tiny cave, into what looked to be more tunnels.
Daithi looked back to the man holding his hands, taking in his hybrid features.
Fair sized brown pointed ears, deep brown eyes with pupils larger than average, white sharp claws, long slick tail, and sharp k-nines that showed when he smiled.
Wolf. He was a wolf hybrid. No wonder he submitted so easily, he must be an alpha.
"Hey um, you must be really scared. I'll just start from the beginning." He grinned nervously, taking a step away from Daithi and leaning against one of the counters.
In all honesty, Daithi sort of missed the hand holding.
"The three that just left were out hunting. Uh, they needed more fish but they saw the chase. They saw you getting hurt by 'The Three Little Bears' and decided to help. They're one of our usual neighbors. But most definitely not friendly." He joked with a light chuckle.
But Daithi didn't laugh. Too scared too.
The wolf noticed his silence, clearing his throat awkwardly before continuing.
"Uh, anyways. They saw you getting hurt pretty badly, so they stepped in. You got a few fractured ribs, nothing to worry about, they'll heal in a few weeks or so. Uh, you have a few dislocated bones in your tail, but I pushed those back in place. Other than a few cuts, scraped and bruises though, you're all good." He said, grinning like it was the greatest news ever.
Daithi hesitantly nodded, at least trying to be polite. After all, it's how his parents raised him. This guy obviously healed him, so the least he could do was acknowledge his help.
"By the way, my name's Brock. You're lucky the guys found you when they did, they don't usually do that. But I, uh...think they mistakened you for one of us." He then said, rubbing his chin as he looked Daithi up and down.
Daithi gulped at that, now understanding why they had even helped him at all. It it was any other species, they would've walked on by and didn't look back.
They thought he was a wolf. But this guy...this guy knew.
"You're not a wolf...are you." The wolf- Brock, said. Daithi messed with the vines on his hands nervously—human clothes were easily dirtied and ruined, he's rather make clothing from materials in the forest—, trying to find an awnser.
He could potentially lie. But he was scared. So incredibly scared. He's been attacked by bears yes, but he's delt with many before. He's never delt with a wolf, and he feared that Brock would do something to him if he lied.
"...n-no." He admitted quietly, keeping his eyes down and getting ready to accept his fate if Brock decided to kill him right then and there.
"Hmm, figured that much. Not a lot of wolves in our den have black fur. At least not without a bit of white, grey or brown highlights." Brock muttered, licking his teeth in thought. Daithi flicked his eyes away from the sharp fangs, not saying anything.
Brock noticed his silence.
"You scared?" He asked, his tone dropping from casual to something a little more comforting. Daithi looked up at him, seeing only sincere kindness in those eyes.
"A-a bit." He admitted, keeping his talking to a minimum, because he felt unwelcomed in wolf territory.
Like a goat in a lions den.
Wolves were known to be the most violent when it came to protecting their pack and their territory. But Daithi hadn't met one before, so he wasn't gonna act by the stereo type. Although...it was better to act safe, just in case.
"Don't be. Most of the guys here and some of the most unscariest people you'll ever meet." Brock said, smiling softly at the other.
Daithi couldn't help but let a giggle slip out at that, thinking back to the dramatic, overly obnoxious sneeze one of the other wolves had let out not too long ago.
Brock smiled, happy to see the other smiling a little. It looked much better than the crying, whimpering man the other's hand taken in a few hours ago.
"Yo, got the shit!" A loud voice came. Daithi immediately dropped his smile, pushing himself back into the corner. He wasn't scared because they were wolves or because there was more of them. But he was scared because they were taller than Brock and a bit more built.
And though they did save him, they had taken down three black bears. Three. There was even a bit of blood still on them from the attack.
Brock noticed the fox's change in attitude, holding a hand up to stop the other three from walking any closer.
"Just...here's fine. He's still a bit spooked, Jon." Brock said, confusing the other wolf. He thought for a few seconds, looking to Daithi before looking back at Brock.
"Alright, that's cool." He shrugged, handing the basket to the medic. Brock sighed, gesturing the three to sit down as he slowly walked back to Daithi.
"Try to eat the whole thing. You're skinnier than a few of our omegas." One of the other wolves—named Evan— said, gesturing to the basket Brock set on the bed as he looked to Daithi.
But the fox still didn't respond, keeping his eyes on the three as he subconsciously hugged his tail. Traumatized from it being tugged on so carelessly.
Not to mention, their pheromones were strong, and very intimidating to say the least.
"What's his deal?" The one named Tyler asked, raising a brow in Brock's direction as he sat himself on one of the logs in there that they used as chairs.
"Uh...he's not- he's not a wolf, guys." Brock broke the news, looking to his friends like they were stupid. Like they should've known he was a whole different species despite their similarities in looks.
"What? He's not?" Evan asked, looking to Brock in confusion.
"Nope." He confirmed, popping his 'p' as he looked down at them.
"Then what is he?" Jon asked, clearly not understanding since Daithi looked almost exactly like them.
"Fox." Brock simply replied, pursing his lips at them.
"There's...such thing as a black fox?" Tyler asked, narrowing his eyes at the medic in case he was getting this all wrong. But the other looked all too confident, nodding his head in certain.
"Mhm. Only seen in the UK and Ireland. But they're very rare. He's very rare." He explained, gesturing to Daithi.
The fox was too busy eyeing the basket of fish to notice the wolves looking at him, just now seeing his differences.
His coat of fur was entirely black, not a single strand of white, grey, or even brown like most black wolves had. The only non-black area, was the tip of his tail, that was a shiny looking silver. His ears were much bigger than any wolf's, his tail was fluffier and his claws were much too tiny.
And as wolves have sharp eyes, Daithi's were big and doe-like.
They stared for God knows how long, the small cave filled with a deafening silence. Brock was weirded out by his pack's unusual silence, taking the chance to break the awkwardness.
He pushed himself from the counter and pushed the basket of fish a little closer to Daithi, breaking the fox from his hungry gaze.
He flicked his eyes up to Brock, then back to the fish, repeating the action in askance. Brock gave him a swift nod, smiling in encouragement.
"Go ahead."
Daithi bit his lip in thought, his nose tingling at the smell of the raw fish.
He was hungry, and he was really weak. Plus, they demanded he eat, and he wasn't gonna disobey them.
He hesitated, reaching his hand out to grab one of the fish. He glanced at Brock, earning another smile and gesture for him to continue.
Daithi sniffed the fish, his mouth salivating. Damn, he was so hungry.
He let his tail drop from his lap as he took a tiny bite of the fish, relishing the way it's skin peeled from the body.
He whimpered in a moment of weakness, his tail wagging a bit as he realized this was salmon. And oh how he loved, salmon.
He took another bite, tasting the flavor of blood and pink fish melt on his tongue. His ears perked up from their position of laying flat against his head, quiet whines slipping from his mouth as he continued to eat like he was a starving man.
The wolves couldn't help but to smile, finding the fox all too adorable. I mean, if they hadn't saved him and turned a blind eye, this cuteness and innocence would all go to waste and he'd be dead right now.
Seeing as the fox was a little more lively, now that he was eating, Evan decided to get to know him a little.
"So little vixen, what's your name?" He asked, sounding more friendly than usual. Brock snapped his head in Evan's direction, knowing it was the same tone Evan used whenever he wanted to hook-up with one of the beta or delta. On rare occasions, an omega.
"Daithi." The fox said softly, still uncertain but a little more open. They did give him fish, what else could a fox like him ask for?
"David, cute name." Jon smirked flirtatiously, looking the fox up and down with lustful blue eyes.
"Jonathan..." Brock spoke warningly, giving a firm look at the other. Hell, he knew that this was gonna end up being a problem because the fox was cute, but fuck.
"What? I'm just givin' a compliment, no need to go all alpha on me." Jon grinned, noticing the challenging look in Brock's eyes. It said 'I dare you, but I already warned you once and that was enough'.
"Hey- just curious. What's your subgender?" Tyler asked, not having taken a single look away from Daithi this whole time, completely out of curiosity.
"Tyler! You can't just ask people about that. We don't even know if foxes have their own dynamics." Brock exclaimed in disbelief, shooting him a glare with a shake of his head.
"What, I was just curious!" The other said in defense, doing the same gesture Brock did, only more dramatic to egg him on even more.
But before Brock could point it out, Evan was speaking again.
"I thought you research all about animals? Isn't that what doctors do?" He asked, gesturing to the shelves filled with books. Brock sighed at that, shaking his head in answer.
"Yeah, the animals that I treat. I'm a wolf, in a wolf pack. I research about wolves, not foxes." He explained, rolling his eyes in even more disbelief.
How stupid could one be?
"Oh, well, alright then. Let's just ask Daithi. Daithi, do you have dynamics?" Jon asked, using the same soft tone he heard Brock use in case he scared the poor fox.
Because as much as he wanted to flirt with him and make Daithi nervous, he didn't want to scare him out of his mind.
The fox jumped as he realized he was being spoken to, noticing the room when silent for him again.
"U-uh...yes." He replied, a bit uncomfortable with the new strangers. Even if they did save his life.
"Great! Now that that's settled, what are you?" Jon continued, smiling down at Daithi with that toothy grin.
It wasn't scary, so much as...different.
Brock groaned with a roll of his eyes, facepalming at the behavioral problems his friends had.
"Uh... I-I'm an omega." Daithi replied sheepishly, returning the fish back to his mouth. Because fuck did it taste good!
"Omega. Right, makes sense." Tyler nodded.
"Yeah, I sorta expected that." Evan agreed.
"Same. He's too small to be beta. Tall, but too slim." Jon butted in.
"Guys!" Brock exclaimed in disappointment, smacking the closest upside the head. Jon being the unlucky one.
Daithi just laughed at that, understanding completely by when Brock said 'unscariest'. Sure they looked big, buff and scary. But they were sweet so far.
He was actually starting to get used to them. But one thing they did know, was that they loved his laugh.
"Anyways, all genders aside, you won't be able to get back on your feet for at least a few months. You can try, but I'd rather you not. Those bears can hold a grudge." Brock said, changing the subject to much important matters.
"Great! You'll be stuck with us until then!" Evan exclaimed, already excited to let the rest of the alpha's meet their new little friend.
"I'm...not sure that's a good thing. Don't trust him Daithi." Brock muttered, earning more laughs from the fox as Evan gasped on offense and went on a rant about how he's top alpha and blah, blah, blah.
Brock could give two shits.
"It's fine, they're less chaotic than these three, trust me." Brock tried, gesturing to the three other alpha's that shot him looks of offense.
Daithi only whined, staring down towards the end of the tunnel as he fiddled with his tail. He was glad only the base was sore, because he fidgeted with the tip a lot.
"Would it make you feel better if I held your hand?" Evan offered, knowing it was hard to deal with the whole pack sometimes. Especially when they were all together.
And it couldn't be any easier for Daithi, seeing as he's a fox and not a wolf.
He nodded his head quickly, immediately taking the hand that was offered to him. Evan chuckled in adoration, giving Daithi's hand a reassuring squeeze as they began to walk towards the dining den.
It was lunchtime, and though Daithi already had one fish, he was beyond starving. Plus, it gave the guys an excuse to let the rest of the pack meet him.
The five hybrids walked towards the chattering voices slowly, Daithi's anxiety and fear spiking when he saw a few new faces in sight.
He whimpered quietly, grabbing onto Tyler's hand with his free one. The wolf was startled by the contact, glancing down. Though he usually hated being touched—especially by horny omegas— he didn't mind at all. Simply chuckling as Daithi squeezed his hand harder.
"Hey guys!" Evan called, earning immediately greetings and squeals of his name from a few female wolves.
"Uh, new addition to our pack. I'd like for you all to meet Daithi! He a fox. Cute, isn't he?" He asked, pulling Daithi forward and showing off their joined hands.
The cave went silent, wolves blinking up at the fox in confusion, surprise and awe.
Jon chuckled under his breath at that.
Not only was he a sight for sore eyes, but he's holding Evan's hand. The simps are definitely not gonna like that.
"Wow..." Marcel was the first to speak, looking at the fox in shock.
"Hey uh, nice to meet you. Name's Marcel." He said with a wide smile, standing up to shake the other's hand.
Daithi let go of Evan's hand, hesitantly reaching over to greet him properly. His grip was just as strong as the other four's, and he looked less intimidating than Jon, Evan and Tyler.
"Uh, hi. I'm Daithi- or, David in English. N-nice ta meet ye." He said shyly, for some reason feeling the warm welcoming with the- alpha? He surely smelt like one.
A loud bang on the table then scared Daithi, yelping as he jumped and clung to Tyler, shaking violently.
"Ha! Ye're Irish! My god, it's been so long since I've met another!" Another alpha jumped up from his seat, having had slammed his hands on the table.
"Brian!" Brock exclaimed, scoffing as he pinched the bridge of his nose.
"What?! I'm excited!" Brian said in defense, flopping back to his seat with a huff and pout as he crossed his arms like a child.
"Okay, but he just got attacked by three black bears. He's still jumpy, just- calm your yitties a bit." Brock sighed, rolling his eyes as Brian could only laugh at his choice of wording.
"Sorry Daithi, he's one of the louder ones." Jon pointed out, taming Daithi's fur down a bit.
"I-its'kay... it's okay, uh. Sorry Tyler." Daithi mumbled, gently pulling himself off of the other. Of course, he still held his hand though.
"Nah, it's cool." The alpha shrugged, earning immediate confusion from the betas and omegas.
Tyler was an alpha that hated contact. Especially physical, so it was strange for him to brush Daithi off so easily and unaggressively.
"Here uh, sit. I'll make you a plate." Brock sighed, gesturing for his friends to sit as he began to fill Daithi's plate with cooked fish and salad.
They all sat at the end of the table, and it confused the pack, because that side was only for alpha's.
Daithi didn't look like an alpha, so why were they letting him sit with them?
"Uh David, so this is Scotty, Lui, you already met Marcel, and Brian the idiot." Jon explained, taking a seat next to Tyler. Who was next to Nogla, still holding hands.
This was all very confusing for the pack.
"Oh, n-nice ta meet ye all." David smiled, waving with his free hand.
"Pleasures all ours." Lui grinned, taking Daithi's hand and placing a kiss to his knuckles. The fox flushed at the action, the tint on his pale face visible.
"Stop that." Brock huffed, smacking Lui's hand away.
"Ow!" He hissed, drawing back immediately. Brock rolled his eyes, setting Nogla's plate down in front of him.
He seriously loved his friends, but they can be a bit much.
"Thanks Brock." David thanked him for the food, swiping his tail underneath the alpha's chin in a sort of thankful, affection manner.
He froze at that, feeling his fangs unvoluntarily grow a bit longer. He pursed his lips shut, trying to hide them. But his friends already saw.
"No problem." He smiled, making sure not to use teeth. Brian smirked at the medic, the two holding eye contact as Brian wiggled his eyebrows, earning a glare in response.
"Mmm, ye have such a wonderful smell Daithi." He grinned, shifting his gaze to the fox. David looked up at that, a warm feeling seeping in to his heart hearing the accent.
It's been a while since he's left Ireland, he missed the familiarity of it all.
"T'anks. My pa used ta say I got it from me mum." He said, taking a bite of the delicious fish.
God, he loved fish.
"Interesting, so do-" Scotty began, only to get cut off by a random beta listening in on the conversation. Well, they were all eavesdropping, but were doing a pretty shitty job at hiding it.
"Wait, so if you come from Ireland and you're a fox, then where's your pack?" The woman asked, a bit of attitude in her tone. A few of the guys wanted to say something, but they just let it play through a bit.
They were also a bit curious.
"Uh...we were all separated when a murder-"
"A murder?!" Evan cut him off, spitting out his drink to exclaim in disbelief.
"Ah- no, no." Daithi said, giggling, as the other got it all wrong. And the little laugh was definitely enough to ease all their nerves, but not entirely.
"No, a murder. Crows. T'ey split us up. Somethin' ta do wit' territory or some shit. Honestly, too stupid fer me ta care 'bout it anymore." He shrugged, going back to eating his fish.
At that, a few of the alpha's glared over at the woman that spoke, a whine slipping from her lips as she lowered into her seat in guilt.
"Anyways, I ran away, and now I'm here. But at least I don' have ta have an arranged marriage wit' an alpha." David shrugged again, at this point not even scared.
In fact, he was quite comfortable here. The way Tyler rubbed his knuckles with his thumb really helped.
Which drew lots of attention, because Tyler? Tyler of all people? Being affectionate? It was practically unheard of.
Tyler knew the gazes were there, but he didn't feel angry or embarrassed like he thought he would. In fact, he felt calm. Maybe the warmth of David's hand just did that for him.
"Wait, so foxes have dynamics?" Scotty asked, leaning forward in interest. Brock groaned, shaking his head. Daithi nodded, humming as he chewed the rest of his bite and swallowed.
"Mhm! In fact, I'm an omega. Even crazier, I can get pregnant if I wanted ta." He giggled. Now it was Lui's turn to spit his water out.
"Yo-you can get pregnant?" He asked in disbelief, choking a bit on his words. David nodded, a bit confused.
"You're male omega can't get pregnant?" He asked.
"Uh, we don't have any male omega." Evan explained, gesturing over to the end of the table. Only to show, all women.
"Huh...strange." Daithi mumbled, flicking his tail in thought.
"Speaking of pregnancy, are you looking for pups? Because I can give, if y'know what I mean." One of the deltas from the middle of the table spoke up.
The alpha's all glared at him, not wanting to ruin Daithi's innocence. However, it didn't seemed like the fox understood the flirty joke anyways.
"How so? Ye can get pregnant too?" He asked, tilting his head adorably as he perked his ears and tail up.
"...Hey Marcel, why don't you show Daithi around? He needs to learn the tunnels if he's gonna be staying here." Brock asked, the other alpha immediately getting the message behind the soft words.
"Sure man. C'mon David." Marcel perked up, walking around the table to help the fox to his feet, getting a yelp in surprise and giggles as he picked him up bridal style and ran down one of the many tunnel openings.
It was quiet for a few seconds, until Brock sighed and turned his head down the table to the rest of the pack.
"Listen. Delta, beta, omega- I don't care what you are. You hurt David, lay a single hand on him or so much as talk to him in a suggestive way...we will unrank you, and you'll be forced to leave the pack. Do I make myself clear?" He asked. Speaking softly and darkly.
The most threatening Brock had ever been, and it left the pack confused and fearful. Having no choice but to merely nod in understanding.
"Right...great." Brock sighed, sitting forward as he began to eat his food, the others doing the same.
But all that they knew, was that something was going on with their alpha's. And it was definitely because of that new fox they brought in.
Nogla fell right into the alpha pack, like he was meant to be there.
He got along so well with the other wolves, and him and the guys were the bestest of friends.
Hell, Nogla's new nickname was even given to him by Brian. Meaning 'friendly' in English.
Of course, the vixen was still a pretty thing, and the wolves liked to stare. Everything about him was amazing.
His smell, his laugh, his smile. They couldn't get enough, but they didn't dare to speak suggestively to him. After all, Brock swore never to hurt his pack, but he was a man that kept his word.
If they touched Nogla, they'd be in deep shit.
A few of the omegas were jealous of Daithi's role. Always hanging around with the alpha's without needing authority or permission. Even if he was a omega himself.
Nogla did happen to make a few real friends with a couple of omegas though. He called them his girlfriends, which the guys thought was super adorable.
It's been two months at best that Nogla's been with the guys. And they all trusted eachother with their lives.
So when March came around, Nogla trusted the guys enough to tell them about the season.
The fox mating season.
The first day he fell into his heat, the guys got concerned by the blood curdling fox screams they heard from his room.
Their worries washed when he told them the issue, but it still concerned them. Because he sounded like he was in pain.
"No, I already checked. It says it's normal for foxes to scream like their hurt. It means their ready for breeding." Brock confirmed for the third time that day, closing the book he found on foxes and set it down on the counter.
"Breed- are ye sure? Like, completely sure?" Brian asked, his ears flicking as another mewl came from the room right across the medbay.
The guys thought it would be best to put Nogla's room close to the infirmary. That way if he needed any checking, it would be right there for easy access.
"Yes, I'm sure Brian. I read it three times." Brock sighed, flinching when more strangled cries fled the room.
"Is it weird that I kinda think his screams are hot?" Jon asked, perking his ears up to hear the breathy pants better.
"Very." Tyler cringed, rolling his eyes as Jon wiggled his brows with a smirk.
"Then...what do we do? We can't just leave him alone, can we?" Scotty asked, gesturing to the room. It went quiet as the wolves looks to the wooden door, pondering over their options as they heard the noises increase in pitch.
"Well...we could... y'know." Lui suggested, thrusting his finger into his hand. Brian perked up at that.
"Yes! Great idea-"
"No." Brock interrupted. Sounds of disappointment were made from the wolves, looking to their fellow alpha in annoyance.
"Bro, why not? That's what he needs anyways." Tyler said, with a raise of his brow. Brock shook his head, lowering his ears in defense.
"Yeah, but we can't just force it on him. He gets a say in this too, and I don't want him giving himself up just because nature calls." He explained, crossing his arms over his chest.
"Just ask him then." Evan said. Brock frowned, looking at him in confusion.
"Ask him. If he really needs it, and wants it, then go ahead. If he doesn't feel comfortable with it, then leave it. Nothing bad can happen in this situation if you just ask." He explained. This, being the only reasonable option they had all day.
Brock grit his teeth softly, thinking what David would say. Would he be mad? Confused? Disgusted? How would he react to that?
"C'mon Brock, we all know you haven't gotten laid in over years. Just go ask the vixen already." Brian huffed. A bit irritated that he wasn't gonna be the one to ask, but also a bit thankful.
If Brock did this, he wouldn't be such a stuck up prude anymore, he would help Nogla rid of the pain, and he could get to hear the moans.
It's a win, win.
"Shut up Brian." Brock huffed, narrowing his eyes at the alpha.
"What? Ye know it's true. Maybe te wolves here are not to your liking, I don't care. But ye seem ta really like David, as the rest of us do, so why not help him when he's in a moment of need?" He went on, trying to get Brock to cave.
And it worked. Because Brian had this really strange way of getting under Brock's skin, teasing relentlessly until he got the outcome he wanted.
"Fine. But if he gets weirded out, I'm gonna tell him it was your idea." Brock sighed, pushing himself up from his chair and walking his way across the hall. The guys exchanged smirks, chuckling quietly as Brock allowed himself into the den.
He immediately made eye contact with Daithi, the two staring in silence besides Nogla's breathy gasps.
"Hey." Brock muttered, feeling his face heat up at the smell.
"Hi." Nogla returned, slowly moving to sit up.
"What's up?" He asked, tail flickering in discomfort. Brock opened his mouth to speak, but he found that he couldn't get anything out.
Especially not with the sight of the other.
He was sitting in the middle of the bed, knees pulled up to his chest as he squeezed his tail.
Nogla had his usual clothes on, but his skin was flushed and sweaty, his eyes looking glossier than usual and his fangs a tiny bit longer.
Brock always liked his fangs.
"U-uh...well, the guys thought it'd be a good idea if I...if I helped you with you heat? You know, like...uhm..." Brock couldn't add any more. But he was glad that the statement was clear enough for Nogla. His cheeks growing in color.
"O-oh..." He mumbled, his hands gripping the sheets tightly.
"It's cool if you don't want to, it was just an option, so you can totally decli-"
Brock blinked. Then he blinked again.
"Yes?" He asked.
"Y-yes... please?" Nogla asked, averting his gaze in embarrassment. He was a virgin, and had always gone through heats alone. He had been with his family long enough to know how to handle a heat, but it included being with a mate.
He never had a mate. Not when he was a child, not when he ran off and became an adult.
But...he had the wolves now. They weren't exactly his mates, but they were offering the companionship of one. He needed them.
He needed Brock.
"I...i-i need it." He whimpered, flattening his ears as he spread his legs a little. Brock shifted his eyes down to the action, taking a deep inhale as he peered into the makeshift skirt.
He could see the glisten of the slick and smell the heat ten times stronger.
"Are you...are you sure? We don't have to do this is you really don't want to." Brock collected himself, stepping forward and placing his hands on the fox's knees.
He wanted this maybe as much as Daithi wanted this, but he wanted to make sure he was given consent. He didn't want to hurt him, after all.
The fox pursed his lips, nodding shyly.
"I trust ye." He mumbled, sitting up a bit. He set his hands on Brock's shoulders, hesitating as he leaned closer. Brock glanced at his eyes, and his lips, switching between the two. He then leaned in closer as well, until they could hear eachothers heart beats and share eachothers air.
"Are you sure you can trust me, because I can't even trust myself." Brock muttered, sliding his hands down and squeezing the fox hybrids thighs softly. He shivered at the feeling, fluttering his lashes.
"I completely trust you with my body." He replied in a whisper.
That was enough for Brock, growling softly as he pressed his lips into Nogla's. The kiss was full of love and passion, emotions at a full blown hit as their hands held eachothers bodies.
Lips were moving slow and firm, tongues were mingling and soon, teeth were added into the mix as well.
Nogia moaned softly as Brock nibbled on his bottom lip, slipping his tongue back in and slurping up the noises that fled from the fox's mouth.
He gently pushed the other down, pinning him to the bed with his weight.
When they pulled back, gasps of air were heard along with heavy breathing. Brock took the chance to litter loves bites down Daithi's throat, grazing the smooth skin with his sharp k-nines.
Daithi keened at the feeling, digging his claws into the soft bed. His noises increased as Brock ripped away the green vines from his chest, moving to suck at the pink buds.
Hands wandered around a slim body, groping softly and lightly running sharp claws on the pale skin.
"Brock..." The shorter pleaded. The name was said so softly and desperately, that the wolf had to second guess if he had even heard it at all.
But he's glad that he did, because he's never heard his name be uttered so sweetly before.
Brock circled his tongue around the nipple one more time before he pulled back, eyes meeting forest green.
They held contact as his hands ran down to push the rabbit hyde away from Nogla's hips, untying the weave before pulling it off.
Brock inhaled deeply, eyes dilating at the sweet smell that violated his senses. Such a soft and beautiful smell.
Truly magnificent.
Daithi whined softly, letting out a weak bark as he tugged on Brock's sweats. Human clothing was usually hard to find, but the pack had gathered a few cases of them not too long ago.
But Nogla still preferred his own over them, so the wolves had let him wear what he wanted. Not that they minded watching him strut around practically half naked.
Brock pulled his sweats off, tossing them aside and crawling over the other. Nogia whined, his breath stuttering as he caught a glance of the member.
Long and thick all around, a large knot resting at the base. Definitely not what he expected from Brock.
"Brock hurry up...please, please, please-"
"Shh, I'll give it to you. Don't worry, Daithi." Brock chuckled lightly as he pressed his thumb to the others lips, resting his hand on his cheek.
Nogla whined even more, not caring to hide his embarrassing high pitched noises as he leaned into the touch, grabbing Brock's arm with both hands and nibbling on his thumb gently.
As if he was a teething pup.
Brock couldn't help but let out a deep growl, his face heating up as arousal flooded his body.
Foxes were very verbal and submissive during a heat, that much he found out from his books. But he didn't expect Daithi to be this submissive, and he didn't expect his inner alpha to love it so much.
He closed his eyes, trying to rid of the want to destroy the fox and gather his mind. He glanced down, moving his free hand to spread the other's thighs a bit more.
In any occasion, he would've made sure to properly prep and stretch his partner. But Nogla seemed like he was in pain, and there was enough slick gathered around his entrance to pool out and leak down his legs.
He moved his hand to Daithi's hips, keeping his other hand near the fox's mouth in case he needed something to bite on.
Slowly, he pressed the head of his prick to the damp heat, that alone enough to make him groan in lust.
He slowly started to pushed in, eyes shooting up and hips coming to a halt when David moaned loudly, his mouth pulling away from Brock's thumb to do so.
The wolf studied his face as he calmed down, eyes being drawn to the way his tiny fangs but his bottom lip. He didn't seem in pain, in fact, he read that foxes liked to scream during sex, even if it wasn't painful and even if they weren't going at it aggressively.
Foxes just made high pitched sounds that resembled between a cat and a dog whenever mating.
It was very interesting to say the least, but Brock felt more turned on right now than that at this point.
He took the time to push in a bit further, not stoping until his knot was pressing against Nogla's entrance softly.
"Gosh...you feel so good." Brock hissed, groaning as Nogla could only mewl in response. His sounds were very animalistic than human, and Brock found them all too adorable.
"B-brock, move. Start moving please...fuck ye're so big." Daithi gasped out. The last words were muttered more to himself than anything, but it was still sexy to hear the dirty words fall from his lips.
Brock could only nod, hanging his head as he slowly pulled out. He shifted his knees a bit, getting a better sitting position before he pushed back in.
The fox cried softly at that, lifting his shaky legs to wrap around Brock's waist. The latter enjoyed the closeness, leaning down to capture the other in a quick peck before he tucked his face in his neck, and started a steady pace.
It wasn't fast, but it wasn't slow either. It was just the right speed, Brock making sure to grind upwards and hit a certain spot he had found immediately.
Daithi squeaked when that area was hit, Brock's dick sliding across sensitive places in his body that he didn't even know existed. He saw white stars, letting his lips part when more sounds climbed up his throat.
He was a whimpering mess, barking and keening when Brock would push back in. His prick was girthy and spread him open just so. Feeling great when the round ends of his knot nudged his entrance.
Brock groaned deeply, Daithi's smell just downright amazing so up close. He thought his smell was overwhelming when he opened his legs, but right up next to his scent glands was something entirely different.
It was...perfect.
David squealed when Brock thrusted in a bit too sharply, nailing his prostate dead on. The jerk from his hips caused Brock to slid in deeper, the tip of his knot pressing against the hole harshly.
"F-fuck." Nogla choked out, nuzzling his tear soaked face into the wolf's shoulder. Brock could feel Nogla's tail shudder between their legs, flicking against the bed with every thrust.
Their breathing was extremely shaky and their noises only grew louder as the pace racked up. The wet sounds of slick pushing in and out of Nogla's body were sickening, but it only turned the two on even more.
"Hah- harder Brock. Shit-" Daithi's words were weak and hoarse, panting like speaking took too much energy. Brock obliged to his partners pleads, adding a bit more speed as he fucked him open.
Nogla couldn't speak, but he could moan. So he did just that, crying out and whining loudly when his insides were abused. The slick was pooling out and the gentle bites Brock was leaving on his throat weren't helping Nogla regain his self-control.
If this kept on any longer, he felt as if he'd surely combust with pleasure and desire.
The wolf hybrid brought himself up, taking his weight off of the other as he grabbed his hands and pinned them to the bed.
Daithi whimpered, wanting to keep running his hands over the other's backs and hide his face in his neck.
Brock intertwined their fingers, not breaking the speed of his thrusting once. Their eyes met and chills ran down their spine.
Something about holding a gaze while doing something so intimate, driving them both crazy with emotion.
"I.. I-I..."
Nogla couldn't get the words out, mouth left hanging open as his eyelids started to droop and his eyes began to cross. That along with the tightening of his body let Brock know that he was close.
He hushed the smaller softly, leaning down and pressing a soft kiss to his lips. Daithi melted into the kiss immediately, more tears of pleasure running down his cheeks as Brock continued his sharp thrusts.
The wolf let out a loud growl in to the kiss as he felt the burning sensation in his abdomen, causing the fox to make small noises of his own.
With a few more moans and snaps of Brock's hips, he was cumming deep inside of the other. He would have rathered pull out and not stick himself to Nogla, seeing as he didn't want to give in to his animal instinct to breed and hurt him. But the vixen's legs were tight around his waist, pulling him in deep for the last thrust and shoving Brock's large knot deep inside him.
The two let out their own sound at the feeling. Brock cursing loudly as David could only gasp, all the air whooshed out of his lungs.
The room was quiet for a few seconds, the only noise being the fox's sharp gasps and the wolf's heavy panting.
Then, their eyes met again. Their hands were already moving, bodies pulled flush against eachother and lips meeting once again.
"You okay?" Brock asked between pants once they pulled back. Nogla swallowed to wetten his dry throat, licking his lips to do the same.
"Perfect...just perfect Brock. Thank ye." He whispered, his voice too raw to make up anything else.
The taller froze as the fox nuzzled back into his neck, pressing a soft kiss to his pulse point.
That's when Brock realized, he really wanted to mark the other. He stared down as the other pulled away, licking his k-nines as he glanced between his neck.
The fox immediately understand the silent askance, tilting his head up to the side slightly and exposing his neck.
Brock rumbled out a short possesive growl, slowly leaning forward to pierce his teeth into the delicate, creamy skin.
The fox squeaked at the feeling, whimpering when Brock licked the blood away. He then flipped the two so that he was the one on his back, resting Nogla's head against his chest.
He wanted him to be comfortable after all while they waited for his knot to die down.
Brock smiled as the fox cuddled up into his chest, pulling the thick blankets over them. Large hands began to run through black curly hair, playing with the large ears that twitched at the feeling.
A soft purr started to emit from the smaller, and it took Brock a bit to realize it was him at all.
He had researched a bit since he had met Nogla, but he didn't know that foxes could purr.
As interesting as it was, Brock just found it all too adorable, pressing a soft kiss to Daithi's head as he dozed off.
The other wolves watched impatiently in excitement as Brock came out of the room an hour later, closing the door behind him softly.
When he turned around, he wasn't surprised to see the alpha's still hanging in the medical den, but he had hoped they walked off ages ago.
"Don't be weird." Brock cut Jon off, the latter whimpering like a dog when he was cut off.
"C'mon Brock, don't be such a prude. Tell us how it was!" Scotty tried, shaking the other's shoulder lightly.
Brock sighed, fed up with his friends. However, he couldn't find himself to be all that mad. He has gotten laid, and his body was still satisfied from it.
Hell, he didn't even feel annoyed at them like he usually did.
"Brooock, don't leave us hanging!" Lui groaned, noticing the few pink marks down the fellow alpha's bare back, but knew better than to draw attention to them.
"Stop asking questions, I'm sure his heat will act up soon and you'll get your turn." Brock sighed, moving to grab one of the smaller med kits.
Because though he marked Nogla once and drew blood, he did leave quite a few other marks that seemed a bit painful.
"Wait, you did research on foxes right?" Evan asked, suddenly looking determined about something.
"Yeah, just recently though." Brock replied, narrowing his eyes in suspicion.
"So how long does a fox heat last?" He asked, curious. Brock hummed, thinking a bit before he remembered.
"Three days, if I remember correctly." He said, scratching his head in thought.
"Yes! T'ats enough time fer me ta have more than three rounds with 'em!" Brian exclaimed, throwing his hands up in the air.
Brock sighed, shaking his head in disappointment.
"Poor David." He muttered.
"Oh, that poor little vixen indeed." Jon agreed, but using a more lustful tone then sympathetic like Brock has used.
Brock could only roll his eyes and sigh again. While the guys, just continued to celebrate. Like the couple of horny dogs they were.
10,821 words  
Sorry it's so long again.
But I hoped you liked it anyways, and hope y'all are fine with me adding Lui to this one!
Stay safe, stay healthy, stay beautiful!
Until next time my loves!
- Jxcky
Featured or mentioned characters:
Main -
Nogla - Daithi, David, Nogla
Moo - Brock
VanossGaming - Evan
Terroriser - Brian
IAmWildcat - Tyler
H2ODelirious - Jon, Jonathan
BasicallyIDoWrk - Marcel
Fourzeroseven - Scotty, Scott
Lui Calibre - Lui
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greyneedtosleep · 2 years
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tata-fanart030 · 4 years
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SixFanarts for cute youtubers round 2
Now this is my fourth post of this challenge hahaha 🤣 It's finished! Thank you 🙏
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cartoonzgiggle · 4 years
2020 a madness rn
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ladyamber · 5 years
Sirenade: Chapter Twenty Two
Hello everyone and welcome back to Sirenade. Thank you to all for being so patient with me. I’ve had a fun and rough few months but I’m excited to return to writing and my normal chaotic routine. Okay not that excited but I am excited and sad to let you guys know that Sirenade will be completed any...by the end of 2020? Which seems kind of far but let’s be honest time doesn’t work that way. I don’t know an exact date however, I do know that like all things we will reach the end. With that note I want to know from you guys which of the ideas I have should I start writing. I want to make a poll so be on the lookout for that in the next few chapters. I’m glad to be back. Anyways as always end this week’s chapter and Stay Tuned! For next week!
P.S. Merry Late Christmas, Happy New Year, Happy Valentines Day, Happy Presidents Day and to all the other dates I missed! Also Happy Holidays/free day to those who don’t celebrate some or any of these days.
Start: Prologue
Previous: Chapter 21
Next: 3/8/2020
Chapter 22
Sunlight flooded his room. The light blue color shimmered as the rays bounced around his room. His head pounded as he found it difficult to sit up without falling back into the warm comfortable mattress. His bed shifted as he was finally able to keep himself up, the bed continued to shift even after he stopped moving. He turned his attention to the thin figure that laid in the sheets, his body froze in shock when he saw not a friend in his bed, but a stranger one that he knew nothing about. His brain felt sick, disgusted with itself as it rattled his brain. He needed fresh air; without a second thought or care about the person in his bed he walked towards his front door. Before he could even think about where to wonder, a white envelope flew down from the door. He hesitated to pick it up thinking maybe it was another letter from work, but the handwriting on the paper secured his panic. He slowly walked back to his bedroom, grabbing the letter opener, and carefully exposing the letter hidden away. The letter was from...
At first, he thought the letter was a prank that accidentally ended up at his door. Then again Marcel didn’t usually make mistakes, maybe the letter wasn’t meant for him. That’s not right either the letter is addressed specifically to him. He read it over and over again wanting to decipher the meaning, but the letter had made it very clear to him. He needed to apologize to Marcel before it was too late and he lost his best friend. Without wasting any more time he grabbed his coat, which knocked over a pile of papers. Not bothering to pick them up he waltzed out of his home leaving an awake stranger calling his name and scattered papers of drawings and data.
Every step he took was full of guilt. The clicking of his shoes making contact with the sidewalk sounded like it was the loudest echo. Bouncing off the walls of the town and being heard by all that was around him. His mind was racing and swirling with emotions.
Where would he find Marcel?
What would he say to him?
What was he feeling?
He thought of a few places Marcel could be right now but knowing how the man kept to himself most of the time it’d be difficult to pin exactly where. Marcel never showed him where he lived so he could only rely on the location he always found the taller male. The first place that popped into his head was Panda’s Brewery; a classic place Marcel felt comfortable.
His pace grew fast as he saw a glimpse of the establishment, his heart beating much faster than his steps, and his mind racing trying to formulate a sentence on what he should say to his friend. Should he apologize first? Maybe say something he’d been wanting say since-
He didn’t realize he’d come into the restaurant until the cool air conditioning rushed past him. The brewery was mostly empty considering it was a Sunday morning. Only an elderly couple sat at one of the booths looking up as he walked into the establishment. Even though he’d barely walked 3 blocks he was out of breath. Out of the corner of his eye, he caught Lui’s worried look from one of the tables he was cleaning. “Scotty? Is everything okay?”
“I...I don’t know-”
“Scotty.” Scotty turned his head towards the large restaurant owner. He didn’t know why he suddenly felt so different when he locked eyes with Anthony. His glare made Scotty feel smaller, weaker, and almost helpless. “My office. Now.”
Anthony walked away from the counter towards his office, waiting for Scotty to follow him. “Scotty, what’s going on? Panda’s been in a bad mood ever since late last night after you left with that chick.”
“I can’t- I’ll explain it later Lui. Right now… I don’t even know what I got himself into.”
Each step felt like he was inching closer to death’s row. None of the steps were firm enough to even make a sound. He was sure that if he’d turned to see Lui’s face it’d be plastered with concern and confusion. Finally reaching Anthony’s office door he turned the faded gold knob and opened the door. Not making eye contact with Panda he closed the door and remained still as Anthony burned holes into his soul. “What. Did. You. Do?
“I don’t know-”
“Don’t lie. Marcel never misses his shift. Not one day since he got here. And the day you-. He’s gone.”
“He’s not. He-”
“They all went to look for him. He’s not home Scotty. He’s gone. And I want to know why?”
“He left me a letter. At first, I thought it was a joke, but Marcel never plays like that.” Scotty offered the letter to the owner who practically snatched the paper. His eyes skimmed the sentences that flooded the paper. Saying nothing until the last word was read. He returned the paper to Scotty still not uttering a single word before looking up at him with something in his eyes he couldn’t describe. It was gone as soon as the emotion was there sitting in his cold brown eyes.
“Find him and bring him back. He only wants to be sought by you, found by you. Do you understand?” Scotty quickly nodded carefully and quickly opening the door. “And Scotty?”
He turned back to his friend who still stared into his soul. “Tell him the truth. He’s already lost so much.”
Confused Scotty nodded again, rushing out of the restaurant in search of Marcel.
Delirious house; nothing.
The beach; nothing.
Tyler’s clinic; nothing.
Brian’s repair shop; nothing.
It felt like the world was no longer functioning properly without knowing that Marcel was okay. It felt strange, foreign almost when the wave of emotions rose from the hidden corner. He didn’t understand why it was all coming out now when it had so much time to present itself. With a small sliver of hope, he went to the last place Marcel would ever set foot into; Tyler and John’s apartment complex. Now it’s not like he knew Marcel didn’t like their friends on the contrary. Marcel loved his friends he was just never comfortable staying in places that weren’t home overnight.
With a heavyweight on his hand, he knocked on the wooden door. To his surprise Craig answered the door, he was even more surprised when Craig was wearing clothing that definitely wasn’t his size. “Craig? What are you-”
“Don’t worry about it. We’re still trying to figure it out ourselves. Was there something you needed?”
“Marcel. I can’t- I can’t find him. He-he left me a letter at my door.” Just as Panda had done Craig read the handwriting letter. He looked up at Scotty with much more emotion than Anthony did. “What do I do?”
“Give him time. It’s the best thing to do right now. He could be anywhere considering how secretive he was even with me.”
“Do you know why he did this?”
Craig sighed looking around making sure no one was listening. “We saw you yesterday with some girl and it seemed to upset him.”
“But why would he be upset about it? We’ve both had girls come up to us and flirt so why was this time different?”
“Because it didn’t seem like you rejected this girl… You kissed her Scott. And Marcel saw everything.”
Scotty had to process his thoughts for a minute, what Craig had said didn’t make any sense. He would’ve clearly remembered kissing someone that night, but running through his memory over and over again proved he had no idea what Craig was talking about.
“No, I didn’t I would’ve remembered. I know I was drinking that night, but I had barely ordered another beer when we started talking. I don’t remember anything from last night in all honesty.”
“But that doesn’t make any sense. I’ll help you find Marcel but it’s going to take a lot of convincing to bring him back if I find him.”
“Thanks. I don’t understand how this could’ve happened. I mean you know I’m more into guys than girls but she’s not even my type. Something’s not adding up … I think I need to ask this Octavia girl some questions. Something doesn’t feel right.
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racc-voon · 6 years
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Schoolwork yeeeeeeeeeep
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flus-tered · 5 years
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Can't wait!!!!
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benearme · 5 years
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I love it when Lui is drawing a little and the way he talks that voice divine.
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squishies-scribbles · 5 years
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Youtuber Sticker Pack I'm selling at my Etsy Shop! All of the following above in a pack, visit my shop if your interested!
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greyneedtosleep · 2 years
Too cute 🥺
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butterflypikachu · 5 years
This guy was perfect! . . . . #vanoss #vanossgaming #h2odelirious #cosplay #vanosscrew #vanosscosplay #h2odeliriouscosplay #deliriouscosplay #deliriousarmy #tiktok #tiktokvideo #luicalibre #moosnuckel #gtav #gtavclub https://www.instagram.com/p/BxYDdnlA8kr/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1cb4e9uck7bpt
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tata-fanart030 · 5 years
Mainly for EarlyBird's hero costume design. Then I drew more and more. And this is it. (*゚∀゚*)
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ladyamber · 5 years
Sirenade: Chapter Eleven
Happy Sunday everyone and Welcome to another chapter of Sirenade this week’s been a rough ride with school starting up again and me always getting sick thanks to the reintroduction of germs. So sorry I’m not super active my throat feels like I haven’t seen water in like 50 years (the first few days was that it kind of hurt to breathe mostly to swallow, but now I just have the sniffles than a bothered throat) but that won’t stop me from working so I hope you enjoy this week’s chapter and as always Stay Tuned!
Start: Prologue
Previous: Chapter 10
Next: Chapter 12
Chapter 11
Most of the way back to shore remained silent only the roaring sea echoed through the reef was heard as they creep back onto the beach out of sight. Every step, every glance was taken with caution as they quickly and quietly retreated towards Delirious’s home. Brock’s mind couldn’t stop returning to the events that happened tonight. Granted when he finally told Brian everything his chest felt a hundred times lighter, but what those men did to them was unforgivable. Flashbacks of Brian watching in horror as they’d beat him, watching him sink deeper into the blue void, and he had to stop himself from crying to help free Brian. His heart wept as he watched for any movements kind of struggle from Brian, but it seemed at that moment his best friend had given up.
“Moo, are you okay?” Without realizing it Brock had started to lag behind his friends from how buried in thought he had become, as Brian slowed down giving him the chance to catch up. He slightly paused to wipe away the small tears that had formed before picking up the pace to reach Brian.
“Yeah, just...thinking.” Brian nodded understanding Brock had no intention of expanding his answer. Continuing walking in silence as a familiar blue roof peered through the tops of the green foliole, and without haste, all four rushed into the small home slamming the door shut.
“We weren’t followed right?”
“No, I would’ve noticed.” Evan peeked out the window, quickly rolled down the shutters and flopped down on the sofa next to Jonathan placing his arms over his eyes. “Gods this is a disaster.”
“I’m sorry. This wouldn’t have happened if it wasn’t for me. I screwed everything up.”
“Brock it’s not your fault. You couldn’t have known. None of us could’ve.” Evan mumbled as Brian rubbed Brock’s knuckles soon intertwining their fingers. “But we need to make sure the others are ok. Who knows who they’ll target next.”
“We could use my phone to call up Panda,” Jonathan suggested, but Brock shook his head as he stood up and released his hand from Brian’s soothing grasp.
“No, I should be the one to gather the others.”
Brian quickly shoot up enveloping Brock into a firm hug restricting any movement. “No way! After what happened, forget it.”
Brock shifted and struggled to turn in Brian’s iron death grip, finally, he was able to loosen Brian’s hold and face him. “But I know where they are, plus I’m harder to spot than you are. Please let me do this I’ll make it up to you I promise.”
Brock gave him a look of guilt knowing how hard it would be to defy his request. Unable to look away from Brock’s pleading eyes Brian sighed as he released him deliver him one last caress before freeing him from his lock. Just as he let Brock go he pulled Brian’s hand to whisper in his ear even he became flushed from his own words. “I’ll make it a night you’ll never forget.”
Brock leaned away from Brian he paced towards the door to try and hide his glow, but before he could leave a warm hand guided his head towards their own, crashing their lips together completely ignoring Evan or Jon’s presence. The kiss was nothing like the one at the rocks this time it packed fire and passion, though it didn’t have a gagging person behind them Brock enjoyed every moment of it. Lips refusing to break away from one another even when oxygen was desperately needed, but eventually, they did part Brian’s lips grazed Brock’s as he muttered against them. “I’ll be waiting for that promise.”
As Brock grabbed the doorknob, opened it, turned towards his friends waving goodbye sending them a reassuring smile while he slowly closed the door. The night breeze welcomed Brock with a chilly touch leaving him behind to play with tree branches that extended out on the path of the dirt trail. The small pebbles of sediments crunched under Brock’s shoes with every step he took carefully and quietly. At that point, Brock could see the number of trees decreasing and the rocky path now being gradually replaced with concrete. He quickly made his way towards his first stop, Panda’s brewery knowing Marcel or Ryan would be here around this hour of the night. Those two seemed to enjoy the nightly hours of the town rather than the active hours, maybe for a good reason. Approaching the bar Brock slipped in hoping to run into anyone he knew, “Brock?” 
Lui’s voice was easily recognizable, but right now he didn’t want the small talk or questions. “What are you doing here? It’s kind of odd to see you here especially tonight-...What happened to you?!”
Brock covered Lui’s mouth to avoid attracting any more attention from any ears listening. “I need to talk to Anthony.”
Lui nodded understanding the urgency of the matter, quickly pulling into the back area of the bar. There at the end of a hallway stood a dark stained door labeled Management. “He should be in his office I think he’s talking with Marcel, but I’m not a hundred percent sure. Granted I didn’t see him leave then again I was a bit preoccupied.”
“Actually, I need to talk to you and David too. It won’t take long, but it’s really important.”
“Give me one second.” Lui threw his slightly stained rag over his shoulder as he disappeared through the wooden door. Brock patiently waited for Lui who came right back with Nogla in hand. “I bought us some time, right now I’ve got Tyler watching the bar for us.”
All three walked right up to the door knocking on the smooth cold wood. Some shuffling comes from behind the door, but soon a familiar bearded face popped out the door. “Moo? What happened to you?”
“We need to talk. Is Marcel with you?” Anthony nodded allowing the three to enter the room with Marcel quietly in a chair. His facial expression changed from confused to angry.
“Who did this?”
“Siren hunters…” Brock explained everything to them not leaving a single detail out of his explanation. He summarized most of the events to keep it short knowing he still needed to find Ohm, Mini, and Smitty.
“That’s terrible. I don’t get why people find your species so evil.”
“It’s the stories humans have told each other for centuries victimizing themselves over and over again.” Marcel said gesturing with his hands.”The soon we get to Jon’s house the better. We need to be sure no one else gets hurt or worse...caught.”
“If one of the others comes into the bar we’ll let them know to meet at Jon’s house,” Nogla suggested as they all quickly scampered out of the cramped room.
“You should over there too Marcel they’re waiting for you.”
“What about you?”
“I’ve gotta go find the others, but I’ll meet you there.” Brock proceed to leave the brewery making his way towards his next stop John’s apartment. He had hardly walked out of the bar when he ran into another person. “Oh, I’m so sorry I-. Ohm!”
“You ok? You don’t look so good.”
“I had to make some tough choices tonight. So you could say I’m not doing too hot.” Ryan placed his hand on the back of his neck.
“As much as I want to mother you I need you to head to Jon’s house immediately we’ve got some seriously dangerous Siren hunters in Evernor.” Brock was glad he could mentally scratch-off Ohm’s name from the list. The only ones left were Smitty and Mini. “The others will explain everything to you, but right now I’m looking for-”
“Smitty’s probably with John and Craig might be at the cavern. You sure you don’t want help?”
“It’ll be faster if I do it. Now go on.”
Ohm waved Brock farewell as they went their separate ways. Ryan towards the worn-down path leading to the Northwest side of the town and Brock towards his previous destination.
The only problem was Ryan or anyone at all was too far to hear Brock’s muffled screams, for he had been captured by the oldest and biggest brother of the Cutter Boys. Smith. Brock struggled so much so that his capture grew tired of his movements, and just like in the boat he’d knocked him out cold by pinning Brock to the alleyway’s brick wall with all his might.
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flus-tered · 5 years
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Lui streamed a few mins ago 🙌🙌🙌
Best content ever!!!!
He joined the bbs MC server 😍 can't wait to see what they end up doing.
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