madrigalcest-week · 2 years
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And finally, everything has been sorted out, and Madrigalcest Week can be introduced properly!
The prompts, as previously stablished, shall be:
Day 1: “Public Displays of Affection”
Day 2: “Forbidden”
Day 3: “Love Confession”
Day 4: “Jealousy”
Day 6: “Firsts”
Day 7: “Casita, the Matchmaker”
And the date, which has taken us so long to decide on, is confirmed at once:
Madrigalcest Week 2022 will run from MARCH 14th to MARCH 20th.
Thank you SO MUCH for your patience. Other than that, there is nothing new to announce. All information you need is on the blog, especially this previous post. Rules, guidelines and agreements are detailed there. Our inbox is always open, and if you need to clear any doubts, you can always ask!
Happy shipping and happy early Madrigalcest Week! We hope this event will be fun and pleasant for everyone!
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andtheyweresiblings · 2 years
Thinking about Luisabel/Lumira during Surface Pressure and how Mirabel is so clearly Luisa's priority the whole time.
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themountainsays · 2 years
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madrigalcest-camp · 2 years
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Madrigalcest Camp: Prompts and Dates
Hello and welcome to Madrigalcest Camp. This idea was brought up in both Twitter and Tumblr because the community showed interest in holding another fandom event this year. This time, the prompts were selected randomly from a list of fan suggestions, and they are weekly rather than daily, with two prompts for every seven days, ordered as to match a certain winter/summer dichotomy and represent the different parts of the fandom, from the different halves of the world. Since this event was originally conceived as a "ship season" (as to not say "[Ship] Summer" or [Ship] Winter and priorize fans from the northern hemisphere over fans in the south), it will range from this solstice (the summer or winter solstice, depending on your location) to the next equinox (the spring or autumn equinox).
That means it starts today, on June 21th, and it will end on September 21th.
The prompts are as follows:
Week 1: Past/Future
Week 2: Embarrassment/Propriety
Week 3: Glass/Family tree
Week 4: Shelter/Labyrinth
Week 5: Hanahaki/“The miracle isn’t worth your life”
Week 6: Memory/Longing
Week 7: Monster/Tale
Week 8: Sick/Limerence
Week 9: River/Claws
Week 10: Phoebis philea/Control
Week 11: Doll/Animal
Weel 12: Curse/Birds of a feather
Week 13: Tradition/Unconventional
Week 14: Change/Thread
Anyone can create fanwork based on any of the prompts, regardless of location. You can create for one, both, or neither. You can combine them or ignore them completely and post something completely unrelated. There is no time limit, either. While it's fun to create together, you can pick and choose whichever prompt you want and share your work whenever. The only requirement to participate in Madrigalcest Camp and have your work reblogged to this blog is to tag it as such. We recommend using the tags #madrigalcestcamp, #Madrigalcest Camp, #Madrigalcest Camp 2022 or #madrigalcestcamp2022. You can also tag this blog and we will reblog it. If you do not wish for us to reblog it, please clarify.
We welcome all and any kind of fanwork: fanfiction, fanart, fansongs, playlists, aesthetic moodboards, headcanon posts, cosplay, video edits, etc. As long as it is fictional, it is allowed.
Both public and anonymous submissions are allowed if you wish to share something via this blog but don't want to associate it to your own blog.
All Madrigalcest ships are allowed, including those between family members who aren't related by blood, but which are still generally considered Madrigalcest (for example, Agustín/Bruno, etc).
This is a pro-fiction event. All kind of fictional content is allowed. We encourage you to tag your work properly and have in mind possible triggers.
N/S/F/W is allowed. Again, please tag accordingly. This blog will use the tag #not safe for casita.
Minors may participate, but we encourage them to navigate the event carefully and stay away from nsfc content. If you create nsfc content and we know you are a minor, we will not reblog or aknowledge it in any way.
We have an ao3 collection. If you wish to add your work to the collection, you need to type precisely "madrigalcest_camp_2022".
This is not a discourse blog. Antis looking for a fight will get instantly blocked.
You can contact us through our ao3 collection and our twitter page as well.
Happy creating!
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tired-fandom-ndn · 2 years
Anyway, something to consider: alpha Luisa who is used to taking care of everyone around her, only to be gently but firmly dominated by omega Isabela and beta Maribel, who just want to show their beloved sister what it’s like to be cared for instead.
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Like a month ago the question came up of who would be best for Luisa and I thought about it and my first thought was Camilo. (Partially because I’m so deep into Brumira I didn’t even think of Mirabel lol. but also I still like this just a smidge more than Luisabel)
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Actually, I’m looking through my notes and I first thought of them when I threw them together as a background pairing at random and then latched onto it because “I threw them together in the background of a joke and now I’m actually thinking about it and I love it.” 
Camilo is responsible but also relaxed and doesn't forget to have fun so he really would be good for Luisa.
She's a steady presence that can be comforting for someone always expecting to change and move. She can slow things down so he can just enjoy a calm afternoon in the moment and in his own skin. 
I can just see them basking in each others' company because they can just stand still when they’re together as opposed to the constant motion of the rest of their lives and, as much as Camilo loves the shifting and the energy, he still gets worn out when its never stops. And you know Camilo is ready to be that steady rock in turn when Luisa needs to be weak.
He doesn't ask her for things and he's able to turn into her and help with the load (at least the things that he doesn’t need her gift for). He'd be a natural reminder for her to relax and have fun. She doesn't act like he's childish or irresponsible for his antics. (And he is responsible. He spends his days looking after children and infants and looks after his mother when she’s stressed. Just because he does it with a goofy grin on his face doesn’t mean he’s any less responsible).  
I just think they could be really good for each other and they’d be that couple nobody expects but nobody questions either (not in an incest guilt way. more in a “I never noticed how compatible you are but after thinking about it for two seconds it’s clear as day” way. 
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phgq · 3 years
Zambo mayor orders probe on the killing of soda firm exec
#PHnews: Zambo mayor orders probe on the killing of soda firm exec
ZAMBOANGA CITY--Mayor Maria Isabelle Climaco-Salazar ordered Friday an in-depth investigation over the killing of a soft drink firm executive in this southern port city. A still-unidentified gunman killed Luisabel Agustin Lee, 48, the finance manager of the Pepsi-Cola bottling plant in Barangay Culianan here, on Thursday afternoon. Salazar and Col. Rexmel Reyes, Zamboanga City Police Office (ZCPO) director, visited the victim's wake on Friday and assured the family that the local government is exerting all means to resolve the case. Reyes said Lee, who sustained a gunshot wound in the chest, was rushed by relatives to the hospital, but was declared dead on arrival by the attending physician. Investigators recovered a deformed slug at the driver’s seat while the car’s dash camera was referred to the Police Anti-Cyber Crime Office-9 for analysis. Reyes said all possible motives are being considered that could lead to the solution of the case. Meanwhile, Second District Congressman Manuel Jose Dalipe II, the victim's cousin, called on the police authorities to leave no stone unturned in the investigation. The incident happened a stone-throw away from Dalipe’s residence. (PNA)
* Philippine News Agency. "Zambo mayor orders probe on the killing of soda firm exec." Philippine News Agency. https://www.pna.gov.ph/articles/1131241 (accessed February 20, 2021 at 04:25AM UTC+14).
* Philippine News Agency. "Zambo mayor orders probe on the killing of soda firm exec." Archive Today. https://archive.ph/?run=1&url=https://www.pna.gov.ph/articles/1131241 (archived).
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madrigalcest-week · 2 years
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The Madrigalcest Week prompts are finally here!
Thank you, to everyone who submitted prompts, voted, and participated in any way! This is your event. It was a lot of fun to watch the voting process from afar and bet on which would make it to the Top 7, and we can't say we're disappointed, because the prompts chosen by the community are fantastic! We can't wait to create art out of them!
The prompts are:
DAY 1: "Public displays of affection"
DAY 2: "Forbidden"
DAY 3: "Secrets"
DAY 4: "Love confession"
DAY 5: "Jealousy"
DAY 6: "Firsts"
DAY 7: "Casita, the matchmaker"
The creative process starts now! Feel free to take one, all or none of them and participate in Madrigalcest Week however you want! Remember:
N.SFW content is allowed, but we encourage everyone to tag their content properly and thoroughly. If this kind of content is reblogged or submitted to this blog, it will be tagged as "NSFC" (Not Safe For Casita).
On a similar note, this is a pro-fiction event, and all kinds of controversial, problematic and taboo subjects are welcome. As long as it is fictional, it is accepted, and will be reblogged to this blog. Just be mindful of proper tagging.
All ships under the Madrigalcest umbrella are welcome!
If you don't want to post your fanwork on your own account, you can always submit it anonymously (or not) to this blog.
You can participate for all days of the week, only some of them, none of them, make up your own prompts or interpret them however you want. This event is only for fun, and to encourage and celebrate creativity in the Madrigalcest Fandom. There are no rules (other than propper tagging).
If you would like to see your work reblogged to this post, just tag it as #madrigalcest week, #madrigalcestweek or #madrigalcestweek2022, and we'll find it. Alternatively, you are more than welcome to tag this blog if you want to make sure we see it. However, if you want to participate in Madrigalcest Week but NOT have us reblog your work, please clarify so.
You can always send questions through our inbox or DMs if you have doubts.
This is not a discourse blog. Antis looking for discourse will be blocked on sight.
Now, the elephant in the room:
The dates. There was a bit of a complication, and the voting resulted in a tie. We thought about it and decided to run a second poll to finally settle on a good timeframe, rather than handpick a date ourselves without community input. This poll will be open for FIVE (5) DAYS. The results will be published on FEBRUARY 13TH. There are only two options and, this time around, the current results are public as soon as you vote. It should be quick and painless.
We hate stretching the voting process for so long, but we thought it would be the best option. Until the date is confirmed, please operate under the assumption that the date closest to us will be selected, as to not run out of time thinking you have more days than you do.
The two options are: FEBRUARY 28th - MARCH 6th or MARCH 14th - MARCH 20th
Before voting, think about the prompts. Do you have any ideas lately? How long do you think it will take you to finish your fanwork? How long do you think it will take your fellow fans?
Ah, this doesn't have to be dramatic. The date will be confirmed in less than a week from now, and the picture above will be edited to show it.
Now, you can vote HERE.
Happy shipping! We hope everyone has a great time!
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andtheyweresiblings · 2 years
Hey! So I’ve recently started getting into Madrigalcest and honestly I think I just like any and all ships pertaining to Mirabel.
So I’m incredibly thankful for you and your blog filled with more Bruno/Mirabel than one girl could ever dream of!
But, I have to ask, do you have any romantic headcanons for some ships with Mirabel and other characters? Maybe Camilo or Isabella or Pepa?
No pressure(ha) but I’m just looking for someone to brainrot with.
Hello! Yes, this accidentally became a Brumira blog, but I enjoy most Madrigalcest pairings. And I'm with you there; I really enjoy most ships that include Mirabel. She had great chemistry with a majority of the characters in the film, so it's just easy to ship her.
I love the popular Mirabel ships, like Camimira and Isamira, but I am also a huge fan of Luisabel (Luisa x Mirabel). Right now, they're kinda like the blorbo rotating in my mind, so I don't have a lot of fleshed out thoughts about them, but I have some quasi-romantic thoughts:
I think Mirabel would start embroidering and making clothes for Luisa that represent her personality a little better. I'm thinking about the fact that Luisa apparently loves plush animals. I also think Luisa's clothing in the film represents how she is trying to fit within the role/archetype she was assigned because of her gift. I think after the film, part of developing self-care practices, Luisa would want clothing that fit her better, so Mirabel would make her things that fit her style. I'm thinking embroidered puppies, unicorns, and pastels specifically.
I think Mirabel would also try to be the big spoon as often as she can because Luisa likes being the little spoon but is sometimes afraid to ask. They're both massive cuddlers so it works out.
They do each other's hair and even makeup when the occasion arises.
In fact, I think both Luisa and Mirabel are acts of service people, so they would be very compatible, and Luisa would finally have someone attuned to her needs and help her stand up for herself. And Mirabel would have someone who wants to take care of her.
And if you like OT3s, I am also very into Isabela/Luisa/Mirabel (tagging them as Madrigal Sisters on my blog currently) and Julieta/Pepa/Bruno (tagging them as Madrigal Triplets currently).
For the Madrigal Sisters, I have some domestic, fluffier thoughts relating to the headcanon that they eventually move away from Casita and live together on a farm.
For the Madrigal Triplets, my thoughts about them are much more angst-driven, focusing on their bonding, shared trauma,* and exploring what happened to their codependency when Augustín and Félix entered the picture (my thoughts are very Bruno-centric).
So definitely chat with me about any of the ships listed and mentioned in this post. The Madrigalcest brainrot persists.
*edited to fix incorrect use of term trauma bond
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themountainsays · 2 years
I know there's been a lot of Brulores in your blog lately but, do you think you can still offer ideas for the other ships for Madrigalcest week..? Like not just HCs but also prompts?
Based on these ships:
UwU pwease 🥺?
Ajsjdjjs ay anon ahh I think I can think up some ideas:
🦋🌸: Isabela finding herself on the receiving end of Abuela's anger, and Mirabel jumping to defend her. Bonus points if Isabela was actively trying to draw blame to herself to protect Mirabel. | Hanahaki disease AU. Isabela's gift is so emotion-driven, that when she represses her feelings, flowers grow inside her organs (primarialy her lungs), which would kill her if it weren't for Julieta's healing, but she still suffers from a lot of complications that would go away if she was truthful about her feelings for Mirabel. ALTERNATIVELY: Mirabel coughing up strange toxic, thorny flowers of many different colors, mostly blue. She doesn't associate them with Isabela at all until her "transformation", when she realizes these are the flowers that represent her best. | Isabela accidentally letting Mirabel know she's in love with someone, but refusing to tell her who it is, so Mirabel spends several weeks trying to guess who this person is to help them get together, while lowkey angsting because she's been in love with Isabela for quite some time and even though she knew she could never have her, it still hurts to think about her with someone else. She lowkey just wants to make sure Isabela's future partner treats her right. It ends with Isabela finding out Mirabel feels the same way, and her heart breaks thinking of how selflessly Mirabel had tried to help her find love, so she finally confesses the truth.
👂🌸🦋: One night, there's a pretty bad storm outside and the thunder is driving Dolores insane. Bonus points if it's thundering because her mom is fighting with her grandmother, so she's also stressed by the yelling match in the other room. She can't sleep or relax and the loudness makes her feel like her skull will be split in two. Her partners show up to provide some love and comfort. Maybe Mirabel plays her accordion or Isabela hums a lullaby, to distract her. | Mirabel seems to be getting along with Dolores quite well recently, to the point she treats her more like a sister than she does with Isabela - and how could you blame her, when she treats her so poorly. Isabela finds herself feeling jealous and wishing she had Mirabel all to herself, maybe because she has a crush. She really has been bullying her because she likes her, you know? She wanted her attention, and as soon as she realized that being nice will get her even MORE of Mirabel's attention, she tries to make up for the way she treated her and get closer to her. | Dolores and Isabela have been together for some time, and they're slowly beginning to realize they're both in love with Mirabel as well, but they have very different approaches to it. In one hand, you have Dolores shamelessly trying to court her, by casually and nonchalantly flirting and making her flustered here and there. On the other, you have Isabela quietly freaking out because... maybe sister inc3st is a bit harder for her to wrap her head around than cousin inc3st? Maybe it's the fact Mirabel is so much younger than them? Maybe she didn't conceptualize her relationship with Dolores as incestuous at all, just "mildly unconventional", something that Dolores finds ridiculous and amusing. So they're lowkey debating on what to do. Meanwhile, Mirabel knows they're both in love with her and she's lowkey just enjoying the show until Isabela comes around, maybe teasing her a little but always with some degree of plausible deniability.
💪🦋: Someone has been acting quite flirty with Luisa lately, and Mirabel starts to act oddly possesive whenever she and Luisa walk by said person. She clings to her arm, holds her hand, and tries to end the conversation quickly, claiming she and Luisa are super busy and really need to get on with their day. One day, Luisa confronts her about it. | Luisa suffers from panic attacks every now and then, which she keeps secret from the other members of the family. Mirabel finds out, and tries to help her. She wonders what is it that makes Luisa so scared and stressed all the time, because sometimes, she worries her presence is making it worse. | Luisa is very passionate about ancient literature and mythology, particularly greek. She reads about the gods falling in love with members of their own family, and that makes her feel a little bit better about her relationship with Mirabel.
💪🌸🦋: Luisa hears from Abuela that her sisters are acting "strange". She says the way they behave isn't appropriate sibling behavior. She asks Luisa to keep an eye on them, and this fills her with dread, because she's been keeping secret her own "inappropriate feelings" for her sisters for years now. | Isabela takes a moment of quiet to appreciate her two sisters, who are curled up together in bed, sleeping quietly. She remembers their childhood vividly, and how small and adorable they always seemed to her. Even though they are adults now, she can't help but see them as her baby sisters, whom she adores and wants to protect. | Mirabel has been quite sad lately, and her sisters want to know what's wrong. She doesn't want to tell them, but ends up blurting out this or that piece of information that points to some boy in the village teasing her over something. That activates the Big Sister Instincts. They go to have a little chat with this boy, and during the confrontation, it comes out that he was calling Mirabel a freak and a sick pervert, because apparently, she was in love with both her sisters. This is a big shock for both of them and they don't know if they should believe him, but it breaks their hearts to think about their baby sister being called something so horrible - and it hurts more to think she's been dealing with her feelings all alone. Isabela and Luisa are already together, and they've had the time to come to terms with their feelings. They know it's not easy. Right now, they just want to take care of their baby sis, who desperately needs a hug.
Ahh these aren't really prompts, i guess, they're more like, plot bunnies, up for adoption. If anyone wants to write or draw anything basef off these please feel free to do so! (And maybe tag me uwu? 👉👈). I hopr they work for you, anon!
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themountainsays · 2 years
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Pocket size girlfriend
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madrigalcest-week · 2 years
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Madrigalcest Week starts tomorrow fellas! How are we feeling?
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themountainsays · 2 years
uh, on a more fluffy note. I should probably draw this instead because I already write too much plotless snuggling in bed, but I'm thinking about like, you know the Madrigal sisters, with like Mirabel in the middle, probably playing little spoon to Luisa, facing Isabela, just sorta sandwiched between the two and already asleep, because she baby and idk got sleepy quickly after a night of sweet sweet sister on sister action (during which she was showered in love and affection, thank you very much). Like like like 😭😭😭 just her two big sisters marveling at how cute and pretty she is like 😭😭 Isabela very gently tracing her face w her finger, Luisa kissing the back of her shoulder and making her giggle in her sleep sknajdnenjfewewfn ec,mwWmnjfdn maybe ever 👉👈 maybe even looking at each other and saying something cheesy like "she's so cute" and "she looks so small" justgvsh dabnfs,m ,m.,m. dsfm,eSLMk {ñ-a ;M
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themountainsays · 2 years
You know, some times i imagine that Luisa fell in love with Mirabel after obe dat when Luisa was on break and a annoying villager was bothering her and rfusing to leave Luisa alone, then MIrabel, the one withouth a gift and had developed a thick skin and one hell of a reputation in town by dealing with the bullies just turns aroud to the villager, who is twice ger age and tells him to fuck off before she kicks his ass, Luisa who's have a hard time saying no was in love after that.
yessssss ahhhh Luisa is a big softie who doesn’t know how to say no and Mirabel spent her entire life standing up for herself when no one else would so YES she’d be the protective one in the relationship.
and Luisa is like O_o because Mira is so tiny and, as she saw it, she was the one trusted to look out for her sisters - yes, even Isabela, even though she was older, because next to her Isabela was also tiny - but no one ever looked out for her. And it’s like Mira doesn’t even see that - she’s not offended that Luisa had her to the hard work, she doesn’t joke about Luisa needing her tiny little sister to defend her - she’s just worried about Luisa’s wellbeing, and maybe she insists that they take the day off and she gets her something to drink or eat (it’s totally not a date, nope, Mirabel is not trying to have a date with her sister). And maybe it’s simply that: Mirabel is such a positive force, such a sweet and strong and loving girl, right? And most importantly, she doesn’t give a shit about gifts or strength or duty, she only saw her sister being bullied and jumped to protect her.
boy she has it bad
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themountainsays · 2 years
Okay but: Luisa wanting to impress Mirabel because that's how you get your crush to like you right? But being too straight-laced to think of anything. Like yeah, she could potentially do some cool rescue romance type thing, but that would require Mira being in danger and Luisa could never allow it (much less purposely put her in such a situation). Or she could juggle heavy objects, but what if she accidentally let's go of one and they break/hurt someone? So Luisa is just intensively thinking of something cool to do that would make Mirabel swoon.
I think Mirabel would be bought with like love and validation and probably just needs Luisa to think she's cool. Luisa will fight a jaguar for her and Mira is like "🎶 another day with family madrigal 🎶" and then Luisa says something like "oh good job there" and Mirabel's knees and buckling and she's flapping up and down on the floor like a fish from the sheer lesbianity
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themountainsays · 2 years
Gods I need a an Au or HC from you, about a modern LuIsaMira where Delores finds them snuggled on the couch sleeping. The adults think they’re just comfortable with each other but Delores uses it as blackmail.
What does she want?
Delores wants them to help her get Mariano’s attention
Ngl the first thing that came to mind is Isabela purposely sabotaging Dolores' pursuit as revenge. I'm talking about post-WECID Isabela. Punk Isabela. Little shit Isabela. The Isabela that gets in trouble with her girlfriends because Isa, I thought we agreed to not do anything life-threatening, please put the poison down.
Mirabel is the one actually making plans and keeping an eye on Dolores, because she suspects she'll betray them and wants to make sure nothing goes wrong. The only one who actually has it together. Dating Isabela and Luisa in moments like these feels like babysiting a pair of baby wolverines.
Luisa is panicking and her best idea is to tell the family themselves so Dolores doesn't have any power over them, something that Mirabel and Isabela do Not like the sound of.
So the sisters in this AU are like,
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