#luka salt
your-sunny-sunday · 10 months
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You know, at this point I agree with Adrien salters that say he should be replaced with Luka. After all, a character with a personality of a blank piece of wood and whose existence revolves entire around his relationship with the female lead(seriously how many scenes does Luka have with his own sister?)  would work much better if this show's male lead is only allowed to be an accessory. “Generic uwu soft perfect guitar boy”is the exact role Ken would play in those “Teenage life of Barbie” movies from my childhood.
Side note, I'm willing to bet that the Barbie movie's gonna give Ken much more agency than Astruc would've ever given Adrien
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iwasbored777 · 2 years
Luka: So you know how nervous and anxious Marinette is?
Kagami: Yeah.
Luka: How about we trap her in the same room with Adrien, the one guy that always makes her panic and turn her in a complete mess.
Kagami: Fuck yeah such a good plan.
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ladyofthenoodle · 2 years
people keep insisting luka is wise and mature or whatever but literally ANY person with an ounce of emotional intelligence would’ve suggested marinette take alya to the museum instead. boy do you not see how you attending as her ex is a problem
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elmadrwnette · 1 year
I hate the way people underestimate Adrien and overestimate Luka.
seriously, people literally idealize Luka. in fact, he's probably really too perfect AND THAT'S BAD. because the character must be alive, he must have flaws, and does Luka have flaws? as far as I remember, no. although, his only drawback is that he doesn't seem to respect himself at all, since he lets Marinette wipe her feet on him.
People call Adrien blind and stupid, mostly because he didn't see Marinette's feelings. but do not forget that he just grew up away from society, almost did not communicate with people, he does not know much yet, but he is growing as a person in society, and it is interesting to watch!
he has always lacked communication and care, and I am very sorry for him. and the fact that he called Marinette a friend - because it was very important for him to have friends, he never had them (Chloe doesn't count, it's hard to call her a friend)
everyone jokes everywhere "she's just a friend" but it's not fucking funny, plus Marinette said the same thing, led Adrien astray. Adrien also thought Marinette was dating Luka.
And many more claim that Luka, unlike Adrien, was always there for Marinette and was ready to help. but you forget about how much Adrien did for Marinette, he was always there, always helping, saving, protecting her. she was literally dearer to him than anyone else, and he always listened to her words.
it hurts me for my boy, people see only flaws in him, people are always unhappy with him, and even when they see how much good Adrien does for Marinette, or in general, they just turn a blind eye to it, as if it never happened and claim that Luka is better. it's terrible and it annoys me.
Adrien is a wonderful person, and I love him very much. he has a very hard life. he always expected his father to pay attention to him, he was always rejected and was cold with him, did not see his feelings, experiences, no one cared. but not Marinette. she makes him really happy, she really loves him, and he loves her. I really look forward to the black stripe in their lives being replaced by a white one.
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Actually, Luka being a Guardian now makes perfect sense.
The only requirements are faith in authority and a willingness to betray your friends' trust.
No wonder Adrien wasn't Guardian material.
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chatonnoir · 2 years
luka: haha stop making up stories
fandom: wOw hE's sO gOoD tO hEr hE UnDErStAnDs HeR sOoO WeLL i FeEL sO bAd FoR hIm He DoEs SoOoO mUcH fOr HeR wHiLe sHeS sO sTuPiD aNd tReAtS hIm SoOo bAdLy uGh hE'S sO sMaRt aNd cOmPoSeD ThE oNLy ChArAcTeR wItH bRaInCeLLs
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emsylcatac · 6 months
now i need to know who emonette's super lame bf (as she called it) was in her universe. Luka? :P
I need to rewatch that scene in french to know exactly what she said there 👀
And while I don't like the idea of Marinette dating Luka in any universe, if she has to have a lame boyfriend, I mean...........🫢
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dizzying-faust · 13 days
choose violence question 21
part of canon you think is overhyped
Luka, just Luka in general.
I won't go on a long rant because I vented so many times about him. So to summarize it, I find him overrated and boring and luka//nette is mid.
Choose violence ask game
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parismystere · 1 year
was having a good time then i remembered that the blandest white boy of all time, LUKA, is silently being set up for being a guardian or a co-guardian, however that shit works
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gameguy20100 · 1 year
It's funny how you were told that the writers insert Luka's character on Adrien, as if in their fanfiction they didn't transfer all the character of Adrien that they unknowingly liked about him onto Luka. Basically, they hate Adrien just because he refused to live up to their ideals of a perfect guy, because all they want is to fulfill their projection dreams of their ideal relationship, where they to date a person who meets their dreams of an perfect soulmate and perfect relationship. And at the same time, they cover up the fact that Adrien does not change, while trying to give Marinette a boyfriend that does not need character development, but only to satisfy all these dreams, turning the story into some romantic fluff fanfic. They don't care about character development and the character itself beyond being a love interest for their projective self-insertion. Otherwise they wouldn't ignore Adrien's development, which they asked. They ignore or they find a way to somehow twist it like he didn't grow, the writers ignored his character development, they just insert other character in him etc. They want to stick with their original point, because they're care only about their ship and fantasies about it.
Yeah, true.
Honestly, I don't see how anyone can say Adrien is a bad boyfriend or that he's got no development.
Luka’s never changed since his debut, and he's actively lying to her about some immensely important.
Double standard's much?
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And my L*ka loathing returns… 😡
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I don’t know who you think you are helping dude, but stop. Certainly doesn’t appear that he is telling Marinette he knows her secret identity and cat Noir’s. I still have many issues with that plot point! Only one person here appears to be enjoying that hug..
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Adrien’s heart has suffered so much. Idiot mlbtwt people saying it’s ’jealous Adrien’ as usual aren’t paying attention. This is not a jealous face. Poor boy deserves better.
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iwasbored777 · 2 years
Wait according to those spoilers are Luka and Kagami going to lock Adrien and Marinette in the same room together? That is another level of shitty. I hate that plot when someone locks two people in the room together so they "talk". It wouldn't make me want to talk to that person, it would make me want to kill the person who got me into this situation. That's like when you have a stage fright and they make you go on the stage and talk so you would "get over it". I hate it already.
"Hey Marinette is so stressed and anxious around Adrien let's lock them up in the same room together that's gonna make her feel so much better we're so smart omg God forbid if anyone gives anxious people some space they need"
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No hate to Luka or anything but does anyone else see this scene:
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and get reminded of this:
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or is it just me?
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elmadrwnette · 1 year
I can't be silent anymore.
lukanette is a bad, overrated and toxic ship.
why do many people like this ship? don't get me wrong, but he's disgusting. firstly, Luka and Marinette are even visually more like brother and sister. secondly, Luka is like an older brother to everyone there.
Why do I think this ship is toxic? because this is the ship of a rag boy, and his favorite girl who constantly wipes her feet on him.
Yes, Luka is a rag.I understand that he loves her, but there must be at least a drop of self-respect? smile when your favorite girl calls you by the name of her favorite guy
to date her, realizing that she is just taking advantage of you
marinette doesn't need this Luka, she never loved him, she just tried to forget herself in him, forget Adrien, but nothing came of it. she remembers who Luka is only when she needs something from him, like advice. the rest of the time she literally doesn't care, she came to him for love advice, knowing that he loves her. and after that you say it's a healthy ship and they would have a better relationship?☠️☠️
and also kill comments such as: "they should be the endgame" FUCK, THE SERIES IS A LOVE STORY OF ADRINETTE, THERE CAN'T BE ANY LEFT SHIPS. and if you don't like what the series is built on, specifically Adrinette, why are you watching it at all?
my ass burns when I see Lukanette fans. people just don't understand that this is a bad ship, and that Luka and Marinette don't suit each other romantically.
and by the way, before you make claims to me, remember that my hatred for lukanette is not because I love Adrinette, but it's just that lukanetteflop fans often use the phrase "inadequate fan of Adrinette" as an argument, huh, it's stupid and that's not the point. I'm just thinking adequately.
waiting for hate to me, floplukanette fans 🥰
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taldigi · 2 years
How do you feel about luka, juleka, kagami, nathaniel, marc, and rose?
Disapprovingly Neutral to Annoyed by their forced relevance. I think the extra characters are, overall, unnecessary and a waste of time that's better spent on already-existing characters. the only one I feel actually contributed anything of substance was Kagami.
Of the set, Kagami is the most narratively interesting due to her impact on both Marinette AND Adrien, but the REASON she is interesting (to be Adrien's angst machine and to cheat on her as a vehicle to "prove how much chat loves ladybug" and as petty boy problems on marinette's part) fucking sucks. Also, the racism and stereotypes pasted onto her and her family is fucking lame. Boo. Get help.
Julerose and Marcthaniel literally exist to be queerbait and filler characters. Especially frustrating that they're boring and a waste of time. Annoying that Rose is the stupid blonde stereotype when we have Adrien.
Luka being Ninos narrative replacement wouldn't have stung so bad if Luka wasn't the most boring, pasty white fuckboy. (strums a guitar, i'll never stop loving you biiiiitch) Him being Jagged's kid is also a FUCKING STUPID plot twist for twist's sake that only serves to fuck up Jagged's rep and to be angst fuel for Marinette. Also what the fuck season 4. He breaks up with her over being unable to tell the truth (these truths and lies morals SUCK by the way, and are BAD and TOXIC fuck this shit UGH) FINDS OUT ANYWAY, and then FAILS to let Marinette know after he finds out a secret that LITERALLY could DESTROY THE WORLD. Goddamn. and they way they write him outta s5 is fucking hilarious. RIP to lukanette stans, it was broken from the beginning.
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imthepunchlord · 2 years
Honestly, while I like Luka that's more because of him being essencially a walking emotional supporter. The way he's introduced and his interactions with Marinette feel... forced? I mean, the dude started playing guittar after making fun of her when she was literally just calling him to go UP. It's... admittedly weird how attraction worked there.
Plus, I get that Luka's whole thing it's that he's a musician, but I was always baffled at how Marinette understands his metaphors? Like his confession honestly didn’t sound like one? It just felt random instead of "you're my friend, of course I wouldn’t just sit still!" sort of thing?
I'm in the same boat. I do like Luka and I appreciate what he brings in, particular to Marinette who really needs unconditional support; but I gotta admit that I don't particularly like him as an individual character. Canon wise, I'd still say Lukanette all the way for endgame, simply because that would be healthiest and best for Marinette, but fic wise not so motivated in the ship itself.
Though maybe when I get to some planned Lukanette fics going that'll help me.
But onto Luka show wise; yeah, he over all isn't handled well. Honestly he really got the short end of the stick and I'm not satisfied with how he was handled and treated. And it leaves me not a very big Lukanette shipper or Luka fan.
His very intro episode, a good chunk of it was focused on Adrien. And that really back fired for Luka and just fueled Adrien salt for me because I was expecting this to be the Luka intro episode and really focus on him. Show me his and Jeluka's relationship. Show me how they work off Anarka. Give me more on the Couffaines as a whole.
Nope. We gotta focus on Sadrien. You see how sad he is? This is like the 15th time he's been sad. Feel so sorry for him. Luka who? Oh yeah, here's Luka for like two minutes, now let's get onto that akuma, we gotta reward Adrien for being sad.
I don't even mind their intro meeting, I personally don't take that as Marinette falling for him, just caught off guard and a little flustered, at most maybe a light crush/attraction on both sides; but I'd pick Silencer as the ep that really establishes those feelings. But biggest issue I have with Luka's intro ep is the Adrien focus, which took away so much from establishing Luka as a character.
Kagami herself has a solid enough episode that you got enough of her character. She was competitive, capable, didn't take failure well, had a lot of family expectation, motivated, and is one of those people who goes into something 110%. Also she is possibly bi at least cause there is nothing straight about how she stared at Ladybug.
But we don't get that for Luka. Though, I will say, at least his characterization stays on point in his few appearances, while poor Kagami goes through 3-4 different personalities.
As for Marinette understanding him... it'd be better if I could remember any of his lines but I can't, and I want to get back to writing so I'm going to skip out on looking them. I'll see them again when I rewatch some Lukanette episodes to get into the Lukanette mood for those future fics, but that's a while away. The most I can say is that Silencer confirms that these two don't even need words to communicate so it's not a stretch for Marinette to understand what Luka means when he's using his metaphors.
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