#luka stilinski-raeken (oc)
sapphireginger · 1 year
Title: Heart of a Hero: Chapter #3
Pairing: Steo [Stiles Stilinski + Theo Raeken]
Rating: Mature
Word Count:  2,845
Minor Character Death (Briefly Mentioned) Mpreg Off Screen Childbirth
Full AO3 Link
The healing isn’t hard physically, although Luka hates that he can’t play soccer yet. He’s very sulky about it and Stiles understands. It’s probably why the omega got his son a soccer video game to play to at least give him something close to it. 
Mental healing on the other hand isn’t easy and the stress of it almost leads Stiles to being hospitalized when they have a scare about the baby. After that, Stiles, had managed to do a few shifts, before being put on bed rest for the remaining two months of his pregnancy.
Theo is patient with his mate’s impatience. He withstands the emotional roller coaster lobbed at him every single day and works hard to make sure his mate knows how much Theo loves him.
Created For: @afgomegaversebingo​ / Square Filled: Clothes Sharing
Throughout the night things are pretty calm for the most part and Theo stays awake. He can’t sleep anyway even though he’s exhausted. It’s around two in the morning when his mate suddenly sits up and looks around. He startles when Theo’s hand touches his arm and stares at the appendage as if it offended him before pushing it away and slowly standing up. 
Theo can only watch in confusion as his mate stalks over to the hamper of dirty laundry and starts sniffing each one, searching for something. He doesn’t find it though and after pausing a moment, he whimpers. 
“What is it sweetheart?” Theo whispers. 
Stiles whines and walks over to tug on Theo’s pants and tilts his head to look at the ceiling. Two floors above them is the master bedroom. “Okay. I’ll get them. I’ll be right back.”
With a purr, Stiles scents Theo and curls up around his pups once more. 
It’s a quick trip to the bedroom to retrieve what his mate needs, and Theo is back in the basement in less than ten minutes.
A soft snarl sounds but it’s a happy purr that releases any tension the alpha felt. Long arms stretch out and snag the shirts as Stiles sets about settling more of his instincts. 
Luka is soon naked except for boxers but then Stiles growls and removes those too. He slips one of Theo’s shirts from the pile, gets his scent all over it and then puts the shirt on his eldest son. The same process is repeated with Leo and then Laiken, all three pups now swimming in their dad’s t-shirts. As soon as the boys are changed, Stiles snarls at the old clothing. Theo quickly removes it and the omega purrs at him. 
Unfortunately, Theo isn’t allowed back in until he too changes once Stiles has changed himself. 
In the process of removing his shirt, Theo startles when a wet feeling hits his stomach, and his abs tighten in surprise. The alpha looks down, his shirt now off and tosses it with the old clothes. With bright red eyes he sees his mate nuzzling and nipping at him. The wet feeling was the omega’s tongue. 
For once, Theo doesn’t resist the manhandling of his omega, knowing that in this state, Stiles is stronger than he is anyway. 
Within a half hour of waking up, all five of the Stilinski-Raeken family members are in Theo’s clothes, doused in Stiles’s scent and once again sound asleep, though much closer together this time.
Theo can admit to himself as he drifts off that he’s grateful for Stiles’s instincts. He hadn’t noticed the scent was bothering him and making him restless until it was removed. Now, he too can rest.
»•»🔥«•« »•»🚑«•«
Their routine is pretty much the same for another week, their friends and family coming and going but never interfering. It takes a lot out of Stiles to be so on guard, but Theo doesn’t leave his side unless it’s to get them food and water. He even manages to get his mate to let him bathe their pups. Theo is immensely grateful for Lydia’s insistence on a basement bathroom.
Eight days after returning from the hospital, Stiles’s ears are gone as are his fangs and claws, but his eyes are still glowing constantly.
Leo and Laiken are upset that their brother is sleeping but Theo does his best to distract them.
“Wuka sa’e me, Da,” Leo whispers, looking at his brother. “Why no wake u’?”
Theo tries to smile and pulls his second oldest son into his arms. “He’s resting, pup. He got hurt and has to get better before he can wake up.”
“Bu’ Wuka wake up soo’?”
“I hope so. How about we play a game?”
Leo sniffles and nods. “Otay. I twy.”
Theo nods. “Okay. I spy something…”
»•»🔥«•« »•»🚑«•«
When the two week mark arrives since the family came home from the hospital, Theo is starting to worry but if anything, Stiles looks like himself once more. He still just isn’t speaking. The omega’s eyes aren’t glowing anymore but it’s like their places are reversed now. Whereas Theo is on alert, Stiles is completely relaxed.
Theo learns why that is at midnight the night of the two week mark. 
“Dad’y?” a voice croaks.
Theo snaps his head towards his mate and pups to see bright eyes staring at Stiles. “Luka,” he whispers.
Luka’s eyes stay on his daddy, and he tilts his head. “You saved me, Daddy.” His voice gets a little stronger. “You’re my hero.”
Acknowledging the fact that Stiles and Luka will always have a stronger bond because of the four nearly five years they had together without Theo sometimes hurts the alpha but, in this moment, the hurt is the last thing on his mind. Especially when Stiles—“My little monkey is okay.” The omega’s voice is raw from disuse, but Theo is too relieved by the fact that his mate is actually speaking to care how it sounds.
The scent of salt permeates the air as Stiles hauls his son into his lap and rocks him back and forth. The tears are in Stiles’s eyes, Luka’s eyes and in Theo’s eyes, eliciting whimpers from their remaining two pups who are still asleep.
Stiles cups Luka’s face and sniffles. “You’re okay.”
“I’m okay, Daddy.”
“I was so scared,” Stiles says, his voice cracking as he starts sobbing and cradles Luka as close as possible. The emotions swirling around them are enough to wake Leo and Laiken. 
Leo is the first to notice the change. “WUKA!!!” he cries out and starts crying as he clings to his brother. 
“Hey, braciszek,” Luka says softly and manages to pull Leo closer. He wraps his arms around Leo protectively. 
“You is otay. Da’dy sa’e you!” Leo says.
Luka smiles softly and winces only slightly when Leo’s head rests against his stomach. “Daddy saved me, you're right. He is my hero.”
Leo’s eyes widen slightly, and he looks up at his big brother with awe. “Wuka?”
“You ma hewo,” the younger of the two says with a small smile.
More salt joins the scent of the nest as Luka latches onto his brother with a choked off sob. 
Theo moves closer, scooping up Laiken who makes grabby hands for his daddy. Stiles clears his throat and takes Laiken, settling the pup on his hip, his other arm around Luka who now has a lap full of Leo. Amber eyes meet blue eyes, and a quirked brow is all it takes for Theo to join. 
The small family clings to each other so tightly, the knowledge of what they almost lost eliciting more tears, and the relief that the horror didn’t come to pass, overwhelming them. 
By the time the tears slow and the breathing of all five evens out, the sun is just peeking over the horizon. 
That is how Lydia, Isaac, Allison and Jordan find the family. Lydia and Jordan have been taking care of the legalities while Allison and Isaac have taken care of the medical side of things. Erica and Brett are picking up groceries to restock the kitchen and pantry. 
The group of friends even spoke with the fire chief, which resulted in a very worried Jackson and Liam until Isaac had talked to them about what happened. All the bosses are now aware of what happened and gave both Theo and Stiles paid leave. This way, when the family comes upstairs, they won’t have to worry about cleaning, cooking or anything else other than bonding as a family. 
»•»🔥«•« »•»🚑«•«
Ten after their return from the hospital, the five members of the Stilinski-Raeken family emerge from the basement to a spotless house and a kitchen full of groceries, and cooked meals. Their friends had taken care of everything that needed to be done.
Stiles is overwhelmed and immediately calls Isaac. “You are fucking amazing you asshole. I love you!”
Isaac chuckles wetly. “It was my pleasure to help. You know that I’ll always be there to help and right now the last thing you guys need to worry about is cooking and cleaning.”
“This weekend can you guys come over and we’ll celebrate?”
“Of course! It’s important to celebrate Luka’s survival.”
Stiles sniffles. “Definitely. I–” Stiles cuts off and chews his lip. “I’m going to tell them about…”
“About the baby?”
“Yeah,” Stiles whispers, his eyes locked on Theo who nods with a smile. “I’ll talk to you later Izzy. Okay?”
“Okay,” Isaac says. “I love you. Hug my godsons for me?”
“Always. Bye, Izzy.”
“Bye, Kit.”
»•»🔥«•« »•»🚑«•«
With some homemade lasagna settled in their bellies and the sleepiness brushed from their eyes, Stiles and Theo sit their boys down on the master bed to talk to them.
“What’s wrong?” Luka asks, his fingers carding through Leo’s hair. Said boy’s head is never far from resting on Luka’s stomach protectively.
Stiles sucks in a breath and says, “We almost lost you and I went feral. I couldn’t let you die though and so I-I bit you. At that moment, nothing else mattered to me. When I woke up from that fog of instinct only thinking and acting, I realized that if we had lost you, you never would have known.” His hand rests on his stomach.
Luka notices and gasps softly. “Daddy are you…?”
“Oh my gosh,” Luka whispers. He tears up and carefully maneuvers himself towards his daddy’s swollen belly. Theo sits behind Stiles, his hands cupping the swell protectively.
Luka smiles as he places his hand gently next to his dad’s hands. Leo makes a small protest at being jostled but settles, watching curiously. 
“Wha’ ooin’ Wuka?”
“I’m saying hello.”
Leo’s nose scrunches up. “Hewo to who?”
Luka takes Leo’s hand and guides it to Stiles’s stomach. “A baby.”
That makes Leo gasp and sit up with wide eyes. “Dad’y pegnen?”
Stiles chuckles softly at the awe in his son’s voice and the happiness in Luka’s eyes. “Yes. Daddy’s pregnant.”
“Boy or girl?” Luka asks, chewing his lip. 
Theo hooks his chin over Stiles’s shoulder and smiles. “We don’t know yet. Daddy is only about three months along. We have to wait a little longer to find out. What do you think?”
Leo tilts his head. “A ‘oy!” 
Luka pouts slightly but shakes his head. “No. I think it’s a girl. I hope it’s a girl.”
The two mates exchange a knowing look and smile. They’ve known for a while how badly Luka wants a baby sister. Stiles hopes when he delivers, he can…well…deliver.
»•»🔥«•« »•»🚑«•«
The weekend arrives before they know it and things have leveled out pretty quickly. There are still moments when Stiles will pace the halls at night and sometimes, he won’t sleep but it’s getting better.
The time spent with their friends is something the two mates and their pups desperately need. Stiles gets scented repeatedly and both his sister Lydia and his best friend Isaac rarely part from him the entire day.
Stiles learns the shooter was killed and something in the way his mate smiles, tells him just who is responsible for said death. He walks over to the alpha and whispers in his ear. “Did you make him suffer?”
Theo shivers and snarls softly, his arms encircling the omega’s waist. He brings his lips to Stiles’s ear and whispers, “Worse than death and then I gave him that too.”
That night, after the pups are in bed is the first time Stiles feels such a deep, desperate and primal want for his mate since the shooting. It’s rough, fast and perfect, leaving them to collapse in a pile of tangled limbs on their bed after doing a cursory clean up.
Luckily, they manage to put on boxers, thus they are covered when their three children pop into their room before the sun is up. The two mates open their arms, and the children quickly take the opening. Theo and Stiles exchange a soft kiss, kiss the foreheads of their pups and fall asleep.
»•»🔥«•« »•»🚑«•«
The healing isn’t hard physically, although Luka hates that he can’t play soccer yet. He’s very sulky about it and Stiles understands. It’s probably why the omega got his son a soccer video game to play to at least give him something close to it. 
Mental healing on the other hand isn’t easy and the stress of it almost leads Stiles to being hospitalized when they have a scare about the baby. After that, Stiles, had managed to do a few shifts, before being put on bed rest for the remaining two months of his pregnancy.
Theo is patient with his mate’s impatience. He withstands the emotional roller coaster lobbed at him every single day and works hard to make sure his mate knows how much Theo loves him.
»•»🔥«•« »•»🚑«•«
When they get to the homestretch, with only a week left, Luka is able to practice scoring goals in the backyard. Leo watches with loud claps that Laiken starts to copy. Stiles gets to go outside since it’s not too hot and because Theo carried him out.
After everything that happened, the emergency pile up, the fire, the shooting, Luk being shot and the scare of almost losing their unborn baby, Stiles hops and prays there will be no more of such things.
Unfortunately, he got one more thing thrown at him but at least it wasn’t a bad thing. It does push him over the edge emotionally though as he soaks the lawn chair. “Th-The-Th-ALPHA?!” he cries out. 
Theo’s eyes widen and he quickly leaps into action. Within minutes the pups are secure in their car seats. Leo and Laiken are in the backseat. Luka is in the middle seat while Stiles is in the passenger seat and Theo is in the driver’s seat. Soon they are racing towards the hospital. They have a new pup to bring into the world.
»•»🔥«•« »•»🚑«•«
Allison cradles Laiken in her arms, the pup having dozed off around hour five. Leo is curled up in Lydia’s lap while Luka matches Isaac’s pacing up and down the hallway. 
Hour twelve arrives and there’s no news yet from anyone but Erica and Brett show up just before hour thirteen. Erica relieves Allison, taking Laiken who blinks up at her sleepily, while Jordan takes over Leo for Lydia, who gets coffee for everyone.
Finally, just after hour sixteen, Theo emerges with a huge smile on his face. “Boys?”
Luka, Leo and Laiken look at their dad with wide eyes, unable to stop their smiles.
Theo gestures for them to come closer, taking Laiken from Erica. “Come meet your siblings.”
None of the adults miss the plural usage and all gape in surprise. Lydia pulls out her phone and immediately starts ordering one more of nearly everything. Erica leans into Brett’s embrace while Allison grins, her dimples standing out, making Isaac go doe eyed. 
They all wait with bated breath for their turn.
»•»🔥«•« »•»🚑«•«
When the boys reach the room, Theo opens the door and Stiles looks up with a soft smile. Luka is the first one into the room, but he hangs back. Leo however walks right up to the bed. 
“Come here, monkey,” Stiles says to his eldest son. 
Slowly, Luka comes closer to the bed and when his eyes alight on the small bundles, one in each of his daddy’s arms, he starts to cry. There, wrapped in pink blankets with pink caps, are two baby girls. 
Stiles smiles, tears slipping down his cheeks. “You have two new baby sisters, boys.”
Luka beams, chuckling wetly and slowly scents them. “What are their names?” he asks softly.
Theo comes closer, settling Laiken on his hip and helps Leo onto the bed. “This little one…” he starts, gently running his finger down the cheek of the baby in Stiles’s left arm. “…is Meadowlark Stilinski-Raken. This little one…” He repeats the gentle caress on the cheek of the baby in Stiles’s right arm. “…is Gwendolyn Stilinski-Raeken.”
Luka carefully joins his siblings on the bed and gasps softly when Meadowlark, who they have nicknamed Meadow, is placed in his arms. He cradles her head like he did with Leo and Laiken when they were born.
Theo helps Leo hold Gwendolyn, whom they have nicknamed Gwen, and while the hospital bustles and people outside go about their lives, time stands still for the family of seven.
Almost a decade ago, Stiles, a hero, gave birth to Luka, a boy with the heart of a hero. Through the loss of a mate bond, an alphaless pregnancy and a reunion of two true mates, through the birth of two more children, through the addition of family by marriage and mating, through the horror and terror of that fateful morning nearly seven months ago, and through every single night and day, up and down, one thing has been consistent.
No matter what they have faced before, face now or will face in the future, nothing will stand against the fierce love of the Stilinski-Raekens and the heart of a hero that they each possess.
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sapphireginger · 1 year
Title: Heart of a Hero: Chapter #2
Pairing: Steo [Stiles Stilinski + Theo Raeken]
Rating: Mature
Word Count: 2,499
Blood & Injury Gunshot Wound Recovery Feral Character & Feral Behavior Hospitals
Full AO3 Link
“How bad is it?” the alpha asks. He has to fight not to push past the doctor to get to his family, but he resists the urge for the moment because he needs to know.
“I don’t know what all you’re aware of, Alpha Stilinski-Raeken but your son suffered a gunshot wound to the stomach. We had to give him a blood transfusion as he had lost too much blood. There’s no easy way to say this, but it’s a miracle that he’s alive.”
Theo tilts his head. “What aren’t you telling me?”
Created For: @afgomegaversebingo​ / Square Filled: Free Space - Nesting
When Theo shows up at the hospital, frantically searching for his mate, Isaac informs him of everything as quickly as he can. The curly haired beta doesn’t notice the small flecks of blood on Theo’s uniform.
“Lydia called me and said she has Leo. Allison still has Laiken but Luka…” Isaac trails off, swallowing with a click. “Luka was shot, Theo.”
The alpha’s eyes flash and he has to take several deep breaths to remain calm. “And Stiles?”
Isaac winces and looks bereft. “He’s with Luka.” Before Theo could press further, Isaac gently rests a hand on the alpha’s arm. “He’s feral, Theo.”
Theo’s heart clenches in agony at the news. He can’t lose his son or his mate. “Is there any word on the shooter?” he snarls.
“Dead,” Isaac replies with a satisfied expression on his face. “I don’t know how but I thank fuck, or I’d kill the guy myself.”
“No. He was mine to kill.”
The statement and the way it was said, has realization washing over the beta. Isaac nods his approval at the alpha’s admission that it was he who killed the shooter. Isaac definitely wants to know more but they can’t discuss it now.
A doctor makes her way over to them and offers a gentle smile. “Mr. Raeken?” she says.
Theo’s jaw creaks with how hard he clenches his teeth together. “Stilinski-Raeken.”
The woman looks at the file a bit guiltily. “Ah. Yes. My apologies. My name is Doctor Brent. I am here to speak with you about your son, Lukanus and your mate, Mr. Mieczyslaw Stilinski-Raken.”
“How bad is it?” the alpha asks. He has to fight not to push past the doctor to get to his family, but he resists the urge for the moment because he needs to know. 
“I don’t know what all you’re aware of, Alpha Stilinski-Raeken but your son suffered a gunshot wound to the stomach. We had to give him a blood transfusion as he had lost too much blood. There’s no easy way to say this, but it’s a miracle that he’s alive.”
Theo tilts his head. “What aren’t you telling me?”
Doctor Brent clears her throat. “When treating your son, we noticed a bite mark on his arm. Your mate is an omega. Correct?”
“Yes,” Theo says, confused why that would matter. 
Seeing his confusion, she elaborates. “Omegas have the ability to save a life using what’s known as an omega bite. It is so rare we hardly ever see it but your mate gave that bite to your son, and that is the only reason he survived long enough to get the transfusions. With complete transparency I can tell you that he didn’t need as much blood as we were expecting either.” She has something akin to awe in her voice and Isaac understands the feeling. 
“I saw it, Theo.” Isaac has a gentle smile on his face when the alpha looks at him. “It was…” he trails off. “I can’t even describe it. Stiles just knew and did it without hesitation.”
Theo puffs out his chest in pride. “My brave perfect omega.” He turns to look at the doctor. “Where are they?”
Doctor Brent gestures for him to follow her. “We have them here in room 0706. Please remember that your son has lost a lot of blood and what you’ll see is only temporary. He’ll be okay with some rest and rehydration.”
With a nod of understanding, Theo turns towards the door. His hands are sweaty, and his mouth is dry. Isaac’s gentle grip on the alpha’s shoulder grounds Theo as he slowly opens the door.
There are machines beeping and the sound of oxygen pumping but other than that, it’s eerily silent. At least it is until Theo steps into the room.
His eyes alight on his son who is pale against the sheets, and he only halts his approach when a low growl echoes from the bed as well. 
Stiles snarls at Theo in warning, almost as if he doesn’t recognize the alpha. All he knows is his pup nearly died and he is omega feral. His eyes repeatedly flash in warning, the snarl never cutting off. 
Theo has to resist the urge to flash his eyes at his mate and demand submission. He knows Stiles can’t help it. It breaks his heart to see the shape his son is in, and it is painful to see the state of his omega.
The omega’s eyes are solidly glowing. His claws are still out, and his fangs glint dangerously in the low light of the room. Theo is stunned at the sight of ears poking out the top of Stiles’s head. The partial omega shift is another phenomenon similar to the omega bite. It’s rare and despite the pain of everything, Theo can’t help but feel proud that this is his omega. 
Exaggeratingly telegraphing his movements so as not to incur the omega’s fight instincts, Theo steps further into the room. When Stiles still snarls but cocks his head slightly, Theo feels a burst of hope in his chest. There are legends of omegas who go feral at the loss of a child and never come back to themselves even with their mates trying everything to get through to them. 
The alpha spares a very concerned thought for their unborn pup but pushes that down. The last thing Stiles needs is the alpha’s worried chemosignals invading his already overstimulated senses. 
He doesn’t go any closer and it seems to please the omega who slowly untenses, but Theo isn’t fooled. Stiles is still ready to defend his pup. So, in an effort to offer comfort and familiarity to his mate, Theo begins to softly sing. He sings a song that only he and Stiles know, and the song is one that Stiles always sings to their children, just like his mother had done for him.
Distant moon, so big and bright    Softest silver glowing through the night    High atop, the mountain gold    Sun unseen, the world is cold
Here I wait, and here I stand    Early morning northern hour hand    Studying, in solitude    Looking for a hidden clue
I wish to see this world through my own eyes    To calm the elders and silence their cries    Because of you, I now gaze up and sing    The lullaby of the moon
Found at last, I steal away    Moving faster through the silent shade    Sea of stars, like flowers bloom    Looking for the hidden tomb
The way Stiles’s body starts to grow more pliant and the way he purrs, eases Theo’s worries. They’re going to be just fine. 
»•»🔥«•« »•»🚑«•«
It’s day three, and Luka is still in an induced coma. Stiles won’t leave his side and Theo is the only one who is allowed to get close to the omega and the pup. Every night Theo will sing the lullaby and sometimes Stiles will just look at him and Theo just knows. So, he’ll sing it again and watch how it settles his mate. 
He can only do so much though and by day five doctors are noticing that the omega is still increasingly agitated. They grow concerned about his mental state with the distressed sounds he keeps letting out the longer his son is in an induced coma. Eventually they decide they have to intervene. 
Theo snarls. “Just wait a minute. Our pup was shot! You can’t expect him to just let that go. He’s an omega!”
Doctor Brent raises her hands placatingly, and all three doctors take a step back. 
Nodding, Theo turns to look at his mate. “Hi, Little Fox.”
Stiles perks up, his ears swiveling slowly. He purrs softly in inquiry.
Theo smiles. “Can you come here, sweet thing? Come to your alpha, my good omega.”
Like a siren’s call, the omega slowly, though still cautious and skittish, pads over to his alpha.
The alpha is relieved he is able to coax his mate closer and gently grips the back of Stiles neck. He smiles softly as the omega purrs, looking at Theo with hazy eyes. Stiles hasn’t spoken since arriving at the hospital or even longer according to Isaac but the look in his eyes is one Theo knows well. So, he places a kiss on the omega’s forehead, chuckling softly when his mate chases his lips for a proper kiss. Well, it’s less of a proper kiss and more of a slobbery one but Theo couldn’t care less and returns it. “So sweet for me my little fox.”
Stiles purrs and almost preens, making Theo feel even more hopeful that his mate will come back to him. Then Stiles’s attention shifts to their son, and he lets out a soft whimper. His request is evident when he looks at his alpha. 
Theo, with a nod, releases his mate and turns to the doctors. “He needs to feel safe, and he needs to nest. That can’t happen here. Is there a way we can continue Luka’s care on our own?”
The doctors are not happy about it, but they all know enough about omegas to understand the benefits to the young pup. Therefore, knowing nesting instincts will in fact settle the omega more, they set about a treatment plan. 
»•»🔥«•« »•»🚑«•«
They decide to send a nurse, named Eliza, with the family to get them set up. She doesn’t make it past the fence of their yard, which means Theo feels quite smug. Did the doctors really think an omega would let a stranger near their son? 
Stiles has Luka in his arms and Leo, whom they managed to pick up from Lydia, is on the omega’s back. Stiles carries them inside and sniffs, deeming it safe but not yet where he wants to be. Stiles wanders away from the front door with an obvious destination in mind. 
Theo has a feeling about where his mate will go and only watches him for a minute or two. It’s important that the alpha lets his mate be for now. No one should interfere with nest making. So, the alpha heads to the kitchen to make something for them all to eat. He can hear shuffling and soft growls below him. It looks like he was right about where his mate would go.
Sure enough, when Theo goes into the basement, with several bottles of cool water in his arms and leaving the snacks in the fridge for later, he’s not surprised at what he finds. His sweet omega has already surrounded and filled the deep closet with clothes, bedding, fabric and toys. The scent of the two mates and their pups floods the alpha’s senses and he rumbles, pleased with his omega.
Stiles blinks up at him and preens at the approval of his alpha and mate. A small smile, full of fangs, adorns the omega’s face and Theo realizes he’s that much closer to having his mate back. Little by little, he’s coaxing Stiles’s humanity back out.
“You did so good, my sweet omega,” Theo says softly. 
The omega preens again and purrs loudly when Theo offers his own shirt off his back to add to the nest. The alpha can’t enter unless Stiles deems his offering sufficient. So, he is relieved when the omega accepts it. 
The alpha slips into the nest, setting the bottles to the side and curls around his mate who is curled around their eldest son. Luka is doing better already. 
It makes Theo angry with the doctors. For all that they are acclaimed and renowned, they focus way too much on science. This means they completely ignore instincts. Stiles needs his pups safe, and he needs to nest. Omegas have soothing, healing and grounding pheromones. Already, the too pale skin of their eldest begins to return to its normal tone.
»•»🔥«•« »•»🚑«•«
Isaac brings Stiles and Theo's youngest child home shortly after dinner time. Theo has managed to get his omega to eat, and they even got food into Luka. Leo is asleep again and Theo was only able to get him awake long enough to nibble. None of them are very hungry but the alpha makes sure they eat something and that they drink lots of water. 
Laiken wiggles in Isaac’s arms as he’s held out to his daddy. Stiles snatches his pup from his best friend and scents him with a soft rumbling growl. Once the baby’s head is on Stiles’s chest, it’s like the omega is finally able to rest. 
The beta watches and exchanges a look of hope with Theo who smiles gently. Nodding in acknowledgement that things are settled for now, Isaac takes a step back towards the stairs.
Stiles whimpers when his best friend goes to leave. Isaac is safe but neither his instincts nor Theo’s will allow the beta to join them or remain in the vicinity of their nest. So, after Isaac hands Laiken to his daddy, he smiles and makes for the stairs. Stiles whines, shifting his baby to his left hip and tugs at the beta’s shirt before he gets too far. Then he looks at his alpha pleadingly. 
With a nod from the alpha, Isaac shucks his shirt and holds it out. Once Stiles latches onto it, Isaac leaves with a promise to come back tomorrow and to text if they need anything at all. He also makes sure to lock up behind him. 
Stiles purrs at the beta’s scent, wraps the shirt around Luka and only then does he settle with only the faintest amount of alertness remaining.
For now, the nest contains the scents of everyone the omega needs it to, and he is content as could be for the time being. He settles with his nose tucked into Theo’s throat, Luka, Leo and Laiken all in his arms. The entire family, save for the alpha, is asleep in a nest built by the omega.
Theo has never seen a more beautiful sight in his life. As his mate and his pups sleep, trusting him to watch over them, Theo places a hand on his mate’s stomach, his heart full of love. He ends up receiving only a light growl in warning at his hand’s placement. Theo scents his little family and then begins to softly sing the lullaby once more. 
Here I found the crescent blade    Forged by Rakkor, surely lunar made    Shining down, upon the earth    Now they'll see, I'll prove my worth
I wish to see this world through my own eyes    To calm the elders and silence their cries    Because of you, I now gaze up and sing    The lullaby of the moon
Condemned me to death    With my last breath    Sorrow and anger    Fill my head
Distant moon, so big and bright    Softest silver glowing through the night    High atop, the mountain gold    Sun unseen, the world is cold
Now I know my chosen path    Higher calling they will know my wrath    Raise my relic blade    I will not be swayed    With the might of the moon by my side
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sapphireginger · 1 year
Title: Heart of a Hero - Chapter #1
Characters: Stiles Stilinski & Theo Raeken
Fandom: Teen Wolf
Minor Character Death Blood & Injury Gunshot Wound School Shooting Mild Violence (Brief Description)
Square Filled: Gay Childhood Friends For: @lgbtqbingo
WC: 3,864
Full AO3 Link
Before he’s even fully conscious of the decision to move, Luka is entering the bathroom. Leo is washing his hands when suddenly, Luka hears a gunshot. Footsteps race past the bathroom door and a radio crackles to life.
“Lockdown. Lock down the grounds. We have a shooter.”
Life has been amazing for the two once again mates. They were looking into moving but hadn’t picked a place yet too focused on now having two little monkeys running around.
Luka is the best big brother, always making sure little brother Leo is safe and happy. Theo dotes on them, and Stiles can’t get enough of the alpha. That may be why they so quickly got pregnant with their next pup.
Their third child is only a year old now and his name is Laiken. Unlike his older brother, Luka, who is an alpha, Laiken is an omega like Leo and their daddy. It’s why Theo and Luka are even more protective over the younger pups.
Lydia and Parrish got married a couple months after Leo was born and then Isaac and Allison got married just before Laiken was born. Erica met an alpha named Brett who transferred in as a cop working under Jordan and they mated just a couple months after Laiken was born. They may have been newly mated, but they seemed like they had known each other for their entire lives.
About halfway through Stiles’s pregnancy with Laiken, Theo and Stiles found the one. The house was perfect for their still growing family. It is a beautiful pastel green country home with plenty of room for the kids to grow and play. It has five bedrooms, three bathrooms, a living room, a basement, an attic and a double garage. Not to mention a tree house that Brett, Jordan, Isaac and Theo built during the second half of Stiles’s pregnancy with Laiken.
Every day is a gift, and every night is special. Theo loves coming home to a home cooked meal whenever he works and Stiles has the day off but of course, there is none of that traditional sexist omega role stuff in their home. Nothing makes Theo happier than a content smelling omega mate.
“Hey, kitten,” Theo says softly, curling around his mate’s back where Stiles stands at the stove.
Stiles smiles and leans against his mate, purring when the alpha’s hands cup his swollen belly. He’s only two months along but he’s showing quite a bit already. “Hey. How was work?”
Nipping the omega’s neck, Theo doesn’t answer right away, offering a soft hum against pale skin. “Good, but this is better.”
“You’re welcome,” Stiles says with a grin, his cheeks bright pink at the attention. He will never get tired of being doted on.
Two pairs of feet come barreling towards them and soon, Theo has two monkeys attached to his legs.
“DAAAAAAD!!!” the two boys shriek.
Stiles gives a soft chiding rumble and gestures to their baby brother who is sound asleep in his playpen. “Boys.”
Luka looks at their daddy with a frown. “Sorry, Daddy.”
Leo copies his brother, something he’s doing more and more of lately. “Sowwy 'oo, Da’dy.”
The adorableness of his children makes it hard for Stiles to stay mad. So, he scents them, ruffles their hair and ushers them to the table. His gaze locks with Theo’s and he offers a tired smile.
Sadly, the two parents have some disappointing news for their kids. Tomorrow the boys have career day at school, but both Theo and Stiles will be on shift and unable to attend. After dinner, they’re dropping the boys off at Lydia’s house, so they’ll have a ride to school tomorrow.
Since Stiles cooked, Theo serves them and they all dig in, the boys expressing their absolute love for the food.
Laiken sits in his highchair, giggling as Luka and Leo make funny faces at him. It results in a very messy baby with the spaghetti sauce all over his little face, but it makes Stiles smile fondly just the same. His little family is happy, healthy and content. What more could he want?
»•»🔥«•« »•»🚑«•«
“Why can’t we stay home, Dad?” Luka asks as he looks out the window of the SUV.
Theo glances in the rearview mirror at his son and sighs softly. “Daddy and I have to work, pup.”
Luka sniffles. “Daddy is gonna miss my story though.” He glances at Leo when the younger boy squeezes his hand. Even as sleepy as he is, Leo recognizes when his brother is upset.
“I know. Daddy and I are so very sorry, Luka, but Aunt Lydia is going to record it for me and daddy to watch later. We’ll be there to pick you up from school. Okay?”
They pull into the driveway, seeing Lydia and Jordan already waiting for them. Theo is grateful to have his mate back and he promised Lydia he wouldn’t hurt Stiles again. The way the redhead hugs him tonight is another acknowledgement of the alpha’s kept promise to keep her brother happy, healthy and to love him no matter what.
Luka doesn’t want his dad to leave but he knows sleep is very important. Otherwise, people might get hurt if dad is too sleepy. So, he wraps his arms around his dad and scents him, hugging the alpha tightly.
Aunt Lydia and Uncle Jordan let him and Leo stay on the steps until the SUV is out of sight, but then it’s bedtime.
Stiles drops Laiken off with Allison, grateful she has the day off tomorrow and not wanting to overwhelm his sister with all three boys at once.
When the two parents arrive home, they manage to go about their nightly routine and exchange a couple brief and chaste kisses before slipping under the covers. By the time they are settled with the lights off, it’s just half past eight. That should give them plenty of time to sleep. Theo’s hands, even in sleep, cradle the baby bump protectively, the omega’s back flush against the alpha’s chest the entire night.
»•»🔥«•« »•»🚑«•«
Breakfast is yummy and Luka loves oatmeal with brown sugar. He still makes a face when Leo gobbles up raisins with his brown sugar oatmeal. The younger pup is more a fan of dried fruit than fresh fruit which Luka thinks is weird, but he loves his little brother as he is, even if he likes wrinkly fruit. It’s almost eight thirty and soon, they’ll leave for school.
Luka, who is eight, is now in third grade and his brother Leo, who is three, is in preschool. Their youngest sibling, Laiken, is only a year old and stays with Aunt Allison instead of going to daycare.
Today is career day at their school, but unfortunately, their dads aren’t able to come to career day. They had told Leo and Luka last night when dropping them off at Aunt Lydia’s that they would come as soon as their shifts were over.
However, that won’t be possible because just before six am, there was a fire and their dad had to be on scene. Then just before six thirty am there was an emergency pile up on the highway that their daddy got called in for. It was Aunt Lydia who got the boys to school. She told them on the way there that their parents had texted her about the emergencies.
Of course, Luka is disappointed. He has kept his story a secret so he could surprise his daddy, but he won’t get to surprise him now. Still, despite his disappointment, Luka understands and proceeds to listen to his classmates read their stories about who their heroes are.
“My hero is my grandpa. He fought in the war and won a purple heart. He even let me hold it one time. The reason he’s my hero isn’t because he won a medal or because he fought in a war but because he was the one who taught me how to not be afraid to be myself even when everyone else said I shouldn’t be me,” a boy named Carter says.
Luka stares down at his own paper, the words of his peers washing over him and wonders if his story is good enough to convey just how much he loves his hero. Sometimes words don’t seem like enough even though he has a lot of them.
For a long time, it was just him and his daddy. Then dad came back and now they have Leo and Laiken, Aunt Lydia, Uncle Jordan, Aunt Ally, Uncle Isaac and Auntie Erica with her new mate Uncle Brett. Despite having all those people, Luka remembers nights when it was just him and his daddy. Luka wants to be just like his daddy, especially because he is just as protective of his brothers Leo and Laiken as his daddy is of all of them. It would be cool to be someone’s hero one day.
When the teacher calls his name, Luka goes to the front and takes a deep breath. Once he steadies himself, he begins to read from his paper.
“My name is Lukanus but I like to be called Luka. When Ms. Peterson said we have to write a story about our hero, I knew right away who I would choose. My hero is my daddy. He’s a nurse, a paramedic and a detective. My daddy helps lots of people and even saved my dad. When I was little it was just me and my daddy and no matter what, he was always there.
“He taught me how to love, how to forgive, how to be strong when it’s hardest and how to keep going when I thought it was too hard. My daddy is the bravest, smartest, strongest and best person in the whole wide universe. He also taught me that biology doesn’t make anyone less than anyone else. He’s an omega and he taught me what that means.
“I love my daddy so very much and want to be just like him. I want to be the kind of man, kind of person, kind of human being my daddy is because if there were more people like him, then the world would be the safest and best place ever. He’s been given accolades by the police force, the hospital and the city for his efforts in protecting lives.
“My daddy was named Hero of the Year twice and got to meet the president but even though those things are really cool and not everybody can say those things have happened to their daddy, that’s not why he is my hero. He’s my hero because he taught me what it means to be a man and what it means to be a good human being.
“I watch him with my dad and know what it means to love someone unconditionally. I watch him with my younger brothers and know what it means to protect someone with everything you have. I watch my daddy and I wanna be just like him when I grow up. I’m already doing my best to embody all that is my daddy.
“I am grateful that my daddy is my daddy and because of who he is and what he’s done for me my whole life, he is my hero.”
»•»🔥«•« »•»🚑«•«
Luka did really well reading his story, at least he thinks he did good, based on the smile on Aunt Lydia’s face. She has recorded it on her phone so his daddy can see it later. She has to get to work now but hugs him tightly and kisses his forehead. “I’m proud of you, pup. You did really well.”
“Really?” Luka says.
“Really really.”
“Do you think Daddy will like it?” he asks quietly, chewing his lip.
Lydia’s expression softens as she pulls her nephew into a tight embrace. “He’s going to love it.” With another kiss to Luka’s forehead, Lydia heads out, sending him another smile over her shoulder.
Everyone has read their hero story now and it’s time for math. Then they’ll have lunch. After reading his story and having been a bit nervous, Luka raises his hand to ask if he can go get a drink.
“Of course, Luka. Take the pass and come right back. Okay?” Ms. Peterson says.
“Yes ma’am. Thank you.” Luka takes the pass and leaves the classroom.
»•»🔥«•« »•»🚑«•«
During this past summer, Luka spent a lot of time at the school since his daddy teaches CPR and First Aid classes. So, he is easily able to find his way to the water fountain.
He notices his brother Leo going into the bathroom and smiles at him before pressing the bar to get a drink. It’s while Luka is getting a drink at the water fountain that his tummy gets a knot of worry. Something isn’t right. Dad always says to trust his instincts because they will never steer him wrong.
Before he’s even fully conscious of the decision to move, Luka is entering the bathroom. Leo is washing his hands when suddenly, Luka hears a gunshot. Footsteps race past the bathroom door and a radio crackles to life.
“Lockdown. Lock down the grounds. We have a shooter.”
Luka’s eyes widen in fear, but Leo hasn’t noticed yet and he intends to make sure Leo is safe. He quickly locks the bathroom door and goes over to his brother. “Leo?”
The boy looks up at him and tilts his head at his older brother’s expression. “Wuka otay?”
“I’m okay but we’re going to play a game. Okay?”
Leo smiles, his eyes lighting up. “Otay! Wha’ ‘ame?”
Footsteps echo louder and louder, a bang sounding on the bathroom door. Luka is grateful he locked it. Searching for an escape, he sees the window. “This way, Leo,” he says, keeping his voice low. “We’re gonna play spies. You gotta squeeze through here and go tell Aunt Lydia the secret code.”
“Otay!” Leo says and giggles when Luka lifts him up and pushes him out the window. “Wha’ ‘ode Wuka?”
Luka swallows thickly. “I love you, braciszek.”
Leo tilts his head and smiles. “Wuv you ‘oo, Wuka!”
“Go find Aunt Lydia. Go!” Luka says urgently.
“Otay! I ‘o.
Luka nods, holding back tears. "Okay. Go," he says with more urgency.
Leo nods and waves. "Bah, Wuka!”
»•»🔥«•« »•»🚑«•«
Just as Leo is out of sight, the door is kicked in and a man enters with a big gun in his hands. When the shooter enters the bathroom, time seems to slow down. Dark eyes with hate and rage in them zero in on Luka. The man raises his gun and without remorse or any sign of care, the shooter pulls the trigger.
The sound is deafening, and Luka lets out a barely audible gasp. The bullet hits Luka right in the stomach and the little alpha is too stunned to do anything but gape in shock.
Meanwhile, the shooter kicks open each stall door and then leaves, time resuming its normal speed once more. Luka is so glad he got his brother out. He falls to the ground and coughs wetly, his vision blurring.
Luka still hears bangs sporadically but they’re getting softer which means further away. He’s so sleepy but he can’t sleep. Not yet. Not until daddy comes. Daddy will—Daddy will make it all better. After all, daddy is Luka’s hero.
»•»🔥«•« »•»🚑«•«
Stiles has just gotten back from the ICU where a victim of the pileup is finally stabilized. Jordan hands him a cup of coffee and Stiles sends his brother in law a grateful tired smile.
Jordan’s radio crackles, interrupting their conversation.
“10-71 in progress. Barker Aspen Elementary school.”
Time freezes, the coffee cup slipping from the omega’s fingers, his vision going nearly black. That’s where Luka and Leo are. Jordan is so focused on the call code he misses Stiles’s immediate exit. By the time he notices, Stiles is already almost to the school, uncaring of speed limits.
Stiles can barely form any coherent thoughts and by now he recognizes the signs enough to know he won’t be saying anything even if he could form thoughts. The omega can’t feel the bond with his eldest son. It is taking everything he has not to go omega feral and right now, he is about to drop off the edge, into that ferality. Stiles can only thank whoever is watching over them that their youngest is with Allison today.
He idly wonders where Theo is and whether or not the alpha knows about the shooting. That thought slips away from him when the faintest thump comes through his bond with Luka and nothing else matters to Stiles now except his son.
If anyone was to scent his emotions before he entered the school, they would catch terror, grief and guilt. Chemosignals do help when the person exuding them can’t. With Stiles now omega feral and nonverbal, he won’t have anything for them when it comes to his state of mind.
»•»🔥«•« »•»🚑«•«
Stiles tugs on his offspring's bond and it leads him to a bathroom halfway between Luka and Leo’s classrooms. The door is only connected with one hinge, but Stiles ignores the splinters he gets as he pushes into the small room.
It’s there that he finds his son. Luka is silent and still and so very very pale. It takes a second for Stiles’s eyes to process what his nose already has. His pup is lying in a pool of blood. All sense and humanity leave the omega and he is lost to instinct as he falls to his knees splattering crimson everywhere. His hands cup his son’s face, claws careful not to break the skin as he lets out a high pitched whine of fear and grief.
»•»🔥«•« »•»🚑«•«
Lydia has Leo in her arms and the poor thing is so confused. Lydia works in an office space just next door to the school and was shocked when Leo wandered over but as soon as he told her what happened, she phoned the police, and Isaac who had heard from Jordan. Stiles was missing.
When Isaac arrives at the school he goes right up to Lydia and his second godson. “Stiles?” he says quietly so as not to disturb a now sleeping Leo.
“Kindergarten bathroom. Isaac it’s—”
“It’ll be okay, Lyds,” Isaac says and gently scents both her and the pup before heading inside to find his best friend.
»•»🔥«•« »•»🚑«•«
The omega has pulled his son into his lap and is rocking back and forth, his thumb pressed lightly against the pulse point of his son’s throat. It’s the only thing keeping him grounded in some way, knowing that his son isn’t gone yet. He doesn’t care about the slick feeling of the blood. He doesn’t care about the splinters in his skin. All he cares about is his little monkey.
When Isaac finds his best friend, his godson’s daddy is completely feral. Normally, Theo would be enough to calm Stiles, but he isn’t there and all Stiles can see is the blood. Luka manages to slur out a single word. “L’o?”
“Safe,” Isaac says.
Stiles snarls slightly, his focus on his son but his body tenses in preparation to fight if need be.
Isaac remains hovering nearby, knowing better than to get between an omega and his child. He’s grateful that Lydia has Leo as they can’t let Leo see Luka like this. He idly looks at the officers standing just down the hall and feels a rush of relief hit him when he hears them say the shooter is dead. Perhaps Isaac should feel bad for being glad, but he doesn’t. Not with the state his best friend is in because of the shooter.  
After all the months of being there for every step of Stiles’s first pregnancy, Isaac knows the reason his best friend is feral and has gone nonverbal. He kneels down, his own beta scent not posing a threat like an alpha’s scent would. “Miko?” he whispers.
He gets no response from the omega who hasn’t stopped rocking his son or stopped caressing the boy’s pulse point with a needy whine. Stiles’s hands are slick with blood, and he looks lost, but then something ignites inside him, his body stilling. A wave of calm washes over him and he snarls.
Isaac stills completely and watches in shock as Stiles sinks his fangs into Luka’s arm with zero hesitation.
There’s not much in the way of blood left but Stiles holds on tight with sharp fangs, unwilling to let go until it’s taken. His eyes flash and his claws are still out, but he never breaks his son’s skin the claws. If Stiles were coherent, he’d realize his fox ears are out now and they swivel in alertness every few seconds. However, none of these things get through to him, his jaw clamped tight to ensure his bite takes.
The boy is startled but hardly feels anything but numb as he looks up at his daddy. “Kn’w yo’d co’e fur ma. Dad’y m’ he’o.”
Isaac is in shock of what he has just witnessed his friend do. Omega bites are rare and only used when—He swallows thickly at the slowly strengthening heartbeat of his godson. No wonder Stiles is feral.
Stiles is even more volatile with his emotions now because he is once again pregnant. This time they are hoping for their first baby girl. The two mates haven’t even told their boys about the baby yet. Isaac is hoping to hell that Luka survives as Luka in particular has been wanting a baby sister and if Luka doesn’t make it, Isaac isn’t sure they’ll get Stiles back.
»•»🔥«•« »•»🚑«•«
When the ambulance comes and loads Luka up after Isaac finishes stabilizing him, Stiles lets out a persistent snarl at anyone who gets too close. Only Isaac handing the omega a sweatshirt of Theo’s with the alpha’s scent, calms Stiles down enough to let the rescue workers close the ambulance doors. Soon, they are on their way to the hospital.
As the ambulance gets further away, Isaac pulls out his phone and calls Theo. Since Stiles and Theo had gotten back together nearly four years ago, Isaac and Theo have become really good friends though not as good as he and Stiles are. After all, Isaac and Stiles have known each other since they were children. They were the first person they each came out to, Isaac coming out as bisexual when they were twelve and Stiles coming out as gay when they were thirteen.
His heart clenches as he calls his friend’s number. Isaac hates that he has such terrible news to give his friend, but he doesn’t want Theo to go in blind. He doesn’t want the alpha to be shocked when he arrives at the hospital to find his mate feral, and nonverbal. That is not even considering just how deep into his instincts Stiles is now.
Isaac has never seen his best friend with fangs, claws and glowing eyes but it’s not as shocking as it might be to others. After all, Isaac would have gone full primal too if it had been his eldest pup with a gunshot wound in his little tummy. For all that alphas are considered fiercer, it is omegas who truly are the fiercest especially when it comes to their families and even more so when it comes to their pups.
“Isaac? What’s up?”
“You need to get to the hospital, Theo. It’s Luka.”
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