#parents stiles stilinski/theo raeken
sapphireginger · 1 year
Title: Heart of a Hero: Chapter #3
Pairing: Steo [Stiles Stilinski + Theo Raeken]
Rating: Mature
Word Count:  2,845
Minor Character Death (Briefly Mentioned) Mpreg Off Screen Childbirth
Full AO3 Link
The healing isn’t hard physically, although Luka hates that he can’t play soccer yet. He’s very sulky about it and Stiles understands. It’s probably why the omega got his son a soccer video game to play to at least give him something close to it. 
Mental healing on the other hand isn’t easy and the stress of it almost leads Stiles to being hospitalized when they have a scare about the baby. After that, Stiles, had managed to do a few shifts, before being put on bed rest for the remaining two months of his pregnancy.
Theo is patient with his mate’s impatience. He withstands the emotional roller coaster lobbed at him every single day and works hard to make sure his mate knows how much Theo loves him.
Created For: @afgomegaversebingo​ / Square Filled: Clothes Sharing
Throughout the night things are pretty calm for the most part and Theo stays awake. He can’t sleep anyway even though he’s exhausted. It’s around two in the morning when his mate suddenly sits up and looks around. He startles when Theo’s hand touches his arm and stares at the appendage as if it offended him before pushing it away and slowly standing up. 
Theo can only watch in confusion as his mate stalks over to the hamper of dirty laundry and starts sniffing each one, searching for something. He doesn’t find it though and after pausing a moment, he whimpers. 
“What is it sweetheart?” Theo whispers. 
Stiles whines and walks over to tug on Theo’s pants and tilts his head to look at the ceiling. Two floors above them is the master bedroom. “Okay. I’ll get them. I’ll be right back.”
With a purr, Stiles scents Theo and curls up around his pups once more. 
It’s a quick trip to the bedroom to retrieve what his mate needs, and Theo is back in the basement in less than ten minutes.
A soft snarl sounds but it’s a happy purr that releases any tension the alpha felt. Long arms stretch out and snag the shirts as Stiles sets about settling more of his instincts. 
Luka is soon naked except for boxers but then Stiles growls and removes those too. He slips one of Theo’s shirts from the pile, gets his scent all over it and then puts the shirt on his eldest son. The same process is repeated with Leo and then Laiken, all three pups now swimming in their dad’s t-shirts. As soon as the boys are changed, Stiles snarls at the old clothing. Theo quickly removes it and the omega purrs at him. 
Unfortunately, Theo isn’t allowed back in until he too changes once Stiles has changed himself. 
In the process of removing his shirt, Theo startles when a wet feeling hits his stomach, and his abs tighten in surprise. The alpha looks down, his shirt now off and tosses it with the old clothes. With bright red eyes he sees his mate nuzzling and nipping at him. The wet feeling was the omega’s tongue. 
For once, Theo doesn’t resist the manhandling of his omega, knowing that in this state, Stiles is stronger than he is anyway. 
Within a half hour of waking up, all five of the Stilinski-Raeken family members are in Theo’s clothes, doused in Stiles’s scent and once again sound asleep, though much closer together this time.
Theo can admit to himself as he drifts off that he’s grateful for Stiles’s instincts. He hadn’t noticed the scent was bothering him and making him restless until it was removed. Now, he too can rest.
»•»🔥«•« »•»🚑«•«
Their routine is pretty much the same for another week, their friends and family coming and going but never interfering. It takes a lot out of Stiles to be so on guard, but Theo doesn’t leave his side unless it’s to get them food and water. He even manages to get his mate to let him bathe their pups. Theo is immensely grateful for Lydia’s insistence on a basement bathroom.
Eight days after returning from the hospital, Stiles’s ears are gone as are his fangs and claws, but his eyes are still glowing constantly.
Leo and Laiken are upset that their brother is sleeping but Theo does his best to distract them.
“Wuka sa’e me, Da,” Leo whispers, looking at his brother. “Why no wake u’?”
Theo tries to smile and pulls his second oldest son into his arms. “He’s resting, pup. He got hurt and has to get better before he can wake up.”
“Bu’ Wuka wake up soo’?”
“I hope so. How about we play a game?”
Leo sniffles and nods. “Otay. I twy.”
Theo nods. “Okay. I spy something…”
»•»🔥«•« »•»🚑«•«
When the two week mark arrives since the family came home from the hospital, Theo is starting to worry but if anything, Stiles looks like himself once more. He still just isn’t speaking. The omega’s eyes aren’t glowing anymore but it’s like their places are reversed now. Whereas Theo is on alert, Stiles is completely relaxed.
Theo learns why that is at midnight the night of the two week mark. 
“Dad’y?” a voice croaks.
Theo snaps his head towards his mate and pups to see bright eyes staring at Stiles. “Luka,” he whispers.
Luka’s eyes stay on his daddy, and he tilts his head. “You saved me, Daddy.” His voice gets a little stronger. “You’re my hero.”
Acknowledging the fact that Stiles and Luka will always have a stronger bond because of the four nearly five years they had together without Theo sometimes hurts the alpha but, in this moment, the hurt is the last thing on his mind. Especially when Stiles—“My little monkey is okay.” The omega’s voice is raw from disuse, but Theo is too relieved by the fact that his mate is actually speaking to care how it sounds.
The scent of salt permeates the air as Stiles hauls his son into his lap and rocks him back and forth. The tears are in Stiles’s eyes, Luka’s eyes and in Theo’s eyes, eliciting whimpers from their remaining two pups who are still asleep.
Stiles cups Luka’s face and sniffles. “You’re okay.”
“I’m okay, Daddy.”
“I was so scared,” Stiles says, his voice cracking as he starts sobbing and cradles Luka as close as possible. The emotions swirling around them are enough to wake Leo and Laiken. 
Leo is the first to notice the change. “WUKA!!!” he cries out and starts crying as he clings to his brother. 
“Hey, braciszek,” Luka says softly and manages to pull Leo closer. He wraps his arms around Leo protectively. 
“You is otay. Da’dy sa’e you!” Leo says.
Luka smiles softly and winces only slightly when Leo’s head rests against his stomach. “Daddy saved me, you're right. He is my hero.”
Leo’s eyes widen slightly, and he looks up at his big brother with awe. “Wuka?”
“You ma hewo,” the younger of the two says with a small smile.
More salt joins the scent of the nest as Luka latches onto his brother with a choked off sob. 
Theo moves closer, scooping up Laiken who makes grabby hands for his daddy. Stiles clears his throat and takes Laiken, settling the pup on his hip, his other arm around Luka who now has a lap full of Leo. Amber eyes meet blue eyes, and a quirked brow is all it takes for Theo to join. 
The small family clings to each other so tightly, the knowledge of what they almost lost eliciting more tears, and the relief that the horror didn’t come to pass, overwhelming them. 
By the time the tears slow and the breathing of all five evens out, the sun is just peeking over the horizon. 
That is how Lydia, Isaac, Allison and Jordan find the family. Lydia and Jordan have been taking care of the legalities while Allison and Isaac have taken care of the medical side of things. Erica and Brett are picking up groceries to restock the kitchen and pantry. 
The group of friends even spoke with the fire chief, which resulted in a very worried Jackson and Liam until Isaac had talked to them about what happened. All the bosses are now aware of what happened and gave both Theo and Stiles paid leave. This way, when the family comes upstairs, they won’t have to worry about cleaning, cooking or anything else other than bonding as a family. 
»•»🔥«•« »•»🚑«•«
Ten after their return from the hospital, the five members of the Stilinski-Raeken family emerge from the basement to a spotless house and a kitchen full of groceries, and cooked meals. Their friends had taken care of everything that needed to be done.
Stiles is overwhelmed and immediately calls Isaac. “You are fucking amazing you asshole. I love you!”
Isaac chuckles wetly. “It was my pleasure to help. You know that I’ll always be there to help and right now the last thing you guys need to worry about is cooking and cleaning.”
“This weekend can you guys come over and we’ll celebrate?”
“Of course! It’s important to celebrate Luka’s survival.”
Stiles sniffles. “Definitely. I–” Stiles cuts off and chews his lip. “I’m going to tell them about…”
“About the baby?”
“Yeah,” Stiles whispers, his eyes locked on Theo who nods with a smile. “I’ll talk to you later Izzy. Okay?”
“Okay,” Isaac says. “I love you. Hug my godsons for me?”
“Always. Bye, Izzy.”
“Bye, Kit.”
»•»🔥«•« »•»🚑«•«
With some homemade lasagna settled in their bellies and the sleepiness brushed from their eyes, Stiles and Theo sit their boys down on the master bed to talk to them.
“What’s wrong?” Luka asks, his fingers carding through Leo’s hair. Said boy’s head is never far from resting on Luka’s stomach protectively.
Stiles sucks in a breath and says, “We almost lost you and I went feral. I couldn’t let you die though and so I-I bit you. At that moment, nothing else mattered to me. When I woke up from that fog of instinct only thinking and acting, I realized that if we had lost you, you never would have known.” His hand rests on his stomach.
Luka notices and gasps softly. “Daddy are you…?”
“Oh my gosh,” Luka whispers. He tears up and carefully maneuvers himself towards his daddy’s swollen belly. Theo sits behind Stiles, his hands cupping the swell protectively.
Luka smiles as he places his hand gently next to his dad’s hands. Leo makes a small protest at being jostled but settles, watching curiously. 
“Wha’ ooin’ Wuka?”
“I’m saying hello.”
Leo’s nose scrunches up. “Hewo to who?”
Luka takes Leo’s hand and guides it to Stiles’s stomach. “A baby.”
That makes Leo gasp and sit up with wide eyes. “Dad’y pegnen?”
Stiles chuckles softly at the awe in his son’s voice and the happiness in Luka’s eyes. “Yes. Daddy’s pregnant.”
“Boy or girl?” Luka asks, chewing his lip. 
Theo hooks his chin over Stiles’s shoulder and smiles. “We don’t know yet. Daddy is only about three months along. We have to wait a little longer to find out. What do you think?”
Leo tilts his head. “A ‘oy!” 
Luka pouts slightly but shakes his head. “No. I think it’s a girl. I hope it’s a girl.”
The two mates exchange a knowing look and smile. They’ve known for a while how badly Luka wants a baby sister. Stiles hopes when he delivers, he can…well…deliver.
»•»🔥«•« »•»🚑«•«
The weekend arrives before they know it and things have leveled out pretty quickly. There are still moments when Stiles will pace the halls at night and sometimes, he won’t sleep but it’s getting better.
The time spent with their friends is something the two mates and their pups desperately need. Stiles gets scented repeatedly and both his sister Lydia and his best friend Isaac rarely part from him the entire day.
Stiles learns the shooter was killed and something in the way his mate smiles, tells him just who is responsible for said death. He walks over to the alpha and whispers in his ear. “Did you make him suffer?”
Theo shivers and snarls softly, his arms encircling the omega’s waist. He brings his lips to Stiles’s ear and whispers, “Worse than death and then I gave him that too.”
That night, after the pups are in bed is the first time Stiles feels such a deep, desperate and primal want for his mate since the shooting. It’s rough, fast and perfect, leaving them to collapse in a pile of tangled limbs on their bed after doing a cursory clean up.
Luckily, they manage to put on boxers, thus they are covered when their three children pop into their room before the sun is up. The two mates open their arms, and the children quickly take the opening. Theo and Stiles exchange a soft kiss, kiss the foreheads of their pups and fall asleep.
»•»🔥«•« »•»🚑«•«
The healing isn’t hard physically, although Luka hates that he can’t play soccer yet. He’s very sulky about it and Stiles understands. It’s probably why the omega got his son a soccer video game to play to at least give him something close to it. 
Mental healing on the other hand isn’t easy and the stress of it almost leads Stiles to being hospitalized when they have a scare about the baby. After that, Stiles, had managed to do a few shifts, before being put on bed rest for the remaining two months of his pregnancy.
Theo is patient with his mate’s impatience. He withstands the emotional roller coaster lobbed at him every single day and works hard to make sure his mate knows how much Theo loves him.
»•»🔥«•« »•»🚑«•«
When they get to the homestretch, with only a week left, Luka is able to practice scoring goals in the backyard. Leo watches with loud claps that Laiken starts to copy. Stiles gets to go outside since it’s not too hot and because Theo carried him out.
After everything that happened, the emergency pile up, the fire, the shooting, Luk being shot and the scare of almost losing their unborn baby, Stiles hops and prays there will be no more of such things.
Unfortunately, he got one more thing thrown at him but at least it wasn’t a bad thing. It does push him over the edge emotionally though as he soaks the lawn chair. “Th-The-Th-ALPHA?!” he cries out. 
Theo’s eyes widen and he quickly leaps into action. Within minutes the pups are secure in their car seats. Leo and Laiken are in the backseat. Luka is in the middle seat while Stiles is in the passenger seat and Theo is in the driver’s seat. Soon they are racing towards the hospital. They have a new pup to bring into the world.
»•»🔥«•« »•»🚑«•«
Allison cradles Laiken in her arms, the pup having dozed off around hour five. Leo is curled up in Lydia’s lap while Luka matches Isaac’s pacing up and down the hallway. 
Hour twelve arrives and there’s no news yet from anyone but Erica and Brett show up just before hour thirteen. Erica relieves Allison, taking Laiken who blinks up at her sleepily, while Jordan takes over Leo for Lydia, who gets coffee for everyone.
Finally, just after hour sixteen, Theo emerges with a huge smile on his face. “Boys?”
Luka, Leo and Laiken look at their dad with wide eyes, unable to stop their smiles.
Theo gestures for them to come closer, taking Laiken from Erica. “Come meet your siblings.”
None of the adults miss the plural usage and all gape in surprise. Lydia pulls out her phone and immediately starts ordering one more of nearly everything. Erica leans into Brett’s embrace while Allison grins, her dimples standing out, making Isaac go doe eyed. 
They all wait with bated breath for their turn.
»•»🔥«•« »•»🚑«•«
When the boys reach the room, Theo opens the door and Stiles looks up with a soft smile. Luka is the first one into the room, but he hangs back. Leo however walks right up to the bed. 
“Come here, monkey,” Stiles says to his eldest son. 
Slowly, Luka comes closer to the bed and when his eyes alight on the small bundles, one in each of his daddy’s arms, he starts to cry. There, wrapped in pink blankets with pink caps, are two baby girls. 
Stiles smiles, tears slipping down his cheeks. “You have two new baby sisters, boys.”
Luka beams, chuckling wetly and slowly scents them. “What are their names?” he asks softly.
Theo comes closer, settling Laiken on his hip and helps Leo onto the bed. “This little one…” he starts, gently running his finger down the cheek of the baby in Stiles’s left arm. “…is Meadowlark Stilinski-Raken. This little one…” He repeats the gentle caress on the cheek of the baby in Stiles’s right arm. “…is Gwendolyn Stilinski-Raeken.”
Luka carefully joins his siblings on the bed and gasps softly when Meadowlark, who they have nicknamed Meadow, is placed in his arms. He cradles her head like he did with Leo and Laiken when they were born.
Theo helps Leo hold Gwendolyn, whom they have nicknamed Gwen, and while the hospital bustles and people outside go about their lives, time stands still for the family of seven.
Almost a decade ago, Stiles, a hero, gave birth to Luka, a boy with the heart of a hero. Through the loss of a mate bond, an alphaless pregnancy and a reunion of two true mates, through the birth of two more children, through the addition of family by marriage and mating, through the horror and terror of that fateful morning nearly seven months ago, and through every single night and day, up and down, one thing has been consistent.
No matter what they have faced before, face now or will face in the future, nothing will stand against the fierce love of the Stilinski-Raekens and the heart of a hero that they each possess.
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sterekmpreg · 1 year
Peter: So... you’ll just let the pack be “free range”. Let them wonder freely.
Derek: Peter-
Stiles: Hell yeah, they're free range. They have free range to stalk on up and kick some ass!
Derek: As you can see... This isn't really my choice anyways.
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ateotd-izzy · 8 months
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it’s nice to have a friend - stiles stilinski x fem!reader
“you been stressed out lately, yeah, me too”
summary: you didn’t have many friends in middle school, not until you met a boy one afternoon. it was nice to have a friend. especially one that lasted as long as stiles did.
“something gave you the nerve to touch my hand”
notes: friends to lovers (obv), it’s just very sweet and fluffy, i just love him sm :3
“it’s nice to have a friend”
the first time you met stiles stilinski was on a cold winter afternoon back in the seventh grade.
snow in beacon hills wasn’t common at all, so you weren’t exactly prepared for the freezing weather.
and to top it all off, while you were in school, you had lost your gloves at some point during the day.
so now you were walking home with the fear that you were going to lose your hands to frostbite.
as you walked, you noticed the boy walking on the sidewalk next to you looking at you while you rubbed your hands together.
“you could borrow one of mine if you’d like.” he suddenly spoke and you turned to look at him.
“what?” 13-year-olds didn’t exactly always have the best manners.
he pulled one of his gloves off of his hand and held it out to you. “you don’t wanna get hypothermia. i did a science report on it, like, two years ago. it’s not cool.”
“who are you?” you asked as you took the glove and slipped it onto your hand.
“oh, right, i’m stiles.” he held out his bare hand to you.
“y/n.” you smiled, shaking his hand with your own non-gloved hand. “sheriff stilinski’s your dad, right?”
“yup.” stiles nodded with a smile. “are you doing anything this afternoon?”
“no… why?”
“wanna hang out?”
this strange and very sweet boy who you had just met was asking to hang out with you.
“what would we do?” you asked curiously as the two of you walked.
“i have a bunch of video games.”
you smiled. “yeah, sounds like fun.”
so stiles walked you to his house where the two of you hung out playing video games in his living room until his dad got home.
by then you had lost track of time and had to go home.
“see you tomorrow, y/n.” stiles smiled from the door as you walked down onto the sidewalk.
“see ya, stiles.”
the next day wasn’t as cold. the snow had all melted and it was warm enough to not have to wear too many layers.
at school, stiles sat at the desk next to yours first period and discreetly passed you a note when the teacher wasn’t looking.
you carefully unfolded it to see his messy handwriting across the lines on the paper.
wanna hang out with me and scott today?
it’s nice to have a friend
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five years later you sat beside stiles on the hood of his jeep.
he had parked on the cliff side so the two of you could watch the sunset.
the sky before you was a soft, light pink as the sun had begun sinking behind the horizon.
this night was one where the two of you were free of the troubles of werewolves, banshees, dread doctors and theo raeken, who had recently been sent to hell.
you’d had a crush on the boy sitting beside you, your best friend, for the last two years at least. around the time where all the werewolf troubles began back in your sophomore year.
and this night in particular, you didn’t have a curfew. your parents thought you were staying at stiles’ house for the night, which wasn’t exactly a lie.
most nights you would sneak out when it came to supernatural stuff, but this time it was just you and stiles hanging out.
“wanna play 20 questions?” you asked as the sky began to grow darker, but the pink and orange stayed.
“why? we practically know everything about each other.” stiles chuckled and you shrugged.
“we haven’t been able to just hang out like this lately.” you pointed out. “there’s always been something else.”
so stiles agreed to the game and the two of you played. most of the questions were silly, stuff about movies and games that you already knew the answers to.
but some of the questions were more real. about school and college, or scott’s lycanthropy.
then stiles told you, unprovoked, about how stressed out he had been lately. with theo, donovan, the dread doctors, scott, and the overwhelming fear that everyone was going to leave him behind.
“yeah, i get it. i absolutely get it.” you bumped his shoulder with your own. “but you don’t need to worry. you’ll always have me.”
stiles smiled as he looked at you beside him, while you looked back at the sunset.
he looked down at your hand, which was sitting on the hood of his jeep in between the two of you.
and slowly, despite his nerves jittering, he moved his hand from his leg and sat it beside yours, your fingers brushing against his.
stiles didn’t know that small touch sent what felt like a jolt of electricity through your body and butterflies into your stomach.
then, while looking forward, stiles moved his hand even closer and sat his on top of yours.
your lips fought back the smile that was growing on your face, and stiles saw it from his peripheral vision as he laced your fingers together.
he held your hand tightly in his and you put your head on his shoulder as the sun disappeared from sight.
“i like you, stiles.” you spoke softly and stiles didn’t answer. for a moment you thought you had messed something up, so you lifted your head off his shoulder.
then stiles said the same thing. “i like you, too.”
and then he kissed you.
it’s nice to have a friend
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“stiles, put me down!” you exclaimed, your arms wrapped around his neck tightly in fear that he would drop you.
he laughed but slowly helped you stand on the porch.
your hands trailed up his body until they were sitting on his shoulders before you kissed him.
his hands moved to hold your hips and yours drifted up to the sides of his face.
you pulled back and smiled.
“come on, mrs. stilinski, into the house we go.” stiles pulled the keys from his pocket and unlocked the front door.
you and stiles had gotten married just a month ago, not long after you had finished college and he started in the fbi.
as the two of you walked into your house, you took stiles’ hand in yours and intertwined your fingers.
you had moved out of beacon hills and now lived somewhere where it snowed a lot more frequently. that made you happy, because snow always reminded you of the day you first met stiles.
you watched the snow fall outside through the kitchen window while you started to make dinner.
“babe,” you called for stiles from the kitchen and he was before you in a flash.
“you wanna watch a movie while we eat?” you asked and his face lit up the same way it would back when you were teenagers.
“star wars?” he asked, quirking his eyebrows and pressing his lips together, his own little pleading face.
“sure.” you chuckled and turned to grab something from the fridge.
stiles’ arms wrapped their way around your middle from behind and his chin sat on your shoulder. kissing your cheek, stiles smiled as he hugged you tightly.
“you want help with dinner?” he mumbled against your neck.
“yeah.” you lifted one of your hands back to brush through his hair. “you want to help?”
“of course.” he pressed a few slow kisses to your neck before slowly letting go of you and moving to the counter. “what are we making?”
it’s nice to have a friend
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tags: @brvceyamada
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bamboozledbird · 1 month
𝕚𝕗 𝕚 𝕔𝕠𝕦𝕝𝕕 𝕝𝕠𝕤𝕖 𝕪𝕠𝕦 𝕚 𝕨𝕠𝕦𝕝𝕕 // stiles stilinski imagine
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Characters: Stiles Stilinski, fem!reader, Theo Raeken, Lydia Martin, Scott McCall Pairing(s): Stiles x fem!reader, Stiles x you (no use of y/n), Theo x fem!reader, Stiles x ofc Word Count: 7k (bbygurl got away from me oops) Tags: Hurt/a little, itty bit of comfort, angst is my lifeblood i fear, let's play a game of who can find all the noah kahan lyrics Warnings: Underage drinking/drug use (at least in america rip, they're all 19+), suggestive language, some light cheating, i think that's it?, sad girl summer :'(
Request: “You think I like being like this? Every time someone fucking touches you I want to rip their hands off!” for stiles please and thnk you!!!
Part II: after many requests, here’s the happy ending: part two A/N: i am well aware theo is way too nice, and me personally?? could never forgive him for hurting scott mccall, the light of my fucking life. but it's for the plot. the things we must do for the plot of it all. i might make a part two? but this was already long, and i liked the conclusion enough to stop. lemme know if that sounds interesting to y'all. ps: listen to strawberry wine and the view between villages for vibes.
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That first night, you drove home—207 miles in less than 3 hours, sobbing the entire way. Didn’t matter that you were right in the middle of finals. Didn’t matter that you had Math 19 at 8:00 in the morning. Nothing mattered except for the ringing in your ears, the blistering echoes of, ‘I can’t do this anymore,’ over and over and over again until you stumbled into the house you grew up in—the house he practically grew up in. He was all over every room, all over your entire goddamn hometown, all over you, and you had this desperate, crawling urge to scrub your skin raw. Strip everything away with turpentine until the shadows of his hands and mouth were gone, until you couldn’t smell cedar and 15 years of summer nights and Sunday mornings. 
That night you cried so hard it scared your sister. She spent most of the night with her back slumped against your bedroom door, fingertips poking through the little crack underneath, just like she did the first night your parents brought you home. She had to know that you were breathing, had to make sure that your little chest was rising and falling in your sweet bassinet—if you were inhaling in-between your fractured sobs. You eventually cried yourself to sleep—like a baby, like a broken heart—and thrashed around sweat-damp sheets and dreams of him kissing someone else on his couch. 
Months later, you finally realize it’s a bit self-involved to think that the universe cares enough about your short, temporal existence to conspire against you…but it certainly feels like it when you tie it all together with red string. After Stiles stopped wanting you, everything just…decayed, rotted, died—so quickly, too quickly for you to bury any of the remains. You’re still grieving Allison, constantly, and currently failing at least half your classes, and, oh yeah, battling literal demons at least three times a week—but mostly, you’re just tired. You’re just so goddamn tired of it all.   
To put it plainly, you’re drowning. 
That must be why the neat lines of text in your Math 20 textbook are swirling into indecipherable whirlpools. It’s just so…frustrating. You get math. Math is your thing. Derivatives shouldn’t ever send you into a bout of angry tears—but you are, you’re angry. Angry at the numbers for blurring into something unrecognizable, angry at yourself for not recognizing them, for becoming a person you don’t know or like. Your lashes clump together, and few mascara-tinted tears drop onto the glossy pages. At least, the cloudy text isn’t a hallucination now. 
 “Are you okay?”
The library is quiet, so quiet that you should’ve heard him coming, but you jump at the sound of Theo’s voice. You don’t know him that well; Theo isn’t really the kind of guy you’d talk to, at least not before everything you knew slipped through your fingers. It’s not like you ever disliked him; it’s just…he’s always been everything you’re not—focused, organized, completely in control. He’s confident but not cocky, smart but not arrogant, ridiculously good-looking but just charismatic enough that you can’t really hate him for all the maiming and scheming he pulled last year. He’s been punished enough, you think, and sure—maybe a part of you feels that way simply because Stiles doesn’t.
You haven’t spoken to Theo much, not really. Scott does most of the talking when he shows up to the occasional pack meeting, and Lydia won’t let him within ten feet of you anyway. Frankly, you don’t realize that he knows your name until he says it. His voice is soft in a way that you know isn’t just because of library conduct. It’s his eyes, you think—they’re warm with a concern you aren’t sure what you’ve done to deserve.
You nod and then blink at the fuzzy pages of your math book, eyes almost vacant, “I just…I don't understand.”
Theo sits down next to you and leans forward, scanning the text briefly, “Which part?”
You flush, “...all of it.”
He doesn’t laugh or roll his eyes like you thought he might. Instead, he pulls his chair closer to yours and reaches for a pencil. “Most people will tell you that derivatives are the ‘instantaneous rates of change.’ That’s what the book says, and it’s kind of true, but you’re right—that doesn’t actually make any sense. Things can’t actually change in a single instant, right? Obviously, change happens between two instances, so what they actually mean is a derivative's the rate of instantaneous change measured as precisely as possible.” Theo’s voice is soft in your ear as he drags his finger across your textbook, connecting the vague definitions to numbers that actually compute through your teary haze.
You sit back and just watch for a minute, a little in awe, as he makes all the squiggles into numbers again—and you haven’t been found more than a few feet away from him ever since. You guess it’s because you’re hoping, against all odds, that he can do the same for your life. At least in some small way, maybe.
It’s definitely easier to show up to Lydia's party with his hand in yours. 
You’re all back in Beacon Hills for the summer, and it’s nice. It really is. During the school year, you’re spread all across the state for the most part—you, Theo, and Lydia at Stanford; Scott, Kira, and Malia at UC-Davis; Liam and Mason, the babies, about to start their senior year of high school (it makes you want to cry if you think about it too long); Derek in…wherever he ends up for a season (it was fun to visit while he was in New York, and you secretly hope he makes a return in the fall); and, of course, there’s Stiles. He’s all the way on the other side of the country for his Quantico internship, and you still can’t escape him. His hands are all over your scent, all over every important moment of your life since pre-school. Sometimes, you think that you’ll always be one breath away from choking on the memory of him. But it’s easier, you remind yourself; it’s easier to be a minute away from home with Theo standing next to you. 
The music is loud in Lydia’s front room, thumping through your chest and sharpening the anxiety crawling through your veins—gnawing at your corneas until all you can see are flashing lights through a haze of vape and weed: pink, blue, green, red, and then pink again.
Theo tightens his grip on your hand and gently pulls you into the kitchen. It’s still loud, but the air is clearer here, and the crowd is thin. There’s a couple you vaguely recognize from high school making out on the granite countertop, too enwrapped in each other’s tongues to notice the mixer-sticky surface, and a couple boys who were on the lacrosse team gather drinks for another round of beer pong behind them. 
“You’re psychic,” you hum, resting your chin against the little dip in Theo’s sternum so that you can grin up at him, “tell the truth.”
He laughs easily and wraps his arms around your waist, the solid weight releasing some of the vague unease stubbornly clinging to your synapses. “I solemnly swear that my supernatural abilities end at claws and fangs. I just know you; that’s all.” 
You hum as he sways with you a little and shake your head, “It’s only been a few weeks. You’ve gotta have some help from the other side.”
Theo shrugs and lifts you onto the counter behind him—a non-sticky patch, thankfully—and brushes your hair out of your eyes, “Maybe I’ve been paying attention for a little longer than a few weeks.”
You tilt your head and purse your lips into a pout you hope is even half as cute as the wicked gleam in Theo’s eyes, “How long?”
He shrugs again and ducks down to murmur in your ear, “Maybe since the first grade.”
His breath is warm against your cheek, but you know that’s not the only reason your face feels hot. You push against his chest, pulling a little face, “Shut up.”
Theo laughs and grabs your wrists, kissing your knuckles, “I’m serious! You were so cute with your little pigtails and missing teeth.”
You whine a little, embarrassed as you are as pleased, and hide your face in his neck. It smells good, a little citrusy from his cologne and a little sweaty from the sheer amount of grinding bodies in the house—like a man, like he can and will take care of you. “Stop it. I hated those bangs.”
He pinches your sides a little, “And the way you’d always shoot your hand up first—with the right answer, of course—I was smitten.”
You pull away from his neck and arch your brow, “Was?”
“Am,” he concedes with a soft smile, cupping your cheek and thumbing along your lash line, “am completely smitten.” 
He dips in to kiss you, lips barely an eyelash-width away from yours, when a prim cough pulls him away from his spot in-between your legs. You peer around his shoulder and roll your eyes, albeit fondly, at the stern look on Lydia’s face. She’s always been protective of you, even more so after Allison and the whole Stiles debacle, but you’re a bit tired of the Theo Raeken witch hunt. 
You slip down from the counter and rock onto your tiptoes to kiss Theo’s cheek—mainly to see the pinch in Lydia’s perfectly tapered brows. “Can you put this in the coat room,” you hum against his skin, shrugging off your baggy leather jacket. He knows the real reason you’re sending him away—of course he does, sometimes it feels like he knows everything—but he goes with a smirk anyway because, despite Lydia and Stiles’s suspicions, he’s trying his absolute hardest to redeem himself. 
“You could be a little nicer, y’know,” you reach for a hard lemonade from the ice bucket dripping a puddle of water onto the tile floor. You uncap it on the lip of the massive island and fold your arms over your chest, “He’s been nothing but the perfect boyfriend so far.”
Lydia matches your stance, brows curving, “Boyfriend?”
Heat crawls up your neck to your ears. You haven’t actually discussed labels or exclusivity—you think it’s too early; don’t want to scare him off, but Lydia doesn’t need to know that. “Boyfriend.”
Her curls trickle over her shoulder like the strawberry wine in her cup as she tips her chin and purses her lips into a flat line, “Stiles is here.” 
You try not to react—aren’t entirely sure why you do—and hide your complicated frown behind a sip of lemonade. It’s extra bitter going down. “Okay?”
Lydia shifts her weight from one Jimmy Choo to the other and sighs heavily, “He’s not going to like it.”
A flare of irritation sparks in your gut that you chase with a tip of your bottle. “Okay?” you mutter, wiping the excess liquid away with the back of your hand. A smear of nude lipstick is left behind, and you feel the sudden need to leave some on Theo’s neck for everyone to see. 
“I’m just warning you; it’s going to be a whole thing,” Lydia waves her hand in the air as she takes a dainty sip from her cup. Her pink manicure shines under the lights, and you wonder briefly how she can make every color look good with her red hair.
You hum and lean forward, grin a little sloppy as you sidle up to her side, “That you’ll be on my side for. Obviously.”
Lydia watches you carefully, eyes heavy, and tucks some of the hair falling in your face behind your ear. “Obviously,” she takes your hand, squeezing it tightly, and you feel a little less giggly and a lot more tender. 
You let her pull you into the crowded front room for a dance. It’s a good song, you think. Happy, lots of bass to jump to, and you’re shiny-faced and giddy by the time it’s over. 
Meandering towards the back patio for some fresh air, you pull your tank top away from your torso, gauzy material sticky with sweat and someone’s body glitter. You aren’t entirely sure where Theo ended up, but you take it as a good sign that he’s mingling with your friends—which, bless his crooked little heart, is all he’s ever wanted. 
The night breeze is so nice against your clammy skin that you feel a little lightheaded. You collapse on a padded deckchair and kick your feet up onto a keg, empty, most likely, based on its current state of abandonment. After a moment of hazy tranquility, a red solo cup filled to the brim with an unknown, potent liquid blocks your view of the winking gold embellishments on your boots. 
“You look like you need a drink,” Scott smiles at you from his slight bend over your head.
You take the cup from Scott eagerly and down about half of it to soothe the rawness in your throat—asthma is a bitch in hotboxes, makes you almost consider asking Scott for the bite. “I need about ten,” you hum, licking the little dribble of cherry-something from the corner of your mouth. It’s too sweet, but the ice is easing the beginnings of a headache forming in your temples. 
Scott sits down next to you, and you grumble a little as he nudges your side with his elbow until he has enough room to stretch his legs out too. “You look happy,” he grins at you, eyes crinkly and sweet. “Been a minute since I’ve seen that.”
“I feel happy,” you lean against his side and rest your cup against your cheek. The condensation gathered on the plastic is a godsend against your flushed face. “For the first time in…way too long.”
“Good,” Scott's voice is sincere, in the most genuinely empathic way that only Scott McCall can be, and he gently nudges your foot with his, “I’ve been worried.” He pauses and looks down at the contents of his cup, watches the ice slowly melt into whatever he poured for taste alone—you don’t like the pensive squint in his eyes. “You know I want to trust Theo, right? I really want to believe that he’s changed.”
You sigh a little, but because he only ever wants the best for everyone and, well, because it’s Scott, you say, “But?”
He gives his hands a small frown and taps his finger against the side of his drink, “Not a but, exactly. I do think he’s different now.” The mostly goes unsaid, and you watch him closely, waiting for him to finish. “I just want you to be careful, that’s all. I don’t want you to…rush into anything after, well,” Scott scratches the back of his neck a little and winces, “you know.”
“After Stiles dumped me because, ‘he needed space,’ and then started dating someone new two weeks later,” you finish for him flatly. He hadn’t even been subtle about it. His new girl was all over his Insta within the month—and she’s still fucking stunning in his flannels weeks later. Your stomach turns, but you swallow another mouthful of your dri—rum and Cherry Coke, you finally place the flavor, smiling a little at the memory of getting tipsy on the same drink at Senior prom with Scott, Kira, and…Stiles. It’s a good memory, you decide. You won’t let him take it from you.
“Yeah.” Scott sighs into his drink and then takes a long chug, “I just don’t want to see you get hurt again, you know? None of us do.”
“I know,” you smile at him fondly and kiss his cheek, “and it’s very sweet, but I’m a big girl. I can handle myself.” 
Scott smiles, bright and puppy-like, and then his head cocks with his little sixth-sense tick—also puppy-like, you think with a smirk. Scott’s grin fades and he murmurs, “Three o’clock,” against the rim of his cup.
Your eyebrows furrow, “What?”
Scott laughs, but it’s strained, and then nods towards something across the pool, “To your right.”
You turn your head, expecting to see one of your friends doing something stupid, and freeze momentarily when you meet Stiles’s gaze. His eyes are a little unfocused, murky with whatever’s in his plastic cup, but they sharpen when he sees you. He backs down first, and you polish off your drink, craving the sweet burn in your throat. “I need another drink.”
“You need to talk to him,” Scott says, and he takes your empty cup away from you, like he’s worried you can magically refill it with the simple power of desire. “If you can’t do it for him, do it for me. His brooding is really getting out of control.”
You don’t bother bringing up that Stiles is the one who ended it or that he brought his new girlfriend home with him. “Maybe,” you shoot Scott a sly grin and try to snag his drink from his hands, but your clumsy fingers are no match for his werewolf reflexes, “I do love and cherish you very, very much.”
Scott laughs and ruffles your hair, approaching noogie territory. “Should’ve gone out with me.”
You can’t help but look for him through the fog rising above the heated pool. Stiles’s face is pale in the reflection of the lit water; the shadows ripple across his cheeks when he tugs his girlfriend into a sloppy kiss—Chelsea, you recall, proud that there’s only a little bitterness coating the thought. “Don’t I know it,” you finally say. It’s the churning reflection and the smell of chlorine, you reason; that’s why you feel a bit like throwing up your last couple drinks.
Scott frowns when you don’t swat at his side or make fun of him, like you’d usually do in the face of such ridiculous teasing, and follows your gaze. “But that was never going to happen, huh,” he says quietly. “Not with the…” he trails off, face scrunching as he searches for the right words, “throbbingly in love since birth thing.”
You laugh through the stabbing sensation in your chest. “Throbbingly?”
He waves his free hand as he takes another sip of his drink, “You know what I mean.”
“I really don’t think I do,” you say, a small smile twitching on your face as Scott spills most of his red drink onto his white t-shirt.
He sighs and pulls the soaked material away from his chest, head darting around as he looks for something to mop up the mess. “You guys were just like…always ahead of everybody from the beginning, you know? Brains, love, all of it. I swear you both were actually born like 30—okay, it probably has more to do with the…” 
“Early on-set trauma?” you fill-in for him, sparing him the unpleasantness of bringing up dead mothers and mental illness.
Scott nods and licks his bottom lip before continuing, “I remember this kid had a huge crush on you, like way back in elementary school, and even at nine years old I knew he didn’t have a shot. It was just obvious, you know? It was always going to be the two of you. It was just always gonna end up that way.”
You almost laugh at the sight: Scott dabbing at his shirt with a pink beach towel and oh-so casually confirming that your worst fears aren’t only valid but in fact a reality. Maybe, you really can’t love someone else, not the way you loved him. Maybe, you’re just kidding yourself when you talk about it in the past-tense. Maybe, it really is just the two of you, even if it’s all in your head now. 
“I’m definitely not drunk enough for this,” you try to sound flippant, but your words are as shaky as the hand you're raking through your hair. It’s already a mess, but you can’t stop. Your hands need to do something. 
“Then you’re really not gonna like what’s coming next,” Scott says as he jerks his thumb towards something behind him.
You turn your head, and your eyes widen when you see Stiles trudging towards the two of you with his hands stuffed into his jeans pockets. The chair’s metal frame squeaks with Scott’s shifting weight. He clamors to his feet, mumbling something about cleaning his shirt, and you give him your most intimidating glower, “Scott, if you walk away from me right now, I swear to fuckin’ god, I’ll never—Hi.” Your tone is clipped, short and to the point, when Stiles stops in front of you.
“Hey,” Stiles’s voice is dull, void of emotion, and so is his face. He stares at you, and you wish you knew what was really flickering behind that burnt umber and citrine honey. There was a time when you would’ve known—when you always knew. It’s so strange, you think, so strange how quickly someone can become a stranger.
You clear your throat and tuck your legs underneath yourself, tugging on the hem of your short skirt to maintain some semblance of modesty. His eyes still dart to your upper thigh, lingering on the strip of skin that’s bared when you sit upright. It’s only for a split second—but it’s enough. He’s seen it before, after all. Felt it with his long fingers and open palms. Dragged his lips across it, and left wet, open-mouth kisses along every inch—but he still looks like he wants to sink his teeth into the supple flesh one last time. 
You swallow, hard, and stand, “So…how’ve you been?”
“Fine,” he replies flatly. “Obviously not as good as you.”
Your lips purse as your eyes narrow, “What’s that supposed to mean?” 
“First Theo Raeken, now Scott McCall: True Alpha, God among werewolves, Messiah of Beacon Hills. I’m genuinely impressed—bottom of my heart, babe. I mean, s’quite the body count if we’re talkin’ claws and body hair alone,” he spits. Despite the slight slur in his words, his consonants are barbed and serrated at the edges. They prick your skin and sting long after he finishes, and you know they’re going to follow you all the way home.
“Don’t be a dick,” you snap, wrapping your arms tightly around your biceps. The chill isn’t so pleasant anymore.  
“What? I’m just giving you the props you’ve so clearly earned. You’ve got the magic touch.” Stiles cants his head in a way that distinctly reminds you of someone else—a monster who stole the face of the boy you loved a lifetime ago. “I’d ask how good the sex is, but I already know. It’s that thing you do with your tongue, right? When you’re givin’ head? That’s how you get ‘em, huh. Suckers—” his drink spills on his shoes when he lets out a sharp chortle, “suckers. Didn’t even mean to do that.” 
You stare at him, eyes burning, and try to determine exactly how drunk he is. “Stop it.” You do your best to look more annoyed than devastated—the last thing you need is to start crying like you still care. He can't win; you won’t let him, not like this. “Just stop. It’s pathetic—you’re pathetic.”
Something complicated rolls over his face, and Stiles clenches his fists, “Whatever. Guess it’ll be too late to say told’ya so when he rips your heart out and broils it—or whatever the fuck psychopaths do for fun these days.” 
Your face crumples a little—not because you think Theo would ever actually hurt you but because Stiles sounds so ambivalent about the possibility. Sometimes you hate him, sometimes a little, sometimes a lot—but you’ve never stopped caring, not once. You never stop worrying about if he’ll make it out alive, if he'll survive with all his breakable bones and fragile skin intact. You find yourself staring at the ceiling until the sun rises, dwelling on all the horrific, life-or-death situations he’ll end up in when he graduates from the Academy years from now. Stiles was your best friend years before he was your boyfriend. Did all that really not matter now? Just because of something as stupid as a breakup? It’s just so…high school. You really thought it’d been…more. 
Everything. You used to think it was everything.
“Stay the fuck away from me, Stiles,” you shove past him, stumbling a bit over your boots’ chunky heel and a little too much rum. 
He doesn’t follow you, and you should be glad. You should be happy that he isn’t there to witness the black smears under your eyes or the snot you’re trying to hide with a few discreet sniffles. You should be grateful that he doesn’t see Theo pull you into his side and take you home, grateful that he can’t ruin the soft kisses Theo rains down on the crown of your head and the way he doesn’t push to come inside after you say your parents are gone.
But you aren’t, and you hate yourself for it. 
You barely manage to wipe off what’s left of your makeup with a damp towel and throw on some clean clothes before you tumble into bed. You’re still sweaty, grimy with tears and a night of dancing, but the rum is hitting hard, and you just want to go to sleep and forget he ever existed.
You’re halfway between sleep and consciousness in the early hours of the morning when you hear a loud thud against your bedroom window. The thudding continues, and with a great sigh you slip out of your sheets, hissing when your bare feet land on the cold floor. You slowly shuffle towards the bay window, trying to forget it's where you had your first kiss, and kneel on the cushioned bench. You have to rub at your eyes a few times when you see Stiles trying to break into your house. You only unlock the latch after you convince yourself that you’re going to push him off of the roof into the rose bushes two stories below, and then, of course, you sit back on your heels so that he has room to crawl through the narrow opening. 
“When the fuck did you start locking your window?” Stiles stumbles into your room and catches himself against the floor with his palm, feet still dangling over the windowsill. You take great pleasure in shoving his legs off of the window seat and watching him fall face-first onto the carpeted rug. He grunts when he lands and rubs his jaw as he sits up, “Guess I deserved that.” 
His lips part when he gets a good look at you, backlit by the moon and all his worst mistakes. You’re in an old t-shirt from middle school, bleach stains all along the left shoulder, and a pair of baggy sweatpants with ratty holes around the hem from years of dragging against the ground. Your face is still tacky with tears, eyes red-rimmed and bloodshot, and Stiles is pretty sure he’s never seen anything more beautiful in his entire life.
You shift uncomfortably, pull your knees to your chest, and shiver as the night air drifts through the open window, “Still drunk?” 
“Not so much,” he holds up a mostly steady hand.
“Still a fucking asshole?”
“Probably.” Stiles bites his lip and shrugs, “Definitely.”
You stare at him, sniffling quietly, hoping that he can’t hear how pathetic it sounds, “Stiles, what are you doing here?” 
He drums his fingers against his thighs and shrugs again. You want to smack him. And hold him. And maybe drink some more liver poison until the school year starts again. “Dunno, just started walkin’, n’ I ended up here.” Stiles closes his eyes, and his lashes are so strikingly dark against his pale skin. “I always end up here,” he whispers like a vow, like a prayer, like forever. 
You dig your toes into the bench and swallow a hiccup. “Don’t,” your protest is weak, and you blame it on your sore throat. “You can’t say shit like that. It’s not fair.”
“I know,” Stiles rubs a hand over his face. He’s in need of a shave, you notice, or…maybe not. You kind of like the stubble the more you get used to it—your tipsy, sleep-deprived mind stupidly wonders what it’d feel like between your thighs. Stiles sighs, returning your attention to far more unpleasant thoughts, “But I just want to.” He leans onto his palms and tips his head back between his shoulders, shaking his head at the ceiling. “I just wanna say it all, all the things I thought while you were gone. Knew I would the second I saw you.”
“You’re—” your tongue is thick as you struggle for words over the conflicting emotions wrangling each other in your throat, “you’re so fuckin’—you can’t just come here and act like—” You rub aggressively at your eyes and push yourself to your feet, “You need to go, Stiles. I want you to go.”
Stiles stands with you and cards his fingers through his hair. It’s long, curling around his ears, and you turn your gaze away from him, staring at the wall and digging your fingers into your forearms to stop yourself from reaching for him. “Can we just…talk?” he whispers, whether it’s for his sake or yours, you’re not entirely sure. He looks small, scared, but you can’t tell if he’s afraid for you or of you. “Just for a little bit. I need…I just need another minute. That’s all, and then I’ll go. Promise.”
I need. I need. I need. It’s always what he needs on his time. You cross the floor with wild eyes and snap, “What do you want to talk about? Huh? How you left me for someone else, or how I’m such a fucking whore for moving on?”
He grits his teeth and grabs your wrists, long fingers overlapping around the delicate bones when you try to yank away from his firm grip. “You think this is what I want?” He doesn’t yell. Somehow, that’s worse. “You think I like being like this? Every time someone fucking touches you I want to rip their hands off!”
You thrash in Stiles’s arms, and his pained expression is blurry through your wet glare, “You had me! I was yours! I was so fucking in love with you, and then you—you just ended it and moved on, like it was nothing.” Your chest heaves, a stark contrast to the gentle quiver in your bottom lip. Your voice drops to something almost inaudible; it's the only way you can get through this while you're crying, the only way you can force the words through your tender throat, “Like I was nothing.”
Your cries turn into sobs when Stiles pulls you into his arms, and they wrack through your entire body when he kisses your hair and whispers sweet nonsense in your ear. You struggle for a moment longer, and then there's nothing left. You've given him everything. You sag into him, legs sinking with your full weight until he wraps his arms around your waist and presses you tighter to his chest. “I got scared,” Stiles whispers against the crown of your head when your cries peter into hiccups, and your next whimper shudders through your shoulders. He rests his palms against the small of your back and inhales the sweet scent of your shampoo, ducking his head down to kiss your forehead, “You were so far away, and so, so perfect, and I missed you all the fucking time.”
Stiles pauses, but it’s not for you. It’s a stall; you can feel his knee bounce and his fingers twitch. You wait, face buried in his collarbone, too busy trying to breathe to even think about speaking. After a moment, could’ve been seconds, could’ve been hours, he squeezes you—almost until it hurts, and it feels like he’s terrified that you’re just another one of the shadows on your bedroom walls. “I couldn’t ask you to transfer from Stanford to some fuckin’ state school in Virginia, so I fucked everything up ‘cause I guess...at least then it was my choice—and I know that just makes it worse. I know that. Because that means I chose to ruin it, I decided to hurt you…and I’m so fucking sorry. Just so unbelievably, life-ruiningly sorry.”
And there it is. The apology you’ve been waiting for, dreaming of, fantasizing about in every shower, in every cafe line, in every early morning class—and it’s just so…hollow. It sits between the two of you, heavy and horridly inadequate. “You found someone else,” you whimper into his shoulder, clasping at his t-shirt and wetting the white collar with your tears and runny nose—and you wish, more than anything, that this could be enough. “How could you find someone else that quickly?”
Stiles freezes, stops rubbing your back and rocking you from side-to-side, and it’s just jarring enough to remind yourself how dangerous it is to be in his arms. You step back and wrap your arms around yourself instead, and Stiles watches you with something hopeless all over his face. “I was just trying to prove that I didn’t make the biggest fucking mistake of my life,” he says, but he says it to his shoes. You wonder who he’s hiding from: himself or you. “Didn’t work, obviously.”
You just stare at him, arms limp by your sides, and shake your head a little. “What are you doing here, Stiles?” your voice is clotted with mucus and defeat, and it breaks halfway through along with your knees. You lean against the wall and close your lids so that you don’t have to see his eyes: so vast, so deep, so damn pretty—you’re suffocating in them. “What do you want from me?”
He’s relentless. Stiles steps forward, and there’s nowhere for you to go. “I want you.” And that’s the thing, isn’t it? There’s the rub. It’s always hunger, no sating. No happy ending. 
“Nothing’s changed.” You tilt your head and wring your fingers in the hem of your t-shirt, tugging every so often, “I’m still going back to Stanford, and you’re still going back east in the fall.” UPenn. Criminology, obviously. You never got the chance to congratulate him. 
“I know,” he’s right in front of you now, waiting for you to push him away. You don’t.
The back of your head hits the wall as you tip your chin up to look at him, “And I have Theo, and you have…her.”
“I know,” he braces his hands next to both sides of your head, watching your lips move without any shame, breath hot against your skin. 
“Stiles…” you plead with him through your lashes, asking for mercy, on hands and knees begging him to turn around and leave.
“Tell me you don’t want me.” Stiles rests his forehead against yours, “Tell me it’s over, and there’s nothing I can do to fix this.” 
“You already know,” you close your eyes and shake your head, nose rubbing against his, “you know I’d be lying.”
“You love me.” It’s not a question. He knows. He’ll always know.
You shake your head again, and Stiles can taste the salt on your lips, “Doesn’t matter.”
“I love you,” Stiles whispers, carding his fingers through your hair.
“Too late,” your lips brush against his, feather-light, and catch on the chapped center of his mouth.
He kisses you, cups your jaw like you’re ineffably precious, and you feel like you can breathe for the first time in months. Stiles tilts his head a little, and his tongue is gentle in its prodding, almost sweet—but he grabs onto your hips like he wants to eat you alive. You just might let him, you think, when you feel his stubble scrape against your neck as he trails a balmy line of kisses towards your collarbone. 
You wind your fingers in his hair and tug to keep yourself on your feet. “We ca—ah,” he licks along your pulse, on purpose, and you shiver, “we can’t do this.”
Stiles hums against your cheek. “And yet, here I am, sliding my hands under your shirt, trying to cop a feel.” His fingers dip under your shirt. They’re cold on your bare stomach, and you flinch a little. Dizzyingly, you remember where you are, who you’re with, and who's going to text you in the morning to make sure you’re okay.
“We really can’t do this,” you whisper, slipping your hands from his hair to his arms. You pull them away gently and tip your head back from his persistent mouth, “I’m not going to hurt Theo the way you hurt me, and I’m not going to let you do this to someone else.”
“It’s not the same,” he says, words gravelly and thick. He turns away from you, paces the length of your room a few times and throws his hands around like he can change your mind if he gestures hard enough, “You know it’s not the same.” Stiles stops abruptly and shakes his head, seemingly at nothing—and then he’s back in front of you before you can catch your breath. He places his hands on your shoulders and then slides his palms to your biceps, just holding onto you. Not clutching, not squeezing, just a light touch that you can’t seem to break away from. 
“You’ve been my best friend for 15 years,” Stiles licks his bottom lip, and you watch him with wide eyes and a blitzing heart, “and I’ve loved you for well over half of ‘em—just plain wanted you even longer.” He slips his hand down your arm to your hand and tangles his fingers with yours, lifting them to rest over his skittering heartbeat, “You’re mine, and I’m yours. That’s how it is. That’s how it’s always been. That’s how it should be.”
You want to say it back, you do, but you just can’t. Not with all the unresolved details wriggling in your ear. “You brought her home, Stiles. You can’t just…just introduce her to your dad and cheat on her all in the same day.”
“Technically, cheat on and then dump,” he tries to smile, but it’s not convincing. Not with the guilt dimming his eyes.
“That’s not funny,” you snap, but the guilt is good. He wouldn’t be the man you know, the boy you grew up with, if he didn’t feel at least a little guilty about the whole thing.
“Dad’s out of town,” Stiles admits quietly, and for some reason, that means more to you than his apology, than his kisses, than his hand in yours. You didn’t realize how much the thought had been bothering you until now—destroying you one post at a time. “I only brought her because I knew you were going to be here with…him.” He shrugs a little, “Frankly, I think she knows. She aced behavioral science.”
You roll your eyes and huff, “You’re an asshole.”
“I know,” he concedes and kisses the back of your hand, continuing along the row of your knuckles, “but I’m in love with you, and it’s become abundantly clear that I always will be.”
Your bottom lip trembles with the desire to give in to what you want, but your hand twists away from him with what you know is right—even though it feels so horrendously wrong. “I can’t do this to him, Stiles. He’s been through so much, and he’s been so good to me, and he’s trying so hard to—”
“But you don’t love him!” Stiles hisses. It’s the loudest he’s been all night, but you don’t flinch from the volume. It’s the truth of it all, the vile honestly you can’t hide from that makes you recoil.
You look at the ceiling through your lashes, an old trick to fight the tears welling in your tear ducts. Some girl in middle school told you about it in the bathroom, and you try to remember her name and what cloying body spray she was spritzing instead of thinking about how easy it would be to let Stiles crawl into your bed and make you forget about everyone and everything that isn’t him. “I should,” you finally murmur throatily, biting on your lip, “maybe I could…someday.”
Stiles whips his head towards your face and takes a little, stumbling step backwards, “You don’t believe that.” You’re sure he wishes that he sounded more confident than he really is, but he wavers with the hand rubbing the back of his neck, “Say you don’t believe that.”
“You need to go, Stiles.” You clutch at your arm with your other hand and step back towards your bed, further away from him and the wet film over his eyes. “I’m serious this time. I need you to leave.”
He opens his mouth and then scrubs his arm over his face, wiping away the incriminating wet gleam on his cheeks with the sleeve of his flannel. “Okay,” his throat bobs with the strength of his swallow, “yeah, okay.”
You wait until he reaches your bedroom door to crawl onto your bed. You curl in on yourself like a child, press your face into your legs, your knees to your chest, your back against the headboard—but he pauses before you can really fall apart.
Stiles rests his hand against the doorframe and chews on his cheek, on his words, on the thought of you, and then he says, “I’m still breaking up with her. You don’t…you don’t owe me anything—that’s fucking putting it lightly, I know—but I’m still breaking up with her.” He lifts a shoulder and smiles, a little sad but so true, “There’s no one else for me. There’s never going to be anyone else…just thought you should know.”
He’s gone by the time you look up from your kneecaps. Good. You were this close to giving in. This close to throwing yourself off the edge for someone who’s dropped once before, and you’re still cleaning up the mess he left behind. You should be proud of yourself, happy that you weren’t weak enough to say yes, yes, a million, billion, trillion times yes.
But you aren’t, and you hate yourself for it.
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mysecretlittlelibrary · 9 months
Nothing To Chance
Pairing: Jordan Parrish x Reader
Word Count: 2.6k
Warnings: none really just Teen Wolf nonsense lol
Genre: fluff
Summary: Who knew visiting your cousin in Beacon Hills would open you up to a whole world of supernatural chaos
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"You know, I'm surprised this old bucket of bolts still works. When your dad told me you drove it to school every morning I almost couldn't believe him- but here it is." You hum. Stiles stops in his tracks, and for a moment Scott does too.
"Y/n?!" Stiles gapes at you.
"Yeah, you gonna just stand there catching flies in your mouth or give your cousin a hug?" You ask. Before Stiles can get to you though, Scott takes off into a full run towards you, lifting you into his arms and spinning in two full circles before putting you down again.
"What the hell just happened? Who are you?" You narrow your eyes at Scott suspiciously.
"Come on- it's me Scott." He chuckles.
"You're saying that and you have his face but the Scott McCall I know wouldn't have been able to pick me up like I weigh nothing and spin me around so what'd you do with him?" You place your hands on your hips. Stiles finally runs at you, nearly tackling you with the force of his hug.
"Dude you have no idea what kind of things we've seen. You're literally not going to believe me when I start telling you all the stuff that's happened in the last couple years, it's nuts." Stiles tells you.
"What'd you do? Start going to parties?" You ask.
"No. Well actually, we have been to a couple but no. Parties are the least of our worries man we're fighting evil, Scott's a werewolf-" Your hand comes up to stop Stiles from continuing his rant.
"What!?" You blink at him.
"Scott's a werewolf. That's why he could pick you up so easily." Stiles says entirely too casually for your liking.
"I would've settled for he's been in the gym lately. Werewolf?! That's what we're going with?"
"I told you you wouldn't believe the stuff we've seen." Stiles shrugs.
"I need some explanations." You frown.
"It all started when Stiles did what Stiles does best." Scott says.
"Stick his nose in something he has no business getting involved in?" You ask.
"Correct." Scott nods.
"Hey it was very important." Stiles protests.
"For the cops maybe!" Scott scoffs.
"The cops? What the hell did you two get into?" You blink at them.
"Well we were in the woods investigating... something and my dad caught me." Stiles says.
"But not Scott?"
"I took off. But trying to avoid Stilinski got me in a bit of a- situation. Something bit me." Scott says.
"Something?" You frown.
"Technically someone. Peter Hale." Scott says.
"Peter Hale?! I thought the Hales died in a fire." You frown.
"All but 2. Derek and Peter." Stiles says.
"Derek Hale is still alive?" You gasp.
"Yes, he disappeared after the fire but he came back a couple of years ago." He nods.
"And his uncle turned me into a werewolf. It started with small changes, better hearing, I didn't need my inhaler, I could- do flips and run fast and my reflexes were suddenly so much better. Derek tried to help, kind of. Peter wanted to use me for revenge. And now we're here." Scott shrugs.
"And now we're here." You hum. "I can't believe the Hales are werewolves. So what's this about evil you've been fighting?" You ask.
"The list is long and getting longer. Actually, you know what maybe you can weigh in on something for us." Stiles says.
"Stiles-" Scott warns.
"Sure, what is it?" You ask.
"There's a new guy in town, Theo Raeken." Stiles says.
"Theo Raeken- that name sounds so familiar." You frown.
"He lived here when we were younger, and we were all friends but after his sister died he and his parents moved outta town. So he's new but not new. You've met him for sure on one of your visits. So technically he's not new he just moved back." Scott tells you.
"Okay and is that a good thing or a bad thing?" You ask.
"Good." Scott says at the same time Stiles says,
"Don't start Stiles." Scott rolls his eyes.
"No no you think I'm a paranoid skeptic right? Well, Y/n has no preconceived notions here, she doesn't even remember him so she can be our neutral third party." Stiles says.
"I can see you two are on the same page about this that's great. Alright, Stiles what's your problem with this kid?" You ask.
"Some necessary background first, Scott's an alpha."
"Okay- I've read enough books to know what that means. That's like a pack leader. Yes?" You ask.
"Yes. Usually, you have to kill someone to become an alpha." Stiles nods.
"Scott did you-?"
"No!" Scott says.
"Scott's very anti-killing anyone ever. Even if they deserve it." Stiles shrugs.
"What?! I support your endeavors."
"So how did Scott become an alpha?" You ask.
"Apparently some people can become alphas by sheer force of will and that's what Scott did. He needed to protect the people so he made it happen. It means he's what they call a True Alpha." Stiles says.
"Okay?" You nod.
"See Theo says he came back because word's getting around that Scott's an alpha and he just had to come back to become part of Scott's pack but there's something about him that doesn't sit right with me. He doesn't seem like the same person we knew." Stiles says.
"Okay, so Theo's a werewolf?" You clarify.
"Yes." He nods.
"Okay great and I know we've established Scott was bitten right? Was Theo? Or are his parents also werewolves? Is that even possible? Can lycanthropy be genetic?"
"It is possible for it to be genetic, yes, the Hales are genetic werewolves, but Theo was bitten, so his parents are not werewolves to our knowledge." Scott says.
"And Theo's your age?"
"Correct." Stiles nods.
"So there's one detail I'm struggling with here." You say.
"What is it?" Scott asks.
"How did Theo get his parents to move him back to Beacon Hills?"
"What-" Stiles frowns.
"Theo's a kid. Parents only move for like 3 reasons, work, the wellbeing of their child, or extenuating family circumstances. I doubt he went up to his parents and said 'hey mom, hey dad, I'm a werewolf and there's a new alpha in our old home town so we have to move back there because I have to be where he is' so why did his parents move back to Beacon Hills? Because the story you're telling me makes it seem like it was his decision and that's not how that would work unless he's emancipated and came here alone." You say.
"Do I tell you have much I love you?" Stiles asks.
"Not since you were 12." You scoff.
"I will say it more often."
"You do not have to." You shake your head.
"Oh I do. Because you are a genius. Do you see what I mean Scott?! She's right, that's weird."
"I mean, maybe, but we don't know the circumstances. It might not be as suspicious as it sounds." Scott says.
"But it's weird! It sounds suspicious! He's weird!" Stiles says.
"Okay wait has he done anything worth being- hostile towards him?" You ask.
"Well I think-"
"No, Stiles it's a yes or no question has he done anything?" You ask.
"Not yet." He frowns.
"Well unfortunately a few discrepancies aren't enough to label him a supervillain, but someone should get to the bottom of the moving situation because those are some gaping holes."
"See?" Stiles huffs at Scott.
"If he's a bad guy he will eventually show his hand, just be ready for if it happens. And Scott, I know Stiles is- eccentric but you two have been friends for a long time. He's strange but his intuition is hardly ever wrong about these things so don't dismiss." You say.
"Thank you. I think?" Stiles says.
"Look we have bigger issues than Theo right now anyway." Scott sighs.
"What does that mean?" You frown.
"Chimeras." He tells you.
"I think I need a bit more information. Because I know what the word means, but to my knowledge chimeras are cats or dogs that have a mixed phenotype. Like a cat with the fur of a calico and an orange tabby." You say.
"Same concept- kind of. Someone's been making supernatural hybrids. Mixing the DNA of different ones and turning teenagers into mutants." Scott explains.
"Turning teenagers into mutants?" You blink.
"Yeah- we're not sure why but we know that's what they're doing." Stiles nods.
"And this is just the kind of shit that just goes on in this town?" You frown.
"Sometimes." Stiles shrugs.
"More often than not." Scott adds.
"Why did Beacon Hills get interesting after I stopped visiting every year?" You scoff. Your mom and stepdad used to insist on spending as much time with family as possible, especially after your stepdad's sister, Stiles' mom, died, so summers were spent here in Beacon Hills and winters were spent with your mom's family usually but it got harder to keep up with when you got to high school and started other things so you haven't been back here for a while.
"Well, you're back now! And right in the middle of some chaos." Stiles says.
"Are you staying with Stiles and Sheriff Stilinski while you're here?" Scott asks.
"I always do." You shrug.
You spend the afternoon with Scott and Stiles, learning so much about the way they navigate the discord that seems to now be stereotypical for Beacon Hills. The next couple of weeks are honestly wilder than you could've expected, even with Stiles and Scott's occasional storytimes about the last few years.
"Okay, so we have to go to Eichen. You wanna come with?" Stiles asks and you wish this wasn't a phone call so he could see just how confused you are.
"Eichen as in the psychiatric hospital with questionable at best practices?" You ask.
"Yeaaahhh we'd avoid it if we could but- some shit's going down and honestly we could use your help."
"What do you mean by 'some shit's going down'? I mean- sure I'll help but I need more details."
"Lydia's trapped at Eichen house and we need to rescue her."
"I'm guessing you have a plan?" You ask.
"We- do. Get ready I'll be at the house in like 5 minutes."
"Okay?" You frown. Stiles hangs up before you can ask another question so you throw on a jacket and your sneakers just before Stiles honks outside. The explanation of their plan is very much insane and as you walk through the halls of Eichen with Stiles and the infamous Theo, who he can't stand, all you can think about is how absolutely unbelievable this all is. Even when Theo kicks down a huge ass door and Stiles rushes towards Lydia. You watch him fuss over her as they have a hushed conversation that you pointedly try not to eavesdrop on. Until of course, because nothing normal happens in this town, a shirtless man covered in soot? Or ash? Or dirt? It's hard to tell in these tunnels, but he rounds the corner with glowing orange eyes and beelines it to Lydia and Stiles.
"Stiles!" You shout but the dust-covered man shoves him away too quickly and wraps himself around Lydia, erupting into flames as she screams into his chest. "Woah- why is that man on fire!?" You stumble back as the man picks Lydia up and carries her out of the room.
"Don't worry, he's on our side." Stiles says as he dusts himself off and follows the man.
"That's great to know but that doesn't explain why he's emitting flames."
"He's a hellhound."
"I hate that you said that like that's normal. A hellhound?!"
"You know- at a later date, I'll just give you an appendix of every single creature we know of- allies and enemies because I realize waiting for things to come up organically makes for a lot of this." Stiles says.
"I can't believe y'all just know people that can spontaneously combust and that's all cool and chill." You say.
"It's actually quite the opposite of cool and chill." Theo snorts.
"Oh shut up." You roll your eyes.
The next few days are spent memorizing Stiles' appendix while trying to catch up on everything going on and help stop the most current evil which- you'll admit would be way easier if you weren't so far behind on the information but currently, the goal is read up on these awful things called dread doctors.
Today you've decided to do one totally normal easy thing. You'll take your uncle, the sheriff, lunch at his job. When you arrive at the sheriff's station you head straight to your uncle's office.
"Y/n? What are you doing here?" He frowns when you knock on the doorframe as you walk in.
"I brought you lunch. I wanted something normal to do." You say sitting down across from him as you set the lunchbox on his desk.
"Ah, adjusting well to the chaos of Beacon Hills?" He chuckles.
"You know I just don't get how you don't completely lose your mind knowing what Stiles gets up to. I know my mom would flip if she found out and I'm 21." You shake your head.
"Oh trust me I do but unfortunately Stiles and his friends have stopped a lot of devastation in this town- it would be foolish to pretend otherwise." He shrugs.
"Hey Sheriff, quick question about the- oh sorry, am I interrupting?" You turn your head at the sound of someone speaking behind you. It takes a moment to click but you gasp when you recognize who it is.
"You're the hellhound." You say.
"Excuse me?" The man blinks at you.
"We met at Eichen. Well that's not correct we didn't meet but I saw you at Eichen. You saved Lydia's life. You look very different dressed and not covered in soot, hellhound." You say.
"Jordan." He says, though your words seem to have caught him by surprise, his cheeks are starting to redden.
"You called me hellhound. Which is- fine technically but my name is Jordan. Jordan Parrish."
"Oh. Well then it's nice to actually meet you, Jordan Parrish." You say smiling at him.
"Wait what were you doing at Eichen?"
"I'm Stiles's older cousin. I'm staying with the Stilinski's for a while and I guess that means being in the middle of all things Beacon Hills chaos." You shrug.
"In that case, I hope to see more of you."
"Ditto." You smile.
"Parrish. What did you need?" Your uncle goes full sheriff mode on his deputy.
"Uh- it can wait. You should- enjoy your lunch?" Jordan frowns in confusion at the lunchbox on the table.
"Get back to work deputy." John rolls his eyes. Jordan walks backwards out of the room, crashing into something on his way and making you giggle. "You stay away from my deputies y/n." Your uncle warns.
"Oh, but that one's so cute. Come on uncle John." You pout.
"No no no no no, even if he wasn't my employee you cannot date a hellhound you and I both know your mom would kill us all if I let you."
"Mom doesn't have to know he's a hellhound."
"Are you suggesting I lie to your mother?"
"Nooo I'm suggesting you turn a blind eye if I lie to her. Plus I'm an adult there's no guarantee she'll even meet him. What if it doesn't get that far?"
"You've already set your sights haven't you." He sighs.
"I mean kind of yeah. He's so cute! And you should've seen him rescue Lydia, uncle John it was- so cool!"
"Just- be careful. Jordan's a good employee and seems like a decent man but you never know."
You spend another half hour with your uncle before deciding you've disrupted enough of his day. On your way out you spot Jordan has his desk and make a detour.
"Hi deputy." You say leaning against the desk. Jordan glances up at you with wide eyes. After a moment he clears his throat and turns back to his computer seemingly to hide the pink creeping across his cheeks.
"Hi. You on your way out?" He asks.
"Yes, but before I go I just want to do one thing." You say grabbing a pen and sticky note from atop his desk. You quickly scribble your phone number on it and place it in front of him. "You want to see more of me. Make it happen. I don't like leaving things to chance." You say and before he can even respond you leave. Let's see if he takes the hint.
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I *need* 2022 Stiles-centric rare-pair fics like I *need blood to live.*
Jokes aside, it would be awesome if you could provide me a nice list :) (and join me in rare pair hell 😈😈😈).
Thank you!
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Mistletoe is overrated Anyway......... by Ififall_TeamCruz
(1/? I 314 I Teen I Stoyd)
Stiles singlehandedly tries to throw Boyd into the Christmas spirit!
Twinkly Eyed Typo by Ififall_TeamCruz
(1/? I 416 I Teen I Stiles/Napoleon Dynamite)
In the midst of a Twitter sub competition. Napoleon is a busy man slash Teen.
One, he has to defeat his Uncle Rico who has taken over his social media accounts.
Number Two, he needs kick ass moves, drawing and seductive lines to get Stiles Stilinski to go on one date.
Just one.
Stupid by TheOriginalSinner888
(1/1 I 1,822 I Explicit I Stiles/Allison)
Stiles and Allison are both in the same boat after Scott kisses Lydia.
(I could) love you with my eyes closed by Rakshasha 
(1/1 I 3,774 I Teen I Stiles/Bret)
Stiles is so damn flabbergasted his mind might be as good as gone, and his voice so thin it might be just as well. “What…?”
Brett rolls his eyes. “You’ve taken me to your prom and didn’t even grace me with a dance. What do you think, pretty boy?” His smirk curls dangerously in one corner, the slant of it waking a lick of pure heat in Stiles’ belly — then he cocks his head, hand stretched out a little closer. “C’mon, Stiles, no one’s here to see.”
Which should be encouraging but it really, really isn’t.
Poison and Power by xcaellachx
(9/9 I 30,228 I Mature I Stiles/Deucalion)
Stiles is being horribly abused by his father. Peter comes back to town after being gone several years and wonders what happened to the goofy, loving boy who used to be part of the pack. He finds Stiles and is horrified. He calls in a group of alphas who could help Stiles get away. Deucalion is shocked to meet Stiles and they change each other's lives for good.
things i do for my pack by damasc
(6/? I 46,806 I Explicit I Sterica)
its been one month after Erica and Boyd have run away stiles and Derek's pack have been searching for them only to have stiles be kidnapped as well
Always With You by Slayer_of_Destiny 
(8/8 I 47,398 I Mature I Stiles/Harry Potter)
Harry and Stiles have been friends since they were children, starting as pen pals Stiles' inclusion in his life changes Harry's path in life. After defeating Voldemort Harry grows concerned when he has not heard from his friend. He makes the journey to Beacon Hills and finds his friend in a bad way. While nursing him to health, the two explore more than friendship between them.
The Sticking Place by Escalus
(36/36 I 147,954 I Mature I Stackson)
McCall pack is happy and healthy. Jackson has graduated high school, he's mended his relationship with his parents, he's more than content with the bond he has with his alpha, he has a wonderful sister, he has friends, and, above all, he has a wonderful boyfriend in Stiles. He wants to enjoy what he has for as long as he can. But the horrific designs of the Dread Doctors and the nefarious schemes of Theo Raeken might destroy everything he's worked so hard to achieve.
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sterek-ao3feed · 10 days
Terrified Of Loving You
Read it on AO3 at https://archiveofourown.org/works/58976029
by sourw0lfhale
Liam says something he immediately regrets to Theo. Mason makes him go apologize. Liam seeks advice from his mama Stiles first since his papa Scott is having date night with his boyfriend.
Liam walks in on something he wishes he never heard. Jackson is an ass. Peter is sassy as ever. Derek is still judging people.
Feelings come out and a new relationship is forged after a long time coming.
This is my first time writing a Thiam fic, I hope you guys enjoy! 🧡
This fic is finished & has been edited ❤️
Words: 2866, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Teen Wolf (TV)
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/F, F/M, M/M
Characters: Stiles Stilinski, Derek Hale, Isaac Lahey, Scott McCall (Teen Wolf), Malia Tate, Kira Yukimura, Chris Argent, Peter Hale, Liam Dunbar, Theo Raeken, Corey Bryant (Teen Wolf), Mason Hewitt, Jackson Whittemore
Relationships: Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski, Isaac Lahey/Scott McCall, Malia Tate/Kira Yukimura, Chris Argent/Peter Hale, Melissa McCall/Sheriff Stilinski, Liam Dunbar/Theo Raeken, Corey Bryant/Mason Hewitt
Additional Tags: Derek Hale and Stiles Stilinski are Dorks, mated stiles and derek, stiles and scott are liam’s parents, Mama Stiles, Emissary Stiles Stilinski, papa scott, derek thinks stiles is an idiot, Theo is good, Jackson is an ass, Jackson and Stiles Are Friends
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usermiczyeis · 10 months
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Stuart has always had a crush on his best friend Asher, but he never admitted it out of fear of what they would think.
And to make matters worse, when they were 14, Asher wanted to try some things like kissing.
Stuart was a little embarrassed about kissing Asher, that's when he discovered he was gay and had a crush on his friend, the worst part was that sometimes he wanted to kiss Asher but Asher always insisted that he only liked girls and that Stuart was just a friend and the kiss was just for experimentation.
Stuart was hurt but was just trying to get better.
But as time went on, Asher wanted to have more experiences and they started having sex.
And Asher started dating a few years later and wanted to continue having relationships with Stuart after his girlfriend said no, as the girl only wanted to have relationships after marriage.
Stuart didn't agree with the idea, as Asher was dating and it would look like he was cheating on his girlfriend. They ended up having an ugly argument, when Stuart admitted to being gay and in love with Asher, the older man just said it wasn't his fault if Stuart was gay and ended their friendship.
Stuart was devastated and luckily his adoptive parents decided to move to a smaller town called Beacon Hills.
Stuart was happy at least he was going to get away from that homophobe and he thought, how did I fall in love with him?
but when he gets there he comes across a boy strangely identical to him called Stiles Stilinski and another boy identical to Asher called Theo Raeken.
In his mind there was only one question...
What the fuck???
That's when Stuart discovered the supernatural and that he was some kind of "duplicate" of Stiles and decided to train to defend himself from these threats.
But I never told what happened in his hometown but mainly about Asher.
Everything changes when, after almost a year, Asher visits Beacon Hills.
But Stuart himself seemed unaware of Asher's existence.
Theo seemed a little indifferent to him and did almost the same thing as Stuart.
Asher undergoes some kind of redemption when he is bitten and turned into a wolf.
At all costs, Asher wanted to at least be friends with Stuart again, as he ended up discovering that he was his soulmate.
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mmoosen · 1 year
Theo Raeken, Liam Dunbar, Stiles Stilinski for Che fave character ask
Theo pt 1 – (sarcastic) Yes of course I believe that a 9-year-old is the form of pure evil and wasn’t at all influenced by his ‘parents’ and environment. Brooo Theo may have let his sister die, he was 9 and from what we guess, heavily neglected. That’s a shit and wrong decision; that doesn’t make him pure evil forever. You can make horrible decision throughout your childhood and still learn to be a good person later. Thank you for listening to my Theo rant.
Liam – I love s6 liam and how much he starts to lead on his own. He starts to build his own group and learns how to deal with his own problem. The s6b problems at school are literally just Liam Mason and Corey’s issues. His parallels to Scott as his first beta trying to walk the same path and do good for everyone feels good every time. I would say some people have too much reliance on his IED and bursts of anger and I don’t exactly like that. Liam’s disorder isn’t his personality and he’s allowed to have other emotions (especially when they don’t have to do with his relationship with Theo).
Stiles pt 1 - I tend to stay away from Stiles for fanon reasons, but you can’t say he wasn’t Scott best friend and always willing to help despite it being possibly harmful to him. His brotherly love for Scott was there all six seasons and is his best quality. Stiles and Scott were each other’s rock throughout lovers, other friends, and enemies. Friendships can be shaken and still survive and Stiles is the friend to never fully turn his back.
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Read it on AO3 at https://archiveofourown.org/works/50108716 by WingsnWhimsy Stiles sat cross legged on the hood of his jeep at the edge of the Preserve, idly strumming his guitar and trying desperately to shove his tumultuous thoughts away. Music always helped steady him, and he needed all the help he could get right now. Roscoe, the jeep that had been his mother’s pet restoration project before she’d died, was loaded down with the summation of everything he owned. He had the jeep. $417.50 in the bank. He was expelled from college, where he’d spent the last three years and was sixteen hours shy of his bachelors in music composition and theory. And he was thirteen weeks along in an unplanned pregnancy. Oh, and his father, the only family left to him, had just disowned him. God, what was his life? Words: 14108, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English Fandoms: Teen Wolf (TV) Rating: Explicit Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Rape/Non-Con Categories: F/F, F/M, M/M Characters: Peter Hale, Stiles Stilinski, Lydia Martin, Talia Hale, Cora Hale, Laura Hale, Derek Hale, Aiden (Teen Wolf), Ethan (Teen Wolf), Kira Yukimura, Scott McCall (Teen Wolf), Allison Argent, Jackson Whittemore, Isaac Lahey, Theo Raeken, Erica Reyes, Vernon Boyd Relationships: Peter Hale/Stiles Stilinski Additional Tags: Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Mpreg, Male Slash, Sass all the sass, Stiles Stilinski is a Little Shit, Pack Alpha Peter Hale, Good Pack Alpha Peter Hale, Omegaverse Omega Stiles Stilinski, Theo Raeken Being an Asshole, Future Character Death, It's slow burn if you squint, No it's not. It really isn't., Bad Parent Sheriff Stilinski (Teen Wolf) Read it on AO3 at https://archiveofourown.org/works/50108716
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sapphireginger · 1 year
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Chapter #2
The boy nods and shyly smiles. “C-Can my daddy go with me?” 
Stiles nods immediately. “Absolutely, Cub. This course is designed for our cubs and their parents. Don’t worry. It’s okay to be a little nervous but I know your daddy will be right up there with you and I’ll be right down here.” 
The boy nods and watches as the instructor harnesses his dad. “S’cuse me Mr. Stiles?” 
Stiles kneels down again. “What’s wrong, Cub?” 
The boy’s voice gets super soft. “My daddy gets a little scared up high too. Can he be a cub too so he’s safe a-and if either of us gets scared you’ll come help?” 
Stiles melts and smiles softly. “I promise.
Stiles Stilinski is an instructor at a zip line adventure park called Howlin' Heights, located in Shenandoah National Park in Virginia. He’s in his sixth season as an instructor. He graduated high school at the age of sixteen and started college right after. He graduated from Seline Elite University eight years ago and then began to build his company. He has a degree in Business Administration and a degree in nursing. He spent a couple years in college as an EMT. Then two years after graduating, at the age of twenty-two he opened Howlin' Heights. 
Erica was his first hire, and with her came Boyd who is their maintenance guy. Next came Jackson, Theo and Isaac who all were friends of his from college whom Stiles kept in contact with. Lastly came Allison and Kira to round out their little group. Now at twenty-eight years old he has six years of success under his belt and a family he gets to see every day, that he calls Pack.
The crew gathers in the cabin as the guests arrive and Erica gets them checked in. Stiles heads over to the whiteboard. “Okay pack listen up please?” 
They all gather around and nod their acknowledgement. 
“Okay today we have Kira starting on the Howling Course. She’ll take the first shift down there. Jackson you’re starting down the hill on courses five and six. Theo? You’re on Lunar Landing. Are you ready for that?” he asks.
Theo nods with a smirk. “Absolutely, Alpha. I’ve been looking forward to it.”
Stiles nods and turns to Allison and Isaac. “Ally, you'll take the safety brief for the second group today and then we’ll rotate with Allison bumping Kira, Kira heading down to relieve Jackson and Jackson heading inside. Isaac, you have the safety brief for the third group today and then we'll have the rotation again with Isaac bumping Allison, Allison heading down to relieve Kira and Kira heading inside.”
“What about you, Alpha?” Allison asks, her hip cocked to the side.
Stiles huffs. “I was getting there.” He hangs up the schedule and the rotation. “I will be doing the safety brief for the first group today. I think Erica said we have a couple for the Cub Course in that group. So, I’ll do the briefs for both. I can always pull one of you over to the Cub Course if we get anymore for that one.” 
He looks at the crew who all are vibrating with excitement. This is one of the reasons why he loves his job. Seeing everyone excited to do their job warms his heart. “All right pack. Let’s have a howling good time!”
They all break and Stiles heads into the office connected to the cabin. “Hey, Catwoman. How’s it going so far?”
Erica grins as she attaches bracelets to their first group. “All good so far Alpha. I have two more I’m waiting on for your group. If you want to head out and start harnessing, I’ll send the last two down when they’re ready.”
“Sounds good.” He slips on his gloves, clips his water bottle onto his harness and heads out with ten adult harnesses. He takes his place at the start, waits while people start to gather around, and offers them a smile.
“Welcome to Howlin’ Heights. My name is Stiles, and I will be your instructor today. Now, how many of you have howled with us before?” He watches as a few people raise their hands. “All right. Well, welcome back.”
The group of returnees claps excitedly and Stiles chuckles in response. “For those of you who are new, we also welcome you. It is our goal to make sure that you all have the best time possible while you’re here. Before we head down, we need to get you all harnessed up.” 
He holds up one of the harnesses, the other nine resting on his shoulder before hanging them on the hooks.
Everyone in the group has their eyes on him as he continues. “So, the most important thing is that you never adjust your harnesses yourself. If at any point your harness feels loose, you need to let an instructor know and we will help you with it. I’m going to go around and get you each harnessed.” He begins harnessing all the guests. 
As he finishes with the last one, he takes a step back. “All right. Now your harness should be secure. Did everyone get their harness adjusted by me?” Everyone nods and Stiles grins. “Perfect. Now on your waist you will find a red pouch that has a whistle in it. This is only for emergencies. There will be instructors on the ground that you can call out to if you need something but if it’s serious, if it's an emergency, then use the whistle. Everyone, make sure you have a whistle for me please?” He waits while they check and then nods. “Good. I see everyone has wristbands and you all have gloves?” 
Everyone in the group raises up their gloved hands. 
“Wonderful! Now that we have that out of the way we’re going to head to our practice course. If you’ll follow me, we’ll make our way down now.”
Stiles leads the group down and pulls out his radio. “Stiles to Cabin.”
“Go for Cabin.”
“I have finished harnessing and am heading down to the practice course.”
“Heard, Alpha. Your last two should be there with you now.”
Stiles glances at his group and notices a man with a boy on his shoulders. “I have eyes on them. Thanks, Catwoman.”
“My pleasure Batman. Have fun.”
They all reach the practice course and Stiles gestures for them to spread out so they can all see him clearly. Once they do, he begins. “So, like I said earlier, my name is Stiles and I’ll be your instructor today. In order to make sure we all have the most amount of fun possible, we need to go over some rules. So, turn up your ears, give me your eyes and silence those voices. We’ll leave the howling for when you get to the ziplines. Here we go!”
Stiles starts off by explaining their equipment. He demonstrates the trolley that an instructor will put on the cables for the various courses as well as the carabiner that they will be responsible for making sure to attach. “It is important for your safety that you always make sure you have two points of attachment at all times. When you do have to unclip your carabiner, do so but then clip it back on before taking a step.”
“Excuse me?”
Stiles glances over and smiles. “What’s up?”
“Where does the carabiner clip to?” the teenager asks.
“Good question! You see this heavy duty silver cable here?” 
The girl nods. 
“Good. That’s where you will clip it. It is the main line and the cable you must always reattach to.” Once she nods her understanding he continues. “Now an instructor has to attach you to the course. You cannot under any circumstances attach yourself to the course. This is to ensure that you get attached correctly. Now that you know how to get attached to the system, here’s how we do the zipline.”
As Stiles is giving the safety speech for the zipline, he notices the man who has moved the small boy from his shoulders to his hip. Their wristbands indicate the Cub Course, while the rest of their group have wristbands indicating the adult course also known as the Howling Course. 
“All right. Let’s see if you were paying attention. Show me by demonstrating what you just learned here on our practice course. If I can see you've understood the information, I'll send you to the first course.”
One by one the people in the group get on the practice course and only two of them have to go again before Stiles deems them ready and sends them down to course one. “Stiles to Cabin.”
“Go for Cabin.”
“I’ve got my first group heading down to course one. The practice course is raked and I’m taking two guests to our Cub Course.”
“Heard Alpha,” Erica says back.
“I’m here to let them in Alpha,” Kira replies over the radio.
“Sounds good, Kit.”
He turns to face the man and his son. “Hey guys! If you follow me, we will head to the course.”
With a nod from the man and a wiggle of excitement from the boy, they make their way down the hill towards the station with the cub harnesses and trolleys.
“So, as you both heard I’m Stiles and I’ll be your instructor. I’m going to tell you some very important things.” He kneels down to help the child into a harness. He smiles at him encouragingly. “Never hesitate to ask me any questions. Okay, Cub?” 
The boy nods and shyly smiles. “C-Can my daddy go with me?” 
Stiles nods immediately. “Absolutely, Cub. This course is designed for our cubs and their parents. Don’t worry. It’s okay to be a little nervous but I know your daddy will be right up there with you and I’ll be right down here.” 
The boy nods and watches as the instructor harnesses his dad. “S’cuse me Mr. Stiles?” 
Stiles kneels down again. “What’s wrong, Cub?” 
The boy’s voice gets super soft. “My daddy gets a little scared up high too. Can he be a cub too so he’s safe a-and if either of us gets scared you’ll come help?” 
Stiles melts and smiles softly. “I promise. Are you ready to give it a go?” 
The boy smiles excitedly and grabs his daddy’s hand. “My name is Ezekiel, but I go by EZ or Zeke and this is my daddy! His name is Derek.” 
Stiles smiles and offers his hand to the dad. “Derek? Nice to meet you. I hear you’re going to be a cub today too?”
Derek’s cheeks heat up, but he nods despite holding his son’s hand tighter. “Yes?” 
It’s obvious to Stiles that this wonderful—this beautiful—man is going through this despite his fear because his son wants to. 
“Okay. So, your course is a little different. You only have to worry about your trolley. Just like the big course, only an instructor can connect you to the course.” He steps up to the small practice course and attaches his trolley. “So, when you’re on the course you can hold onto the rope of the cable but don’t hold onto the trolley. We don’t want any pinched fingers,” he explains wiggling his own fingers, oblivious to the way Derek’s eyes darken at the sight.
“What about the zipline, Mr. Stiles?”
“Good question, Cub. When you go down the zip line the only thing you can hold onto is the rope.” He then attaches his trolley back onto his harness. “Are we ready?” 
Derek and Zeke nod, though one looks slightly pale while the other is eager to get on the course.
Stiles has them complete the practice course first and smiles at how thorough the kid is, making sure to do everything exactly right. 
As he walks them to the gate, out of the corner of his eye, he notices Derek staring at his arms and has to laugh a bit to himself. Erica always teases him about people drooling over his hands.
Once Stiles gets them up safely on the course for loop one, or Lupine One, he radios in. “Stiles to Cabin.” 
Erica replies back. “Go for Cabin.” 
Stiles smiles. “Hey, Catwoman. Any chance someone loves me enough to keep me at the Cub Course by taking my rotation in the Howling Course?” He glances up watching the son instructing his dad and he can’t help but melt at it.
“Daddy it’s okay. See? I put my foot right there in the middle and it didn’t shake at all. You can do it!” 
“Okay, I can do this.”
“Yeah, you can, Daddy!” Zeke cheers.
They both get to the platform and Derek lets out a heavy sigh of relief. “Wow.”
“Come on, Daddy. This is just the first obstacle and Mr. Stiles says no howling until the zipline.”
Derek looks down to where Stiles is, his cheeks pinking when he realizes Stiles is watching them. He quickly looks back at his son. “Well, we definitely have to howl. So, we better get to the zipline quickly then.”
“I wish we had a moon out, Daddy. Then it would be perfect,” Zeke says as he starts on the next obstacle. “Cause wolves howl at the moon.”
After a couple more deep breaths, Derek starts on the next obstacle, glad he didn’t try to eat before this, well at least not a full meal.
“Do you think they have a glow in the dark night?” his son asks as he reaches the other platform and looks back.
“I don’t think so kiddo. That wouldn’t be safe. We just have to pretend we have a moon. You can be a wolf without the moon.”
“You can?! I wanna be a wolf. Come on, Daddy! Only four more obstacles and then we can howl!” he says grinning ear to ear.
Derek swallows. “Yeah. Only four more.”
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Chapter Champions
Sometimes, no matter how hard we try, there are just too many words to complete in two months. I want to celebrate everyone who posted chapters to ongoing works during this event! You didn't get to check off that "completed" tic box, but you DID finish a big chunk of work!! Congratulations!
If you made chapter progress and you don't see your work listed here, send me a message! It may have slipped through the cracks
Dark Phantom by sasuhina_gal
Posted chapters 14 through 16! - 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia - shouto/izuku, Inko/Toshinori, one sided Inko/Hisashi Midoriya, minor one sided Momo/Izuku, minor Aizawa/Mic, izuku & Inko & Toshinori, shouto & dabi, Shouto & Fuyumi & Natsuo, Shouto & Hawks, Izuku & Hawks, Shouto & Orignal Charaecters - Temporary Major Charaecter Death, Minor Charaecter Death, Blood, Ghosts, Danny Phanton AU, cannon child abuse, PDA between Izuku and Shouto, Nightmares, Mind Control - Rated T - "~He's gonna catch 'em all, 'cause he's Dark Phantom, Gonna catch 'em all, 'cause he's Dark Phantom, Gonna catch 'em all, 'cause he's Dark Phantom!~ But, no, seriously, to Izuku, ghosts were just something his parents studied and his best friend Shouto had the ability to see. He never thought much of it, at least until he became one. Now he has to figure out his powers all while hiding this from his parents, trying to ask his best friend out, deal with another half ghost who either wants him dead or just wants him and the everyday perils of high school. But under all this are nightmares that plague Shouto. Nightmares of Izuku being killed and a ghost or being in blue flames. With his ghosts problems, Shouto’s at home life and nightmares and everything that life is throwing at him, Izuku's hoping this second chance at life will be worth it in the end."
Origami Heart by sasuhina_gal
First chapter is rewritten! - Harry Potter - Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter, Hermione Granger/Viktor Krum - Durmstrang!Draco - Not Rated - "Inspired by sadfishkid's and remwrites5 AU, the story of Draco attending Durmstrang and coming with his school to the TriWlzard Tournament. Here Harry realises he's bi, he falls for Draco and tries to keep Ron happy, all while trying to survive the crap fest the school gave him this year, trying to survive the TriWizard Tournament."
The New Bi by Akinasky
Posted chapter 13! - NSFW: explicit language - Teen Wolf - Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski, Vernon Boyd/ Isaac Lahey/Erica Reyes, Allison Argent/ Lydia Martin, Allison Argent & Derek Hale - Slow Build Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski, Inspired by New Girl (TV 2011), Abusive Theo Raeken, Bad Friend Scott McCall, Bad Pack Alpha Scott McCall, Canon-Typical Violence, Werewolf Mates, Mates Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski, Past Sexual Abuse of Derek Hale by Kate Argent, Warning: Kate Argent, Past Sexual Abuse of Derek Hale by Jennifer Blake - Rated M - "New Girl AU that no one asked for. Stiles gets cheated on by Theo and moves in with three girls - Allison Argent, Kira Yukimura and Laura Hale (later Cora Hale) Note: Stiles is basically estranged from everyone in Beacon Hills except Lydia."
Defender Of Dragons by TheStarGayzingEtherian
Posted chapters 3 through 7! - NSFW: sexual content, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Deatj- She-Ra and the Princesses of Power - Adora/Catra, Bow/Glimmer, Entrapta/ Hordak, Lonnie/Scorpia - Alternate Universe - Fantasy, Alternate Universe - Medieval, Knight Adora (She-Ra), Queen Catra, Trans Adora, Swords & Sorcery, Magic, but not like a lot of it, Action/Adventure, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Fluff, Character Death, Blood and Violence, Smut, Still Canon Species, Friends to Lovers - Rated E - "When brave young knight Adora and her mentor Mara receive a mysterious message telling them to come to the Whispering Woods, they find themselves reunited with an old friend, Catra, Princess of the Magicats. Catra has sought out their aid on an important quest to save the last of her people. However, this will not be an easy quest, as vicious enemies seek to destroy the Magicats and claim their secrets. Taking up the quest, Adora will have to brave great hardship if she is to succeed… and maybe, she and Catra will find some love along the way. (Catradora, Medieval Fantasy AU)"
When Wang Yibo Met Xiao Zhan by OverthinkingThis
posted 7 chapters through 11! - NSFW - The Untamed (TV) RPF, Chinese Actor RPF - Wang Yi Bo/Xiao Zhan | Sean - Strangers to Lovers, Lovers to Friends, Friends to Not-Friends, Happy Ending, Alternate Universe - When Harry Met Sally (1989) Fusion, Idol Wang Yi Bo, Graphic Designer Xiao Zhan | Sean, Romantic Comedy, Road Trips, Mutual Pining, There Was Only One Bed, genre-typical levels of misunderstandings, genre-typical levels of angst - Rated M - “Wang Yibo and Xiao Zhan get to know each other during a disastrous cross-country road trip, and it kicks off a years-long journey of annoyance, friendship, love, and everything in between. OR: Can these two hot guys ever be just friends?”
All Bones and a Beating Heart by Edai
Posted chapters 1 through 8! - NSFW - Naruto - Akimichi Chouji/Nara Shikamaru, Background Akimichi Chouji/Hyuuga Hinata, Akimichi Chouji & Nara Shikamaru & Yamanaka Ino, Nara Shikamaru & Nara Yoshino - Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Angst with a Hopeful Ending, Hurt/Comfort, Some Fluff, HIV/AIDS, Depression, OCD, Eating Disorder, Grief/Mourning, Codependency, Therapy, Polyamorous Relationships, Cigarette Smoking, Weed Smoking - Rated M - “The statement should have been something like an explosion. A loud bang breaking the structural integrity of the room they are both sitting in and drawing cracks along the walls. It should have been immense, all-encompassing and destructive. Yet it is just that. A sentence said in the unremarkable enclosure of a doctor’s office. Short and flat, as anti-climactic as it comes, and leaving him feeling so entirely empty of any sort of reaction “Your HIV screening came back positive.””
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-Teen Wolf Masterslist-
Regressor!Stiles Stilinski
Regressor!Isaac lahey
Regressor!Scott Mccall
Caregiver!Derek Hale
Caregiver!Melissa Mcall
Regressor!Lydia Martin
Regressor!Isaac Lahey
Caregiver!Noah Stilinski
Regressor!Stiles Stilinski
Caregiver!Scott Mccall + Little!Theo Raeken
Caregiver!Noah Stilinski + Little!Stiles Stilinski
Regressor!Allison Argent
Caregiver!Peter Hale + Little!Lydia Martin
Caregiver!Derek Hale + Little!Isaac Lahey
Caregiver!Derek Hale + Little!Stiles Stilinski
Caregiver!Theo Raeken + Little!Liam Dunbar
Sibling!Little!Allison Argent + Little!Lydia Martin
Regressor!Malia Tate/Hale
Regressor!Isaac Lahey + Regressor!Stiles Stilinski
Caregiver!Melissa Mccall + Little!Isaac Lahey (Halloween Themed)
Caregiver!Peter Hale + Little!Isaac Lahey
Caregiver!Peter Hale + Little!Malia Tate/Hale
Caregiver!Peter Hale
Regressor!Isaac Lahey
Regressor!Kira Yukimura Bedroom
Regressor!Scott Mccall StimBoard
Regressor!Isaac Lahey StimBoard
Regressor!Void Stiles Stilinski
Regressor!Isaac Lahey
Regressor!Isaac Lahey Bedroom
Regressor!Stiles Stilinski Bedroom
Baby Regressor!Stiles Stilinski
Caregiver!Noah Stilinski + Little!Stiles Stilinski
Caregiver!Alan Deaton + Little!Isaac Lahey
Caregiver!Alan Deaton StimBoard
Baby Regressor!Isaac Lahey
Regressor!Isaac Lahey
Regressor!Isaac Lahey
Regressor!Stiles Stilinski
Little!Isaac Lahey x Little!Reader (a fight..?)
Caregiver!Derek Hale, Caregiver!Peter Hale x Little!Isaac Lahey x Little!Reader (Thunder)
Caregiver!Scott Mccall X Little!Isaac Lahey (Toys..)
Caregiver!Melissa Mccall X Little!Scott Mccall X Little!Stiles Stilinski (Babysitter? Parent.)
Caregiver!Derek Hale X Little!Stiles Stilinski X Little!Isaac Lahey (Protective...)
Caregiver!Derek Hale X Caregiver!Peter Hale X Little!Erica Reyes X Little!Stiles Stilinski (Nails!)
Caregiver/Babysitter!Chris Argent X Little!Isaac Lahey (Take care of you..)
Caregiver!Theo Raeken X Little!Liam Dunbar (A chance...)
Stiles ABC ask game!!
Isaac ABC ask game!!
Regressor!Allison Argent Headcannons
Regressor!Stiles Stilinski Headcannons
Caregiver!Melissa Mccall Headcannons
Caregiver!Scott Mccall Headcannons
Regressor!Isaac Lahey & Stiles Stilinski Headcannons
Regressor!Isaac Lahey 30 days of Agere Headcannons
Regressor!Malia Tate/Hale Headcannons
Regressor!Isaac Lahey W/ Sucking his Thumb Thoughts
Regressor!Isaac Lahey W/ What Plushies Does He Have Thoughts
Regressor!Malia Tate/Hale W/ Who Is Her Caregiver Thoughts
Regressor!Isaac Lahey W/ Who Is His Caregiver Thoughts
Regressor!Multi Characters W/ Their Hands Thoughts
Regressor!Stiles Stilinski W/ Sucking His Thumb Thoughts
Regressor!Isaac Lahey W/ Marbles Thoughts
Caregiver!Derek Hale, Caregiver!Scott Mccall, Regressor!Stiles Stilinski & Regressor!Isaac Lahey Park Headcannons
Regressor!Isaac Lahey W/ Using Pacifiers Thoughts
Caregiver!Alan Deaton + Little!Isaac Lahey Headcannons
Regressor!Isaac Lahey W/ Cat Cafe Thoughts
Regressor!Stiles Stilinski W/ Favourite Games To Play
Regressor!Isaac Lahey W/ Favourite TV Shows And Movies
Flip!Regressor!Scott Mccall W/ What Plushies Does He Have Thoughts
Caregiver!Derek Hale W/ Winning Regressor!Stiles Stilinski A Plushie Thoughts
Pack Classifications (Every Character That I Know Well Enough Is Included In This)
Regressor!Isaac Lahey W/ Why Does He Regress
Flip!Scott Mccall W/ Does He Have. A Caregiver
Regressor!Allison with her teddy Scott won for her
DNI Banner
Noah Stilinski, Allison Argent, Stiles Stilinski, Derek Hale and Lydia Martin
Scott Mccall and Melissa Mccall
Theo Raeken and Liam Dunbar
Paci Icon
Erica Reyes
Isaac Lahey
Liam Dunbar
Stiles Stilinski
Malia Tate/Hale
Stiles Stilinski
Isaac Lahey
Liam Dunbar
Scott Mccall
Isaac Lahey
Stiles Stilinski
Allison Argent
Stiles Stilinski
Isaac Lahey
Scott Mccall
Isaac Lahey W/ Teddy
Stiles Stilinski W/ Fox Plush
Scott Mccall W/ Giraffe Plush
Isaac Lahey W/ Flower Crown + Dog Plush
Kira Yukimura
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The Oppression of Stiles Stilinski
https://archiveofourown.org/works/54623293 by stilestrashinski In this world where Alpha is feared and revered, and Omegas are treated like garbage, it is few and far between when an Omega gets a good Alpha. Stiles Stilinski has been at the Eichen Omega Facility for months and is getting auctioned off sooner than he thought. Things begin to get complicated when the man who buys him is an estranged member of the Stilinski Family. It becomes even more complicated when Derek and Stiles discover they are mates. Words: 3266, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English Fandoms: Teen Wolf (TV) Rating: Explicit Warnings: Rape/Non-Con Categories: M/M, Multi Characters: Stiles Stilinski, Peter Hale, Scott McCall (Teen Wolf), Jackson Whittemore, Isaac Lahey, Theo Raeken, Liam Dunbar, Brett Talbot, Rafael McCall, Sheriff Stilinski (Teen Wolf), Vernon Boyd, Original Male Character(s) Relationships: Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski, Peter Hale/Stiles Stilinski, Scott McCall/Stiles Stilinski, Stiles Stilinski/Jackson Whittemore, Isaac Lahey/Stiles Stilinski, Theo Raeken/Stiles Stilinski, Stiles Stilinski/Original Male Character(s), Stiles Stilinski/Brett Talbot, Rafael McCall/Stiles Stilinski, Liam Dunbar/Stiles Stilinski, Vernon Boyd/Stiles Stilinski Additional Tags: Slave Stiles Stilinski, Sex Worker Stiles Stilinski, Intersex Stiles Stilinski, Alternate Universe - Slavery, Sexual Slavery, Master/Slave, Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Alpha/Omega, Omega Verse, Dark, Alternate Universe - Dark, Forced Feminization, Forced Prostitution, Forced Crossdressing, Training Camp, Possessive Alphas, Bottom Stiles Stilinski, Hurt Stiles Stilinski, Scott McCall & Stiles Stilinski Friendship, Shapeshifter Stiles Stilinski, Cat Stiles Stilinski, Anal Sex, Oral Sex, Rough Sex, Vaginal Sex, Sex, Sex Toys, Gay Sex, Public Sex, Rough Oral Sex, Mates Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski, Derek Hale is Bad at Feelings, Werewolves Turn Into Actual Wolves, Werewolf Sex, Sex in Full Shift Werewolf Form (Teen Wolf), Bad Parent Sheriff Stilinski (Teen Wolf) read it on AO3 at https://archiveofourown.org/works/54623293
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amatchinwater · 2 years
Tumblr media
Pairing: Steo
Characters: Stiles Stilinski, Theo Raeken, Isaac Lahey
Words: 3177
Prompt: @steodiscord Steo Spooktober Scare Dare, I wanted to do more, but here we are.
Ao3 link Masterlist
There's No Such Thing as Werewolves
There’s few things in life that Stiles can say no to. A dare certainly isn’t one of them. In fact, that’s a guarantee to make sure Stiles does something. His best friend Isaac daring him to walk through the preserve alone with nothing but a flashlight wasn’t going to scare him off. Stiles can’t turn down a challenge. Plenty of teenagers have done it. Hell, it’s almost something of a tradition in Beacon Hills. Kids daring their friends to take a moonlight stroll. 
Because there’s something different about the woods in his town. Supposedly, it’s full of feral supernatural creatures like werewolves and coyotes. While Stiles has never seen any for himself, his father has gotten plenty of calls at the station about it. Snarling sounds and four-legged creatures with glowing eyes chasing them. His dad mostly thought they were prank calls. But eventually enough parents raised a fuss about it that the preserve is now off limits at night. 
Good thing Stiles doesn’t plan on getting caught. He’s going to waltz through the preserve until Isaac tells him to stop. And since he has no sense of direction during the day, Stiles is going to use his phone’s GPS to get back out. He also can’t wait to shove it in Isaac’s face that there’s no such thing as werewolves. His best friend swears up and down that he saw red, glowing eyes when Jackson made him go over the summer. 
Stiles is a logical being, he knows that most animal’s eyes reflect light when it’s dark, making it appear like they’re glowing. Filled with anxiety and adrenaline, Isaac probably only thought they were red. Just fear messing with your brain and making you see things that aren’t there. It makes sense. It’s logical. 
Occam’s Razor, the simplest explanation is often the right one. 
“So how long do I have to do this for?” Stiles asks, getting out of the passenger seat. 
“Why?” Isaac’s head pops up above the car. Leaning on the roof, he drums his hands, “scared already?” 
Stiles couldn’t roll his eyes harder if he tried, “no, jackass. I’m not scared. I would like to make it home before my dad does.”
The cheeky grin on his best friend’s face falls a bit, “okay, yeah. That’s a fair point. I’ll check on you in an hour. That’ll give you enough time in there and plenty to get home.” Isaac gives him a look that he can’t quite read. Almost weary. “Watch your step,” his best friend offers before disappearing back into his car. 
If you’re going to be all worried about it now, maybe you shouldn’t have dared him in the first place. With a sigh, Stiles checks his phone, the digital numbers telling him it’s eleven-fifteen. His father should be home somewhere around two. Time to get this over with. Tapping the button on the screen, Stiles turns on his flashlight and steps into the preserve. It’s quieter than he thought it’d be. Then again, if some giant beast with a beam of light was trampling through his home, Stiles would cease all movement and sound too. He walks on a little mindful of where he steps in case there’s an actual animal trying to sleep. 
Three times. 
Stiles has nearly killed himself tripping over a root three fucking times. The light from his phone is only doing so much and the full moon isn’t making it through the thick trees. Fuck the streetlights, he stopped seeing light from that who knows how far back. Forget the werewolves, if Stiles dies tonight, it’s going to be from his severe lack of coordination. This was such a stupid idea. Luckily, his GPS will be able to lead him back because retracing his steps is going to be next to impossible. 
A racoon darts in front of him. “Jesus!” Stiles shrieks, nearly dropping his phone on the ground when he jumps. He laughs to himself, palm on his chest as he tries to calm his heart. It was just a fucking racooon. Racoons are normal to see at nighttime. Man, he’s gotta get a grip on himself. 
Checking his phone again, Stiles notices two things. One, it’s now midnight. His hour is almost up. Which is great because if he almost kisses one more fucking spider, he’s going to freak out. The second makes him groan in annoyance. A great big, red ‘x’ where his signal bars should be stares him in the face. It’s a good thing Isaac told him how long because it’s not like Stiles can get or make calls right now. 
“Fucking fantastic,” Stiles grumbles to himself. Fuck this, he shines his light around trying to figure out if he should keep going. No. He’s heading back. With no service, if Stiles gets hurt, he’s fucked. His father will definitely kill him if he gets hurt over a fucking dare. Turning on his heel, Stiles scrolls through his phone to pull up his GPS so he can get the hell out of here. 
Not thinking about it, when the page opens, it doesn’t load. “Fuck,” he draws out the worn on a groan, hanging his head back. “Of course the GPS won’t work. There’s no signal, dumbass.” Stiles curses to himself again, stomping- hopefully- back the way he came. Maybe if he gets back far enough, he’ll pick up signal again. Especially because after a minute or two of walking, an uncomfortable shiver works its way down his spine. 
He’s being watched. 
“Don’t be ridiculous,” Stiles scoffs, “nothing is out here but pissed off squirrels because you woke them up.” A twig snaps behind him. Stiles pauses for the smallest of seconds. Hair rises on the back of his neck. He doesn’t like this at all. Stiles walks a little faster, “nope. Not about to get impaled by a deer for you, Is. If I got too close to your family, I’m sorry,” he says as though the animal will understand. “I didn’t mean to. I just can’t see shit.” Maybe it’s mostly to calm his nerves from irrational thought. 
Another twig snaps and something snarls.
Deer definitely don’t make that sound. 
Fear freezes Stiles’ body in place despite his brain screaming at him to run. The sound happens again. A bit softer this time. More like a growled warning. No idea how he knows that except that he just does. Stiles gets the scary feeling that if he takes another step, he’s dead. But he can’t just not move. So against his better judgment- maybe some part of him wants to see if he can fight it off or outrun it- Stiles slowly turns around. No sudden movements, just carefully see- a black wolf with red glowing eyes is staring right at him. 
“Oh my god,” Stiles shouts, turning and running in the other direction. 
A vicious roar sounds off behind him, vibrating his chest. That shouldn’t be that loud. That should not be that fucking loud. His lungs ache, burn in their desperate attempt to keep him moving. To get Stiles away from the danger that is undoubtedly getting closer. He can feel it breathing down his neck. That also shouldn’t be possible. 
If Jackson could see him now. Running blindly through the dark faster than ever and not falling over. He’d make first line for sure. 
The wolf nips at his heel. Not enough to hurt; another warning. How does he just know this? The action was enough to spook him though, causing Stiles to lose his balance. Tumbling face first into the dirt with a hard thud. He groans, spitting out dirt and rubbing his nose. He’s going to die. Stiles is going to die because of a stupid dare. There’s no chance to scramble to his feet to try and run away again. The wolf has a hold of his ankle. Sharp fangs simply prevent escape, they’re not even breaking skin. 
When it lets go, the wolf snorts, nudging Stiles’ leg. When he doesn’t move, the wolf does it again, clear in its intention for him to roll over. He shouldn’t. Stiles is more than aware that he shouldn’t. Wiping the dirt from his chin, he rolls onto his back. No sooner is he flat against the earth is the wolf on top of him. Towering over him with a paw on either side of Stiles’ face, fully encasing his body. 
Without the help of his phone, that fell who knows where, the only thing Stiles can really see are the scarlet orbs watching him. The branches of the trees are a little more sparse, so some moonlight trickles through. It’s not nearly enough. All he can properly make out are those eyes just observing him. Why is the wolf just looking at him? Shouldn’t it be eating him by now? His heart is making a valiant attempt at escaping his chest currently. Stiles doesn’t have the first clue what he’s supposed to do. 
He wiggles, just a tiny bit, only trying to get the twig that’s digging into his spine to move so that he can think straight. Which was exactly the wrong thing to do. The wolf snarls, fangs wrapping around Stiles’ throat, breaking the skin just a touch. Enough that it stings. Frozen. Stiles freezes on the spot. Other than the small tremors of fear wracking his frame, Stiles doesn’t move a muscle. Doesn’t even breathe. He falls completely pliant to the wolf. 
He’s so fucked. 
But the wolf, seemingly satisfied with the submission, releases him at least. Rearing its head back, it howls at the sky. Stiles hasn’t the slightest idea what that could mean. But it can’t be good. Wolves howl to signal their location to the rest of the pack. Did it just tell the others where to find dinner? 
Oh god. 
The wolf ducks its head, cold nose bumping Stiles’ sweat-slick, hammering pulse. Then it licks him. Long tongue brushing along his skin. “H-Hey,” Stiles swats at the wolf. Yes, because he’s not in enough danger he needs to hit the thing and piss it off. “That’s sweat, not real salt. Stop licking me,” he tries to shove the wolf. Let’s try pushing a brick wall next, probably have better luck. “I- I’m skin and bone,” Stiles tries to reason with the wolf, fully processing his ludicrousness. But he just can’t stop. “I’m not a suitable meal, okay?” 
The licking doesn’t stop and the wolf huffs in a way that almost sounds like an animal trying to laugh. Which is even more ridiculous. But then, the tongue gets shorter, the weight on him heavier as the licks turn to nips and a mouth sucking against his skin. What the- Stiles moans, blunt teeth biting the crook of his neck. 
“Not a meal, sweetheart,” a- very attractive- male’s voice chuckles. Now is really not the time to be thinking about how good his voice is. Stiles’ limbs lock up, working much better than his brain. This can’t be happening. “A mate. Mine,” he rumbles, stubble burning Stiles’ neck.
This isn’t happening. 
Yeah, that’s it. When Stiles fell, he must’ve hit his head too hard and is now unconscious whilst being eaten. That’s totally it. His brain providing some weird dream so he doesn’t feel himself being torn apart. 
Another moan tears through Stiles’ throat. The guy pushing his hips down until Stiles’ legs open. Allowing him to grind his very hard dick against Stiles. 
��Not a dream, sweetheart,” the once wolf mumbles, hands curling into the hem of Stiles’ shirt.
Warm fingers brush his skin and Stiles is painfully aware of the fact that he’s just letting this happen. Fangs graze the crook of his neck, biting into his skin until he feels a little trickle, “no,” Stiles shoves the guy’s chest, surprised when he actually backs off. 
“But I thought- you ran,” he says, like that’s an explanation. 
“Yeah, I ran,” Stiles sits up, scooting back for good measure. His hand comes up to his neck, grateful that there’s only a little wetness to his fingers. “A wolf was trying to eat me, of course I ran. I was terrified! You snuck up on me.” His eyes have mostly adjusted to the dark. Not enough to see completely, but he can more or less make out the guy- the very naked guy- across from him. The shadows cover the important bits. But not his face, which as gorgeous as it is, looks extremely upset. 
For no reason Stiles can place, he’s put off by the fact that the guy is upset. And the fact that Stiles isn’t more upset that he was bitten hard enough to draw blood. Stiles realizes that he should certainly be more put out about this whole thing. But he has this weird curiosity. More wanting to know what the fuck is going on than he is concerned about his wellbeing. None of it makes any sense, but that’s all Stiles currently has to offer.  
“No, no, I didn’t,” he scoots barely an inch closer. “I snapped that twig so you’d know exactly where I was. You didn’t see me, so I broke another one.” Bangs flop over his eyes when he shakes his head, “I’d never want to scare you, sweetheart.”
“Okay, that too,” Stiles holds a hand up, “I don’t even know your name and yet you keep calling me sweetheart. You don’t know me.” 
The guy takes a deep breath. Not from irritation, like he’s trying to keep himself in control. The ruby color keeps flickering too. “Theo,” he says, hands digging into his thighs in efforts not to move. “My name’s Theo. And you’re my mate.” 
“How do you know what?” Stiles scoffs, “I don’t even know what that means!”
“Think of it like a soulmate. All supernatural creatures know their mates by scent,” Theo explains. “I snapped the twing so that I could shift and talk to you about it. But then you ran,” the word is growled, emphasized by the glowing red color intensifying. Theo shakes his head again.
“Who in their right mind wouldn’t run from a snarling wolf?” Stiles slaps his thighs, utterly exasperated with the other guy’s reaction. “I thought I was going to die!”
“Running is considered an invitation to werewolves,” Theo states. He must see the crickets chirping in Stiles’ brain because the wolf continues, “think of it like a challenge. Someone wanting to see if the other is worthy enough of being their mate by giving chase. Seeing if their mate can catch them.” 
“So me running away-”
“Kicked in every single instinct I have to claim my mate. It’s done with a bite to your neck. And don’t worry, my fangs didn’t go in far enough.” Theo’s nails dig into his thighs again, “but it’s why it’s incredibly hard for me to just sit here while you’re all the way over there-” okay, he’s like two feet away max- “smelling like someone else.” Stiles can’t even begin to unpack that. “It’s even worse because of the full moon. It heightens everything. But, as much as it pisses my wolf off, I’m not going to force you into anything. Just because I’m a werewolf doesn’t mean I’m an animal.” 
Which is very true. Theo listened to him when he said no. But Stiles can’t shake the feeling of wanting to make Theo feel better. Happy. Can’t shake the annoyance that he’s the cause of Theo’s distress. Even more so that given what he’s seen so far, Stiles is inclined to believe him. He’s smart as hell. Stiles isn’t going to ignore evidence when it’s laid out right in front of him. 
“So, does that mean you don’t live out here in the woods?”
“What? No,” Theo almost laughs, finally looking at him again. “I live in town. Graduated early and now I’m working towards getting my degree online. I wanted to be able to stay closer to my pack. Helps the bond.”
Stiles looks at Theo. Really looks at him. He’s very easy on the eyes. Which is a nice bonus to be honest. And he hasn’t really done anything to hurt him. Stiles honestly doesn’t think he could. Which is just another thing. Throughout this entire ordeal, Stiles had had this intuition about everything. Theo warning him proved to be true. Theo trying to keep himself in control was also correct. Almost like Stiles had instincts of his own. 
Meanwhile Theo is consistently fighting his own to ensure Stiles’ comfort and safety. The wolf finally notices that he’s under the microscope, “why are you looking at me like that?” 
With the way Theo is trying so hard not to do something, this is probably a stupid idea. But he’s finding it hard to care. It’s not like his love life has been particularly fruitful. A hot guy telling him that they’re basically meant to be together can’t be all that bad. Right? “I’m Stiles,” he says, extending his hand to shake.
“I’m sorry,” Theo preemptively says, reaching out and yanking Stiles into his lap. Stiles will absolutely deny the way he squawks from the action. Strong arms wrap around his frame, holding him close. Theo tucks his nose under Stiles’ jaw, inhaling his scent deeply while rumbling in his chest. “It’s really hard to control,” the wolf says, fangs grazing the crook of Stiles’ neck. “Just,” Theo takes a controlled breath and his arms loosen, “there,” he says, letting go. 
Stiles doesn’t get up. Rather adjusts himself so he’s not crushing the wolf’s crotch, “it’s okay.” Theo’s head snaps up at his words, arms locking around him again, brows raised. “I’m not saying let’s run away and be mates. But I’m,” Stiles loops his arm over Theo’s shoulder, “I’m saying it’s okay. I mean, you’re pretty hot,” he quirks his brows, hoping humor as a coping mechanism works for the wolf too. 
Theo laughs, resting his forehead in his neck, “I could court you,” the wolf says. Stiles makes a noise that sounds something close to ‘um’ but it was really mostly a noise. “Dating, Stiles. It’s like dating. I won’t go full tradition on you, but,” Theo lifts his head, their noses brushing, “I’d like to court you. Prove that I’m worthy to be your mate.” 
“I think I’d like that,” Stiles says with a smile. 
“It’s for life, you know,” Theo’s hands tighten around his sides, but he’s whispering to, staring at Stiles’ mouth. His excitement is crystal clear, no matter how much the wolf tries to hide it. 
He pulls a face like he’s thinking about it, “we’re basically made for each other, right?” 
Theo nods, “that’s what mates means, yes,” tone teasing and husky. 
“Then yeah,” Stiles bumps their noses together, “I’m saying you can court me.” 
Smiling back, Theo crashes their mouths together. Stiles would’ve gladly reciprocated the kiss had he not been so surprised. The wolf pulls back, “sorry,” gasping for air. 
Just as breathless, Stiles chuckles, “it’s okay,” and seals their mouths together again. 
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ao3-feed-sterek · 1 year
High on Zipping into Love
by sapphireginger
Stiles Stilinski is the owner and alpha of Howlin' Heights. The zip line park is one of the most popular attractions in the country.
Seems a man and his son agree. The son? So. Freaking. Adorable. The man? So. Freaking. Gorgeous. Stiles may be crushing. Too bad they'll be gone by the next day.
Or will they?
Words: 640, Chapters: 1/25, Language: English
Fandoms: Teen Wolf (TV)
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/M, M/M
Characters: Stiles Stilinski, Derek Hale, Olivia Stilinski (OC), Zeke Hale (OC), Cora Hale, Erica Reyes, Vernon Boyd, Isaac Lahey, Theo Raeken, Jackson Whittemore, Allison Argent, Kira Yukimura, Original Character(s) - Character
Relationships: Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Human, Zipline Park Owner Stiles Stilinski, code names, Star Wars References, Slow Build, Single Parent Stiles Stilinski, Single Parent Derek Hale, Meet-Cute, Alternate Universe - Different First Meeting, Adorable Derek Hale, Adorable Stiles Stilinski, Past Relationship(s), Minor Vernon Boyd/Erica Reyes, Other Additional Tags to Be Added, Past Character Death, Past Child Abandonment, Family Feels, Fluff and Angst, Emotional Hurt/Comfort
source https://archiveofourown.org/works/48818047
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