#luke alvez request
prentissluvr · 4 months
cariño — luke alvez
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pairing : luke alvez x gn!bau!reader ➖⟢ genre : hurt/comfort, fluff ➖⟢ cw : car crash, mentions of blood and injuries, concussion, pet names (honey, sweetheart, cariño, baby), swearing, only light editing ➖⟢ wc : 3.6K ➖⟢ listen to : cariño by the marías summary : you get injured while chasing after an unsub, and luke is there to take care of you.
also i think i was subconsciously inspired by one of my fav luke fics concussed at the end lol so check that one out, too!!
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adrenaline pumps through your veins the way it always does during a car chase. this one is entirely chaotic as you weave the large black suv through other innocent cars, trying to keep up with the unsub. luke is in the passenger's seat, feeding you updates and directions from garcia as you step on the gas.
“left up ahead!” luke instructs, and your hands grip the wheel tight as you yank it to the side last minute to avoid hitting traffic. the tires squeal, but you make the turn and find yourself on an open road, houses and office buildings quickly fading into trees. you can see the unsub’s car just as it rounds a corner in front of you, and you increase your speed without the danger of hitting a civilian’s car. for a moment, you’re glad because this makes your capture easier, then that exact thought spikes confusion and worry in your mind.
“why the hell’d he turn here?” you question through gritted teeth, “it would be harder for us to get to him if he kept on the busier roads.”
“shit,” luke curses in agreement, “garcia, what’s past the corner we’re about to round?”
there’s a moment of silence as you continue speeding down the road. “nothing!” comes penelope’s voice through luke’s phone.
“nothing?” he repeats to confirm.
“no, nothing, is there supposed to be something?” garcia asks, worry quickly seeping into her tone.
“we need to slow down,” luke dictates as you’re already easing up on the gas and preparing to step on the brakes. but the speed of the car makes almost no difference as you round the corner, eyes peeled and body tensed to react quickly to anything the unsub might throw your way. maybe he’s stopped the car in attempts to surprise you into breaking or swerving dangerously, likely waiting with a gun in hand to try and shoot you down.
what you don’t expect, what none of you could have expected at all, is the new car that comes barelling into the road, hidden by a driveway to the left, right after the curve.
luke shouts your name in warning, and with a glimpse of the dark grey vehicle in the corner of your eye, you slam back on the gas and swerve further left in hopes that the car catch the tail end of the suv and send the it spinning down the road, rather than t-bone you and send you off the side of the road.
you’re not quick enough, just about no one could be. the grey car was ready for you, and it hits the driver’s side with a sickening crunch before running you right off the road. the airbags inflate almost right on impact and the car lurches to a halt when it bends to the will of a tall, thick tree.
it happens beyond fast, all of it a blur of sharp pain and the mixed voices of luke’s exclaimations and penelope’s worried voice calling your names until there’s nothing at all.
when luke wakes, he can still hear penelope’s voice. it takes a long, groggy and painful moment for it to come into focus. he groans as he forces his eyes open.
“luke! luke, oh my god! are you there? can you hear me? luke, answer me, please,” her voice is completely panicked, and oddly far away. luke realizes his phone must have fallen to the ground in the crash. then he remembers there’s been a crash.
“garcia?” he croaks out, trying to sit up from where he’s awoken against the door to turn his pained neck, because the most important thing he remembers then is that you were driving.
“luke! thank god. oh my god. there’s an ambulance on the way. luke, are you okay? i can’t hear you well and where’s y/n? are they okay?” garcia is practically begging for good news as she rambles out questions to him.
“i’m fine,” he calls to her, lying, “concussion, probably. i’m checking on y/n right now.” he’s trying to sound calm for her sake, but he’s silently panicking because he hasn’t heard a sound from your side of the car. you probably took the brunt of the hit, too. he’s terrified of what he’ll see when he finally can get a decent look at you.
there’s blood dripping down your face, reflecting the sunlight seeping in through the broken car windows as it seeps past your closed eyelids. you’re knocked out cold, far colder than he was, and your head slumps against the deflated airbag on the steering wheel. you’re facing him, and he thinks that seeing you like this is his worst nightmare. but his head is starting to clear up, probably only momentarily, and though his whole body aches, he can tell that nothing’s broken. with ample effort, he reaches over to you, calling your name softly, then urgently as he presses his fingers to your pulse point. when he feels the weak throb of blood pumping through your veins, he heaves a sigh of relief.
“they’re alive,” he calls to garcia, “still knocked out,” he explains, the strain in his voice evident. “i need to focus on them, okay garcia? have you called emily?”
“i patched her in while you were still out, she’s on the way with jj and spence. do you promise you’re okay?” she’s still talking like she’s barely breathing.
“garcia, i need you to breathe while i try to wake them up, okay?” it’s taking all of luke’s control to stay calm for garcia as he struggles to be closer to you. he checks for breathing, then for any obvious injuries other than your head. then, he’s stroking the side of your face, so gentle as he calls out your name.
“okay, okay, i can do that,” comes garcia’s muffled voice, but luke’s already practically tuned her out. all he’s worried about is you, the way your face looks calm now, even covered in blood, and the way it’ll inevitably twist in pain when you wake. he keeps calling your name, but there’s no response. he’s too afraid to move you for fear of making any unseen injuries worse.
“garcia, how long for the ambulence?” he calls, panic beginning to seep into his voice.
“it’s three minutes out,” she responds, and if he weren’t so preoccupied with you, he’d be able to picture the fear in her face, the severe furrow of her eyebrows, maybe tears on her cheeks as she prays you’ll be okay. but all he sees is the way you’re stuck in your seat, trapped between the front of the car that hit you, its driver long gone by now, and the front dashboard that’s been pushed forward by the strength of the tree and collision.
the way he says your name is like the pleading of a desperate prayer. his shaky hand is still on the side of your face, the pad of his thumb brushing against your cheek.
“c’mon, honey. you gotta wake up.”
with that comes the first sign of life outside of your shallow breaths and weak heartbeat. your brows furrow slightly and a quiet groan escapes the back of your throat.
“hey, hey. that’s it, cariño, c’mon. can you hear me?” he begs. he gets another pained whimper and slight flutter of your eyelids, but your eyes still don’t open. “you’re okay, i’ve got you. you’re alright. wake up, y/n. come on, you got this.”
when your eyes finally flit open, everything’s blurry. you blink once, twice, as you try to focus on the voice that you think might be calling your name. it’s familiar, but sounds far away. then you groan and your face contorts in pain. everything hurts, bad. 
“don’t try to move, okay?” those are the first words you catch and can put the meaning together, “you’re alright, the ambulence will be here soon. cariño, can you hear me?”
you try to say yes, but all you can get out is a strangled, “hmm.” luke. you want to say his name as his face comes into focus and you register his gentle hand on your face. the soft brush of his thumb and the gentle sound of his voice are comforting, even as the pain grows with every waking moment.
“that’s good, you’re doing so good,” he reassures. he hates the way your cheek and forehead are shoved uncomfortably against the steering wheel, so as carefully as he can, he maneuvers his other hand to cup your head so you can rest against him instead of the hard, unorgiving surface of the wheel. your face pinches in pain when he does so, but you relax a little once your cheek settles against the soft skin of his palm.
“there you go, that’s a little better, huh? can you see me?”
this time your hum is a little more intelligible as a clear, “mhmm.” you try to keep your eyes and senses focused on luke and his pretty, worried face, but it’s difficult when the pain is so ever present, digging into your ribs and hips and chest and legs and god, your head is pounding, spinning, stabbing, throbbing in pain. luke wants to cry himself when he feels your tears mix with your blood on his hands.
“shhh, you’re gonna be okay. i know it hurts, but the ambulance is almost here, baby,” his words are comforting, and you don’t want him to stop, but it only gets worse.
“luke,” you groan, unable to say much else to express how much pain you’re in and how much you need him to keep saying sweet things and calling you pretty names.
“yeah, i know, i know. ‘m right here, i got you. we’re gonna get you fixed up so soon. just stay with me, okay? ambulance’s almost here.”
“okay,” you agree breathily, but your eyes want to close and try to shut the pain out.
“no, no, stay awake, honey. i need you to stay awake, okay?” he repeats. “you hear that? that’s the ambulance, it’s almost here,” he assures you. sure enough, if you focus, you can hear the sirens as they get closer.
“okay. ‘m awake,” you mumble, pinching your eyebrows together in concentration and squeezing your eyes shut for just a moment before focusing your eyes back on luke’s concerned face.
“that’s good, there you go. don’t worry about anything else, i got you. you stay awake, and i’ll take care of the rest, alright?” his gaze leaves you for just a moment as the ambulance pulls up and the emts run out of the vehicle to help.
“yeah,” you respond, and he can feel your jaw clenching against his palm every time you hold back a little cry of pain. he hates it because it’s often, because even now, you’re acting strong for the sake of someone else.
then there’s a paramedic opening the door to the passengers side, requesting for him to get out and to the ambulance.
“not until you get them out,” luke protests, not even bothering to look away from you, “i’m staying with them.”
“sir, i’m sorry, but we need you to get out so we can reach them. that door isn’t going to open until we can move the other car, and we need to stabilize your friend as soon as possible,” the medic explains. luke holds back a curse and clenches his jaw in anger because he knows he needs to leave you, but would rather do anything but that.
“cariño, i have to get out so the medics can help you, but i’ll be back with you the second i can, okay?” he explains to you gently, already slipping his hands away from your head with all the care in the world.
you whine in protest, and though what he’s saying makes sense, you don’t want him to be away from you for even a moment.
“i know. i’m so sorry, but i’ll be right back, okay honey?” his heart is practically breaking as he pulls away from you and stumbles out of the car with the help of a medic. within seconds, another medic has crawled into the car, speaking comfortingly as she assesses the situation up close. and while you appreciate her gentleness, it’s not nearly as comforting as having luke. it’s a task, but the other medic gets luke to sit down on the side of the road a few feet away before climbing into the car from the back seat to help stabilize your neck and get you sitting upright in your seat.
luke wants to throw something or cry, or maybe both, when he hears your pained sounds coming from the car. more than anything, he wants to be near you to hold your hand, but he knows there’s not enough room for him and the medics to do their jobs.
when there’s nothing left for them to do until they can move you, they allow luke to climb back into the car and hold your hand from the back seat after checking him for severe injuries.
“hey, there. i’m back, sweetheart, just like i promised,” he says as he reaches over the console to curl his fingers around yours.
“mhmm,” you hum in relief, unable to really speak with the brace around your neck.
only moments later, more emergency vehicles arrive, including a black suv that luke knows to contain emily, jj, and spencer.
“we’ll be able to get you out so soon, now. and emily, jj, and spence are here to help, too,” luke tells you, hoping to bring you a bit of good news. in your current state, he doesn’t expect you to answer aloud, but he smiles a bit when you squeeze his hand.
at the hospital, hours later, luke sits in your dark room, holding your hand and resting his head against your forearm. it was practically hell to him, being made to rest in a hospital bed himself for an hour or two before they let him sit in your room instead. his concussion is mild, much more so than yours. you’re sleeping soundly, a little frown on your face that luke both wishes would go away and can’t help but find it oddly adorable. matt reported to him that you woke up once before, dazed and confused from your injury before falling back asleep.
the darkness of your room helps him, but his head still pounds dully as he wishes you’d wake up so he can say something to you, so he can hear your voice and maybe feel just a little bit less worried about you.
with his head down, he doesn’t see your eyes drift slowly open, but he feels the twitch of your fingers inside his own hand. immediately, he raises his head to check on you, and his gaze softens infinitely when he sees you’re awake.
“hey,” he whispers, “how are you feeling?” 
you take in a raspy breath before speaking, “um… i’m okay, i think. my head hurts,” you pout. “what… what happened?” the nurses had warned that you might suffer from some temporary retrograde amnesia.
“we were in a car crash,” honey, he wants to add.
you inhale sharply, “oh. are you okay?” you sound so worried and sweet that luke wants to soothe you with a kiss to your cheeks, your forehead, anywhere you’d let him. he settles for squeezing your hand comfortingly.
“i’m very okay,” he reassures, happily glossing over the fact that his head hurts, too. “that’s why i’m here, to take care of you, because you have a bad concussion.”
“oh,” you repeat, and from the way you’re talking and the tone of your voice, luke concludes that you’re still clearly affected by the concussion, “is everyone else okay? we’re on a case, right?”
“yeah, we’re on a case,” he has to hold back from the pet names again, “and everyone’s okay, just a little worried about you.”
your brow furrows at that, and he thinks your eyes grow a little shiny from tears. “don’t wan’ anybody to worry about me,” you fuss.
“oh, sweetheart,” it slips out so easy and natural that he can’t hold it back, “we just want to be sure that you’re okay,” he explains, so soft and sweet, “but since you’ll be just fine, we won’t worry too much, okay?”
“okay,” you sigh. the pout stays stuck to your lips, but you don’t protest anymore and he thinks tears are avoidable, now.
“i’m gonna grab a doctor to check on you,” luke tells you as he begins to stand and let his hand slip away from yours. your hand tightens around his and the tears spring right back into your eyes.
“don’t go,” you whine all sweet and simple.
“i promise i’ll be right back, but i need to get a doctor to make sure everything’s alright, okay?”
you shake your head, then squeeze your eyes shut in pain. that action sends a few tears out and rolling down the sides of your face. when your eyes open, a few more drops spill out as your breathing grows a little heavy and panicked.
luke settles right back down at your side and squeezes your hand with renewed urgency, “okay, okay. i got it, i’m here.” he brings his other hand to the side of your face, ever so gentle to avoid hurting you as he wipes at your tears, “i’m not going anywhere, don’t worry.” 
he sighs, but his face softens when you relax into his touch. “will you tell me when it’s okay for me to get a doctor? i promise it’ll only take a second, and it’ll help me not to worry about you,” he adds.
this makes your expression turn conflicted. it’s plain to him that you’re mulling over the options carefully in that pretty little head of yours.
after long consideration, you relent, “okay. but you can’t be gone long, please.”
“i won’t, i promise. i’ll be right back, okay?”
“okay,” you agree, but your voice is so sad that luke would rather do anything than leave your side. your fingers chase after his as he gets up, even when your muscles are tired, pained, and weak.
luke flags down a nurse, who gets a doctor to show up within a few minutes. she comes and confirms that your status is the same as before, all you need is rest and to be extra careful goin forward. you sigh in relief when she says that you should be discharged tomorrow or the day after, and you’re cleared to fly soon after that as long as you’re continually resting. your memory from around the time before the crash might remain spotty, but should clear up at least a little with time and proper care.
“luke,” you mumble once the doctor’s gone.
“yeah? can i get you something? water?” he asks, all caring and concerned.
“no. well, water would be nice in a minute, but luke,” you implore, “i jus’ really like you, and i wish that you’d kiss me. i’m pretty sure i’ve wished that for a while. but i definitely wish it now.”
those words nearly knock the breath out of his lungs, but he has to recompose himself quickly to deal with the fact that you’re only saying so because you’re severely concussed.
“i also wish you were my boyfriend,” you continue.
“i really like you, too,” he says, beginning gentle and truthful to ease into the fact that he can’t kiss you right now.
“so you’ll kiss me?” you slur hopefully. he sighs because he knows his answer probably won’t come across well in your current state.
“i will if that’s what you still want when your head clears up a little more, okay?” he concedes. he means it, too. he really would like to kiss you.
“but not now?” you sound so disappointed that luke is having trouble holding back. your eyes are shiny again and he wants to kiss the tears away.
“i’m sorry, but not yet.” the pronounced pout on your lips does not help his case.
“do you not want to?” you ask helplessly, and there’s tears slipping down your face again.
“oh, hey, don’t cry. i do, i promise i do, but i can’t right now,” he explains without making any headway in calming you down. you don’t seem to believe him.
he stands to lean over you and lay both of his hands against your face to wipe the tears gently awake. from the pinch of your brows and tightness of your lips, he thinks you’re probably crying from the pain, too. he shushes you softly as he presses a whisper of a kiss to your forehead when he can’t hold back from doing so anymore.
“it’s okay. don’t cry,” he mumbles into the bandage wrapped around your head. for good measure, he kisses the skin of your forehead again, since the first one seemed to calm you down significantly. it appears that the contact of his lips to your skin, regardless of whether it was on your own lips or not, was enough to sedate and please you, because the tears have stopped and there’s a little smile on your face when he looks.
“can you hug me, too?” you ask sweetly.
“of course i can,” he confirms as he wraps his arms around you, as careful and soft as possible. 
he holds you until your hand drops from his shoulder and you say plainly, “i’m tired.” he moves away slightly, brushing his thumb sweetly under your eye before he settles back down on the chair.
“alright. why don’t you go to sleep, then? i’ll be here when you wake up, cariño.”
your smile turns a little dopey at that word. “cariño,” you slur out. “i hope you’ll kiss me then, cariño.” with that, you send his heart into a flutter as your eyes drift closed and your breathing evens out.
he whispers, “i will, cariño, i will.”
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etclouie · 1 month
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"what's the fascination?"
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𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪 summary: finding his dog tags attractive, even more so when he’s fucking you in missionary. (Luke Alvez x !fem reader)
𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪 warnings: smut with no plot, unprotected sex, creampie, reader is fascinated with luke’s dog tags, poorly written smut, luke calls reader sweetheart and angel, luke makes reader suck his thumb for .0001 seconds, lmk if i missed any
𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪 word count: 837
𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪 a/n: first piece of smut i’m posting, this is proper nerve wracking guys (be kind please)
𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪 criminal minds masterlist | main masterlist
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he had you sprawled out on your back, legs hooked high around his hips and his arms bracketing your head. his lips peppering kisses across your jaw as his hips continued against yours, your fingers loosely tangling themselves in his curls. 
back arched off of the bed and head lulled back, locking your feet at the small of his back to draw him closer. keeping your fingers in his hair while he trailed his kisses down across your chest, gasping as the cool metal of his dog tags lay against your stomach. 
lifting your head to look down at him and humming as his eyes met yours, a smirk plastered across his face before his lips were pressing against yours. 
untangling your fingers from his hair to blindly play with his dog tags, hearing him grunt as he pulled back from the kiss and stilled his hips. 
whining at the loss of friction while his cock remained sheathed inside you, hand still holding his tags as he looked down at you in questioning. 
“it’s nothing, just keep fucking me”
the small plea had him reeling back into action, his hands pulling yours away from his tags and wrapping your arms around his neck. the backs of your thighs pressed against the fronts of his as his thrusts slowly started again, the sound of skin slapping against skin growing louder as his pace grew faster. 
moaning with every particularly deep thrust he gave, but your attention remained on his dog tags. earning a huff as his eyes followed your gaze, trying to gain back your attention by kissing you deeply. his tongue swiping along your bottom lip before pushing past your lips, swirling his tongue against your own and drawing muffled moans from you. 
tapping at his shoulders to pull back from the kiss, panting as his hands moved to palm at your boobs. his thumbs rolling against your peaked nipples and pulling soft whines from your lips, a smug look across his face as your walls tightened around him, implying your impending release. 
his smirk falling from his face as his eyes followed yours to his tags again, the metal chain dangling above you and holding your gaze in a mesmerised trance. 
“fuck sweetheart, what’s the fascination with my tags, hm?”
his voice came out gruff, his eyes growing hooded as his hips began stuttering. his climax drawing closer while his cock throbbed in your warmth, his hands soothing along your sides. 
“i like them, that’s all”
your answer didn’t seem to suffice with him because his right hand was now cradling your jaw, tilting your head up towards him and holding your gaze on him. 
his thumb swiping across your bottom lip before tapping at it a couple times, his hips continuing against yours and a lewd moan pushing past your lips; allowing him time to push his thumb past your lips. 
“i don’t get it sweetheart, what’s the fascination? huh?”
wrapping your hand around his wrist to pull his thumb from your lips with a wet pop, voice soft and sultry as you answered his question. 
“i don’t know what it is, just like them. now, you gonna make me cum or not?”
chuckling at your question, his pace picking up as he chased both of your releases. his thumb that was previously in your mouth pressing to your clit, drawing small circles on the bud and pulling more moans from you. 
you were tumbling towards your climax, back arching off of the bed and wrapping your arms around his neck, legs hooking tighter around his waist. pulling him down against your chest and pressing a kiss to his jaw, moans toppling from your lips and hitting his ear. 
“there she is, there’s my girl. cum f’me angel, know you’re there”
nodding weakly and clinging closer to him, walls clamping down around him as you fell over the edge. vision whitening with pleasure and lewd moans falling from your lips, nails scratching at his back before your body fell limp against the mattress. 
a sheen of sweat coating your body, his cock continuing to piston into you as he chased his own climax. hands finding purchase on your hips as he fucked into you, ducking his head to the crook of your neck. 
groaning against your skin as his hips stuttered once more, a more high pitched whine leaving his lips as his climax hit him. hips stilling against yours, and his release coating your insides. 
“atta girl, took me so well”
any and all teasing long gone, his touch softer and his hand cradling your face once more, his thumb soothing across your cheek before he was pressing the softest of kisses to your lips. 
“so my tags turn you on, huh?”
and he was back. slapping at his shoulder before pushing him away, whining as his cock slipped from you and his release followed it, his seed spilling from your cunt and two of his fingers pushing it back in. 
“shut up Luke”
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requests are open here !
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reidsaurora · 4 months
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Hello, my dear friends! Long time no sea! No, I am not dead, just depressed lol, but that's a story for another time because...
I randomly decided like a week ago to do this. I didn't put much thought into it other than that I miss you guys so much and I need a reason to get out of my writing slump! So here we are, starting off our summer the right way!
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The Main Attractions:
Sun Kissed - fluff requests
Looking for a cute and romantic blurb with the muse of your choice? Just ask for "Sun Kissed"!
Crashing Waves - angst requests
Wanting to get your heart ripped out of your chest? Then "Crashing Waves" is for you!
By The Seashore - headcanon requests
Craving a quick read that's still tons of fun? Then you should pick "By The Seashore"!
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I Want S'More:
Malibu Dream House - domestic!au
Looking for a day in with your lover? Then "Malibu Dream House" is the way to go!
Another Day, Another Sand Dollar - work!au
In the mood for an office romance? Just ask for "Another Day, Another Sand Dollar"!
Sea-ing Stars - celebrity!au
Are you looking for glitz and glamour? Then "Sea-ing Stars" is right for you!
Building Sandcastles - royalty!au
Have you always dreamed of wearing a tiara or perhaps sitting on a throne? Then "Building Sandcastles" is the way to go!
Atlantis - fantasy!au
Mermaids, vampires, werewolves, oh my! If you're into the supernatural, just ask for "Atlantis"!
Past Universes I'm Happy to Write for Again:
Two Valentines!Spencer
Any other fics you'd like to see spin-offs of, really!
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The Rules:
🌴 This event will run through until July 31st! - okay, so the flyer is a bit misleading... but i promise, August will have something just as exciting as this event!
🌴 Send asks to designated blogs! - i think it goes without saying this is a courtesy to me so i don't get posts confused. but if you have any questions about my other blogs, or really anything related to requests, be sure to check my pinned post or just ask me!
🌴 Please be respectful to the blogger and to others! - remember to use your noggin when putting in requests! treat people with kindness always!
🌴 Please be understanding when putting in requests! - i am simply one person who has ebbs and flows in life. while i try to get to everything in a timely manner, i do get overwhelmed sometimes. please be courteous and gracious when putting in requests. i promise i see all of you and try to get to everything as quickly as i can!
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Thank you all so much for bearing with me these past few months! I am so thankful for each and every single of you. I wish you all a very happy summer! ☀️💛
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my auroras! feel free to spread the word if you feel so inclined! 🫶🏻
@dungeons-are-too-cold @reidsbookclub @reidselle @broken-stardust @serenity-lattes @writer-in-theory @sadgirlml @gay-prentiss @ssahotchnerr @ptrckjcne @nomajdetective @writingquillsandpainpills
seashell dividers: @tsunami-of-tears
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hornyhornyhimbos · 4 months
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Hello, friends! Long time, no see! I hope you are all doing well. If not, I hope this gives you at least a little excitement because...
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The Main Attractions:
The Splash Zone - lighter fics
In the mood for something soft and sweet? Then look no further than "The Splash Zone"!
The Diving Board - darker fics
Perhaps you're in the mood for something a little kinkier? Then 'The Diving Board" will be just right for you!
The Cabana - headcanon requests
Just looking for a quick read? Ask for "The Cabana"!
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I Want S'more:
The Pool House - domestic!au
Interested in a day at home with your muse? Then "The Pool House" is right up your alley!
Lifeguard Duty - work!au
Maybe you're looking for a workplace romance? Just ask for "Lifeguard Duty"!
Shades On - celebrity!au
In the mood for lights, camera, and action? Look no further than "Shades On"!
Tan Lines - royalty!au
Have you always wanted to date an actual prince? Just add "Tan Lines" to your request!
Summer Solstice - fantasy!au
Looking for love bites? If you're into the supernatural, then "Summer Solstice" is the way to go!
Past Universes I'm Happy to Write for Again:
Cowboy!Steve Harrington
Inexperienced!Eddie Munson
Rockstar!Eddie Munson
Vampire!Eddie Munson
Supernatural Hunter!Jonathan Byers
Sugar Daddy!Spencer Reid
Bucket List!Spencer Reid
Any other fics you'd like to see spin-offs of, really!
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The Rules:
🌊 This event will run through until July 31st! - okay, so the flyer is a bit misleading... but i promise, August will have something just as exciting as this event! Be sure to check out my main blog, @reidsaurora when the time comes!
🌊 Send asks to designated blogs! - i think it goes without saying this is a courtesy to me so i don't get posts confused. but if you have any questions about my other blogs, or really anything related to requests, be sure to check my pinned post or just ask me!
🌊 Please be respectful to the blogger and to others! - remember to use your noggin when putting in requests! treat people with kindness always!
🌊 Please be understanding when putting in requests! - i am simply one person who has ebbs and flows in life. while i try to get to everything in a timely manner, i do get overwhelmed sometimes. please be courteous and gracious when putting in requests. i promise i see all of you and try to get to everything as quickly as i can!
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Thank you all so much for bearing with me these past few months! I know I have been very inactive but I really hope to change that soon.
I am so thankful for each and every single of you. Thank you all for always being so supportive! I wish you all a very happy summer! 🥥🤍
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mutual sluts! if anyone wants to spread the word, feel free! no pressure, though! 🤍
@dungeons-are-too-cold @rupsmorge @reidsbookclub @writer-in-theory @serenity-lattes @foxy-eva @reidselle @espressomunson @reputationmunson @munsonsbtch
dividers: @strangergraphics
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spindlyspidercat · 6 days
hellooooo!!!! once again asking for Criminal Minds art requests!! I'll draw any characters!!! just no nsfw :)
request by sending an ask or reblogging this post! 💜💜💜 :D
i might take a bit to do them but i will get to all of them eventually!
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multi-fan-girlie · 6 months
The man behind the badge pt1
Authors note: I've seen people asking for Ralvez with internalized homophobia so here's part ones :)
pairing: Spencer Reid x Luke Alvez
genre: hurt?/angst?
Summary: spencer is in denial about his sexuality and takes it out on luke (idk how to summarise it tbh)
word count: 1013
Part two | part three
Spencer Reid had always been a brilliant and dedicated member of BAU. Known for his intellect and marvellous profiling skills, he was highly respected by his colleagues and feared by the criminals he helped put behind bars. But there was one aspect of his life that he kept hidden from everyone… his sexuality.
For years, Spencer had struggled with his internalised homophobia,he was unable to accept the fact that he was attracted to men. Growing up in a conservative household, he had been told that being gay was wrong and something to be ashamed of. So when he started developing feelings for his new teammate, Luke Alvez, he was overcome with confusion and self-hatred.
Spencer tried to push his feelings aside, burying them deep within himself. But the more he tried to deny them, the stronger they became. He found himself constantly thinking about Luke, his handsome features and charming personality. He couldn't deny the attraction he felt towards him, but he also couldn't accept it.
As a defence mechanism, Spencer became snarky and abrasive towards Luke, hoping to push him away. He would make snide remarks and swear, something that was completely out of character for him. The whole team noticed the change in Spencer's behaviour, and they were all worried.
Rossi was the least concerned, boiling it down to Spencer finally growing a backbone after prison and most of the team thought the same, but Penelope, was particularly concerned. She had always been close to Spencer, and she could see that something was eating away at him. She decided to take matters into her own hands and called Derek, who had left to start a family.
Derek rushed back to the BAU, concerned for his friend. He was shocked to see the usually calm and collected Spencer acting so out of character. He watched as Spencer snapped at Luke, who seemed taken aback by the sudden change in his teammate's behaviour.
'What's going on,pretty ricky?' Derek asked,Spencer turned around hearing this nickname from derek.
Spencer was taken aback by Derek's sudden appearance. He had always looked up to Derek and valued his opinion.
'Nothing, I'm fine,' Spencer replied, his tone defensive and bitchy.
Derek knew there was more to it, but he didn't want to push Spencer. He decided to talk to Luke instead, hoping to get some answers. Luke was surprised when Derek pulled him aside, but he was more than happy to talk to him.
'I'm worried about you Spencer,' Derek said, getting straight to the point. ‘Why you left 8 months ago or something?’ The unspecified date gave Derek even more to worry about due to Spencer normally begging accurately ‘just 8 months?’
‘Yes just 8 months…3 days 14 hours ago oh fine i missed you alright’ spencer mumbled as he looked down at his file as derek grins 'there's the soft guy i knew’
Luke was taken aback by Spencer’s words. He had noticed the change in Spencer's behaviour towards him, but he had no idea why. He had always thought they had a good working relationship, and he couldn't understand why Spencer was suddenly being so bitchy to him.
Derek smiles ‘right tell me what’s going on here why are you being snarky to luke?’ spencer averted his eyes down to the file ‘i am not being fucking snarky derek’
‘Then what was that you've never once said the f-bomb in the years i've known you’ Derek sat and Luke walked off wondering if his presence is making it harder for Spencer to open up to derek.
‘I'll ask again spence…what's going on with you tell me what's going on in that big brain of yours’ derek spoke softly inadvertently pulling spencers walls down ‘i…i’ spencer’s voice went quiet and quivering  ‘i..i…i like him derek i..erm…i like like’ spencer's eyes were rimmed red the tears he was hiding flooding his face.
Derek's usual smug smile drops ‘is this your way of saying you're gay??’ spencer nods and gasps quietly as derek wraps him in a tight suffocating hug and speaks quietly ‘don’t cry spencer i love you and i accept you’ derek stands there holding spencer as luke comes back quietly and stands there next to jj and emily ‘what the hell happened’ luke said quietly.
Emily leans a little closer ‘spencer is gay he's just admitted it to der- wait’ she  turns to jj and gives her the look and jj speaks quietly ‘luke…i think spencer likes you but..he's in denial about it’
Lukes face burns red as he gives a tight-lipped smile his own battle starting in his mind. Does he stay silent about his bisexuality? He's not felt close enough to the team to tell them it's always been personal to him… 
‘Cool…i guess’ is all that fell from luke’s lips and he already wanted to kick himself  cool is that all i could think of stupid luke you could have said something else! 
Emily laughs quietly ‘cool? Just cool? No “omg i never knew he liked me i need to let him down gently”  your odd guy luke’ 
Luke groaned in thought he loved spencer but he didn't want to make work weird ‘emily please stop it there's alot about me you dont know’ jj smiles and pokes his side ‘ooo what's got into you are you annoyed luke’
Luke just sighed as he watched spencer leave with derek to get a coffee and calm down the sound of spencer’s sniffles broke luke's heart but he kept his feelings silent and unshowing
What feels like hours past realistically it was an hour and a half but spencer comes back his tears gone his signature tight lipped smile as he sits back at his desk as luke walks over and sits on the edge of his desk ‘hey spencer…i was wondering if you wanted to go out some time?’ luke smiles shyly  as spencer just keeps his snarky attitude ‘im not gay luke now fuck off’ lukes heart sinks into his ‘but you-…nevermind you keep deining it’
@wheelsup30 I think I saw you posting abt this or smt just thought I should tag you x :)
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ralvezfanatic · 7 months
out of my 6 Spencer fics.. 1 is smut
out of my 4 Luke fics.. 1 is fluff 💀
i think i should write more Luke fluff and more Reid smut 😪
i dont have any ideas tho hshshshsh
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Reunite- Luke Alvez (1)
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Pairing: Luke Alvez x Reader
Characters: Luke Alvez
Warnings: N/A
Request: Wattpad- I was wondering if you could do one for Luke Alvez. One where the reader used to be a part of the BAU but left because her and Garcia didn’t get along. (Garcia was being nosy about her abusive childhood)!So when she leaves she becomes a lawyer and takes Spencers case. When they’re working on his case Luke realizes how much he missed her and then comes to the conclusion that it’s because he loves her. Could you also make it so that Spencer doesn’t go to jail because the reader is a really good lawyer who has never lost a case.
Word Count: 581
Author: Charlotte
Your path had been winding and you hadn’t taken a straight line to becoming a lawyer. It had always been your goal to be a defence lawyer, but many other things took your interest and gave you something else to bring joy into your life before you returned back onto the path of your legal career. Your past career with the behavioural analysis unit in the FBI was what led to your current case. You worked with that team for five years and it became like your family, but you ended up having to move on and it had been nearly a decade since you last worked with them.
Over the years you had kept in contact with the team, so when they needed the best lawyer for one of their own, you were their first choice. You had met with your client and then headed over to the office to reunite with the rest of your team and discuss what you could. It felt weird having to get a visitors badge to enter the place you spent most of your life for half a decade, but you were glad to be back, even just as a friend. Everyone was in the meeting room, waiting for you.
“Y/N,” JJ smiled as soon as she saw you, even though you could see her eyes were tired and pained. She wrapped you into a warm hug.
You happily reunited with JJ, Emily, Rossi and Garcia before being introduced to Tara and Stephen, attention then falling upon the last person in the room.
“And this is-“ Emily started but you interrupted her.
“Luke Alvez,” you smiled warmly. “It’s been a long time.”
Emily cocked an eyebrow at you. “You know each other?”
You knew he would be there, but you still felt a flutter in your chest from seeing him. It had been so long since you had last seen each other and you were pretty sure none of your emotions had changed.
“We were in the army together,” you said, trying not to let how you felt appear upon your face. “He was my superior.”
JJ paused for a second, memories of previous conversations coming back quite quickly. “That superior?”
You nodded your head, before she gave Luke a knowing look. You had told her and Emily a lot about when you had previously known Luke, but as you never told them his name and you didn’t think they would ever meet, you never questioned it.
“You’ve changed a lot,” he said, looking you over.
“Says you, Alvez, you’ve aged like a fine wine.”
It didn’t take a genius to see the way that the two of you looked at each other, and even you weren’t blind to the man’s expression.
“I don’t mean to interrupt,” Emily smirked. “But how wow was Reid when you saw him this morning.”
You pried your eyes away from Luke to turn your attention back to the reason you were there.
“He’s holding in there. He’s always been strong, and I wish I could see him and the rest of you under different circumstances. This isn’t going to be easy, but I hope the prosecution’s case is as weak as it seems, and that his memories will come back in our favour,” you sighed. “He says he is innocent and I believe him, I just wish that would be enough.” “Thank you for coming back to help us,” Emily smiled. “Anything you need, just let me know.”
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folklorefairyy · 6 months
this is me humbly asking for luke alvez requests!! he is the dreamiest man and i love him <3
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c-m-stuff · 1 year
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Penelope Garcia & Luke Alvez + Sergio & Roxy for @milla984
(Maya's Summer Party)
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prentissluvr · 4 months
anything for you — luke alvez
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pairing : luke alvez x gn!bau!reader ➖⟢ genre : hurt/comfort, fluff ➖⟢ cw : crying, kissing, only light editing ➖⟢ wc : 2.5K summary : luke admits he'd do anything for you after you open up about a hard case
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crying in a public bathroom is the worst. and yet, for most, it is unavoidable at some point or another. this evening, it’s your turn to cry in a public bathroom. sloped pathetically against the stall door, you thank the lord that you’ve mastered the art of crying silently, because the last thing you want is a coworker to walk in and hear you. 
however, you do curse the fact that you couldn’t just wait to cry until you got home. of course, that’s what you had planned to do, but the volatility of human emotions wholly foiled said plans when your tired feet found their way to your desk in the half empty bullpen. you had collapsed into your chair, dropping your go-bag to the floor without a second thought when the inevitable sting of tears that come with a rough case decided to show up early. swallowing hard, you realized the tears weren’t going to go anywhere but your cheeks to drip off your chin and land on your white dress shirt.
that’s why you’re crying in the public bathroom of a federal building, hoping you aren’t gone long enough to arouse suspicion among any fellow bau agents who haven’t yet gone home.
with a final deep breath, you wipe your fingers over your eyes and straighten up your shirt before walking out of the stall. at the sink, you dab some cold water right under your eyes to reduce the puffiness just long enough for you to get past your far too intuitive coworkers and head home. gently drying away any remaining wetness or glaringly obvious signs of your bathroom activities from your face, you take in your appearance in the mirror and decide that this is the best that you’ll get. your eyes are still red, but not too much that they can’t be explained away with excuses of a long flight, or maybe early-spring allergies.
the issue is that you assumed you’d have a good minute to pull yourself together a bit more if you walk a little slow. as you exit the bathroom with a loud, defeated huff of breath leaving your lips, you look up to see luke alvez headed in your direction, seemingly on the way to the bathrooms himself.
you curse to yourself because you can tell that he saw you first, which means he caught you uncomposed.
“hey, luke,” you greet him as normal, throwing him a casual smile and praying he doesn’t think anything of your slightly disheveled state. “see you tomorrow!” you plan to brush past him as he heads your way, but he stops in front of you, rather than proceeding to the restroom.
“actually, i was looking for you,” he says, his own voice casual. 
“mm, aren’t you always,” you tease, easily slipping into your normal mode of conversation with him despite your slightly unstable emotional state.
“i just can’t help myself,” he grins at you, shrugging and raising his eyebrows like he can’t deny it before his expression turns a bit more serious, earnest in the way it gets when he really means something. “i wanted to check up on you though, you seemed really exhausted on the jet.” it’s easy for you to tell that your tiredness on the way back home is not the only thing that he’s noticed, but you try to play along like it is.
“i appreciate that, and yeah, i’m honestly exhausted, but that’s nothing new, is it? it was a long case,” you try to word it like you’re conceding a bit, rather than full on denying him so you don’t come across as defensive.
“right, of course,” he smiles kindly, and you know he’s only saying that because he’s respecting the fact that you don’t want to talk about it. he doesn’t really believe you. “well either way, even if you’re just tired, you’ll tell me if there’s anything i can do for you, yeah? i just wanted to remind you that i’m always willing to lend an ear, treat you to takeout or a movie, or really anything at all. i don’t want you to feel like you can’t open up to me about a hard case, or anything like that.” he drops plenty of obvious hints, but his voice is sweet through and through, without a hint of accusation or prying. he makes it so easy to tell that he means what he says, that he wants to help, and that he cares about you. the way he looks at you has you craving to cave for him, his eyes all soft and earnest and full of respect.
“thank you, luke,” you smile half-heartedly, voice softer and more truthful than before. you wonder if your not-so-little crush on him makes it dangerous for you to take him up on any of those offers, but you also think maybe you just don’t care. why pass up a perfect opportunity to spend time with just him and his sweet self. “maybe… maybe we can just talk a little on the way to my car if you’re ready to go home?” the smile he gives you has your knees feeling just a bit weak. does he have to look at you like he’d do anything for you?
“i’d love that,” he says, all soft in a way that makes you crazy. he walks with you, side by side on the way to grab your things from the bullpen, and you wonder what it’d feel like if he were to sling his arm over your shoulders and pull you in close. not that you haven’t felt his arms around you before, but something about him makes you crave after any sort of casual intimacy with him. but instead, he grabs your bag for you, and you have to walk even farther apart from him. you thank him, of course, for carrying it for you, and you wonder how to tell him that he has a beautiful smile. as you wait for the elevator, he asks what you wanted to talk about.
clearing your throat, you feel awkward and unsure how to start. you haven’t even decided if you want to tell him just how bad this case was, if you want to gloss over it, or if you want to talk about something else entirely to take your mind off of things. 
“i, um–” the ding of the elevator interrupts you before you can really begin. inside, you press the button to the garage floor and lean against the cool metal of the back wall. he settles next to you for the short ride. you sigh deeply, and you can feel luke’s eyes on you, likely curious and concerned, but not so much that it reads as pity.
in the small time frame of a moment, you think about the way luke has always jumped to take care of you, even when you first started out. sometimes it’s as subtle as a small smile when he’s passing you by, a genuine, casual praise when you contribute something to the profile, or a cup of coffee or tea just the way you like it. other times it’s a hug he needs just as much as you after a close call in the field, or a steady hand, gentle touch, and furrowed brow when you get even slightly injured. he always has the right words for you and he always makes it known that he is as fiercely loyal to you as he is to the rest of the team.
“i know you know it already,” you finally start, “but this case was hard for me.” he nods, understanding and compassion filling up his features in an instant. “honestly not sure if i really want to get into it right now, but– but maybe later. it just…hit a sore spot and i’m still grappling with the aftermath of that. you know this, but when the case is active it’s kind of hard to deal with anything else. so when we got back it kind of really hit me, y’know, the fact that i haven’t been able to process it yet. now i just want to go to bed,” you chuckle half-heartedly, feeling a new level of exhaustion sinking in.
“believe me, i get that,” he mirrors your tired laugh, always so observant to the way you want a conversation to go. this time, he knows you don’t want it to be heavy or highly emotional. “i’m sorry this case struck close to home like that, that always sucks,” he says empathetically. “nights like this i always fall asleep to one of my favorite movies,” he keeps talking as the elevator doors open and you walk out and towards the parking garage, “don’t have to think about what’s bothering you yet and you don’t have to worry about missing something when you fall asleep. not sure if that’s your kind of thing, but it might not hurt to give it a try.”
you smile at his genuine advice. “it certainly wouldn’t,” you agree, infinitely grateful for the way luke treats you almost too good. the two of you stall at the edge of the parking garage before heading in, not quite sure where the other has parked their car. an idea sparks in your mind, and you think it’s the exhaustion that makes you say it out loud. “listen, uh, not sure if this is too much to ask for tonight, but… any chance i can take you up on that offer for take out and a movie? not sure if a movie all by myself would do the trick.”
the bright smile on luke’s face might be a bit inappropriate for the context, but you couldn’t care less, because your own thoughts about how handsome he looks like this aren’t any better.
“of course, you could never ask for anything that would be too much. anything to help, anything for you,” he drops that bomb like it’s so easy to say, so easy to feel that way about you. earlier you had cursed the look in his eyes that seemed to say that, and now you have no idea what to do once he’s said those words aloud, confirmed them without a single doubt. “we’ll take my car, c’mon.” he gestures with his head in the general direction, casually leading you along as if he hadn’t just made your heart race so fast you begin to forget that you cried today at all. “plus, there’s nothing better than roxy to make you feel better. she’ll be excited to see you.”
you try to regain any semblance of your composure as you follow him along. “i’m excited to see her, too,” you smile, “thank you, luke,” you say once again.
“it’s my pleasure, seriously.” he uses that same voice he always uses for you, full of conviction and with at least the hint of a smile. he’s always smiling around you, and you wonder if it could be because it makes you smile back. he told you last week after work one day, casual and soft, that he likes your smile. 
once you reach his car, he tosses your bags in the back seat before turning to open the passenger side door for you. but you’re already there, hand on the handle and his fingers curl right over yours.
“sorry,” he laughs out quietly, but he doesn’t move away. you’re far more relaxed than you were earlier than night, but with you so close, he can still see the hurt swimming around in your pink-rimmed eyes. you see his features soften into something akin to maybe love, and his voice is quiet with care. “can i hug you?” he asks, like this time it would be different, because he’s certainly hugged you before. you take in the sweet gaze of his eyes, and you nod readily.
“of course,” you whisper back, and you mean that. he can hug you whenever he likes.
it takes less than an instant for you to be folded up into his arms, his hands reaching around you like he’s been waiting to do this all night, one hand coming to rest securely on the back of your head and the other on your back. your own arms curl around his middle and you just melt into his embrace. you hadn’t even realized just how much you needed this, and now you have it, perfect and warm against the nighttime breeze that’s begun to filter into the open air of the lot.
he rubs up and down your back until the gentle silence of it all is broken up by the sounds of someone backing their car up to head home. luke pulls away slowly, soft as the feel of his arms around you and lingers there, looking at you under the flickering garage lights like you’re an angel.
you feel a little bashful under his gaze, torn between making a teasing quip about how he can’t get enough of you or kissing him right on the lips. instead, you pull him back to you without warning, smushing your face into his shoulder and sighing happily when you pull a surprised laugh from him. he returns the hug with equal force, squeezing you close before pressing a solid kiss to your hairline. you pull back just a bit to take him in, unable to control the smile spreading across your face. his arms don’t leave their place wrapped around you.
“you sure know how to turn someone’s night around,” you grin.
“i bet i could come up with one more thing that might help you out,” he says cheekily. 
you raise your eyebrows. “oh, really? and what might that be, luke alvez?” god, he loves the way you say his name, the way you run your hands up to loop around his neck.
“well,” he copies you by saying your full name back. you love the way he says it, too. “i could kiss you, if you wouldn’t mind.” you practically swoon at the way he always remains unfailingly respectful, even when he has that playful lilt to his voice.
you make an overexaggerated expression of contemplation as he shifts his hands to settle on your waist. “hmm, i might have to think about that.” in response, he tugs you even closer to him, that teasing smile you’ve come to seek out pulling at his pretty lips.
“do you? and how long will that take? because i’m not sure if i can wait for long,” he teases back. 
“i guess it’d be alright if you kissed me now,” you concede, still with that playful tone.
“just alright?” he questions, eyebrows raised.
deciding you’re done teasing, with that smile he finds to be just irresistible, you tell him, “luke, if you don’t kiss me right now, i swe–” then, without a second to spare, his lips are on yours, and every last worry of yours melts away to make way for his soft lips, his steady hands, and the fact that he’d do anything for you.
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sinfulspencer · 1 year
I think it's safe to say that my requests are open. Make sure they follow my guidelines though.
Please, give me some S M U T to write because I am going crazy.
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hornyhornyhimbos · 2 years
hornyhornyhimbos filthy fridays ☆
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Yes, you read that right!!! I am indeed starting a new weekly tradition! I am officially starting Filthy Fridays!!
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The Rules:
No rules really! Just make sure you check my pinned post for all the characters I'll write for and the kinks I will and won't write!!
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The Concept:
So basically, this is how it'll work!
Come up with your character concept of course! You can check the prompt lists in my pinned post if you need inspiration, but feel free to come up with concepts with your own pretty brain! 🫶🏻
Leave it in my inbox! Depending on the request, I may write a blurb or headcanons, whichever I feel fits better!
I'll post it as soon as possible! It may take a couple days but I will post as soon as possible.
If you're on anon, be sure to tag it with an emoji so you'll know it's yours!!
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-> taglist: @dungeons-are-too-cold @rupsmorge @writer-in-theory @esoltis280 @liberhoe @broken-stardust @reidselle
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Requests are Back Open
So I am officially taking requests again!
Spencer Reid x Reader
Luke Alvez x Reader (f / m / GN)
Spencer Reid x Luke Alvez
Spencer Reid x Derek Morgan
Other CM Character ships (at my own discretion)
Send me your lovely angsty / fluffy / smutty ideas!
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multi-fan-girlie · 6 months
Heyy peeps I am really struggling with ideas and prompts for my writings so I'm hoping y'all could help my requests are open I don't plan on closing them till I have enough to do me a couple days and I have a bunch of pairings and I'm willing to try any pairings you have as long as they relate to criminal minds because I don't really write much other stuff Idm doing little rants or trying blurbs anything is welcome!
apart from jeid because girl you had ten years to admit your feelings to the man why admit it when you have a husband and two kids?!
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ralvezfanatic · 8 months
me after realizing all my luke fics are smut.. including the next one im planning out
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