storyweaverofgondor · 2 years
I desperately want to write my Post-Endor LukexLando story where Lando repeatedly tried to flirt with Luke but Luke is utterly oblivious and doesn’t realize it. Han, who has seen Lando flirt in the past, finds this the most utterly hilarious thing he has ever seen and watching Lando repeatedly pull out all the stops only to have Luke not catch the hint is the best entertainment he’s had in years (and is sweet karma for betraying him to the Empire and having him sealed in carbinite.) Lando has to deal with the annoyance of Han absolutely teasing him mercilessly and Luke not taking a kriffing hint no matter how obvious Lando thinks he’d being. But Luke keeps smiling at Lando and Lando keeps trying until he finally, out of desperation, outright kisses Luke on the mouth. I really want to write this some day. Hopefully this year.
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lizartgurl · 6 years
Jaina Solo as Anastasia
So I was listening to the Anastasia soundtrack as I did my Jaina doodles and so enjoy this bullet-pointed AU with Jaina Solo as the Princess Anastasia, based on the Don Bluth Movie.
(I am so sorry this got so freaking long)
The Amidala family has ruled the planet of Naboo for a hundred years or so, the most recent being Padme Amidala, who married Anakin Skywalker and had two children, the twins Leia and Luke
Padme abdicated after her husband died, bestowing her grand kingdom to her daughter, the Princess Leia, who married General Han Solo and had three children, Anakin, the youngest, Jacen, and his twin, Jaina Solo, the oldest and designated heir.
Padme dotes on her only granddaughter, helping prepare the wild girl for ruling the planet one day.
During Padme’s reign with Anakin, they relied heavily on the advice of their counselor, Shiv Palpatine, who had mentored them both
Once Leia took the throne, she discovered that Palpatine had a hand in the death of her father, and would have executed him had he not escaped.
The Amidalas forget him, dedicating their efforts to improving their kingdom and trying to repair any damage that Palpatine had done to their people.
Jaina and her brothers grow up in the lap of luxury and want for nothing. Jaina learns to ride Fathiers and fly speeders like her father. Jacen is better with the Fatheirs than she is and she’s jealous of that fact because Jacen gets along great with ALL animals, and Fathiers are her favorite
All three children are strong in the force, like the rest of their family, and their Master Uncle Luke trains them to protect their friends and to fight for justice for their people.
One of the servants is the orphan boy Zekk, who often escapes from the palace with the Amidala children, searching for adventure. As much as they try to be friends, there is an entire world separating their very different lives.
Padme lives on the planet of Naboo, very similar to Alderaan, and all her grandchildren hate how far away she lives.
She returns to Alderaan for the Anniversary ball to celebrate the Hundredth year of the Amidala reign, with special gifts for all of her grandchildren to remember her by.
Jacen receives a rare Crystal Snake, Anakin gets a puzzle to test his wits, but Jaina’s is the most special. A tiny music box that she can tinker with so that it plays their favorite Alderaanian lullaby. 
The night of the Ball, Palpatine returns, revealing his true form of Darth Sidious. He curses the Amidala family with death and unhappiness, and uses his newly found dark powers to stir the peace-loving people of Alderaan to violence against their beloved rulers.
The planet is racked with war, tearing at its seams. The Amidalas try to stay as long as they can, insisting that they can stop the violence in some way.  
They cannot, and they must escape as a deadly weapon orchestrated by Darth Sidious aims for the planet’s core.
Desperate to keep a hold on her precious music box, Jaina is separated from her family in the spaceport, but is aided by Zekk, who directs her to a ship full of orphan children.
The two are cornered by Sidious himself, though Jaina drives him back with her wild powers, just barely defeating him. 
This leaves her without her memories, but she is preserved somehow and stowed onboard the ship, but separated from Zekk, who now has Jaina’s beloved music box in his possession.
Alderaan is destroyed by Sidious’s hatred, its people scattered throughout the galaxy.
Much of the diaspora is concentrated in the capital of the galaxy, Coruscaunt, including Jaina, Zekk, and Lando Calrissian, a conman by nature and an old friend of Han Solo.
Having lost their daughter, Han, Leia, and Padme refuse to believe that she died with Alderaan, and offer a reward for anyone who can produce the heir of the Alderaanian throne, or any information leading to her.
Jaina has grown to adulthood being called “Jaya” by the other orphan children, no memory of the esteemed life she once led. She leaves the orphanage, to find work, wandering across the planet as a mechanic.
Lando has somewhat adopted Zekk the street rat, and they think they know how to get the reward money for the location of Jaina Solo.
They hold auditions for someone to pose as the lost heir, who they will teach the ways of courtly life, specifically the life of Jaina Solo.
Jaya is called in to fix their ship, and she is amazed by the familiarity of Alderaanian tech, and the lullaby Zekk is humming as he plays with the silent music box hanging around his neck.
Lando is struck with a brilliant idea, scruffy-looking mechanic Jaya will pose as the wild Jaina Solo Amidala, giving him and Zekk a shot at the reward money and Jaya a chance to leave Coruscaunt for once in her life and see the galaxy.
Their ship is attacked by Sidious’s demons, forcing them to take a public cruiser to Naboo, where the Amidalas now live.
Jaya is getting increasingly frustrated with the courtly rules and the fancy clothes Lando tries to make her dress up in. Zekk is getting just as frustrated with trying to teach her, and can’t help but feel like he’s missing something, and Lando keeps insisting that Jaya can pull it off perfectly, all with a winning smile.
While transferring between ships, Lando decides to teach Jaya to ride a fathier, as Jaina was so fond of doing
Suddenly it just clicks.
Jaya is sprinting ahead of Zekk and Lando, and remembering just about everything they’ve taught her. She carries herself like a princess, and discusses Alderaanian history with Lando, bringing up some points Zekk is very certain they’ve never taught her.
Finally it comes time to teach Jaya the Alderaanian waltz.
Lando tries first, but Jaya’s too stiff and awkward, so he makes Zekk do it.
Jaya doesn’t even question it but she is comfortable with Zekk. She trusts him, somehow, and hopes that he trusts her in return.
Zekk’s stomach aches as the though flits across his mind that maybe this is Jaina, his old friend, the princess of the Alderaanian Empire. If it’s true, she will find her family, and he will be happy for her, but it also means he will never see the princess again. He is a simply a common man, they cannot be.
Jaya doesn’t understand why Zekk is suddenly not talking to her.
Then she has a nightmare. Brothers, parents, family she does not recognize, all turn to demons before her eyes and try to pull her in with them, she is pulled through the ship as she sleepwalks, unable to awaken.
(another of sidious’s ploys to tear the amidalas apart)
Zekk awakens her as she is about to throw herself into the ship’s core, banishing the demons, how he doesn’t know.
He refuses to leave her side for the rest of the night.
Jaya doesn’t mind.
They arrive at Naboo, and Lando takes them to the estate of Master Skywalker, his former lover, and sister to Queen Leia Amidala. All attempting to prove themselves the Princess Jaina must speak to him before the Queen and her mother.
Jaya’s presence is dim in the force, almost severed somehow. Luke cannot get a reading on her, but she answers all his questions with sincere honesty.
Then she is asked to relay the story of her escape from Alderaan. 
Her memory is fuzzy, but it’s been returning since her lessons. 
She mentions the servant boy with emerald eyes and a sad sort of smile, how he pulled her by the hand through a crowd, and then he was gone.
Zekk is astonished. He has to leave the room. He has never told anyone of this, not even Lando. He wanted to forget his life on Alderaan until Lando concocted his get-rich-quick-slash-reunite-with-his-ex-boyfriend scheme.
Luke determines to take a chance on Jaya, inviting her to the Calamari opera Padme Amidala will be attending with him that evening. He takes them on a shopping spree around Naboo for fancy new clothes.
Zekk is even more in love with her than before, though he knows he shouldn’t. Jaya can’t understand why Zekk seems so upset when they are having so much fun.
They arrive at the opera, Zekk is still debating whether or not to tell Lando. Jaya dons an elegantly simple suit, rather than a dress, and follows Lando’s style with a flashy cape, and Zekk is speechless as he guides her into the opera.
At the end, they make their way to the Amidala’s private box.
Zekk tries to introduce Jaya as the Princess Jaina, but Padme will not have it. She is tired of girls trying to claim her money and legacy and break her heart as she searches for her family.
Zekk insists, he has to get Jaina back to her family.
Padme’s guard recognizes him as one whom they heard organizing auditions for a Jaina look-alike. Padme has him thrown out. Jaya overhears.
She leaves in tears, refusing to speak to Zekk or Lando. 
Lando is just about to give up when Zekk tells him the truth, and makes one more attempt to reunite the Amidalas.
An expert pilot, he steals Padme Amidala away in her cruiser before her driver can get in, and shows her the music box Jaina dropped with him on the night the planet was destroyed.
Padme agrees to meet Jaya just once, in return for the music box.
Jaya is just leaving with her meager bag when Padme intercepts her, looking the girl up and down. The girl looks remarkably similar to herself and her daughter and grandson. Then again, so did many other girls.
She notices the key hanging around Jaina’s necklace, and asks what it’s for.
Jaya doesn’t know, it’s the only thing she’s always had, her only connection to her past life.
Padme looks again at the music box. It is definitely the one she gave Jaina, but a small lock is fastened on the side. A amateur’s handiwork, but a dedicated amateur.
Curious, she asks Jaya to humor an old woman, and Jaya holds the music box she thought was Zekk’s. Her key twists inside the lock, plinking out a gentle melody.
It isn’t until she hears the old Queen’s voice singing that she realizes she is singing with the music too.
Her memories accompany the words of the lullaby, and Padme embraces her. Jaina reunites with her parents, brothers, and meets Jacen’s golden-haired fiancee within an hour.
Lando settles in with Luke again, and so Padme tries to offer the reward to Zekk, who refuses. He is simply happy to see Jaina with her family.
A ball is organized to celebrate the return of the Princess.
Jaina is fitted for a dress, to her mother’s delight, and it isn’t so bad. It feels more like a cloud than yards and yards of ridiculous fabric. Jacen himself even says he can’t find anything to tease her about.
At the ball, Jaian tries to deny that she’s looking for Zekk but her grandmother knows her too well, even after all these years.
Jaina goes to the gardens to think, away from the parties and celebrations that are far too foreign to her now.
Sidious appears and attacks. Taken by surprise, Jaina is barely able to hold him off.
Zekk tries to leave and go back to Coruscaunt, but the bad feeling in his stomach won’t go away. He runs back to the palace just in time to distract Sidious. 
Jaina snatches Sidious’s reliquary, the source of his power, and smashes it on the ground. 
Sidious’s body disintegrates, left without a soul, and his curse upon the Amidalas does too.
Jaina returns to her family with her childhood friend, where he is welcomed into the family with open arms, by Jacen especially.
They know too well what it is like to live without an important part of their family.
It is far better to add more family members than to reject them.
Jacen marries the Princess of the Hapan Empire, and Zekk feels a lot of pressure, but Jaina reminds him that her title is simply honorary, because Alderaan no longer exists.
And they all live happily ever after on Naboo.
The end.
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hamsolo · 7 years
Freshly cut grass!
you got it!
...are you an early riser? if not, is this because you stay up late?
Honestly this really depends. I get easily get into a routine of waking up early and going to bed pretty early. But I can also get into the routine of sleeping in and staying up. But, I much prefer sleeping in a little later and staying up late. And yes, the days when I sleep in are DEFINITELY because I stay up later.
Thanks friend!
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elenqfisher · 7 years
lukexlando replied to your post: i have no idea what vore means and frankly, at...
It’s, like, a kink about being eaten alive or something like that.
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canonskyrissian · 2 years
Hey I hope it’s okay to just pop in and ask, but I really love all your Skyrissian work, you just have so much amazing content and it’s incredible!! It’s hard to pick a favorite. Can I ask what drew you to skyrissian as a ship in the first place? Like how did the descent into taking up a solid percentage of the skyrissian ao3 tag go? Thank you for your amazing work!!!
it most certainly is okay! my askbox is always open for nice asks like yours, kind anon ♥
okay so, to answer your question, skyrissian pretty much snuck up on me. I never intended to start shipping it, let alone ship it as hard as I do. going way back into my skyrissian tag, this is the first post I have that I tagged as skyrissian (though originally I tagged everything as lukelando until my amazing co-shipper @crystalfoxfics who unfortunately has been offline since 2020 coined skyrissian). it's dated march 21 2017 but at that point it was more a "haha this would be great!" rather than a serious ship for me
then there was an amazing blog called lukexlando that unfortunately has since deactivated that had a lot of great posts that had me all "oh? actually...." through them I also found the blog @landoluke that just started to solidify skyrissian for me. I saw all these great headcanons for them, a decent amount of fanart (considering this is a rarepair), all that fun stuff. I found some good fics on ao3 and had a good time reading them
what really did it for me was how fucking pissed off I was about the cursed movie (tlj) and how it treated the characters (everyone was ooc and lando wasn't even mentioned) so I rolled up my sleeves and started to write The Return of Hope around new year's 2017/2018 and published the first chapter on january 6 2018. it started out as a make up as I go along fic but even at the first chapter I remembered a post about rey being lando and luke's daughter and thought, I like that, let's work that into this fic.
and the rest is history^^ at some point while writing the return of hope I realized that oh shit, I sold my soul to this ship. and here I am four years later with 30 published skyrissian fics, some edits, lots of shitposts and headcanons, and a lot more churning in my brain^^
I found my niche and I'm really happy that other people have enjoyed my stuff as well ♥
thank you for this wonderful ask, sweet anon ♥
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lesbiankiliel · 7 years
lukexlando replied to your post: why choose between opera and pop? get a dude who...
I don’t know anything about Eurovision, but POPERA IS MY SHIT.
best part is that he did it really well
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meaninglessprose · 7 years
All this fussing in the Star Wars fandom about the reylos and finnreys and finnreylos (is that even a thing?), have y’all forgotten about the true OTPs of Star Wars?
AnakinxPadme and HanxLeia, of course.
(Though I’ve shipped LukexLando for ages.) 
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thecatsaesthetics · 7 years
20 Questions
Rules: Answer 20 questions and tag 20 amazing people you’d like to get to know better.
I was tagged by the lovely @essequamvideri24  
Name: Kayla
Nickname: None, I don’t do nicknames.
Birth Month: September
Height: 5′6 and a half
Ethnicity: White as can be, Italian, German, Irish, French, and maybe Greek we’re not sure about that one.
Orientation: Grey-Ace
Favorite Fruit: Oranges
Favorite Season: Spring
Favorite Book: A Song of Ice and Fire, with a prefence for Feast-Dance
Favorite Flowers: Lilacs 
Favorite Scent: Rose, Lavender, Vanilla, 
Favorite Animal: Cats and Pengiuns
Favorite Beverage: Snapple Peach Ice Tea, Dr. Pepper, and Cream Soda (But I try and limit my soda intake.) 
Average Hours of Sleep: Four to Five
Favorite Fictional Characters: Sansa Stark, Beth Greene, Rick Grimes, Luke Skywalker, Finn, and recently Stefan Salvatore
Number of Blankets You Sleep With: Usually one, but if it’s really cold I’ll add another. 
Dream Trip: Probably South or Latin America, they have such a beautiful cutlure. 
Blog Created: 2012 or 2011. 
Number of Followers: 1,011
@lauranoncrede @glorianas @darkphoenixgoddess10 @mrsariayoureakiller @notasithlord @harritudur @theonewithpurplehair @waluigitheanti @pattarain @queenofthistle @exoticdeviance @philomaela @lukexlando @thefussymeerkat @we-walk-the-miles @ceridwenofwales @vicberts @blurgle1 @bethsmaggie and @mirthful-sonnet 
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sarazanmai · 7 years
In light of all the anons @lukexlando and other bloggers were getting I secured myself the finn-apologist URL. And I will never use it because there is nothing to apologize for.
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irhinoceri · 7 years
You need to aim your vitriol at Kathleen Kennedy for lying about Leia appearing in IX in the first place instead of at me, a fan who doesn't feel another actress can just step in Carrie's shoes. Billie's in this series. You think it'd be cool for them to go Oh we're recasting the role that your mother said was her identity for 40 years 🙃 Like call me condescending or whatever but my viewpoint isn't something you have the right to shit on.
I don't have to be nice to you. I don't know who you are. But if you think I was being vitriolic you have a serious hyperbole problem.You don't know what Billie thinks and neither do I so trying to start an argument with me based on conjecture about her feelings is foolish.That wasn't even the point of your snobby ask dismissing the opinion that another fan (who wasn't me but who I happened to agree with) expressed. And they were not even on anon when they sent that "unpopular opinion". So you coming out of the woodwork to lecture them for daring to think that was damn condescending.I think it would be disrespectful to kill Leia off (off screen nonetheless) or have her just disappear. So that's why I consider recasting a better option even though there are no actual good options.You are free to disagree but it's pretty ridiculous that you're sending anon asks to multiple blogs complaining loudly that other people have a different opinion than you, and me somehow thinking you're a condescending child for how you phrased your ask doesn't have anything to do with your rights to have said opinion.You're the one in my inbox telling me I have no right to my opinion because of what you want and you imagining what would hurt Billie Lourd more.And FYI I don't have one ounce of @lukexlando's tolerance for crabby anons. Don't message me again.
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storyweaverofgondor · 3 years
Summary: Luke is sick. Lando is there to help.
Inspired by @fandom-trash-goblin‘s holiday prompts.
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canonskyrissian · 3 years
What made you ship Luke and lando
aight so I had to go check and the very first skyrissian post on this blog is from march 21, 2017 (I created this blog in 2016)
this is it
and I probably just thought "hey, I can get behind this idea, I like luke, and lando is awesome, and they'd be really cute together"
I went into full skyrissian spiral when I discovered a blog called lukexlando (that has unfortunately since deleted) that had a lot of really great headcanons about them. it was also how I was sold on rey calrissian-skywalker (I was a reysky truther anyway but rey calrissian-skywalker is god-tier)
and what really made me sell my soul to skyrissian was when I started my longest finished fic to the date, the return of hope. at that point I was pole dancing directly into skyrissian hell xD
but yeah, that's my epic story on how I started to ship the best ship ever ♥️
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lesbiankiliel · 7 years
alphabet meme
got tagged by @determamfidd <3<3<3<3<3
A - age:  22, 23 in two months
B - birthplace: Helsinki, Finland
C - current time: 17:02
D - drink you had last: water and coffee
E - easiest person to talk to: @bagginshieldisreal, and my mum
F - favorite song: too many to name and it changes a lot. currently Evermore from Beauty and the Beast
G - grossest memory: I’m good at blocking gross memories
H - horror yes or no: world’s biggest NOOOOOOOOOO. terryfying tolkien week is my least fave fanwork week, plus I relate to characters too much, so basically watching horror is like watching myself in the terrible situations
I - in love? oh yeah but I don’t know if it’s gonna work out
J - jealous of people? not really, at least not in a way that would make me act like an asshole towards said people
K - killed someone? only in Sims
L - love at first sight or walk past again? the fuck is this question even
M - middle name: yes I have one
N - number of siblings: 1, my little sister (who needs all the good vibes now, she’s trying to get into uni)
O - one wish: that my sister gets into uni, she deserves it so much
P - person I last called: probably Mum
Q - question you’re always asked: can’t think of any
R - reason to smile: I had a really good gig last Thursday and my summer vacation started^^
S - song you last sang? I’m singing Minne vaan by Finnish band Tiktak right now
T - time you woke up? 10:30
U - underwear color: black and beige
V - vacation: having it right now
W - worst habit: constantly eating
X - x-rays? can’t remember, probably not
Y - your favorite food: Subway subs, macaroni casserole, pasta, noodles, ice cream
Z - zodiac sign: cancer
tagging @bagginshieldisreal, @lukexlando, @lovelylilpup, @jeizaya, @euseevius, @sunlightwood and anyone who wants to do this
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storyweaverofgondor · 3 years
Going to try and write something Lando and Luke and fluffy.
I do not have a lot of confidence in writing fluff XD
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storyweaverofgondor · 3 years
· Favourite character from Prequals?
· Favourite character from original trilogy?
· Favourite character from sequal trilogy?
· Do you have any ships?
· Weapon of choice?
· Which character do you feel is most like you?
· Which character would you be friends with?
· Would you want to be a force user?
· How has Star Wars impacted your life?
· Which heroine is your favourite?
· Which heroine had the best hairstyle?
· How would you wear your hair?
· Would you want to be human, or from another species?
· Which movie have you watched the most?
· Fic recommendations?
Um, please feel free to pick and choose if you want? I went a little overboard. 😌
· Favourite character from Prequals?: Anakin Skywalker.
· Favourite character from original trilogy?: Han, Luke and Leia. There my comfort characters, I can't pick just one!
· Favourite character from sequal trilogy?: Eh, Poe's alright.
· Do you have any ships?: HanxLeia, AnakinxPadme, LukexMara, LukexLando, AnakinxPadmexBail, KanenxHera.
· Weapon of choice?: Lightsaber
· Which character do you feel is most like you?: I haven't seen anyone that's like me personality wise but Naari from Lego Star Wars: Freemakers looks like me. I even cosplay as her sometimes.
· Which character would you be friends with?: Luke and Artoo. They seem the most likely to not get me killed or emotionally scared if i hanged out with them. XD
· Would you want to be a force user?: Yes please.
· How has Star Wars impacted your life?: It has touched every aspect of my life. There is a picture of me as a tiny little Handmaiden with my whole family in cosplay heading off to see Phantom Menace. It was my first major Fandom love before i even knew what fandom was. Star Wars means a lot to my whole family.
· Which heroine is your favourite?: Leia. I love all of them, but it is definitely Leia.
· Which heroine had the best hairstyle?: Padme. She wear literal art pieces on her head.
· How would you wear your hair?: However i woke up in it. XD
· Would you want to be human, or from another species?: Human. But it might be fun being a Twi'lek or a Togruta.
· Which movie have you watched the most?: Empire Strikes Back most likely.
· Fic recommendations?: *Rubs hand together excitedly* Let's see! Hard Lesson Learned and What's In A Hand by Jedi Jesi Jinn on FF.Net are some of the Best Han, Luke and Leia stories (which are sadly in short supply) Welcome to the Club and Food Scandal by Malicean on AO3 are really good. they have written some other really good Star Wars fanfics.
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storyweaverofgondor · 4 years
So in a Mara Jade-less universe i love the idea of LukexLando.
We all know what Lando’s like and you cats tell me he wouldn’t catch Luke from the bottom of Bespin and not be very aware of the whole Damsel in Distress Rescue that just went down. And start putting the moves on the young Jedi and flirting heavily with him. But Luke doesn’t get it, it just doesn’t register that Lando’s flirting. Instead of being annoyed Lando finds it endearing. Then Han gets rescued and after everything calms down, Luke tells him everything he missed. Han, who knows Lando, realizes right away what going on and it’s just
He 100% supports whatever relationship they end up having. But Luke is honestly to pure for this world and as much as Han considers Lando a friend, if he does anything to hurt - correction, corrupt! - the kid Han is going to ensure they never find the body.
Lando, of course, has absolutely no problems with this arrangement.
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