#lulz and another edit because I forgot tomura lost his thumb as well
makeste · 4 years
Alright, so I've been trying to count the limb amputations in BnHA, and this is the loving list I have come with: USJ Nomu(half his body, including a leg and arm), Mr. Compress(arm), Overhaul(arms), Hood(entire body), Tomura Shigaraki(2 fingers), Re-Destro(legs), Miruko(arm), Hawks(wings(still unconfirmed, but almost certain)), and Aizawa(leg). One more limb amputation and you'll be able to make that top 10 limb amputations list!
anon, you forgot Shouji’s arm that got chopped off during the Forest Training Camp arc! and a couple others as well. so we actually can make a top ten! oh my god. the day has finally come.
10. Shouji Mezou (arm)
sorry Shouji but the truth is this one doesn’t really count since you grew it back. anyway but it still probably hurt though I suppose. still a pretty fucked up thing for a villain to just BITE OFF A FIFTEEN-YEAR-OLD’S ARM with their GIANT ELDRITCH HORROR TEETH. you’re a very brave boy Shouji.
9. Amajiki Tamaki (kracken tentacles)
this is mostly just here to prove that I can in fact remember things from the Basement arc, sometimes.
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when will these dumb villains learn to start biting arms off of the kids who DON’T grow them back.
8. Hawks (both wings)
does it still technically count as an amputation if the appendages in question are burned to a crisp rather than actually chopped off. I’m pretty sure that’s the only reason this one is so far down the list tbh. it was still pretty horrific. but the fact that fandom’s not even 100% sure if they really are gone for good (though they totally are) is enough to rank this a bit lower than the others I think.
7. Shigaraki Tomura (two three fingers)
oh boo hoo Tomura. you lost THREE whole fingers? no offense, because I’m sure it sucked, but all the same you can’t realistically expect me to just fall all over you all “HOLY SHIT BEST AMPUTATION EVER 10/10” when the best you can commit to is THREE out of TEN digits. come on now you were already outdone by your own subordinate in the same fucking arc.
6. Giran (FIVE fingers)
YOU HEAR THAT TOMURA. FIVE. YEAH WHAT. and he had to put up with the indignity of having his severed digits grotesquely displayed all around the city on top of that! it was seriously so fucked up. and do you even know how long it takes Giran to write out a text now?? so fucking long!! it’s so annoying.
5. The Sixth OFA User (right arm)
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don’t mind him... he’s just lying here, bleeding out in the corner of this little montage of other dying OFA users... but it’s fine, really... he literally just sacrificed his life for the sake of the greater good, and died in obscurity for his trouble... and the story skipped right over him from Nana straight to Banjou, and then to the Fourth... and no one even remembers him to the point where anon omitted him in favor of more memorable characters like USJ Noumu... but it’s fine... he’s fine.
5. Overhaul (both hands)
unlike OFA Seis up there, we actually for reals don’t give a fuck about you, Overhaul. kind of fucked up to imply that someone might actually deserve to lose a hand, let alone two hands. and yet, here I am. implying it. huh.
4. Mr. Compress (left arm)
you know the saying. when life gives you lemons, make a robot arm. here’s a nice picture of Compress with his robot arm holding Overhaul’s severed hand in marble form, just for shits and giggles.
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notice how he went as far as to roll up his sleeve just for dramatic effect. that’s good shit. hard to outdo a guy whose amputation led directly to a second, revenge amputation, honestly. but three people still managed it.
3. Mirko (left arm)
and now we get to the badasses. the people who absolutely could not give less of a fuck how many limbs they have or don’t have, WHATEVER. Mirko lost an arm and was literally like, “OUCH” and then she SEVERED A MAN’S HEAD WITH HER THIGHS. AND THEN TOURNIQUETED THE ARM WITH HER OWN HAIR JUST AS AN AFTERTHOUGHT. BECAUSE BLEEDING OUT WOULD HAVE BEEN TROUBLESOME. and they had her at number five. five!! ?!?!?!?!
2. Re-Destro (both legs)
look, this guy is my second least-favorite BnHA character, topped only by Jerkface McNoHands back up there. but even I have to give him props for coolly chopping off BOTH OF HIS OWN FUCKING LEGS WITHOUT SO MUCH AS BREAKING A SWEAT WHAAAAT.
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and then he went out and got himself a pair of ROBOT LEGS afterwards like a total badass. god. can you believe this fucking guy. he doesn’t deserve to be this cool. god damn you Re-Destro.
1. Aizawa Shouta (right leg)
hey everyone do you want to see a picture of a lying liar real quick.
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huh. you don’t say. only I could have sworn...
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huh. I guess, technically speaking, he did say arm. nothing about legs.
anyway. “wait a sec but Aizawa only chopped off one of his own legs,” someone, probably Tomura, interjects. “how can you possibly justify putting him above Re-Destro when the precedent you yourself set earlier in this very list clearly dictates that greater number of severed limbs = higher rank.” and fair enough. but Re-Destro’s amputation was quite honestly his own fucking fault, whereas Aizawa fucking SACRIFICED that leg in the name of duty. and oh yes, there’s one other thing as well:
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yeah. sorry Re-Destro, but until you can provide incontrovertible proof that not only did you cut off your own legs, but that you somehow, inconceivably, managed to do so LITERALLY WITHOUT EVER EVEN BLINKING!!, then and only then can you come try and pry the number one spot from Aizawa Shouta’s unfathomably badass knife-wielding hands.
hey guys. so anyway I think this manga might actually be pretty violent lmao.
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