theonixie · 15 days
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Revised Beak's design so that his eye is a bit more accurate to real orcas (originally his eye was inside the white patch; now the white patch is his eyebrow)
This was also a bit of style experimentation but mostly for the highlights. The lineart and shading is stuff I've done in the past
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The meanest dog you'll ever meet, He ain't the hound dog in the street. He bares some teeth and tears some skin, But, brother, that's the worst of him.
The dog you really gotta dread Is the one that howls inside your head. Its him who's howling drives men mad, and a mind to its undoing.
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I heard through the grape vine that your birthdays around this time of year, Caine. I found this out after I'd started but I hope you like it regardless.
[Noraxi and Akri from @trollblivion-ooc, scene from hadestown]
I've cried so much over this im shocked i didn't get it wet-
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trollblivion-ooc · 3 months
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heads up: Akrine Lumeni (after-Akri timeline…) -also he just looks better with white eyes ok
His lusus’ name is Slugbeast, its a slug and sea-bunny combined ig
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lasertechllc · 2 months
Cynosure Repair Services: Embracing Excellence in Aesthetic
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The pursuit of excellence is unrelenting in the dynamic field of aesthetic medicine. The equipment and technology employed in this discipline are nothing short of revolutionary, with advancements occurring constantly. Alma Lasers, Cutera, and Cynosure are among the brands that are leading the way in this field and are synonymous with quality, innovation, and dependability. These companies, which provide state-of-the-art treatments for a wide range of cosmetic issues, have come to be recognized as leaders in laser technology. Even the most cutting-edge technology, meanwhile, periodically needs upkeep and repairs like Alma Laser Repair Services. This is the point at which expert repair services become important, guaranteeing that this complex machinery keeps performing at its best. 
Cutera Repair: Maintaining Excellence without Interruptions
Specialized Cutera repair services provide thorough maintenance and repair options. These services guarantee that every Cutera equipment continues to offer optimal results, reducing downtime and upholding the highest standards of patient care by utilizing a mix of technical competence and authentic parts.
Fixing Cynosure: Preserving the Beam's Brightness
Cynosure devices are powered by advanced technology, which occasionally encounters difficulties. The unsung heroes in this situation are the Cynosure Repair services, which offer prompt and efficient fixes to keep these strong instruments operating at peak efficiency. Through the utilization of skilled experts, these services ensure that each Cynosure laser remains brilliant throughout the day.
Alma Laser Repair: Preserving Creativity
Alma products need to be repaired and require routine maintenance to continue operating at their best. Alma Laser Repair Services, which include professional diagnostics, maintenance, and repair, are crucial to achieving this goal. These services guarantee that every Alma device will always provide the cutting-edge treatments for which it is renowned.
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The Imperceptible Foundation of Visual Brilliance In the field of aesthetic medicine, the function of specialist repair services for Cutera, Cynosure, and Alma lasers is crucial. They serve as the invisible framework that upholds quality, dependability, and constant innovation. Cynosure, Alma lasers, and Cutera Repair services protect the investments made by clinics and practitioners while also guaranteeing the highest levels of patient care and satisfaction by making sure these advanced gadgets function correctly.
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myinternetsites · 7 months
✨ Избавьтесь от сосудистых проблем с аппаратом M22 от Lumenis! ✨
🩸 Удаление сосудов с аппаратом M22 - быстро, безопасно и безболезненно! 🩸
Сосудистые "паутинки" и "звездочки" на коже могут быть неприятными, но аппарат M22 от Lumenis приходит на помощь, предоставляя многофункциональное решение для избавления от них. 🌟
📌 Подробнее о процедуре удаления сосудов с M22:
🌹 Процедура помогает бороться с: ✅ Сосудистой "паутинкой" ✅ "Звездочками" на лице и теле ✅ Розацеа и куперозом
🌼 Как это работает? Действие аппарата M22 основано на воздействии световых волн на пигмент и гемоглобин в коже. Это помогает уничтожить сосуды и сосудистые образования, придавая вашей коже здоровый и ровный вид.
🌸 M22 - это многофункциональная платформа от Lumenis, одного из самых известных производителей фото- и лазерных технологий. С помощью различных насадок, она решает множество проблем, связанных с кожей, включая гиперпигментацию и сосудистые проблемы.
🔗 Узнайте больше о процедуре удаления сосудов аппаратом M22 на нашем сайте: https://spa-bio.ru/services/apparatnaya-kosmetologiya/udalenie-sosudov-apparatom-m22/
Не откладывайте заботу о вашей коже на потом - дарите ей красоту и здоровье с помощью M22! 💆‍♀️💆‍♂️
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Beauty From Your Heart Memoriesshine #shorts https://youtu.be/uPC6ODRbG4I via @YouTube
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Oświetlenie Alfa-Link - marka ceniona za jakość i design
Jednym z najważniejszych elementów wystroju wnętrz są odpowiednio dobrane meble i oświetlenie. Oświetlenie może nadać pomieszczeniom atmosferę i charakter. Współczesne oświetlenie może zapewnić wyjątkowy komfort użytkowania i ciekawy wygląd wnętrza. Dzisiaj przyjrzymy się produktowi firmy Alfa-Link. Specjalizuje się ona w produkcji oświetlenia zewnętrznego i wewnętrznego do świetnej dekoracji i organizacji przestrzeni publicznych i prywatnych. Alfa-Link to już prawie 20 lat doświadczenia w produkcji i projektowaniu. W ofercie marki znajdziemy szeroki wybór lamp, od żyrandoli, lamp wiszących i sufitowych po lampy stołowe, kinkiety i reflektory. Przyjrzyjmy się bliżej modelowi ALF-2210-BLK. To lampka sufitowa o mocy 26W, zasilanej 230V z regulacją jasności i 2210 lumenami. Charakteryzuje się ona wytrzymałą konstrukcją z wysokiej jakości stali nierdzewnej i eleganckim czarnym wykończeniem, w komplecie znajdziemy zasilacz oraz LED ściemnialny. To idealna lampka do salonu, biura lub sypialni i jest dostępna w wymiarach 150 cm x 4,0 cm x max. 150 cm. Warto wspomnieć, że marka zwraca uwagę na jakość i trwałość swoich produktów. Oświetlenie Alfa-Link jest energooszczędne, przyjazne dla środowiska i spełnia wszelkie wymagania bezpieczeństwa. Dodatkowo, firma oferuje szeroką gamę produktów w wielu kolorach i rozmiarach. Dzięki temu możemy dopasować oświetlenie do każdego rodzaju wnętrza. Marka Alfa-Link jest ceniona za nowoczesny design i wysoką jakość swoich produktów. Wszystkie produkty są wykonane z materiałów o najwyższej jakości i mają atrakcyjny wygląd. Oświetlenie marki jest trwałe i wytrzymałe, dlatego możemy być pewni, że będzie ono służyć nam przez długi czas. Ponadto, firma oferuje profesjonalne doradztwo techniczne i serwisowe, a także gwarancję jakości na wszystkie produkty. Jeśli szukasz wysokiej jakości lamp, to marka Alfa-Link może być dla Ciebie idealnym wyborem. Oferta marki obejmuje szeroką gamę oświetlenia o różnych stylach i rozmiarach, dzięki czemu można je dopasować do każdego wnętrza. Do tego dochodzą wysoka jakość i trwałość oraz wsparcie techniczne i serwisowe. Jeśli szukasz doskonałego oświetlenia, rozważ produkty marki Alfa-Link.
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iluvobeauty · 2 years
Ingrown Hairs? No problem!
Do you suffer from recurring in growing hairs on the face or other area of your body? Tried various treatments and prevention with varied and limited success? Then look no further, your solution is Laser Hair Removal and Laser Skin Treatments offered by iLuvo Beauty. We utilise our industry leading, award winning, world renowned laser equipment and years of vast skills, knowledge, and expertise, to safely destroy the hair follicle deep inside, removing the hair and destroying it's capabilities to regrow and cause ingrown hair time and time again.
Ingrown hairs can be ugly, annoying, and painful. They can also be dangerous and can lead to dangerous skin infections that can cause permanent scarring and much more. This us why our clinicians are trained and certified to the highest standards, ensuring they have the knowledge and skills to help their customers understand about ingrown hairs, what causes them, and how best to treat them and prevent them from coming back.
The following illustrations show details about ingrown hairs and various treatments.
Laser Skin Treatments
Laser Skin Treatments can provide a good technique for prevention of ingrown hairs after they've been treated using Laser Hair Removal. Laser Skin Treatments such as Laser Skin Rejuvenation help deeply cleanse skin pores and hair follicles helping prevent them from getting blocked by oils, dirt, etc. Resulting in much cleaner and healthier skin.
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Laser Hair Removal
Laser hair removal helps to treat ingrown hairs by focusing laser deep into the follicle to destroy the ingrown hairs at their roots. This erradicating them.
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Ingrown Hairs
The following infographics show what ingrown hairs are and how they form.
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Laser Treaments
The following photo shows a female customer undergoing some laser treatment on her face.
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Contact us or Visit our Website
If you'd like more information or would like to book an appointment with us, contact us using the information and we will get back to you asap.
Email us at: [email protected]
Visit us at: www.iluvo.co.uk
Phone us on: 0203 877 0822
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thelaseragent · 2 years
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Quickly Remove Unwanted Hair with the New Lumenis Splendor X at Cosmetic Laser Dermatology
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dailybrittanysnowpics · 2 months
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Brittany Snow getting lumenis aesthetics treatment before the Oscar
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theonixie · 1 year
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Revitalize Your Skin: IPL Photorejuvenation - Vivid Skin, Hair & Laser Center
Want to kiss your sun damage goodbye? It’s time to discover Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) treatments with the Lumenis Laser M22 at Vivid Med Spa of Arizona. Our team is here to  provide you Best Eyelash Extensions Chandler AZ, Injectables, Lip Injections Chandler AZ and many more Medical Spa related services. 
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trollblivion-ooc · 2 months
THIS IS A PLOT DRAFT this is just something ive had in my drafts for a while !!!!
depicts probably canon topics in homestuck (typical death and injury.)
start: (still partially canon to the original timeline though (before endur))
Dream Sequence: Xxxxxx Lumeni: EO @enduring-oblivion
(Original Timeline)
YOU are a GOLDBLOOD but previously thought you were a pure VIOLETBLOOD. Your morail is NORAXI AFROND, she is a BRONZEBLOOD.
This far caste relationship is RARE in this area, you two are prone to being picked at by a certain PURPLEBLOOD, who happens to have an issue with being violent and antagonistic.
Right now, that shithead PURPLEBLOOD named VIEVNA FISSUS is picking on your bull
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What do you do?
=> Watch What Happens
You watch what happens, as you are currently too far away to deal with this prick right now, besides, your bull could handle herself.
Shes strong and confident and you have all faith in her to take care of this, thats what she usually does anyway when youre in the sea.
She is very beautiful and wonderful and your everything and you cannot live without her. especially after everything shes done for you.
She could handle herself.
Until she couldnt.
There Vievna was, tearing apart your bull, after having said vile words about her mark that you gave her of your golden heart symbol, which she was so proud of.
The mark that Vievna has slashed apart.
Which she loved. Oh, did she love
There she was being torn apart, wonderful bronze blood spilling onto the beautiful sand. and water
Thats all you can really focus on other than the soft wavering reflection of the pink moon on the edge of the sea behind her.
You are not frozen.
=> Get Him
You rush at him in a blind rage, pressure building in your temples underneath the skin of your lower pair of horns.
Those damned HORNS
You punch his face as hard as you can , ripping him away from your dearly beloved, who is quite silent for someone who just got mauled.
You punched him too hard,
The skin on your knuckles peel from the jab, gold waves of blood dripping out.
You look at his stupid fucking horns, that snake.
=> Grab
You grab onto his right horn as hard as you can and you-
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You snap it off of his stupid head.
You hear shouts somewhere near you, yelling, calls
“Hey!” “+ holly shit !” “S0me0ne fucking st0b him!”
The pressure near your temples is building so much but you don’t care. You can only see red.
You’re going to kill him.
You’re going to tear him apart for what he did.
Do it.
Do it.
Do it!
And you do.
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You push him down
Near you, theres a sound meek and small but concerned, it doesn’t matter.
I he•r-
You hear an awful shattering sound right next to your facial fins, and feel a weight lift of you, pressure relieving from your temples.
Something horribly loud comes from the sky.
Rushing sounds of something else come from around you.
It doesn’t matter.
You’re about to bite off his face when- suddenly the sky changes in an instant, your feetpaws feel wet
Screaming, theres screaming around you, and another concerned and horrified sound.
No, a word.
€ Akr!…?
You glance and through your red haze you see-
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And suddenly you can see again
And you look around
There are shards of… horn floating in the water nearby. you feel something sticky on your face, touching it and looking at your paw.
Gold shimmering liquid. you’re bleeding. you bring your hand higher.
pawing the air near your temples.
The empty air.
Your second pair of horns are gone.
Thats what you wanted right?
You shattered them with your rage somehow.
You didnt know you could do that.
You step closer to your bull, she looks wrong, wrong like youve never seen before, shaky and faint.
That golden heart of yours is almost gone from her skin.
You grab her shoulders, ignoring the water W•tr? that consumes your legs as you kneel down to your beloved.
Its like her eyes were turning white, you look around and-
a rainbow of colors in the water thats flooding in. bodies floating.
did you do this? how did you do this?
=> Look Up
the moon.
youve broken it.
But violetbloods c•nt-
Youre not a violetblood, Akrine
What did you do.
I dont know- i-
Look down
….Oh.. oh no.. i-
You blew up the sky
I dont c•re- Nor•???
Stop shaking her, shes not going to wake up
Do you feel tired?
I do but-
=> Sleep
You wake up. you see a small troll that almost looks like you, it’s kind of funny, really.
Hes running around next to her lusus, isnt that cute?
Where is everyone?
Dont worry about that right now, can you stay with him for me?
With who?
The troll that looks almost like you in a funny way
Thank you, Remnant.
=> Hello Endur!
Im going to s•ve her
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lasertechllc · 2 months
Laser Repair Services: The Heart of Medical and Aesthetic Precision
Precision and dependability are essential in the field of medical and aesthetic treatments—not simply expectations. Here is where Lumenis, a leader in energy-based and laser technologies, has carved out a market for itself by providing solutions that have transformed patient outcomes and care. Even the most sophisticated machinery, meanwhile, occasionally has to be repaired and needs routine maintenance. This is where Lumenis Laser Repair Services come in handy, guaranteeing that these advanced devices operate at peak efficiency and provide secure, efficient treatments.
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The Center of Medical Precision and Aesthetics
The innovative Lumenis devices are praised for providing a range of treatments from minimally invasive operations to skin rejuvenation and hair removal. The accuracy of the laser determines the safety and efficacy of these therapies. The smooth functioning of the apparatus is necessary for this accuracy, which is where Lumenis Laser Repair Services come into play.
The Hidden Defense: Repair Services for Lumenis Lasers
Lumenis Laser Repair Services and Cynosure Laser Repair Services make sure these gadgets keep working perfectly. They provide a range of services, encompassing but not restricted to:
Preventive maintenance involves routine inspections to make sure the equipment is operating within ideal bounds and guards against unplanned malfunctions.
Continually Fixes: Rapid, effective repair services to minimize downtime by addressing unforeseen problems.
Software Updates: Changing the software on the gadget to make sure it complies with the most recent security and treatment guidelines.
Replacement of Parts: To ensure lifespan and dependability, original parts should be used to replace worn or broken components.
Training and assistance: Ensuring practitioners fully comprehend and make use of the capabilities of the device by providing them with thorough training and assistance.
Lumenis Laser Repair Services and Syneron Laser Repair Services make sure that each device's journey is about upholding a tradition of quality, safety, and innovation in addition to the treatments it offers. It's an original viewpoint that celebrates the larger influence of these devices on healthcare and patient well-being in addition to highlighting the significance of Lumenis Laser Repair Services.
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Follow our Facebook and Twitter for more information about our product.
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sw33t-tarts · 11 months
📋 for whoever you got muse for
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Name: Razlet Lumeni Age: Young Adult (human years equivalent of 27) Height: 6'5" Weight: 180 Carrying: Nothing Last thought of: How much longer it will be Current Job: Gym Owner(Temporarily Closed) Main Goal: Get away Favorite Item: A shirt she stole from someone's hive. Love Anyone?: Iadres (@you-cansci-me) Pale For?: None Ashen With?: None Hate Anyone?: None If you could do one thing right now, it would be: Hug him again.
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