#luna kateřina silver
lunasilvermorny · 4 years
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Year 7 - Luna Silver.
I might have abandoned the game, but I refuse to abandon my girl!
A lot of stuff happened in year 6 (that I haven’t really posted about, my bad), and I feel like I’m ready to move on to Luna’s final year in Hogwarts.
Thanks for everyone that was on my art-stream, where we’ve decided on her final design :)
I might make a follow up post with more details about her 7th year, but I think for now, this is enough.
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immagrosscandy · 4 years
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@lunasilvermorny girl i made this for u 👀
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whitewoodbosca · 4 years
Call it a hunch, but I feel like Luna and Ash would be the best drinking buddies 🍺🍺🍺
It's always good to have someone to drink with! Ash is quite a heavy drinker so I hope Luna can catch up with her. .
"Come on Rath!" Luna's smirk widened as she saw a silhouette right at the corner. "You can complain all you want but..." 
To her own surprise, the person she was looking at wasn't the blonde Beater. Sure they had the same height and all those muscles but Ash White was... less threatening? Though the rumors about her messing around might say different. Still, the girl didn't react and Luna noticed the half-full bottle on her hand.
"Firewhisky?" White seemed to be taken back by the question, the bottle looked like a revealing evidence out of nowhere. Her brows slightly furrowed as she observed Silver, waiting for any reactions. "That stuff is good. Did Jae bring it through?"
The defensive act seemed to soften at the name of her friend. Ash cracked a timid smile, legs crossing on the ground. "Yeah, he did ask for a little more than usual but I suppose it worths the trouble."
Luna slided down next to her, palm opened. The playful smirk hinted that something might brew between them.
"Believe me, you are not the only one in this school who needs a drink."
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lunasilvermore · 4 years
Unseen footage of Luna cleaning her house:
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lunasilvermorny · 4 years
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Rath x Luna x Morgen !
Do you like the Luna x Rath ship? I present to you- this poly power ship!
After @gayandvibin made a post about them, I immediately remembered the posts I made about the HPHM characters in the pride parade, and just felt like drawing these three together at the parade too.
So pride month was a few months ago, but... you know... I don’t care! I just want them to be in the parade together! (Plus, it’s 2020, so everyone was home anyway...Although, for them it’s...uh... 1989? I’m too lazy to check. It’s in the “year 6″ time frame.)
I wasn’t sure what’s Morgen’s height, so I just made her around Luna and Rath’s heights. (I could have just asked, but it was supposed to be a surprise, so... Assumptions!). I also wasn’t sure if in this scenario she’d wear make-up or not, but it’s almost a tradition to put something on. For example, I also drew Rowan with make up and he never wears it either, so...I mean, it’s just a little eye shadow there, hopefully it’s not too ooc for her.
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lunasilvermorny · 4 years
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Anyone saw this coming?
(If your answer is no - how dare you?)
Since Kyril loves dresses so much and Luna prefers suits, I figured drawing them together would be interesting - and I’m not disappointed!
I’m not the best when it comes to design dresses, but adding all the accessories definitely made the process a lot more enjoyable.
Also, I wanted to draw Luna in a suit again for so long, I’m glad I finally got the excuse to do so.
@kyril-hphm I know that you’re having a hard time right now, so I hope this drawing could make you feel a bit better, even if just for a moment. You are loved and appreciated and I hope that everything would get sorted out soon 💙💙💙
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lunasilvermorny · 4 years
So I saw a lot of people making their MCs in Artbreeder (I think it’s started with @kyril-hphm​ , but feel free to correct me if I’m wrong.)
Anyway, it looked super fun, so I’ve decided to make Luna as well...
It’s probably not the final version, but for now, here it is:
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Welp, we did it, people.
We finally got a face claim for Luna! (even though I’m probably going to change it again soon.)
And I also made a version in photoshop where I added all the details (dyed hair, make-up) that I couldn’t in this app.
Less realistic, but still good enough:
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lunasilvermorny · 4 years
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Year 5 was probably the hardest on Luna and Rowan’s friendship.
It hit the lowest point after Luna and Bill broke things off again, which ignited a huge fight between Rowan and Luna, and it took them a long time to go back to a relative normal atmosphere that was constantly overshadowed by the fact that Luna took too many extra responsibilities upon herself (I made this post about it) that caused her to neglect their friendship.
Rowan didn’t want to have another fight with her, especially since the remnants of their last fight were still looming over them, but he couldn’t ignore the growing feeling of frustrating he had toward her.
Luna noticed that he grew more and more bitter, but was determined to avoid another fight and so she did what she always does and just ignored it.
Year 5
Rowan: You’re late again.
Luna: Yes, sorry, I had something else to do, but I’m here now, so-
Rowan: Could’ve sent Charlie to let me know.
Luna: Do you have something to say, mate?
Rowan: No.
Luna: Good, so we were going over the recent potions...
Rowan: You’re late.
Luna: I had a quidditch practice.
Rowan: ...
Luna: Anyway, let’s go over our notes first...
Rowan: ...
Luna: Sorry I’m late.
Rowan: ...
Luna: Are you alright?
Rowan: Yeah. Let’s just start it already.
Luna: You’re late.
Rowan: Actually we were supposed to meet three hours ago. I got tired of waiting, so I left.
Luna: Right. Dammit, okay, let’s quickly go over what I missed.
Rowan: ...
Luna: Okay?
Rowan: Okay.
Rowan: You’re on time! Too bad it’s the wrong day...
Luna: Shit, I completely forgot. I had so much to do-
Rowan: I have things to do too, you know.
Luna: We had a lead on the vault. What was I supposed to do?
Rowan: Let me know, so I wouldn’t wait for hours like an idiot?
Luna: I had no time to let you know, it was urgent.
Rowan: Nothing is more important than the OWLs-!
Luna: Yeah, I’m not doing this right now. See you later.
Rowan: Wait, wait! Just... *sighs* We’ve lost enough time already. I’ll just bring you up to speed and we can pick up from there.
Luna: ...
Luna: Fine. let’s go.
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lunasilvermorny · 4 years
Luna’s partners - Future AU (It’s raining OCs...)
So I’ve been asked a lot - who’s Luna going to end up with?
First of all - throw the OTP idea out of the window, because Luna is poly, so naturally she’ll have several partners, not just one.
Second - No one from the HPHM game. I know that a lot of people want her to end up with Rath (trust me, I love them together too), but Rath is not poly and that’s why they had so many issues with maintaining a healthy relationship.
But for those of you who are curious, here are some of Luna’s partners in the future AU, after Luna went out to the real world and saw that being poly doesn’t mean being in a bad relationship. (This post is just about some of the relationships, excluding friends with benefits and one-night stands.)
So, if we’re talking about her partners, the very first one I have to mention is:
Anastasia Watson:
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If you consider all the love interests Luna had over the years (and there were quite a few), there is one who is the most prominent out of them all - Anastasia.
Sure, Rath was Luna’s first girlfriend, Penny was her first kiss and Bill was her first love, but Anastasia is the closest thing she has to a committed relationship.
She’s actually a huge part of the headcanon, but since I focus on Luna’s Hogwarts years and less on the future AU, I never got to mention her before.
First of all, she is a muggle, but she is aware of the existence of the wizards, because her big sister is a witch.
She was born in Scotland. When she was 14, her family moved to Jordan and she spent her teenage years living there. In her early 20s she came back to Scotland to take care of her relatives and to finish her degree in medicine.
She began to work at a small hospital in Glasgow, and met Luna almost a decade later, when Luna came to work there part-time after the Second Wizarding War.
She is the first partner Luna ever had that is also poly.
After a few years together, Luna introduced her to another partner of her, Flynn, and they ended up dating. Anastasia and Flynn eventually got married, but the two kept having a relationship with Luna.
Trey Matthews:
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Everyone, meet Andre’s half-brother - Trey.
He’s a few years older than Andre and was in Slytherin. Luna didn’t really know him that well when she was in Hogwarts, because he and Andre weren’t very close at the time. Andre and Trey have the same father and different mothers, and it wasn’t until Andre’s father left his mother as well, that the two brothers strengthened their bond.
When Luna met Trey, he hasn’t considered himself poly yet, but he had troubles with remaining faithful in his relationships at the time.
Andre saw from the very beginning that something is going on between them and just asked Luna just not to chase him away.
Their relationship was mostly on-again and off-again, because Luna refuse to date him while he was entering monogamist relationships with girls that weren’t aware of the other girls or Luna.
Eventually he’s decided to find a girlfriend that would agree to be in an open relationship with him.
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From right to left: Jolene, Layla, Flynn and Noor.
Jolene and Layla:
They were already a couple when Luna met them. Luna was called to treat Jolene that had complications after a home-birth, since she was the closest healer in the area. Luna stayed in touch with the couple, that eventually invited her to a three-way and from there a relationship has developed.
Luna met Flynn in a bar. They were new to Scotland and Luna promised to show them around. After a few meetings, they’ve started dating, both sides aware that it’s an open relationship.
A few years later, Luna introduced them to Anastasia, and the three began a poly relationship.
Noor was Luna’s Pathology professor in medschool. They’ve bonded over the fact that they’re both witches in a muggle-environment.
She was married with children when she met Luna, but her husband knew that she was unhappy in their relationship, and gave his approval for the two to start a relationship, as long as Noor promised she wouldn’t leave her familly. 
And those are some of Luna’s most interesting partners. There are more, but less significant.
Did you like anyone in particular? Tell me if you want more content about Luna’s partners. I really enjoyed making this post...
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lunasilvermorny · 4 years
Luna Silver - Year 6 - Part 1.
If I had to give this mini story a Harry Potter-esque title, it would be:
Luna Silver and the Totally Original Plot that No One Ever Used in Anything, Ever. Because It’s So Unique. Seriously.
Now jokes aside, as I mentioned before, from this point on I completely separated the headcanon from the game canon, so anything that happened in the game after year 5 is not a part of this universe. I guess it technically makes this whole thing an AU then.
Hope you enjoy it! I definitely enjoyed writing it... And yeah, let’s dive right in.
Part 1 – Waking up.
It was a ray of light in the early morning that passed through narrow gaps between the treetops and landed right on her face that finally managed to wake her up. She let out a faint sigh in pain, while her eyelids rapidly opened and closed as her eyes rolled in their sockets. Her breaths were steady but uneven and she barely felt anything but a splitting headache and a severe neck pain.
It took her a few minutes to be able to perceive her environment. She was lying on the ground; the wind brushed lightly on her skin and carried the sound of the buzzing insects and chirping birds. It was too lively – it must be summer. But where?
Her abdomen felt too heavy for any movement, but she was able to move her limbs, especially her arms. She pressed her hand to her right temple and felt a warm, moisty texture that was too dense to be regular sweat, and when she brought her hand into her field of vision and saw that her fingertips were covered in red, she realized it was blood.
She sent her hands to scout the ground around her head and when she felt large roots that protruded from the ground, she put all her strength in pulling herself into a sitting position, slowly leaning on the big trunk of the tree behind her.
She groaned as she started to examine everything around her. She was in a forest, but it wasn’t familiar to her. Nothing was familiar to her, she realized as she tried to think of the place she came from or was heading to.
She felt the blood slowly dripping down her face, obstructing her vision in her right eye. ‘That’s a lot of blood’ was her first thought followed by ‘I have to stop it.’ But how?
It hurt when she tried to recall anything, but instinctively she knew that the wand on the ground next to her is the solution. Barely knowing what she’s doing, she raised it closer to her forehead, pointing it at her right temple. She has to say something for it to work, right? But what?
Her head began to spin and she tried to force herself to stay in place until the right spell would come to mind, but it was empty.  She felt dizzy, like she’s about faint again at any moment. She tried to focus on deep breaths, but her hands were shaking and her stomach muscles twitched, enhancing the sensation of nausea.
“Epis…Episky.” She whispered, as her breaths got heavier and managed to activate her wand, but it didn’t seem to affect the wound. “Episky.” She said again, barely aware of her slow descend back to the ground, as her environment slowly faded into black.
Her mind was almost gone, but her lips were still moving, saying an incantation she wasn’t able to hear anymore, but it echoed in her head like an alarm that refused to be turned off – “Vulnera Sanentur.” It repeated again and again until she completely lost consciousness.
An unfamiliar voice was the first thing she was able to perceive this time, as she slowly regained consciousness. Her eyes were still closed shut, but she was able to feel the wind on her skin again. Only when she heard another unfamiliar voice, it became clear that the first one came from an owl and the second from a human.
Someone moved her around; she could feel the orientation of her body changes. Something was pressed against her injury, but there was no relief sensation to the pain. They probably didn’t know how to heal it.
A word was repeated over and over again, spoken both by the human and the owl. It was bizarre and lacked a meaning in the context of the default language her mind was set to. Was it a name?
She managed to let out a sigh of discomfort that caused the two remain quiet for a brief moment, before they returned to spewing more words at her, shaking her even more urgently than before. Why can’t she understand it? It was a bit muffled, sure, but she was able to distinct each word.
Maybe it’s not the she can’t understand it, but the unbearable headache that sneaked up on her just completely neutralized her ability to do so without fainting again.
“Shh…” it came out of her throat almost as an instinct. The two voices went silence immediately. She’s still bleeding. Whatever they did, it didn’t work. She has to stop the bleeding, but her wand wasn’t in her hand anymore. “Vulnera Sanentur.” She whispered, but nothing happened. The headache was getting worst, her head began to spin and she felt the fogginess taking over again. She doesn’t have much time. “Vulnera Sanentur, Vulnera Sanentur.” She desperately repeated the incantation, but it was too late. Her entire body became heavy and numb as her mind drifted into nothingness.
This time she woke up with a loud gasp for air, her eyes popping open and her arms pushing her into a sitting position – as if she was waking up from a nightmare. It was hard to breathe. Why was it so hard to breathe? It’s almost as if her lungs were near shutting down completely before she woke up.
She looked around. She was still in the forest, but she wasn’t alone. A Tawny owl rested on her knees and an unfamiliar person was sitting next to her – both alerted by her sudden waking up.
Without comprehending everything that happened yet, her lips moved almost independently, as she said- “Wand.”
The person handed her wand and almost every action that followed it was automatic, since she was still trying to figure out where she was and what happened. She pressed the wand to her golden wristwatch and whispered an incantation that moved its lid vertically to expose a pitch-black opening to a storage space that contained most of her belonging.
“Accio healing-potions briefcase.” She said in a more stable tone and a large briefcase emerged out of the small opening. With a quick search, she pulled one of the vials out that was labelled- “bleeding.” and with a quick gulp drank its entire content. Next, she grabbed a vial under the label “head trauma” and drank its content as well.
They sat in silence for a few minutes as the potion took effect. With her blood volume restored to its normal range and her head injury healed partially, she was able to jump to her feet, feeling like she just woke up from a refreshing power nap. The owl flapped its wings as he was thrown off of her and let out an angry screech while it turned to the branch above her head as its new resting place. The person rushed to his feet as well and shot her a worried look.
“Careful.” He said. His voice was calmer than his expressions.
“I got it.” She said and rejected his gesture of help. She stretched her arms above her head and arched her back, letting out a small yawn before she realized she still didn’t know where she was. “Do you know what happened to me?” she asked him.
He shook his head. “We were supposed to meet yesterday in Diagon Alley, but when you didn’t show up, I came to look for you. You mentioned you’d be in this area and when I saw Charlie flying around, I realized something bad must have happened.”
“Charlie?” she said distractedly as she was trying to recall any of the things he just said. Does this mean she knows this person?
“Charlie Brown.” He said and pointed his finger at the owl.
“Right.” She said, unable to recognize the owl, but for some reason she was able to remember that it’s named after a character in an TV show she used to watch as a child. “And does it know what happened to me?”
“It?” he repeated as the owl let out an offended hoot. “Are you sure you’re feeling alright?”
“I wouldn’t know now, would I?” she said and impatiently looked at Charlie. “Did you see what happened or not?”
The owl let out a few short hoots that she was able to interoperate as- ‘you were already unconscious when we found you.’ It seemed that the person next to her wasn’t able to literally understand what the owl was saying.
“Was I meeting someone here? Why was I in this forest in the first place?”
The owl kept letting out annoyed hoots, saying that she never told him where she was heading to and if she wants more information, she should ask Talbott.
“Talbott? What’s a Talbott?” she frowned.
“It’s me.” The person said in concern “Don’t you recognize me?”
“No.” she said honestly, but her casual tone was in complete contrast to his reaction. He was affected by her words a lot more than she was, that’s for sure. “Wait, is that your name or a weird title-?”
“Name.” he didn’t wait for her to finish the sentence. “What’s your name?”
“You got all worked up about me not recognizing you, and you don’t even know my name-?”
“I know your name.” he wasn’t upset, but he rolled his eyes impatiently. “Do you know it?”
“Of course I do.” She snored in contempt, but as she opened her mouth to say it, she realized her mind was blank again. “Uh…” she fixed her gaze at a random tree branch as she was trying her best to remember, but after a few seconds gave up and said with a shrug- “No idea, actually.”
His face became pale as he gave her a serious look and said- “We have to take you to a hospital.”
“I am well, as you can see.” She gestured her hands at her body.
“You don’t remember your own name.” he became stiff. It looks like he’s not a fan of confrontations.
“Fair point.” She folded her arms. “But how do I know you’re not the one who attacked me and now you’re just trying to lead me into a trap?” and when she saw how crossed he looked by this remark, she added- “Kidding, kidding. It’s obviously not you, otherwise why would you try to treat my wounds. Just trying to lighten the mood, mate.”
He wasn’t amused. He looked away as the color came back to his face with an additional pink hue that spread around his cheeks. “We should go.” He said after he cleared his throat, still avoiding a direct eye contact.
“Someone probably used a memory charm on me, we just need to reverse it-“
“Or it was caused by the head trauma you suffered from.” He interrupted her.
“Fine, we’ll go a hospital.” She said and started looking around. “Yeah, do you have a map or something? Because it looks like we’re in the middle of nowhere and I can’t, for the life of me, remember how to get out of here.”
“We’re not far from Hogwarts.” He said. “But I know where the nearest wizarding hospital is, although there’s a muggle one even closer.”
“But muggles wouldn’t be able to identify if it was caused by a memory charm.” She insisted.
He looked torn for a second, but then nodded and said- “Okay, we’ll fly to the wizarding hospital, then.”
“Fly?” she narrowed her eyes. “I don’t think we can just fly around in our brooms without any muggle noticing us. It’s not the 40’s, they actually have technology that can record us-“
“We’re both animagi.” He interrupted her again.
He’s right. She can turn into an owl. Since when can she do that? Why wasn’t she aware of it until he mentioned it?
“Right, I knew that.” She said, yet couldn’t shake the irritating feeling that started to creep on her that she was actually in a much worst condition than it seemed. It’s almost like she’s not able to control her own brain anymore.  
Talbott noticed that and took a few steps toward her, landing a comforting hand on her shoulder. “You can do it, you’ve done it a hundred times before.”
“It’s not that.” She shrugged, yet his concerned expression must have been contagious, because she can’t seem to shake it off her face now. “Let’s just go.”
With a swift movement of her arms she turned into an owl and the three flew over the tree tops to their destination.
I went with the amnesia plot and I have zero regrets about it.
Hope you liked it! ^^ I’ll post the next part once I actually finish writing it.
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lunasilvermorny · 4 years
I have come here to anounce my uncontiolanl love to Luna Kateřina Silver, I'm so in love with her she's just so interesting and cool and pretty and cool and funny and smart and cool, did i say cool? Okay cool again
Ahhh, my heart! That is so damn sweet, I need an insulin shot asap.
Thank you for always showing interest in my girl and for being such a wholesome presence in the community in general! 💙💙💙💙
(And know that this would 100% feed Luna’s ego 😅)
Candy: Isn’t Luna kinda cool?
Luna: *kicks open the door*
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(btw, I’m totally going to answer the drug question, it’s just going to take some time...)
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lunasilvermorny · 4 years
Luna and Trey - Future AU
Anyone up for more Trey content? If so - you’re in luck!
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(I get a strong ‘Veronica Mars’ vibe from the second drawing... Is it just me?)
I’m always drawing Luna in her work clothes, but I wanted to draw her in an outfit she’d wear if she’s out, especially if it’s for dates or hook-ups.
After Luna became a healer and was able to heal most of the scars on her body, she became more confident with showing more skin.
So... It’s the late 90′s/ early 2000′s...
(Which means all the best rock/metal bands were starting to form, so she will spend a lot of time in concerts, which is good, because that’s her muggle-drugs phase. But that’s a story for another post.)
Trey and Luna haven’t started dating right away. They hooked-up a few times, but only after the Second Wizarding War it developed into an open relationship.
After Trey’s mom died, Andre moved in with him so he wouldn’t be alone. Luna came to visit Andre at first, but the more she spent time with Trey, the more they grew to like each other.
She was ~26 and he was ~28 when they started dating. (He was actually in Bill’s year, but they didn’t really know each other very well. Also, they were in different houses - Trey was in Slytherin... What a surprise, right? You all know by now how much Luna loves her Slytherins.)
The reason their relationship wasn’t as smooth as they thought it would be, was because Trey wanted to date other girls, but they didn’t know he’s dating multiple people; most of these girls thought they were in a monogamist relationship with him - and that’s where Luna drew the line. So whenever he wanted to date anyone without telling her that he’s with Luna as well, Luna broke it off.
It went on for about two years, before Luna’s decided to break up with him permanently, but at that time Trey’s perception already changed and he promised her that he would only date other girls that are okay with an open or polyamorous relationship.
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lunasilvermorny · 4 years
Anyone interested in reading about Luna’s 6th year?
I completely separated the headcanon from the game canon, so it’s a completely new story I made.
For now I have something like 10 pages written down and I thought maybe to do a series of posts about it.
I just wanted to know first if anyone is even interested in something like that.
(Also, if you want your character to show up as a regular student and not the MC, send me a DM so we can work on the details.)
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lunasilvermorny · 4 years
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What’s Your Zodiac Sign Challenge - original idea came from this post by @kyril-hphm​​​
Luna was born on December 27th, 1973 - so she’s a Capricorn.
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Poor Luna, she hates wearing dresses, but it looks like the kind she’d wear if she had no other choice and that’s why I’ve decided to draw it.
Just for fun I wanted to add her friends’ reaction to her in a dress, because it’s such a rare occasion. (Feel free to add your MC’s reaction as well!)
Rowan: Just a bit of magic and we can turn the skirt part into trousers, so don’t worry.
Luna: Hurry, people are starting to notice!
Barnaby: You look smashing!
Luna: Watch it, Puppy.
Andre: Oh, right. You’re a girl.
Luna: Aren’t we both?
Bill: *smiles*
Luna: NO!
Charlie: If you hate it so much, why did you wear it?
Luna: Our overlord made me.
Charlie: ... Mmkay. No more whiskey for you.
Rath: Hot.
Tulip: Eww, Luna in a dress!
Luna: Thank you! Finally someone said it.
Talbott: *walks away*
Luna: What does that even mean?!
Jae: What the hell are you wearing?
Luna: Shut up and give me your hoodie!
Jae: *runs away* Nope!
Luna: Selfish!
Liz: I like this dress.
Luna: Do you want it?
Tonks: Hot.
Luna: Not from you, go away.
Ben: You look nice.
Luna: ...
Luna: Why?!
Penny: *laughing* Oh god, where is your head right now? you look like you’re in physical pain.
Luna: Hell, Penny. We all died and went to straight hell.
(Yes, I meant “to straight hell” and not “straight to hell”
Merula: *blushes*
Luna: Must you make everything worst, Merula?!
Chiara: You look good in this dress.
Luna: You’re getting one pass because you’re cute. Now move along.
Badeea: I brought you extra pair of trousers.
Luna: Bless you!
Ismelda: I have the same dress.
Luna: Shut up.
And finally, we all love Luna, so let’s make her happy:
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lunasilvermorny · 4 years
So I saw a few posts about the Pool Party Challenge by @chrisception13​, especially the whole thing between @angellazull​ and @kyril-hphm​...
And got motivated to draw Luna as well. But first...building the hype!
Diego: Rowan, where is Luna?
Rowan: She’s putting on her swimming suit.
Diego: 👀👀👀
Rowan: Oh, are you a child? It’s just Luna in a bikini, can’t we be adults about it?
Barnaby: Did someone say ‘Luna in a bikini’? 👀
Rowan: Yes. So...?
Liz: 👀👀
Rowan: Not you too!
Bill: Where?
Rowan: Aren’t you supposed to be in Egypt?
Bill: 👀 👀
Rowan: Okay, this is getting out of hand. Control your hormones people!
Luna: Are you all waiting for me?
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Rowan: Looking good, mate!
Haha, Luna doesn’t wear anything revealing (at least not until she became a healer and was able to heal her scars), so it was a challenge to think of her in a swimming suit. Good thing we have this old-timy swimming suit around.
Used this reference picture:
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Lol. It’s all about the attitude. She might pull it off, eventually.
(But probably not)
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lunasilvermorny · 4 years
Papa - Future AU
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So I wrote a piece on this drawing, but I really didn’t like how it turned out, so I’ll just put some short parts of it here... Maybe someday I’ll rewrite it, but I’m super proud of this drawing and I want to post it already, so this will do for now.
Also, two notes:
I know the bandages are on the wrong side of his face. What can I say? I didn’t want to block half his face so I switched it.
I know I gave them beer glasses although they’re drinking whiskey. It’s ridiculous, but let’s just ignore it. I noticed it way too late and couldn’t change it.
Anyway, moving on...
Luna entered The Three Broomsticks and looked around. It was relatively empty, so it wasn’t hard to spot her old Care of Magical Creatures professor and mentor – Silvanus Kettleburn.
Kettleburn: Good to see ya, lad.
Luna: You too Papa- I mean, Professor Pa- Kettleburn.
Kettleburn: Still with the ‘Papa’ nonsense, I see.
Luna: What about you and the ‘Lad’ nonsense?
Kettleburn: If he walks like a lad and talks like a lad...*he shrugged*
Kettleburn: *To Madam Rosmerta* Dear, two glasses of Fire-Whiskey. *he turned to Luna* Anything for you?
Luna: *rolled her eyes while still smiling* Nice try, old man. One glass for him and one for me too. Bring us your best bottle - the older, the better. 
Kettleburn: We’re not even five minutes in and you are already spoiling the fun?
Luna: Save it, Pa-Professor. Like it or not, I’m your healer now too.
Kettleburn: I am retired; this is my time to have fun.
Luna: You make it sound like you haven’t had plenty of fun in Hogwarts, but we all remember the Chimaera incidences.
Kettleburn: And yet – zero deaths. What’s the harm in a little excitement, when no one gets hurt?
Luna: Can’t argue with that.
Kettleburn: So what brings you here, lad?
Luna: For one, I have your weekly delivery.
Kettleburn: Not sending your errand-boy?
Luna: His name is Mark and he’s my apprentice. He was in Hogwarts back when you were teaching.
Kettleburn: Mark, eh? I don’t usually forget a face, especially one with such a cheeky-mouth attached to it.
Luna: He started the class the year Hagrid took over. And he wasn’t always that daring, I taught him that.
Kettleburn: Wait. Don’t you have a baby named Mark?
Luna: It’s the same one.
Kettleburn: A bit too old to come out of you, isn’t he? Were you a child when you had him?
Luna: He’s not my biological son. He’s 7 years younger than me.
Kettleburn: Ah, so just a wee bit younger than Olivia.
Luna: They were a year apart, yes.
Kettleburn: Such a loss. *he sighed* Such a bright lass. Always stayed positive, no matter how badly she was doing in class.
Luna choked on her drink and after a few coughs cleared her throat, she burst out laughing. She didn’t know why this specific fact about Olivia made her react so strongly, but something about the mental images that popped into her head, where Olivia tries not to get burnt by a Fire Crab or chasing a Niffler that’s stolen her jewelry, were extremely uplifting.
Kettleburn: Not everyone had your talent with creatures.
Luna: But in my case it’s almost like cheating. Olivia was way better than me at everything else.
Kettleburn: Yeah, she was a peach. Here’s to her. *he raised his glass*
Luna: Cheers.
Luna: But this evening is all about you, Professor. I mean, Papa. Wait, I had it right the first time.
Kettleburn: I told you many times – call me Sylvanus. I’m not a Professor anymore.
Luna: Can’t I just call you Papa?
Kettleburn: Maybe you should stick to Kettleburn.
*They both laughed*
Kettleburn: Ah, lad, call me whatever you want. As if I didn’t know you were calling me Papa all these years.
Luna: I can’t help it – it’s an instinct!
I can honestly write about these two forever... Too bad the things I wrote are too mundane and probably wouldn’t be interesting to anyone but me.
Anyway, I hope you enjoyed it!
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