#luna plays tsukihime
lunarlagomorph · 2 years
Also i have to say idk why arcueid is represented with neko arc bcuz she is 100% a doggirl not a catgirl
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murfeelee · 3 years
Simblr Asks - TS3
Saw these questions by Teauke on my dash, and y’all know I love talking/ranting about The Sims; let’s go! ^0^
1. how big is your mods folder?
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That’s my mods folder with only mods/hacks/overrides; no CAS or build/buy CC installed. It’s a miracle that nothing conflicts, at least not as far as I can tell.
2. how would you describe your style? A sporadic mix of tv/gaming fandom-inspired conversions and recreations, of mostly fanciful and/or cultural themes & genres.
3. What is your favorite challenge? I’m a builder at heart, so I love recreating lots and interiors. Challenges where we find IRL rooms/scenes and remake them in TS3 are always the most fun for me.
4. do you make cc? if so, what kind? I make fanciful & cultural custom content (occult, sci-fi, boho, etc). I make CAS CC sometimes, but I prefer making buy/build CC.
5. what type of cc do you hoard? Not everything, but a lot. As creators retire and links die, I’m even more paranoid than I already was that CC will no longer be available anywhere.
6. what default eyes and skin do you use? I don’t use default-replacement skintones, but I do use Buhudain’s You Are Real mod.
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As for eye defaults, I absolutely love Moonskin’s Shiny Glass replacements.
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7. how many urls have you had, and what are the meanings behind them? All of my simming URLs on MTS, TSR, the officials, and Tumblr are some variation of my first name, Murfee Lee. Because yes, I am that darn creative.
8. who is your favorite gameplay blog? 9. who is your favorite storytelling blog? Ugh, there are too many good ones out there.
10. who is your favorite cc creator? All of my favorite creators retired years ago: DyM/Hekate999 (fantasy build/buy), Parsimonious (everything), Luna (everything build/buy), Qingshuangtongzi (Asian everything), Amethyst (Asian CAS), Art-Sims (CAS everything), etc. I swear, the day Sandy/ATS3 (everything build/buy) retires is the day I’m having a panic attack.
11. how do you edit your photos? Badly. Tweak the brightness & contrast and call it a effing day.
12. what is the last screenshot you took? It’s a surprise.
13. what do you do when you are unmotivated? I am never “unmotivated,” so much as I am distracted. I think the reason I’ve simmed so long is strictly because I’m always inspired by fandoms. If I get distracted by a tv/game, it becomes my next muse (aka current obsession). It’s not that I get unmotivated to finish the old stuff I pretty much abandon, it’s just that there aren’t enough hours in the day for me to do everything I want. Sometimes I return to older saves/gameplay. Most times I don’t though--unless someone messages me wanting to see it again (and that’s effing rare). 
14. who is your current favorite sim? Sakura and Nasir are my alltime favorite sims. But I must admit that I patted myself on the back pretty dang hard when I created Tsukihime-Sama for my Moon Medicine gameplay. I love every sim I made for that gameplay (which I really need to finish one day, ugh), but my Lunar Moth Goddess? 👌
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15. who is your current favorite sim that is not by you? Every sim that @obscurus-noctem​​ is out here sacrificing goats in order to create. It’s just disgusting how pretty everything on their blog is. Those mersims? Those graphics? That editing? Makes me effing sick. 
16. recreate someone else’s sim in your style. I think I saw a challenge like this a few months/years ago, but never did it. But I DID do the Picrew version.
17. do you talk about sims with people in real life? One of my professors plays SimCity. Naturally, we bonded over how wack EA is. ^_^
18. how many of the packs do you own? All of them, except the Stuff Packs. Barring Fast Lane and Movie Stuff, none of the other SPs are worth the price; it’s just build/buy/CAS CC any MaxisMatch creator.could make for free. I’ve always felt that way about SPs, which is why I never bothered with them in TS1 or TS2 either. I will say though, that TS4′s SPs are something else entirely, which brings me to #24 (see below).
19. how many posts do you have on your blog currently? 2764. JESUS.
20. how many drafts do you have on your blog currently? 363. U_U And most of those are CC sets & gameplay posts I never finished.  
21. how many posts are in your queue currently? It’s a secret. ^_^
22. have you ever moved blogs? Never. I never even changed my theme or URL.
23. are you in any sims related discord servers? Yes, the Creators Cave, but I effing hate Discord; it’s just a royal pain to navigate, IMO.
24. what are your thoughts on the most recent pack? (paranormal) Speaking of Stuff Packs!
If anything, TS4′s SPs are doing way too much (adding new gameplay, careers, lifestates/NPCs, lots, etc!? WUT.) Or rather, its EPs aren’t doing nearly enough. I love that TS4′s SPs add meaningful content. But if they’re raising their bar, that means the Expansion Packs need to rise by the same degree, to stay relevant, if anything.
But EA, in their infinite ineptitude, seems to be scaling back with their EPs! Cutting what should be 1 cohesive EP into multiple SPs & GPs piecemeals the content and cheats people out of money, by having us pay more for less! The TS4 SPs do a lot, yes, but now let’s talk about the Paranormal SP for example:
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Paranormal Stuff does perhaps the most any SP in The Sims 1/2/3/4 ever has, and has by far the most worth for its money...but at a dire cost:
- the career only has 5 levels instead of 10 (thus being nowhere as deep as TS3′s combination of the Ambition EP’s Ghost Hunter and the Store’s crystal ball--which links with the Supernatural EP’s Spellcasting skill)
the crystal ball is a 1-trick pony
unlocking Bonehilda is tied to grinding skill/career levels, only for her to do EFF ALL once she finally arrives (and her face looks like melted cookie dough WTF)
most of the gameplay is tied to the pack’s new lot/venue
and the ghosts are still meh
So rather than TS4 having an actual Supernatural EP, instead it has the ok-but-disappointing Realm of Magic Game Pack (which I’ve already ranted about), the watered-down Paranormal Stuff Pack, and the INCREDIBLY OP Vampires Game Pack (which I’ve salivated over). That’s already $40--the cost of TS3′s Supernatural Expansion Pack, mind you--but with the glaringly absent inclusion of Fairies, Werewolves, AND Zombies. O_O WHAT THE HELL, EA. To get the full Supernatural experience in TS4 is gonna end up running people not $40, but perhaps DOUBLE, if werewolves & fairies get their own GPs (unless EA waters them down in SPs, which would still be anywhere from $50-60). EA is robbing people blind.
25. how many hours have you played sims? I have no idea, no doubt thousands.
26. if you play gameplay, do you play with mods? See #1 above
27. what’s the farthest you’ve gotten in a challenge? See #3 above.
Thanks for reading!
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ask-the-equestrians · 5 years
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Hey everyone it's time to post my second little animated pic. I actually went back and redone this work because I was redoing the Anthro faces. I was going to post my original work I've done several weeks ago, but one of my critiques alert me about one of my Anthros face. I always wanted to figure a way to adjust the nose where it doesn't seem so small and close together. It was kind of the main problem that I had when I made them. So I took several days searching for morphs and experimenting adjusting the nose on my Anthros. I finally found a way to adjust the nose in a way that It's more pleasing to the eye. This is my second time redoing all of my Anthro I created to this point and thanks for the saving shaping tool, I can save all the morphs and apply to all other models I done for each figure. A week of work took me a least a day to do because of that. Needless to say, if anybody would like to critique my work, feel free to do so. It really does help for me to know what to do in the future. Now then, Since Previously we had Amaterasu (Princess Celestia) "Playing" with Princess Luna in her Anthro form. Sometimes at night Celestia will spend her time in Luna's Chamber in her pony form and sleep besides Tsukihime's lap. Like I said before. While their Equestrian Counterparts barely gets to see each other because of their jobs, their ponies has all the time they need to spend time together so they both know how much the sisters love each other. I might do some more pony and Anthro paring just to show the Anthros new faces. Gives me more time to think what I going to do next. Sweet Vaporwave Dreams: 蒸気涙 Piss Crowns Are Trebled The Lunar Eclipse in Tapastic The Lunar Eclipse Act II The Lunar Eclipse Act III Hit me up on Twitter: @AxelDoi and Tumblr: Ask the Equestrians for updates or you want to chat. I'm trying to more active there you know. The Lunar Eclipse ACT I The Lunar Eclipse ACT II The Lunar Eclipse ACT III Software used: Daz Studio 4.10 Pro, Adobe Photoshop CC 2017, Iray
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lunarlagomorph · 2 years
Ok this time i actually wrote out what i thought of tsukihime. Im readmoring both for spoilers and length
First off, kohaku's route: really incredible and the way it builds off hisui's route flips a lot of things that seemed innocent on your head, and makes you pay attention to the parts of the plot you already know to understand what Kohaku is really doing and feeling. A good example of this is when Kohaku cuts her finger while cooking and says she can just imagine her hand as a doll hand; in hisui's route this comes across as weird and having more to it, obviously, but knowing exactly what she means makes it a lot sadder to hear.
In general, I think that's one of Tsukihime's strengths you are essentially hearing the same story multiple times, but it manages to recontextualize everything each time and never gets too boring. Certainly there is the difference between the near and far side routes, as well as among the routes themselves, but even those have so many similarities due to shiki's (and SHIKI's) backstory, shiki's connection to the killer, etc. But the timing of the reveals, what shiki does and doesn't know, and a bunch of other things keep the same information feeling fresh, and really lets the game explore all sides of the characters relationships.
Though btw that does remind me why is roa just. Not in the second half? Did he not reincarnate as SHIKI in those? We see Arcueid is in town so one imagines she is here to kill roa. I mean she could just be here to kill the vampire serial killer (SHIKI) but if thats the case she does a real shit job lol. It wasnr that bothersome but it was a little weird to have zero explanation about a major change to backstory.
Anyways i think the near side routes were fine, and arcueid and ciel are both really interesting, fun characters (though i liked arcueid infinitely more) but they definitely lacked the emotional depth the far side routes had. Honestly i knew id like kohaku and hisui as much as i do but i didnt expect to grow to love Akiha as much as i did. It is unfortunate her character is a bit weighed down by nasu's incest fetish or whatever was up with that but pushing past the weird stuff that i think she ended up my favorite character.
And pushing past the weird stuff is like. Required to read tsukihime. Though i will say the sex scenes were very easy to skip thanks tk nasu having specific music for sex lol.
I think besides the weird stuff, though, Tsukihime's major flaw is just the weakness of its themes and symbolism. Which is fine; it more than makes up for that in terms of character depth as well as entertainment quality. But after reading umineko, for example (wow bringing up umineko who would have thought) i really took away a lot of meaning and it's still something i think about in terms of symbolism and themes to this day. The lessons Tsukihime teaches are "killing is bad" and "being nice and forgiving people is good" from what i could tell (though as i let it simmer in my brain i may changs my mind) and those are the same themes as like. Stevens university lol. Again it does a grest job bringing emotional depth to shiki's decision to choose kindness and fight against his nanaya blood or what-not, it just didnt feel like i walked away a changed person like with umineko and similar works. All this does is stops it from being my favorite thing ever, but it was still really enjoyable. I don't do numeric ratings but i think id put this somewhere above steins;gate, and then lowered a bit to account for the fact that nasu was way too horny and way too weird. Which btw i loved steins gate so that means i really loved tsukihime.
Random other thoughtz:
Route ranking:
Hisui=Kohaku > Akiha > Arcueid > Ciel
Character Ranking:
Akiha > Arcueid > Hisui > Kohaku > Ciel >>> inui > yumizuka > nvnsqr chaos > SHIKI > roa(i guess).
This makes me feel mean ranking kohaku so low but honestly all of the route characters were incredible so its not that i didnt like her.
Oh right what the hell was up with sensei i thought shed be a part of the plot. Idk if its sequel bait or what but i was a little annoyed lol.
Ok i think thats it. Im sure no one read this lol but if u did thx
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lunarlagomorph · 2 years
After umineko im always checking to see if multiple characters could be the same person. Hisui and kohaku are setting off some alarms in that regard. Though there was a point when they were both in the same room so that probably kills that theory lol.
Relatedly i would kill for hisui i love her so much already
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lunarlagomorph · 2 years
Ok it took a while but i wrote up my thoughts on tsukihime. They're under the readmore just for spoiler's sake, though.
Not enough neco arc 0/10
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lunarlagomorph · 2 years
Finished Tsukihime. I want to write up some thoughts about it but ill probably do that later. Now onto Fate, then Kagetsu Tohya if I still have the vn-stamina left after reading all of fate lol.
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lunarlagomorph · 2 years
Oh yeah also with my curse of insomia i did finish hisuis route finally. I dont wanna say anything too specific for spoilers sake but this was definitely the most heartbreaking route out of all of them so far. I can see why people said the far side of the moon routes are the best part of the game, though it is sad they dont involve arcueid at all bcuz i miss her. Anyways onto the final route
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lunarlagomorph · 2 years
Aalright i finished akihas route. It was very sweet except for some um elements that i just choose to pretend didnt happen. Im also glad i was right yumizuka showed up bcuz i love girls who kill with no remorse. Too bad she felt like more of a stepping stone than anything else. One thing im left confused by is the fact that SHIKI looked completely different in this one but maybe the next two routes will explain that.
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lunarlagomorph · 2 years
I finished ciels route too, so thats it for the near side of the moon half. I really honestly like ciel and arcueid an equal amount theyre both great characters. I think ciels route was a bit better of an actual story but that makes sense since it had arcueids route to build off. I alao was surprised that yumizuka had like zero participation in the story, but that probably means she'll be around in the far side of the moon stuff. If not idk why shes even in this. I know shes a character in melty blood though so she must do *something*. I honestly had thought she was going to be roa originally.
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lunarlagomorph · 2 years
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lunarlagomorph · 2 years
Sob i hate having to be mean to arcueid in order to do ciels route. Arcueid deserves to be happy....
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lunarlagomorph · 2 years
Fiinishes arcueids route in tsukihime. It was really good and arcueid is one of my favorite characters ever now but. god i hate nasu he is way too fucking horny in the weirdest ways possible.
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lunarlagomorph · 2 years
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lunarlagomorph · 2 years
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lunarlagomorph · 2 years
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