#luna’s the worst one tho. wtf
vaugarde · 2 years
i listened to an mlp eqg song that came up on youtube playlists and that got me watching eqg clips after a few years and good god i forgot how bad some of the human designs were
specifically the alicorns or bigger ponies like shining armor. what happened to you
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clandestine-j · 3 years
Gossip Girl, EP. 4 Reaction & Review
Finally, I've gathered all of my thoughts for ep. 4! I had this really cool extra post to the intro and had more thoughts but then I lost the entire thing so I had to re-write the entire post SO, yeah, this is all I have for this part. Also, if anyone has those bts photos please let me know, i’m looking for the ones that have the audience reacting to max’s dick pick from the fashion show, aki biting his lip. please send. 
Kate & CO: JAIL JAIL JAIL. We had that one teacher being turned on by incest and ruining kids lives. DO BETTER IN JAIL. I'll say tho, the male teacher makes a better gossip girl, he doesn't feel bad and is enjoying it. Kate could never.
Rafa: JAIL. JAIL. JAIL. JAIL. JAIL. I WAS ROOTING FOR YOU, WE WERE ALL ROOTING FOR YOU. I hate that they showed us this man having common sense. This man, pushing Max away sexually but understanding that he needs serious help. I hate that they just didn't have them flirting and show us him saying no, I'm so upset. I'm even more upset that I fell for him being the character to subvert the trope. I can only blame myself but blame HBO as well. I also hate the comments saying it's okay or well, the show needs scandal and spice. They could've been photographed together in normal clothes, just standing next to each other. Max could lie to GG. There are a bunch of ways these could become an IC scandal without having them cross the line. If you support this, you need help.
Max: My boy needs therapy, lots of it. Maybe rehab. On one hand, he's being taken advantage of because he's clearly going through something and more than just his dads and he has been for a while. His escapism is dangerous and anyone would be able to prey on that. On the other hand, I need someone to beat his ass. His lines to Rafa about money and career were punch worthy and out-right willing to lie about Rafa doing something to him, even just to press Rafa's buttons. He needs help, he needs to be taught boundaries, he needs a lot. And why were the only two people concerned for his week-long disappearance Aki and Audrey, the whole squad should've had the guns out, friends since childhood, sure.
Obie: My boy, I get that you didn't like where you saw Zoya headed. I get that in some aspects you were right about her being a little too involved and suspecting Julien. That being said, she was having real problems and troubles and needed support. Do better. Obie still isn't the worst character on the show and many of them are SOOOO much worse. He doesn't deserve the all of the smoke he's been getting when their are better people for it.
Monet & Luna: I hate them as people and love them as characters that move the plot. I guess I could see how they thought the fuck school thing was horrible (and Julien too since she planned on showing Obie). The directors cut, I don't think they thought it'd ruin Zoya, they're just fucking cruel and found it funny. Let's box. Also, why are ya'll so pressed over this CHILD. Like get over it, find a real up-coming social media star. 
Aki & Audrey: My good sis, you brought a gay man to make Aki jealous. I'm sick, it was fucking funny. Her comments at first were off the wall, I wish the writers would've done something else but a lot of woman don't see it as normal so I sort of get it. I'm glad she came around by the end. And Aki...he was a little spicy this episode, my boy was ready to pop off a bit AND I AM HERE FOR IT. My dude said, 'I don't regret kissing him' I was THROWN. Aki being with Audrey helps me like her more because she's a bitch that's still ready to gun for a now 15 year old girl but her and Aki's relationship is cute. They could break up and be fine which is great, I love that their relationship is really more than just dating and the friendship is strong. I'm here for it.
Zoya: It's just bad writing but my head canon is trauma. Trauma from her moms death death, trauma from the past and current bullying that caused her lash out. I felt like this was her breaking point (so far) and anything gossip girl related as always came around to Julien. If she trusted Julien more, she wouldn't have thought of her as the person causing her issue's but she doesn't trust her. They were civil but even at the end of ep 2. Her 'hell yeah' to Julien about bonding was too dry, too dry. I think a big part of her just doesn't trust Julien and she'll always think the worse because she's seen mostly the worse. And that video, horrible, I'd hate everything about my birthday too after that and even before. Her emotions during the scene and the talk with Julien, ouch. And while I'm happy that Zoya found herself in the end, YES GIRL POP OFF. THIS IS WHAT I WANTED. THIS IS THE FLAVOR. I WAS WAITING FOR THIS AND I WANT MORE. I DEMAND MORE. I SEE A SPARK OF A BITCH, LET HER OUT GO, GO ALISON DELAOTRUINES ON THESE BITCHES.
Julien: Once again, I love Julien as a character, I know she's supposed to be struggling and for that, It's fun to watch her BUT. Julien could never be on my team, she's too wishy-washy. That is my issue, she's too, just...flip-floppy with no substance. Like, when she does things wrong, they're expected  to be forgiven / are forgiven without true reflection or anything on her part. She fucks up, she see's its wrong and then she says sorry and goes on it does it again. This episode was just the worst example, like, the moment she heard buffalo, she was ready to send in a tip. Instead of just doing the party normally and being best because she's hear, she sends the video to Monet. She believes Luna and Monet (Monet talking about her throne being taken when Zoya isn't even an influencer) and she eats it up. They were the ones who did the dick pick thing, like girl, THINK. And why does she never get the full plan, why would she not watch the video or why is she so shocked that Luna and Monet would play something like that? She knows them. Friends since childhood? Sure. Using your moms name to make the party about charity? SIS, THE FEUD IS NOT WORTH IT. She says she wants to be sisters but then she switches up so fast and the witches up again, it's whip-last and I'm sick. I hate that she's doing this to her and I hate even more that's is the writers fault. I don't mind a character having personal conflict but make it a conflict. Like after four episodes, why is she still friends with her sisters bullies? At the end of the episode, she says she's gonna tell them to lay down their weapons, NO, shut it down. correct them. make it clear and make it known. I love my girl because she's flawed but I wish they'd linger on things and have her really think about it. I was fine with the i'm sorry speech up until the camera part.
Other random thoughts
fuck the rafa max thing again, i'm not over, i will never be over it
evan mock isn't the best but he does give me face at times, his 'wtf stare', little sly looks, the 'wtf' moment when audrey first asked him if he was gay like 'this bitch' also, give him more annoyed, irritated scenes, he gives in those
have julien go full nice or full evil for a while, pick a side and stick with it for more than one episode
i wish zoya was a bitch at her old school but i'm fine with this too, it explains why she was so reactionary when it came to the bullying at constance, not again!
i wish we could've seen julien talk with davis after that stunt
nick and davis, KISS, the ride scene was 100%
don't talk about obie so soon
i like that she chose to be with julien for the night, it was cute
emily makes these faces that i can't get with
eli brown is a good actor, that shot of him during the traumatic reveal
i will say, zobie might be boring but when they talk, they talk, their communication is p good, i don't hate it
i’d be here for obie x aki bc they’re friends, they got chemistry, aki was giving look lil up and downs this episode, aki was giving a lot of looks this ep, honestly, idk i just don’t want him heart broken 
aki menzies is still my comfort character
i couldn't take rafa serious with his ass out,
whitney's acting in that talk scene, perfect, my girl had me in tears because DAMN
jordan is pretty good but in that scene, go girl, give me nothing
fuck max and rafa
max lied about his dads or at least one, AT LEAST one, i don't think they'd do that, he saw his in and took it
aki and aud, just have that open relationship, ya'll will make it, the way he tucked into her, it was so sweet
davi and nick secret relationship plot
jail for all of the teachers, once again
the hallway scene was great, the cinematography is been clutch overall
music wasn't as jarring
that's about it! i have more thoughts on the show overall that might be another post, they have a lot of amazing ideas but they need to stick with one and flush it out is the overall gist, i'm still into it!
can't wait for five bc i love the angst that's about to hit.
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secondscratch17 · 5 years
weird asks that say a lot
1. coffee mugs, teacups, wine glasses, water bottles, or soda cans? All of them. I drink tea in coffee mugs and teacups. I love drinking wine. I like that I can recycle soda cans
2. chocolate bars or lollipops? chocolate
3. bubblegum or cotton candy? bubblegum if the flavor lasts long
4. how did your elementary school teachers describe you? the stereotypical quiet, obedient, smart, goody-two-shoes kid
5. do you prefer to drink soda from soda cans, soda bottles, plastic cups or glass cups? somehow I like the aesthetic from soda bottles
6. pastel, boho, tomboy, preppy, goth, grunge, formal or sportswear? hONESTLY I can dO ALL OF THE ABOVE in the span of days. Went to work one day wearing beach-y clothes for spirit day. Returned to pick up a friend to go see a metal concert in VERY metal concert attire. I own short, sweet summery floral dresses and gothic dresses, too
7. earbuds or headphones? Earbuds, they allow me to be more mobile
8. movies or tv shows? movies
9. favorite smell in the summer? Fresh cut grass. The smell of the ocean. Churros at the fair
10. game you were best at in p.e.? Soccer, obvs. Somehow would always last until the end of the game in dodgeball tho because I was small and no one could hit me
11. what you have for breakfast on an average day? Cereal
12. name of your favorite playlist? Don’t have one. 
13. lanyard or key ring?  Key ring
14. favorite non-chocolate candy? Smarties!
15. favorite book you read as a school assignment? I remember re-reading Holes over and over just to make my book reports easier since I knew the boo so well. The Kite Runner was phenomenal and unforgettable
16. most comfortable position to sit in? idk?? I really can’t sit still in one position for too long
17. most frequently worn pair of shoes? Currently my hiking/outdoorsy shoes. Also my black Nikes that I play pickup in and wear to the gym
18. ideal weather? Sunny and 65. Maybe one or two clouds. The tiniest of faint breezes to cool me down. 
19. sleeping position? Any I can get into and fall asleep in quickly
20. preferred place to write (i.e., in a note book, on your laptop, sketchpad, post-it notes, etc.)? Laptop. I can edit easier.
21. obsession from childhood? Probably any cheesy show on Animal Planet. The Most Extreme, Meerkat Manor, Big Cat Diary, etc
22. role model? I have a lot of different ones. Role models for athletics, role models for career and ambition choices, artistic role models...can’t pick just one
23. strange habits? Spelling words with the tips of my fingers
24. favorite crystal? Aquamarine
25. first song you remember hearing? how in the FUCK am I supposed to remember that. I do remember my parents playing The Beatles for me when I was a toddler
26. favorite activity to do in warm weather? Soccer! (futbol) 
27. favorite activity to do in cold weather? Sledding, making hot chocolate, or playing indoor soccer haha
28. five songs to describe you? Who I am Hates Who I’ve Been by Relient K, Proud by the Icarus Account, Land of the Dead by Voltaire, Always Leaving by Mayday Parade, Wavin’ Flag by K’naan
29. best way to bond with you? Listening to my favorite music with me or watching the US Women’s national soccer team with me
30. places that you find sacred? Belfast, Maine. Gold Camp Road. Newport Beach
31. what outfit do you wear to kick ass and take names? Tight jeans with holes in them, fishnets, and a crop top
32. top five favorite vines? Vines still exist?
33. most used phrase in your phone? “tbh”
34. advertisements you have stuck in your head? O O O O REILLYYYYYY’S autoparts
35. average time you fall asleep? around 9
36. what is the first meme you remember ever seeing? I don’t remember
37. suitcase or duffel bag? suitcase
38. lemonade or tea? Is it warm outside? Lemonade. Is it cold outside? tea
39. lemon cake or lemon meringue pie? PIE!
40. weirdest thing to ever happen at your school? Zombie hunting or my professor cutting lab a half an hour short to go look at some Cedar waxwings
41. last person you texted? I think it was Robert
42. jacket pockets or pants pockets? Pants pockets
43. hoodie, leather jacket, cardigan, jean jacket or bomber jacket? Jean jacket
44. favorite scent for soap? Anything fruity
45. which genre: sci-fi, fantasy or superhero? Fantasy. It depends on how good the sci-fi movie is
46. most comfortable outfit to sleep in? as little as possible lmao
47. favorite type of cheese? Parmesan
48. if you were a fruit, what kind would you be? A raspberry
49. what saying or quote do you live by? A great amount of good is always evened out by a great amount of bad
50. what made you laugh the hardest you ever have? Honestly Daniel knew how to make me laugh better than anyone. There are a couple of memories with him that I don’t remember entirely but I know that I ended up cry-laughing so hard that my head hurt. There was a time during my orientation camping trip when a bunch of us were playing ultimate Frisbee, and Jesse went to catch the frisbee in the most perfectly lateral horizontal position and the expression of focus just frozen on his face had me laughing so hard that I couldn’t see
51. current stresses? Sam. Jobs that I can apply for starting in May of 2020. Sam. STUDENT LOANS. Bills. Car payments. Wondering how fucked up my car has gotten since I’ve lived here on this ranch. Sam. 
52. favorite font? Anything that looks fancy and sarcastic
53. what is the current state of your hands? Need to be washed. 
54. what did you learn from your first job? The world is cruel and bad things happen without warning
55. favorite fairy tale? Uh....the Pied Piper?
56. favorite tradition? when my family visits for Christmas, eating lots of traditional Chinese food with them
57. the three biggest struggles you’ve overcome? Heartbreak. Staggering rejection from the field I majored in. Probably a lot of body image struggles in there as well
58. four talents you’re proud of having? Writing, futbol, adaptability, flexibility. I think the last two are just traits but I don’t have a lot of talents I can invest in
59. if you were a video game character, what would your catchphrase be? Let’s make like a baby and head out
60. if you were a character in an anime, what kind of anime would you want it to be? No idea
61. favorite line you heard from a book/movie/tv show/etc.? Though we are far apart, our spirits share the same earth and the same sky
62. seven characters you relate to? Bilbo Baggins from The Hobbit, Data from The Goonies, Luna Lovegood from Harry Potter, Eliza Thornberry from The Wild Thornberries, Raven from Teen Titans, Isaac from Teen Wolf
63. five songs that would play in your club? ANYTHING by Within Temptation. I wouldn’t be a good club owner. The catchy and pump-up songs from Hamilton.
64. favorite website from your childhood? Wasn’t allowed much computer time. I was allowed to visit educational sites and occasionally the Disney site
65. any permanent scars? some self-harm scars. Probably the one on my right leg that I got from CO parks and wildlife. I stepped on a barbed wire fence that had been plastered to the ground, but the metal sprang up when I stepped on it and ripped through my skin
66. favorite flower(s)? Plumerias
67. good luck charms? I’m not sure if I have any. 
68. worst flavor of any food or drink you’ve ever tried? earthworm flavor from Bertie Bott’s every flavor beans
69. a fun fact that you don’t know how you learned? uh...Something about not being able to spray silly string on Halloween in Hollywood
70. left or right handed? Right handed
71. least favorite pattern? wtf
72. worst subject? anything math related, I really struggled in GIS.
73. favorite weird flavor combo? I...have no idea
74. at what pain level out of ten (1 through 10) do you have to be at before you take an advil or ibuprofen? 2. I’m a baby
75. when did you lose your first tooth? I was 6
76. what’s your favorite potato food (i.e. tater tots, baked potatoes, fries, chips, etc.)? chips and fries
77. best plant to grow on a windowsill? a succulent
78. coffee from a gas station or sushi from a grocery store? sushi from a grocery store, the quality can surprise you
79. which looks better, your school id photo or your driver’s license photo? Both are terrible
80. earth tones or jewel tones? Jewel tones
81. fireflies or lightning bugs? I hate bugs
82. pc or console? PC
83. writing or drawing? Writing, I’m terrible at drawing
84. podcasts or talk radio? Not into either
84. barbie or polly pocket? I had both
85. fairy tales or mythology? God!!!! Like hearing about both but mythology I guess
86. cookies or cupcakes? Cookies
87. your greatest fear? Being forgotten. I also have a terrible, horrible fear of drowning
88. your greatest wish? In the times I’ve struggled I often find myself wishing for peace. Not only for myself, but for others to easily feel peace with everyone else
89. who would you put before everyone else? Sierra
90. luckiest mistake? Mistake? There’s been lucky accidents but I don’t think any of my mistakes have been lucky
91. boxes or bags? It depends on what I’m packing and where I’m going
92. lamps, overhead lights, sunlight or fairy lights? Sunlight
93. nicknames? T, Tear, Tear-tear, T-Dog, Miss T..a few of my recent favorites from soccer: Ronaldinha and Thierry Chun
94. favorite season? Fall! Shit, especially in New England
95. favorite app on your phone? I don’t know
96. desktop background? A picture of a simple dock leading out to sea
97. how many phone numbers do you have memorized? My parents’ and brother’s
98. favorite historical era? Victorian era, for sure
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superdelikeito · 7 years
Question tag
Rules: Answer the questions in a new post and tag 10 blogs you would like to know better.
Tagged by @gellai @navybluemirage @girlbetweenryosuke @mamochie @fay1004 (Thanks guys! Tho I woke up this morning shocked to see so many)
Age: 20 (there are straight up days when I still feel like a teen, and then there are weekends when I do all my chores and errands and feel adultish)
Birthplace: Canada
Current time: 3pm
Drink you last had: Water. The only thing I can drink with my invisalign on
Easiest person to talk to: My sister. And strangely enough, anyone but my high school friends
Favorite song: Fireflies by Owl City (my first ever fave)
Horror yes or horror no: HELL YES. Everyone thinks I’m crazy but I just have a firm grasp of reality
In love?: With all of HSJ? then yep
Jealous of people?: In theory yes, but I’m happy with who I am and what I have/don’t have
KeSha: she’s cool. throwback to my middle school days tho
Love at first sight or should I walk by again?: Walk by again. I’m not sure I’ve ever even fallen in love/had a legit crush on anyone
Middle name: WaiTing
Number of siblings: 1 younger sister. Though everyone who meets us for the first time thinks she’s older (I can get HER clothes as hand-me-downs now)
One wish: (this is way too difficult) but I wish I had more friends
Person you called last: my mom? I don’t call people, people call me
Questions you are always asked: (because I don’t interact with people much, so when I meet/talk to people for the first time) What’s your name?
Follow up: That’s a cool/interesting/unique name! After the planet or the goddess? (Me: dies of embarrassment wtf am I supposed to respond with?)
Song you last sung: I don’t really sing… I’m pretty sure I’m tone deaf, but Payphone, at karaoke
Time you woke up: 9:30am I have no class today
Underwear color: pale green (why would you want to know this?)
Vacation destination: Japan, the rest of the Great White North, any place you can find on a map is good (my dream was to travel the world ever since I was a kid)
Worst habit: Eczema + dry climate = scratching
X-rays: A long time ago, but I can’t remember why… oh wait my spine wasn’t straight
Your favorite food: Anything I didn’t cook myself tbh
Zodiac sign: Capricorn/Aquarius (depends on how you split up the calendar, January 20 is right in the middle of the approximate leeway for these 2 signs)
Tagging: @keito-okamoto @sunildoz @musicfeedsthesoul @n10cfyd @luna-kis @rocat & anyone else who wants to do this!
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r0rorowurboat · 7 years
All of them!
200: My crush’s name is: n/a lmao199: I was born in: naples, fl198: I am really: gay?? idk197: My cellphone company is: t mobile196: My eye color is: green/blue/gray/idk man195: My shoe size is: 7 1/2 8 sometimes194: My ring size is: um i think that was 7 too but i dont remember193: My height is: 5′4″192: I am allergic to:pineapples and penicillin191: My 1st car was: a v old red saturn190: My 1st job was: a waitress189: Last book you read: um i think it was uhhhhhh shit uhhhh god fuck it was the warrior cats book but!!! it was bc i was stuck at my sister house with nothing but bibles or that series to read188: My bed is: an air mattress atm187: My pet: is perfect and i love her her name is luna and shes a little black cat who loves cuddles and kisses186: My best friend:is wonderful and i love him185: My favorite shampoo is: uhm. error i hardly ever use shampoo bc i have v dry curly hair and it makes it horrible184: Xbox or ps3: pc boi183: Piggy banks are: cure182: In my pockets: they dont make pockets in womens fashion wtf are you on. but uh. usually my phone, wallet, and keys181: On my calendar: i.. dont.. have one. 180: Marriage is: alright i guess. tax benefits179: Spongebob can: do that annoying laugh 178: My mom: tries v hard177: The last three songs I bought were? *squints* i think... it was keshas new album?176: Last YouTube video watched: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CQuR8LVKhUE175: How many cousins do you have? 2174: Do you have any siblings? yes i have 3 older sisters173: Are your parents divorced? yeup172: Are you taller than your mom? nope171: Do you play an instrument? not anymore but i used to play clarinet170: What did you do yesterday? uhm spent the day at home as usual[ I Believe In ]169: Love at first sight: nah man168: Luck: to an extent i guess?167: Fate: i dont think so. 166: Yourself: sometimes165: Aliens: yes164: Heaven: nah163: Hell: nah162: God: nah161: Horoscopes: yes160: Soul mates: nah159: Ghosts: hmmm probably158: Gay Marriage: yes!157: War: no156: Orbs: orbs?? what are those?? like in ghost hunter shows? bc if so then no155: Magic: hm. what type? i think theres stuff we dont know about but idk if id call it magic. I think certain things have more power than we give credit. idk its hard to explain.[ This or That ]154: Hugs or Kisses: hugs153: Drunk or High: drunk152: Phone or Online: online151: Red heads or Black haired: redheadsredheadsredheads150: Blondes or Brunettes: hmmmm blondes i guess?149: Hot or cold: cold148: Summer or winter: winter147: Autumn or Spring: autumn146: Chocolate or vanilla: chocolate145: Night or Day: night144: Oranges or Apples: hmmm oranges143: Curly or Straight hair: curly 142: McDonalds or Burger King: mcdonalds141: White Chocolate or Milk Chocolate: milk chocolate140: Mac or PC: pc139: Flip flops or high heals: usually sneakers tbh but uhhh i own more heels then flip flops138: Ugly and rich OR sweet and poor: hm i mean i guess sweet and poor? im already poor so137: Coke or Pepsi: i dont drink soda, water. or coffee136: Hillary or Obama: obama135: Burried or cremated: cremated134: Singing or Dancing: singing133: Coach or Chanel: um. walmart? 132: Kat McPhee or Taylor Hicks: who or who?131: Small town or Big city: hm idk. probably city? 130: Wal-Mart or Target: target129: Ben Stiller or Adam Sandler: neither pls128: Manicure or Pedicure: hmmm manicure probs.127: East Coast or West Coast: i live on the east coast but idk west coast is home to a lot of friends so hmmmm126: Your Birthday or Christmas: its like a week apart there isnt much difference125: Chocolate or Flowers: chocolate124: Disney or Six Flags: disney123: Yankees or Red Sox: i dont sports[ Here’s What I Think About ]122: War: icky121: George Bush: memes?120: Gay Marriage: im gay119: The presidential election: my vote didnt matter!118: Abortion: its your body your choice117: MySpace: never had one116: Reality TV: i mean, its fake? entertaining tho115: Parents: eh. 114: Back stabbers: icky113: Ebay: cheap stuff112: Facebook: only for family tbh111: Work: pays the bills110: My Neighbors: dont know them109: Gas Prices: expensive108: Designer Clothes: overpriced107: College: wish i could afford it!106: Sports: nah105: My family: haha104: The future: haha[ Last time I ]103: Hugged someone: my grandma a few days ago102: Last time you ate: pizza a few hours ago101: Saw someone I haven’t seen in awhile: moving day seeing my extended family again100: Cried in front of someone: the other night with my mom or uhhh in call with kina today actually99: Went to a movie theater: wow uh pretty long time ago i dont actually remember98: Took a vacation: haha idk man97: Swam in a pool: wow uh idk96: Changed a diaper: hm last time i was with the twins. not sure how long its been. maybe 2 or 3 months?95: Got my nails done: when did my sister get married? years ago idk94: Went to a wedding: ^^93: Broke a bone: never have92: Got a peircing: about a year ago91: Broke the law: heh uh 90: Texted: a few hours ago[ MISC ]89: Who makes you laugh the most: probably kina or riley rn88: Something I will really miss when I leave home is: my mom tbh. the kids. wyatt. 87: The last movie I saw: the orphan86: The thing that I’m looking forward to the most: hm idk getting a job i guess85: The thing im not looking forward to: getting a job lmao84: People call me: by my name. but i have nicknames now!! Ray, rachi, babe, ray baby... its very nice and makes me feel warm and fuzzy and loved83: The most difficult thing to do is: hmmm clean? be honest about things that are bothering me? idk82: I have gotten a speeding ticket: never81: My zodiac sign is: capricorn sun aquarius moon80: The first person i talked to today was: the gc i think?79: First time you had a crush: i was v young and they had freckles and red hair and i died78: The one person who i can’t hide things from: um i try not to hide things in general! but someone who will call me out recently is raiken and archie lmao77: Last time someone said something you were thinking: riley lmao tho i beat her to it 
76: Right now I am talking to: riley75: What are you going to do when you grow up: i am grown up technically. uh. hopefully be an animator74: I have/will get a job: as a cashier probably73: Tomorrow: i have a job interview and then im gonna get coffee72: Today: was a long day71: Next Summer: hmmm idk70: Next Weekend: IDK GOD69: I have these pets: a cat!! who i love!!! and already gushed about but shes laying on my lap and purring rn and its so soothing68: The worst sound in the world: scratching against those uhhhh holographic things???? god i hate it67: The person that makes me cry the most is: hmnn my dad haha66: People that make you happy: my friends!!! Kina, Ali, Archie, Riley, Leo, Raiken, Mimi...... all of them good pals the squad my faves i love them65: Last time I cried: today rip64: My friends are: GOOD AND AMAZING I LOVE THEM63: My computer is: big! and i like it62: My School: none61: My Car: ded from the hurricane rip me60: I lose all respect for people who: are shitty? idk. 59: The movie I cried at was: hmmmm idk movies dont usually make me cry58: Your hair color is: uhm it was really dark blue but as the color has faded it kind of looks black/brown now57: TV shows you watch: a lot of them56: Favorite web site: uh i guess tumblr55: Your dream vacation: not being here!! probably just going around visiting everyone and hanging out having a good time54: The worst pain I was ever in was: tearing a ligament in my knee it hurt a lot53: How do you like your steak cooked: medium 52: My room is: messy51: My favorite celebrity is: ummm idk50: Where would you like to be: home tbh49: Do you want children: idk48: Ever been in love: ye47: Who’s your best friend: hhhhhhhhhhhh raiken46: More guy friends or girl friends: girls and nb babes45: One thing that makes you feel great is: just hanging out with people tbh44: One person that you wish you could see right now: i guess that would be my mom haha43: Do you have a 5 year plan: i did once. idk what happened to it haha i guess things never really go according to plan and it just hurts more to make one. just set goals, not plans.42: Have you made a list of things to do before you die: i did once but i dont think i have the same values as i did when i made that41: Have you pre-named your children: i used to but idk if i want kids anymore40: Last person I got mad at: ummmm hmm 39: I would like to move to: hmm somewhere with 4 seasons not just summer and less hot summer38: I wish I was a professional: artist[ My Favorites ]37: Candy: kit-kats36: Vehicle: um idk small ones i guess35: President: obama? idk34: State visited: ooohhh michigan33: Cellphone provider: ive only ever had the one so idk32: Athlete: uh31: Actor: uh30: Actress: uh29: Singer: hmmmmmmmm rn i would have to say Bea Miller but check back with me in a week28: Band: The Silent Comedy27: Clothing store: hmmmm cotton on has really comfy clothes26: Grocery store: target or publix25: TV show: rn? bnha24: Movie: hhhhhh um idk uhhhhh moulin rouge i guess? it used to be my fav but idk anymore23: Website: tumblr22: Animal: elephants21: Theme park: epcot20: Holiday: halloween19: Sport to watch: none18: Sport to play: none17: Magazine: none16: Book: hmmmmm A Monster Calls15: Day of the week: none14: Beach: hh13: Concert attended: never been12: Thing to cook: uh i guess eggs11: Food: sushi10: Restaurant: its a really good sushi place with bubble tea and thai donuts that i dont remember the name of9: Radio station: hhh idk8: Yankee candle scent: idk7: Perfume: i dont really like perfume it gives me headaches6: Flower: ooooh gardenia5: Color: blue/green teal4: Talk show host: john oliver3: Comedian: hh2: Dog breed: hmmm husky? also labradors and uhhh all dogs tbh ohhh pitbulls and rottweilers i love dogs good yes1: Did you answer all these truthfully? ye mostly
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wannabugi · 7 years
1. Favorite group? lol nu’est exo bts got7
2. Favorite guy group & bias? um. nu’est jr ; got7 jackson ; bts v ; exo dont evn ask me (yixing??)
3. Favorite girl group & bias? snsd?? taeyeon ; f(x) amber fight me btch
4. All-time bias? um nu’est jr i think i gave my heart away??
5. Favorite maknae? shinee taemin
6. Favorite leader? nu’est jr
7. Favorite song? bolbbalgan4 galaxy heh
8. Favorite Japanese version of a song? bts chi ase namida
9. Favorite English version of a song? uh no.
10. Best actor in Kpop? looool btob sungjae is not bad
11. Best group on variety shows? nu’est, bts, big bag just bc i nvr see them HAHA
12. Best-looking? exo sehun, shinee taemin, ioi doyeon, chungha tbh, nu’est jr im in love.
13. Cutest couple? jren, 2hyun
14. Who would you date? kim jr
15. Who would you date if you were the opposite gender? ioi yoojung
16. Who would you want as an older brother? as an oppa?? hmmmm nu’est aron? exo suho!!! bts rapmon or bts jhope hmph
17. Who would you want as an older sister(s)? f(x) victoria, f(x) amber, snsd sunny
18. Who would make a good husband/wife? kim jr nu’est
19. Favorite album? LOL um. bts wings
20. Favorite solo artists? IU, chungha, jay park, is loco a soloist, DEAN
21. Favorite underappreciated group? nu’est fight me
22. Favorite music video? omf bts mv’s any of them spring day, bst, chi ase namida, ALSO TRIPLE H 365 FRESH I LOVE IT SO MUCH
23. Favorite dance? bts not today, chungha’s why don’t you know (except i dont like the song rip), any blackpink song tbh, also any bts song tbh, shinee’s pretty rad too honestly
24. Favorite costumes/outfits? blood sweat and tears fk me up
25. Favorite remix? uhhhh theres this mashup of 365 fresh and really really i rly like
26. 2NE1 or KARA? 2NE1 but what happened
27. SNSD or After School? snsd
28. f(x) or T-ara? f(x)
29. Big Bang or 2AM? BIG BANG 
30. Dalmatian or TRAX? Dalmatian cus i literally nvr listened to TRAX
31. SHINee or 2PM? SHINee my og’s
32. CN Blue or SM The Ballad? CN Blue.
33. Super Junior or B2ST? uhhh Suju prolly
34. Yuri or Yoona? bruh idk
35. Jonghyun or Key? KIM KIBUM ALL THE WAY
36. Minho or Taemin? TAEMIN my og bias
37. Yoseob or Dongwoon? um. dongwoon
38. TOP or G-Dragon? i love TOP but GD is like god.
39. Kikwang or Hyunseung? kikwang
40. CL or Minzy? CL
41. Dara or Bom? Dara
42. Luna or Krystal? krystal
43. Victoria or Sulli? VICTORIA!!
44. Amber or Amber? i freaking love amber i cannot. 
45. Jessica or Tiffany? jessicaaaaa but look wtf happened to snsd hmph
46. Sooyoung or Sunny? sunny was the first kpop idol i recognized hehe
47. Yonghwa or Jonghyun? yonghwa (but kim jonghyun from nuest heh)
48. Siwon or Heechul? freaking adore heechul what an awesome dude
49. Yesung or Donghae? i like both. 
50. Leeteuk or Kyuhyun? leeteuk~~
51. Funniest girl group & funniest girl in the group? um i think mamamoo hwasa? but i actually dont follow mamamoo haha
52. Funniest guy group & funniest guy in the group? super junior heechul fk me up i love him
53. Funniest group of all? errrrr suju?
54. Funniest person of all? bruh hav u seen heechul.
55. Funniest dance? ok im sry but twice’s choreos r so odd
56. Funniest song? age gag? idgi tho
57. Funniest costumes/outfits? nu’est sleeptalking what the actual fuck
58. Funniest music videos? ummmm 
59. Funniest couple? ??????
60. Funniest parody? infinite’s sungjong and sungyeol’s troublemaker HAHAHA
61. Funniest buffalaxed version? ????????
62. Funniest variety show episode with a Kpop artist? ummm weekly idol when heechul was there LOL
63. Funniest impersonation? ???
64. Funniest face? ????
65. Funniest mistake onstage? ???????????????
66. Do you have any Kpop posters? If so, how many? uh omf too many
67. Do you have any of the actual CDs? too many LOL
68. If you buy any Kpop songs on iTunes, how many have you bought? nope nope
69. Have you ever covered a Kpop song or dance? Have you posted your cover online? yessssss
70. Have you ever participated in a Kpop flash mob? nope
71. Have you ever been to a live concert? nOpE
72. Have you ever talked to a Kpop artist in person? NoPe
73. Do you have anything signed by a Kpop artist? NOPE
74. Do you check allkpop or another Kpop news website daily or on a regular basis? LOL too often
75. Do you have a Kpop tumblr? If not, do you look at other peoples' Kpop tumblrs? uh yes
76. How did you get into Kpop? my bffffffffff
77. What was the first Kpop song you ever heard? either snsd gee or shinee rdd (or suju sry sry??)
78. First group you knew about? snsd/suju
79. First group you really got into? shinee
80. How long ago did you discover Kpop? erm. 2010?
81. Did you like it or dislike it when you first discovered it?hella dislike but that was before 2010 lol
82. Is your current favorite group the first one you discovered? nope
83. If not, how long did it take you to discover your favorite group? i liked shinee to begin with and they were what got me into kpop but its changed over time hahaha
84. First variety/reality show you watched that had a Kpop artist in it? tthis flower boy talk show with park myungsoo???
85. First song/MV/pic/whatever that made you fangirl scream? taemin dancing to juliette
86. Least favorite group & least favorite member?  ????????
87. Least favorite guy group & least favorite member? ??????????????
88. Least favorite girl group & least favorite member? ??????????????
89. Least favorite member of your favorite group? ???????
90. Least favorite song? uhh like pristin wee woo prolly
91. Worst-looking? ???
92. Who would you never want as an older brother? jr cus we are married
93. Who would you never want as an older sister? tbh ill take anyone
94. Least favorite solo artist? ???????????
95. Least favorite music video? pristin wee woo idk y the dance gives me goosebumps i dont like
96. Least favorite dance? prISTIN WEE WOO
97. Least favorite costumes/outfits? nu’est sleep talking
98. If you were only able to say five words max to your bias, what would you say? kim jonghyun i love you
99. If your bias kissed you, how would you react? probably die
100. If your bias asked you to marry him/her, how would you react?  seriously die
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feverflushed · 7 years
I was tagged by @hothedgie , @whoareurl @mypoorfaves, thank you! 💕 (Idk how to put the read more thing, I’m sorry!)
Rules: 1. Always post the rules. 2. Answer the questions given by the person who tagged you. 3. Write 11 questions of your own. 4. Tag 11 people.
hothedgie qs
1. How are you feeling right now? I’m excited/worried af. I’m going to perform a Harry Potter stage play in a few hours, and I’ll be portraying Luna, I’m nervous ahhh. 2. How long have you been part of this very exclusive turmblr-community? Uhm, a couple of months. 3. What is the idea behind your url here? I think it’s pretty self-explanatory. 4. What’s the core of your kink? I really love caretaking. So probably that, fevers and coughing. Not much into snz, but I’m growing fonder. 5. Which kind of sick-fics do you like the most? The fluffy ones omg. I’m weak for cuddly sickies and worried caretakers. 💕 6. Tell me three characters you googled to find sick-fics about and were happy I found a lot of. Uhm, they’re mostly Yoi related… besides Viktor and Yuuri, I’m really happy when I find Otabek fics! 7. Tell me three characters you googled to find sick-fics about but didn’t find any (or only a few bad ones). OMG, hakuouki related characters. That show is so good, yet so underrated. 8. What was the most serious illness you ever had? Pneumonia. Coupled with asthma it was… hell unleashed? 9. Do you remember your highest fever? When did that happen? Last winter I had a flu from hell with a fever of 40.6 (105), apparently. I tend to get hallucinations a lot when I’m feverish, so I can’t remember shit about the thing itself, but I remeber being pissed af bc I was hallucinating about a gardener who stole a pink cabbage from me and I tried to get that back. (???) I don’t make any sense when I’m healthy, go figure when I’m sick. 10. Do you have an imagination of an “ideal illness” for yourself or an observation? No, I don’t take any pleasure in being sick myself ;3; 11. Do you have a job in the medical field; or have you ever thought about it? I’ve thought about it. I’m a major emetophobic tho, and that comes with the packet. So no, thank you.
whoareurl qs
1. What first drew you to the snez? Idk… I just recently started getting fond of the snz itself, so I think it was the huge amount of awesome fics/art in the community? Idk. 2. What are you reading right now? An anthology of homosexuality-themed stories I have to read for work, since we’re having a public reading about ‘Love is love’ soon, and I’m hella excited! 3. Favourite alcoholic beverage? Bacardi breezers… I don’t drink much alcohol. 4. Do you speak any other languages? Besides English and Italian, I speak German, Spanish, French, and Slovenian. 5. Have you ever crashed your car? Never! I’m a careful driver! *knock on wood* 6. What’s your favourite overused sickfic trope? Caught in the rain, probably. 7. Best sickfic AU scenarios (for any fandom you like)? Idk? I’m happy as long as I get fluffiness, lol. 8. If you’re a writer/artist, do you also write/art vanilla stuff? If this question doesn’t apply to you, what are your opinions about pineapple on pizza? If you don’t like pizza, wtf man? Pineapple on pizza is a blasphemy. Every time you put pineapple on pizza, a unicorn dies. 9. Do you prefer writing or typing? Writing! 10. Do you sleep with the window open or shut? Shut, always! 11. What’s the first thing you think of when I say “elephant”? A big grey butt. (??)
mypoorfaves qs
1. Do you like jigsaw puzzles? Love them! 2. Favourite type of cereal? Honey flavoured cereals 3. Any place you’re dying to travel to? Iceland. 4. What’s your favourite element on the periodic table? Gold. (Basic bitch) 5. How many keys are on your keychain? I have two sets of keys. One with house key and car key, one with eight keys from my grandpa’s flat. 6. Your opinion on flatbread pizza? I second Adrian here, every pizza is good. 7. Is your dresser length-wise or width-wise? I’m not sure I got this question right… 8. What are you procrastinating doing right now? Translating a nine-sheet essay from German for my martial arts instructor. I feel bad just thinking about it. 9. The job you’ve held for the shortest amount of time? I worked as a kindergarten teacher for a couple of months. 10. How can people tell when you’re lying? I’m the worst liar the world has ever seen. I blush a lot, and my voice gets shaky, I’m really tense, and you can really tell I’m uncomfortable. 11. Artist/musical group you’ve been following for the longest? Enya and Loreena McKennitt, probably.
Everybody I know has done it already, so I’m not tagging anyone. Thank you for the asks tho. 💕
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aliciavspinnet · 8 years
(trash)name aesthetic: (okay this has probably never happened to u) (but it’s a really fun specially trashy aesthetic cause ily and u deserve the solid gold trash)(i speak from experience and i hope u don’t relate in the sense that u have also experienced it but that u can relate in the sense if this was an emotion u would drop an ironic ‘same’)(okay i’ll give u the aesthetic now and shut up) 
when ur in a moonboot and u’ve fractured ur foot and ur life is suddenly restricted and ur constantly tired (cause it takes u ten years to move) and u accept help from people and rely on them (again u r useless) and people who u don’t wanna know (cause they douche nuggets) now have an excuse to make awkward small talk by asking ‘how’s ur foot?’, and the worst/best (really the best) part about it is that whenever someone asks them how u fractured ur foot u have to say u have to say ‘ya know i was just.... walking’ and face the terrible (brilliant) reactions that often involve long pauses and then ‘wtf reallys’ and also lots of laughter and ur entire personality being defined by this one particular ‘whoopsie’ 
(fun) compliment: JULES aka one of the most beaut people EVAA (honestly) ilysm - ur blog is a constant and if it wasn’t a constant i would cry (and die) actually tho ur blog is FLYYY (ur mobile theme rn holy frick-a-doodles i am dying yes plz) and ur url cause YASS GINNY I CRY also u were the one who got me into cho x luna and we did a lil headcannon swap (ahhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!)(i made a moodboard i was soo excited)(still am about all femslash tbh) and i’ve already said i lvoe ur new desktop theme but i’ll say it again -- ohohoh! and ur WRITING HOLY HECK(
want one? (who wouldn’t?)(probs every1)  only doing compliments rn (sorry guys i can only be so trashy)(jk but actually i have a lot more trashy aesthetic ideas to think up)
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gender? who is she? (they???)
chapter two: hey, uh . dad? link to prologue link to chapter one
summary: papa,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, oooOoOoo,,,,,,,,didn't MEAN to make you CRY (thaaaaank fuck i didn't!!!!!!!) word count: 1,796 warnings: coming out a/n: yeet yeet comin out bois
read on ao3
[SUNDAY; 10.21.18]
  harry? (SumayaPotter), luna! (LunaLovegood)
 [14:06] harry?: luna luna luna
[14:15] luna!: hello harry! what is it you wish to talk about?
[14:16] harry?: i think im gonna come out 2 dad
[14:19] luna!: oh wonderful! i wish you the best of luck, harry. do you know if you will come out to your mother, as well?
[14:20] harry?: oh shit [14:20] harry?: nah i dont think so [14:20] harry?: im a little more scared abt her than i am abt dad [14:20] harry?: idk y lol
[14:21] luna!: okay! that’s perfectly fine, harry. you only have to go to the limits that you are comfortable with! <3
[14:21] harry?: tyyy <3
 “Hey, dad?”
“Yeah? What’s up, Su?” James settles into the chair across from his daughter, who is sitting (with the worst posture ever - he really needs to start reminding her to keep her back straight, even if that’s the only part of her that’ll ever be straight) slumped over the table. As he speaks, she props her head into the palm of one hand to look him in the eye.
“Do you know what the word nonbinary means?”
He raises an eyebrow and frowns, considering. “A number that’s not a power of two?” he tries, offering a cautious smile.
She snorts with a quirk of her lips. “Close, but not quite.” She starts to pull out the pins holding her hijab together, placing them in a small bag in front of her. The layers of the scarf unravel around her face.
“It, uhm, well. It kind of means someone that doesn’t feel like a girl or a boy? I guess you could say that nonbinary people are, like, in between being a girl or a boy, even though I’m pretty sure some people don’t feel like that? Like agender people, y’know? I mean, I’m pretty sure they fall under the term of ‘nonbinary’ or ‘genderqueer’ or whatever, but they don’t really have a gender? I guess? Yeah.”
She’s rambling, pulling the sleeves of her shirt down so that they wrap around her fingertips in that way she always does when she’s nervous.
Huh. She’s nervous.
He tilts his head. “That makes sense, yeah. Why bring it up? Is it part of your homework?” He can’t help but notice the way her shoulders noticeably relax when he confirms what she’s saying.
“No, but - uh. I think I might be? Nonbinary, I mean?” She curls in on herself, shoulders hunching in towards her chest as if she expects some sort of rejection. One of the layers of her hijab covers her expression.
He raises an eyebrow. “Okay, cool. What does this mean, then?” James’ tone is filled with relaxed confusion, and he watches with the tiniest of smiles as Sumaya lights up, breathing in deeply.
“Oh! Yeah, okay.” She cuts herself with a shaky hand wiping itself across her mouth. She starts fidgeting again, pulling at the strings of her scarf and rubbing the skin of her thumb and index fingers together.
“So, uh, maybe different pronouns? I can explain that to you later, hah. And- uh, I’ve been thinking about a new name, maybe? I’m not sure about it, but. Definitely a consideration.” The words fly out of her mouth like spitfire, each one landing in front of him as if she were afraid they’d burn her tongue if she didn’t speak fast enough.
“Huh. Okay. I mean - I get what pronouns are, no need to explain that, but I’m guessing you wouldn’t want to use guy pronouns-”
“He-him. That’s what you’d say.” She replies instantly; it sounds like a reflex. “Sorry.”
James smiles softly. “No need to apologize, love. He-him, okay - so you wouldn’t use that because you don’t… feel like a guy, right?”
Sumaya nods hesitantly.
“But not she-her, either, because you’re not a girl.”
Another nod.
James’ eyes flicker around the room as he considers this, and he misses the shaky breath Sumaya lets out. “Okay. So what pronouns would you use, then? Not ‘it’ or anything like that, right? Because that seems kind of, uhm. Dehumanizing.”
She laughs, just a bit, and her shoulders relax from the subconsciously hunched position they were in before. She pushes the remains of her hijab down so that they rest around her neck. “No,” she corrects with a smile. “That’s only for inanimate objects, I’m pretty sure. I would use they-them, probably.”
“Huh. That’s not… singular, though, is it? Correct me if I’m wrong, obviously, but isn’t that pronoun only used for a group of people?” She - they - laugh.
“Nah, it’s been used as a single-person pronouns since, like, the 1500’s; it just hasn’t really been recognized until recently. You can look up the timeline, it’s actually pretty cool. But, uh. Yeah.”
James scrubs his face with his hands. “Okay. It might take a little while for me to get used to it - feel free to correct me if I fuck up, pardon my French - but thanks for telling me, hun.” He smiles in a way that he hopes is reassuring, and Sumaya lets out a shuddering breath, looking vaguely like they’re about to cry.
“Whoa- whoa, what’s up, love? What’s wrong?” He leans forward in response to grasp one of Sumaya’s hands that lays, stationary, on the table. They shake their head quickly, breathing in another stuttered breath.
“No, I just. Fuck. I’m so happy, I’m sorry, I know it’s dumb, I was just so worried, god, I’m sorry, I’m just so happy,” she they ramble, using their free hand to wipe away the tears threatening to spill from their eyes.
“Aww, love, that’s okay.” He stands up, careful not to dislodge his hand from their tight grip, and walks around the table to envelop her in the tightest hug he can manage.
“I love you,” they whisper.
“I love you too.”
  harry? (SumayaPotter), luna! (LunaLovegood)
 [17:06] harry?: LUNA I DID IT OH MY GOD FUCK
[17:15] luna!: you did what, harry? [17:15] luna!: oh my goodness! congratulations, harry! i’m so proud of you, love.
[17:16] harry?: I CANT BELIEVE I DID IT SLFNEISLNFKESN FUCK [17:16] harry?: I CRIED BUT IT WAS OKAY [17:16] harry?: HES OKAY WITH IT [17:16] harry?: FUCK [17:18] harry?: fuck [17:18] harry?: hes [17:18] harry?: hes okay with it oh my god hes okay with it
[17:20] luna!: <3
  everybody but sumaya [longbottom (NevilleLongbottom), parkinson (PansyParkinson), weasley_2 (GinnyWeasley), lovegood (LunaLovegood), weasley_1 (RonWeasley)…]
 [17:22] lovegood: hello @everyone ! [17:22] lovegood: i would appreciate it if you all would send your congratulations to sumaya!
[17:23] weasley_1: for what ?
[17:23] lovegood: i’m afraid i can’t say, but rest assured the congratulations are deserved.
[17:23] zabini: bet
  blaise (BlaiseZabini), su (SumayaPotter)
 [17:23] blaise: yo congrats
[17:23] su: ????? [17:23] su: 4 wht
[17:23] blaise: idk bro just congrats
[17:24] su: ok
  tinychild (GinnyWeasley), onlychild (SumayaPotter)
 [17:23] tinychild: hey yo congrats on whatever just happened
[17:24] onlychild: ?????? thanks ??????????? [17:24] onlychild: wtf
[17:25] tinychild: i dont know
  ibelieveicanfly (SumayaPotter), ibelieveicantouchthesky (NevilleLongbottom)
 [17:23] ibelieveicantouchthesky: congratulations!
[17:24] ibelieveicanfly: what the FUCK [17:24] ibelieveicanfly: y r yall congratulating me ???????
[17:24] ibelieveicantouchthesky: i’m not sure, but i’m sure whatever you did was amazing.
[17:25] ibelieveicanfly: csdkjrhoewsdnck okay,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
  motherfucker (HermioneGranger), bitchass (SumayaPotter)
 [17:23] motherfucker: Hey why did Luna just ask me to congratulate you
[17:25] bitchass: IT WAS HER????? [17:25] bitchass: ofc it was that sweet hoe
  luna! (LunaLovegood), harry? (SumayaPotter)
 [17:26] harry?: luna
[17:28] luna!: yes, harry?
[17:28] harry?: !!!!!! [17:28] harry?: sry forgot abt that 4 a sec
[17:28] luna!: no need to apologize, harry!
[17:28] harry?: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [17:28] harry?: okay im fine [17:28] harry?: anyway [17:29] harry?: did u ask all of our friends to congratulate me
[17:29] luna!: yes! [17:29] luna!: even if they don’t know why they are congratulating you, i thought it would still be a nice feeling to have them be proud of you. [17:29] luna!: also, it is a nice demonstration of their trust in both me and you, harry. [17:29] luna!: me, because they trusted me enough to know that i was not lying! [17:30] luna!: and you, because i’m sure most of them said something along the lines of “i’m sure whatever you did was worthy of my praise” when you inevitably asked them why they were congratulating you for seemingly no good reason!
[17:31] harry?: omg [17:31] harry?: ilysm [17:31] harry?: god ur fuckin right too jfc [17:31] harry?: u absolute blessing u [17:31] harry?: srsly tho thank you luna tht was rly nice of u
[17:31] luna!: of course! [17:32] luna!: i love you too, harry. <3
  the Tea TM [f (FredWeasley), g (GeorgeWeasley), s (SumayaPotter)]
 [17:25] f: hey broski [17:25] g: hey . hey . hey .
[17:33] s: what
[17:33] g: congrats [17:33] f: also y is everyone congratulating u
[17:34] s: oh [17:34] s: luna told them to
[17:34] g: y tho
[17:34] s: i came out to my dad
[17:34] f: ?
[17:35] s: wait shit
[17:35] g: ur gay?
[17:35] s: no [17:35] s: kinda [17:35] s: its weird [17:35] s: thats not what i told him
[17:35] f: oh [17:35] g: whatd u tell him
[17:36] s: um [17:36] s: shit okay ig im doing this
[17:38] f: no pressure [17:38] g: NOSE pressure
[17:38] s: shut up [17:40] s: do u k what nonbinary means
[17:41] f: oh bet [17:41] g: yea man [17:41] f: uk charlies trans right??
[17:43] s: w h a t
[17:43] g: ya [17:43] f: well agender rly but ye [17:43] g: we all read up on a bunch of gender stuff when he came out [17:43] f: p legit [17:43] g: u got a new name or r u sticking w su
[17:43] s: god thats so wild [17:44] s: oh uh no [17:44] s: uh [17:44] s: harry i think [17:44] s: idk
[f (FredWeasley) changed s (SumayaPotter)’s name to h] [g (GeorgeWeasley) changed h (SumayaPotter)’s name to h]
[17:44] g: goddamnit fred [17:44] f: ;)
[17:46] h: welp
[g (GeorgeWeasley) changed chat name to ‘ mlk but better’]
[17:46] g: get it [17:46] g: bc our names go fgh [17:46] g: and mlk was mlk
[17:46] h: pls stop
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ohnomyfishjustdied · 7 years
Me watching the last bit of the last Harry Potter movie. WARNING SPOILER ALERT
Ohmy. I’m excited to know what is going to happen because it’s so scary. I have the idea that snape is very very mean but i have seen guesses that he is the very best in the last movie and everybody will love him so im really scared. yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaas i love it i love it. ohmy fuckkk. What is this buullshit theyre suddenly figthing and now its sort of over but harry is totally collapsing and people are really scared. Ohno a huge scream i hope its not ginny another scream. Scary whispers in my ears. Voldemort is trying to convince everybody that they should give harry and ginny is the best and filtch is actually a genious. Yaaas miss i dont know your name anymore. And i also love luna. Hahahahahha ilove proffesor something woman mcgonnagan or something. shes so cute hahahahah awiieieiie all the other teachers are great too right now but it is especially the music that makes me really happy and excitted of course LOL im so happy Luna knows more go to screaming girl. They like to go through glasses and windows while filming ive seen it more often. Holy fuck thats one big army ohmyyyy are all those peope followers of voldemort. Ohmy. What is going to happen ohmy they broke their own promise. Helena is quite creepy isnt she. In the place where everythinh is hidden if you have to ask youll never know if you know youll never find it something like that. I like that ron knows the spel to open it. oh fuck theyre already there. They need one tooth from the basilisk. Come ooonnnn do it already ohmy fuck what is happening ohmy is it better now he is dead right aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah ther kissing finalllyyyyyyy yaasssss ohmy yas i love it haha hand giggling. Ohmy voldemort is strong now. Ginny is so cute. The eternal wand is breaking? What is this he is using it to strongly or something. Id be scared to death ahhahaah see nevile running. Awieiiei its so sad tho. They have a good backup plann ohnooooo where is neville is he dead nooooo he is not yasss thankfully ohmy hahhahahahah you joker ’that went well’. Wowowowo also there are giants and stuff it seems like voldemort is winning now i do not wish to lose more of my followers or kids. Comeon harry find that stupid thing yaaaas theyre kissing again i love them. Malfoy you stupid fuck. Go harryyy dont die please i have already seen a post that he almost dies or something i cant lose him tho so careful pls. Is he going into that thing that vanishes things ohno he was searching for  that other thing. Whats that creature. I hear something. Harry pls save draco come on you. Yassss save him pls yeysysyysysyysys im so happty rn but watch it for the fire. HE GOT IT ITS IN THE FIRE THE DIADEM IS KILLED HE MUST BE REALLY WEAK RN i hope so but harry isnt really feeling better himself i see. Oh hes testing his skills by killing someone.. very brave V. … THis is such a good movie tho so many emotions are in this movie its so good. Lucius doesnt really look good actually tbh. Harry pls tell what you saw that you will come to him and he doenst have to find you pls do that and pls dont lag again wait imma start you up again bevause this is highly annoying. It now gives no nvrmind it has started. Hogwarts is one big mess tho ohmy its huge and terrible even spiders and stuff. The music makes it a hundred times more dramatic than it actually is tho its terrible who made this awesome shield Albuussusu or his brother yasss slay queen. There is some discussion about the wand what is snape going to do he is sort of nervous. The elder wand belongs to snape ohmy he is the true owner ohno he has to be killed wtf voldemort is such a mean person he is the worst i know. HP has to look at snape being killed wtf is he going to do something ohno there is blood all over the wall wtf is happening please save him HP save him you are such a good person at heart HP ohmy i wouldnt be able to do that at all. Snape is being pretty cute right now tbh dont dieeee i dont want people to die anymore wtf is happening and why does this keep happening. Harry stay strong and hermione too please everybody hears this now not anymore or ohmy thats not fucking true you are such a loser worst thing is its not a scream it is actually more powerful its is a whisper and how much more powerful is a whisper compared to a scream? Thats so true think about it if you will. Now everybody will be mad at harry i know it is true huh wait she was dead right. NOOOO WHY fredddd nooo fuck that shit and whyyyy luyping i said i didnt want to lose anyone anymore ohmy fuck dont you know how to listen you stupid fuck. Is this dumbledores office i think so i wish i was a witch you know how awesome that wouldve been? Aww who is the cute girl and the stupid girl and the cute little snape. Ohmy so first lily was severuss friend maybe they were lovers even thats so mean tho of James to take that advantage. Ohmyyyyy James is actually so mean tho ohmy and even dumbledore is mean is harry snapes kid or what i didnt quite get it. nope nope nope snape is the best person ever ohmyyyy i hope he lives ohmy fuck we all thought wrong all secrets are revealed. Ohmy fuckkk how is this possible snape is so cute noooo he must die in order to ohno snape loved lily so much so so sos o feeaking much thats so mean dumbledore ohmy fuck snape cares HE IS THE ONE THAT SHOWS HIM THE SWORD OHMY FUCK OR IT WAS LILY. HE MUST BE KILLED BY V. what is this movie ohmy fuck im screaming and crying and ohmy fuck i love you HP. Please live in the end but do kill V. Ron is so less handsome compared to hermione and harry NO OFFENSE AND FUCK ALL THESE MOVIES WHY WHY. Hes is ready to die ohmy fuck what is this shit. Oooh that is the stone that wil bring back to life isnt it so he is going to live int the end isnt it hes gonna live right just swallow the stone for me boy do it. I love sirius black more than who is remuss son? DONT DROP IT YOU FOOL AAAH WHY DID YOU DO IT NOW UGH WHY WHY. Watch it he is coming tho. LET HAGRID LIVE OKAY. THE FINAL SHOW. 40 min. Left. The sound is crazy what is he dead the spell was used on him now it was avada kadavra it is one of the three unforgivable spells. AW cute little ugly voldemort with a huge head. So he kills off his own horkroxe thats stupid right where are his glasses tho i like him more with his glasses on hes cuter like that. Im really relaxed i know that he will live, barely, but live. Were snape and lily meant to be i want to know come on now. I wnat to read the books and read what it all is about bevause i believe i missed half of it. HE LIVED THE FUCK OUT OF AN UNFORGIVABLE SPELL HE SAID DEAD WELL HE IS NOT YOU meanER hey that is the sorting hat thats nice. HELP WILL BE GIVEN TO YOU HARRY JUST WAIT FOR IT. hagrid looks quite happy tbh not really sad or anything. Why is he carried to the hogwarts castle tho. Harry is dead i dont think so whahhahahahha he will live. Even miss filch will not do such things and draco not either WHAHAHAHHA ITS YOUR OWN FAULT STAY DRACO NOOO DONT GO PLS. Nooooooooooo i had trust in you you fucker. NEVILLE TOO. No. No.nononononono. thats not going to what i dont remember what i was writing what are you going to say neville go boy yeah you go tell him pls. FRED WHY DID YOU DIE WHY TF. AHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAH HIS FACE OHMY THIS IS GREAT I LOVE IT> THEYRE WEAK now yeah you run pls. Coward the malfoys arent they always have been stupid persons. Harry do you see them now is he right around the corner. GREEN is the evil colour wait they just swapped plaves how tho okay great anyways. You go hermione throw some rocks at him. Yeah neville wake up grab the sword and just go. Wait a moment why could they get into the vault with imperior because anyone could have done it like that and millions of things could’ve been stolen right lol. But wowowowoowowowoowowo you go weasley mother yass. Wowow courage to jump like that hold on to him tho harry or youll die honey. Wutttttttttttttrt have they formed into one for a sec wt is harry still the samen ow IF THE SNAKE is killed harry might live through this drave is YAAAAAAAAAAAAAS NEVILLEEE I LOVE YOU SLAYYY BOY NOW YOURE WEAK HOW DOES IT FEEL voldemort isnt going to win this time. The wand always belonged to harry never to dumbledore ohmy that is genious there he goees he is officially dead right now he didnt even live for so long he couldve lived longer as a normal human being to be honest. HEY LUNA I LIKE YOU. HEY HARRY AND GINNY LIKE YOU TOO. THEYRE SMILING AGAIN NOW ALREADY hey hagrid sweetie. Now he is the only person to live after the avada spell isnt he. Hey herron shipname hermione and ron hahahhahahhah. Its a big mess tho. Okay so via draco it was harrys yay dont throw it out pls. Or break it WOW YOU STUPID HAHAHHAH WHY THO. I guess it will only bring problems but yeah it is kinda hasty to do such a thing isnt it. so he just defeated the darkest wizard ever and only has a bleeding nose wtf hahahha how does he do it tho. WHAT A BEAUTFUL END oh lets see 19 yrs later. LONdon AWIE CUTE BOYS whose childeren will that be. HARRIES AND GINNIES OHMY SO CUTEEE HAHAHHAHA OHMY IM REALLY HAPPY LOL EVEN DRACO IS THERE. He has a ferret that is boring why not an owl. Ohmyyyyyyy herron have kids toooooo yaysyysysy im gonna cry theyre so cute. A#IEIWIIWIWIASDF@#PR UFJ SDK FJ SKDLFSDFKNDFLAKSDJFASJDFOIJAWLKSJDFIJSDLFKJSKDFJK. HES SO CUTE AS A DAD I WONDER WHAT HE DOES FOR A JOB> for a living more lolololol ohmy its so cute tho. 19 years later they havent aged a day lolololol. 
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lilietsblog · 7 years
Sailor Moon 47  (Bye-bye ordinary Usagi...)
annnd we start with amnesiac Usagi because Price Must Be Paid (not dead tho)
again new video same song ...I do love it and know it by heart 9u9
gotta love how Mamoru isn't even onscreen for the MIRAKURU ROMANSU lyrics XD
oh my god I love Usagi
thank you Convenient Exposition Luna
aww so Luna and Artemis are not brother and sister )= I still do admire Luna's complete indifference to Artemis' demands
wtf is going on OH HEY AMI AND USAGI MEET IMMEDIATELY or rather have already met? kinda
Haruna is a horrible teacher who DOES that
oh something happened
an alien egg cool
gotta love the obviously lazy but still incredibly beautiful animation
ahhh OH HEY MAKO aaaahhh they are all together again awww and Usagi gets slivers of old memories
ah Usagi and her ADHD
ah Mamoru is back to being the worst asshole what business of his even is Usagi's journey oh and these guys totally all gravitate to the ginzuishou there is no coincidence in everything happening in the same place and hey I remember these two being siblings, were they actually? well at least they introduce themselves as such omfg UMINO ...so did Umino/Naru romance also get retconned or did it just go nowhere
she so doesn't speak English XD
oh and this guy's got magic music huh 'bad habit' eh?
omfg Umino well it sure didn't seem to have gotten retconned/forgotten
jfc dude and Umino has the right instincts even if this guy's going for Usagi and not Naru
oooooh and there's An :>
and Usagi's just confused <3
ahahaha AND AN IMMEDIATELY FEEL IN LOVE TOO they both met their loves and of course they had to be Usagi and Mamoru this is so silly and so perfect
oh is An feeling that something's wrong? and of course Mamoru won't come to her for help ah no just out of energy OH MY GOD USAGI IS SO CUTE
man Im rewatching from the start because of reasons and these two are??? such cute dorks??? how can two aliens be so likably adorkable from the first appearance as villains
btw I like the realistic almost-fainting animation of An falling towards and bracing herself against something
its jerky but very... true to life?
awww is he giving her energy so she can get better? HOW SO CUTE
omg chibi intermediate!!!! <3
...and yeah he's running out of energy too
man their problem is so relatable even if they're evil intergalactic parasites
so what's going to be up with her prediction
wow why so chauvinistic you can steal from both XD
awww poor Luna wants to protect the girls
and of course again everything starts with Naru in trouble <3 of course she's who Usagi would go to battle to protect
ahahaha and Luna lampshades the choice XD
battle cats... just not quite big enough to manage
and Naru's mom conveniently faints
but seriously you can try to protect Usagi from monsters but you really have to protect monsters from Usagi
sorry Luna even when battle doesn't gravitate to Usagi, Usagi gravitates to battle
oh hey and Luna is just restoring her memories I love how apologetic Luna is about this like yep this is fucked up she's totally learned better since the start of the first season too
oh and Usagi is hit with the wave of 'well normal life can never happen can it' when she doesn't remember her adventures she can't appreciate it, and when she does, she can't not fight this girl is a superheroine now, it's just a state of being
Usagi sounds so... adult here? and it's so totally realistic like yeah she's been through SHIT of course she'd sound more grown up
and yes!!! Usagi is a warrior!!! she fights!!! she is powerful!!! she is good at this!!!
welp I think that's minus one guardian
oh hey these guys
'wandering nobility of the universe' nobility totally equals power in this universe doesn't it
omg and Usagi is just saying good-bye to normal life ;~;
this show is so good????
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lilietsblog · 7 years
Sailor Moon 34 (your cowardly tricks!)
So! Episode 34! Is this the one with my favorite scene with Usagi and Mamoru mutually realizing their secret identities? LET'S SEE
...and the preview (WHY DOES IT EXIST) absolutely spoils that yes! yes it is indeed <3
also Usagi's word for Mamoru is 'obnoxious' thank you beautiful rabbit child
"We fell right into their lap and big trouble!" oh god this translation is so cute
Usagi did Minako actually TELL you she's the Moon Princess
oh look she just told her she's not shittiest cliffhanger XD
but still awwww five of them together <3
Minako is acting so SWEET I guess the shrine is public space, even if Rei lives there?
yeeeees Beryl it sure was the great ruler who told you to not kill him ...okay it might be some info from jet's blog that makes me think it wasn't but also she sure is acting suspiciously defensive
awww Mamoru is so sad for not being able to protect the brave and kind girl he has no idea he's been bullying all along
I like that they show that his wound actually hurts
I'm pretty sure TV screens don't normally come with cameras but then again magic
Zoi you lying liar with no concept of 'fair' at all
oh god they are just exchanging 'sure' 'yes' with absolutely emotionless faces jfc guys will be guys
...okay you know it's really hard for me to APPRECIATE REI AND USAGI'S FRIENDSHIP when Rei shows up in Usagi's mental space yelling at her for something that's not her fault as a representation of her low self esteem urghhhhh #UsagiDeservesBetter
oh! The Queen has noticed a hurting person on the street! yeah that is clearly priority over the meeting I ACTUALLY AGREE
Luna with her no idea where to even BEGIN looking for the princess can get bent in the face of any immediate problem ever honestly
USAGI OH NO OMFG ...well that was well deserved payback although I'm p sure Usagi did not intend it but how many times did Mamoru hit her where it already hurt... and that WAS intentional
I can't believe that Mamoru is actually NICER when he's hurt was he, like, putting conscious effort into pissing her off Mamoru why are you an actual 5 year old
Usagi's response is the best though
oh my god Mamoru you sound like you're walking to your death ...which, granted, is pretty close to truth, given the circumstances but just JESUS CHRIST YOU DRAMATIC GIRAFFE WHY DID YOU HAVE TO GO
Mamoru is the WORST at decision making
oh and Usagi actually notices he's injured is she gonna follow or yes yes she did do that awwwwww
yeah Mamoru you have no clue what kind of person you've been picking on all along there is no such thing as 'not Usagi's business'
awww and Usagi is acting like a scared kid again WHICH GRANTED SHE IS but honestly Mamoru has no idea just how much she actually knows what she's getting into
hi Minako also fashionably late or what? jfc the disguise definitely magically obscures their features
jfc everyone is so disbelieving of the idea Usagi would go confront danger by herself
like honestly HALF of their fights start with Usagi on her own and the rest joining in to support her there's some serious cognitive bias going on there with Luna's dismissiveness, Rei echoing it, and others following suit
like for real when someone Usagi knows is in danger she will face ANYTHING head on and literally everyone present knows that BUT I GUESS THIS IS INCONVENIENT TO REMEMBER WHEN IT'S SO MUCH EASIER TO JUST BADMOUTH USAGI
Zoicite you fucking lying liar I just look I like honorable villains ok? i like people who keep to the rules of the game and keep at least the letter of their promises Zoicite is just none of it and I'm pissed hopelessly )=
awww Mamoru is trying to protect Usagi ACTUALLY SHE IS THERE TO PROTECT YOU BUT NICE TRY
I bet Usagi passed out /just/ so she can have a nice slow reveal
wow they're using her as a hostage, too they didn't even know she would be there, just rolling with the punches the only actually competent villains so far
omfg and Usagi missed THIS entire thing she's ONLY JUST NOW waking up that's terriBLE I WANT HER TO HAVE SEEN EVERYTHING
omfg and NOW is going to be the elevator scene I remember this is going to be fun
awww she DID notice Tux was injured just there yesterday
I love that they are falling into familiar dynamic of working together in danger here? even if Mamoru doesn't realize it
guys um the elevator is NOT a safe place when the building is getting broken like it's kind of the most dangerous place actually
I love Mako's direct approach hit it with lightning first, think later
aww Zoi your scratch has even already healed XD
OH MY GOD USAGI YOU DELICATE FLOWER Mamoru why do you think she's even asking are you wondering why she's so calm about this do you take it for granted that she knows these words
Plot Convenient Car Accident
this clueless boy sure did deserve better he's not even going to get the kind of past he wants
and Usagi is just In Denial or rather, refuses to leap to conclusions I guess? even though this conclusion is kinda obvious
oh huh some kinda dismensional bullshit
LOOK THEY ARE GIVING US GLIMPSES OF MAMORU HOW HE SEES HER HIS POINT OF VIEW IN WHICH SHE IS INCREDIBLY COOL RIGHT NOW <3333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333
but since when does Usagi have shield powers tho
And Usagi is back to her heroic speeches <3
oh hey I think she DID hear what was going on, just not quite come to her senses yet
aww Usagi is still in denial she REALLY doesn't want it to be him
'You were very brave today' FUCK YOU ASSHOLE NO
dude how are you still falling for this shit
so could you push her aside and not take the bullet for her Nephrite pulled off the whole 'heroic rescue' thing better Mamoru is just a dramatic giraffe who makes the worst decisions HOW IS SHE SAFE MAMORU YOU IDIOT ZOICITE IS STILL RIGHT THERE
okay the girls have arrived maybe he noticed that
sorry Kunzite just because you have the crystals doesn't mean they're yours :> that was a prophecy not an instruction manual
and Luna has no idea what they were even looking for
huh and this is where Serenity is aseerting herself over Usagi or rather, remembering herself in Usagi I still feel like they are the same person, except there are memories from Serenity's life and memories from Usagi's life and Serenity had more or less CHOSEN to forget her past life and prioritize the present and being the best Earth Moon Rabbit she can, to the degree of forgetting this decision has been made, but there are moments when the past comes flooding back - and this boy dying is one of them
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