#lunar plush au
fatbiscuit · 11 months
Lunar Plush AU Part Five. This is the fifth chapter of a collaborative AU with Ultimawolffox.
Part five: Introductions 
It has been a few days since I first got trapped here, but in that time I have never really interacted with Ruin, until now.
Bloodmoon had just finished feeding me and was was about to make me do tricks when Ruin came. Apparently he wanted Bloodmoon’s attention which was currently directed at me.
“I know you asked for my help with it earlier, but what are you doing with this thing anyway?” Ruin asked, slightly annoyed by Bloodmoon’s lack of focus.
“What do you mean?” Bloodmoon asked, confused.
“I am surprised that you haven’t killed it yet,” Ruin explained.
To be perfectly honest, I am curious about that. What is it that they really want? 
“So, I was wondering if you had a plan for them,” Ruin continued. “To be fair I do not peg you two for the sort to plan so much ahead.”
“We have a plan, indeed!” Bloodmoon replied indignantly. 
“Oh really Bloodmoon,” Ruin questioned, “do enlighten me, I do enjoy a good game!” 
“Why should you know? We don’t have to tell you,” Bloodmoon asked.
“Come on Bloodmoon, really,” Ruin coaxed. “You can tell me. If you don’t have a plan you do not have to lie about it.”
“Well, Lunar might come looking for her,” the first Bloodmoon voice relentingly explained. “Then we can have some fun with him,” Bloodmoon’s second voice added.
So, they only want me around in order to capture Lunar? I should probably have guessed, but to have it confirmed is worrying. What will happen when Lunar comes to help? I do not know if Lunar will even come. If Lunar never shows, what will happen to me? I do not know for certain if Lunar will even come for me.
I zone back into the discussion as their conversation topic turns back to me.
“What should we do with Luna, while we are away?” Bloodmoon asked.
“Don’t you worry about that,” Ruin replied as he started to stare at me, “Leave Luna to me.”
I feel uneasy as Ruin stares at me, but Bloodmoon either does not notice, or doesn’t care. I am not sure which is more likely.
“I was not talking to you, Ruin, but you do make a good suggestion,” Bloodmoon’s calmer voice answered. 
“Be sure not to lose her?!” instructed Bloodmoon’s second voice with what sounded like a bit of concern.
I suppose they just do not want to lose their bait. 
Ruin eyed me over and said, “I assure you, I will take care that your little plaything doesn’t try anything.”
I know they are just wanting to keep me so they can mess with Lunar. So why is it that as I watch Bloodmoon go I wish that they didn’t have to leave? I guess it is just because I really do not want to be left alone with Ruin.
After Bloodmoon left it was eerily quiet. I do not dare say or do anything unprompted, but the silence does not last long. I guess that, much like Bloodmoon, Ruin is easily bored. 
“Well now, what exactly are you anyway?” Ruin asked. “I do not mean what are you, I can tell that much already, but what is your purpose?” 
I honestly do not have a good answer to that. Meeting Lunar is basically the first thing I really remember, but I do not think he was the one that built me. When it came to contemplating my purpose, anyone's guess would probably be better than mine.
“You can talk can’t you?” Ruin asked. “I seem to recall you talking to the Bloodmoons earlier, didn’t I?”
“Yes,” I answer quietly, knowing that a verbal response is clearly being required.
“Well why don’t you then? You are not being any fun!” 
I try to think of an answer, but I do not know how to respond. Recently I just try to be as compliant as possible, what would that even be in this scenario?
After waiting awhile for a response Ruin changed tactics and asked, “So little one, what games can you play?”
I don’t know how to answer that. What does he mean game? I guess Lunar did say he liked to play strange games, but I never asked him what he meant by that. I just shake my head in uncomfortable confusion.
“Oh come on, surely you must know some games if you have managed to keep Bloodmoon entertained this long,” Ruin insisted in an oddly intimidating energetic manner. 
I just continue to stare up at him filled with uncertainty and a growing sense of dread. 
“Well, since I am so nice, I shall teach you one of my favorites,” Ruin said as he moved closer. “You do not mind do you?” 
The way he said it did not seem like a question. Sure enough, Ruin continued without waiting for a response this time.
“Of course you don’t. It is really a simple enough game! Really easy, really easy, it is called stab and seek!” Ruin explained excitedly. “The rules are you hide while I try to stab you!”
“But, aren’t you supposed to keep an eye on me?!” I ask.
“Oh don’t worry, naturally I won’t let you get far!” Ruin replied. “Besides, they may want you as bait, but they never said I couldn’t have a little fun with you.”
Was he serious?! He talks playfully, but he sure seems to be stating this as a serious suggestion.
“Don’t worry, a little stab or two never killed anyone!” Ruin explained, then added. “Well maybe some people, but not everyone, that is the important thing!” His voice turned serious as he said, “We do have cameras, so don’t try anything foolish. If you try to escape you will be punished.” His voice returned to his normal vigor as he finished, “Anyway, now that you know the rules to the game you will have a one minute head start.” 
“Wait, you're not serious, are you?!” I say as I start to panic.
My only reply from Ruin was, “Fifty seconds.”
Oh crap this is happening! One minute! Where can I even hide? I know I have my cage, but that is easy to see and leaves no escape route. 
“Forty seconds left.”
There were some barrels in the corner of the room, but knowing what they used to hold means I definitely do not want to be near them.
“Thirty seconds”
There is an old desk I could hide under. However, if I hid there then I would not be able to see if Ruin was coming.
“Twenty seconds!”
I continue to search but nothing else seems like a suitable spot to hide. There was an empty ball pit, a stage like area, some stage lights, a-
“Ten, nine, eight…”
I am almost out of time! With no time left to think, I rush to hide beneath the old desk.
“One. Ready or not, here I come!” 
I try to calm my breathing to be as quiet as possible.
“Oh I wonder where it could be?” Ruin said in an exaggerated tone. “Is it in the ball pit?”
It sounds like he is walking over to check. I am glad I did not hide there.
“Could it be behind the barrels?” Ruin continued.
Again, it sounds like he is walking over to check the stated location. What should I do? It is only a matter of time before-
“Maybe it is under the desk!” Ruin excitedly suggested to himself.
Oh no! Maybe I can try to- too late.
“Found it!” Ruin announced. 
He found me, but I still hopelessly, desperately try to escape from under the desk. Ruin grabs my arm in a death grip and uses it to pin me to the ground.
“Valiant attempt, but do not think you are getting away that easy!” Ruin says then stabs a knife into my shoulder. “A game is a game after all!” 
I feel the stabbing pain in my arm and in a panic I claw at the broken part of his arm with my free hand. He does let go of my arm, but I immediately question my decision as now he is clearly mad. 
“Why you little-!” Ruin starts to say, but I do not wait for him to finish.
Without missing a beat I run away from the desk and just head towards anywhere else. I look for anything that I could wedge myself behind as I head towards the stage. As I start to reach a dead end, I still see absolutely nothing. Ruin is angry and is closing in on me with alarming speed, when I hear a sound coming from outside. As I instinctively turn towards the noise I  am captured once again in Ruins grasp. He starts to raise his knife again to strike, but is caught off guard.
“We are back!” the energetic Bloodmoon announced loudly as they entered into the lair. 
Ruin is now momentarily distracted, so I take the opportunity to do something reckless. I am not really even thinking as I rush to Bloodmoon’s side and hide behind him. I do not know how he will react, but I really want, really need someone to be placed between me and Ruin.
Bloodmoon had just finished their mission and was heading back home, but what they found there was not what they expected. As soon as Bloodmoon entered Luna ran right behind them trembling violently and started to cry. What was happening?
Luna was terrified, so on the one hand it made sense, but on the other…why was she so scared? Bloodmoon noticed Luna’s damage and began to wonder what in the world did Ruin do?!? 
“Your mission is done, we will take it from here,” the calmer of the Bloodmoon voices told Ruin, sounding irritated. 
“Alrighty, as you can see your bait is still here, as promised,” Ruin said as he walked away acting as if nothing at all out of the ordinary had been happening a moment before.
They were going to need to have a little chat with Ruin, but first things first was Luna. Bloodmoon was unsure of what to make of the situation, but they knew one thing for certain. Luna clinging to them made them feel something strange and new.
This was the first time that something cowered behind them in fear, looking for protection. 
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deadbloodzero · 1 year
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Oh. Shoulda known.
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You're lucky you're cute. Yes, you can have it. Just ask next time.
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Guys, what have I told you about sharing?
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You know what? Close enough.
Eclipse, We'll get you some ice cream later, okay?
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ask-tsams-au · 3 months
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OH! Hi there friends!
Welcome to the Daycare and The Theater!
I'm Solar! Your friendly mechanic! You can ask me!
Whatever you'd like!
You can ask Sun, Moon, Lunar and Earth!
(And the others)
Be careful.
Heya! Thought I'd make an ask based on this version of Solar I thought of a bit ago, hope you all have fun asking him! - KNS/Jax
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ayyy-imma-ninja · 1 year
*Shyly gives a komodo dragon plush for Lunar* Here, we love you Lunar.
The plush is appreciated.
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kibblenoodlesnail · 3 months
The main character ofc is my boy Solar!
But you can ask the others too!
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jam-showtoonz · 6 months
Solar & Jack!!
(My au)
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Solar has a patch for each person he cares about as well as just some random ones.
Star patch- Moon
Striped patch- Sun
Crescent moon- Lunar
Flower patch- Earth
Shark parch- Ruin (before the dimensional collapse occurred.) (he doesn’t take it off when he comes back.)
Solar also has his Suns ribbon wrapped around his neck, he refuses to take it off.
This design of Solar is also before he ‘died’, I will be making a new one for when he comes back.
Jack doesn’t understand emotions very well and with him slowly becoming more sentient he gets overwhelmed easily, he often thinks he’s glitching because of this and tends to hide away from others.
Jack has a collection of toys that, asides from one, he hides in an abandoned room in the Pizzaplex, he thinks they’ll be taken off him.
This is the story of Jacks favourite Plushie-
The Plushie Jack carries around is a Black Cat plushie called Pumpkin. Solar threw it to distract him thinking he would destroy it like the crisp packets and such. Instead Jack just picked it up and began observing it before being to play with it like a child would.
It confused Solar and he considered going through Jacks programming before deciding not to as it got Jack to sit still… for 6 hours straight. Solar had to take the plush off him just to get him to go charge, he also had to promise to give it back after.
Each day was relatively the same after that, Solar gave Jack the plush cat, Jack played with it- every so often throwing a new activity in along with it -and Solar could get on with his work, then when it got late he’d take the toy from Jack and send him off to charge. Pretty simple routine.
Then once when Solar was working Jack came in, without the plushie, seemingly upset. He quickly learned Jack had lost it and was panicking. He quickly check every where Jack had been and got up to check each area. He eventually found it in the theatre, on one of the chairs. He returned it to Jack who immediately cuddled the thing and followed him back to where he had been working, sitting down a few feet away.
Jack hesitated to give Solar the toy after this, so Solar made sure promise that he’d take good care of it. When he finally got it and Jack had, begrudgingly, went off to charge, he went down to parts & service and placed a tracker in the plushie.
Now anytime Jack looses it Solar just checks the tracker and returns it to Jack.
Only Solar knew of Pumpkin and that it had a tracker in it.
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hazard-c-horror · 1 month
spawns in ur inbox with my hands politely folded. hello hazard-c-horror. it's been quite a few days now, and i've only Continued to fall down the dandy's world rabbit hole eihsihssh SO, since you're the only Other Person i know about that's Insane abt D.W *and* SAMS, i would like to throw Thoughts inspired by your SAMS x D.W au I've been having .D.
i was hella inspired by the character sheets you made for moon, eclipse, lunar, and solar, so. take some Thoughts for how sun, earth, and kc would work in the game digsgskqj
(btw- this disclaimer might be a bit silly- but idk if you already have Planned Out Stuff for these characters n their abilities n stuff, and i Apologize if you do- this isnt me trynna like take over your au or smtn, its just me being autistic dgsigaiya that being said, do with these ideas as you will, you have free reign over anything you do w them lmao)
OKAY so yk how he can turn ppl into geese n stuff in canon? i feel like his transformation magic could actually be his ability. as a toon, he has the ability to turn either Himself or other toons into an object (like a soda can or chocolate bar) for 5-ish seconds. he could do this to Instantly de-agro any twisted's chasing either him or other toons, and the 5 second break could be just enough time for stamina to rebuild so even if the twisted does still spot the de-transformed toon again, they have more time/stamina to run and hide
THAT BEING SAID. his twisted form would be the exact Opposite of this- he'd be able to mask himself as an item and attack/agro onto any toon who'd try to pick him up. he'd be a lot like twisted rodger, just for items instead of capsules. and ofc there would be things making it obvious that the item wasn't trustworthy- like discoloration or added bits on it. if you have a keen eye, avoiding him is Easy :)
i have like a couple thoughts for his mastery item. first one that came to mind was a Cat Plush, which when equipped it has a “calming effect”, and ups your stealth up by around 10-ish percent, making it harder for twisted's to spot you. but then i also thought “haha Wine Bottle”, which i thought that (when close enough) it could instill the “confused” effect on nearby twisted's, and make it harder for them to see nearby toons. so both items would do the same thing, just go about it in different ways
she deffo has an ability like tisha's or shelly's, where it helps out the other players instead of herself. im thinking she's able to heal others for one heart every two minutes. a basic ability, but bro methinks this game needs a healer besides teagen, who can only heal herself dosyohsshs the Easy way to go about it is that she can just.. go up to (aka Click) on another player to heal them, but she could also just have a “medical bag” on hand where she whips hella bandages out the wazoo and gives them to whoever needs em dishiaha
okay as a twisted this girl gives me MAD razzle and dazzle vibes in how she functions. but instead of sleeping, i can imagine her constantly Crying and remaining in one smalllll specific area, patrolling it, almost. she can be led away by Distractors (goob, pebble, ect), but once they've de-agroed her, she'll start slowly walking back to her patrol spot. the best way to deal with her is to have someone else agro her and lead her around while You fix the machine she's working on, or vice versa :) but you Can still beat her on a solo run, bc she has rather slow walk-speed when getting back to her patrol spot where you could beat her back to it after leading her away. it'd just be a Lot easier w multiple people digdihsah
and her item?? first thing that came to mind is a barbie doll. or just a “pink girl doll” bc. copyright sigsiszvah it would be an Active item (like the wrench or bottle of pop), where at the start of every round, she could place it down somewhere, and it makes noise, which leads the nearest twisted right to it. ofc we dont want it Too op, so once a twisted makes contact with it, its destroyed and returns back in earths inventory, ready to be used next round .D.
kc is a Complex one- i think this guy would have slow walk speed, but a fast run speed. so i think he'd be a good “distraction” character, like goob or pebble. HOWEVER. i think it'd be sick as *hell* if his ability, using his size, literally made it so that he could momentarily Pick Up Other Toons and carry them away from any twisted's chasing them. he'd prolly only be able to do so for 3-ish seconds, but it could be a saving grace for anyone out of stamina being chased .D.
now. as a Twisted. this👏man👏deserves👏lethal👏status👏 his name is LITERALLY KILLCODE i refuse to believe he cant one-shot a bitch sisgiaga due to him literally being a Being made to perfectly hunt/kill, i think how twisted kc would act is that he'd spawn in at the start of a new floor, a Sound Queue would play so that toons know he's on the floor. and now he's just.. somewhere. hiding. *waiting*. hes normally spawned behind corners or nearby machines, where its either easy to run into him or hard to avoid him. hes not Impossible to beat tho- i imagine he emimates a very quiet sound byte, so hes still avoidable on blackout floors, even if he's not visible. and that byte also helps on just normal floors too ofc. best way to deal with him is to listen to his sound queues and *be very aware of your surroundings*. cause if he spots someone, he is *hard* to lose, and hes lethal if he gets ya. once freed from his waiting spot, he's not going back to it. instead, he'll be moving around the map like a faster, but also Louder, dandy. Scary!!
aaand his item. i came up with a “soup ladel”. cause. heh. yk, because he volunteered in soup kitchens in canon? .D.? i think im Funny siosgiaa what it'd do is up the spawn rate of better Food/Drink items on every floor. think instead of soda cans spawning on floor 1, there's a higher/better chance for soda bottles to spawn instead .D.
. this is over 1K WORDS LONG OF AN ASK hazard im so sorry, im Unwell sigihgaisg okay now i go eep for tonight good nini honk shoo honk shoo
Why hello there. Longest inbox I’ve ever received
I love this a lot actually, and thank you for some ideas! Love the trinket ideas especially, will probably use them
I’m just be reading over this like 12 times, because I just love it
It’s also funny bc I had the same idea about Earths ability, so that’s nice. Great minds think alike
I don’t know if I’ll be incorporating Sun’s magic into this, but I did include Eclipse’s so I may use your idea. Bc I also don’t have any ideas for him at the moment
One unfortunate. KC will not be in this au, but I could make a non canon character sheet for him a Solar flare if people wish. Really like your ideas for him!
The soup ladle is my favorite for a trinket lol
In return of theses amazing ideas, I give you a sneak peek
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knife-filled-plushies · 9 months
Lunar and Joltik Spigot!
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i got back into Pokemon (never left but i watched Mewtwo Strikes Back and got inspiration)-and then i decided to make a whole Pokemon AU with TSAMS sjfhsjk-
and yes, Spigot is now a Joltik!! on that one Christmas episode where Sun would give him the plush, he gives him an Egg instead! and Lunar names it Spigot without even knowing what's inside sjfhsjf
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eggnogisyummy · 4 months
For anyone that is curious, here is some info of my Redemption AU of the SAMS!
*Basic Info: The redemptions first started between the time when Solar Flare was made and when Bloodmoon was supposed to die. It first started with KC, then Bloodmoon, until finally Eclipse(though he put up a fight about it first). Characters such as Solar, Jacko, Forkface and Ruin still came through time.
*Characters! (Oh boy 🥲)---------
Sun: Has anxiety and trust problems. He fully doesn't trust the ex Villians and hates it when he doesn't get info on what they're doing. He's in a relationship with Bloodmoon as well, not by force by any means but still has some trust issues with the twins.
Moon: A mix of the old Moon and the new Moon. They took KC out, though the memories stayed and the code had to sort of rebuild itself. Moon is sort of keeping tabs on everyone, though he keeps overworking himself and sometimes really snappy but he truly does care for his family. He has the star hidden somewhere and plans to use it to get rid of the creator.
Earth: Still the main therapist, Earth helps the Villians see the wrongs they have done and how they could make up for it in some way. She has a small therapy garden she likes to take care of.
Lunar: He helps Earth with the Therapy, sometimes giving his own advice, throwing in humor and/or just being the stress ball/plush(since y'know, hes still made of nano machines at this point). He also works in the theater.
KC: Basically the tired but loving dad. He works at a soup kitchen and takes care of Eclipse, Solar Flare and Bloodmoon. He visits the daycare every now and again, especially on Halloween since the kids love to see him on that day. He's trying to look for a partner through Tinder of course, and does SoundCloud rapping to pass the time. He's pretty decent and is taking lessons.
Eclipse: Still a bastard, he's the least nicest of everyone. He throws insults whenever he feels like it, but doesn't do any actual physical harm anymore. He refuses to go to therapy, but KC drags him to it anyway. He has his own body, but he can't upgrade it to make himself stronger since they don't want to risk Eclipse trying to kill them all again.
BM: Nano machine ADHD twins, they still hunger for meat and blood. However KC managed to get blood bags and raw meat from stores. If Bloodmoon stays good sometimes KC will even give him a really bad guy to kill. BM is currently dating Sun.
Solar Flare: SF is the youngest, and the favorite child since he knows when to mind his own business and not act like a lunatic. He's still growing as an AI, but he's better at recognizing emotions and feelings, like the feeling of trauma from when Eclipse tried to take him over and the hatered he has for Eclipse. He tried to find ways to hurt Eclipse, though usually he keeps himself from doing those things. Sometimes he just can't help it.
Solar: He's Solar. And not dead, since Ruin didn't get a chance to kill him.
Forkface: They dont have really any huge beef with anyone except for the Creator and Ruin. They're still mysterious and powerful, but still loveable. They are living happily with Ruin Monty and are getting married soon.
Ruin: He is under supervision almost 24/7 after he tried to kill all the creators. He almost succeeded, but Bloodmoon and Eclipse were able to stop the machine before it could kill off Solar's creator. Ruin is fine with being supervised and is willing to be redeemed, even if the process is slow.
Jack: Jack is Solar Flare's best friend since the two are both growing AIs(and bodyguards lol). He enjoys playing with Sun's cats and protecting his family. He hates Ruin with a passion and doesn't want anything to do with him.
Creator: Still the main Villian and a horrible father. Kidnapped Lunar once and literally everyone ganged up on him, especially KC. He's currently in hiding and everyone is hoping he stays like that and doesn't bother them again.
If you have any questions please feel free to ask! Thanks!
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fatbiscuit · 11 months
Lunar Plush AU Part Three. This is the third chapter of a collaborative AU with Ultimawolffox.
Part 3: A Dangerous Choice
I am unsure what it is Bloodmoon thinks about me. Other than capturing me he has yet to hurt me, but that does not mean he won’t or that he has not ended the lives of countless others. Bloodmoon was called away by Ruin to do something. I have no idea what it is they want Bloodmoon for, but I suppose whatever it is probably involves blood. 
Earlier Bloodmoon had decided to test the capabilities of what I could do. The method he decided to use was to motivate me with what I could only assume was some sort of dog treat. The treats did not taste great, but I was honestly just glad that they were edible. I do not know what kind of (if any) regularly scheduled feeding plans Bloodmoon could be counted on to create. The tricks started with the usual sit or stand up but they very quickly escalated to hit that box or stab that barrel. A part of me was glad to have something to do in order to get my mind off of my situation, but it did get tiring. I was relieved when Bloodmoon was called away, but now I am left with just my thoughts.
I wish that I had some way to communicate with Lunar. I suppose that I really should not want to risk putting him in danger, but what other hope do I have? It is not anybody else really even knows that I exist. I guess maybe if Bloodmoon started to trust me enough I could escape on my own, but how long would that take? I do not know how long I can manage to stay interesting enough to warrant not being killed. I miss my room, I miss my old food, but most of all missed Lunar. I especially missed the nice relaxed conversations we would share. I wish I could just make everything go back to the way it was, but I know that there is nothing that I can do.
As if on queue to confirm my growing concerns, my thoughts are interrupted by the sound of Bloodmoon returning. He is holding a collar in one hand and a leash in the other. I can feel dread pouring into my stomach as I quickly realize the only likely purpose for such items, I am about to be put on a leash. I don't know where or how Bloodmoon acquired the items, but knowing Bloodmoon I probably do not even want to know.
“Follow us, we will show you what this place is,” Bloodmoon said as he reached out to attach the collar around my neck. Nothing he ever says feels like a request, but more like a knowing statement of what is to follow.
Out of instinct I start to back away, but I know better than to try to fight them again, especially while I was still trapped. Within seconds I exchanged my chain for a leash, I never thought I would have preferred my chain to something else before. I was practically dragged from my old prison and forced to keep pace with my new “caretaker”. 
“If you behave, we have a surprise!” the energetic second Bloodmoon voice explained.
As shocking as it sounds, the idea of a surprise from Bloodmoon does nothing to ease my mind. I now have some new unknown variable to worry about. I decide worrying about it will have to wait as I start to receive a tour of this strange place.
I do not dare to make a fuss, I honestly want to keep as little of their attention on me as possible. Unfortunately, they were very easily bored and I was something to mess with. They show me the computer, where they kept the blood…, the door (locked, of course), and finally they lead me down a dimly lit corridor. I can start to feel the tour winding down to an end and begin to again wonder what would happen next, I did not need to wait long.
As I follow BloodMoon to the final part of the base I can barely make out a shape of something pressed to the corner of the room. The lighting was terrible, but there was no mistaking what the shape was, it was a human tied to the wall. 
“What, what are they doing here?” I instinctively ask, trying (and possibly failing) to hide my horror. 
Bloodmoon offered me a knife and reasoned,  “Oh, isn’t it obvious? It is here for you to kill it, can you?!”
Not knowing what else to do I take the offered knife into my hands and stare speechlessly at the terrified figure across from me. He was staring back and was probably just as scared as I was, maybe he was even more frightened. 
“We told you there would be a surprise!” the second voice of Bloodmoon happily announced.
Did they seriously expect me to kill them? Well, Bloodmoon was insane, so it is not like you could really put anything past their expectations. But-
“What are you waiting for?!” the second Bloodmoon questioned, clearly growing impatient.
The man was trapped, in danger, and had no escape. I suppose, in a way, he and I are in the same boat. I stand still, with no idea what to do.
The first Bloodmoon decided to give a chilling command consisting of a single word, “Kill.”
There is now no question what was demanded of me. The real question I have left now is not what should I do, but what can I do? 
What choice do I even have?
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justastarholder · 1 year
Welcome to The Official Star Holder Archive!
One Who Holds A Star - The main fanfiction!
 Links <3
For all the Star Holder Drabbles/Art I’ve posted so far! Since I’ve posted a bunch and people seem to be having trouble finding them. 
The main plot is posted to AO3 and can be read here!
Voice Claims
Sexual Identities
Meet The Parents
Height Comparisons
Lore Relevant Drabbles: 
Marked By The Star
The Forgotten Goddess 
Gods and Magic
Thank You, Sir
Stolen Away
Star Garden
Broken Circle
Fireside Chat
Lunar Tidbits
Coming Out
Gift of Fire
Fluff Drabbles: 
First Kiss
Borrowed Clothing
Good Morning
Early Morning Thoughts
Night Terrors
Join Me
Applying Bandages
Mark of the Banished
Jelly Beans
Shirtless Cuddles
Under the Weather
If You Give a God a Rock
Newfound Confidence
Extra Writing:
Secret Alternate Ending
First Bite(Suggestive)
Reincarnated AU
Dark Guardian AU
Just A Human AU
How Gods Are Made
Another Bad End
Full Refs
Alternate Outfit Refs
Moon Redesign
Alternate Ending Comic
Shirtless Eclipse (Sinful /j)
Size Comparison
Family Portrait
Servants Refs
Lunar Daydream
Lunar Ref
Pluto Daydream
Moon Daydream
Sun Daydream
The Funny
Thank You Art (Suggestive)
Little Hater
Scary Movies
Human Forms
Lunar’s Plush
Uh Oh
I do believe that is all of the Star Holder content you can consume on my Tumblr! :) I hope y’all enjoy these links and that they are helpful for you! 
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milkyrrr · 7 months
Are the stitchwraith and bloodmoon in the carnival au or are they plush like eclipse?
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Bloodmoon was very unhappy with what had happened to the world, because one part of the population had been turned into toys, another part of the population had fled to the pizzaplex under the protection of Earth and Lunar, third part was hiding very well somewhere underground, and fourth part is in the air at the eternal fair, and they had almost no options left as quench your thirst for blood. They tried to fight Ruin, but lost and managed to escape before they were turned into a toy. After that, Lunar and Earth found them somewhere in the trash (Bloodmoon REALLY looked very bad) and offered a truce, but Bloodmoon refused. Now their fate is unknown.
Stichwraith has locked himself in his lair and does not leave it. No one knows what he's doing, maybe he's just hiding from Ruin's eyes, or maybe he's up to something, who knows, who knows...
P.S. Nope, Eclipse is not a toy, he's just dead
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ayyy-imma-ninja · 1 year
Here's a dragon plush Lunar. I hope you like it. It's small enough for you to hold and it's blue with a little Moon stitched on it *gives dragon plush*
"Sweet! Reminds me of Monty!"
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blackholedjester · 5 months
I just realized that i can use this as a place to post the Plushswap AU, so, i'mma be annoying about it for a while.
Yo yo hello! for most if not all of you who are here and dont know what the Plushswap AU is or need a refresher, I'm here to ramble your ears off about it!
So here's the
Celestial Idiots Plushswap AU Masterpost!
Tags : Plushswap will always be underneath the following tag : #Plushswap au If you're looking for a specific character, it'll be!: #PS! [character name]
The Plushswap AU is just as it sounds! The cast of The Celestial Idiots, but all the robots are swapped for plushies and vice versa! When speaking in reference to Plushswap, it is normally abbreviated as "PS" for speed of typing Though i do suppose some more context is needed beside that so 'ere we go!
vvv Cast vvv
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This is the first art piece, and technically the official 'start' of the AU! It features most of the characters within the Plushswap AU and as close to 'official' designs as they were gonna get (i stay loyal to the reference sheets given v.v) [if there is no image to accompany a character, they're up here in this drawing or didn't have a ref change substantial enough for a new image!]
Color is the one and only daycare attendant within the Plushswap AU, taking over the roles of both Moon and Sun. They had found Sun and Moon randomly while going through some storage closets for supplies one after-closing eve. Keeps things relatively under control until the plex closes for the day, then its time to grab their choice of the living plushies and head off to play games!
Sun and Moon!
Two of the (arguably) most helpful plushies around! They were made to beta-test out some alternative designs for daycare attendants, though they ended up being scrapped for Color in the long run. FazCo was just too corner cutty when it came to this project, so they settled for one, static daycare attendant instead of the dual-personality.
[As of this post, Eclipse has only made an appearance in one video, mischaracterization is bound to occur and i apologize ahead of time ^^'!] A much, much older beta plush! Made as a beta to the Daycare Attendant that was the predecessor to Color! They were found torn apart in a storage box down in Parts 'n Services, and was stitched back together by Trix.
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The other half of the older beta plushies, they were also found in shreds in Parts 'n Services. They just sort of, appeared in the daycare one day. Color seems to recognize them, but if she knows anything he's playing dumb very well.
A very energetic and peppy plush! She tends to hand out more around the other glamrocks during opening hours, though she will occasionally sneak out to lead a group of (older) kids through some stretching!
Roxanne Wolf!
[As of this post, Roxy has made very few appearances and has no actor! Mischaracterization is bound to occur, and i apologize ahead of time ^^'!] A not-too-active plush, usually spending her time outside of the daycare and away from the general chaos of it. If she is found, she's usually found slinking around near or around Foxy's areas. She is the beta design for Foxy.
Montgomery Gator!
A rather rude and grumpish plush, he chooses to be away from the commotion of the activities of the daycare, but that doesn't stop Moon from dragging him along to play once the daycare closes. If there's bickering to be involved, it's usually between him and Moon.
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[as of making this post, Freddy has only appeared in one video so far! Mischaracterization is bound to occur, and i apologize in advance ^^'] One of the quieter plushies, seeming to not have the ability to speak at all with how little noise he makes at all! Where he gets off to when he's not hanging around the daycare, no-one really knows! Except maybe Monty, but he doesn't seem like he's going to tell anytime soon.
The one and only human amongst this cast! Trix is the daycare attendant handler, though is more of the voice of reason amongst the chaotic flock of somehow-alive Plushies and chaotic attendant. They seem to be the only one to see the loose, child-like plush that appears around the attendant sometimes..
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Admittedly? No-one really knows where Peepaw came from! Moon says he dragged him out of the trash one day, and the ever wise and ominous doll has been occasionally tagging along to the games that the gang plays.
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Actor Au Stuff (miscellaneous)
The original plan for the October takeover was for the blood twins to come back in a different body, though some of the producers got the genius idea of taking the wave twins and casting them as new blood moon, despite them, not even auditioning for the role (this resulted in lunar, calling it, a repeat of the last October takeover)
Bloodmoon & harvest Moon are really into vocaloid. They plan to pirates and voice banks, and make their own songs with Vocaloid.
Lunar is a scene kid.
Lunar’s actual body is the one that eclipse “blew up”
Eclipse is, physically speaking, the strongest of the actors. He’s able to pick up all the kids at once & kill code
Both ruin & eclipse had a habit of apologizing to their children anytime they had to act abusive for their roles. This caused multiple scenes to be restarted.
Kill code owns a camper van.
Sun tried hiding dazzle from the producers when he found her, he managed to do pretty well until Jack accidentally revealed her
Lunar & the blood, twins, confused, solar for a eclipse when he first joined the set
When eclipse finished making the twins, he was exhausted enough to fall asleep on the couch whilst holding them.
The same happened lunar, the only difference is that the twins decided to join eclipse on the couch.
The blood twins have tried to get the wave twins into Vocaloid
Solar flare, despite being made during the shows production during the kill code arc, is the oldest of the kids (programmed to be 17 by creator)
Harvest has a pet snake named Dollie
Lunar has a pet ferret named noodle
Both of Sun’s cats are played by his actual cats
Miku is a college friend of eclipse’s.
While none of them really believe in the theory of alternate universes, eclipse has stated if they are real, and there is a universe where the events act out are real, he is beating that world’s eclipse and ruin.
the wave twins constantly carry around weighted stuffed animals (Beta wave also has a large Pokémon plush)
Glamrock Chica & kill code will hang out often.
Monty used to babysit eclipse
Solar’s family will have movie nights that end with all 4 cuddling
The kids will choose an adult to cuddle & trap them in a cuddle pile
The wave twins second favorite adult is sun
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quitealotofsodapop · 1 year
Why is the Mayor here?
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Answering both asks by @violetjedisylveon and an anon;
The Mayor isn't part of the found family in the au, but he does them a huge solid during the altered S3 plot after LBD dumps him. So he gets to continue living.
He does show up occasionally in the kids lives; like an uncle you're convinced is connected to some kind of organised crime. He may or may not still hold office in Megapolis, and/or is cursed into a "lesser" form like a cat or a bird.
So when he busts on in at the baby shower declaring the glorious return of the Ivory Lady; it takes all of Macaque's and SWK's (+the spider gang's) energy not to punt him off the island. Bai He immmediately goes for his ankles.
The family and friends do not let The Mayor anywhere near Macaque throughout the pregnancy. But the slippery sorta-demon does find his way onto the island occasionally to leave gifts - including what would become Yuebei's favorite plush toy (a cartoon skeleton).
Even with LBD gone, The Mayor still has a weak connection to her as her thrall - and is unhealthily hoping that she may one day return to him.
The Mayor may or may not pull a baby-napping shortly after Yuebei is born just to confirm that LBD's soul is indeed in there.
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However, once it becomes clear to him that the newborn Yuebei isn't his Lady... he becomes dispondent. Sad even. Meets the mob of angry family members outside and quietly returns her.
The Mayor: "She's gone."
Before Shadowpeach can ask wtf he was doing; the Mayor just disappears.
His servitude to the Ivory Lady finally dissolved.
Ironically this incident helps put to rest lingering fears of Yuebei becoming like her previous incarnation.
A raven stands guard over the Lunar Nodelets throughout their childhoods. It gifts them tiny bones and crystals, and laughs in a weirdly familiar way.
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