#lupe de la cruz
skidar · 11 months
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Fun silly comic practice with the fellas.
This takes place sometime after the end of the Gone By Morning short story when Patch and Eddie finally return to Redcliff.
Patch officially meets Eddie's bros and has a few questions ;)
Eddie, Lupe, Kit and Dan are not blood related at all but they ran in a gang together for many years and were raised up together like brothers. They are family in every sense of the word. Eddie also never clarifies this because its funnier to watch folks's faces when he introduces his two swarthy mouse bros and a rat as his immediate kin.
Probably not going anywhere with this particular comic, just testing my wings for a bigger Hidden Stars comic project I'd like to start this winter.
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imisstheoldworld · 1 year
não sou bom encerrando ciclos, há uma semana já estava voando de madrid para o brasil e isso me assusta, de como o tempo tem passado tão depressa, sem hesitar, sem pedir licença a nós, e só avançando dia após dia, e ao mesmo tempo que parece que já faz 1 ano que eu estava caminhando pelas ruas de valladolid, parece também que foi ontem, e esse é um pouco de conforto que tenho. eu não sou bom encerrando ciclos porque não quero deixar pra trás pessoas e sentimentos que mudaram meu corpo e alma. e eu me senti amado, talvez pela primeira vez conheci o amor de uma forma pura e natural, jamais antes vista por um garoto do interior da bahia que estava pela primeira vez pisando em outro país completamente sozinho e com sede de provar o novo. estava a 6846km da casa dos meus pais quando vi o amor, ele chegou de surpresa em uma balada logo após a derrota do Brasil na Copa do Mundo quando perdeu para a Croatia. nove de dezembro de dois mil e vinte dois, no la lupe, com a maria e o matheus, em mais uma noite de diversão em valladolid. não há como em um compilado de letras expressar e especificar cada acontecimento e sequência do que aconteceu sendo breve, mas só quero deixar escrito para que eu nunca esqueça, que naquela noite eu conheci o rafael bernie rodriguez cruz, um mexicano viajante livre, cozinheiro, contador de histórias, um cara paciente e com o maior coração do mundo. ele me encantou de primeira de uma forma que eu jamais havia visto, me fez sentir livre quando as 4 da manhã secava meu choro na porta de casa e me dava conselhos, contando histórias da sua própria vida e de como demorou para se amar e se vestir da forma que sempre admirava nas outras pessoas, como conseguiu ser confiante e dono de si anos depois de muito tentar. vi no berny muita força e amor pelo mundo e por si mesmo, e imediatamente o vi como inspiração para seguir. e ele me ajudou a ser livre, a poder andar sem medo, a poder cantar e dançar sem medo de julgamento, a poder viver como se ninguém estivesse olhando, como se nada importasse além da minha felicidade. aprendi muito com o berny, em tão pouco tempo, mas a intensidade era tanta que já parecia uma eternidade. sabíamos que todo aquele romance de inverno europeu tinha data e hora para acabar, e mesmo assim insistimos em nos entregar cada segundo, e não me arrependo. há muito para contar sobre nós, esse não é nem 1%. mas quero pular para madrid. antes, dia 27 nos despedimos em valladolid como se fôssemos nos ver sexta no la lupe para mais um dia de balada, mesmo sabendo que isso não iria acontecer, mas doeria menos para os dois. mas quando chega 01 de janeiro, ele foi a madrid, alugou um quarto e foi passar dois dias para ficar comigo. ao mesmo tempo que eu estava feliz, me perguntava a todo tempo se era real, e também tive a certeza que reencontros não são impossíveis. era muito a processar, e talvez eu ainda esteja. eu não sabia o que eu sentia por ele, o que era aquilo exatamente, mas pelo que dizem, “aquilo” se chama amor, e é uma das coisas mais lindas e puras que já vivi. agradeço ao berny por me ensinar tanto, e me mostrar tanta coisa, um infinito de possibilidades sobre a vida e sobre viver, espero encontrar-lo algum dia, em algum lugar do mundo. sinto muita saudade, e levarei comigo sempre o que aprendi.
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uniquetyphoonmiracle · 4 months
Que interés podia tener LUIS MIGUEL DOMINGUIN [que por cierto..estuvo en LINARES o donde nacio VIRGINIA MAESTRO cuando el toro ISLERO=proyecto nuclear español..mató a MANOLETE diciendole al fotógrafo CANITO que fuera para allá porque le pagaría una DEUDA y por lo que fotografio la COGIDA MORTAL a MANOLETE entonces novio de LUPE SINO divorciada de GENERAL REPUBLICANO y que debuto en LA FAMOSA LUZ MARIA haciendo como última película LA DAMA TORERA en MEXICO para morir con 42 años de un ICTUS y a la que interpreto Penelope CRUZ en la película MANOLETE]..en hacerse un ESCANDALOSO REPORTAJE con su prima 20 años menor [a la que llamaba BRUJITA]..estando casado con LUCIA BOSE ..en la España FRANQUISTA o de la FALSA Y RETROGRADA MORAL CATOLICA O SATANICA..además compartió portada en revista GARBO [=GRETA=ultimo cd de BUNBURY=1er grupo APOCALIPSIS] con expo sobre el ASESINATO de SHARON TATE estando embarazada de ROMAN POLANSKY [que rodaba el día DEL DEL_FIN que nunca acabo en LONDRES] tras hacer un cameo en LA SEMILLA DEL DIABLO [=ROSE MARY BABY] de POLANSKY siendo sus últimas películas 12+1 CHAIRS y CIAO FE_DE_RICO
Luis Miguel y Mariví Dominguín: aquel cálido verano entre primos, por @PerezGimeno vía @chicrevista
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Lunedì 27 Maggio 2024 alle ore 20.30 il GdL "Chiave di Lettura", presso i locali della Biblioteca San Valentino, si incontrerà per discutere insieme del libro di Marcela Serrano “Dieci Donne”.
Nove donne più una. Nove donne radunate nello studio della loro psicoterapeuta raccontano la propria storia e le ragioni per le quali sono andate in terapia. Lupe, adolescente lesbica, alla ricerca della propria identità tra feste, sesso, droghe e passioni non proprio convenzionali; Luisa, vedova di un desaparecido, che per trent'anni aspetta il ritorno del suo unico amore; Andrea, giornalista di successo che si rifugia nella solitudine di Atacama, il deserto più arido del pianeta, sono alcune delle protagoniste di questo vivace romanzo che parla di donne e di sentimenti. Seppur profondamente diverse per età, estrazione sociale e ideologia politica, scopriamo che le loro esperienze si richiamano e che la vera protagonista del romanzo è la femminilità.
Marcela Serrano (1951) è una scrittrice cilena, figlia della romanziera Elisa Pérez Walker e del saggista Horacio Serrano, ed è la quarta di cinque sorelle, con due delle quali trascorre un anno a Parigi per studiare alla "Maison des Amériques". Nel 1973, a causa del golpe militare, lascia il Cile e si trasferisce in Italia a Roma. Nel 1977 rientra definitivamente in Cile. Si iscrive alla facoltà di Belle Arti della Pontificia Università Cattolica del Cile, ottenendo il diploma in incisione nel 1983. In seguito lavora in diversi ambiti delle arti visive, vincendo anche un premio del Museo delle Belle Arti per un lavoro sulle donne del sud del Cile, ma presto abbandona queste attività. Sebbene cominci a scrivere molto presto, pubblica il suo primo romanzo, “Noi che ci vogliamo così bene”, nel 1991. Il romanzo è la rivelazione dell'anno e vince nel 1994 il Premio Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz, il Premio Feria del Libro de Guadalajara e nel 1996 il premio della casa editrice francese Coté des Femmes, come miglior romanzo ispanoamericano scritto da una donna. Nel 1993 pubblica “Para que no me olvides”, che ottiene il Premio Municipal de Literatura , a Santiago del Cile. Nel 1995 scrive in Guatemala “Antigua, Vita Mia” e nel 1997 “L'albergo delle donne tristi”. Marcela Serrano è una delle figure più rinomate e significative della nuova narrativa del suo paese e dell'America Latina. Ha vissuto in Messico col marito, Luis Maira Aguirre, e le loro due figlie, Elisa e Margarita, poiché il marito è stato ambasciatore del Cile in Messico e Belize fino al 2003 e dal 2004 al 2010 ambasciatore in Argentina.
Se volete partecipare, contattateci all'indirizzo mail: [email protected] oppure all'indirizzo, sempre mail, [email protected] e riceverete, in prossimità dell’incontro, il link di riferimento.
Vi aspettiamo per confrontarci insieme su questa autrice e scoprire il suo romanzo, non mancate!!!
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betaniagonzalez · 1 year
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Dúo para humanos y acero. Cuando la Inteligencia Artificial se toca con la Inteligencia Artesanal.
Dirección y coreografía: M. Elena Filomeno / Performers: M. Elena Filomeno y Daniel Quisbert / Asistencia dramatúrgica: M. Betania Gonzalez / Human computer interface designer: Lupe Canaviri Maydana / Música original: Nebai M. Ríos Miranda / Diseño iluminación: Bernardo Rosado Ramos / Diseño de vestuario: Lourdes Limachi / Video: Diego Revollo.
Financiado con l apoyo del Fondo de Producción del Festival Internacional de Danza Contemporánea de Santa Cruz, Bolivia.
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cielrouge · 3 years
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YA SFF Books by Latinx Authors
A Fierce and Subtle Poison by Samantha Mabry: Spending the summer with his hotel-developer father in Puerto Rico, 17-year-old Lucas turns to a legendary cursed girl filled with poison when his girlfriend mysteriously disappears.
All the Wind in the World by Samantha Mabry: Working in the maguey fields of the Southwest, Sarah Jac and James are in love but forced to start over on a ranch that is possibly cursed where the delicate balance in their relationship begins to give way.
Beneath the Citadel by Destiny Soria: In the city of Eldra, people are ruled by ancient prophecies. For centuries, the high council has stayed in power by virtue of the prophecies of the elder seers. In the present day, Cassa, the orphaned daughter of rebels, is determined to fight back against the high council. But by the time Cassa and her friends uncover the mystery of the final infallible prophecy, it may be too late to save the city — or themselves.
Blanca & Roja by Anne-Marie McLemore: The del Cisne girls, Blanca & Roja, have never just been sisters; they’re also rivals. Because of a generations-old spell, their family is bound to a bevy of swans deep in the woods. But when two local boys become drawn into the game, the swans’ spell intertwines with the strange and unpredictable magic lacing the woods, and all four of their fates depend on facing truths that could either save or destroy them.
Blazewrath Games by Amparo Ortiz: 17-year-old Lana Torres, who after rescuing a prized dragon, is awarded a spot on her native Puerto Rico’s Blazewrath World Cup team. But the return of the Sire, an ancient dragon, soon threatens to compromise this year’s tournament.
They Both Die in the End by Adam Silvera: Set in a near-future New York City where a service alerts people on the day they will die, about two teens who meet using the Last Friend app and are faced with the challenge of living a lifetime on their End Day.
The Body Market (Wired #2) by Donna Freitas: When Skylar's sister betrays her and opens the Body Market, everyone in the App World is for sale and Skylar resolves to stop her sister and the malevolent market.
Bruja Born (Brooklyn Brujas #2) by Zoraida Cordova: Teenage bruja Lula Mortiz tries to save her boyfriend, Maks, by cheating Death; however, Lady de la Muerte is not so easily bested.
The Buried by Melissa Grey: After disaster strikes the remote town of Indigo Falls. A horrific event drove the residents underground, into shelters that keep them safe from the danger on the surface. Now, a handful of families inhabit this bunker together, guided by a charismatic leader named Dr. Imogen Moran. 
Cazadora (Wolves of No World #2) by Romina Garber: In this follow-up to Lobizona, Manu and her friends as they continue to fight for a better future.
Cemetery Boys by Aiden Thomas: Latinx trans teen Yadriel, hoping to release his cousin’s spirit and prove himself as a brujo, accidentally summons the wrong ghost and resident bad boy Julian Diaz, falling in love with him.
Dark and Deepest Red by Anna-Marie McLemore: Summer, 1518. A strange sickness sweeps through Strasbourg: women dance in the streets, some until they fall down dead. As rumors of witchcraft spread, suspicion turns toward Lavinia and her family. Five centuries later, a pair of red shoes seal to Rosella Oliva’s feet, making her dance uncontrollably. They draw her toward a boy who knows the dancing fever’s history better than anyone: Emil.
Dealing in Dreams by Lilliam Rivera: 16-year-old Nalah leads the fiercest all-girl crew in Mega City, but when she sets her sights on giving this life up for a prestigious home in Mega Towers, she must decide if she’s willing to do the unspeakable to get what she wants.
Diamond City by Francesca Flores: Pulled from the streets at age twelve and trained to become one of the most powerful assassins in Sumerand, Aina Solis discovers a conspiracy that could rewrite the kingdom's history. 
Dragonblood Ring (Blazewrath Games #2) by Amparo Ortiz: After the Sire’s capture, teen athletes Lana Torres and Victoria Peralta travel to Puerto Rico with their former Blazewrath team. While Lana discovers her roots, nothing fills the void Blazewrath’s cancelation has left in Victoria. But it’s up to their team and the Bureau to protect their dragons.
Each of Us a Desert by Mark Oshiro: Xochital is destined to wander the desert alone. Her one desire: to share her heart with a kindred spirit. One night, Xo’s wish is granted—in the form of Emilia, the cold and beautiful daughter of the town’s murderous mayor. But when the two set out on a magical journey across the desert, they find their hearts could be a match… if only they can survive the nightmare-like terrors that arise when the sun goes down.
Fire with Fire by Destiny Soria: A contemporary fantasy about two sisters, Dani and Eden Rivera, who were raised to be fierce dragon slayers but end up on opposite sides of the impending war when one sister forms an unlikely, magical bond with a dragon.
The First 7 (The Last 8 #2) by Laura Pohl:  After leaving Earth, now devastated by an alien attack, and exploring the galaxy, Clover Martinez and her fellow teen survivors return home to find crystal formations in the soil that are threatening to destroy the planet, and a colony of survivors who are not who they seem.
Five Midnights by Ann Davila Cardinal: If Lupe Dávila and Javier Utierre can survive each other’s company, together they can solve a series of grisly murders sweeping though Puerto Rico. But the clues lead them out of the real world and into the realm of myths and legends.
The Grief Keeper by Alexandra Villasante: To have her family’s asylum request accepted, 17-year-old Marisol participates in a risky experiment to become a grief keeper, taking another’s grief into her own body to save a life.
The Healer by Donna Freitas: Manifesting astonishing healing powers that cause some people to consider her a saint, Marlena Oliveria struggles with edicts that prevent her from attending school, having friends and falling in love when she meets a boy who makes her question what she is willing to sacrifice.
Hollywood Witch Hunter by Valerie Tejeda: When a coven bent on retaining their youth must sacrifice the beautiful, and rich women of Southern California, a society of witch hunters will try to protect humans from a great evil uprising. 
Incendiary by Zoraida Cordova: As Renata Convida grows more deeply embedded in the politics of the royal court, she uncovers a secret in her past that could change the entire fate of the kingdom–and end a costly war.
Illusionary (Hollow Crown #2) by Zoraida Córdova: Reeling from betrayal, Renata Convida is a girl on the run. With few options and fewer allies, she reluctantly joins forces with none other than Prince Castian, her most infuriating and intriguing enemy.
Infinity Son by Adam Silvera: In the Bronx, two brothers, Emil and Brighton, get caught up in a magical war generations in the making.
Infinity Reaper (Infinity Cycle #2) by Adam Silvera: Emil and Brighton Rey defied the odds. When Brighton drank the Reaper’s Blood, he believed it would make him invincible, but instead the potion is killing him. In Emil’s race to find an antidote that will not only save his brother but also rid him of his own unwanted phoenix powers, he will have to dig deep into his past lives.
Iron Cast by Destiny Soria: In 1919 Boston, best friends Corinne and Ada perform illegally as illusionists in an infamous gangster's nightclub, using their "afflicted" blood to con Boston's elite, until the law closes in.
Labyrinth Lost by Zoraida Cordova: Alex is a bruja and the most powerful witch in her family. . When a curse she performs to rid herself of magic backfires and her family vanishes, she must travel to Los Lagos to get her family back.
The Last 8 by Laura Pohl:  After an alien attack devastates the Earth, pilot and future astronaut Clover Martinez bands with seven other teens to survive. 
Lobizona by Romina Garber: As Manuela Azul uncovers her own story and traces her real heritage all the way back to a cursed city in Argentina, she learns it’s not just her U.S. residency that’s illegal… .it’s her entire existence.
Lost in the Never Woods by Aiden Thomas:  When children start to go missing in the local woods, eighteen-year-old Wendy Darling must face her fears and a past she cannot remember to rescue them in this novel based on Peter Pan.
The Mind Virus (Wired #3) by Donna Freitas:  Skylar Cruz has managed to shut down the body market that her sister Jude opened, and to create a door to allow App World citizens reentry into the Real World. But as tensions between the newly mingling people escalate, she s not sure if it was the right decision after all. Still reeling from Kit’s betrayal, she s not sure of anything anymore.
Miss Meteor by Tehlor Kay Mejia & Anna-Marie McLemore: Two friends, Lita Perez or Chicky Quintanilla, one made of stardust and one fighting to save her family’s diner, take on their small town’s 50th annual pageant in the hopes that they can change their town’s destiny, and their own.
The Mirror Season by Anna-Marie McLemore: Graciela Cristales meets Lock, a boy who was sexually assaulted at the same party as her, and they find their fates unexpectedly intertwined during a month of vanishing trees, enchanted pan dulce, and inherited magic.
More Happy Than Not by Adam Silvera: After enduring his father's suicide, his own suicide attempt, broken friendships, and more in the Bronx projects, Aaron Soto, sixteen, is already considering the Leteo Institute's memory-alteration procedure when his new friendship with Thomas turns to unrequited love.
Never Look Back by Lilliam Rivera: An Afro-Latinx retelling of Orpheus and Eurydice set in the Bronx. Pheus is a bachata-singing dreamer who falls in love with Eury, a girl who lost everything in Hurricane Maria and is haunted by the trauma—and by an evil spirit.
Nocturna by Maya Motayne: In the Latinx-inspired kingdom of Castallan, face-changing thief Finn Voy and grief-stricken Prince Alfehr must race to vanquish a dark magic they have unleashed.
Oculta (A Forgery of Magic #2) by Maya Motayne: After joining forces to save Castallan from an ancient magical evil, Alfie and Finn reunite once again to preserve Castallan’s hopes for peace with Englass. But will they be able to stop sinister foes before a new war threatens their kingdom?
Pitch Dark by Courtney Alameda: Tuck Durante, a shipraider, and Lana Gray, a curator, must work together to try to rescue a space capsule hijacked by nightmarish creatures who kill with a scream.
Rated by Melissa Grey: For the students at the prestigious Maplethorpe Academy, every single thing they do is reflected in their Ratings System. But when an act of vandalism sullies the front doors of the school, it sets off a chain reaction that will shake the lives of six special students – and the world beyond.
Sanctuary by Abby Sher & Paola Mendoza: In a near future dystopian America set 2030, 16-year-old Vail and her brother must escape a xenophobic government to find sanctuary in California.
The Savage Dawn (Girl at Midnight #3) by Melissa Grey: A darkness has entered the world and the Dragon Prince is wreaking havoc wherever she goes. With the war upon her, Echo must use every bit of her firebird powers or risk losing those she holds dear. 
Seven Deadly Shadows by Courtney Alameda & Valynne E. Maetani: A contemporary fantasy set in Japan, about Shinto temple priestess Kira Fujikawa, who must seek the aid of seven demons in order to protect her village and the world from an ancient evil. 
Shadow City (The City of Diamond and Steel #2) by Francesa Flores: Aina Solís has fought her way to the top of criminal ranks in the city of Kosín by wresting control of an assassin empire owned by her old boss, Kohl. But Kohl will do anything to get his empire back.
The Shadow Hour (The Girl at Midnight #2) by Melissa Grey: With the firebird awakened, the war has become even more dangerous for Echo and her friends. There is a darkness spreading too and staying in hiding might not be enough to keep them alive. 
Shadowshaper by Daniel Jose Older: When her summer plans are interrupted by supernatural phenomena, Puerto Rican teen Sierra Santiago finds herself in a battle with the killer targeting her family of shadowshapers who believes she is hiding their greatest secret.
Shadowhouse Fall (Shadowshaper #2) by Daniel Jose Older: While working on her shadowshaping skills, Sierra Santiago is beginning to think she may need all the skill she can summon because it seems that when she channeled hundreds of spirits through herself in order to defeat Wick, she woke up something very powerful and very unfriendly and put her family and friends at risk.
Shadowshaper Legacy (Shadowshaper #3) by Daniel Jose Older: Sierra Santiago and the shadowshapers have been split apart, but a war is brewing among the houses. As old fates tangle with new powers, Sierra will have to harness the Deck of Worlds and confront her family’s past if she has any hope of saving the future and everyone she loves.
Shutter by Courtney Alameda: When a routine assignment goes awry, 17-year-old ghost hunter Micheline Helsing is infected with a curse and on the run, pursued as a renegade agent by her monster-hunting father, with only seven days to exorcise the entity or be destroyed body and soul. 
Sia Martinez and the Moonlit Beginning of Everything by Raquel Vasquez Gilliland: A Mexican American teenage girl discovers profound connections between immigration, folklore, and alien life, when a spacecraft crashes in front of her car…and it’s carrying her long-lost mom, who’s very much alive.
They Both Die in the End by Adam Silvera: Set in a near-future New York City where a service alerts people on the day they will die, about two teens who meet using the Last Friend app and are faced with the challenge of living a lifetime on their End Day.
Tigers, Not Daughters by Samantha Mabry: Loosely inspired by the story of King Lear and his daughters, set in San Antonio, Texas, following the Torres sisters, struggling to escape their tyrannical father’s claustrophobic world while dealing with the loss of their eldest sister, whose troubling death continues to haunt—perhaps even literally—the loved ones left behind.
Undead Girl Gang by Lily Anderson: While investigating the supposed suicides of her best friend, Riley, and mean girls June and Dayton, 16-year-old Wiccan Mila Flores accidentally brings them back to life.
Unplugged by Donna Freitas: When she moves from the Virtual World to the Real one, Skylar Cruz discovers that her body is both exquisite and valuable -- a dangerous combination in a place where bodies are sought after in sinister ways.
Wayward Witch (Brooklyn Brujas #3) by Zoraida Cordova:  Rose Mortiz begins to discover the scope of her powers, the troubling truth about her father’s past, and the sacrifices he made to save her sisters. But if Rose wants to return home so she can repair her broken family, she must figure out how to heal the land of Adas, a fairy realm hidden in the Caribbean Sea, first.
The Weight of Feathers by Anna-Marie McLemore: Although Lace Paloma knows all about the feud between the Palomas and the Corbeaus, she finds herself falling for Cluck Corbeau when he saves her life while both families are performing in the same town.
We Set the Dark on Fire by Tehlor Kay Mejia: When she is asked to spy for a resistance group working to bring equality to Medio, Daniela Vargas, a student at the Medio School for Girls, questions everything she's worked for.
We Unleash the Merciless Storm (We Set the Dark on Fire #2) by Tehlor Kay Mejia: La Voz operative Carmen Santos is forced to choose between the girl she loves, Dani, and the success of the rebellion she’s devoted her life to.
When the Moon Was Ours by Anna-Marie McLemore: As odd as everyone considers Miel and Sam, even they stay away from the Bonner girls, four beautiful sisters rumored to be witches. Now they want the roses that grow from Miel's skin, convinced that their scent can make anyone fall in love. And they're willing to use every secret Miel has fought to protect to make sure she gives them up.
Wild Beauty by Anna-Marie McLemore: A novel of magical realism, the Nomeolvides women have tended the lust estate grounds of La Pradera which they’ve grown for generations, until the reemergence of a family curse starts to makes the men they love disappear, again.
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phoenixlionme · 3 years
DC/Marvel Biracial Heroes
1. Kyle Rayner aka Green Lantern - half Irish and half Mexican
2. Keli Quintela aka Teen Lantern - Afro-Indigenous Bolivian
3. Ya’Wara - Indigenous Brazilian Tapirape  
4. Arthur Curry aka Aquamn - in the DCEU and some recent adaptations; half White and half Polynesian
5. Koryak - eldest son and child of Aquaman; in original he was half white and half Inuit, but with the recent racebend of Arthur, Koryak would now be of white, Polynesian, and Inuit heritage
6.  Yara Flor aka Wonder Woman - Afro-Indigenous Brazilian
7. Selina Kyle aka Catwoman - Afro Cuban; given her mother has been played by both black and white women and she states of being Cuban in the comics, I see her as Afro Cuban
8.  Helena Wayne aka Robin VI aka Batwoman II - daughter of Bruce Wayne and Selina Kyle. Half White and half Afro Cuban
9. Damian Wayne aka Robin - half White and half Arabian Chinese
10. Rose Wilson aka Ravager - half Hmong and half White
11. Connor Hawke aka Green Arrow II - he is of mixed Black, Cambodian and White heritage
12. Lian Nguyen-Harper aka Red Riding Hood - half Vietnamese and half White
13. Jade Crock aka Cheshire - I like the idea of her reforming, she was my personal fav anti-villain in the animated YJ series; half Vietnamese and half White
14. Artemis Crock aka Huntress - half Vietnamese and half White
15. Emiko Queen aka Red Arrow II - half Japanese and half White
16. Cassandra Cain aka Batgirl - half Chinese (although her Asian heritage is often debated), and half White
17. Irey West aka Impulse - half Korean and half White
18. Jai West - half Korean and half White
19. Jenni Ognats aka XS - half Black and half White
20. Maya Ducard aka Nobody II - Afro Latina
21. Hero Cruz - Afro Latino
22. Marisol Rios De La Luz aka La Borinqueña - Afro Puerto Rican
23. Julia Pennyworth - she is biracial but it’s unknown what the race of her mother is. In a previous post, I stated I saw her as half Black but now I see her as half Afro Latina and half White.
24. Alinta aka Bolt - from Teen Titans Academy; she appears to be Black and it’s confirmed she is from Australia, so I see her as a Australian Aboriginal 
25. Anita Fite aka Empress - Afro Haitian
26. Uno aka Aztek I - Nahua Mexican
27. Nayeli Constant aka Aztek II - Nahua Mexican
28. Val Armorr aka Karate Kid  - half Japanese and half White
29. Wallace West aka Kid Flash II - half Black and half White
30. Keshena Carpentier aka Timber -  half Menominee but I’m not sure of the other half
31. Tesla Strong - half Black and half White
32. Tiana Toomes aka Starlin - half Black and half White
33. Traci Thirteen aka Traci 13 - Her Asian nationality is unknown and often debated. In my opinion, I make her half Filipina and half Thai. Since there aren’t a lot of Southeast Asian superheroes
34.  Olive Silverlock - from Gotham Academy; her ethnicity is unknown but she is POC given her dark skin. She might also be albino. For me, I think she is a POC albino, most likely of Arabian descent. She may also be biracial.
35. Renee Montoya aka The Question II - Afro Puerto Rican
1. Danielle Cage aka Captain America - half white and half black
2. America Chavez aka Miss America - Afro Puerto Rican Caribbean
3. Miles Morales aka Spider Man - half black and half Puerto Rican
4. Sam Alexander aka Nova - half Mexican and half white
5. Daken Akihiro aka Wolverine - half Japanese and half white
6. Laura Kinney aka X-23 aka Wolverine - following from her original appearance where she had notable dark skin in X-Men Evolutions. It was never confirmed but I believe her “mother” was Afro Latina. So, Laura would be half Afro Latina and half white
7. Maya Lopez aka Echo - half Hispanic and half Native Cheyenne
8. Eden Fesi aka Manifold - Black Australian Aboriginal
9. Lucas Bishop - Black Australian Aboriginal
10. Gloria Dolores Muñoz aka Risque - half Seminole and half Cuban 
11.  Maria De Guadalupe “Lupe” Santiago aka Silverclaw -  Hispanic nationality unknown but lives in a fictional Hispanic island or country and is an Indigenous member
12. Aliyah Bishop - Black Australian Aboriginal
13. Narya aka Snowbird - half Inuit and possibly half White
14. Lucy Rand - daughter of Danny Rand and Misty Knight; half Black and half White; since I would racebend Danny as Tibetan American, that would make her half Tibetan and half Black
12. Silhouette Chord aka Silhouette - half Black and half Cambodian
13.  Kei Kawade aka Kid Kaiju - half Japanese and half white
14.  Jeannine Sauvage aka Guillotine - Afro Arabian, from my personal opinion and the info about character
15.  Daisy Johnson aka Quake - half Chinese and half white American
16. Katy Chen - from the MCU; I’m following the same heritage as her actress; half Chinese and half Korean
17. Colleen Wing - half Chinese and half Japanese
18. Victor Alvarez aka Power Man - Afro Dominican
19.  Cecilia Reyes - Afro Puerto Rican
20. Roberto da Costa aka Sunspot - Afro Brazilian
21. Nezhno Abidemi aka Gentle - half Black (Wakandan) and half White (Russian)
22. Thunderstorm - daughter of Thor and Ororo Munroe/Storm; half White and half Black (Kenyan)
23. Neena Thurman aka Domino - half Black and half White
24. Kiyoshi Morales aka Captain America - half Japanese and half Hispanic
25. Nathaniel Carver aka Hindsight - half Korean and half White
26. Peni Parker aka SP//DR - half Japanese and half White
27. Selah Burke aka Sun Girl - half Black and half White
28.  Anya Corazon aka Arana - half Mexican and half Puerto Rican
29.  Angel Salvadore aka Tempest - Afro-Latina
30.  Nina the Conjuror - Brazilian, given her dark skintone, she might be Afro-Brazilian
31.  Ellie Camacho - half white and half Hispanic
Please list any more if you don’t see any on the list. Be respectful with the comments.
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skidar · 2 years
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Lupe scares his younger bros and pays the consequences. May or may not be based on real life events camping with my fam growing up ;)
Lil Hidden Stars fun comic ;)
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burlveneer-music · 2 years
Juanita Euka - Mabanzo - an engrossing (and beautifully produced) tour through Afro-Latin styles (Strut Records)
Strut present the debut solo album Mabanzo by Congolese vocalist, Juanita Euka. A familiar face to many from London’s vibrant live music scene over the last decade, Juanita has fronted London Afrobeat Collective’s dynamic live shows, the fusions and cross-pollinations of Animanz and maverick Cuban collective Wara. As a solo artist, she broke through in early 2020, performing her single ‘Alma Seca’ in series 3 of blockbuster series Killing Eve. Originally from DR Congo and brought up in Buenos Aires, Juanita’s upbringing involved many different musical influences, not least her uncle, Congolese rumba giant Franco Luambo Makiadi. “In Argentina, I listened to a wide range of styles from African-American artists to Dominican stars like Juan Luis Guerra, the Congolese greats like my uncle and Papa Wemba and various artists from Argentina including Mercedes Sosa. Some of my main inspirations were (and still are) international Afro-Cuban artists like Celia Cruz and La Lupe.” Moving to the UK aged 14, she joined Afro-Peruvian band Malambo and immersed herself in London’s own sounds, from Soul to Jazz to Funk. With her new album Mabanzo (meaning ‘Thoughts’), Juanita brings together her many and varied musical influences into play and pulls no lyrical punches. Killer dancefloor single ‘Nalingi Mobali Te’ is pure contemporary Congolese guitar gold, ‘Mboka Moka’ channels ‘80s boogie and Quincy horn stylings on an anthem for personal struggle and ‘Baño de Oro’ brings a heavy Afro-Cuban workout. Elsewhere, the epic ballad ‘Sueños de Libertad’ is an impassioned call for freedom and the lilting ‘For All It’s Worth’ champions love over materialism. Recorded entirely at home studios during lockdown, the album was painstakingly constructed by producer Greg Sanders with all musicians recorded remotely. “I have always written songs and poems since I was young,” reflects Euka. “I met Greg, a multi-instrumentalist and producer, while I was in Wara and we started the journey towards a solo project. Greg has that knowledge and vision of different sounds and it is the perfect way to celebrate my music journey. I have tried to bring all of the musical heritage that I have experienced into my album.” Juanita Euka: Lead Vocals, Backing Vocals Greg Sanders: Guitars, Bass Guitars, Keys, Synths, Programming Sara Farina: Bass Guitar Tom Herbert: Upright Bass Chris Williams, Leo Richardsdon, Sam Rapley: Saxophones Eliane Correa: Keys Will Fry, Ernesto Marichales, Leandro Mancini-Olivos, Richard Olatunde Baker, Lya Reis Guerruero: Percussion Flora Curzon: Violin Kareem Dayes: Cello Fabio De Oliveira, Ben Assiter, George Bird: Drumkit Graeme Flowers: Trumpet, Flugelhorn Kieran McLeod, Landy Diaz: Trombone Jonathan Whitten: Hammered Dulcimer All tracks arranged & produced by Greg Sanders All tracks mixed by Lester Salmins
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yaiza-zelaya · 3 years
Playlist your character would listen to
Their favorite song
Bo Mambo – Yma Sumac
“Bam balai, lamento negro que va Bonban, es la danza para guapas Ay, lamento que llega al corazón Bonban, con amor”
It happened when she was just a little girl: the great Peruvian singer Yma Sumac returned home from her continental tour, and for her birthday, Yaiza’s father took her to watch the coloratura-soprano live in concert. It was one of the most glorious experiences in the young chemist’s life, one she treasures even several decades after. From all the songs she sang, this one was always her favorite, and the one she got a record of as soon as it was made available, even travelling to Buenos Aires to buy it straight from the recording company before anyone else could.
A song they listen to when sad or upset
Puro Teatro – La Lupe
“Teatro Lo tuyo es puro teatro Falsedad bien ensayada Estudiado simulacro “
Anyone who knows Yaiza well (and there’s not a lot of those still currently walking around) knows that she can be a little bit… Well, dramatic. Not in a bad way, of course. More in the sense of theatricality, of being fully in touch with her emotions just as well as she knows how to perform those emotions for them to be noticed. Since she doesn’t believe in being humble or becoming smaller and quieter for other people’s benefit or comfort, Yaiza needs a properly grandiose song to fit her less lively moods –usually brought by other people’s dishonesty and lack of thoughtfulness.
A song they listen when they are happy or need a cheer up
Cuánto Me Alegro – Cuarteto D’Aída
“Me alegro de tu sufrir Me alegro Que estés llorando Y que te quieras morir”
What can be better to cheer someone up than a song about the joys of schadenfreude? Just as her woes tend to be caused by someone’s deceit, there is nothing more satisfying than seeing those who underestimated her get their dues. And, of course, this song is also extremely upbeat and danceable, which Yaiza always values.
The first song they would put on in the car for a long drive
Perfidia – Xavier Cugat
As the extraordinarily rich woman she is, Yaiza hasn’t touched the steering wheel of a car since 1972; nevertheless, she does enjoy travelling quite a lot, with a good chunk of her yearly budget going to holidays and flight expenses. And one song she always starts her travelling with, mostly because it puts her in a content, relaxed mood, is Perfidia. It’s light, breezy, and as she gets older and a little bit more prone to dizziness spells, it’s quite good to relieve her tension and maybe doze off for a few minutes.
A song from their childhood
I Like It Like That – Pete Rodríguez
“Baby, if you think you’re shy Do me a favor, honey, Go someplace and hide”
While not exactly childhood –more like her teen years –this song was a constant presence in birthday parties, quinceañeras, weddings, New Year’s Eve, and all other celebrations. Since a good amount of business associates of the Zelaya family had their residence in the US, and (to her surprise and, frankly, disgust) a good amount of their children didn’t even know Spanish, and while Yaiza was fluent in English from a young age, that meant that most contacts with other young rich people were made through her second language. So, even though there was something of a cultural rift between her and those second-generation kids, Pete Rodríguez’s much-beloved music, especially this song (a staple of every gathering), helped her bridge that gap. One good thing she could say about the gringos, is that their music could have turned out to be much worse.
A song that represents a significant relationship
Brujería – El Gran Combo De Puerto Rico
“Que tú me tienes temblando De noche y de día Me quieres mandar pa’ la tumba fría”
While her father had plenty of little nicknames for her dearest daughter, the one he used the most was taken from this, one of his favorite songs: ‘mi brujita’, ‘my little witch’. This was a badge of honor for the young Yaiza, since, while other girls might be their parents’ little angel, or their little princess, she knew she had a power much more practical and real than that of her peers. Surrounded, in her early years, by the nouveau riche community of Lima, where similarly suddenly affluent families from other parts of the southern continent also owned homes and properties, Yaiza has always tried to stand out. Whether by her darker sense of humor, her cutting-edge fashion style, her fascination with death and everything related to the embalming process, it could be said that Yaiza Zelaya was never like the other girls; and, to an extent, Yaiza knows that this was possible mostly because of her father’s encouragement and involved role in her education.
The song they belt out when they’re alone and no one can hear them
Oye Cómo Va – Tito Puente
“Oye cómo va, mi ritmo Bueno pa' gozar, mulata ”
As sticky a song as they come: impossible to shake off once you hear it, simple and easy to remember. Each time the intro comes along, Yaiza can’t stop herself from tapping along, shimmying her shoulders as the flute begins… And by the time the lyrics start, Yaiza’s already either mouthing the words or screeching them like a banshee, depending on her current mood. She has heard other covers and versions of the classic song over the years, but found none of them to her taste: in her opinion, this is the most stripped down, essential version of it –exactly long enough, not a beat out of place, not a note lacking or in excess. Basically, even if it’s not her favorite, Yaiza will probably argue this is the most perfect song to have been created.
Their karaoke song
Quizás, Quizás, Quizás – Celia Cruz
“Estás perdiendo el tiempo Pensando, pensando Por lo que más tú quieras Dime hasta cuándo, cuándo”
Another classic, though this one has a bit more lyrics to sing along to. It’s not hard at all to find in karaoke bars around the world, especially known by its English name (‘Perhaps, Perhaps, Perhaps’), but, since the music’s the same… Regardless of what people may think of her, she will always sing it in Spanish, since that’s both the language she finds herself most comfortable with, and to stick it to the rest of the crowd, if she happens to be somewhere where her mother tongue is not the norm. There are many things that you could call Yaiza, after all –but shy isn’t one of them.
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saelxg · 4 years
...de algún vagón del Metro...
–"Damita, caballero, en ésta ocasión le traigo a la venta…“ –”…No, no, ya voy a llegar…“ –"¡Sientate bien, Paula!, ¡que te sientes bien…!” –"…¿Bajas en la que sigue?…“ –”…Sientese señora…“ –”…No mames, pinche calor y el ventilador que no sirve…“ –”…lo bueno es que ya mañana se va…“ –”…yo le dije a tu tío que no friege, ya no hay lugar para sus chingaderas…“ –”…¿entonces nos bajamos en Salto del Agua?…“ –”…Sientate tú, yo aquí parado pero toma mi mochila…“ –”…Se me hizo tarde, ni comer pude…“ –”…si me da permiso, de favor…“ –”…chocolate de línea, chocolate de calidad…“ –”…Vente que a la siguiente bajamos…“ –”…correle allá hay asiento…“ –…"¿qué? Es que voy en el Metro…” –…“¡dejen bajar!…” –"…mica, mica protectora para todo tipo de celular…“ –”…Mamá, ¿cómo se llama la estación del pescadito?…“ –”…si, wey, estoy a dos estaciones…“ –”…Permita el libre cierre de puertas…“ –”…¡No empujen, no sean cabrones!…“ –”…Mi compañero y yo tenemos SIDA, por falta de apoyo por parte del gobierno…“ –”…Abre tantito la ventana, por fa…“ –”…Órale entonces te veo en el reloj…“ –”…éxitos de ayer y hoy en un disco mp3, diez pesos le vale, diez pesos…“ –”…¿aquí bajas, no? Te veo mañana en el trabajo…“ –”…sólo me falta revisar de terminar lo que dejaste pendiente…“ –”…porque en la calle se sufre hambre, frío, injusticias y hasta violaciones…“ –”…¿Gusta cooperar para la Cruz Roja?…“ –”…Próxima estación: Chabacano, favor de permitir la salida antes de entrar….“ –”…ahorita llego y hago un huevo en salsa verde para que coma mi viejo…“ –”…¿Entonces si le entendiste a la tarea, me la pasas?…“ –”…Se va a armar la chida, porque va a ir Lupe, la buenota…“ –”…no, mamá están en el librero junto a la foto de Julia…“ –”…cualquier moneda que no afecte su economía…“ –”…ay, ya a la chingada. Haz lo que quieras…“ –”…si, dos ochocientos pesó. Yo voy para el hospital…“ –”…ahorita saliendo venden los tacos que te dije la vez pasada…“ –”…Dios te quiere. Dios nos quiere. Dio la vida por nosotros…“ –”…Barra de amaranto, decorada con nuez, miel y pasas, cinco pesos…“ –”…¿qué, ya tienes sueño?, te digo…“ –"…Tapate la boca, y toce para de aquel lado, ¿si?…” –"…Me quieren agitar me incitan a gritar, soy como una roca palabras no me tocan…“ –”…Yo ya me voy…“ –"Próxima estación es Garibaldi, ninguna persona a bordo por su propia seguridad.”
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polarhoid · 4 years
[ 2-2 = 5 ]
Dos series para maratonear que son buenísimas y están en Netflix:
Sex Education: la historia de un adolescente [cuya madre es una sexóloga interpretada por Gillian Anderson 😍] que se asocia con una amiga-mala influencia de su escuela para dar 'terapia' y compartir consejos  sexuales a sus compañeros. Tanto los protagonistas como el reparto son carismáticos y tienen una muy buena química. Es un comedia [con picos dramáticos] de teenagers que no cae en los lugares comunes y que, de hecho y eso lo que la hace más interesante, subvierte ese sub-género y plantea un mundo diverso en el que los adolescentes no son retratados como seres burdos cuasi-desquiciados que se meten en problemas por las hormonas. Al contrario, Sex... es una serie de múltiples matices y de no pocos personajes entrañables. Échenle un ojo, yo voy por terminar la primera temporada.
Unorthodox. Cuando empecé a ver está serie me pasmó la interpretación de Shira Haas como Etsy. De hecho, aún sigo procesando e intentando entender cómo lograron una caracterización tan convincente, realista y conmovedora. Etsy es una joven mujer que escapa de su matrimonio y de una comunidad ortodoxa judía asentada en Nueva York. La miniserie consta de cuatro capítulos y es casi perfecta: el casting, el ritmo, la atmósfera y la historia están armoniosamente encuadrados al rededor de lo que yo creo que es el punto fortísimo de esta miniserie: la descomunal destreza interpretativa de Haas. De verdad, sólo verla a ella ya es un espectáculo.
Por cierto, en el plano del melodrama y la ciencia ficción: terminé la serie de Juan Gabriel de Amazon y, pese a sus errores y a que decae entre capítulo y capítulo, es un melodrama efectivo que sí te gancha y te mantiene queriendo saber qué nueva tragedia y en qué otros problemas se meterá el divo de Juárez. Y pues la serie aborda desde antes de su nacimiento hasta que triunfa y se encumbra en ese famosísimo concierto de Bellas Artes de los 90. No tienen que ser fans de Juanga para disfrutarla; yo sí lo soy y, aunque los actores seleccionados para interpretar a Alberto Aguilera de pronto medio chafeaban y sacan gacho el cobre y la inexperiencia sobre todo cuando comparten secuencias con Dolores Heredia y Ernesto Gómez Cruz [y otros grandes actores que participan en la serie], la producción se sostiene y es muy entretenida. No le tengan miedo y véanla: es un híbrido algo afortunado entre una biopic y una telenovela que se mantiene algo alejada de los convencionalismos más gastados del formato.
Empecé a ver la serie Devs, de Alex Garland [Ex-Machina y Annihilation] y me está gustando un buen. Es un trhiller sobrio de ciencia ficción cuasi-metafísica que trata sobre una compañía de computación cuántica. El novio de Lily, la protagonista, es invitado a participar en el proyecto ultrasecreto 'Devs' y cuando se da cuenta de qué es lo que realmente hacen en ese proyecto se desata el conflicto. Si ya conocen a Garland sabrán en sus producciones son de ritmo aletargado y que privilegia el encuadre preciosista, la divagación, los personajes ambiguos y el diálogo críptico por encima de la acción. Ah, y además es un director que usa demasiado bien la música [favor de ver en el yutub la danza memorable de Oscar Isaac en Ex Machina]; ciertas secuencias de Devs parecieran sacadas de un vídeo musical. Pero esto no es malo, es moderado con este recurso. En ese sentido, Garland es como el Sorrentino de la ciencia ficción. Échenle un ojo, este rollo de la computación cuántica y sus aplicaciones está loquísimo y es muy interesante. Es, como se dice entre líneas de esta mini-serie, 'una nueva era de la alquimia en donde la tecnología es tan densa e inentendible que casi podría equipararse con la magia'.
Y ya por último. Acabo de ver el primer cap de Tales from The Loop [Cuentos de la Lupe :p]; serie de Amazon también de ciencia ficción que está 'basada' en las ilustraciones de Simon Stålenhag [fueron populares en redes hace como tres-cuatro años], y me agradó bastante la primera entrega de esta serie: transmite bastante bien la estética sucia, brutal, y al mismo tiempo naive y 'radiante' del retrofuturismo. Tiene un tono y ritmo pausado en donde la extrañeza y la anomalía se va revelando poco a poco y de manera muy elusiva. Nunca sabes bien qué está pasando, pero esa parcialidad de información es lo que mantiene la tensión en la historia. Tengo entendido que son capítulos auto-conclusivos y al menos en este, los dos niños protagonistas están geniales. Fue una buena sorpresa para mí Tales of... Véanla, no se van a arrepentir.
Y ya. No se pongan locos y sean buenas personas. Bai.
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almasgeeks · 5 years
Conoce la historia de dos amigas (Dora de Ángeles y Lydia García) quienes trabajaron en los años de esplendor de la música grabada en #Panamá. En una tienda de discos donde pasaron talentos como: Tito Puente, La Lupe, Julio Iglesias y Celia Cruz. Panama Radio está siendo proyectada en el @iffpanama. Compra tus entradas en @tustiquetes. #PanamaRadio #iffPanamá #iffPanama #viveiffpanama #CineEsVida #iff #filmfestival #festivaldecine #film #cine #pty #507 #Panama507 (en Panama City, Panama) https://www.instagram.com/p/BwCmiaXBEgi/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=12armdb1k9yzd
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mcnuggyy · 6 years
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||| Coming 2019 |||
yeehaw!!!! first solo comic!! feel free to check it out!! I can’t wait to share it with y’all when the time comes! 🌵💕
Los Angeles, full of culture, diversity and endless opportunities. Not so much for its minorities though. This is the story of two young chicanes as they struggle to blur the lines between their often conflicting identities. Life is hard when you’re dealing with racism, machismo, homophobia, xenophobia, I.C.E., and stupid gay crushes on stupidly gorgeous girls.
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mamusiq · 6 years
Miguel Bose, Marisa Paredes, Victoria Abril and Feodor Atkine during the filming of 'High Heels' by Pedro Almodovar. 
Listen to music from the director’s 20 films to be shown during a retrospective tribute at New York’s MOMA.
New York’s Museum of Modern Art will show all of Spanish director Pedro Almodóvar’s films as part of a month-long tribute starting Nov. 29, which coincides with the premiere in U.S. theaters of his 20th film, Julieta.
When Almódovar first opened international eyes to Madrid’s post-Franco cultural explosion, la movida, with his early films, he also showcased some of the music he performed in clubs with the artist known as Fabio McNamara. Some of the songs that could be considered the duo’s "classics" include “Suck it to Me” and “Voy a Ser Mama” (“I'm Going to Be a Mom”), which -- shocking for the era in Spain -- they performed in drag. The singer Alaska, an underground icon whose career has since lasted as long as Almodóvar’s, had a starring role in the director’s gritty first feature Pepi, Luci, Bom y Otras Chicas del Montón.
But over the years, Almodóvar became best known for his strong female roles, and his soundtracks full of the muscular-voiced female artists he featured. Over the years, by sharing some of his own favorite artists through his movies, Almodóvar has introduced his beloved Latin icons to new listeners, and boosted the careers of contemporary artists.
Here are some of Almodóvar’s greatest hits:
Luz Casal, “Piensa en Mi” from Tacones Lejanos (High Heels)
Spanish singer Luz Casal interpreted two emotional ballads in 1991’s Tacones Lejanos (High Heels).
Meanwhile, the Latin standard “Piensa en Mi,” by Mexican composer Agustín Lara, was made popular by the heart-ripping version sung by Chavela Vargas.
"Un Año de Amor” is lip-synched in the movie by Miguel Bosé, one of Spain’s biggest pop stars, whose character uses the song in his drag act.
Casal’s own gorgeous recordings of the two songs were big hits for the singer. They were both included on her quadruple-platinum 1991 album, A contraluz.
Dúo Dinámico, “Resistiré” from ¡Átame! (Tie Me Up! Tie Me Down!)
In this great scene from 1990’s ¡Átame!, Antonio Banderas and co-stars Victoria Abril and Loles León are in a car singing along to “Resistiré,” a kitschy radio hit for Spain’s Dúo Dinámico. Watch Banderas tentatively preview the sing-talk vocal style he’d hone for the movie musical Evita later in the decade.
La Lupe, “Puro Teatro” from Mujeres al Borde de un Ataque de Nervios (Women on the Verge of a Nervous Breakdown)
Almodóvar’s 1988 dramedy Women on the Verge of a Nervous Breakdown was the director’s international breakthrough. With it, he also introduced his love of romantic ballads to the world.
The Oscar-nominated movie includes “Soy infeliz,” performed by Mexican ranchera queen Lola Beltrán. Women also features La Lupe’s signature, “Puro Teatro,” re-focusing attention on the Cuban singer years before the more recent revival of her New York label, Fania Records.
Estrella Morente, “Volver” from Volver
Penelope Cruz sings the tango’s classic ode to nostalgia, “Volver,” in the 2006 Almodóvar movie of the same name. That bewitching voice actually belongs to singer Estrella Morente. Flamenco royalty in Spain, Morente saw her star rise further internationally after the release of the film, and the inclusion of the song on her album Mujeres the same year.
Caetano Veloso, “Cucurrucucu Paloma” from Hable Con Ella (Talk to Her)
Brazilian music fans got a thrill when tropicalismo legend Caetano Veloso appeared in a party scene in the 2002 movie Talk to Her, performing the often-covered Mexican standard “Cucurrucucu Paloma.”
Concha Buika,“Se Me Hizó Facil,” from La Piel Que Habito (The Skin I Live In)
With her soul-baring singing and iconoclastic style, Buika was a natural match for Almodóvar. He cast her as a singer in the 2011 movie La Piel Que Habito. She performs two songs on the soundtrack: "Se Me Hizó Facil” and “Por el Amor de Amar.”
Chavela Vargas, “Si No te Vas” from Julieta
“With the emphasis that Chavela put at the end of a song she created, a new genre that should be named for her,” Almodóvar said of his friend, the great bolero singer Chavela Vargas, who died in 2012. Almodóvar called her a “volcano.” A recording of Vargas singing the bolero “Si No Te Vas” brings the heat to the new film Julieta.
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phoenixlionme · 3 years
Marvel Latino Superheroes
1.  María Aracely Josefina Penalba de las Heras aka Hummingbird - Mexican born
2. Miles Morales aka Spider Man - biracial; half Puerto Rican and half black
3. Miguel Santos aka Living Lightning - Hispanic nationality unknown but is American born
4. Sam Alexander aka Nova - biracial; half Mexican and half white
5. Victor Alvarez aka Power Man - biracial; Afro-Dominican
6. Humberto Lopez aka Reptil - Mexican born
7. Roberta Mendez aka Captain America 2099 - Hispanic nationality unknown but is American born
8. Miguel O’Hara aka Spider Man 2099 - biracial; half Irish and half Mexican
9. Bonita Juarez aka Firebird - Chicana (Mexican American)
10. Robbie Reyes aka Ghost Rider - Chicano (Mexican American)
11.  Alejandra Jones aka Ghost Rider - Hispanic nationality unknown
12. Maya Lopez aka Echo - half Hispanic and half Cheyenne, the former nationality is unknown
13. Ajak aka The Legendary Inca Warrior - Peruvian born
14. Anya Corazon aka Arana - half Mexican and half Puerto Rican American
15. Gabriel Vargas aka Captain Universe - Chicano (Mexican American)
16. Gabriel Carlos Dantes Sepulveda aka Defensor - Argentinian born
17. Fabio Medina aka Egg (formerly known as Goldballs) - Hispanic nationality unknown but is American born
18.  America Chavez aka Miss America - biracial; Afro-Puerto Rican Caribbean
19.  Carmen Cruz aka Gimmick - biracial; Afro-Latina
20. Laura Kinney aka Wolverine - biracial; Afro-Latina and half white; her exact ethnicity is unknown but first appearance (in the animated X-Men: Evolution series) depicts her with dark skin and her “mother” had darker skintone with blonde hair. Her creators didn’t specify her ethnicity but I do think she’s Hispanic. And given the darker skintone of her “mother”, she’s most likely Afro-Latina. I know in recent comic adaptation portray her with way lighter skin tone but her ORIGINAL appearance shows her with DARKER skintone (thought not as dark as her “mother”). As such, I have seen Laura as half white and half Afro Latina but the Hispanic nationality is unknown. Also, as a side note, her creators also mentioned they planned to do a LGBT storyline with Laura but it was axed. So, she’s also LGBT.
21. Cecilia Reyes - Puerto Rican and depicted with dark-skinned complexion
22. Roberto da Costa aka Sunspot - biracial; Afro-Brazilian 
23. Armando Munoz aka Darwin - biracial; Afro-Latino; Hispanic nationality unknown
24. Julio Richter aka Rictor - Mexican born
25. Gloria Dolores Muñoz aka Risque - biracial; half Seminole and half Cuban American
26. Brian Cruz aka Tag - Puerto Rican
27. Angel Salvadore aka Tempest - biracial; Afro-Latina; Hispanic nationality unknown
28. Lucia Callasantos aka Thornn - Hispanic nationality unknown
29. Benito Serrano aka Toro - Cuban
30. Gabriel Cohuelo aka Velocidad - Mexican born
31. Hector Ayala aka White Tiger I - Puerto Rican born
32. Angela del Toro aka White Tiger II - Puerto Rican
33. Ava Ayala aka White Tiger III - Puerto Rican American born
34. Sofia Mantega aka Wind Dancer - Venezuelan born 
35.  Maria De Guadalupe "Lupe" Santiago aka Silverclaw - biracial; Hispanic nationality unknown but lives in a fictional Hispanic Island or country and is an Indigenous member
36.  Angelo Espinosa aka Skin - Puerto Rican American born
37. Yo Yo Rodriguez aka Slingshot - Puerto Rican born
38. Fernanda Rodriguez aka Red Locust - Chicana (Mexican American)
39. Nina the Conjuror - Brazilian, given her dark skintone, she might be Afro-Brazilian
40. German Aguilar - Mexican
41. Eva Quintero - Mexican
42. Ellie Camacho - biracial; half white and half Hispanic; American born
Please list any more if you don’t see any on the list. Be respectful with the comments.
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