#lusan the superior
lorcan-yue · 10 months
posting some of my fave lusan panels
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'my cook', luffy saw sanji's kindness and immediately wanted him to be part of the crew, it only makes sense, sanji is what exactly luffy needed
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remember when luffy's shadow was transferred into oars, his memories should've been erased in the process, but his heart screams for sanji here
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'come back, sanji, without your help, i can't become the king of the pirates' this sealed in for me, lusan went beyond the glutton x cook pairing, they are a lot deeper than that, luffy needed sanji, as much as sanji needed luffy
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words of affirmation, luffy is more than willing to make sanji realise time and time again that he deserves to be loved, and through sanji's core of being kind, he deserves to receive the same kindness
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this is just so funny, bec usually, luffy is always bragging abt sanji's cooking skills, so why is it different when bonney complimented sanji here 😭 this is just luffy being possessive ahhaha
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majestick-posts-op · 4 months
Reposting these I made after @sporktato 's TedTalk because I need more people to see them.
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Gear 5th but more powerfull (Sansone style)
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From the back
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Sanji bribing Luffy to sit still so he can do his thing.
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Zoro: Marimo exe. has stopped working.
Nami: Has already come up with 50 hairstyles ideas to try.
Usopp: Loves it, now they match.
Sanji: Nosebleed exe. has stopped working.
Chopper: Thinks its the coolest thing ever.
Brook: "What a beauty for the eyes to behold. If only I had eyes! YOHOHOHO!"
Franky: "Its SUPER!"
Robin: Even if she didn't like it she would still be supportive, as always.
Jimbei: "I'm extremely confused..."
Hairstyles ideas:
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Hair scarf (Punk Hazard, made it himself)
Bun and braid (Dressrosa before and after the main fight, courtesy of Rebecca) (Torao exe. has stopped working)
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Shirley temple curls (Whole Cake Island, it was Nami's idea)
Longer hair top knot like Sanji's (Wano, from when Sukiyaki gave him that kimono)
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Free in the wind (Raid on Onigashima, they told him he would have looked badass)
Gear 5 white pigtails (Egghead, Vegapunk's technology analised him and scientifically concluded that it was the best looking style for him)
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curlybrow-kun · 11 months
🔥 for op ships maybe??
lusan and zolaw are superior to zosan and lawlu
send me a “ 🔥 “ and a topic for an unpopular opinion
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lowrollshighhopes · 6 years
Crookwich Episode Seventeen: Jibi Speaks
As promised, Rivers sent around a carriage to collect the party the next day. Despite getting chastised by her superior, she remained in charge of the operation. The news wasn't all bad; Averhill had enough information to be fairly sure that the abyssal salts had not yet been sold in the city, and that customs would know what to watch out for.
The next step was to go on the offensive. Rivers said she would be able to acquire a ship for the journey to Crookwich, but a reliable crew would be more problematic. Ris had an idea; Silas and his crew might be the people for the job.
Rivers said she would organise the exhumation of Jibi's remains, and her carriage would collect them that evening. The party spent the rest of the day shopping and selling various items. Ris went back to the Merchant's Book Exchange to try and find some of the books Lusan had sold to fund the treant's rescue, but there wasn't time to give them to him.
Rivers met the party in an old and quiet part of town that night, and led them to a tiny but well-kept park overlooked by stone buildings. On one of the walls was a tiny raven symbol painted on the stone. Rivers presented her ring, and an archway appeared, filled with magical darkness.
The party felt their way down a flight of steep steps and into a passageway, and the darkness lifted to reveal a grove of carved stone trees, Jibi's corpse, and a scarred male drow. The latter was introduced as Vasalor, and in a whisper he welcomed them to the shrine.
Vasalor enacted a ritual to ensure Jibi could not be accidentally made undead, and stepped aside for Mel to cast her own magic.
Jibi's decaying corpse began to breathe again, and the party carefully put their questions to him.
When asked who was behind all of this, the corpse  gave a surprisingly straightforward answer: Lady Duskery. It was a name unfamiliar to all of them. The purpose of the salt was for power and corruption, and for their final question the party asked Jibi what they had to fear in Crookwich.
“Corruption is in the air there. Overgrown stone. Her hounds. Her servants. The house on the hill. In the tavern someone is watching those whom the salt brings.”
With that final warning, the corpse fell silent once more.
Vasalor wished them well, and the party then visited Silas, who was delighted by the idea of being back on the water again, even if not on his own ship, and he and his crew required no persuading to join in the venture, even if he didn't quite believe it at first when Ris told him they were working for the Reach.
The end of summer before them, they had a few weeks to prepare for the voyage, and whatever was waiting for them at Crookwich.
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lorcan-yue · 9 months
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LUSAN REAL!!!!!!!!
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ask-de-writer · 6 years
CAPTURED BY THE CLANS : Science Fiction : Part 5
De Writer
© 2018 by Glen Ten-Eyck
All rights reserved
written, 2006
18231 words
All rights reserved.  This document may not be copied or distributed on or to any medium or placed in any mass storage system except by the express written consent of the author.
Copyright fair use rules for Tumblr users
Users of Tumblr.com are specifically granted the following rights.  They may reblog the story.  They may use the characters or original characters in my settings for fan fiction, fan art works, cosplay, or fan musical compositions, provided that such things are done without charge.  I will allow those who do commission art works to charge for their images.
All sorts of fan activity, art, fan fiction, music,  cosplay, role play, or any other fan activity is actively encouraged!
New to the story?  Part 1 is here
Lusan was utterly taken aback by T’cass’ instant response.  “Of course it’s true.  We had a good fight going.  Neither of us could get any decisive advantage.  When I ran out of power for the tachyon battery and all of my missiles were already gone, I rolled my fighter to a submit position.  Instead of taking a surrender, my opponent imposed the Obligation of Conflict and saw me safely home.  We will fight again, if the Triple Goddess allows, and come to a proper decision as to which is the better Warrior.”
Lusan honestly tried to figure that one out.  All that she could think of was to ask incredulously, “You mean that you agreed that one of you will kill the other later?”
T’cass nodded nonchalantly, “Perhaps.  If one of us shows a clear superiority, the other will submit and become the student of the winner.  That is part of the Way.”
As they entered the War Planning room, Lusan offered,  “Perhaps that may be a weakness in that Warrior’s Way thing that the M’cratt put so much stock in.  If our fighters could use that maneuver to lure . . .”  It was as far as she got.  She was knocked to the floor and T’cass had her helpless.  Lusan was staring into the eyes of death itself, personified in T’cass.
Angrily pronouncing each word separately, T’cass said, “If.  I.  Ever.  Hear.  Of.  That.  You. Will.  Die.  I.  Will.  Not.  Fight.  With.  Those.  Of.  No. Honor.”  Mastering her rage slowly, she helped Lusan up.  Then she added, “I do not understand you.  Clans and M’cratt are the same species.  All that separates us is a gulf of thought.  Trust me when I say that the Feront is easier for me to understand than you are.”
Sliding her claws back and raising her ears out of the protection of her mane, T’cass glanced about the War Room.  She saw shock and fear printed on many faces. Acknowledging the alien ways of the Clans, T’cass ducked her head in apology and said, “Admiral Lusan, I am sorry for this incident.
“Understand, what you proposed is the action of a beast, not a person.  If that tactic is tried, every prisoner that the M’cratti hold will be killed as a beast.  The only exceptions will be those already taken as personal slaves and thus having a protection as persons under M’cratt law.  It will also open up more deadly methods of war between us and make a peace of any sort impossible.  The M’cratt will not treat with beasts.  They will exterminate them if they feel that they are a danger.”
Admiral F’rufan with forced mildness asked, “Maybe we should know what set you off like that.  I don’t think that I want you going for me that way.  Was that an unarmed combat style or just anger and fast reflexes?”
“Both,” answered T’cass. “It was a simple V’naris take-down.  V’naris is an ancient school of unarmed combat.”
Lusan spoke up, “I suggested doing something that would violate their Warrior’s Way on purpose. I should have remembered that T’cass considers herself a Warrior first and of the Clans only second.  She has made the point often enough.”  Turning to T’cass, she said, “I accept your apology. I had no idea that my notion could cause so much harm.”
T’cass nodded and said, “Has anybody raised one of those T.C. ships yet?  I need to get permission for something from the Feront.”
F’rufan dismissed the notion. “They’ve been trying to contact us.  Since they won’t do anything to stop the blatant treaty violations of the M’cratt, I ordered our communications people to ignore them.”
Calmly, T’cass said, “That was stupid.  Those three ships by themselves, without backup, have enough firepower to destroy both our fleet and the M’cratt fleet.  The M’cratt haven’t broken the treaty. That’s why the T.C. hasn’t acted.  It was genius on Lezon’s part to get the Feront into the Treaty Commission.  We need them to approve my strategy since it involves deliberate planetary damage.”
Heads all about the War Room turned at that.  “Planetary damage?” F’rufan questioned.  “What is this strategy?  We seem to have missed something.  We were thinking that the M’cratt would come in from off the ecliptic like they did at K’stall.”
Voice almost dripping with sarcasm, T’cass replied, “Oh, sure.  I forgot that Lezon’s attack plans are all carbon copies of each other!  She has never repeated an attack plan unless it was a sucker play to set you up for something else.
“Let me talk to the Feront. That way I will only have to explain this once.”
Sourly, F’rufan signaled to open the channel.  On the screen four reptilian appearing beings, long of hind leg and tail, heads like long narrow arrowheads with jaws full of teeth, looked into the War Room.
Although the four heads each scanned a separate part of the room, they all spoke at once, “Entity, T’cass!  It is good to see you.  Why have my signals been ignored? I bear a reply to the protest filed by the Entity, Council of Clans.
“The reply of the Entity Treaty Commission to the Entity Council of Clans is: Protest rejected.  This Conflict is specifically acceptable under the terms of the Treaty between the Entities presently engaged.  No present violations of the Treaty have been observed.
“I have arrived in accord with your summons and the Treaty to observe this conflict for violations. According to both Treaty and law, I shall not interfere unless violations are observed.  Message to Entity Council of Clans ends.”
T’cass composed herself and spoke.  “Entity Feront, it is good to see you again.  It has been long, as this Entity counts time, since I last spoke to you.  Have you news of my instructing Entity, K’lass, from the School of All Conflict?”
The polyphonic voice of the Feront changed as two more of the creature entered it’s transmission field and one left but the words flowed seamlessly, “I have word that is only four weeks past.  The Entity K’lass wished you to keep your fangs and your claws as sharp as your knife.  The Way is all.”
The others in the War Room saw T’cass relax visibly at the Feront’s words.  “Please tell the Entity K’lass that I have kept the Way, even among the strangeness of those who do not understand it.
“Now,” T’cass leaned forward intently, “I need Treaty Commission permission to destroy some worlds.”
note: the story is organized differently in the Science Fiction Section, being broken into longer parts than I am using here.
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ask-de-writer · 6 years
CAPTURED BY THE CLANS : Science Fiction : Part 4
De Writer
© 2018 by Glen Ten-Eyck
All rights reserved
written, 2006
18231 words
All rights reserved.  This document may not be copied or distributed on or to any medium or placed in any mass storage system except by the express written consent of the author.
Copyright fair use rules for Tumblr users
Users of Tumblr.com are specifically granted the following rights.  They may reblog the story.  They may use the characters or original characters in my settings for fan fiction, fan art works, cosplay, or fan musical compositions, provided that such things are done without charge.  I will allow those who do commission art works to charge for their images.
All sorts of fan activity, art, fan fiction, music,  cosplay, role play, or any other fan activity is actively encouraged!
New to the story?  Part 1 is here
M’ase herself took Lezon’s orders without worry.  She knew that if there was one thing that Lezon valued above all else, it was the lives of those that she led.  That many would die, Lezon understood perfectly. That no death on either side be wasted in achieving the goals set by her Empresses, was Lezon’s highest aim.
Many otherwise good Warriors simply could not grasp that the lives of the enemy were as precious as the lives of your own.  What else could give the Conflict value?  D’saric had been one of those who failed to grasp that fundamental principle.
The primary reason that the Hand of Claws had been chosen for Lezon’s flagship, instead of one of the mightier ships was the simple fact that M’ase did understand and honor the principles of the Warrior’s Way.  As Lezon’s Executive Officer, she also understood Lezon’s frustration at being denied vital intelligence about her enemy by D’saric’s pettiness. In space battles, captives were scarce.  Ones with valuable knowledge were scarcer yet.
Lezon thought deeply about the upcoming engagement at M’onafar.  This battle was the true pivot point of her entire campaign.  Now there was a new element in the mix.  Only superior numbers and luck had enabled the Empire to win here at K’stall.  However it had happened, there was a true Warrior on the Clan side now.
She too, was brilliant and unorthodox, just as Lezon was.  What unpleasantness could she cook up for the Empire?  Something occurred to Lezon.  She dispatched the fastest scout ship in the fleet to take a look at C’ustance.
T’cass had not fought the admirals over the best use of the fleets.  She had simply offered her analysis of the situation and the best way to deal with it.  Seeing resistance to the idea of leaving the Combine Worlds undefended she had stalked from the room, snarling, “M’cratt historians will love your decision.”
To T’cass’ surprise, it was admiral Lusan that caught up with her as she was starting to secure her combat harness for the hop from the Flagship to FC 417, her carrier.
“T’cass, wait!” called admiral Lusan as she came running up to the fighter launch bay.  “We still need you to explain those deployments!”  She paused by the fighter’s still open canopy.
Looking in, Lusan saw T’cass’ big Warrior’s Knife in it’s sheath.  “Why do you always carry that?” she asked.  “There’s a perfectly good survival knife in the emergency kit.”
T’cass countered with, “Why do you need me to explain ship deployment?  The answer is, I’m a Warrior.  You are not.  You are a good fighter and nobody questions your courage.  Unfortunately, courage is simply not enough when there are true Warriors in the fray.
“I earned the right to make and carry this Warrior’s Knife.  K’lass’ School of All Conflict allowed me to have it over a year early.  Lezon Treh K’lass is the only other one who graduated from K’lass’ School of All Conflict that early.  It is not merely mine, it is of me.”
At once, Lusan said contritely, “I did not mean to offend.  The truth is, none of us understands the enemy.  You do.  We don’t understand you either but we do trust you.  It’s just so difficult for us to understand either you or Lezon.  
“The K’stall defense was brilliant.  Now that we have analyzed it, we have even admitted our errors.  If we had fought it as you planned it, it would have been an even better engagement than it was.”
She offered a hand to T’cass who carefully unfastened her harness and dismounted her fighter.  “If you have decided to follow my plan, we need to talk to a Treaty Commission representative as soon as possible.  It would be best if it was the Feront that we talk to.  However it works, what one part of it knows, the rest knows.”
Lusan replied, “That won’t be hard.  They’ve moved three of their big fusion ring System Siege vessels into the M’onafar system.  Why do you want to talk to them? All that they ever do is watch.”
“It,” corrected T’cass absently.  “The Feront is one thing composed of many creatures. That was a key to how Lezon managed to fight it to a standstill and open communication with it.  I’ve talked to it before, when I was still in K’lass’ School.”
“About the T.C. watching,” T’cass added tiredly, having been over this so many times before, “the T.C. is simply waiting for a violation.  There hasn’t been one yet.”
Lusan wrinkled her brow, causing whiskers to rise as she tried to sort out her companion’s thinking. “We had a peace treaty.  I’ve read it.  This is a war.  The violation is obvious, isn’t it?”
Suddenly T’cass had an idea.  Perhaps if she approached the notion with humor, she could get it across.  Grinning, she said, “I can’t stand laying down.”
Lusan did chuckle at the old snack of a gag but knew her companion well enough to realize that there was a point in what she said.  “So what is your point?  Is it the impossibility contained in the statement?”
“Yes.  In M’cratt it is impossible to say peace.  The very title of the treaty is a logical impossibility like that joke.  The translators tried to say, ‘a time of no conflict.’  In M’cratt, absence of conflict is an impossible state.  The translation fault, which was the doing of our people, invalidated everything that they tried to say.  What they needed to say was ‘a time of conflicts managed for balance.’”
Finally, Lusan got it.  “The Department of Clan Affairs isn’t going to like hearing that they brought this mess about by a translation foul-up.”
Tartly, T’cass replied, “Don’t I know it!  My mothers were recalled for listening to me and trying to get the treaty fixed.  I know all about those dead and decaying snack brains!”  As they made their way through the busy corridors of the huge ship, T’cass’ claws half extended in rage at the memory.
Diplomatically Lusan let the matter slide.  Instead, Lusan asked something else that had been bothering her.  “There is a rumor going around that a Talon escorted you almost to FC 417, during the K’stall battle.  Is it true?”
note: the story is organized differently in the Science Fiction Section, being broken into longer parts than I am using here.
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lowrollshighhopes · 3 years
Averhill Episode Sixty-five: The Spire Walkers
The rest of the night passed peacefully if not quietly; the nearby storms a constant rumble in the background. The next morning, Lusan said he needed to see the stars to try and determine where they actually were, and they soared upwards through the storm, seeking clear skies, while Flick and Wrath fixed the holes in the Tibor’s hull.
While the lightning played over the rigging of the Tibor, Ris heard faint laughter above, and saw a half dozen small, pixilike creatures, with grey skin and pointed ears, decorated with polished copper coins. They laughed and played across the rigging, and started throwing darts at each other, hit or miss, these darts sent an electric ripple though the air around them, and Pete, up in the crow’s nest, was caught in the shockwave.
Ris attempted to warn them away, summoning for the first time the magic Jamal had lent her. The fey took her threat as a challenge and included her in their game; the electric power of their darts harmless to them, but quite dangerous to others. Flick climbed the mast to rescue Pete, and Wrath proved his aim quite superior to the fey by casting magic missile. Mel’s hypnotic pattern took several of the spire walkers out of the fray, and their fellows immediately robbed them.
The party held back on all out attacking the fey, who were delighted with their new playmates, and joined in joyously. Mel took to the air, and the electric discharge caused her to lose concentration on her spell; Wrath helped her out with slowfall, and she teleported back to the ship, but she’d had enough.
Putting on her most authoritative ‘mom-voice’ she shouted that the game was over. Everyone stopped and felt guilty, and when she held out some copper coins the fey meekly lined up to accept them. Wrath joined the back of the queue as well. He looked sad the fun was over, and was certain he would have won.
The spire walkers reluctantly left, and the ship sailed on. That afternoon, as they cleared the clouds, Wrath offered to enchant Ris’s rapier, and upon receiving permission to do so, immediately went to work. Lusan also was about the ship, speaking to people and climbing the rigging; he seemed to be coming into his own.
Something woke Ris in the night, and she saw Lusan pressing his hands to his forehead. Something was different about him; he moved with more agility, spoke with more confidence, but when challenged he merely said he’d been reading too much, and that she shouldn’t worry.
She worried regardless.
At a meeting in the stateroom to examine the maps it became clear that Lusan wasn’t quite himself; restless and erratic, but something oddly magnetic about him too. He soon went on deck to talk to the crew and Ris went to distract him while Mel searched his things. Nothing seemed amiss, other than he’d taken out a lot of his journals from the trunk he was storing them in. What to do?
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