days-light · 1 year
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my absolute worst girl, before and after witnessing The Horrors ™️
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hallowgracie · 3 months
I have come to realize Luna Frey’s parents just. . . would NOT name her that. And even if they did, they would not be calling her that name, especially her dad and Horus.
I’m still deciding on a name, and these are the front-liners:
Chandra (nickname, Chani): Name of a moon goddess, Chandra started picking up in the 70s as an American name, with Chani as an appropriate nickname given the rise of Dune in 1965
Rhiannon: After the Stevie Nicks song of the same name, but also after the Celtic goddess associated with the moon and horses, and popular in Wiccan circles
January: She will NOT be a January baby but the name sticks out for its hippie associations, and the duality implied by January as the 1st month, for new beginnings. There’s also a nickname from the god January is named for, Janus, god of doorways which is very significant to the MC’s arc, and sounds like Janis after Joplin
Other names that are considered: Aries (her star sign), Persephone (current middle name), or Luscine/Luscina with the nickname of Lucie (another moon goddess) and of course, Serena in full anachronism after Sailor Moon and Selene.
I want the name to fit the vaguely historical inspirations and make sense for the character’s history and family. She’s an important character and I want to make sure her name represents her perfectly.
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siebedraws · 3 years
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An encounter from Sunday’s D&D session! A luscin named Nysa-eli
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nibblelinephym · 3 years
luscine is more: im just gonna chill and help cymbeline occasionally im not sure
honestly? completely valid, peak dynamic
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stumbleimg · 7 years
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SION Personality: Sion is a very rash and hot headed Arietes fox, seldom thinking before acting in most situations. The only time he’s careful is in social situations. He’s careful by avoiding them. If he can’t avoid them, he doesn’t know how to be careful, it’s hard to tell he lowkey feels like throwing up, because he’ll just brainlessly say whatever he’s thinking, but something in his mind will in fact freeze in panic. He has bad social anxiety, and just the thought of approaching a peer can result in trembling.
With those he trusts and is close to, however, he’s normally cocky and reckless. He’s very fiery about his values and defends them tooth and nail, even when he’s losing the argument. He has a childish sense of humour and is naturally quite curious. He loves to receive information and finds it all fascinating, even if he can’t use the information at all. He can get very caught up in things and is easily distracted. He also would rather be angry than sad, and unknowingly uses it as a defence mechanism. When there’s no one in particular to blame, he’ll just get angry at everything, and/or himself. He suffers from avoidant personality disorder, avoiding social situations almost always as he feels socially inept and almost unworthy. He constantly fears being embarrassed and can’t handle criticism. He is afraid to approach and interact with others unless he knows they like him, and is afraid of emotional ties that could cause heartache.
Sion is also on the autism spectrum, with a lack of communication skills, a need for external stimulation, and emotional outbursts. As a child, it took him a bit longer to learn to speak than most fawns, and he would often try to use non-verbal signals and get frustrated when Pluma didn’t understand them. He often doesn’t understand figurative expressions, and will use repetitive behaviours such as stamping his hoof or dragging it in the dirt, sweeping his tail back and forth, or tilting his head back and forth.
He would also often chew on sticks, which other Arietes foxes found super weird. He still does it, but not around others. If there’s too much noise or sensory input around him at once, he can get anxious and panicky, and he’ll often hyper focus on little things like organizing rocks or staring at the running river. Most who observe him might think he lacks empathy, but the opposite is true. He has lots of empathy. He is very perceptive, and great at telling how others are feeling, but never knows what to do about it so will often come across like he doesn’t know in the first place.
Despite his problems with social interaction, Sion is an extravert. He enjoys the company of others, and recovers energy from social interaction, but due to his alienation as a child, is afraid to interact with anyone besides Luscin or his family. He thrives off of encouragement, and prefers small amounts of physical contact. He is bi-demisexual and romantic, meaning he could be attracted to either gender, but only to someone he has an emotional bond with. As a kid he had only very close platonic feelings towards Luscin, but in the book as he starts spending time with him again, he realizes how much he missed him and the feelings come back stronger and less platonic. He is very determined and great at improving when he is told how he can improve, but if no one tells him, he gets stuck. He can tell when he's doing something wrong, he just can’t tell what it is on his own.
History: Sion was an Arietes fox born into the rule of the tyrant king Rex, who had killed the king many years ago and chased out the royal family, who then had to go into hiding on Earth. That king’s brother was Sion’s grandfather, and Sion’s father, Prince Canonus was born on Earth having to hide. When he met Sion’s mother, he trusted her an odd amount right away, considering the dangers that could come of his family being found. It didn’t take long before they fell in love. But one night, his family’s location was discovered. They used an Earth pool to flee to a new place, but Pluma had no way of knowing where they’d gone, and it would be far too dangerous for him to come and find her. She raised their son alone.
While Pluma knew who Sion’s father was, and he knew growing up, neither of them could ever tell anyone, and she did everything she could to stress this fact to him, so he never told. Because of this, however, most assumed he was a bastard child. This combined with a natural curiosity that was usually frowned upon among Arietes foxes and an apparent lack of social and language skills in general, made it difficult for Sion to make friends. He played with his mom, and she was all too happy to be his only friend, as he was the only family she had left. She really meant well, but she never pushed him to try and find new friends or overcome his developing anxiety of interacting with other fawns. He was very close with her, though they had their frustrations with each other just as families do.
After Sion was old enough to handle himself on its own, his mother would start to go off to another village quite frequently. She would never explain why, but she told him it was very important and that he couldn’t breathe a word to anyone.
When he was nine, he finally made friends with a fawn who was rather withdrawn and shy himself, but very polite and quiet, unlike Sion. This new friend’s name was Luscin, and they were both very happy to have a real friend their age, and quickly became very close. Sion actually told him about his father, and Pluma’s poorly explained disappearances, and Luscin, of course, kept these secrets and never told anyone else.
But then, everything changed when the Fire Nation attacked.
Just kidding.
One night, when Sion was thirteen, Pluma woke him up in the dark, and he knew something was off. After a few seconds, he noticed commotion outside, no one was asleep. Pluma told him to follow her and stay close. She explained a few things along the way, but most of it there wasn’t time for, or he was too tired to understand. A war was starting, and Pluma was a part of it. He later came to understand that his mother had been training in a group of rebels to remove Rex from power, and the process had finally begun. Stellae was evacuated and both civilians, rebels when not fighting, and the rightful royal family were hiding in abandoned human catacombs on Earth. Pluma was a very valued and talented fighter, in fact. Sion felt very proud of having such a brave and important mother, but of course, her going off to battle was scary when he knew she might never come back, and as he was separated from Luscin, it got very dreary and lonely. He would see his father around, but neither of them ever approached each other, in fact, Cano almost seemed to avoid him, and he didn’t know why. He started to feel very depressed, but he told himself that at least after this was over, he could go back home with his mother and everything would be back to normal. And surprise surprise, Pluma dies, things never go back to normal, but they do get better.
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burlesquebox · 7 years
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Luscine Vero (St Louis)- Go get tickets at thecirca21speakeasy.com right NOW #BURLESQUEINVASION #PAYBACK
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hepmanscactusblog · 7 years
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Danke, Luscin (SK)!
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heavenseedvn · 7 years
Part 6 - Unease
After some real shit procrastination, Part 6 is done!
Part 6 - Unease clocks in at about 5.9k words.  I honestly kinda slapped it together since it’s a bit weaker on the prose side, but w/e, gotta hit deadlines!
Estimated Sprites: -Adult Liam -Adult Luscine -Garda, a male(!) NPC -Mystery Creature
Minor Sprites: -Horrible wound detail -Various Whiners -Altar flower
CGs: -By the river with the creature + Var -Liam and Luscine in a bed having girlchat 83 -Very Nice Altar Flowers
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days-light · 2 years
🔫 Which of your ocs has killed the most?
this is harder to answer than I thought it would be
But Roko for sure
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days-light · 1 year
wing, scales, and fire for the dragon ask!
just did these 3 already but here's another one for fire:
“So I’m the monster Luscin always told you I was. What, are you happy?” The words are supposed to be biting, angry, but they come out as barely a croak. 
Bella is the first to speak up. “Personally I don’t really know who that was, but I think she deserved it.”
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days-light · 1 year
wing, scales, fire? :3
Wing: share a snippet that you daydreamed about before writing it (or a snippet that you were really looking forward to writing.)
The song is dark and commanding, like Belladonna is in control of the entire room. I can almost see the glimmers of magic seeping between the keys of the piano. 
It feels as if she's channeling her entire life force into this one piece of music, and if she performs like this every night it’s incredible that she’s even still alive.
Scales: share a snippet that describes something. (can be a person, a place, a feeling, etc.)
Her fingers tap anxiously at the glass. I take it and place it gently on the table when it starts to tremble in her hands. “You look horrible.” She definitely does, with old, dirty clothes and dark circles carved under her eyes, but it’s less of an observation and more of a hint to push her to notice how badly she’s been neglecting herself. “And you’re at the peak of beauty yourself,” Gwen hisses. “What do you want?”
Fire: share a snippet with some dialogue you’d like to show off.
“I trust Roko about as far as I can throw them, which at the moment is most likely less than a foot,” Gwen replies, running her fingers through her hair in a useless attempt to tame it. “And you need to have some faith in Luscin.”
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siebedraws · 4 years
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A Luscin, one of my homebrew races for 5th edition. They're kind of just... Feathery elves, really.
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siebedraws · 7 years
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The heads I drew when I first figured out what I wanted Luscin to look like
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siebedraws · 7 years
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Inktober 16. A Luscin.
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siebedraws · 3 years
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A bunch of NPCs my players interacted with in a city called Silversage. A half-elf, human, two luscin (homebrew race) and a goliath!
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