kwonzoshi · 1 year
“I’m a Dom, you can’t respect me then you don’t get to us the nonnie ask. Period.”
Ohhh Luta... you absolute fucking wanker.
This is TUMBLR DOT COM, not your sex dungeon. You don’t get to use your “dom” card on people without their consent, and trying to do so because you’re being held accountable for the wild comparisons you were making, is weirdo behavior. 
How you can use your blog and your reach so IRRESPONSIBLY is astonishing. You sit on this weird high horse and for what? You think that posting long “articulated” posts means that people don’t get to call you out when you say outta pocket/insensitive shit? Cause you are INCORRECT, my darling.
And to the people messaging this cunt talking about some “don’t let the hate get to you”... y’all realize your lil “dom” friend (who instead of using that “dom mentality” to accept she was wrong and LEARN, just blocked people like the submissive little bitch she actually is) was comparing Build’s situation with the HOLOCAUST?! Comparing it to one of the most tragic cases of racism in this country?!
If you’re going to be ANYTHING in this world, be fucking serious. 
I am trying my HARDEST to be civli, I really am but I am ANGRY. How dare you sit here and act like what you said was, not only incorrect, but COMPLETELY insensitive to the communities affected by these horrible vile things. Build, a known woman hater, being accused of hurting a woman IN NO WAY compares to Emmett Till being murdered. This situation is not comparable to the Holocaust AKA the LITERAL ATTEMPTED GENOCIDE of Jewish people. 
You are WAY too old to act this willfully ignorant. WAY. TOO. OLD. 
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kinnsporsche · 1 year
i also want to thank you for responding (publicly and clearly) to that person. i've been avoiding all the drama but something like can't be let go and absolutely requires a response. i'm still in shock that ET's name was even THOUGHT of in this case. it's ludicrous. i briefly scrolled their page before blocking and people are actually sending a bunch of supportive messages?! man fandom sucks sometimes.
hi hi nonnie!! sorry for the late reply i was sick today and yesterday
it's literally baffling how much support they have, and also baffling how the people they're mainly going after are black women when i (a WHITE person) am literally the one who started all this and i feel so incredibly guilty and awful that they've become her targets it's ridiculous
i dont, and will never, regret calling her out for being ignorant and (whether intentionally or not) racist, but i do feel so awful that she's continuing to target the black community
im blocked but i just got told she took the post down, not because she felt what she said was bad or wrong or inappropriate, but because it upset a friend? nevermind the effect it had on an entire community
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and then added this? despite the fact that when i and a few other people called her out we didn't add anything about the build situation, but rather the audacity to use emmett till as an example of cancel culture? i just cant understand the victim mentality behind being told what you've posted is harmful by a community that you're NOT a part of, and then doubling down and basically going 'actually its not its your fault you cant read properly'
her witch hunt against @negrowhat @piningintrovert and @kwonzoshi is out of hand
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i don't understand how she's turned this into taking sides when the problem stemmed from her essentially conflating the murder of a 14 year old black boy with cancel culture? how are there sides to this when the exact community you used as an example have told you how hurtful and damaging this comparison is, and then you proceed to say 'no it isnt' and play the victim when you continue to get called out on your behaviour?
ily anon and i hope theres some small comfort in knowing that even though she has vocal supporters, there are more people against her and that racist take than there are supporting her ♥
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yakdee · 1 year
You address me and then block me when I respond? That's not very Dom-like behavior, now is it Luta?
You can do whatever the fuck you want, but keep my name out of your mouth. I have never spoken to you or attacked you on anon and I don't plan on starting anytime soon. Who are you to hide from? Also, I have never mentioned your children and don't condone those who are bringing them into this so let's make one thing abundantly clear:
You better be damn sure of who your aggressors are before you open your mouth and start spewing accusations. THAT was your original point, wasn't it?
For those just joining this shit show, below is my response to a post in which Luta directly addressed me. As I predicted, she blocked me so her followers won't see it.
I'm posting it again for transparency. Take from it what you will, but I won't allow anyone to put words in my mouth or silence me.
Original Post
How does it feel to be so loud and so wrong? There must be some kind of dopamine hit involved to have your head so far up your ass that you fail to see reason, but don't worry. I got you.
The anon above is not me. I only addressed this with you twice: under your initial post (original has been deleted) in a comment you deleted (I usually keep receipts in these situations because people end up showing their asses, but I wanted to give you the benefit of the doubt) and in the ask you won't publish because it does not align with your rhetoric. But again, don't worry. I got you.
Hi, Luta. After you deleted my comment, I've been going back and forth on whether or not I should address this again, but I decided to give it one last shot given our history. Your point and opinion on the situation are not wrong. The issue is you using Emmett Till's tragic, very racially-motivated case to emphasize and bolster your point when it was not needed. It comes across as tone-deaf because, although it may not have been your intention, there is an implicit comparison being made. The circumstances of each case are vastly different and cannot be placed alongside each other in this way. That is point I and others are trying make.
You always preach about being open to discourse despite differing viewpoints as long it's done with respect. I guess that only applies when it's on your terms, huh? I do not want or need access to your blog so spare me that holier-than-thou mess. Who tf do you think you are? I addressed you directly and respectfully. Yet here you are talking out the side of your neck with this bullshit.
Let's go, then.
I did NOT say you were drawing a direct comparison. I said that there is an unintentional, implicit comparison being made. This happened just by having both cases present in the discussion.
Since you like to bring up literacy, let's have a quick vocabulary lesson:
unintentional (adj) - not done on purpose implicit (adj) - implied though not plainly expressed
Got it? Good.
So yes, you're damn right I feel some type of way. I am witnessing a horrific tragedy in my history being used in an asinine way. I and other Black people are telling you the use of Emmett's case in this context is in tone-deaf, offensive and hurtful and instead of listening and trying to understand, you decide to double-down, go on a diatribe, and backpedal in postscript when people call you out? Be fucking for real.
Our history did matter @lutawolf which is why I came to you directly hoping you would see where I was coming from, but that's on me for being naïve.
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bl-bam-beyond · 8 months
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Socially Awkward Guy (KRITTANUN AUNCHANANUN aka PING) is a lonely guy as an introvert. To his luck a gorgeous new friend introduces himself. His name is Whan (TANATAT KUNANEKSIN aka WINNER). And Whan is a beautiful man with a beautiful smile and Guy quickly falls for this stunner.
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Sadly, at least for now Whan isn't into guys. Ready to reveal his feelings on Whan's birthday he's disappointed as Whan brings a long a girl. A girl that usurps his confession with one of her own. His best friend and crush is now taken.
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Devastated Guy feels he's not for the real world but instead he's more suited for an online existence. So he begins an online game. Meeting many friends including Yuri. As the gamers decides to meet offline. The gamers want Idealize (Guy) to get the cagey Yuri to join. Believing Yuri is a female. Guy prepares to meet this new friend offline...but alone. Surprise is in store.
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Episode 1 (THE PREMIERE)
Post 1 of 2
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ellaspore · 2 years
Seduction: a war between want and fear
I kept thinking again and again at how it felt like there was a complete switch in Vegas after he winds up harming himself, how at first glance it could feel like the scene before and after are in complete disconnect, how they could feel disjointed. And then also about how Vegas seems so surprised by Pete’s kiss, how it feels like he was not really expecting it. And all that made me look deeper and then it clicked.
Vegas talking about his life and the seduction scene are connected .They are connected on a deeper level because one is a consequence of the other. And not only those two scenes, but the hedgehog’s death too.
@lutawolf pointed out to me that it was during this first scene that Vegas fully realised that Pete had feelings for him because he looked at Pete and cried harder because he did not leave, even though he had the possibility and so for the first time there was someone who remained.
The next scene has Vegas being completely vulnerable with Pete, confessing his inner and deeper feeling, leaving him completely bared and vulnerable in Pete’s eyes.
What I found pretty telling is that the scene begins with Vegas saying “Why didn't you run away?” and then “Everything that I love left me.” and then “Leave me alone.”
Because again Vegas does really believe he is not worthy of love, that he will not be chosen for who he is, and what he feels for Pete makes him so very scared because love for him is not permanent, because everything he loves leaves him, just like the hedgehog did.
And so like @hael987 said so much better than me “Vegas’ belief is that his true self is unworthy, undesirable, and no one could ever choose him. But also subtly he’d started to hope. Pete's tenderness and staying has made him hope. He /hopes/ but he doesn’t actually /believe/, and so he’ll put an end to this ambiguity, this vulnerability, these scary new feelings Pete evokes, by going for Pete and creating a situation that he believes Pete will never respond to, that Pete will turn away from.”
The shift comes across to me as Vegas’ way of lashing out, because that is what he does when he feels threatened and unsure and he feels too much, like he does after they talk about their fathers or the blood type conversations . He will lash out at Pete and in this way he will prove to himself that all his darkest thoughts about himself are really true. That nobody could ever see all the darkest sides of him and love and accept him as a whole.
But as always with Vegas, everything he does and says has layers upon layers. Because what begins as his way of lashing out suddenly becomes something completely different. Because the need to be chosen is bigger than the fear, and there is yet another shift from lashing out to desperation. Because this reads to me as a struggle between what he wants and what he fears.
Because the way Vegas says “How do you like it?”, the way he keeps trembling for the whole scene after is so much more significant. Because he will put himself out there, all the while believing that even if Pete does have feelings for him, they will never have a positive outcome.
Because Pete has no reason to give in after all Vegas has done.
And so he will use this seduction as a weapon to finally reveal an answer, and he still fears it will be a rejection but at the same time he cannot help but hope it will be positive.
And in the end, he leaves the choice completely in Pete’s hand and he turns away because he still believes that after having shown his worst nobody will find him worthy of the trouble.
And he cannot bear to face what the outcome will be. And so when Pete does choose him first there is disbelief, and then rejoice and elation because finally, finally someone did choose him. Because
“momentary disbelief because he was wrong, surprise because he gets all he ever wanted, surprise because the hope was based in reality, it’s real and it’s his now.(@hael987 )”
“That surprise and smile said it all. Oh you do pick me , oh thank god, you pick me (@lutawolf )”
Because this is what he feared he would never get and all he ever wanted: to be chosen and to be loved as a whole, for the worst and the best that he is.
All of this post should be considered as a labour of love from three minds, I just put it together.
Dedicated to both @lutawolf and @hael987 because they mean the world to me.
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thequeenofsastiel · 1 year
D/s Dynamics in Episode 9 of I Will Knock You-Thi's Point of View
This is the second week of collaborating with @lutawolf on examining the D/s relationship between Thi and Noey. She's taking Noey's pov while I'm taking Thi's.
The first part I'll focus on is Thi's reaction to Noey's attitude about Phayu in the morning. He's clearly a little embarrassed by Noey's possessiveness, but he doesn't say anything. And when Noey threatens to hit Thi if he sees Thi go anywhere with Phayu, Thi clearly takes what Noey said seriously, but he doesn't protest even slightly. He pouts the tiniest bit, but he's entirely accepting Noey's authority. Just like when Noey threatened to hurt him if Thi didn't get on his bike back in ep 6. Thi very easily could have gone back upstairs and locked the door. But he didn't. He scurried to get his helmet and came right back down. He consistently accepts Noey's authority. He's almost always some degree of sulky or resistant, but he'll do as he's told. And if he truly doesn't want to do something, he's capable of letting Noey know, and Noey backs down.
Thi has gotten more obedient in general, though. He felt submissive to Noey from the start(side note I rewatched the first couple of episodes and jfc do they react to each other the way a feral Dom and timid yet needy sub do), but the longer they've known each other, the more Thi has seen that Noey, while not always the most mature, has Thi's best interests at heart. That kind of faith inspires obedience from Thi. Even if your Dom is scary, you know that they'll never hurt you in a way you can't handle. They're always protecting you, however strict they happen to be. Thi's trust in Noey was very apparent this episode.
One of things I truly loved about their dynamic in ep 9 is the fact that the way they positively influence each other was strongly on display. Noey, despite his admittedly childish reaction to Phayu, was overall calmer and less aggressive towards those around him. He was helpful, and polite. Thi was much braver and more outspoken. Especially with Noey. Some might assume that this means that their D/s dynamic is diminishing, but it's not. It's simply growing into something much more stable. Thi knows that he can make a joke about smacking or spanking Noey and that Noey won't get angry. That he can be a little demanding, like when he refused to go downstairs to meet Noey after getting off the phone with his mother, gesturing for Noey to come upstairs.
Regardless, he's obedient. He didn't go off alone with Phayu after he was forbidden to, he stayed in bed after he was ordered to, he didn't argue when Noey said that he didn't consider Thi his senior, because he planned to make Thi his boyfriend. Despite the fact that they were surrounded by people.
Also the way they spoke to each other at the end of the episode was a great demonstration of how comfortable they've grown with each other. Thi made playful jokes like he was the Dom, and Noey, even though he laughed, made it clear that he was the one in charge, saying that Thi was "under" him. Thi smiled at that and ducked his head. Noey added that Thi shouldn't forget how tough Noey is just because Noey's been soft and sweet. I think Noey wanted to make it clear that his sweetness towards Thi did not change the fact that he was in charge. And Thi didn't fight him on this even slightly.
Honestly, I just love how much they adore each other. What they have isn't easy for most people to understand, as evidenced by the way so many characters looked sideways at their relationship in this ep. And I think that reaction had a lot more to do with Noey's treatment of Thi than the age difference. His behavior could very easily be misinterpreted as abuse. But it's not. It's what they both want and need, and the mutual understanding of that between each other increases with every episode. In this one, the romantic love was at the forefront, because Noey has that old fashioned vibe that he's cultivated, and wants to court Thi.
He also feels like he needs to prove to Thi that he's worthy of him, which is honestly an excellent Dom move. Noey knows that he needs to grow up, understands that there are ways in which he's immature. And he knows that if he remains that way, he's never going to be able to take care of Thi the way Thi needs. And he truly, truly wants to be a good Dom and a good faen. I think it'll be a few years before either of them can put words to the kink dynamic they have, but for all their inexperience, they're doing an excellent job at navigating their kink dynamic with no outside help. They were so natural and so much more comfortable with each other in this episode. Their relationship has continued to improve as time has passed, and I think they have a bright future.
That's all for this ep! Don't forget to read the one @lutawolf put out.
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liyazaki · 1 year
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tinn's dad- aka the most dad to ever dad | requested by @lutawolf 🖤
MY SCHOOL PRESIDENT | EP. 12 [2022-2023]
bonus: and the wingman award goes to...
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SAM LIN (as Shi De)
@pose4photoml @lutawolf @absolutebl
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lutawolf · 1 month
@LutaWolf 💜 are there BDSM theory/learning books you'd recommend?
I recently got this question asked of me and there are, so here you go.
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bengiyo · 8 months
Having dropped Dangerous Romance, I am now down to three shows. As our intrepid BL adventurer, what would you recommend I watch?
Airing or Recently Finished
Of the things currently airing, I would recommend the following.
My Personal Weatherman (Gaga, Viki)
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This show has been a fascinating examination of a new-ish relationship with some heavy kink overtones. This show is not so much about the chase, and so much more about how these two could actually function long-term. I've enjoyed reading @lutawolf kink talk about this one, and the leads have some of the best sexual chemistry we've seen from Japan.
If It's With You (Gaga)
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We have a sexually active and assured gay protagonist who knows who he is and what he wants. He's also a menace with some sort of trauma. I am absolutely obsessed with him. This show is going to be very short at 5 episodes, so it may be one you don't want to miss out on. Truly, this has felt like nothing else we've had in a long time and I've been thinking about it for days.
Love in Translation (iQIYI)
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This just finished and is an absolute delight. This is one of the better executions of a workplace romance we've seen this year, and was the show anchoring me with all the heavy shows and silly shows airing at once. This show had so much heart to it. It had some wobbles towards the end, but the kindness underpinning this show makes it one of my favorites of the year.
Past Shows
Because you're still doing the homework, here are some shows I know you missed.
Make It Right (Grey)
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You should still finish this. I still believe this is one of the most important foundational works for what made Thai BL start to feel more queer. This show asked big questions about male sexual maturation and I don't think any of the Thai high school shows have gone there since.
We Best Love (WeTV)
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You probably haven't watched much from Taiwan, but this is one of the best examples of why we remain committed to them. Sam Lin and Yu have hands down the top three best paired chemistry in BL.
Rainbow Prince (YouTube)
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This camp masterpiece from last year is one of my favorite shows. It is a hot mess, but the songs are fun and the plot is ridiculous.
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Episode 13 - The Finale
Rightfully so. This hot as f*ck side couple closed the show. Love ya, Fan Ze Rui and Bai Zong Yi but Chen Yi (NAT CHEN) and Ai Di (LOUIS CHIANG) stole the finale episode and I ain't mad.
Sure Ze Rui fell on his sword (somewhat literally as Zhang Teng's sister took revenge for her brother's death. Feeling like she deserved her vengeance he encouraged the teen to run as he bled out. Did he die? Of course not. And no retribution on this sad little girl that lost her brother.
Plus after the credits rolled Ze Rui and Zong Yi got a little more screen time and the beginning of some kitchen nookie. Fin. Applause.
This BL broke the bank on guest stars from other BL's but I could not enjoy Wayne Song and Huang Chun Chih since they first were NOT a couple in this and instead of Huang Chun Chih character dying Wayne Song's character bit the bullet. Kinda adding insult to injury (points off for that KISEKI even if he was a bad guy)
So the best Guest Stars go to PLUS & MINUS couple MAX LIN and SHI CHENG XUAN.
@pose4photoml @lutawolf
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destroy-some-evil · 5 months
So... I'm watching Until We Meet Again while waiting for more episodes of The Sign (because I need more reincarnated soulmates please and thank you).
And I can tell the narrative says this:
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But my theory presupposes that maybe:
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Look I get it - the narrative really wants us to buy that Korn is the "strong silent" type and Dean, as his reincarnation, is similar in attitude but a way better Dom because he learned from his past life and became better at caring for his loved ones. Meanwhile, Intouch was the "adorable cinnamon bun" in the past who couldn't cook and occasionally pushed Korn's boundaries, and now as Pharm, who can cook (character development!), is basically the perfect sub to Dean's Dom (yes, I read @lutawolf's post about the soft D/s moments in the series and clicked subscribe -what off it). I get that's the story they are showing. Also, I like the story it's been fun to watch and I'm looking forward to the last two episodes.
But - but what if
Korn who basically was forced to be the strong silent type because he was the eldest and not allowed to be soft with how his dad raised him. He just wanted read literature volume 4 or what ever but circumstances and society expected different of him. I don't know there is something sweet to think that in his next life he gets to be that soft boy who likes cooking. Who still takes care of those around but he doesn't have to force himself to be the visibly strong one all the time. Both Korn and Pharm were both the ones who were initially afraid of what it meant to love this person in front of them.
Meanwhile, Intouch, who just wanted to care for Korn, makes that the core of who he is in his next life. He's not as carefree as he once was, but he still loves to be in the water. (All In's suggestions for vacations related to water. The beach vacation they took and the raft one they never got to do.) He still loves teasing his boyfriend and he still makes it his life goal to make him happy. Also, he can now at least follow directions for cooking but it's not something expected of him. And on a more serious note, he's more able to protect Pharm than Intouch was able to protect Korn. Korn probably would have never allowed Intouch to protect him because he had to be the one in charge; even if, maybe, he didn't want to be. Also, both Intouch and Dean are the ones who see their other half and go, "yes, that's him. He's the one I'm going be with for the rest of my life." No hesitation, just plans for how he's going put a ring on it. (I also have a headcannon that Dean was the one to suggest the red thread faculty tours. His fellow classmates tease that Dean's thread is already picked out for Pharm. And in the past Intouch is the one to tie the red thread on Korn.)
I also get that visually the show wanted to associate that Intouch and Pharm look similar and that Korn and Dean look similar because that makes it easy.
But you know what stupid romantic is this post about the Japanese legend that you have the face of the person you loved the most in your previous life (okay so the post applying that legend to Avatar the Last Airbender but it's still stupid romantic).
Apply that to these two and tell me it's not sweet and romantic to think that they get reborn into the same families they were originally in and that they are surrounded by people who loved them in both their lives and now those people have grown and learned to support them AND they have the face of the person who they loved most in their past life.
Yes, I'm late to the party (I only found found out about how to get easy access to Thai BLs in October 2023 - thank you @talistheintrovert) but I have thoughts. Also this was fun.
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mond-is-a-thief · 8 months
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Episode 12 The Penultimate Episode
A Celebration of Welcome Guest Stars
Not particularly identified but I am calling them by their characters names from their series PLUS & MINUS.
Zheng Ze Shou (MAX LIN) surprises his husband Fu Li Gong (SHI CHENG XUAN) with a cake he made himself. It is met with some teasing but the two remain sweet to one another and decide to share Ze Shou baking efforts.
@pose4photoml @lutawolf
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yakdee · 1 year
My final words regarding this mess
I had written another post to bookend this whole situation but since she dm'ed me last night, I'll instead let my response to her message speak for itself.
She can share her message to me if she wants to, but I won't be posting here it out of respect for her privacy.
Again, take from it what you will, but I will not be addressing her or this situation anymore.
Note: Anything that is written in [brackets] has been added for context/transparency and is not part of my original message.
I did not attack you in that comment. I politely addressed you and pointed out the issue. You may have been seeing red from previous comments but the one from me should not have garnered that kind of response from you. Friendship goes both ways — if my comment felt off, you could have also dm'ed me to address it but the way that you replied to that anon thinking that it was me tells me all I need to know about how much our friendship meant to you. To make matters worse, you immediately blocked me and didn't allow your followers to see my rightfully angered response. Then you let them berate and badmouth me in your comments and asks. You did this — you burned the bridge and created this storm. Now you have to live with it and I really hope you learn from it. I see that you took down your response to me [linked above] but the posts where you accuse me, Eboni and Zo of things we did not do are still up [which is pushing the narrative that she is without blame, making my anger and response seem unprovoked]. I am asking you to take them down. I had a post queued up to address them and this situation one last time but I'll take you messaging me 2 mins before it went up as a sign from the universe [because my tone would've admittedly been much harsher than it is here]. These would've been my final words to you on that post so I'll say them to you here: P. S. I know you're watching my blog because you deleted the line where you thanked me (liankuea) for helping you with your pinned masterlist after I mentioned it in a recent ask, but it'll live on forever in the reblogs as a evidence and a reminder that I've only ever had the best intentions towards you from the moment we met up until moment you decided to speak to me the way that you did. Unfortunately, I can no longer say the same for you. And you know what? That realization, as I unwittingly read your hate-filled response yesterday morning, actually broke my heart. With that, I have nothing more to say to you.
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bl-bam-beyond · 5 months
Hey BL Fans, calling for support for Strongberry. If you can join their YouTube Channel...please do. If not watch their Channel for some quality content.
Strongberry has just released a short series today...Starring Kim Seong Hyuk (he played Milk the cat in Choco Milk Shake...in this short series he's playing Dong Ho)
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Episode 1 Premiere January 25, 2024
Available on Strongberry YouTube Channel
Synopsis: One day, Hyun, the owner of a bookstore, stumbles upon his high school diary and reminisces about the past, recalling his unrequited crush on his childhood friend Dong Ho.
Next Episode is February 1, 2024.
The first episode is a little over 6 minutes.
@pose4photoml @lutawolf @wanderlust-in-my-soul @kingofthereblog-boysloveed @absolutebl @bengiyo @thewayofsubtext
Tag your friends...let's get Strongberry some views.
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forkaround · 2 years
someone asked me recently "what is the appeal of BL?" what do you think?
@heretherebedork @respectthepetty @yeetlegay @shortpplfedup @lutawolf @luckydragon10 @apomiles @moerusai @pharawee @poetry-protest-pornography @disaster-j @laughsalot3412 @queersouthasian @everyforkedroad @iffervescent @dancinbutterfly @godotismissingx @highpriestessofjogan @jupiterjames @colourme-feral (I don't know most of you but I've been following your blogs and I'd like to know what you think)
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