fuchsiamae · 2 days
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luteces 2, 3, 5
cooking - they both rather like cooking, but rosalind feels like she shouldn’t, since so much of her professional image rides on being ~not like other girls~. I think she likely had a cook when living alone in columbia, to save herself time and effort, which was helpful at first when caring for robert but became a bit of an imposition once things got more intimate. she let the woman go with an excellent letter of reference then fucked robert in the kitchen. the occasional inconvenience of screwing up dinner when distracted by equations is worth the privacy.
sleeping - they’ve both always preferred to sleep alone, to the point where sleeping beside a lover sounds unappealing—cuddling is clumsy and sleeping people sweat. at first rosalind sleeps on the sofa and lets robert have her bed while he convalesces, then he’s polite enough to trade once he’s not bleeding everywhere. they both like their space. which is why they’re both surprised at the strong urge to sleep together (nonsexual) once they start sleeping together (sexual), and at how their bodies always try to merge during the night, so that they wake up as entangled as two people can be. both surprised at how much they enjoy it. neither of them really saw the appeal of lazy days in bed—sleep is a waste of time, when they could be doing science—until now, with such pleasant company.
bathing - regrettably, their bathtub isn’t big enough for two, though I’m sure they’ve tried to make it work. (I’m picturing robert brushing rosalind’s hair while she’s in the bath, help.) I think one of the first places they went after going quantum would be some hotspring somewhere, or maybe a proper finnish sauna. they’re intrigued by roman bathhouses, but the sex-segregated kind won’t do—the point is to be hot and wet and naked together.
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timeloooop · 2 years
upon first contact between realities (before physically meeting, before knowing who the other was or what was occurring), rosalind and robert communicated via morse code with their lutece field by manipulating quantum entangled atoms. by turning their invention on and off in the timing of morse code, they could send short messages. that’s so fucking cool. that’s metal as hell. that’s so grandiose and absurd yet clever. that’s like lifting and lowering the largest drawbridge in the world to wave to a being in the sky. that’s like purposefully pushing a satellite out of orbit and using its thrusters to write a cursive message in space. like, do you get what i mean. how an invention so grand is being commandeered for glorified texting. and how sweetly human that is.
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savefrog · 2 years
I have left off after finding Chikara’s second half
Ok not sure how much of this is obvious at this point but that Tokiko bit talking about chakra as points really blew my mind. I am pretty sure what is implied is that when the bodies are split in half the chakra points acting as a split particle whose halves are still connected through Quantum Entanglement which somehow kept the bodies fresh for 6 years?
And maybe this same concept is being used to relay information between timelines? (Similar to how the same particle was used by the Lutece Twins to communicate between realities in bioshock infinite) maybe we’ll know more when we get to Komeji’s body since we saw a timeline in which he lived????
I feel like Dahlia Boat was moreso a code to hijack Ryuki’s mind, maybe from another timeline or time. Or maybe just making him experience the Mandella Effect. My dude got Berenstained. i feel theyre laying it on very thick that he’s involved in the appearance of Chikara’s other half. And he would also know about shoma’s robot. But he’s not Tearer, i feel like Tearer has a strong motive to try and make people believe the serial killings were supernatural to get them to believe they are in a simulation. Perhaps Tokiko’s kid, who is apparently dead but we don’t know much more about them. But also maybe Tokiko’s kid is the masked girl who is similarly messing with timelines (wasn’t she gonna die in like a month 6 years ago?)
Im gonna be honest im having a hard time keeping track of all these total mystery characters like big sis and tokiko’s kid and the aioen experiment kid (tho that was apparently mizuki but tokikos kid ALSO ended up at Aioen) and random info like shoma’s genetic shit its just so much lol
Will note i love the use of a QR code leading to a real youtube video in a game that is toying with the 4th wall with how much it is referencing being in a simulation/game and not yet sure how far it will go since i feel the first game stopped short of getting TOO crazy and was relatively grounded but anything’s possible. Not to mention the ARG. Will they realize they’re in a game?
Also love how much swapping sides is done in the mechanics that fit in with the bodies split in half theme….the control swaps…the mental lock opening animation…other things i dont remember
Edit: wait no im stupid im pretty sure tokiko’s kid may be Gen? Maybe? He would be the right age and he was in tokiko’s somnium? And some weird shit has happened to him that would make masked girl say he already is dead??? Maybe just in her timeline and she doesn’ t realize theyre the same person??
We have THREE freaking characters with masks.
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ehaydon · 3 years
yknow what could have been an actually COOL crossover of rapture and bio infinite, instead of the bullshit that went on with the big daddies and little sister’s pair bond? THE LUTECES HELPING WITH THE VITA CHAMBERS. the vita chambers canonically work using quantum entanglement so like... why not?
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enfpguy · 4 years
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BioShock Infinite MBTI and Enneagram — Rosalind Lutece and Robert Lutece Rosalind Lutece and Robert Lutece are the same character but from parallel worlds. They play the part of a monumental role within BioShock Infinite and the DLC Burial at Sea. Their influence caused all the actions within Columbia and Rapture to occur the way they did. But how? We’ll be exploring that within Rosalind and Robert’s first function. Dominant Function: Introverted Thinking Rosalind and Robert are exceptional examples of TI dominant users. They’re objective, analytical and often rely on subjective logic when investigating and experimenting. We’ll be seeing those traits within the story of the Lutece twins. Originally there was no Robert Lutece, it was only Rosalind. Her birth-date and location are unknown, but what was known is that Comstock encountered Rosalind and took an interest in her research. She was experimenting with atoms. He made a deal with her; he promised to fund her research if she could make his city float. Rosalind took the deal, and sometime later after much experimentation, she could indefinitely suspend an atom in midair. This is where we see her use her TI function. She remarks If she could suspend an atom in the air then why not an apple and if that floats why not a city? She calls it the “Lutece Field”. Her reasoning completely makes sense she’s suggesting if an atom can be suspended then you could suspend anything made of atoms like a city. Her plan succeeds, and she continues to experiment with her Lutece Field, which leads her to another version of herself who is called Robert. She reaches out to him and he to her by manipulating a pair of quantum entangled atoms. This allowed them to communicate across space-time barriers through Morse code. Rosalind immediately reported her findings to Comstock, and he helped her build a device that could access other realities via tears. After she succeeded, she met Robert. They both then became agents for Comstock who believed he needed an heir of his blood to rule Columbia long term. Both Luteces suggested he steal Booker DeWitt’s child because technically they’re the “same” person thus share the same child. This resulted in Anna being sold to Robert Lutece and given to Comstock, who later named her Elizabeth. Soon after, Comstock sent Jeremiah Fink to kill the Lutece twins. During that time Rosalind and Robert we’re conducting further experiments within their tears and foresaw the future. They saw how Comstock would brainwash Elizabeth into destroying New York. Realizing they made a mistake, the Luteces formulated a plot using their auxiliary function to bring Robert’s universe version of Booker to Comstock’s universe to stop him. This experiment ran for a long time, causing both the twins to run further experiments on their alternate versions of Booker DeWitt. Which will be seen within their auxiliary function. Auxiliary Function: Extroverted Intuition The Luteces present themselves as exaggerated stereotypical NE users, almost to where you’d think it was their dominant function. Let’s look at some traits they share in relation to Extroverted Intuition. They’re brainstormers, scatter-brained, possibility-driven, indecisive, potential-driven, contradicting, and always looking for hidden patterns and meanings behind ideas and people even if it leads to nowhere. We can see this within all the experiments they’ve taken on all the Bookers they’ve encountered. Such as the time they tested Elizabeth and Booker with irrelevant trivia such as heads or tails when flipping a coin or what choker do you like better? The bird or the cage? They do this to compete against each other and for fun. Robert always wins these challenges. Which causes Rosalind to come up with more challenges, it’s really a vicious circle of NE overdrive. This leads to their hypothetical arguments which can be seen in a game, such as the time our protagonists were on a gondola towards the Grand Central Depot. The Lutece twins were debating whether they told each other they knew Booker and Elizabeth would be there in that moment while also debating about the semantics of words that haven’t been created yet. They can also be seen using NE reasoning to help Booker and Elizabeth. Here are 2 examples. When Booker and Elizabeth find a dead Chen Lin the Luteces helped them realize that just because Chen Lin is dead in this universe doesn’t mean he can’t be alive in others, therefore they should try others to achieve their goals. The second example has the most profound effect on the story and it’s ending. The Lutece twins played the Songbird melody to prove to Elizabeth that it isn’t the song that calls the Songbird but rather the song and the proper instrument. This information would be used by Elizabeth at the end of the game to control the Songbird during the final battle and to destroy the siphon. This action granted Elizabeth her powers and allowed her to stop Comstock from being born and killing the last remaining Comstock. In turn, fixing the timeline, the Lutece twins accidentally caused when they reunited. Tertiary Function: Introverted Sensing Even though the Lutece Twins are the same personality type, there are slight deviations between both of them and we can see it within the SI function. For Robert, it’s that he’s unhappy being split within different universes, he has the urge to leave his mark on the world and wants to return to being the way he was. This is common with SI types they’re the most nostalgic types and often prefer to be in environments they are comfortable within. Rosalind also considers this since she cares about her brother and thinks maybe starting life in Columbia again could rebirth new life since they’d forget everything they know. Keep in mind she can start a life anywhere but chooses Columbia, a place she knows and is comfortable within. The best example of their SI usage can be seen after Booker and Elizabeth first defeat Lady Comstock. To explain the situation, the Luteces mention that Lady Comstock exists across time just like them and her problem is she perceives being both dead and alive. That explanation was a projection from Robert who was stuck in the same situation for a while, Rosalind helped him get out of that situation thus understands it. Sadly, we lack another example. Instead, we can see traits of what an underdeveloped SI function looks like. The Luteces both don’t exist in reality, they are constantly scatter-brained and thinking up alternative theories and possibilities. In no way are they grounded or realistic, which makes them seem otherworldly or even alien to anyone normal. If we could observe any SI trait with the Lutece twins, it would be the nostalgia of their respected pasts, their great attention to detail, and their memory. Inferior Function: Extroverted Feeling The biggest difference between the Rosalind and Robert can be seen within this function. Rosalind is more of a sociopathic character who’s driven by her own experimentation and doesn’t really care for the consequences of these experiments. Since it’s all about learning for her. While Robert is much more moralistic and believes that Booker, Elizabeth, and New York shouldn’t have to suffer because of his actions and his sister’s experimentation. This is an indicator of a developed FE function. Robert is also the twin that first engages with Booker and Elizabeth. He equally has fun messing with them and helping them. But overall the Lutece twins prefer relying on their dominant TI and their auxiliary NE when dealing with situations that make them seem calculating and whimsical at the same time. Here’s a bonus example of Robert’s FE usage according to the BioShock Wiki. In the DLC Burial at Sea if Elizabeth “dies” the  Lutece’s can be heard discussing the death. Robert often stays positive while Rosalind stays apathetic. Here’s are two their conversations. Robert: "You give her no credit for good intention?" Rosalind: "The Universe does not grade on a curve. It's strictly pass/fail." Robert: "One must give her an "A" for effort…" Rosalind: "But an "F" on results." https://youtu.be/6bLkDrX_wIc
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weelittlepatrick-blog · 11 years
"I do not believe so, though I find many seem to make that mistake. Perhaps my name may jog your memory, so to speak - my name is Robert, Robert Lutece."
The boys face lit up in recognition and excitement.
"Are ya married to Mrs. Rosalind? Ya've got the same last name."
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a-matterofperspective · 11 years
* (I know, I know. I can't help it! Their dynamic is too interesting not to ship! I'm usually hesitant to ship but Robert and Rosalind are too awesome together.)
i can’t help it. i just can’t.))
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settled-the-debt · 11 years
"Why do you think I’m here?"
“Did something happen?" She had just woken when the man’s voice reached her. She had no clue what he wanted, but she doubted it was anything good.
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eleanorthemessiah · 11 years
Faerie, Fury
Faerie: If you could get away with anything, what would you do?
"World domination, probably"
Fury: What is a word/phrase that you dread to hear?
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she-dreamed-of-stars · 11 years
╰☆╮ (Robert so has a crush on her it's not even funny)
//*squeals into infinity and beyond* 
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i-am-songbird · 11 years
(for slow-dancing with themselves) ". . .Poor child, her form is terrible. . ." As he enters the room shaking his head. "If you wish to learn a proper waltz, at least ask before stomping about the place like you are, Elizabeth."
Startled by Robert’s sudden entrance, Elizabeth  turned to face him with a scowl. “And I suppose as a physicist your the expert on dancing hmm?” 
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weelittlepatrick-blog · 11 years
Demeter, Dionysus
Favourite food?
….. Banana pudding. It’s hard to get banana’s though. So I don’t get it a lot. But it’s the best.
  Favourite drink?
Hop-up Cola. But Mum says it makes me bounce off the walls so I don’t get to drink it much. I think it’s funny that a cola with a rabbit on it makes me bounce.
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notasisteryet-blog · 11 years
Lexie glanced around, checking to make sure the coast was clear before hurrying off with her little treasures. The little girl had found a tool kit, some old wind-up toys, and a music box lying in a waste bin outside one of the many gift shops around the city. But despite where she found them, Lexie knew she could fix them, and if she couldn't, she could make them into something better! Her mind buzzed with ideas as she hurried down hall, unaware of a person walking just around the corner.
Letting out a startled squeak, Lexie collided with the person, sending whatever goods they held in their hands to the ground. Dropping to her knees, the little girl scrambled to gather up her scattered treasures. "I'm sorry! I didn't see you," she said, glancing up at the person and hoping they weren't too mad she crashed into them.
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rapturouslamb-archive · 11 years
╰☆╮ (Robert's secretly an admirer of women's figures, being from the Gibson Girl era. . .but he'd be far too proper to admit it to anyone other than Rosalind)
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settled-the-debt · 11 years
". . .I may have taken your childhood teddy bear for study under tear manipulation - the one we told you got lost."
"What?! I loved that toy! How could you!?"
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she-dreamed-of-stars · 11 years
"I found the note you left."
The dancer jumped at the sound of the man's voice, golden waves of hair falling like a curtain as she lowered her head, effectively obscuring her expression, but not before he had seen the tears streaming down her face. "I-- I have no idea what yah are talk in' about." She mumbled, her voice breathy and shaken. She lowered her hand while she spoke, hiding the gun she held in a vice grip in the folds of her skirt. No one was supposed to find the note until she was gone, until it was too late. This man-- Looking at him she doubted her decision. Perhaps she didn't really want to die, maybe she just wanted to be saved. 
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