#lux rouge
egophiliac · 2 months
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roll out the red carpet guys we're going to the SHAFTLANDS
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robo-milky · 2 months
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I know I don’t really post ship art but I love them- Rook living in Vil’s room and is grounded there because Vil wants to look professional in front of his juniors <3 Vil’s new card is irresistible, Rook seconds that.
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k-looking-glass-house · 2 months
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Neige Leblanche~ Edit Luxe Couture 1937
Stop me...........stop me and my edit.....I am still waiting for our dear Neige to appear......
He muuuuuussssstttt..... Come forth Neige!!!! THE FASHION needs you lol!
Fun fact: Did you know that Guc*ci officially collabored with Disney, so it's no wonder we see big reference in Disney fandom...(Yes sometimes you can see Daisy wearing official Guc*ci outfit)
Well since Neige in his RSA outfit already has very big inspi from Guc*ci fashion house (big patch pattern, wool cardigan, "carreaux petit carreaux...", beret...the bereeeet!!) I decided to search for an official Disney Luxe Couture outfit...and what better than..... Disney Limited edition dolls!!!! I decided to twist the design from the Premium Series Designer Snow White!
You can find the design and awesome photo here
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I'll put the earring on my csp profile later!! Feel free to download the asset!
BG screenshoted by my dear @twiwoncrackpopcorn thank you
Neige Leblanche Luxe Couture outfit edit concept done by me
Design from Premium Serie Designer Disney
I am waiting for OFFICIAL NEIGE to appear.... Watching afar with Rook...
But Vil you're the only one in this event....
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boopshoops · 1 month
I GAVE UP 🎉(kind of)
Yuu Shi Tapis Rouge/Luxe Couture
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SO. The armature was a bust. Learning how to make one would take a shit ton of time and i just- would prefer to do that on my own terms without the looming feeling of- well, wanting to post her design all the time given its been finished for a WHILE.
To make up for it though, i made fake homescreen screenshots ig JFNDJDJD theyre not the best, but fuck it i think i replicated the twst style rather well.
Her outfit is based more around the same line Vil had, and I took a lot of inspiration from Gucci (pinterest, my saving grace yet again)
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More under the cut! V
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A vERY quick thing i made of another potential sprite, i'd imagine there'd be a toggle to take off the shawl. Also I did one of Yuu Shi in her more masc disguise! Yes. We keep the dress. 👏
After this I don't particularly have any new art planned for a second, I want to shift my focus to finishing wips/projects and resuming progress on TCOAV. So- hey! If you've yet to read and are interested, now may be a good time to start with chapter 6 on the way.
I've blabbed enough for today IFNFDNID
Tag list!!! Just ask if ya wanna be added 💕
@kitwasnothere @justm3di0cr3 @skriblee-ksk @lowcallyfruity @thehollowwriter
@distant-velleity @cecilebutcher
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crystallizsch · 1 month
i need the heartshackle gang all together in at least one event I BEG
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(photo sent to ace with the caption “must suck that you couldn't join us”)
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(photo sent to deuce with the caption “how does it feel to be a loser”)
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yumenari · 2 months
Lux Couture Vil sketch 👑💜
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luxthedragon · 23 days
ok sure, Roger had a wife and child, but you can not convince me that guy wasn’t at least a little gay.
king of the pirates my ass,
king of the bisexuals.
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twstinginthewind · 2 months
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Now presenting... back to his adoptive home in the Fairest City, Shaftlands, here's Hiro Vanderveer, Tapis Rouge - Luxe Couture edition!
I took some inspiration from the Gucci's Fall 2017 collection for shapes and details; diving into the collections for reference was a lot of fun! I feel like it has a touch of a rockabilly feel to it and has got a lot of good energy. BG image very kindly provided by @1-randomized; thank you for making this available!
Full look below the cut - I worked too hard on his shoes to not include them.
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myplaylists-angeli · 2 months
Crown of the Red Carpet - a twisted wonderland playlist
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reirakurenai · 3 months
Baldur's Rouge: The Musical
Friends, I could not get this out of my head. 🤭 So, I present to you the poor man's edition of: Baldur's Rouge! (As seen on X).
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Meet Duke Gortash. He is dressed fresh and clean (pfft). He is sexy. He's got money. That's what he wants. 💰
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This is Durge, the Sparkling Diamond. Diamonds are forever, a kiss on the hand is quite continental. 🎵
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The owner of the Baldur's Rouge. Because he can-can. 🕺 (Ketheric does not know how he got here. He is tired of Durge and Gortash's shenanigans. Someone send help.)
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"Want you to love me like I'm a hot ride."
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Gortash: "AAAAAAAAAAAH~" (Please someone send help for the old elf, he just wants his daughter back. He did NOT sign up for this.)
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"You don't have to wear that dress tonight~" 💃
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Durge: "Psst, he's distracted, take the Crown and run!" Gortash: "Gods, you're hot." Mephistopheles: "Are you two quite done?"
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That's it. Thanks for viewing my silly brain rot. 🙇
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starry-night-rose · 2 months
I doodled an idea of what Ellis’ outfit would look like during the Tapis Rouge event!
As Vil’s outfit is inspired by the Evil Queen and the rest are inspired by the Huntsman, I decided to base Ellis’ outfit off of Snow White!
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I’ll likely draw something with it soon!
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the-sky-queen · 3 months
In Future Families, Shadow and Rouge quit GUN around the time of Ember's custody case. (haven't decided yet if it's before or after) Then Whisper starts up a new group called the Guardian Angels and the two decide to join up. Fastforwarding, the GA has become the new central hero force of the world. Shadow, Rouge, and Amy are all a part of it, as well as a lot of other people. (Sonic is not because he's a free spirit, but he still helps out whenever they need him.) There's even a new heroes program to help get kids the training they'll need if they want to do this sort of thing in the future. There's a minimum age requirement though. They don't want kids going in as young as Tails and some of the others did. So the Robotnik and Hedgehog kids go through regular school for a few years before deciding if they want to join the GA. (Most of them do.) As it stands currently, Ember, Joy, Lux are training with the GA. Rose is about to to enter and she is beyond excited.
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pupmusebox · 19 days
Tag dump 8/?
{ Demon King and Dragon Royal - Gardonus } { Mysterious Demon and Distant Ancestor - Astaroth } { Older Half-Brother to a Human Exchange Student - Xavier } { Quiet Powerful Bird of Pride - Zephyr } { Fashionable Fellow and Aspiring Clothing Designer - Declan Crewel } { High Ranking and Odd Archangel - Michael } { Human with a Reincarnated Angel's Soul - Lilith } { Celtic Wolf and God of Light - Lugh } { Warrior Wolf Pup of a Celtic Wolf - Connla } { Beast That Calls the Moon - Lunala/Artemis } { Beast That Devours the Sun - Solgaleo/Apollo } { The Blinding One - Necrozma/Lux }
{ Lazy Bones Skeleton - Sans } { Robotic Soul and TV Star - Mettaton } { Spaghetti Maker Skeleton - Papyrus } { Odd Human From Above - Frisk } { Lightner of a Human - Kris } { Fastest Thing Alive - Sonic } { Two Tailed Prodigy - Tails } { Guardian of the Emerald - Knuckles } { Mastermind and Doctor Robotics - Eggman } { Treasure Hunter and Secret Agent - Rouge } { Ultimate Lifeform - Shadow } { Last of the E-Series - E-123/Omega } { Time Traveler with Psychic Powers - Silver } { Chaotix Detective Agency Boss - Victor } { Soulful and Stealthy Ninja - Espio } { Hyperactive Intuition - Charmy }
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decoservice · 3 months
Installation de Cuisine Moderne au Maroc: Révolutionnez Votre Espace Culinaire
La cuisine moderne est bien plus qu'un simple espace pour préparer des repas ; c'est le cœur de la maison, un lieu où la fonctionnalité rencontre l'esthétique pour créer une expérience culinaire inégalée. Chez MO DECOSERVICE, nous comprenons l'importance de concevoir et d'installer des cuisines modernes qui non seulement répondent aux besoins pratiques de nos clients, mais qui reflètent également leur style de vie et leur personnalité. Dans cet article, plongeons dans le monde exaltant de la cuisine moderne au Maroc, explorant les tendances, les designs et les éléments clés qui transforment les espaces culinaires en véritables chefs-d'œuvre contemporains.
Tendances de Cuisine Moderne Verte et Blanche
La tendance des cuisines modernes vertes et blanches est en plein essor, apportant une touche de fraîcheur et de vitalité à n'importe quel espace. Les tons verts apportent une connexion avec la nature, tandis que le blanc ajoute une luminosité et une sensation d'ouverture. Chez MO DECOSERVICE, nous intégrons ces couleurs avec subtilité et équilibre, créant des cuisines qui respirent la vie et l'élégance.
Conception sur Mesure pour un Luxe Personnalisé
Chaque cuisine moderne est unique, tout comme les personnes qui l'habitent. C'est pourquoi nous offrons des services de conception sur mesure pour créer des cuisines qui répondent parfaitement aux besoins et aux désirs de nos clients. Des cuisines en U aux designs ultra-modernes, notre équipe experte travaille en étroite collaboration avec vous pour transformer vos rêves en réalité.
Cuisine Moderne sans Îlot : Maximiser l'Espace avec Style
Pour les espaces plus restreints, une cuisine moderne sans îlot peut être la solution idéale. En optimisant l'agencement et en choisissant des éléments de rangement intelligents, nous pouvons créer une cuisine fonctionnelle et esthétique, même dans les espaces les plus compacts. Chez MO DECOSERVICE, nous sommes des experts en maximisation de l'espace, garantissant que chaque centimètre compte sans compromettre le style.
Innovation et Durabilité : Quartz pour une Cuisine Moderne
Dans notre engagement envers l'innovation et la durabilité, nous proposons des surfaces en quartz pour nos cuisines modernes. Non seulement le quartz offre une esthétique élégante et contemporaine, mais il est également durable, résistant aux rayures et facile à entretenir. Avec une gamme de couleurs et de finitions disponibles, le quartz est un choix polyvalent qui s'adapte à tous les styles de cuisine moderne.
L'Art de Rangement : Optimisation de l'Espace
Dans une cuisine moderne, le rangement est essentiel pour maintenir une esthétique épurée et fonctionnelle. De l'intégration de solutions de rangement innovantes aux meubles haut de gamme, nous nous engageons à créer des cuisines qui offrent un espace de rangement abondant sans compromettre le design. Chaque élément est soigneusement pensé pour optimiser l'efficacité tout en ajoutant une touche de sophistication à votre espace culinaire.
Chez MO DECOSERVICE, nous croyons que la cuisine moderne est bien plus qu'un simple espace de préparation des repas ; c'est une expression de style, de fonctionnalité et de confort. Avec notre expertise en conception et en installation, nous sommes là pour transformer votre vision en réalité. Contactez-nous dès aujourd'hui pour commencer votre voyage vers une cuisine moderne qui repousse les limites de l'élégance et de la praticité.
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crystallizsch · 2 months
forgive me for the person i will be for whatever the fuck jamil’s outfit is going to be for the shaftlands event
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amittarora · 3 months
*It's #MARCH ! N our this very MAR', the spéciale Month of #SPRING ...
is to carving it all only Scintillatingly & splendidly well for @Amitt_ARORA 's Haute #BRIDAL - *WalkTheAisle #Couture Collezioni's, #Shoot Campaigns, Runway #Shows, etc., all for #SpringSummer, #Resort/Cruise & #FallWinter #2024 's *HauteBRIDAL only!
#AmittARORA ~ #SpringSUMMER2024 #RESORT2024 #FallWinter2024 !
#HauteCouture #PretAPorter n #RtW #Luxe #Bespoke #TapisRouge #AltaModa !
#Amitt ☆ #ARORA ☆ #AA
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