spkyscry-a · 2 years
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Horrible. Yes. But horrible.
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dyavol · 2 years
Look into my eyes but pretend I sent this about Kris (2013) to Chara (Khara)
Send “Look into my eyes” & My Muse will BOLD What They See! -- Accepting!
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I see:
Absolute Conviction  |  Aggression  |  Ambition  |  Anger  |  Anxiety  |  Apathy  |  Arrogance  |  Bloodthirst  |  Bravery  |  Compassion  |  Confidence  |  Conflict  | Courage  |  Darkness  |  Defeat |  Denial  |  Desire  |  Despair  |  Determination  |  Devotion  |  Disappointment  |  Distrust  |  Dominance  |  Emptiness  |  an Enemy  |  Enlightenment  |  Envy  |  Excitement  |  Exhaustion  |  Elitism  |  Experience  |  Fear  |  a Friend  |  a Future  |  Gentleness  |  Greed  |  Grief  |  Guilt  |  Honesty  |  Honor  |  Hope  |  Hostility  |  Ignorance  |  an Illness  |  Insecurity  |  Integrity  |  Intoxication  |  Kindness  |  Lies  |  Loneliness  |  Longing  |  Loss  |  a Lover  |  Loyalty  |  Malicious Intent  |  Mania  |  Melancholy  |  Misery  |  Negativity  |  Overcompensation  |  Pain  |  Paranoia  |  Passion  |  Perseverance  |  Pettiness  |  Pity  |  Positivity  |  Pressure  |  Pride  |  a Purpose  |  Racism  |  Regret  |  Resentment  |  Resignation  |  Resolve  |  Sadness  |  Self-Hatred  |  Sexism  |  Shattered Remains  |  a Shining Light  |  Something Familiar  |  Spite  |  Stress  |  Stupidity  |  Submission  |  Tranquility  |  Trauma  |  Trust  |  Vengeance  |  Warmth  |  Wisdom  |  Wrath  |  a Cry for Help  |  Something Eating Your Mind  |  the Years have Changed You
Animalistic  |  Approachable  |  Broken  |  Closed-Off  |  Cold  |  Crafty  |  Crazy  |  Defensive  |  Devious  |  Difficult  |  Disheartened  |  Emotionally Detached  |  Frightened  |  Frightening  |  Genuine  |  Guarded  |  Headstrong  |  Heartless  |  Human  |  Immature  |  Impatient  |  Inhuman  |  Insane  |  Intuitive  |  Lost  |  Mature  |  Noble  |  Patient  |  Pitiful  |  Primitive  |  Pure  |  Reliable  |  Remorseless  |  Reserved  |  Resourceful  |  Short-Tempered  |  Simplistic  |  Sly  |  Soft-Hearted  |  Struggling  |  a Threat  |  Trapped  |  a Troublemaker  |  Trusting  |  Understanding  |  Unique |   Unpredictable  |  Unwavering  |  a Victim  |  Wicked  |  Feeling Vindictive  |  Guilty of Something  |  Hiding Something  |  Lost in Thought  |  Planning Something  |  Scared of Me  |  Scaring Me  |  Someone I can Trust  |  Someone I Can’t Recognize Anymore  |  Someone to Fear  |  Someone Worthy of Respect  |  Weak to Manipulation  |  Weighed by Something
Aren’t Being Yourself  |  Belittle Yourself  |  Don’t Want to Hurt Me  |  Don’t Want to Leave Me  |  Drown Yourself in Something  |  Feel Alone  |  Feel Empowered  |  Have a Plan that Involves Me  |  Have No One Else to Turn to  |  Have Nowhere Else to Go  |  Have Seen Some Things  |  Haven’t Been Sleeping  |  Lie to Yourself  |  Lost Faith/Trust in Me  |  Lost Something/Someone Important  |  Need Me/my Help  |  No Longer Believe Me  |  See Me as a Thing  |  See Me as Someone Else  |  Seek to Hurt/Harm  |  Seek to Manipulate  |  Think Highly of Yourself  |  Think I’m Hiding Something  |  Think Little of Yourself  |  Think You Know Best  |  Want to Hurt Me  |  Want to Protect Me  |  Want to Sleep with Me  |  Want to Use Me
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toomanysweaters · 3 years
@lvsick replied: kris would thank you for doing it.
You don’t say? :)
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prophetcy · 3 years
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✱   @lvsick​   ⊱   :   dude.... you cannot be a real person you are an NPC conjured up by my brain to psyop me into leaving tumblr
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❝    um...   i  know  i’m  made  of  darkness   ,   but  i’m  still  real   !    ❞   a  pause   /   once  again  you  are  not  able  to  follow  the  leader’s  usual  ramblings.   ❝    but  uh...   i’m  sorry   !   i  think...   ?   i’m  not  trying  to  make  you  do  anything  you  don’t  want  to...    ❞
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soulcaging · 3 years
a tea of your OWN flavour !  /  no longer accepting.
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                      * you drank the KRIS tea. +20 hp.
                 tastes like water, but with an after taste of... something. it’s not bad, they’re fairly neutral to the taste if anything, but something is different. it tastes like red. they’re not sure how or what exactly, but it... tastes red.
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lv2tactician · 3 years
Send me “ ☕ “ for my muse to drink tea uniquely flavored after your muse, and I’ll tell you what my muse tastes!
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━━ ♡ It's water.... But wrong. You can't put your finger on it, but something's.... wrong.
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atemoss · 3 years
Send me “ ☕ “ for my muse to drink tea uniquely flavored after your muse - Accepting!
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[ * KrisTea: +70HP ] -> Cinnamon.
* A familiar flavor, though one still lovely in its own right.
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unlv · 3 years
starter for @lvsick​​  /  sc.  ( accepting )
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                   “  ... you are asriel’s little sibling, correct ?  ”   the older human asks incredulously, holding their chin as they look over kris.   
                   “  i heard of your family adopting a human, but, i did not expect you to be so...   ”   ( come on chara, think of a nice way to say it. )   “  ... intrigued... by things that should not be edible.  ”
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ruinsfoe · 3 years
@lvsick :   ⛓ - so you made someone see a younger version of their own dead body.
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               the devil's revolt ,   familiar face churning with disgust ,   dissonant from seething hatred .    it devastated him ,   made his head ache   ;      had he wronged chara ?   kris ?   whatever they went by now ?   he had only wanted confirmation of who was what ,   if identity remained .    vines churn from earth ,   grab at his head ,   black viscous tar seeping from grit maw .
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                                ❛     i don't know ,   I DON'T KNOW !   stop hammering your  stupid   questions into my skull ,   kris .     ❜
               thorns spike out ,   flex upon roots ,   even as one lashes to threaten the other to step away from his planted form .    he was losing himself ,   waging war against his last shred of humanity ,   clinging to that affection he held for a fallen friend .    something twitched ,   bent out of shape    —    in an instant a thorny vine was wrapped around kris's neck ,   throwing their full weight to the floor ,   flowey moving smack dab in front of their fallen face to now scream at them .
                                ❛     YOU THINK I   WANTED  THIS ?    IF I HAD ANY CLUE ,   I NEVER WOULD'VE MADE YOU DIG UP THAT PORTAL TO HELL .     ❜
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berdbrainx · 5 years
@lvsick liked for a one-liner!
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“...Forget I just did that. You heard nothing.” Oh yes, he definitely hadn’t just been singing dumb Broadway songs out loud.
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daggcrisms · 5 years
@lvsick liked for a starter!
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“Wrong timeline--” The words were blurted from a t-posing Kris, who had suddenly appeared. Literally. But it wasn’t long until Sponte took notice of the other Kris who was nearby. 
They were always up for meeting other alternates, as awkward as they were. And they weren’t sure if they recognized him. ...Probably hadn’t met him, they thought. But they were bad at checking other people’s profiles, so they didn’t know what half the people they talked to online even looked like unless they posted selfies at a time Sponte was actually awake to see. Seemed they weren’t aware they already talked to him a few times before.
Slowly, they lowered their outstretched arms as they looked at him. “...Um. Hi.”
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notlved-m · 5 years
hard mode. | accepting.
Does your character feel that they deserve to have what they want, whether it be material or abstract, or do they feel they must earn it first?
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  ❝ Uh– well, I don’t feel like I deserve anything, honestly. ❞ They start,❝ I mean– think ‘bout it, I devised a plan that resulted in failure and both mine own and my big brother’s deaths– in which, I wake up to find him to be SOULless, so on, so forth. ❞
  ❝ So, I don’t deserve anything, I feel the need to earn it. ❞
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sportsnake · 5 years
@lvsick |   ♥‘ed.
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“Yo, Kris! Where have you been?! You disappeared all day!”
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assumedkris · 6 years
Kris isn’t feeling great today. They went to school and all, but they felt awful  the entire time. Their head hurt, their mouth was dry, and they were sweaty the entire time. When they got outside, they got a text from their mom.
* I have to stay late at work, I can’t drive you today. If you walk home, I will make pie for dessert today.
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Great. They start their walk home, feeling sick and trying not to throw up.
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jukeking · 6 years
lvsick replied to your post: also mike was replying his battle with sans and...
If he wanted to kill you and gave it his all, the screen would be filled with bones without a hint of safety for your SOUL.
realistically probably, since that’s what he does with the spare option
but in game-mechanics, to have a final boss you can’t beat b/c you aren’t given the chance to beat them isn’t a good final boss because - it isn’t a boss, just a cut-screen with a middle finger to you and gives the player nothing to be accomplished about.
i’d always considered it to his nihilism more than actually giving you a chance cause he doesn’t want you to win or have a chance to win; his ultimate end goal is to kill you enough times that you just stop trying and reset.
dfsjakl;  that’s just what i took away from his final battle, but sans is so vague that people can have total opposite thought processes and opinions and still be every bit as valid!
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dyavol · 2 years
💭 + freedom, for Chara
Send 💭 + a topic and my muse will tell you what they think about it -- Always Accepting!
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Freedom. Your family and people young and old yearned for it dearly. You did not mind it, not being 'free' that is -- because you always had the choice in the first place, to be where you are, to be taken in. And you were happy here. Everything that happened to you was a consequence of your choices and actions. That's the difference between you, a human, and the monsters. You knew very well, from the stories, and the books, that the monsters never had a choice -- they have never done anything wrong, and their freedom was taken from them anyway.
Isn't it about time that you started living up to what they wanted from you? Why haven’t you done so already? Given them what they needed from you, and gave them back their freedom?
"It is the ultimate gift. Keep it close, and keep it safe."
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