#lwa apocalypse au
In your LWA apocalypse AU what kinds of dream/hallucinations does Akko have?
most of them are nonsensical, but theres a figure that is constantly present, even if she cant see or hear it. it will whisper things that she cant understand, but she has this feeling it relates back to diana and where she is (spoiler alert: it does)
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epsilonchi · 7 years
2017 Round-up + All my projects
With 2018 being here and my brain thinking I should sum up and talk about all my projects on Tumblr, I would do, in this challenge of @writingfeedbacknetwork​ , a small Round-Up of 2017 and a sum up of all my projects made in 2017. Well, I didn’t post/write that much (in matter of word count), but I’m still proud of myself for all the progress I made.
Stuff I posted
September 2017 : Favorable changes (General Audiences, Ouma Kokichi/Rantarou Amami / Oumami, 729 words)
Summary : Ouma believes that life is made of changes. For him, most of them were favorable changes. One of them was his encounter with Rantaro Amami. 
My first work posted on AO3, for the Challenge : Transistition and Changes of the Network. I’m still a bit proud of it, even though it was the hypothetic first part of a Hope’s Peak AU I probably won’t continue.
October 2017 : And we all still die (Teen and Up Audiences, no romantic relationships, 989 words)
A songfic about Rantaro’s backstory and life in the killing game. It is also from the Inspired by a song challenge of Writing Feedback Network.
This was also supposed to be related to my NaNo project (a Danganronpa V3 prequel, I will talk about it later) but… Then I realized some things were wrong about Rantaro’s personnality/backstory. I think I will rewrite it one day, when I will rewrite/continue my NaNo.
My NaNoWriMo project : Danganronpa V2
So… yeah. This is the first time I tried NaNo. But I realized I wasn’t motivated enough and, besides, I hadn’t much time (high shcool and other stuff). So I gave up, after one day. Still, kudos to all of you that succeeded to do it.
Then, I realized afterwards that I wasn’t conviced enough by my own project. Some elements weren’t close enough to canon, some others… just didn’t fit in my mind. So, I decided to work again on it. This is still a huge WIP that I need to outline/write.
So, like I explained earlier, this is a prequel of Danganronpa V3, with Rantaro as the co-main character, with an OC. For those who played Danganronpa V3, I think you know what it is about, but I prefer this post to be spoiler free for now.
My other projects/WIP
Fanfics/AU (from the most “advanced” to vague ideas)
Danganronpa AU/Cross-over with Persona 5 : basically the cast of Danganronpa V3 as Phantom Thieves, with Ouma as Akira/Ren/P5 protagonist, Rantaro as Ryuji, Kaede as Ann, and Human/Puppet/Whatever it is hard to explain here!Kiibo as Morgana.
This is probably my last project from December, but I really love that idea.
I’ve already written a part of the prologue (1K) in french.
Some stuff is still vague, but I think I’ll post the prologue and first chapter soon on AO3 (I hope so, at least).
So basically : Angie succeed in making the ritual and is not killed, and Rantaro comes back to life.
Will probably include : Everyone is totally confused, Shuichi realizing sooner that Kaede didn’t kill Rantaro, Angie POV, and a totally lost and confused Rantaro.
Based on a Tumblr post I have seen but that I can’t find back.
This is not written yet, but I have some ideas. And I really want to begin to write it someday.
Also, this will be probably the birth of a crackship/rarepair : Angie/Rantaro ? (Yonamami ???)
Danganronpa V3 Hogwarts AU
Well I have some ideas for the Sorting (Ouma going obviously to Slytherin, Kaede going to Hufflepuff, Kaito going obviously to Gryffindor…), but still a vague project.
Danganronpa V3 Superhero AU
Basically the pitch is : what if the Gifted Inmate Academy was an academy fot superpowered kids ? 
I have all the powers for all the cast.
But I’m still confused about what story to tell, if I go in a huge intrigue, or on just ships and happy life.
Consider this as a vague project.
Danganronpa Hope’s Peak Arc : Reversed Au (Spoiler for the first two games I guess ?)
So basically : Naegi is the mastermind, and the 78th class are brainwashed to be the Remants of Despair.
There’s also some personnality swap elements : for example, Togami is nicer than in canon, and his dad is actually the Headmaster of Hope’s Peak Academy, instead of Jin.
Also some random stuff : Junko became the Izuru Kamukura equivalent in this, Nagito is not hope-obsessed (Chiaki is instead), Toko is not Genocider Syo (Sonia is instead, because what the hell not ?), and Mukuro and Sonia as Ultra Despair Girls.
Well this is basically my main ideas for the fanfics. I also want to write for Persona 5, Harry Potter (I have still my Beauxbâtons/Durmstrang headcanons back from middle school), and of some other fandoms (BNHA, LWA, BMC, Les MIS…), but well, as you could have guessed, I have fallen in love with Danganronpa (particularly V3). Also count my Danganronpa V2 as a fanfic project.
Original content
To be honest, I have a bit given up my OCs and original stories for fanfics, but I still love them, and have another project in mind.
Triapolis (Title is still a WIP)
So, to explain simply : Nina Rosenberg, the daughter of an asshole supervillain, goes to a superhero school, fights supervillains and falls in love.
I’ve begun to write it, I even drew Nina and some others.
But well, like I said, I have a bit abandoned this story.
I still want to write it but I’m not as passionned by it as before.
I have no idea for the title but well : 
So basically this is about best friends from a french catholic high school trying to fight spirits of the four horsemen of the Apocalypse.
I have so much ideas for the main characters, and I want to develop them a lot. 
But well I’m still a bit confused about the plot.
Well that’s it ? I’m sorry I didn’t talk too much about my orginal stories, but I still love my OCS and I want to write about them.
Someday if I have finished one of this project I will reblog/update/edit/whatever this post, and I’ll try to talk more about my projects on tumblr.
Once again, thanks to @writingfeedbacknetwork to the support !
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Good afternoon, I came across your post about the apocalypse of AU and was interested in what is happening with the rest of the members of the RGB teams? What do spirits do? Does it turn out that the spirits and the creature have become more dangerous and more evil (possessed by spirits will become more dangerous (like Jasminka?)) Will they create any organization to eliminate the creatures?
lotte and sucy are currently doing most of the medical and childcare work in the group. whilst in the coma akko was with sucy for about 3 weeks until she was moved to a vacant dorm that was gaurded periodically. she would remain there for another month before she woke up.
amanda works in defense, she mostly gaurds akko while shes defenseless. jasminka handles most of the cooking, and her demon is only slightly stronger. it seems that so long as shes eating something its satisfied. constance handles technology. she found a way to get electricity at the bass and is currently working on getting cell towers functioning again.
hannah and barbara do scouting, turns out theyre very competent at finding resources. theyve spent some time looking for diana but to no avail. they wonder if shes even alive at this point.
spirits! the spirits are anybody who died to a creature or the missile, theyre restless and aggressive. there are a few at base who like to knock things over and move them around. they are connected to whatever they see is at fault for their death and wont be able to move on until they find peace.
i also wanna take some time to explain the creatures. since the missile, luna nova is gone. its replaced by this big mass of negativity. anything that goes near it is sucked in and either killed, or mutilated. it makes anything that goes near it an abomination, one that tries to kill anything it sees. this can be reversed, but the creature wont remember anything from its previous life. all it will do is sit and stare at the sun until it passes away from starvation, exhaustion, or dehydration.
on that note, pre-existing demons are either the same or only a little bit stronger. jas seems to be fine but they still have safety measures in place in case her demon takes over.
the group they have is more focused on survival, but getting rid of the creatures is definitely a priority
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what if if the missle actually hit down somewhere but instead of making every1 super angry and stuff it released a bunch of creatures who were very dangerous and killed many many people and akko is in a coma for 2 months cause she fell and hit the ground a lil too hard and she finds all this out through a really akward conversation that also drops that diana is missing and the shiny rod broke and akko also has these weird ass hallucinations that may or may not relate to where diana is what if what if (please ask me about this au im begging)
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Does she have hallucinations about bugs?
It's a common 1 like randomly seeing 1 when there isn't like a beetle etc
akkos hallucinations range from eldritch horrors to thinking there was a cup where there isnt one. they arent super common but theyre definitely there.
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