#lxke male dendro archon masterlist
lxkeeeee · 2 years
Venti x Male! Dendro Archon! Reader
My horrible attempt of rewriting my old Venti x Dendro Archon Reader fic 'Stolas' and make it follow canon storyline as possible with canon characters and events. I'll also remove some nsfw scenes because I didn't like it (past me was very horny okay)
I'll try to add some of my og ideas to it too.
Please don't expect to much for me to actually completely follow the timeline because I don't remember much of the lore and I don't have the energy to dive into it TvT
Also romance is kinda fast paced? I really like the "I fell in love with you at first sight" and "he fell first but they fell harder" trope idk why.
Sorry for the horrible grammar, English isn't my first language. And sorry for the spelling mistakes, I'm too lazy to check this. Maybe I need a beta reader? Nah, no beta. We die like men.
For the prologue, I won't be using [y/n] to refer to you yet, since the timeline is still after the archon war.
Warnings: mentions of war, blood, and death. Fem-aligned dni.
(n.) A moment when you suddenly feel that you understand, or suddenly become conscious of something that is very important to you.
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Thousand of years ago, after the Archon War...
"Barbatos." A masculine yet silky voice softly calls out.
Barbartos, the newly crowned Archon of Anemo looked behind him to see his dearest friend Stolas, the newly crowned Archon of Dendro. Barbatos' grin widened to see him. As of now, the Seven newly crowned Archons are gathered in one setting, celebrating the end of an era and welcoming a new one—one without war and chaos, one without bloodshed.
Barbatos knew the Dendro Archon only during the war, the God of Dendro actually offered to help him and his friend take down Decarabian when he was still a wind spirit and he was suspicious of him at first but the God of Dendro assured them that he isn't doing this for cruel motive, he simply wanted to form bonds with other nations to offer assistance during the war.
“I can't offer much but I believe that knowledge is power."
Is what the Archon of Wisdom have said back in the day, Stolas provided them with numerous knowledge when it comes to strategies, medicine, weapons, and more.
With the resistance's will and along with the knowledge the Dendro Archon shared to them, they emerged victorious.
Unfortunately, many lives were lost. Including Himmel—Barbatos' dear friend.
Barbatos wanted to personally thank the God of Wisdom but unfortunately Sumeru was far too away from Mondstadt. He opt to let the wind deliver his message instead. The shock on his face when Stolas replied via through flora—specifically through his very own windwheel aster. He almost fell into the pond in windrise when the flower just started talking, only to realize the familiar voice of the God of Wisdom. They talked about the war, Himmel's death, how he took the form of his friend.
Eventually they exchange messages through the flora and fauna around them.
Suddenly, the Anemo God didn't hear anything about his dear friend for a long time.
It made him worry, He just shook his head and dismissed the horrible thoughts.
Many years went by, and not once did he heard from Stolas. A part of him thought that he perished during the war.
A part of his heart ached with the thought, whether he admits it or not, he found the God of Wisdom to be quite charming. He often finds himself thinking about him.
Stolas on the other hand, he was very busy with his own nation. He wanted to update Barbatos on how he's been but he didn't find the time to.
He also wanted to focus finding a way to create a replacement for him. He can feel his power being drained.
Not only that, he has to protect his own nation from the corrupt gods, fortunately, he had his own protectors. Which were originally wandering spirits that were killed during their human life.
Those spirits promised their loyalty to him and to the people of Sumeru.
The war has ended, 7 Gnosis were given to the Victors.
Barbatos' heart still ached for the loss of his friends, Himmel, Amos, and Stolas.
Only to have his eyes widen when seeing a familiar figure at the Venue he was going for the celebration.
Their eyes met and grin immediately etched into the God of Dendro's face.
"Well, well~ If it isn't Barbatos." Stolas mused and Barbatos swore his heart skipped a beat when he heard the familiar charming voice.
Nevertheless, he just gave a grin on his own.
"If it isn't the God of Dendro~ I thought you might have kicked the bucket a long time ago." He joked and Stolas can only laugh, Barbatos' heart skipping a beat once more.
"I apologize for not keeping in touch with you sooner Barbatos, I was simply busy with my own nation."
Barbatos pouted, "Well, good thing you're still alive then! I was really worried you know?" He says as he placed his hands on his hips.
The God of Wisdom just simply let out a laugh, the scene putting the Anemo Archon in a trance.
"Beautiful..." Barbatos softly says, clearly unaware of what he is saying. Stolas' laugh immediately pausing as his cheeks became dusted with pink.
They both say at the same time before they looked away from each other.
"Shall we go inside? The others might be waiting for us." Barbatos nervously suggested and Stolas just gave a small cough before composing himself, "Yes, we shall."
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It's been many years after the Archon War, civilizations have now recovered after that event.
But it seems not everyone managed to recover.
Barbatos, the God of Anemo is currently sitting on top of the many fallen structures of old Mondstadt, his heart skipped when he heard a familiar voice called out to him.
"Barbatos..." A voice softly calls out.
"Ah! If it isn't Stolas, I'm surprised you visit..." His voice dying in end when he saw the figure of his dearest friend.
The Dendro Archon, who used to be so bright, so alive.... Now looks so pale, and weak. The once bright [e/c] eyes have turned dull.
Barbatos immediately rushes to his side, immediately supporting the tall male, who can barely stand.
"Oh my Archons! What happened Stolas?!" Barbatos worriedly ask as carefully placed the tired Dendro Archon into one of the newly sprouted tree inside the the room they were in.
"I may have overused my power a bit, thankfully I can still recover..." Stolas nervously says as he let out a weak chuckle.
"Sumeru would have a new God soon, I god created personally by me."
Barbatos can only look at the Dendro archon flabbergasted.
He knows how smart and wise the Dendro Archon is but to to entirely create a new God?
"I cannot simply leave my people without a ruler, not during the time where they are vulnerable."
Barbatos caress the soft cheeks of the other male, making the said male chuckle.
"I'll be asleep for awhile, will you still be there when I wake up?" Stolas softly asks, eyes beginning to drop. Barbatos simply chuckle.
"Of course~ Dream of me would you?"
This time it was you who chuckle, "If my dreams are all about you, perhaps I wouldn't want to wake up." Stolas teased, eyes already fully closed, good thing for Barbatos because his pale cheeks are dusted with red.
Barbatos playfully scoffed, "Despite being weak to the brink of passing out, you still have the strength to flirt."
You chuckled, "Goodnight Barbatos." He softly says and Barbatos noticed the roots of the fauna and flora around them began to wrap around the now sleeping Archon, as if it's embracing him.
Barbatos smiled, "Goodnight Stolas, sleep well and dream of me."
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lxkeeeee · 2 years
Venti x Male! Dendro Archon! Reader
Does not follow canon plot cuz I wrote this months before the area was leaked.
Fem aligned dni, minors dni.
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               Venti's eyes caught sight of the Dendro Archon who slept on his office table, it looked uncomfortable to the bard.
He let out a tired sighed as he softly approached the sleeping male, he decided to carry him.
Bridal style. His other hand is placed underneath the taller male's legs while the other hand is placed underneath the male's armpit.
[Y/n] slightly shuffled before nuzzling his face closer to bard's chest, feeling the warmth of his chest, he softly groaned as he slowly opened his eyes; his [e/c] orbs staring directly at green one's.
Venti no. This was Barbatos who was carrying him, [y/n] softly blushed at how serious the anemo archon is from holding him.
'wait a damn minute, I'm dreaming right now.' he deadpanned to himself before taking a good look at how serious the anemo archon is.
'when did he get this hot—' he internally panicked, Venti watched as how the cheeks of the male he was carrying turned red, he gave him a gentle smile.
"Did I wake you up?" Barbatos softly murmurs and [y/n] rubbed his eyes, to ease away the tiredness.
"Why are you here Barbatos? Or am I possibly dreaming right now?" The professor asked softly and the anemo archon softly chuckled.
"I... I can't bear to be away from you, before I knew it, I'm already here." He sighed softly and [y/n] softly smiled, "couldn't resist me now?" The Dendro Archon smirked and the ever serious anemo archon disappeared and was now replaced with a blushing bard.
"Aijskasn ye-yes." The bard stuttered out and [y/n] laughs before booping the bard's nose, "You can let go of me now—" he deadpans, he actually liked to be in the bard's arms but he was worried for the smaller male's back.
He'd rather break the bard's back in other ways;)
Venti sighed as he slowly placed down the professor, [y/n] patted himself and he smirked at Venti who nervously glanced at him.
"Ah!—" Venti yelped as he was now in the same position the Dendro Archon just a few moments ago.
[Y/n] had now carried him bridal style, he immediately covered his blushing face with his hands and [y/n] laughed at how cute he is.
"Aw~ Where did the serious and sexy Barbatos went~?" [Y/n] teased and Venti just said some incomprehensible words that just sounded so jumbled.
Aka the keyboardsmash talk idk.
"Ajshaja sexy?!"
"Yes, you're very sexy indeed."
Venti's ego: 📈
[Y/n] laughs at Venti's blushing face again, "Come on, let's get some sleep. We both need it lol." The Dendro Archon softly say as he slowly carried the Anemo Archon in his arms, the latter enjoying the ride of course.
I mean... Who wouldn't?
[Y/n] slammed open the doors to his bedroom, the doors hitting the wall with a loud bang, Venti sweatdropped. "What did the door do to you?" He laughs out and [y/n] looked at him with a serious expression, "Get in my way."
Venti deadpanned.
[Y/n], with Venti still in his arms, walked towards his bed, he softly threw the bard into the soft mattress making the latter yelped again as he was thrown into the bed, his back hitting the soft material.
'Why am I getting a deja vu vibe—' Venti thought as he watched the other male turned around.
And began loosening his collar and tie, Venti's eyes went wide and his face went res as the other male removed his shirt.
Venti just stared at the other male's exposed back and he turned to away to keep the blush from deepening.
'holy shit, that's... That was so attractive...' The bard muttered.
[Y/n] then began rummaging through his closet and found a shirt that's way too big for him but it was comfortable nonetheless, he turned to look back at Venti who was red in the face.
He raised his eyebrow, "Are you okay..?" He softly asked and Venti just nodded, still not looking at him.
Venti was trying to cool down his blushing cheeks when he felt a weight into the mattress and he felt something or someone plopped on top of him.
[Y/n] nuzzled his head on the bard's chest as his arms are wrapped around Venti's torso, he looked at the other male, their faces merely inches apart from the other, their noses touching each other, they can feel each other's warm and soft breathing.
They looked at each other with half-lidded eyes as they now leaned closer, making the gap disappear.
Venti placed his hand on the other male's chest while the other hand was placed behind [y/n]'s neck to pull him closer.
[Y/n] on the other hand, his hand was lazily wrapped around Venti's waist while the other was softly caressing the bard's leg, making the said male softly moan into the kiss from the touch.
They separated from another, they pant softly and Venti placed both of his arms around the other male's neck before engulfing him to an another kiss, a short one filled with longing.
[Y/n] smiled into the kiss, happy to be back in the Anemo Archon's arms.
Their lips separated, the two Archon's looked at each other before huge smiled appeared on both of their faces, they nuzzled their noses against each other as their foreheads touch.
Soft laughter's can be heard in the dimly-lit room.
Their laughter's and chuckled slowly came to a halt, their eyes staring at each other; [h/c] and green orbs staring at each other.
[Y/n] smirked as he leaned down on the bard's ear, he whispered, "Don't miss me too much my ass."
Venti slightly shivered from the other male's warm breathing on his ear and his face turned crimson and he can only pout, "Not my fault you're irresistible." Venti whined and [y/n] laughed as he plopped beside Venti, his arms still around the smaller male's waist.
Comfortable silence engulfs the room, only the two Archon's soft breathing can be heard.
Both of them had their arms around each other's waist, their legs tangled together in a comfortable position.
Venti turned to look at the other male with a serious expression, [y/n] looking at him questionably.
Venti sighed before taking a deep breath.
"I know I said I don't want to move in with you yet because we just started our relationship right?"
"Fuck that, wise men says that only fools rush in but I can't help... Falling in love with you."
"So if the offer still stands... Let me... If you still allow me... If you're okay with me—" he was cut off as the other male crashed his lips on to his.
"Just shut up for a moment." [Y/n] murmured and Venti immediately zipped his lips shut, the taller male leans their foreheads together, their eyes staring at each other, [y/n] cupped smaller male's cheeks, he gave the bard a small smile, "You know that I would love it when you move in with me, there's nothing wrong with it..." He murmured and Venti felt tears prick his eyes and [y/n] softly wiped them away using his thumb.
Venti softly smiled, his heart doing erratic movements, "Why... Why are you so good to me? I... I don't deserve you..." Venti softly sobbed, [y/n] sighed as he planted small kissed around the anemo archon's face, he stopped and then gave a long and chaste kiss on Venti's forehead, making the said man's tears stopped flowing.
"Who said you don't deserve me?" [Y/n] softly asked and Venti shook his head, "No one... Except for me I guess..." Venti looked away as he softly answered, [y/n] softly sighed as he cupped the bard's face, making Venti to look at the taller male.
"You make me happy, isn't that enough reason for me to love you? For you to deserve me?" [Y/n] softly says as he gave Venti a gentle and loving smile, making the latter froze before a huge grin appeared on the bard's face.
[Y/n] chuckled, "There's the cheery bard I know and love~"
"Archon's.. when did you get so charming?" Venti pouted and [y/n] just laughed.
"Who knows~?"
Venti just pouted before [y/n] booped his.
"Let's get some sleep, let's talk more tomorrow morning..." [Y/n] softly say he intertwined their fingers together.
"Agreed.... Goodnight my love...", Venti softly say as he yawned after and [y/n] just chuckled.
"Sweet dreams, ma cherie..."
The two tired Archon's softly smiled at one another and soon they both slowly closed their eyes.
Soon, soft breathing and soft snores can be heard.
The Archon's finally back in each other's arms.
[Y/n] softly groaned in pain and annoyance as he felt the sun's rays blinding him through the curtains.
He yawned before slowly opening his eyes, his [e/c] eyes caught sight of the sleeping bard beside him, his black locks with green highlights were a mess, he watched the way the smaller male's chest rise and fall in rhythmic beat.
He softly smiled as caressed away the hairs that was on the bard's face.
He closed his eyes as he silently prayed, 'heavens above... Please don't steal my time to be with this man.... I begged of you...' he sadly prayed.
Before, he didn't really care if exploded today or tomorrow.
But now, he fears it, he's scared of leaving Venti behind.
He'll do everything in his power to severe his connections with Celestia.
Just to be with Bard for a very long time.
Venti groaned as he opened his eyes, the sunlight shining over his eyes, he softly hissed before covering his face with the blanket, he turned around to see the man beside him, already fully awake.
[Y/n] didn't seem to notice him waking up, his nose buried in the book he was reading. Venti watched the eyeglass resting on the man's nose was slipping, [y/n] immediately readjusted it with his fingers before going back to reading.
Venti blushed at the sight, he can't get used to seeing the man wear eyeglasses.
'he's already attractive enough, adding glasses is like pouring gasoline into an open fire—' he dreamily thought.
[Y/n] looked up from the book he was reading and looked at the male beside him who—who was staring at him with a blush, he raised an eyebrow at him.
"Blushing this early in the morning~?" He teased and Venti deadpanned, "You're wearing eyeglasses."
[Y/n] looked at him nervously, "Does it make me look bad?" He asked and Venti shook his head, "No... It made you more at-attractive—", he accidentally stuttered out as he looked away with a blushing face, [y/n]'s eyes went wide before he smirked. He placed a bookmark on the page he was reading before closing the book and placed it on his bedside drawer.
He moves his body closer to Venti who was still blushing quite heavily, he used his hand to place it under Venti's chin to make the latter look at him.
Venti froze as [y/n] gave him seductive smirk, he whispered on to the bard's ear, "Then perhaps I should stop using contact lens and start using glasses then~" he teased before he cackled at how the bard had turned even more redder.
Venti pouted.
Before straddling and pinning the taller male beneath him.
[Y/n]'s laughter came to a halt as he felt his wrist being pinned above his head by none other than the bard.
The Dendro Archon's face immediately bloomed into a blushing mess and Venti smirked at the blushing man.
"Cat got your tongue~?" Venti teased and [y/n]'s breath hitched at how attractive the Anemo Archon is being currently is.
[Y/n] nodded and Venti laughed before smirking at him, "You've been teasing me a lot lately... Time to return the favor~" Venti mused as he trailed a hand up and down the taller male's chest, making the latter shiver at the Anemo Archon's touch.
[Y/n] felt Venti's cold hands slipped underneath his shirt, caressing his abs before going up to his chest, he softly whined.
Venti just smirked as he enjoyed feeling the man's refined stomach and chest.
[Y/n] shivered and Venti just looked at him amusedly,
Before deciding to tickle the man.
"AHAHAHAHAHA VENTI STOP AHAHAH—" [Y/n] laughed out as tears pricked his eyes, Venti softly laughed with him, "Didn't know you were ticklish~"
Venti stopped tickling him and gave the panting man with a pout.
"Damn you Barbatos, it's too early for this—" [y/n] wheezed out and Venti giggled before plopping on top of the wheezing man.
Venti sighed, "Are you really sure about letting me st—"
"I'm pretty sure."
"Are you really—"
"Yes Barbatos, I'm sure."
"What about your companions? Would they be fine with me?" Venti softly asked as he sweeped off the [h/c] makes hair from the said male's face.
[Y/n] softly sighed before caressing the bard's face, he gave him a gentle smile. "I'm sure they'll love you to be here."
Venti smiled as he placed a chaste kiss on the taller male's jawline.
"Then I'll take your word for it."
"So you're saying that Venti arrived last night looking for Sir as if he's gonna die if he doesn't see Sir?" Tyler deadpanned as he sipped on his black coffee, Catherine deadpanned, "You just overexaggerated what I just said, I just told you Venti came over last night."
"Same thing."
"Pffft those two are helpless." Hiro deadpanned as Ryan handed him over the butter, he muttered a soft 'thanks' to the blonde before slicing a piece of butter and placed it on top of his pancakes.
Currently the 9 members of the elite 10 are having breakfast together in the kitchen.
"Helplessly in love with each other~" Ryan sang as he drank his shot of espresso, Luke just grumbled at him, "I swear you'll die from drinking that." The blonde laughed, "The better!"
"Pleaseee I swear sooner or later they're gonna announce that Barbatos is moving in." Tyler deadpanned, "Which is not a bad thing, I swear we need the anemo archon to watch over our mess of a god, no offense Cyno."
"None taken." Cyno blankly said as he flipped the page of the newspaper he was reading, two empty cups in front of him, the content was clearly black coffee.
"I wouldn't mind if Mr. Venti moves in, Sir is a lot calmer if he's around."
Soon, two Archon's came into the dining room, the Dendro Archon happily announcing, "Everyone! I hope you guys don't mind that Venti is now moving in with me—"
'We spoke way too fucking soon—' the elite 9 collectively thought.
(n.) The joy of meeting or finding someone again after a long separation; rediscovery.
I swear I love teasing you guys—
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lxkeeeee · 2 years
"STOLAS" is now currently being rewritten.
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lxkeeeee · 2 years
Fragments of the Past venti x m!dendro archon reader
“..... When will we meet?
-a year after the war ends
:When will the war end?
-when we meet.”
—mahmoud darwish
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I can feel warmth surrounding, the warmth I've felt when the person held me so gently. I realized I was in my wisp form, my tiny body being craddled and held protectively by someone, I looked up and all I can see is a tall person, their face extremely blurry.
That's odd, why can't I remember what he looked like.
But why did I spoke to him as if he's my lifelong friend?
"The archon war is brutal my friend, but I believed you can do many great things starting from this city." The stranger softly says, looking ahead of him—his voice awfully sounded familiar.
I looked at where he is looking and I see a huge dome of harsh winds. Tense and unnerving aura in the atmosphere.
I let out a confused chirp but somehow, the person holding me looked like he understood me.
"Why I brought you here you might ask? That's for me to know and for you to find out." He says, voice teasing yet cryptic.
I just huffed out in annoyance and the person laughed.
"Welp, my dear friend, I now give back your freedom. I do hope we'll see each other again. I bless for your success." He says as his back is now facing me, his figure slowly moving away from mine.
I chirped in fear.
"When will we meet again?" I chirped, he stopped and he chuckled, "A year after the war ends." He answered and I huffed in annoyance, "When will the war end?" I asked again and for a brief moment, his face became clearer and I saw the familiar smile of the person I love the most, "When we meet." He answered truthfully, [e/c] eyes shining with determination.
And I woke up.
I gasped lightly, I see the familiar walls of a certain person's bedroom surrounding me and my eyes landed on to the sleeping figure beside me, his [h/c] hair with dark green tips so messy, soft snores can be heard. I smiled before giving his lips a quick peck. He groaned and he slowly opened an eye, revealing the [e/c] colored eyes filled with mysteries and knowledge. The very same person who pushed me towards my purpose, to lead Mondstadt to their freedom govern as their god.
"Whats got you so smiling so early in the morning?" You asked and Venti giggled.
"I just had a good dream afterall~"
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A side story of my Stolas fic lmao, I'm getting more and more unhinged each passing day 😤
Stolas Masterlist | General Masterlist
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