#lyanna lavellan
justcallmecappy · 2 years
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Thank you @v-arbellanaris for tagging me to create my DA characters in this picrew! 🥰💖
Here they are (top to bottom, left to right):
Lyanna Mahariel - Maerhyn Surana Elleria Tabris - Renfri Cousland Gerard Hawke - Morgana Hawke Myrinne Hawke - Gale Hawke Luthea Lavellan - Amaris Adaar
Tagging @glowing-blue-feathermage, @potatowitch, @sugarysenpai and @dalish-rogue to try this as well, but absolutely no pressure! 🥰
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pikapeppa · 5 months
OC Name Meanings
Thank you so much for the tag @elveny! Your answers were so good and thoughtful that I feel like mine are going to be so dumb in comparison LMAO.
Rules: Search and post the meaning of your OC’s name (if you made their name up or they go by a nickname, post an explanation of how it came to you)! bonus if you can find something for their last name too.
All right [cracks knuckles] I'll start from the top.
Mass Effect (original trilogy): Commander Adriana Shepard. I named her after my husband because he introduced me to the game. NOT VERY ORIGINAL, but named with love? 🤣
Mass Effect Andromeda: Mara Ryder. I honestly cannot remember why I chose this name for her. Vibes, probably? I often just pick a name that "feels" right...
Dragon Age Inquisition: okay, I made up sooo many fucking Lavellans, and when I first started writing, most of them were just named after Game of Thrones characters. This includes Elia, Arya, and Lyanna.
(By now, you may have noticed that all my OCs have names ending in "a". I do like names ending in "a." I am consistent that way. 😂)
Athera Lavellan is the DA:I OC whose name is the most thought-out. I borrowed it from FenxShiral's Elvhen book of names, and it means 'part of a dream', which thematically tied into her romance with Abelas.
But then there's Tamaris, which is another name that I chose because of vibes (it "felt right"). I will admit that I know someone named Tamaris and I love the name, but I was also surprised to find that this is coincidentally a name from FenxShiral's name dictionary - a fact that I used in my fic of her and Felassan.
Dragon Age 2: Rynne Hawke. Her name was also chosen for vibes; 'Rynne' struck me as a kind of fun, playful name. I think in-world, she is named after a great-aunt. (It's been a while since I revisited her, I think this is the lore. 🤣)
Baldur's Gate 3: my main Tav is Eilaena Valderol, aka Brynn Bladetongue. THIS WAS THE NAME I THOUGHT ABOUT THE MOST. Her birth name, Eilaena, is a drow name broadly inspired by the goddess Eilistraee. Her last name is her mother's name, which I used a D&D name generator to come up with. Her criminal alias, Brynn , was borrowed from an adventurer she admired who was a regular at the theater-tavern where she grew up. 'Bladetongue' is a stagename-like surname that she came up with; in her words, it's masturbatory (flattering herself for her silver tongue), and she likes the alliteration. She's half-wood elf/half-drow, and she purposely gave herself a human-sounding alias to fuck with people LOL.
My other BG3 OC is Tavanah. I liked the idea of using the default "non-special" name of 'Tav', but making it special by having her romance, Rolan, be the only one who calls her by her full name.
Tagging forward: once again, to genuinely anyone who wants to play!!! But let's start with @seabirdsong @iamcayc @novarunestone @elinorbard @crackinglamb @johaerys-writes @alyssalenko @vorchagirl @hollyand-writes
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midnightprelude · 2 years
8! and bonus points if you show a little snippet!
Which fic this year was most fun to write?
Probably Forbidden Petals which was a goofy little Cassandra x f!Lavellan ficlet where Cass is waxing poetic about a painting not realizing it’s supposed to be a picture of a lady’s bits.
“Why do you think the petals are forbidden?” Lyanna peered up at her, tilting her head to the side.
“Perhaps they are in the Queen’s garden.”
“Oh, do you think the Queen keeps a private garden, then?” Lyanna peered up at her curiously, biting her lip. “Keep all her precious petals from would-be pluckers?”
“Of course.” She had to remind herself that Lyanna had had limited exposure to royalty. “Every noble house has private gardens and greenhouses,” she explained patiently. “I daresay the Empress has quite a few that she keeps entirely to herself.”
“ Entirely .” Lyanna tutted, shaking her head. “Shems and their walls. You’d think they’d have learned by now that these things are far more fun with friends.”
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darethshirl · 2 years
Unusual Muse Associations
thank you for the tag, @cleverblackcat! this was super fun to do 🥰 tagging @rosella-writes. @melisusthewee, @noire-pandora, @dreadfutures, @roguelioness, @bogunicorn, @musetta3, @bitterleafs and anyone else who wants to do it!
for my Lyanna Lavellan:
SEASONING: oregano. sharp and fresh!
WEATHER: late spring/early summer day, sunny and warm but not too hot
COLOUR: forest green
SKY: cloudless, endless blue
MAGICAL POWER: invisibility
HOUSE PLANT: peace lily
WEAPON: bow in dai, a small switch-knife for modern au
SUBJECT: gym class lmao
SOCIAL MEDIA: instagram
MAKEUP PRODUCT: mascara I think
CANDY: cinnamon hard candy
FEAR: entrapment
ICE CUBE SHAPE: just a cube lol. practical and classic
ART STYLE: photography/photo-realism
MYTHOLOGICAL CREATURE: despite her forest theme I’ll go with mermaid here. just swimming in the ocean, chilling away from humans :’)
PIECE OF STATIONERY: small spiral-bound hard cover notebook with a pen tucked in.
CELESTIAL BODY: crescent moon
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rosella-writes · 3 years
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I've shared part of this as my six-sentence-Sunday submission, but I haven't written a whole lot since then. So here, have some context on this lovely WIP Wednesday.
(This is a piece I'm working on for Fen'Harem's Kinktober, and the Lavellan is @darethshirl's Lyanna Lavellan, whom I have endless love and affection for.)
Cassandra didn’t mean to listen in on their conversations on their way back to Skyhold. It wasn’t her fault that they had them within thin-walled tents — while on horseback barely ten paces behind her — around the fire when everyone else was supposed to be asleep. It wasn’t her fault that she was still on edge after having been caught.
Lyanna breathed not a word of Cassandra’s indiscretion, and to his credit neither did Solas. Neither acted any differently towards her, and that was nearly worse than if they had confronted her. It was eating her alive.
So when she finally heard her own name muttered outside her tent, enunciated in Solas’s breathy whisper, she couldn’t help but roll over and listen, wide awake.
The fire glimmered through the canvas walls, and she could dimly see the shadows they cast — heads bent together, hands touching. Lyanna’s hand slid comfortingly up the slope of Solas’s back, and Cassandra was briefly reminded of the outline of their bodies through the waterfall. She clenched her eyes shut.
“— do you think she would say yes?” Solas was saying. “It would seem she is more inclined towards your involvement than my own, if what you have told me is true.”
Lyanna’s laugh was low and lovely. Something deep inside Cassandra shifted at the sound. “Of course it’s true. Why would I lie to you?”
Solas hesitated. “I suppose because anyone else in your position would be inclined to lie to their current lover about the previous. Forgive me, vhenan. You continually surprise me.”
There was the sound of a soft kiss, then Solas’s chuckle.
“I’ll take that as a compliment,” Lyanna murmured. “And I intend to keep surprising you, in more and more interesting ways.”
Tagging: @kita-lavellan | @silvanils | @noire-pandora | @ellie-effie | @musetta3 | @morganlefaye79 | @melisusthewee | @inquisitoracorn | @kittynomsdeplume | @dreadfutures | @lorkaji-writes
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lethendralis-paints · 5 years
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Quick Sketch Commission #16
The magnificent Lyanna Lavellan for my dear friend, @midnightprelude
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baejax-the-great · 4 years
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Lyanna for @midnightprelude 😍😁
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lemonmancer · 5 years
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Sketch commission for @midnightprelude!♡
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blarrghe · 4 years
“don’t look at me like i’m a hero. you’ll only disappoint yourself.” For my stabby revolutionary Lavellan Lyanna? Born to a clan, but grew up in the shadow of Halamshiral. I’d love to see how she gets along with Taren and Theo. ❤️
Oh what a badass! I hope you don’t mind that there’s quite a lot of Taren/Theo in this and not a huge amount of Lyanna, I just thought this made a very excellent introduction line for her! Also I haven’t written them fighting together yet so that was neat.
“Who are we going to meet again?” Theo asked the question through a long, drawn-out yawn, stretching his arms over his head as they walked. The road was clear of travelers still, and a thin fog was being slowly lifted from the ground with the rising sun.
“Don’t you ever listen when I talk?” Taren scolded in reply, walking ahead of Theo. There was a brightness to his step, despite the fact that they had both only just woken from sleep.
“Not when it’s this early.” Theo grumbled behind him, shuffling in the way that he thought was more fitted to grogginess. Not that Taren would know anything about grogginess. Maybe all those mean spirited letters were on to something, and his brother really was some sort of insane demon who never needed rest. More likely though, it was the entire pot of coffee that Taren had opted to take for himself, after Theo had rejected the bitter liquid, that gave him his pep.
“Leliana only gave a nickname - “Fox” - but she claims some link to us.” Taren explained again, and Theo distantly remembered hearing the information before. He raised an eyebrow at “us”. Taren meant the Dalish us, not the Inquisition. The latter connection was a given for Theo, these days, but his inclusion with the former was more complicated.
“You mean the clan.” He countered quickly; not a question, more a reminder. Neither he nor Taren had been in the company of their clan since the breaking of the world began, but for Theo, the connection had been tentative long before that.
“Yes,” Taren replied, some of what Theo teasingly called his Keeper Voice breaking through in the remark, “that us.”
Theo sighed, it was too early for an argument. “So why are you bringing me?”
Taren shrugged. “I needed a scout,” he answered, “seemed like your sort of job.” Theo nodded along, already forgetting to listen to the answer to what he had just asked, as his mind attempted to wander away into sleepy daydreams again. Taren stopped and looked back at him, waiting for his attention to return; the bobbing of his head must not have been a very convincing response. “And you do have some connection to the clan, too.” Taren’s words were pointed as he linked one of his arms with his, keeping his gait quick as Theo stumbled to keep up. He was talking about himself, Theo realised with a pang of regret. Of course he hadn’t meant to exclude that.
“Did you know her?” He asked, letting Taren lead them on with his quick steps. It wasn’t that hard to keep up, his long legs could outpace Taren easily, if not for his endless supplies of energy.
“How would I know? All we have is a nickname.”
Right. He had said that. Did Taren not realise that it was still not even really dawn?
“Leliana thinks she could be a useful ally, and if the reports are right, I agree.” Taren was still talking, and Theo nodded along again, more of the information returning to his memory.
“Because she works for that elf you met in Orlais.” He had synthesized Taren’s explanation of the political machinations of Orlais into some few simple notes for his memory - elven revolutionaries were fighting against imperialistic nobility; everything was pretty much terrible, and it was mostly the shemlens’ fault. Taren had a somewhat more balanced view of things, one that took into account the relations of other countries, various historical battles, and all sorts of secret knowledge gained through complicated espionage. He appreciated that it was complicated, and if it wasn’t so early he might even have been willing to dedicate real intellectual thought to the discussion, but for his current purposes the categories “elven rebels” and “human jerks” made sense of things well enough. They were off to meet an elven rebel. He supposed that was indeed “his sort of job”.
“Didn’t sound like she works for anyone, from the report. But yes, she has a reputation.” Taren said.
“And you think you can get her to work for you.” Not a question, he knew exactly how Taren thought; and he knew Taren would be there anyway, even if he didn’t want the revolutionary’s help.
Taren shrugged. “She’s still a Lavellan.” Good old predictable Taren, putting on his Keeper Voice again.
The conversation was interrupted by the sounds of a violent commotion ahead. Horses neighing, shouted voices, and the clashing of steel echoed down the road, and a flock of birds lifted itself noisily from the trees. Theo and Taren sprang apart, each quickly reaching for their weapons. Taren cast a barrier over both of them while Theo nocked an arrow, and cautiously, keeping to the edge of the forest which lined the road, they approached.
The commotion was caused by an ambush of highwaymen, who had apparently jumped out to rob a caravan which traveled down the road. The victims of the attack appeared to be but simple travelers - refugees, probably. Theo saw pointed ears poking out of hoods, small bodies huddled behind larger ones. Two of the older looking travelers had shoddy weapons in hand, struggling against the bandits.
His throat tightened, anger flooding him as loosed his arrows at the attackers, catching one in the face before the brute could bring down an axe on a struggling civilian fighter. He wasted no time in joining the fight, aiming careful arrows at the gaggle of unlucky bandits. Taren had sprung to action as well. More protective barriers sprang up around the refugees without weapons, and roots and rock rose and shuddered from the ground under bandits’ feet.
Then as they fought, another entered the fray. She seemed to drop from the sky, two long blades flashing brightly in her hands. She moved quickly, zigzagging her way from one bandit to another, leaving them clutching bleeding wounds or lying motionless in her wake. One of the men ran, and Theo found himself in close combat with the large brute, wrestling against his arms to try to keep a blade out of his face. A couple stabs to Taren’s barrier over him had weakened it, another would likely break through. Their faces were close. The man was big and burly, with dirt-caked skin and wild hair. A sinister grin spread over the bandits face. Theo was taller, but not as broadly built, and his arms wouldn’t be able to hold back the blows for long. He shoved a knee into the man, staggering him long enough that he could attempt to draw his own short blade from his belt, but the bandit rebounded before he could land another blow, and he narrowly dodged a swing of his dagger.
Before he could dodge another blow, the fast fighting woman spun quickly in and out of view, shoving the bandit away, spinning around behind him as he struggled to keep his footing, and stabbing him in the back - a quick succession of stabs under the ribs - the bandit dropped clutching his wounds, tense, and then limp.
Theo took a couple steps back, catching his breath, and looked up at the woman who had come to his rescue. Bright red hair and eyes still narrowed for a fight. The rest of the attackers had fallen now, and Theo let out a breath. “Thanks.” He said to the woman, whose expression was changing now from a grimace to a proud smirk. “That was amazing.” He could have gotten out of it, of course, but credit where it was due: this woman could fight.
“Don’t look at me like I’m a hero, you’ll only disappoint yourself.” Replied his saviour casually, turning away from him to stoop over the now-dead bandit’s body, she rummaged in the man’s pockets, adding what coin was there to her own. As she went about pickpocketing the dead, a small fennec scampered over to her, following her and making circles around her legs.
“But you are one, aren’t you?” Taren stepped toward her, his eye scanning the scene. Theo looked again at the fennec. Oh. Fox. Taren went on talking, listing a few accomplishments that Theo again vaguely remembered from an earlier briefing. The woman stopped gathering spoils and stood to meet him.
“And who the fuck are you?”
Theo tried not to laugh at Taren’s expression. To anyone else, he seemed always to do a remarkably good job of staying calm, but Theo saw him twitch. He was really starting to like this Fox woman.
“Taren Lavellan,” he answered her with stress on the clan name and without giving his title. Not that he needed to, everyone in the world knew his name by now. But maybe he was spending too much time in Orlais, because it seemed to Theo that the words Taren chose when he met people always meant something.
“Oh.” She sounded surprised, eyes widening a little as she spoke, but Theo couldn’t tell if it was a happy sound. “No offence, but I expected you’d be taller.”
That time, he did laugh. He tried to stifle it with his sleeve, but it didn’t matter, Taren was laughing too. The woman’s smirk returned to her face, and her eye landed on Theo. He cleared his throat, banishing the rest of his laughter.
“Theo Lavellan,” he offered in introduction, “I uh, work for the Inquisition.”
“Lyanna.” Replied the woman with a curt nod. She returned her smirking gaze to Taren. “Can I help you, Inquisitor?”
“Actually,” Taren began with a smirk that mirrored hers, but it was amused, more than cocky, “I think we can help each other.”
Introductions over with, Taren broke the conversation to help the refugees return to their feet, and Theo heard him making generous offers of aid as he sent them on their way again. Lyanna was watching him work, the smirk not leaving her face even as her eyes narrowed again in careful consideration. Theo, meanwhile, watched her fox, and idly wondered where he could get one of his own. 
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squibkin · 4 years
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just some homies
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oftachancer · 4 years
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A very sketchy sketch of Cass longingly gazing at @midnightprelude’s Inquisitor Lyanna Lavellan. For the mini-story that accompanies this, please check out Stolen Glances on A03. Happy DA Lovers Day!
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justcallmecappy · 2 years
Thank you @v-arbellanaris for tagging me to create my DA characters in this picrew! 🥰💖
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(top to bottom, left to right):
Lyanna Mahariel - Maerhyn Surana Elleria Tabris - Renfri Cousland Gerard Hawke - Morgana Hawke Myrinne Hawke - Gale Hawke Luthea Lavellan - Amaris Adaar
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pikapeppa · 2 years
What if the Inquisitor took Cole out shopping just to get him some clothes along with getting weapons?
That sounds like an adorable fluffy fic premise. I could swear I've read a fic of this somewhere before, but I'm drawing a blank right now 😂I did have Cole running around enjoying the sights in Val Royeaux with Lyanna Lavellan in my little fic Become Human, but that was more general sightseeing rather than shopping!
DA friends, anyone have a fic rec for our lovely anon?
-- love from your friendly neighbourhood Pika xoxo
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midnightprelude · 4 years
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@oftachancer and I put together another piece for @14daysdalovers​!
Pairing: Cassandra x F!Lavellan Rating: T Summary: Of course her first meeting with Cassandra's family would involve Lyanna Lavellan, three months pregnant, scaling the face of a wall. It was only natural.Not that she wasn't up for the challenge, but she had hoped not to meet Anthony Pentaghast while she was red-faced and sweating. Oh well. Read here on on AO3!
“I already like you better than the last four,” Anthony grinned, managing the ropes of Cassandra’s safety harness as she climbed higher. “I doubt any of them would have made it past the first incline, even before… How many months along are you now?”
“Three,” she sniffed. Did she look that large already? Creators, she felt like it. “I’m tenacious.” Her muscles burned and her shin smarted where she’d smashed against a foothold, but she had made it to the top of the ledge where Cassandra’s brother was beaming. As gorgeous as his sister, sculpted muscle from head to toe, his tee shirt clinging to his chest like- She dropped her gaze to where Cassandra was scaling, smiling down at her when she chanced to look up. “I’m glad, for your sake, you didn’t try to tell me I couldn’t.”
He was quicker to laugh than his sister, tiny lines about his eyes showing that he did so often. “I’d have missed all the swearing. What a shame that would have been.”
“Would you, now?” Lyanna smirked, adjusting her harness now that she was again on solid ground. She caught her hand traveling reflexively towards her belly and stretched it over her head. “I’m sure you would’ve heard a few curses if you attempted to stop me.”
“I know better. I couldn’t prevent Cassie from standing in her saddle. I can’t stop any woman from doing anything.”
“She’s taught you well, then.” Lyanna rolled her eyes on a chuckle. “Cassie, hm?”
“Yes.” Anthony checked the lines. “To both.” He glanced at her with a wry smile. “I’ll admit, when she told me she was seeing a ‘Lyanna’, I had a different image in my mind. Claw-nails and leopard print and high heels.”
“Not a pregnant elf?” Lyanna quirked a brow. “What about my name makes you think of claws and heels, do tell?”
“I guess I was thinking of most of the other power suits in our firm. Lots of claws and heels.” He grinned. “She said you were a red head and it got me thinking of- Well. Anyway. You seem a decent sort.”
“Got a thing for redheads, is it? I’ll have to let Cassie know.”
“Trust me, she knows,” he chuckled. “We mostly only had each other for a long time; it’s possible we know too much about each other. Do you have siblings?”
“No, but I’ve got quite a few cousins, and one in particular who knows much more than he probably should. He’s in a band. Catharsis? They’ve been in the news lately.”
“Yes! The instigators .” Anthony grinned. “I do love when flames are fanned. Powerful people do such ridiculous things to try and put them out, and leave themselves open to all sorts of interesting case law.”
“She said you’d say something like that,” Lyanna smirked, taking a swig from a bottle of water. Creators, she was going to be sore. “That you like hunting dragons. Would you take on the Imperium, if you had a case?”
“If I thought one could be won, certainly. So far, they’ve been cagey, but I see their sweat beginning to make the pavement slippery. It’s only a matter of time.” Anthony smiled lazily, flashing white teeth in a sharp smile. “But that’s business and I promised my little sister that I would take the afternoon off.”
“And she’s getting closer and closer to earshot, so we’d best watch ourselves.” Lyanna chuckled, leaning against the fake wall of rock behind them that extended nearly up to the ceiling. “Wouldn’t want you to get in trouble.”
“Maker, no!” Anthony winked at her. “She might cut me off from the borscht. Had she made you her borscht? It’s exactly as mother used to make it. I’ve no idea how she manages. We have the exact same recipe.”
“She has.” A few times, in fact. “Folate is good for the babies, she says. Makes the kitchen look a bit like a murder scene with all the beets, but there’s hardly any denying her when she puts her mind to something. She made four gallons, once, and sent a good portion home with me. Cassandra is under the impression I don’t eat nearly enough.”
“She likes to take care of people. It’s easier to let her.” He smiled fondly down the rock face where his sister was dangling from her fingertips, searching for a toehold. “It sounds as though you’ve figured that out.”
“Took some time.” Heat rose to Lyanna’s cheeks. She hadn’t wanted to be cared for; she’d been alone and independent for so long that she hardly knew how to accept Cassandra’s offerings without distrust and scorn. Nobody was that selfless. Except, amazingly, Cassandra Pentaghast. “But I did. Yes. She does have that quality.”
“She never knew our parents, you know,” he said thoughtfully. “Not really. But she’s far more like them than she has a right to be. She’s a good kid.” He glanced at her, lifting a brow, seeing too much. “You get that, too. I like you.”
“Do I get a badge?” Lyanna tilted her head to the side. “Or a stamp? ‘Free to date Cassandra Pentaghast.’ I’ll stick it to my laptop so there’s no confusion.”
“Unfortunately not. Just my appreciation that you seem to see her as she is.” He shrugged. “Should I dislike you on principle?”
“I was under the impression that elder brothers tend to be very protective of their younger sisters’ hearts.” Lyanna sniffed, smiling slightly. She had been a trifle worried about his acceptance and had told Cassandra as much, but she’d waved it off. ‘Anthony is Anthony; he only cares that I’m happy. I very much am.’ “I’m relieved you think so. Did she tell you she carried me out of a construction site? I was more annoyed that I couldn’t walk on my own than grateful at first; I was certain she wanted something from me.”
Anthony chuckled. “She didn’t, but that sounds like her; I’ll have to pry the tale from her now.” He looked over the ledge. “Almost there!” he called encouragingly and received a disgruntled huff in reply. “Unless you want to tell me,” he glanced at Lyanna with a quick grin. “It’ll probably be a better story coming from you.”
“Oh, I’d rather not recount that particular tale.” Heat flooded Lyanna’s cheeks. An embarrassing tumble into a construction site she’d been protesting, followed by a broken ankle and a positive pregnancy test from a fling. “I’m sure she’d do it justice.” Cassandra was nearly at the top of the climb, thank the Creators; hopefully she’d arrive before Lyanna was dragged into a retelling.
Anthony quirked a brow at her, smiling lazily. “As you will.”
Cassandra puffed her cheeks, dragging herself up the last inches and pulling herself to sprawl on the mid-point landing at their feet. She reached for Lyanna’s fingers, brushing them with her own, dusting chalk between them.
Lyanna laughed, helping her up and wrapping her arms around Cassandra’s waist. “For a moment there, you looked like you very much wanted to toss us off the ledge! Congratulations.” She kissed Cassandra’s cheek, smiling against her skin. “I missed you.”
Spectacular: the feel of her cheek curving in an answering grin and the ragged exhales of her breath against Lyanna’s ear. “You’re beautiful.”
“I love you,” the words sprung to her lips, but this time they didn’t make her twinge with anxiety at the sound of them in her voice as they had before. A simple truth, simply spoken, the statement muffled nearly completely when Cassandra tugged her closer and kissed her in earnest until they were both panting again.
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silvanils · 4 years
4. Does you character like children? How do they behave around children? Would they ever want any of their own?
BTV OC Question Time (May/June)
Lyanna Cousland: She didn’t have strong feelings one way or another about children, though she was always kind and careful with the few she was around - the castle’s squires and her nephew, Oren. She always assumed she would eventually have children of her own, but she never spent a lot of time thinking about what her family would be like.
She only learned the Joining made Grey Wardens (mostly?) sterile when she began seriously discussing marriage with Alistair, which is also the moment she realized just how much she HAD assumed that would be part of her future.
They could adopt, of course, but wanting to have at least one child and heir is a big factor in why Lyanna becomes so keen on finding a cure for the Taint.
Dirk Tabris: He thinks kids are fine and has no issue interacting with them. He definitely has some “big brother instinct” towards children in general and a lot of the younger kids in the alienage looked up to him. He tries to give them hope and a little “spark” of rebelliousness because he’s tired of watching that spark die in so many of his peers.
He never thought he’d want a child of his own, though, especially since he’s not interested in women. That feeling didn’t change until he and Zevran rescued a young girl named Minna ten years after the Blight. He definitely loves her as if she were his own kid.
Fahren Mahariel: He likes children, and treats them with respect. Their antics amuse him. He wasn’t really put in the ‘caretaker’ role very often, though, since he and Tamlen also had a tendency to incite mischief.
Children are cherished by their clans and cared for by the community, so they would have been part of his life no matter what. Like Lyanna, Mahariel took that part of his future for granted before the whole mess with the mirror happened.
If he had any doubts about wanting a child of his own before meeting Kieran, though... well, the boy made them all vanish. Mahariel loves that kid.
Mari Hawke: She’s not overly fond of little kids, partly because Carver and Bethany were INSUFFERABLE when they were little. She loved them, of course, but seeing tiny kids still makes her shudder a bit. That said, she’s not mean to children when she HAS to be around them, she’s just always very eager to get them back to their caretakers and out of her hair.
She doesn’t think she’d be a good mother, so she never really imagined herself having a child. It’s a very messy business. From time to time, though, she does find herself thinking Fenris would be a great father and his babies would be cuter than MOST babies...
They do end up having a kid a couple months post-Inquisition: a girl who takes after Hawke. They name her Aleda, but she ends up getting called Lita instead.
Ash Lavellan: He adores children and has always been sweet and kind to the young ones in his clan, especially his younger siblings (but really, he considers them all his charges.) He dotes on them and tries to make sure they’re cared for.
He always figured that caring for children would be part of his life, regardless of who he wound up with. Dalish clans raise children together, after all, and the people who are patient and gentle with the little ones get given the caretaker role more frequently than others.
He’s sure Dorian will be up for adopting a child someday, or at least allowing him to be a mentor to any apprentices Dorian takes on. Plus, there’s still his own little siblings to care for.
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rosella-writes · 3 years
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This week was awful as far as writing is concerned, and I’m really struggling for motivation/time to finish anything. But I do have six sentences to share, so ta-da! Featuring @darethshirl’s lovely Lyanna Lavellan. 💚 (Thank you for letting me borrow her. She is a delight.)
Solas began to move, bringing his own hand up to join Lyanna’s on her breast, and Cassandra was frozen between them. To move might shatter whatever this delicate, hungry thing was becoming. To shift might remind them that no, they didn’t want her — no, they were perfectly happy on their own, just the two of them.
So she lay still, every muscle tense, slowly losing her wits.
“Relax, my friend,” Solas murmured, mouthing a line of open-mouthed kisses down Cassandra’s neck to her shoulder. “Let us partake of you.”
Tagging: @kita-lavellan | @morganlefaye79 | @noire-pandora | @kittynomsdeplume | @rakshadow | @cleverblackcat | @dreadfutures | @emerald-amidst-gold
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