bolstertheranks · 3 years
Thias, how do you feel when an individual wants to leave the Dawnguard? Do you try to find out why? Do you ever worry about losing too many people in the long run?
“I am always a little saddened, but I understand that it’s not a job for everyone. It can be hard on the mind as much as the body and for some it’s just... not worth it in the long run,” he admitted with a small frown. 
“I do try to find out why if possible, to make sure that they understand that they have someone to confide in or speak with if need be and that they would always be welcomed back depending on the circumstances,” he continued.
“I do worry that we will lose more than we can afford too, but I as I said before: I understand that it is not something just anyone can take on nor should anyone just join on a whim. That would be foolish.”
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halforcsmash · 6 years
Sinia was sitting with Litan as the poured over plans for a new home. While she had lived with her father for the past hundred years, since her and Litan planned to marry and be together, everyone had came to a mutual agreement that it was time to move out. After all, this time she wouldn’t be returning after a marriage to an Orsimer stronghold chieftain and need the comfort of her childhood home. 
Well, one could only hope that wasn’t going to happen considering she was moving across the village with a Bosmer man. 
Silnas was chuckling as the two argued and discussed everything, but he turned with surprise as he heard someone step up to their front door. It was one of the guards that worked with Sinia, and the Bosmer was panting slightly as he stood there, like he had run to their home from wherever they were.  “Sinia...” The guard took a deep breath, “Your son was spotted on the western border, and he’s on his way. He has a female bosmer with him, and an older male bosmer. They’re traveling slow, but they’ll be here soon.” 
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therunawayscamp · 5 years
lycannalla said:
[[Morinah is forever one of my favorites and that little surprise note made me smile]]
[Aw, thank you! I ought to get back to writing her. Although I think I would have benefited from your Bosmer expertise in that post.]
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packsabigpunch · 6 years
Big Pig Trouble
Riften forest. Midday. Autumn.
The ground colored red and yellow from fallen leaves. Sun shining pleasantly. Birds chirping. Deers treading.
Birds taking off. Deers running.
In the midst of white birches jumped around an Argonian clad in a green tunic and trousers. Her magic staff bounced against her back. At her bare feet was a small and shallow pit dug into the ground, perhaps the leftovers from a hunter's trap.
Just big enough to trap a mid-sized swine inside. Only his ears poked out of the pit.
"Snuffsie!" wailed Punch. "My baby!"
Oh, how would she ever get him out of there! Lifting was an impossibility, he weighed far too much! (Far too much for a pig his size, one could argue.)
Snuffles sniffed at the wall his snout was bumping every now and then. He barely had space to turn around, but he seemed content enough.
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dalamusrex · 6 years
The goshawk sits on the roof of the Bee and Barb, a perfect high perch in which to watch the people below go by while her master took care of business. However, one of the figures below appeared with something that seemed very much like food in his hands. Intent on finding out what it was, the bird flew down to the top of pole nearby and gave a loud "kree-ah" directly at him, then waited for the mer to stop.
It took some convincing, but Dalamus eventually managed to get the butcher to dice the raw meat for him. This way, he could avoid making a mess in his own kitchen. With it safely in his paper-lined basket, he could head home.
Along the way, he could not resist reaching into the basket and pulling out a cube for himself, popping the small piece of raw beef into his mouth like a kid might candy–something he only indulged in rarely, lest it cause internal issues.
Before he could snack on another, he heard a sound, and stopped in his tracks. Hearing it again, he peered up. Was that.. Indes’ bird? He was fairly certain it was glaring at him. So he glared back.
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generalofthenorth · 6 years
✌ - Your character just made a trespass against someone else, how would they go about righting it given the chance? Or would they at all?
     He would definitely try, he’s not heartless even though it seems like he’s cold. Tullius just tends to have a difficult time expressing himself in ways others understand. But depending on what he’d done, he’d be happy to offer something monetary or maybe something only someone in his position can do or get as long as it’s not overly illegal.
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It was not the… usual way someone announced themselves at Jorrvaskr’s door, that much was certain. The fact that this person was knocking at all was unusual in itself. But because she happened to be the one sitting closest to the door, all eyes fell on Indes expectantly. Resisting the urge to roll her eyes at her shieldsiblings, the Bosmer gave in and stood to answer him.
One of the doors opened as she appeared in the doorway. “Hail. Can I help you?” she asked, relaxing against the frame.
Faldush’s head turned towards the opening door, his attention having apparently been wandering to something else in the pause. Upon seeing the Bosmer, he leaned forward a bit, squinting down at her, before shifting his weight back once more.
“Hail! You are Companions of Zhorvaskeer?” the Orc asked, deep, heavy accent somewhat contrasted by the sudden grin around his tusks.
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boarchasers · 7 years
((Happy New Year, friends! And good riddance, 2017!))
lycannalla said: [[ah wait I just realized we’d probably be on different servers, oops |D]]
((Ah, damn it, I forgot about how I live in the back end of nowhere! Curses. I’m guessing this applies to you too, @vvardenfellcat?
If there is anyone else around on the EU server, let me know! Although to be honest, you’re all probably getting off lightly, not having to put up with me running into trees and off cliffs.))
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stonearmedwoman · 7 years
“Don’t mention it. Please.”
Njada nodded, keeping her voice low. “Still. Thank you.” She chewed on her lip, tilting her head, “I’m sorry that I can’t go on this job. I take being a Companion seriously, but something has came up that I have to deal with. I really do appreciate you taking my spot for me.”
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sisterofsmash · 7 years
“Why are you looking at me like that?”
Zhugul laughed softly, tugging a lock of hair before speaking. “Just trying to figure out what powers of witchcraft or love potion you used for my brother. He’s all sappy eyed, humming old love songs under his breath. It’s quite entertaining, and it’s all because of you.” 
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flameandfeather · 7 years
Reunion [ Indes | Tor ]
Her voice faltered as she caught on something while hastily making her way over to him, but it didn’t stop her. She kept moving, until she could reach up and embrace him like he said, holding onto the friend she hadn’t seen in far too long.
“It’ll do for now, but I am going to need a lot more sitting around and talking, as well as maybe a spar or two. And you better have some good stories to tell me.”
A smile spread across his lips as he hugged his friend. He squeezed tight once, and then held her out, hands on the mer’s shoulders. Indes’ hair was a bit longer than when he had seen her last, but as expected, a couple of years did little to change the elf’s appearance.
Tor-Acr raised two fingers and nodded to the barkeep. “I am for all of your ideas, my friend. And indeed, I have one or two tales to tell. But firsst, a drink.”
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halforcsmash · 6 years
"I was only gone for thirty seconds!"
Korgul looked at her, holding the wrapped ball of cloth in his hands. He had started teaching the children a type of orcish ball game since it was their last night. It was the kind of game that involved a lot of physical movement, but that was okay, right? In the thirty seconds, more like a minute and a half she had been gone, Korgul had taken the local children that wanted to play along with the kids from the house and turned them into face painted hooligans ready to take each other out. He really had a knack for it. He smiled at her, face sheepish as the kids vlambered for him to give them the ball. “Right? I can do great things in just a minute.” 
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nordicdragonborn · 7 years
“It’s great to see fellow Companions joining the festivities! I may have seen another one or two but I do know I saw Indes and Korgul earlier, they looked like they were having fun and dressed for it too.”
“I’m not sure about his kilt though, isn’t it going to be windier later?”
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lyinginwait · 5 years
[ ♜✵◎ for Tor ]
♜ to hear the muse’s thoughts on where they’re currently residing
“Whiterun is pleasant. It is familiar, it has friends, and it sserves as a wonderful home base while I search around for some new friends, too.”
✵ for the muse’s thoughts on their birthsign
“Ahhhh. Thiss one is trickier. For a long time, as an adolescent and throughout my young adulthood, I blamed the Serpent for everything. My sign mocks my very existence. The Naga–the sserpents–killed my parents. Ate parts of my parents.” Tor-Acr huffed, hot air jetting past his clenched teeth.
“I also blamed the Serpent, which comes and goes among the Firmament, for stealing away my early chance to become xul-gee reel-ka. Shadowscale. If I had undergone that training, I could have ssaved my family.
“I realize now that blaming when I was born solves nothing. Living in the past does nothing but hurt the heart. I need to look to the future, learning to protect those I love now, and by stopping the sskooma ring in High Rock from entering Skyrim. I need to stop the operation completely, if I can find out how. I saw how it destroyed the lives of the people there. My ssign means nothing now, as I move toward that.”
◎ for an insight into my muse’s past
“I remember during my first week ever visiting Whiterun…It was a time of meeting sso many people. Many of them have moved on, but I know they helped to shape me into who I am today. Their wisdom and friendship kept me going when I was captured in High Rock.”
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dalamusrex · 6 years
“Perhaps you should trust my judgement.”
“And perhaps you should–” He cut himself off, noting the sudden bitterness in his own tone. Why was he riled up? What was he arguing for? Arguments sake? This was a habit he was determined to break.
“…Sorry, you are right. What do you suggest, then?”
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generalofthenorth · 6 years
🐢 - What type of animal would they keep for a pet?
Any kind, he loves animals and has several dogs back home in Cyrodiil and if he gets a chance he’ll no doubt take in another pet (cat, dog, horse, etc) while in Skyrim.
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