#lyell bone
I would honestly love to see a Charlie Bone x Inkheart trilogy crossover.
I mean, both book series are set on Earth in the same time period, and both involve a kid who starts off being raised by a single parent because their other parent disappeared under mysterious circumstances when they were a toddler. And both kids find out that they have a magical ability.
They also both have a relative of the main character(s) who is very reclusive and loves books and ends up coming out of their shell a bit over the course of the series.
I do think Paton Yewbeam and Mo Folchart would get along pretty well. Same with Meggie and Charlie.
Also fun fact: if Inkheart is set in 2003, then Resa and Lyell both disappeared in the same year (1994).
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sailforvalinor · 11 months
What do you mean we don’t know what happened to Eric. What do you mean
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prettylittleproblem · 10 months
Appreciate the tag by @opprobriouscunt (thank youuu ☺️)
Rules: Spell your URL with song titles and then tag as many people as there are letters.
Por Un Amor - Linda Ronstadt RUDE - Ella Isaacson Eraser - LYELL Teach Me How To Love - Shawn Mendes Tell That Devil - Jill Andrews You should be sad - Halsey
(the) Love Club - Lorde I Know a Place - MUNA This Could Be Us - Rae Sremmurd Trouble - Ethel and the Chordtones (ft. Ryan Levine) Lovefool - The Cardigans Edge of Seventeen - Stevie Nicks
Phenomena - Yeah Yeah Yeahs (the) Rush - JJ Wilde One More Shot - CIL Blood and Bones - The Blake Robinson Synthetic Orchestra (ft. Gloom Darkheart) Love Like Mine - Stela Cole (the) End of the World - Skeeter Davis Mama - My Chemical Romance
tagging (if they care to): @bunnygladstone @iwannasinga @ode-on-a-grecian-butt @pandorasboxx289 @swiftthefox @katiekisses
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nerdgatehobbit · 2 years
I still have some COTRK thoughts kicking around in my head, so, uh, sorry but I wanted to get them out.
John Boyega remains my ideal fan cast for the Red King himself, Timoken. Lately I’ve liked the notion of Angel Coulby & Santiago Cabrera as Charlie’s parents, as I know how well they can pull off a star-crossed dynamic, but I keep reminding myself that the kids & tweens need to be cast first. As long as whoever plays Billy doesn’t have to bleach their hair & wear red contacts, I’m flexible. Billy’s albinism is plot relevant as the Bloors falsely claim it is the reason he hasn’t been adopted, but I don’t want story accuracy at the expense of a child actor. Though I’m not sure it ought to be moot if it’s an animated adaptation.
As much as I do love the books, I think it really would be interesting for an adaptation to go further into what the adults were up to off-page. Because the books did a great job of implying that there was a adult fantasy series going on in the background.
In an adaptation, I suspect Charlie’s family would be streamlined a bit. I like Maisie but it’d be better to give Amy some more focus and it would more briefly/clearly explain why Amy moved in with her in-laws following Lyell’s apparent death. Similarly, as much as I like ‘the three Yewbeam aunts’ as a dark witch trio, there could be some shuffling around and have it be the three sisters. I’m just reluctant to determine who should be cut out.
I think Bartholomew Bloor’s arc could get expanded upon to actually show that cutting off toxic family members is an important step in breaking the cycle, but not the only one. Also Meng should get some actual characterization. She seems to exist solely so that Naren has a mother figure.
Speaking of whom, considering that Naren got adopted after her parents died in a flood, then an adaptation could add that it was caused by Lord Grimwald, giving the family multiple reasons to be living in the wilderness outside the city.
I think Officer Singh could get an expanded role. I’d prefer a job change, particularly as I got the impression that his primary purpose in the city is keeping an eye on the conflicts going on between the endowed, likely reporting back to his father who is a headmaster in a distant school that does a better job of nurturing endowed kids rather than seeking to control them like the Bloors. A check on the Charlie Bone Wiki says he first appeared in the fourth book, so an adaptation could have fun with the idea that he came in advance of the Hundred Heads dinner to get a more accurate look at daily life for the endowed in the city.
A setup like Bert in Mary Poppins or Douxie in Tales of Arcadia might be best- a character that occasionally pops up doing an odd job only to turn out to be rather important to the narrative. I think an adaptation might be better off calling what Singh & Manfred can do “telepathy” opposed to “hypnosis”. I don’t know why the latter term was used, as telekinesis was used. Although now I’m imagining Singh being Dev Patel in a blue woolen sweater and fingerless gloves.
Also I admit it: it would add a lot of interesting tension if there were small enclaves of well-meaning adults who weren’t sure who else to seek out. With what the Bloors & their allies are capable of, it’s an understandable fear. Especially if they all panic upon learning that there’s a power booster in the city and if they could be turned to the Bloors’ side, completely unaware that Paton proved his determination by staying neutral for decades rather than siding with his sisters. There are reasons the villains immediately went for violence and kept doing so once Paton picked the opposing side.
Ideally the existence of mermaids would be more than a throwaway line. I wonder if there’s overlap between them & the Merromals. Obviously the descendants of the Red King are the focus of the series but I appreciate how clear the series is that there are plenty of other magical sources in this world rather than restricting it to them. And how the ‘masquerade’ is fairly thin, especially in locations like the city.
Hopefully the series’ setting doesn’t get an update; I think the early 2000s works for it. It’s hard to believe the series has been around for two decades already.
I’m well aware that an animated adaptation would be far less complicated, but let me dream about a live action one.
At this rate, I’m going to end up rereading COTRK & Young Wizards at the same time. … Now that would be a fun crossover.
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the-pets-cafe · 6 years
Some Fidelio x Gabriel things
They kinda knew each other before Charlie arrived, but after going on adventures together they become good friends. 
However their closeness takes on a whole new form when they start playing sonatas together.
Their favourite piece to play is Beethoven spring sonata
The reason they start playing together is because Fidelio's practicing for this big competition and he needs to rehearse with piano
And Gabriel is in the practice room across the hall so he asks him to play
They end up doing the competition together instead of having Mr Pilgrim accompany him 
Mr Pilgrim doesn’t really give an answer when Fidelio asks him if Gabriel can play but he doesn’t seem to mind so Fidelio takes it as a yes
After the competition, they decide to work through all the Beethoven violin sonatas together
But they always return to the Spring Sonata because it’s the first one they played
Gabriel talks about his growing crush to Mr. Pilgrim during his lessons
He mostly says nothing in response but it’s just what he needs and is relieved to have someone who just listens without judgement 
Not that his friends would judge him, but he’s just not ready to tell them and he doesn’t want anything to change just yet
And he doesn’t want to be forced or encouraged to do anything about it just yet as he’s still figuring everything out
Once Lyell is no longer under Manfred’s hypnotic controll, Gabriel asks him if he remembers any of the things he told him 
He says he remembers the general gist of things but a lot of the specifics were still very hazy 
Gabriel is relieved but also a slightly disappointed 
In truth, he does remember about Gabriel’s crush and creates lots of opportunities for them to be together 
For Christmas he gives Fidelio an arrangement of Beethoven Symphonies for piano four hands
They love playing it together
B e e t h o v e n 
They both secretly like the piano duets as it’s an excuse to sit really close to each other
One time they can’t find an extra chair so they have to share a really small piano stool
When their relationship happens, it happens super organically
Over time they find themselves spending more time together, walking closer to each other, having their own little injokes
And one day they find they're holding hands
They don't even notice it happened bc it feels so natural
One day Gabriel has to rush off after practice and quickly kisses fidelio on the cheek before quickly exiting, mumbling to himself about gerbils
Fidelio can't contain his happiness and starts dancing and singing round the practice room
Mr Paltry comes and tells him off, but he doesn't care bc he’s HAPPY 
C L O T H E S  S H A R I N G
It happens one time after lights out
Gabriel can't sleep, and he finds himself being drawn to fidelio's cape
He's suddenly super curious, so he goes and touches it and he gets this warm fuzzy feeling of being in love that's very similar to his own
He's never felt happier, knowing just how real their closeness is
He snuggles up with the cape and falls into a peaceful sleep
In the morning he wakes up early to put the cape back but instead he decides to keep it just a little bit longer so he switches them, putting his own cloak in place of Fidelio’s 
He ends up wearing it for weeks
Fidelio actually notices quite soon but doesn't say anything and just watches to see how long it goes on for
Eventually he brings it up and Gabriel is so embarrassed 
Fidelio kisses him on the forehead and says it’s sweet
Gabriel just buries himself in the cape
Please come and fanperson with me I love these two so much
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dagbert-endless · 2 years
Incorrect Quotes under the cut.
Dagbert: You saved me. I owe you my life.
Lysander: No, thanks. I’ve seen it and I’m not very impressed.
Count Harken: So there I was, committing various war crimes-
Joshua: You were WHAT?
Titania: Committing various war crimes, didn’t you hear him the first time?
Dagbert: I can't do that. It'd go against my moral compass.
Charlie: Your moral compass is a fucking roulette wheel.
Younger!Grizelda: You know, it wouldn’t kill you to visit your mother once in a while.
Younger!Lyell: We don’t know that.
Asa: Can we talk? One Manfred stan to another?
Dagbert: I don’t see why not.
Asa: Has anyone in your life told you they love you?
Manfred: Does family count?
Asa: Yes.
Manfred: Then no.
Manfred: There’s a dead boy in the sculpture room.
Dagbert: Oh, hey, how did he get here?
Manfred: What did you do?
Dagbert: Me? I didn’t do this!
Manfred: Tell me, then, what exactly you were doing before you left the sculpture room.
Dagbert: All right, well, I was standing in there, waiting, and Torsson walked in to trade, so I went up to him…
Manfred: Go on.
Dagbert: ...then I flooded the room and left him underwater.
Manfred: Dagbert, that kills people.
Dr. Bloor: I was able to raise a fully functional child!
Charlie: You have a kid that we don’t know about?
Lysander: Was macing us really necessary AFTER you realized who we were?
Emma: After what HE did to Tancred?!
Dagbert: I returned the corpse, okay!
Asa: I love you guys. You're the best thing that's ever happened to me.
Charlie: We're the best thing that's ever happened to you?
Asa: Yeah.
Billy: I'm starting to feel a little sorry for you.
Quiz: What kind of beverage are you?
Joshua: A milkshake.
Inez and Idith Branko: We’re seething cauldrons of rage.
Dorcas: I’m a sweet smoothie.
Dagbert: Water, I guess. Whatever.
Joshua: What would you do if I was kidnapped?
Titania: Wait thirty minutes until they let you go voluntarily.
Dagbert: Guys, what color would you say Joshua’s eyes are?
Idith and Inez: Silver?
Asa: Yeah, silver.
Dorcas: A silver, yeah.
Dagbert, to Joshua: Now, tell them what color you said.
Joshua: ...Pale gray.
Asa: I just want some recognition!
Ezekiel: Yeah, well, I want an alpaca but we can't all get what we want.
Asa: Aren’t you rich? Why don’t you just buy one?
Dr. Bloor: You bought a WHAT?!
Ezekiel: His name is Reginald Roosevelt Romeo Ramsey.
Dagbert: If I'm really as evil as you say I am, then have the gods strike me down where I stand!
[Lightning strikes Dagbert]
Dagbert: Ha! Nice try, jackass! Next time, give it your A-game!
Amy: What do you think, Grandma Bone?
Grizelda: I wasn't listening, but I strongly disagree with Maisie.
Dagbert: I’m feeling too sad right now. Nothing you say can make me feel better.
Fidelio, whipping out a guitar: I can mock your sad ass with a song.
Naren: We need to talk about your sleep schedule.
Asa: I have it penciled in for next Friday at 4, why? Is something going on that day? Should I cancel?
Naren: No, don’t-
Asa: Too late. I already cancelled it.
Asa: I didn’t really want to go anyway.
Tancred: Listen here, you son of a bitch-!
Dagbert: Don’t you dare talk shit about my mother!
Tancred: I meant your father.
Dagbert: Fair enough, carry on then.
Manfred: Of course I know all of the endowed. There's myself, Asa, Zelda, Charlie, Billy...
Manfred, looking at smudged handwriting on hand: Em & Em, Tmanfred, Lysanderoth, Ienzo, Ith, Dag Dag...
Manfred, squinting: Gerbil, Binder, Jesus, Bath, Orange, and Doorknob.
Dorcas: When I was younger, I used to plan my future wedding~
Dagbert: Really? I used to plan my future funeral!
Emma, to Olivia: I love laying my head on your chest when you sleep so I can hear your heart beating.
Lysander, to Tancred: I recorded you snoring so you can hear how fucking loud you are and why I can't fucking sleep.
Dagbert: Can you imagine not being human and just living out your days as a weeping willow, though? Beautiful? By the water? Unburdened? Ideal.
Joshua: I wanna be the one from Harry Potter that beats the shit out of everything and everyone.
Fidelio: Can I play some music?
Uber Driver: Sure.
Fidelio, pulling out a saxophone: Do you like Veggie Tales?
Dagbert, very seriously: You can’t tell a soul.
Charlie, equally seriously: No one I know will care.
Billy: You played me like a fiddle!
Ezekiel: Oh, no, Billy. Fiddles are actually difficult to play. I played you like the cheap kazoo that you are.
Dagbert: You remind me of the ocean.
Manfred: Why? Because I’m deep and mysterious?
Dagbert: No, because you’re salty and you scare people.
Manfred: Your first impression of me may be that I’m a terrible person. But, in time, Charlie, I hope you’ll come to realize... you haven’t the faintest idea.
Ezekiel: Hey, daddy issues! Where-
Dagbert: Stop calling me that. I don’t have daddy issues, I have biological father issues.
Ezekiel: What? You’ve got a foster father or something?
Dagbert: I’m still looking for one.
Dagbert: Are you availabl-
Ezekiel: No.
Emma: Physically, yes, I could fight a bird. But emotionally? Imagine the toll.
Dagbert: Sea water being toxic was made up by people afraid of flavor. “It has too much salt in it :(“ ok English boy I’m about to get it.
Inez: Seawater pulls water out of your body when you drink it, so actually you are the drink.
Dagbert: It is like an arm wrestle! Loser gets drank!
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eggfucker70 · 3 years
list of shit terfs dont understand
-advanced biology (i dont know why yall keep lyelling badic biology in your reblogs this is why is said advanced biology)
-the concept that instructions dont determine final outcome, modifications to a thing that turn into something else actually turns it inot something else since yall are too stupid to understand that a cargo ship turned into an aircraft carrier is no longer a cargo ship
-body types (yall diagnose every woman with a strawberry build with man syndrome)
-cis women can have masculine features
-not using phrenology as evidence (yall legit try and determine someones sex using height and bones and shit and it never fucking works)
-society treats trans people worse than cis women (i dont know why yall say that it doesnt besides yall just being fucking delusional or being disingenuous to help build your narrative)
edit: a terf reblogged this post with my last post zoomed in and now some terfs legitimately think “oh yeah well cis women get raped” is a good counterargument to this for some reason, likke trans women also get raped at a high rate and also all the states in gray on this map are states where you can legally use “they were trans” as a defense for murder and get away with it
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like this is exactly what im talking about when i say terfs are being disingenuous they talk like they think that being trans gives you a magical pass from opression and discrimination when you can be fired or be denied healthcare for being trans yet terfs choose to ignore that and pretend like trans women dont face the same or similar struggles to women
anyway im posting this edit to point out how stupid the terf who reblogged my post is being so maybe theyll finally fucking delete it and i will stiop getting the same half baked arguments from terfs who cant read tags
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migrasuicide · 4 years
monster sweethearts as gen z subcultures
jaylene: had booktube account in highschool and secretly earned over $4000 a month in revenue for writing wattpad fanific
lyell: cottagecore/diy obviously. i bet shes got a homestead/small business youtube channel. posts cooking videos.
bae: student athlete and HUGE environmental activist. shes always sharing other ppls green politics posts but never actually posting something original. 
victoria: personally i think she’d be a vsco girl. HOWEVER i just know shes made videos of her doing tik tok dances. i think she would also post nursing school memes.
xanthe: shes an egirl/titty streamer her username is probably xxrenaissanceXannyxXx.
lien: i can hear the joji and sad bart icon from here
sheriff: oink oink piggy. probably doing Musicallys (yes musicallys and not tiktoks) of family guy audios
tailor: shes making patches with a thin blue line flag and selling em for $30 on etsy
blake: one of those no face youtubers/streamers that ppl lose their minds over because she can sing. prefers bandcamp to soundcloud. def has a tumblr. 
lexi: she wants to be an insta baddie so bad but shes got no ass 
sierra: every time someone makes a video that results in property damage or bodily harm, thats her. shes out there hunting cryptids and breaking a new bone each time. runs a cursed images insta
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magic5ball · 3 years
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Ghost Procession, 2021
They come with the heat, when dust blows so high it covers the roofs of the buildings. I arrive home to find Mom has already mixed Grandmother’s ashes with the warm meat and fragrant spices. Part of me wants to scold her for starting before I came back, but I know this is something that has to be done today. My sister and I write our hymns on pieces of paper. These we dip in glue, then wrap around the lump of ash and roasted meat that is Grandma, carefully molding it into a miniature effigy of what she was in life.  
.   .   .
The wind howls as we go outside, so strong I have to wear steel toed shoes just so I don’t blow away. Grey clouds race overhead; rain falls in light droplets that don’t even hit the ground.
And violent light rips the sky, followed by the booming of heavenly drums. The air smells like salt.
They’re here.
We never see the bodies of the grim ferrymen, only the many, many tentacles they use for their macabre trawling, descending from above to sweep over the roofs of houses like the infinite bristles of a giant broom. The rain and the wind are less common now, only rising in brief surges. Nonetheless, we are drenched to the bone.
They get closer, and we ready ourselves.
My family kneels and prays while I scream praise to Lord Lyell, Lord Mendell, Lord Zip and all the other great Lords of The, holding Grandma to a sky threatening to crack open with lightning. There is a sudden sensation of lightness as a hooked line snatches Grandma from us, making its’ grim, solemn way toward the Western Mountains.
.   .   .
Just like that, its’ over: a dull, overcast sky the only sign it happened at all. That, and our soaked clothes. In the distance, carrion drakes fly after the ferrymen, hungry for fresh meat.
As we go inside to dry off, I wonder if the ferrymen carried off Grandmother out of duty to take her to the next life, or as a friend told me, out of an appetite for cooked flesh. But that can wait. For the time being, I’ll imagine Grandma’s thundering, rumbling ride to over the mountains to paradise.
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Behind the Scenes with the Baron de Bayet and L. W. Stilwell Collection, Part 1:  Crossing the Atlantic with a Boatload of Fossils
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Figure 1:  Baculites fossil from the Bayet Collection with L. W. Stilwell label.
Why did a wealthy European baron seek out a Dakota Territories fossil dealer in the winter of 1889?    This post is the first of a four-part series on renowned 19th century fossil collectors Baron de Bayet of Brussels and Lucien W. Stilwell, and their connection to the Carnegie Museum of Natural History.  Bayet assembled one of the great private fossil collections in Europe.  In 1903, Andrew Carnegie bought the 130,000-fossil collection and had it shipped from the Port of Antwerp in Belgium across the Atlantic to the United States.  The purchase garnered headlines in newspapers across Europe and in the United States and launched Carnegie’s fledgling museum onto the world stage.  Thanks to the archival materials purchased by Carnegie as part of the Bayet deal, the relationship between Baron de Bayet and Lucien W. Stilwell provides a glimpse into how the Carnegie Museum of Natural History and other institutions built their collections.   In part one, we consider what forces may have prompted Bayet to assemble a large collection of fossils in the first place.
The Pathway to Fossil Collecting Travelled Through the Principles of Stratigraphy and Geology
From the late 17th century until the early 19th century, collecting fossils was a hobby of gentlemen farmers and naturalists.  Some of these collectors developed fundamental principles of geology and stratigraphy through observations and deductive reasoning, as to how rock layers, or strata, are formed, fully earning credentials as scientists.  For example, in the 17th century physician Nicolaus Steno’s (1638 – 1686) observed simple patterns in strata during his walks through the hills of northern Italy.  The four Laws of Stratigraphy he proposed are the law of superposition, the law of original horizontality, the law of cross-cutting relationships, and the law of lateral continuity.
The principles of stratigraphy were later interpreted by James Hutton (1726-1797), a Scottish geologist, to formulate his Doctrine of Uniformitarianism in 1785.  This line of thinking assumed that the same natural laws and processes that currently operate in the universe had always operated in the universe and applied everywhere in the universe.  Hutton’s Uniformitarianism included the gradualistic concept that “the present is the key to the past”.  
William ‘strata’ Smith (1769 – 1835), considered the Father of Stratigraphy was a geologist and engineer who uncovered fossils from strata as he worked to build a water canal from Oxfordshire, England to the Thames River at London.  In 1815 he made the first color geologic map of England, Wales, and part of Scotland, a document that developed from his identification of strata based on fossil taxa within the rock layers.  His careful tracking suggested that fossil organisms, both faunas and floras, recorded in each geologic formation succeed one another in a definite and recognizable order, a principle summarized as the law of faunal succession.  
Smith’s map led, in 1822, to geologists William Conybeare and William Phillips naming the Carboniferous Period for the younger (coal beds) and older (limestones) boundaries respectively for this ancient unit of geologic time.  Because a single time period could not rest alone in any record of Earth history, the pioneering work of Conybeare and Phillips, Smith, Hutton, and Steno led eventually to the establishment of the Geologic Time Scale, a framework of three unimaginably long Eras, the Paleozoic, Mesozoic, and Cenozoic, for studying the evolution of life as preserved in the fossil and rock record over Earth’s 4.6-billion-year history.  Within the Geologic Time Scale the Carboniferous Period is one of seven periods of the 290 million years that represent the Paleozoic Era.
As these principles of geology grew in acceptances, Charles Lyell (1769 -1875) an English field geologist who traveled extensively throughout Europe and North America, wrote a three-volume Principles of Geology (1830 – 1833), a work that Charles Darwin read during his Voyage of the Beagle (1831 – 1836).  Darwin’s Theory of Evolution as written in his The Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection – or the Preservation of Favored Races in the Struggle for Life circa 1859, was influenced by the geology and stratigraphy ideas put forth in the Principles of Geology.
Museums Emerged
Amateur fossil collectors such as Stilwell and Bayet perhaps recognized opportunities to supply and acquire fossils to satisfy demand for fossils by museums and universities across Europe and the United States.  The first museum to become established in Europe was the Muséum national d'histoire naturelle in Paris, France in 1793, followed by the Museum für Naturkunde Berlin in 1810.   Museums in Belgium, London and Austria followed.
In the United States, the Lewis and Clark Expedition (1804 – 1806), mandated by President Thomas Jefferson, was the first U.S. government expedition to explore the unknown territory of the Louisiana Purchase in search of minerals, fossils, and indigenous artifacts.  Co-led by Merriweather Lewis (1774 – 1809) and William Clark (1770 – 1838), the expedition collections were deposited at the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, now known as the Academy of Natural Sciences of Drexel University.  Soon, other university museums came into existence such as “The Louis Agassiz Museum of Comparative Zoology", of Harvard University in 1859, and the Peabody Museum of Natural History at Yale University in 1866.   The United States government established the Smithsonian Museum of Natural History in 1866.  Before long, private institutions such as the American Natural History Museum in New York City, the Field Museum of Chicago, and Carnegie Museum appeared on the scene.
As museums hired scientific staff, rivalries between experts at different institutions developed.  By the 1870’s, paleontologists Edward Drinker Cope, of the Academy of Natural Sciences in Philadelphia, and O.C. March, of the Peabody Museum at Yale University, began a two-decade competition to outdo each other in a battle to collect and name as many vertebrate fossils as possible.  Their exploits are often referred to as “the Bone Wars” (Rea 2001).    In 1874, O. C. Marsh arrived in the Dakota Territories.   Word of the exotic sea creatures from the Western Interior Seaway and mammals from the Oligocene Period reached Europe, leading the Baron de Bayet to contact Lucien W. Stilwell for his assistance in acquiring “one of every species and variety.”
Next:   Lucien W. Stilwell arrives in Deadwood Dakota Territories, a town known for gold, gambling and lawlessness.  
Joann Wilson is volunteer with the Section of Invertebrate Paleontology and Albert Kollar is Collections Manager for the Section of Invertebrate Paleontology.  Museum staff, volunteers, and interns are encouraged to blog about their unique experiences and knowledge gained from working at the museum.
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I think Lyell would actually be a pretty good father to Billy, because he will  understand Billy’s past and how being looked after by the Bloors affected him.
Also, Lyell never had the opportunity to raise Charlie so I think he’s pretty happy to be able to get a chance to raise Billy.
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intothewildsea · 4 years
lyell likes her lips, eyes, collar bone and chest.
Niamh loves Lyell’s hair and lips. And his chest. It’s good for snuggling up against. C:<
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nerdgatehobbit · 4 years
Analytical brain: It’d be cool & thematic if the Yewbeams (and Lyell) clearly had African heritage, with Charlie being biracial. Especially given how directly linked to the Red King both Lyell & Charlie are.
Fangirl brain: Angel Coulby as gender-swapped Paton Yewbeam??!!
Logical brain: You can’t just fan-cast Angel Coulby in everything...
Fangirl brain: Watch me.
But seriously, I do want a COTRK adaptation. If live-action, then done by the BBC because the UK setting is pretty important. A cartoon might be more plausible though, especially when it comes to casting the kids and retaining the books’ fairly compressed timeline.
Somebody pretty awesome needs to be cast as Paton because he is awesome. He has his flaws but as I reread COTRK it’s clear that he is as vivid of a character as I remembered.
I suspect my brain suggested Coulby since she has proven to handle a character that switches between diffident & outspoken with ease due to her role in Merlin. Paton’s arc is all about him growing more willing to speak up & push back against his sisters & the Bloors. Whoever plays Lyell would have to be capable of similar range due to the state he’s in for the first 5 books.
Look, COTRK as a series needs to be talked about more so I’m going to step up on that front.
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iriish · 4 years
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@clownvillage​ said: 40 kiss prompt -lyell >:3  ( HUG & KISS PROMPTS ) 
     It was lashing out of the heavens! Seán was soaked to the bones in no time, clothes drippin' wet and sticky on his skin. As quickly as possible he shuts the door behind Lyell of that old abandoned barn they found, a safe place to stay in while it's bucketing. 
            „Jaysus, I ain't used to that no more...“ He squeezes some water from his hair, shakes his hands clean and then must've realized Lyell ain't in no better spot than himself. 
    They're both cold and trembling from the weather... Seán certainly not aware of any better way to share warmth but to sit next to the other man, as close as he can get, with a quick explanation on his lips. „Wouldn't wanna catch a cold out here. Ye neither, rite?“ 
    Seán wasn't the most patient man around, not subtle either, no more awkward and shy around the man; HIM in particular, for sure he caught his interest with their first conversation, and sharing whiskey and cigarettes makes for a good start to a friendship... 
    Seán starts to daydream a little, leans against Lyell further, head on his shoulder even if it didn't stop the shaking that reached his core by now, lips blue and fingers stiff while Lyell still felt warmer to the touch than Seán... his heart's thundering within his chest, loud and heavy like a drum; it's pace increasing when Seán dares to ask. 
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            „Share some of ye'r warmth with me, would ye?“ It's instinct carrying him away, much further than he would have dared to venture at this state, Seán wriggles closer to him, one hand on Lyell's thigh, the other found its way to his face; they're lookin' at each other, faces and hair wet, glistening, his lips had something captivating that Seán couldn't quite put a finger on, and the urge to FEEL them grew stronger with each passing second. 
    When before seconds would fade into minutes now minutes became HOURS staring at his lips, full and probably warmer than any spot on Seán's body despite the weather, and he almost doesn't notice how he gets pulled in further and further by a force he can't see until their lips hover above each other, and Seán holds his breath before they finally touch. 
    It's slight. And cold; he was wrong with that notion; but no less electrifying.
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eritvita · 4 years
“  i  shall  give  you  a  kiss,  if  you  like.  ” -Lyell (multicrowd)
“I wouldst like,” says he, breathless in sincerity. He offers his own face, the pinnacle of his handsome bones and the dusting of fine, brunette hair in the glittering promise of a beard; the pink, soft lips.
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He grasps the lapels of Lyell’s shirt— ne’er to grab but merely to hold and borne beautifully romantic— and tilts Roland his chin upward. He bats his long, pretty eyelashes; a suppressed dimple at either cheek tells that he is indeed aware of his prettiness, the physical Beauty of his Princely Like, and he is offer’ng, for thus and freely, to be firmly kissed.
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brightwellboy-blog · 5 years
So, we already know that Jess’s mother’s name is not consistent from book to book. There are two mentioned in the series, one in Ink And Bone and the other in Ash And Quill.
The first one is from an ephemera in Ink And Bone, where it is said that her name is Celia (I don’t have the books, so I can’t be sure, but it is something like that). According to Behind The Name, it is a form of Cecilia, which itself is a form of the Roman name Caelius, which means “heaven”.
The second time is from a chapter in Ash And Quill, when the pack arrives at Brightwell Castle. In this book, it is stated her name is Charity. I don’t need to explain the meaning here.
To help with the process, I have the name meanings of the rest of the Brightwell family, starting with Callum.
Funny enough, the name Callum also means “dove” (which is a symbol of the Holy Spirit) or “heaven” which is the opposite of where he’s headed.
Then there’s Jess, which means “gift” or “wealth” (I’ve seen some posts hanging around with the meanings of the characters’ names, so that is one reference point added here).
Brendan means “prince”. Pretty self-explanatory. His first middle name, Lyell(?) means “loyal” while his second middle name, Sinclair, means “from the town of St. Clair”.
Finally Liam means “protector”.
(Little tiny bit before we start, some of these names, like Callum and Sinclair have a few Scottish roots. Does this mean that Callum is Scottish? Maybe he gave Brendan that middle name because he himself came from a town named St. Clair? Something to think about...)
So we have three options here:
a.) Her true name is Celia. It fits with the “heaven” theme that they’ve got going on. Gifts, protectors, and princes are usually seen as good things too, so it kinda gives them a “we’re a good family, we’d never do crime” vibe from the get-go.
b.) Her true name is Charity. I remember @thegreatlibraryfangirl (or maybe it was @rosalind-of-arden? I can’t find the post, sorry!) talking about how maybe Mrs. Brightwell was going to redeem herself in Sword And Pen. This name would make sense for that twist. It also makes sense because she was willing to give Wolfe the jewelry for their cause, which signals that she does care a lot about her kids kinda.
c.) Her first name is Celia and her middle name is Charity (full name: Celia Charity Brightwell). Maybe she used to go by Charity when she was younger because she thought it was prettier. Then as she got older, she began to use Celia because it was more formal or something. This gives us both the benefits of the names and hopefully fixes canon a little.
Personally I lean more towards option c because it’s easier.
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