#lyla dvorak
samcrosfaith · 5 months
Sons of Anarchy 🥀
just a random SOA post about my favorite characters because why not? I so miss this show.
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garbinge · 3 months
Halloween Night
Happy Lowman x Lyla Winston Dvorak
30 Day Challenge (28/30)
Words: 3.4k
A/N: Posted this on ao3 as a gift for @drabbles-mc for an exchange fic, and realized I never posted here!
Summary: Halloween night gets a wrench thrown in it when the club needs to gather everyone up for lockdown.
SOA taglist: @drabbles-mc @justreblogginfics @kmc1989
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Lyla made her way out of the office at Diosa and into the main hosting area with a stack of papers in her arms. The slight frown on her face could have been described as adorable to many as she read over something and crossed it out, and scribbled something else over it.
“We’re hemorrhaging money on fuckin’ snacks that no one eats.” Lyla looked up thinking Nero was going to be at the bar but she was met with a group of the Sons.
“Speak for yourself, sweetheart.” Tig was saying as he picked from an open party size of chips.
Lyla looked up, at first shocked not to hear Nero’s voice and to be met with the lot of bikers, but was quick to smile and place her folders and papers on the bar.
“Enjoy it while it lasts.” She leaned her elbow on the bar and tilted her head, letting her long blond hair fall to the side.
“You’re a sight for sore eyes, darlin’.” Jax extended his arms out to greet Lyla with a hug.
“What brings you to paradise, boys.” Lyla placed a kiss on Jax’s cheek and looked around at the lot of them.
“Rough day. Gotta bring you in.” Jax said with a sigh, he was exhausted and it was clear on his face.
Lyla looked around at all the faces of the guys, all of them looked the same, tired, like they were all up against it tonight. Finally, her eyes landed on Nero, despite him not being a member of the club, she valued his opinion, not only as her boss but as a friend. He was quick to lift his hands in an effort to tell her the decision was out of his hands.
“Protection?” Lyla spoke one word, there was a slight nervousness to her tone.
“We’re gonna bring you down to the clubhouse, set you up in one of the dorms. My mom’s there, she’ll make sure you got everything you need.” Jax explained.
“It’s Halloween, Jax.” Lyla’s voice turned to a pleading one, not with desperation, but with an obvious, ‘come on’ resonance to it. “I was planning to finish up here and go take Piper trick or treatin’.”
“Bring ‘em to the clubhouse, we’ll all sit behind each of the dorm doors and the kid can knock on them and we’ll give him beer.” Tig laughed at his own joke which earned him eyes from a group of them, Lyla specifically.
“I can’t put anyone on you, we all are riding out for a bit, won’t be back till late.” Jax explained to Lyla who was getting more disappointed by the second.
“I’ll stick with her, mano.” Nero was standing up, he didn’t want Lyla upset and he definitely didn’t want all the bikers dragging her out of his business either.
“You sure?” Jax said, now lighting a cigarette.
“Yea, yea, it’ll be fun.” Nero nodded and waved his hand like it was no big deal. “Oh,” He lifted his hand, “But I’m only free till 7, I’m goin’ to visit my kid, the place he’s at, they’re doing one of those family night things.”
Jax nodded as he inhaled the cigarette, thinking through what to do. He would have been more pushy with Nero to come too but he wasn’t going to tell him what to do, he had the big picture and that decision was up to him. Normally, he wouldn’t be so persistent with Lyla either, but with the recent murdered escort from Diosa just a few weeks ago and the issue he was dealing with being too close to that, he wasn’t going to chance it with her. She was family to the club.
“Not sure any of my guys will be free to take over watch.” Jax was looking around at the guys who knew where they were headed to next and what the night was going to look like for them.
“I can do it.” Happy’s raspy voice cut through the air like a knife. It earned him a look from everyone in the room. “I like Halloween very much.” His face was still so serious, stone cold as he spoke.
So it was settled. Lyla and Nero went trick or treating, Piper had gotten tons of candy, Lyla had gotten a ton of blisters from all the walking, but the sacrifices you make for the ones you love. The chill of the late October air now filled her house with a slight breeze, a reminder of how empty it truly was. Nero had left, reluctantly, but Lyla ensured that she’d be fine and head down to the clubhouse if Happy didn’t show up in an hour. Piper had fallen asleep, likely surrounded by copious amounts of candy wrappers and sticky fingers. Both of those things left Lyla alone, downstairs, soaking in everything that the breeze meant. It was Halloween, that breeze should have been eerie, unsettling, or at the very least a reminder of the emptiness she felt and that was in the house, but it wasn’t. It was actually the complete opposite. It was like an embrace. Loss had been so constant in Lyla’s life that anything cold, anything unsettling, it was starting to feel comforting.
Before she could give it anymore thought, there was a knock at the door. It was loud and caused her to jump slightly. Despite Lyla being accustomed to the eerie, she wasn’t stupid. Quickly she opened her purse and pulled out the firearm that had been glued to her side since she began hanging around the club. It was gripped tightly in her hand, snug against her thigh as she opened the door just slightly to peer out.
She saw the back of Happy’s head, his neck tattoos peeking out from his kutte. The reaper positioned on the back rocker ironically gave Lyla relief. As her shoulders fell, and she loosened the grip she had on the gun slightly, she spoke up.
“Hey, Hap.” The nickname effortlessly fell off her tongue as she relaxed at just the knowledge of knowing it was him.
Almost immediately that anxiety flooded back as he turned around and the blood stained across his face became fully visible.
“Hey.” It was one word and it was spoken so raspy and honestly normal for Happy it was hard to believe that the gash on his head was leaking down his face.
“I think you’re supposed to say trick or treat.” Her eyes were wide as she took in the sight of him.
Happy’s gaze looked down to Lyla’s side to see the gun in her hand.
“Is that my treat?”
Lyla followed his gaze and looked down at her gun before looking back at him, her eyebrows raised and a smile starting to creep onto her face. She kicked the door open wider and nodded her head to the side as an invitation inside.
“Why don’t I treat that nasty slice on your head and we’ll call it even.” The gun was being tucked into the back waistband of her jeans
Happy was reluctant to come inside, worried about Piper but also about bringing Lyla into his troubles.
“You’ve been inside my house before, Hap.” Lyla wasn’t pleading but she also didn’t want to leave the man outside bleeding. So she spoke out in truth, Happy had been inside her house, on multiple occasions. Things were… unique between them. Whatever was going on with them was not defined yet, not in the slightest. Sure, they had skipped all the details and gotten right to the fun stuff, it was why Happy had so eagerly volunteered to keep a watch on Lyla. Lyla was a good time, even outside of the sex, he enjoyed spending time with her. It had been so long since he was around someone sweet, and who cared. Lyla was someone who understood club life and Happy didn’t need to explain much, if anything, about his day other than, “it was a rough one” or “it was alright.” Whatever they had going on worked, for both of them and where they were in life.
This was going to be different though. This was an instance where it was going to be inevitable that the details of things would come up, or that the desire to speak about them would. He had never come over hurt like this before, where Lyla was going to have to patch him up. Happy could keep quiet for a long time, but he didn’t want to be on the receiving end of having to stare at Lyla’s sad blue eyes and deny her of answers to her questions. It’s why he found it hard to walk inside her home, let her take care of him.
“Just let me patch it up.” Her voice brought Happy out of his thoughts and his eyes landed right on hers. Yea, those sad blue eyes were hard to say no to, even for a stone cold killer like Happy.
He did as she said, he walked inside the house and made his way to her kitchen. He stood awkwardly next to her kitchen island and tried to make himself comfortable on the stool after Lyla instructed him to sit while she moved to one of the cabinets and pulled out a various amount of first aid items and kits.
“So I’m guessing this is why you were late.” She spoke as she rummaged through things and Happy adjusted himself to be slouching in the seat.
There it was the first of likely many questions to come. Happy didn’t answer, he just sat there, stoic and quiet. Lyla nodded to herself and smiled before turning around with the necessary items to clean Happy up.
“You know, I’m not a stranger to this. I’ve been through this a few times before.” She was now standing in front of him. A warm cloth in her hand as she wiped all the blood off Happy’s face. He didn’t flinch from her touch, or even her closeness to him. It helped that her touch was soft, it was gentle like her. Happy’s heart was beating normally but he felt like he could hear it so loudly, probably the adrenaline and blood loss from his head is what he tried to shake it off as but the minute she looked at him, his eyes immediately moved to look somewhere else and the beating got louder.
“Does it hurt?” She asked as she was now inspecting the gash, it seemed surface level, there probably wasn’t a need for stitches luckily, just a few butterfly bandages and some antibiotics to prevent any infection. Happy laughed at that. Out of everything he had been through, a little cut on his head was not to be described as painful.
“No, it doesn’t hurt.” It was the first thing he said since coming inside the house and Lyla was glad she finally got some response from him. She wasn’t trying to pry, she honestly could care less of the club details, she had her own problems to deal with. Her questions were out of genuine concern for Happy.
“Well, this is probably going to.” Lyla was pouring the alcohol on the rag and bringing it up to Happy’s cut, still so gently and intentional. He hissed his teeth immediately from the stinging but managed to stay still, it wasn’t his first patch up.
“You punishing me for not answering your questions?” Happy still wouldn’t make eye contact with her.
Lyla’s eyes didn’t move from where they were looking on the top of his head as she cleaned the last of the blood off and began to place the bandages over it.
Happy was truthfully blown away at how tender her touch was as she placed the bandage over the gash. He didn’t realize how brash people were when he was getting cleaned up from previous wounds. It was one of those experiences that probably was going to change how he’d want it done in the future. Nothing would ever compare to the considerate and forgiving touch of the woman in front of him right now.
“You punishin’ me for asking them by not looking at me when you’re talking?” The irony was dripping from her statement because she wasn’t looking at Happy as she spoke the words, her gaze was still on the wound as she finished bandaging it.
His eyes immediately jumped to look at Lyla’s after she finished her sentences. The eyes that were focused on helping him. Focused on making sure he was okay. It was honestly a foreign concept to Happy, having someone who cared about him more than just for a quick lay and maybe a cheap thrill of the biker club life.
“I’m looking at you.” He was so rough in his delivery, a nod escaping through her gentle grasp on his head but it still felt so comforting to Lyla. Maybe it was who she was now, all things cold, all things unsettling, it made her feel comfortable because she felt comfortable with Happy.
“But are you seeing me?” She said it as she pulled away from him and her eyes jumped to stare back into his own. “Cause I’m here, Hap. You’re afraid to break me but I’m already broken.”
Happy just continued to stare at Lyla, like his glare would somehow scare her off. To Happy’s defense, it worked 99% of the time. But this time must’ve been the 1%. Lyla just stood there, staring right back at him.
This was the moment. This was what he wanted to avoid, he wished it was normal to be bleeding from the head that way he wasn’t stuck in this position right now. Technically he could walk out right now. Sit on the front porch, call one of the other guys over here or make up some story that she had to wake up Piper and come down to the clubhouse now. She’d see through each of those excuses which is why he didn’t even bother attempting them. After a few more moments of uncomfortable silence he blurted it out.
“Someone shot at me. Bullet grazed my head.”
He spoke the words like they were a normal day at the office, which in some way they were for Happy. Despite it being his normal delivery and way of talking he spoke it in hopes that it’d push Lyla away, spook her a little bit.
“So I’m guessing you don’t want a Reese’s?” Lyla was walking away to the sink to wash her hands before grabbing a Reese’s cup from the other side of the island.
“Hm?” Happy grunted in confusion as he stared at her still sitting on the bar stool at the island.
“You already got your treat tonight.” She pointed to Happy’s patched up head as she unwrapped the peanut butter cup and bit a piece off. “I’m assuming you were on cloud 9 when that happened.”
Happy realized what she meant, referencing Halloween while also showing how well she actually knew Happy.
“It was rapturous.” Happy smirked as he thought back to it. Then looked over at Lyla with the same smirk. “C’mere.”
Lyla let out a chuckle and grabbed a piece of candy before making her way over to him. Her body got close to his, even with the chair partially in between them it didn’t stop him from bringing her closer against his chest. Lyla brought up the chocolate in front of his face, offering it to Happy.
“Gimme something else sweet.” He grabbed her face with one hand, tucking her hair back in his fingers as he used his other hand to move the candy out of the way. The chocolate was discarded and Lyla wrapped her arm around Happy’s neck as the two kissed. It wasn’t like Happy to make anything overly romantic or intimate but this felt as intimate as things could get with Happy. His kiss was soft, even the groan he made as they deepened the kiss was soft as well. It was like he was being careful with Lyla, being gentle with her in a way that was so unlike himself. There were so many layers to it, it was his way of telling Lyla that despite her being broken, Happy didn’t want to destroy her more. But it also was his way of breaking down his own walls, showing Lyla that he was trying to be more than what he was used to.
Their mouths separated for a moment and Lyla rested her forehead against Happy’s. Her blonde bangs fell over her face as she closed her eyes and just relaxed in Happy’s arms.
“I was glad you were eager to come be my protection.” Lyla spoke in a whisper.
“It's Halloween. Figured you’d be dressed up as something hot.” He was biting back a smile.
Lyla quickly pushed him and in the process pushed off him as she scoffed with a laugh. Happy was quick to bring her back towards him, standing up now off the chair so she was flat against his firm chest as he embraced her and she rested her head against the patches on his kutte. Now it was her turn to hear the beating of his heart. Her eyes closed and she melted into him, there was something about feeling so safe in a killer’s arms that should have brought uneasiness to Lyla but it just brought her even more security.
As the two stood intertwined with each other, Lyla let one of her thoughts be spoken out loud.
“I did pick out a costume just for you.” It was said in almost a whisper because of how relaxed she felt.
“I fucking love Halloween.” Happy said feeling like he had just won the lottery.
Before either of them could make the next move to go upstairs, there was a knock at the front door.
If there wasn’t a threat out against the club both of them would have let their heads fall in defeat and annoyance. But instead Lyla tensed up, only slightly before she let more rational thinking come over her.
“It’s probably just kids looking for candy.” She was moving to grab the bucket of candy she had pulled the Reese’s from earlier, still in Happy’s embrace slightly.
Happy on the other hand had immediately gone into full Lowman protection mode. “I got it.” His hand was reaching down her back, the chills she got shivered down her spine and straightened her up from reaching for the candy. Happy’s hand landed on the gun still tucked in her waistband and he quickly removed it before walking to the door armed and visibly ready for war.
His face hardened and he walked with aggression dripping off of him. The force at which he swung the door open would have given any trick or treater a scare worthy of a jump but instead all it earned him was a “Jesus Christ, Hap”. Tig, who was not expecting such force or bloodily stained face at Lyla’s place was cupping his chest as his heart tried to slow to its normal beat.
Happy just stared down at Tig and said nothing, waiting for the man to explain why he was here.
With a sigh Tig shook his head. “Shit went south, we’re bringing everyone in. You included. No one rides alone. Got Bobby in the driveway.”
Happy’s face hardened even more. The news of something going down bothered him but also, and mainly at the realization and disappointment that his Halloween costume fantasy was now going to be put on the back burner.
“I’ll go get Piper.” Lyla spoke up. “Hap, my to-go bag is in the front closet, can you grab it?” She had overheard Tig’s explanation, both of the men had turned their heads to look at the woman. Tig was offering her a quick wave in greeting while Happy nodded in acknowledgment to her statement, letting his eyes linger on her for a few more seconds as she walked up the stairs in a way of tormenting himself before he looked back at Tig.
“Halloween must be your favorite holiday, huh Hap?” Tig was smiling now as he looked at Happy’s blood stained face.
Happy’s eyebrows furrowed more as he really accepted the defeat of the night.
“It was until you ruined it.”
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maurawrites · 2 years
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Winter Ave Zoli as Lyla Dvorak in ‘Sons of Anarchy’
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corruptedforce · 2 years
Munday asks - 5 7 and 9!
Munday Asks // @hxdrostorm // Accepting!
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is there any other muse in this fandom you RP? Already Answered
is there a muse you played on more platforms or in different moments of your life? Ever? Oh Lord, I’m going to miss some.(Bold if I still write)  I’m sure.  Okay, here we go. Sam Evans, Noah Puckerman, James Potter, Lily Evans, Harry Potter, Ted Tonks, Draco Malfoy, Alecto Carrow, Amycus Carrow, Barty Crouch Jr., Lucius Malfoy, Sirius Black, Numerous Gryffindor and Slytherin Marauders OCs, Lord Voldemort, Arthur Weasley, Marlene McKinnon, Jax Teller, Bobby Munson, Opie Winston, Lyla Dvorak-Winston, Winsome, Clay Morrow, Katherine Pierce, Elijah Mikaelson, Clark Kent/Superman, Ragnar Lothbrok, Alfred the Great,  Louis XIV, Fabian Marchal, Chevalier de Lorraine, Madame Palatine, Bjorn Ironside, Kjetill Flatnose, Princess Snaefrid, Earl Haraldson, King Ecbert, Prince Aethelred, King Aethelwulf, Princess Judith, Father Cuthbert, Bobby Nash, Evan Buckley, Kyle Spencer, James March, Xavier Plympton and then the current list obviously, which I’ve listed some but others are Kai Anderson, Kevin Pearson, Luther Hargreeves, Michael Langdon, Tate Langdon.  This is likely only a 1/4. I’m sure I’ve forgotten at least 100.
did you have muse you tried to play, but ended up dropping for various reasons? (the rpc wasn’t active, you lost interest, etc) A lot of my Versailles ones eventually because the fandom is super small, but I’ll never drop Louis. He’s my King forever and ever.
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daddies-of-anarchy · 3 years
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Happy International Women's Day!!
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asthesamcroflies · 4 years
Taking SOA story requests
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I thought I’d have a little fun between projects to keep the creativity flowing – easier said than done sometimes! So if you’d like to request a short story, just hit me up with your main character(s) + vibe + quote(s) combo from the below lists and I’ll see what I can do.
I’ve only listed the SOA characters I think I could make a reasonable stab at (I’ve got a personal soft spot for writing for Chibs, Tig and Kozik, but I’ve played around with most of those listed in some form or other). I’ve also given some very general vibes to guide me on the type of story you’d like  – you can get more specific and again, I’ll see what I can do. I like shaking things up a little, so with the quotes, I can’t guarantee I’ll take the obvious road lol. I may amend slightly for context and it may not be the main character who says it. Story length will vary depending on how inspired I get, as will response time! :)
Choose your main character(s) + vibe(s) + quote(s) combo
You may also want to state whether you want a reader/OC insert, canon relationships (eg. You request a Jax-centric story - let me know if, even if it isn’t relationship-focused, you want a backdrop of him with Tara, Wendy, another canon character, or a reader/OC), or the focus solely on the character(s) you pick.
Jax Teller Tara Knowles Chibs Telford Tig Trager Opie Winston Lyla Dvorak Happy Lowman Herman Kozik Juice Ortiz Nero Padilla Wendy Case Gemma Teller-Morrow Original Female Character (OFC) Original Male Character (OMC)
Dark Light Funny Serious Romantic Smutty Sad Happy Other (Please specify)
1.      “Well, there goes the fucking plan…”
2.      “Does this seem normal to you?”
3.      “If you don’t know that by now, I don’t know what to tell you.”
4.      “I love you, but this has to stop.”
5.      “What are you smiling about?”
6.      “How long was I asleep?”
7.      “Take that back.”
8.      “Don’t tell me to calm down.”
9.      “Problem solved.”
10.   “I lied.”
11.   “Can’t say I won’t do it again…”
12.   “Someone has to be the voice of reason.”
13.   “I don’t think we’re going to make it this time.”
14.   “Don’t even think about it.”
15.   “Do you still think about her/him?”
16.   “If you’re waiting for me, you’re going to be sorely disappointed.”
17.   “Is that what I think it is?”
18.   “Please don’t do this.”
19.   “Are you sure you want to go through with this?”
20.   “Shove your regret up your ass.”
21.   “Would a kiss help?”
22.   “Maybe I’m the one who needs saving.”
23.   “You’re cute when you’re fucking furious.”
24.   “We’re definitely going to get caught…”
25.   “That would have hurt a lot fucking less.”
26.   “You’re a little hostile right now…”
27.   “My bed or yours?”
28.   “It doesn’t always have to be you, you know.”
29.   “Shut up, you know you liked it.”
30.   “In my defence, it did work…”
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enixamyram · 4 years
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Ever since finding out about how Opie was meant to have died, I’ve been so curious about Lyla’s character. So yeah, I’m really happy he was able to answer this question for me :D 
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reapersporn · 3 years
"I'm going to stick to porn. I'd rather shoot pussy than have my pussy shot at."
🖤 Lyla Dvorak Winston
🖤 Ol lady and wife of @OfAnarchySon
🖤 Owner of Redwoody
🖤 Part of @TellerTrager
🖤 Written by #BoneHead
🖤 #SonsOfAnarchy #Riverdale
🖤 RT
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reapermet · 4 years
Piper Dvorak. Openly bisexual as fuck. Open to Interactions. On the muse popup! 
Lyla Dvorak Winston's son, he sits right between Abel Teller and Kenny Winston in age. Canonically, he's Opie's stepson (though in some verses he won't be), and patches in with SAMCRO. Piper went to community college before patching in and studied criminal justice, though he never made a career out of it. He uses his knowledge to the advantage of the club, however, even if Dante thinks he needs to be on the force instead.
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espieviolet99 · 3 years
Lyla Fic
So, I got side tracked mid post, and have had to write this again, so - sorry for the delay! Lol
I remembered to call it a fic! Whoo!
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Lenora Munsen had been around the sons for years, mostly on account of being Bobby’s daughter. The boys called her Lenny. She was a fierce ally to the sons, and had also been an Old Lady.
Well, I should say her name is Lenny Kozik. As she had been Kozik’s Old Lady. The one run she wasn’t on to watch his ass, he got killed on. She wasn’t there due to pregnancy, and was absolutely shattered when he died. Then Opie died a while after, and she and Lyla became very close.
Before Kozik rolled into town, Lenny had a little crush on Lyla - but Ope had gotten there first. They had been great friends, though. And, after they became widows, they became even closer. During this time, Lenny’s feelings for Lyla began to resurface. And they absolute shot out of the water when Lenny was called to Diosa with the sons because Lyla had been tortured.
Lenny enveloped Lyla is the tightest hug, though still gentle due to her injuries, and kissed her head. She cradled her, and soothed her. Lyla wanted nothing more than to go home, and also cried for Opie at one point. This shattered Lenny’s heart. Lenny and Gemma turned to Ima, the culprit.
“You sent her to these assholes!” Lenny growled. “What do you care?” Ima sneered.” I didn’t know what they were.”
The Sons still in view of her watched as Lenny lunged forward and slammed Ima’s head into the counter. She did this a few times before yanking her head back to face her.
“Bullshit! Now you listen here. You are done. You’ve done too much to Lyla, and others, and gotten away too easy. No more. Get the hell out of town, or I am going to make life for you very miserable.” Lenny growled. Gemma tried to direct Lenny away, but Ima just had to open her mouth. “You wet for her or something?” She whimpered. Gemma had to have the boys come and drag Lenny away. “Even if I didn’t love Lyla, it’s wrong to do what you did!”
She shouted back, until she was pulled outside, where she noticed the boys had heard everything. And so did Lyla. Lenny sighed, calming down, before walking over to the van and inspecting her wounds.
“We should get you to the hospital.” Lenny softly spoke. Lyla smiled, looking at her feet briefly before turning back to her. “Will you come with me?” She asked, taking a hold of her hand. “Yeah, Chuck can watch the kids for a bit longer. I’ll stay with you.” “Did you mean what you said?” “Yeah.” Lenny chuckled.” I mean, I always had a thing for you, but you were with Ope and Kozik showed up. But, er... then... yeah.” Lenny stammered.” Let’s get you to St Thomas.” “Wait. Come here.”
The boys all watched with varying levels of surprise, happiness and horniness and Lyla pressed her lips gently to Lenny’s. Lenny smiled in response, as she took cupped of her face gently and poured her sincerity and love into the kiss. It was a beautiful moment for both the girls, after all they had been through. And Gemma smirked, shaking her head and smiling.
“’Bout damn time.”
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maurawrites · 2 years
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Winter Ave Zoli as Lyla Dvorak in ‘Sons of Anarchy’
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Can I get a glee sons of anarchy vampire diaries pll ship please I'm a bisexual girl that is good at drawing acting singing dancing and I like reading singing acting dancing writing and i like old music want my hair shaved half way and a nose piercing I also want a mororbike
Rachel Berry
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Rachel would be so accepting and supportive of your sexuality. She would be amazed at all your talent. She would say you two were the power couple of glee club and the world. Rachel would love to study your drawings. She would help you read your lines and practice when you are auditioning for plays, broadways, movies, and tv shows. Rachel is obsessed with your voice and adores singing duets with you or listening to you sing. She loves to watch you dance. She loves how in your own world and happy you are. Rachel would ask you to read to her all the time just so she can hear the excitement in your voice or the excitement on your face as you read the book. Rachel always read with you or more like would watch you and pretend she was reading. Rachel would spend hours reading the things you write. She would be so engrossed and in love with the worlds, you can create with just your brain. Rachel loves all types of music so she loves listing to your old music singing and dancing along or just letting it play in the background as you two talk. When you mentioned getting half your hair shaved she didn’t think she would like it but when you came back with it. She thought it was the hottest thing ever. She was proven wrong when you got the nose ring and then again when you got on your new motorbike in front of her for the first time.
Sam Evans
Sam wouldn’t care about your sexuality. He loves you for you, not your sexual orientation. Sam would constantly want you to draw him and pictures for him. He would keep tons of your artwork. The blonde would be mesmerized by your talent and spend tons of time looking at them and watching you draw them. Sam would love to watch you perform in plays, broadway, tv shows, movies, anything. He loved watching you act. You look so happy on reading the lines and it brought a smile to his face every time. Sam and you both had voices like angels and were a singing power couple in glee club. You sang duets together constantly. Sung to one another all the time. Sam loved your voice so he adored hearing you sing. if he was upset, stressed, or angry he went to you and had you sing for him. Sam loved to watch you dance. He didn’t always have pg 13 thoughts in his head but he loved to watch you dance. The way you looked as if you felt you were the only person on the planet. The skillful way your body moved. Sam adored every step of you dancing. Sam always teased you about how much you read but he actually found it adorable. Sam would have your read to him both for enjoyment and studying purposes. Sam loved the small gasp and awws and huffs of air that flew from your mouth while reading as well as the cute angry, mad, sad, happy, etc. expressions. Sam loved to hear what you were writing. He always felt good when he would help you if you got stuck on a certain part. When you got writer's block he would make you relax while he read through everything you wrote to try to help. Sam wouldn’t like your music at first but as time went on he would actually really enjoy it. He would never admit it but actually didn’t mind listening to it now. Sam had always thought you were the most beautiful girl ever but when you came home with you head half-shaved and nose pierced sitting on top of a new Harley you just bought he knew he was mistaken. He was speechless and in awe at how gorgeous you looked.
Sons of anarchy
Lyla Dvorak-Winston
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I ship you with Lyla because she would not be phased by your sexuality because she also considers herself bisexual. She loves your drawings and hangs them up all over the house. You even draw with Ellie, Kenny, and Piper. She even asked you to teach her how to draw. She loves to hear you sing. She can listen to you sing for hours. She loves to watch you dance and she loves to dance with you. She loves for you to give her a lap dance to get her in the mood. She loves to watch you act whatever you may be doing movies, tv shows, music videos, porn whatever. You both consider her an actress in her own right. So you both were really supportive of each other's careers. She loves to read what you write. She feels so accomplished when she can help you. Lyla wouldn’t be super into your old music she would be more into dancey or rock music but as long as you were happy she would listen to anything you wanted. She found you intoxicating before but after you shaved half your head and got you nose pierced then bought a motorbike she found you irresistible. She found it so badass and so hot she couldn’t keep her hands off of you.
Juan Carlos "Juice" Ortiz 
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I ship you with Juice. He would love your drawings. He would fill his house and jail cells with your drawings. He would pose and have you draw him and he would even have you draw tattoo ideas for him. Anytime he saw you running lines or acting, in general, he filled with pride. He would constantly brag to the other guys about you anytime you appeared on their screens or anytime really. He loved when you sang. if he was having a particularly rough night and couldn’t sleep he would have you sing to him. He would have you perform for the club and their parties and brag all night to anyone that will listen. Your dancing makes him both in love and turned on all in one. The movement of your body gotten him hard in seconds and also happy you were happy and enjoying yourself.  He found your love for books adorable. He loves watching you read and he loves having you read to him. He loves to read anything you write. He proofreads everything and he helps whenever he can. He wouldn’t mind your old-time music but it wouldn’t be his favorite. Juice was always about you being you and doing whatever made you happy so when you said you wanted to shave half your head he went with you and paid for it. When you told him you thought of getting a nose piercing he did the research and scheduled the appointment. Took you and cheered you on as it happened. He found you stunning and ravishing no matter how you looked. One day he saw you checking out a motorbike so he surprised you with it. He just wanted to make his Princessa happy. 
the vampire diaries
Katherine Pierce
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Katherine was a jealous person and thought of every woman and man as competition from the moment you told her you were bi. She loves you drawings and admires them. She has you draw her constantly. She even tried to encourage you to try to become a professional artist. She thought you were an incredible actress and even used you when she needed help to lie and deceive people. She loved your singing and even had you sing to her multiple times. Your dancing amazed her. She loved how free and careless you looked. She would tease you for reading all the time but the truth is it made her insecure. She felt you were far smarter than her and she didn’t deserve you. She loved to read your writing and would spend her free time reading it. Katherine always encouraged you to be a professional artist, writer, dancer, singer, actress anything because she felt you were the most talented human on the planet. Katherine thought you looked absolutely stunning normally but when you came home one day on a motorbike half your head shaved and your nose pierced she thought you looked like a badass goddess.
Matt Donovan
Matt doesn’t care if you are bisexual. He loves your drawings. He admires how you can take a word or a memory or anything really and draw it so beautifully and vividly. He loves to see you act because of how happy it makes you. He heard you sing when you were cleaning one day and from then on he was obsessed. He would have you sing at the grill and at all the events in mystic fall he could. He loved to watch you dance how hot and carefree you looked. He loved to brag to his friends about you. He loved to watch you read or sit beside you and read with you. He liked how engrossed in books you would get it would be like you left this world and flew into the book. Matt encouraged you to write a “fictional”  story aka a story about your lives just changing names and the name of the town. He was always up to help you with your writing in whatever way possible. Matt always believed there was no way you could get any more beautiful but you somehow did the day you drove up on a motorbike half your hair shaved and your nose pierced. 
Pretty Little Liars
Aria Montgomery
Arya didn’t care if you were bisexual she loved and you supported you through anything and everything. She loves to watch you draw. She loves how invested you get into making every detail perfect. She filled her bedroom full of your art. Sometimes she draws with you other times she just watches you. She pushes you to audition for different roles and parts. She constantly told you, “it wouldn’t be right to keep all that talent between the two of us.” She adored your singing and anytime she had nightmares or was stressed about A or life she would beg you to sing her to sleep. She went to all your choir performance for Rosewood High School and every concert and performance after. Begging and encouraging you to pursue music. She loved to watch you dance she even had you try to teach her how too. She loved to read with you whether it be the same book or different books while snuggled together. You both loved to write so you guys would both spend hours reading each other's work and writing together. Arya thought you were incredibly talented. Arya believed you could do whatever you wanted with your body so she didn't care she just told you you look absolutely stunning and kissed you when you showed up with your head half-shaved and nose pierced. She was slightly worried about your riding a motorbike but she got over it because it made you happy. 
Ezra Fitz
Ezra would be completely accepting and supportive about your sexuality. He loves to watch you draw. He has your drawings hung up around his classroom, house, or later when he gets it the brew. Ezra often helps you run lines or drive you to auditions. Doing anything you need to make the process easier and less stressful. He loves your singing and goes to every performance. He even hired you as entertainment for the brew. He loved to watch you dance whether it is out on a date or at home. He even sometimes danced with you but he was terrible and it caused both of you to laugh hysterically. You both loved to read so you exchanged book recommendations and snuggled while reading all the time. You were both writers so you both helped each other in every way possible. When you came home with a nose piercing Ezra thought it was a bit strange but alright. When you came home with half your head shaved he didn’t really like it. But after a while, he actually grew to love. The motorbike he didn’t like because he was worried about you safety but he knew he didn’t get an opinion because you loved it.
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daddies-of-anarchy · 4 years
30 Day "Sons Of Anarchy" Challenge
Day 8 - Favourite couple that should've been:
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Opie Winston (Ryan Hurst) and Lyla Dvorak (Winter Ave Zoli).
OK, OK, I know they were a canon couple, but hear me out!
There will be some slight spoilers below.
I would've loved to see them given a proper chance at happiness.
I would've loved to see where they would've gone if what happened in season five didn't happen, if they were given a chance to reconcile.
I would've loved to see what happened to their relationship as Lyla transitioned to being a major player behind the scenes at Diosa and Red Woody.
I think they could've evolved into a beautiful, loving, life-long relationship that would also allow Opie to repair his relationship with his children and in time properly grieve all his losses.
GIF-sources: (x) (x)
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crowsandmurder · 7 years
Upcoming Muse List
Okay so I wasn’t going to say who, until I got them fully situated, because I just am still doing the muse pages, writing bios and verses for them, and the current muses are still listed. But, because I’ve been talking about it, I’m going to go ahead and list them.
Primary Muses: 
Bjorn Ironside - Vikings
Bobby Nash - 911
Philippe, Chevalier de Lorraine - Versailles
Conor Lawlor - Sing Street
Evan ‘Buck’ Buckley - 911
Fabian Marchal - Versailles
Harry Potter - Harry Potter
James Potter - Harry Potter
Kalf - Vikings
King Ecbert - Vikings
Marcus McKinnon - Harry Potter (OC)
Prince Albert - Victoria
Secondary Muses:
Bobby Munson - Sons of Anarchy
Clay Morrow - Sons of Anarchy
Fox Mulder - X-Files
Kjetill Flatnose - Vikings
Lucky Spencer - General Hospital
Lyla Dvorak-Winston - Sons of Anarchy
Opie Winston -  Sons of Anarchy
Princess Palatine - Versailles
Princess Snaefrid - Vikings
Sirius Black - Harry Potter
Sten Haraldson - Vikings
Winsome - Sons of Anarchy
[Just because they’re secondary doesn’t mean that people can’t send memes for them or us plot things, it just means that I’ll probably be more consistent with the primaries. This also may take another month to finish but it’s what the list is.]
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ofodinn · 7 years
Active Blog List (updated 1/26/2017)
Ragnar Lothbrok -- Very Active -- Vikings
King Alfred “Alfred the Great”  -- Very Active -- Vikings
Jax Teller -- Very Active -- Sons of Anarchy
Crows and Murder -- Very Active -- Sons of Anarchy & Vikings Multi (Bobby Munson, Clay Morrow, Lyla Dvorak-Winston, Opie Winston, Winsome, Bjorn Ironside, King Ecbert, Kjetill Flatnose, Princess Snaefrid, Sten Haraldson)
Louis XIV -- Active -- Versailles
Remember, that ofodinn is the main blog and the rest are side blogs, so all asks and follows come from him. 
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