#lynch the landlord
k-i-l-l-e-r-b-e-e-6-9 · 2 months
Dead Kennedys - Let's Lynch The Landlord
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aboutoriginality · 23 days
Let's Lynch the Landlord (2022 Mix)
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So I took my landlord to court today.
As soon as we were called up he tried to ask the judge to dismiss the case claiming that I owed him a large amount of back rent as well as trying to claim that I was lying about how much the rent actually is and lying to the judge and saying that he had proceeding started to evict me.
The judge immediately told him in the case would not be dismissed then that my file show that I have adequate reason to file suit against him and called him out and said that there was no proceedings filed against me.
My lawyer also called him out for attempting to intimidate me and for harassing me and my family.
The judge found in my favor and said that he must make the repairs necessary to my apartment and that they have to be done by a licensed contractor he has to provide licensing information to my lawyer and we go back to court on the 12th to decide if we're going to take him to trial.
The kicker is that there were two additional cases filed against my landlord and he had no idea he went to walk out of the court and the judge called him back.
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fruitdragon · 5 months
You know that feeling when you find a punk song and are like "this was made in the 80's?"
It aged so well (nice)
It aged so well :( (fuck)
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sweetandsourcookies · 5 months
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rastronomicals · 10 months
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2:58 AM EST November 16, 2023:
Dead Kennedys - "Let's Lynch The Landlord" From the album Fresh Fruit for Rotting Vegetables (September 2, 1980)
Last song scrobbled from iTunes at Last.fm
File under: First Wave West Coast Hardcore
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spilladabalia · 2 years
Dead Kennedys - Let's Lynch The Landlord
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hobohobgoblim · 1 year
So the "roommate"/landlady has a problem with anyone getting drunk around her despite being a long-term member of a viking reenactment group and I have FÖKKING TRIED to not drink around her but she's kicking me out anyways so fuck it.
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auroroboros1 · 1 year
the worst part about renting is feeling tapped because you are trapped by a predatory system.
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chaoticjim · 2 years
Let's lynch the landlord
(I have done a pisspoor job at fixing this wall hole and I do not care ))
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gggoldfinch · 2 years
I used to hardcore bully my dad for listening to dead kennedys… now look where I am 😔
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So I sued my landlord last month to force him make repairs since he hasn't done a thing since purchasing the building in 2018, we found out some interesting things and some things happened.
My "landlord" is infact not my landlord, he is the "property manager", the building is in his wife's name but a third person actually owns it.
My " maintenance guy" is listed as the property manager but is not.
The "landlord" owns around 15 properties all in disrepair and all of them have at least one tenant from the same well known drug using family. Which happens to be the maintenance guys step family.
The "landlord" is trying to evict at least 4 other families claiming non payment dating back to September 2022 but all including myself has signed paperwork with the " tenant is up to date on rent".
I have still not been legally served for a court date that is happe eing tomorrow.
On to the events which all happened yesterday. Court was the 15th of August where it was I found that I was justified in my proceedings and he was ordered to begin repairs. They just showed up for the first time yesterday. We go back to court tomorrow for the follow up to decide if it goes to trial and for the fraudulent eviction.
They showed up half an hour late.
They were drunk. You could smell it half way through the apartment.
They were actively drinking in my home.
One rolled a blunt in my bathroom.
They didn't properly install my new tub.
Left my window open.(I don't live in a nice neighborhood)
Broke my dustpan.
Didn't fix the leak that caused my ceiling to crumble.
Left me with no ceiling and missing the top of 3 walls.
Smoked previously mentioned blunt in my basement.
Went to the bathroom in my basement at least twice.
Had family members on drugs handing out and drinking in my driveway while on the clock.
Fell and I had to literally catch him and stand him back up.
They are back now and tearing out more walls because they were called out for planning to close everything up without fixing anything.
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papasmoke · 10 months
If you’re asking for the dissolution of the USA, how do you plan on keeping yourself and others safe in that situation? There’s little to no working-class solidarity in the US, and people are liable to start shooting once the lights go out. Not to mention things like medicine, clean water, etc for the most vulnerable among us when the infrastructure shuts down.
Every deprivation that you imagine the US collapsing would usher in is already baked into its continued existence and made invisible by its mundanity. The most vulnerable among us are already abandoned by the state, hyperexploited by employers and landlords, marginalized by a farcical political system, deported due to blind or malicious bigotry and misplaced economic anxiety, imprisoned pretrial without bail money, lynched with legal impunity, left to languish in sickness and starvation, to fight over scraps. Medicine, food, shelter, and clean water are increasingly out of reach luxuries as these basic human needs are turned into speculative privatized markets. This will only worsen as American capital's ability to maintain its exploitation abroad diminishes alongside America's imperial decline. Capitalism needs to grow to survive, it has to find new markets. If America continues on as it does now it will have me, you, and everyone we know hollowed out completely and discarded just to maintain profits for one more financial quarter because the frontier is coming home. Resistance to this process will be met with radical widespread right wing violence. It is in this context that we say the overthrow of the US as a capitalist, settler, imperialist institution is essential. Any movement powerful enough to dissolve the United States is one powerful enough to replace it with something better.
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egberts · 1 year
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landlords are delusional, I said they shouldn't be picking random fights in the tenant rights group and this man dead ass compared it to lynching black people
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punkrockhistory · 11 days
44 years ago, a masterpiece was released
Fresh Fruit for Rotting Vegetables, the debut album by the Dead Kennedys including this track
Let’s Lynch the Landlord - Mahubay Gardens, San Francisco, 1980
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