#lyubomir vulchanov
endlessly-cursed · 2 years
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valentine's day + favourite ships
adonis demiurgos x minerva kennedy ( @unfortunate-arrow )
blanche dubois x lyle astor ( @cursebreakerfarrier )
emmeline falcon x abe alden ( @cursed-herbalist )
ernest di napoli x abbi bennett ( @mjs-oc-corner )
jude dubois x caspar brokenshire ( @cursebreakerfarrier )
lyubomir vulchanov x elodie dubois ( @magicallymalted )
semele thorne x kaari arcano ( @kathrynalicemc )
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magicallymalted · 2 years
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Musical!au: Lyubomir Vulchanov as Orpheus in Hadestown
🎼 See how he labors beneath that load: afraid to look up, and afraid to let go 🎵
A tragic dreamer and a poor musician, Lyubomir works tirelessly to create a song that will bring the world back into tune and breath life back into the earth. Amid his overfocus winter quickly comes and his wife is left alone, calling out to him but he can not hear. Turning away from the cold and dark, she chooses to flee to Hadestown, where Miro eventually must venture on a quest to overcome fear and doubt and bring her home.
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jozefsquare · 6 years
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(via Movie Poster - Judge and the Forest, Josef Vyleťal, 1977)
Dark surreal poster artwork by Josef Vyleťal.
title: Judge and the Forest | Bulgaria, 1975
director: Rangel Vulchanov
with: Lyubomir Bachvarov, Sonya Bozhkova, Alexander Pritup
poster design: Josef Vyleťal, 1977
Josef Vyleťal (1940 – 1989) – Czech painter, graphic artist and film or theatre set designer. He studied architecture at the Technical University in Bratislava and at the Academy of Arts, Architecture and Design in Prague. In between 1964 – 1979 he created 115 movie posters. His major influences were surrealism and paintings by North Renaissance old masters. He was married to fine artist and award winning poster designer Olga Poláčková-Vyleťalová.
Award Winning Posters by Josef Vyleťal:
1979 – 2nd prize The Hollywood Reporter Magazine, Silver Hugo at the International Film Festival in Chicago (Beauty and the Beast)
For poster shop and blog highlights please subscribe to our daily or weekly newsletter: http://eepurl.com/RvXo9 
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endlessly-cursed · 1 year
Over the Brink of War, Chapter One: A Historic Fall
A/N: The first chapter is finally after months gatekeeping it out of laziness lol. This series is in the same universe and timeline as @kathrynalicemc​ ‘s The Phoenix Resistance. The og cast belongs to her. Also, check out The Phoenix Archives for more BTS work with new and old characters! 
Summary: Elodie receives an offer she’s been waiting to receive... for 40 years 
Featuring..: Elodie Dubois, Sebastian Dubois, James Dubois, Kaari Arcano, Devon Marlowe ( both belonging to @kathrynalicemc​ ) Lyubomir Vulchanov ( @magicallymalted​ ) 
Word Count: 2.2k 
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Bill and Fleur’s wedding, 17:40
Elodie watched her son dance with his wife, as well as her grandson dance with his own. They all smiled and danced away, no worries or concerns between them. Suddenly, her stomach turned. She thought it was her illness yet again, until something inside her told her “Something’s about to happen. Something bad. Terrible, even.” Instinctively, she grabbed her great-granddaughter, who happily fussed with her shirt and pearl necklace and told her family to pick up their things.
The feeling was growing stronger, and worse. She felt it’d happen at any moment. Baby Lucille started fussing, noticing her great-grandmother’s queasiness and she rocked her, trying to calm her down, but it was helpless. Something was about to happen, and it’d happen at any moment. James kept pressing why they were leaving. She just told them to trust her on this one.
She could hear a girl shriek “YOU’RE CHEATING ON ME?!”
Before he could even open his mouth, Kingsley’s Patronus announced the Ministry of Magic’s fall, and death eaters came in, plunging into chaos. “James, get your wife and daughter into safety. We’ll deal with them.”
James and Isolda quickly left, and Sebastian and Elodie plunged into action. She struck one death eater in the chest with an ancient spell, then waved her wand and knocked out three. She prayed to Rowena that her grandson and great-granddaughter had apparated. One death eater grabbed her, but she elbowed him in the nose and struck him with the head of her wand, and was soon stupefying death eaters left and right.
Sebastian was also a quick one, and for a moment, she saw him. They focused on the same way, and had the same face when they were passionate about something.
However, Elodie, at her advanced age, was only so strong, and signaled her son that she’d make herself scarce and to come home safe. She ducked one death eater and apparated herself in the hospital, coughing up blood and shaking. Her nurse was quick to grab her and chide her for having been so reckless. She retched the whole night.
Lone Star Tavern, Whitechapel, London- 25th of August, 1997
Kaari greeted Devon and she signaled him to sit down. He asked “Who else have you thought for this, Dev?”
“Henry, obviously, and someone else. She’s quite old, and there is a rumor that she is sickly, but her knowledge and experience could help us with the war.”
Kaari then looked at two photos. In there, one was from a long time ago, perhaps the fifties: stood there a beautiful woman, of sweet blue eyes, dark hair and behind her was Tom Riddle, who looked at her in an interesting way. It read ‘Celestial Ball, 1948’. So, maybe someone that was close to him?
The second photo was a recent one: stood there a woman with platinum hair, in her sixties, perhaps seventies, with the same blue eyes, but with wisdom and secrets behind her eyes. It read ‘Elodie Dubois, 1992’. “From what I gather, Elodie used to be a girlfriend of Tom Riddle, until his goals separated her and dated someone else. She also has a son from that relationship, Sebastian, though we have no information of the father, though many suspect that he was Lyubomir Vulchanov, a pureblood who is a bit fascinated with necromancy. The point is, she knows the Dark Lord in a way we don’t, as well as his past and is from a house of healers, and she is a talented healer and dueler. She was notorious in Bill and Fleur’s wedding. Her age hasn’t gotten in the way of her prowess. I think she and her son would make two fine additions.”
Kaari nodded “It’d certainly be wise to include the Dark Lord’s ex here. What she knows of him may help us, though I wouldn’t take her to raids, but she can train the young ones. Her son, I’d be open for that.”
“You know what to do, right?”
Kaari smirked “Haven’t you heard? I am the kind of guy grandmothers like.”
Nando’s, London, 09.30am, 1997
Elodie had come out of her monthly hospital stay and had gone out for groceries, keeping a low profile. Surely these death eaters had some regard of a poor old lady? She tried to reach a jar of jam, but she was too short. Cons of old age. You had the height you once had when you were twelve.
“Allow me.” A masculine voice suddenly came. He had a rather long, thick black hair and several scars, and smelled like the north—Norway, to be exact. He gave her the jar and offered to help her with the groceries, a winning smile on his face. He wanted something from her. And he was no death eater. She quickly gave him a helpless old lady smile and both of them walked, aware that they were being watched “I hope I have reached Elodie Dubois. Not that I wouldn’t help a helpless old lady.” He winked.
“How can I help you, sir?”
He whispered “More like how can you help the world, Mrs. Dubois.”
She then observed around, and a golden flick came into her view, like a phoenix coming back from the dead. The youngsters had been quicker to form some sort of resistance against Tom. At least they had been quicker this time. Elodie was quick to put on her mask and groaned in pain “Oh, my back aches. Please, good sir, would you accompany me to my home? I’m afraid I can’t carry all of this on my own.”
He smiled “It’d be my pleasure.”
As they got away from the supermarket and started getting deeper into the streets. The moment they reached her flat and came into the elevator, she extended her hand “Elodie Dubois. What is your name, young man?”
He instead kissed it, but Elodie remained unfazed and unimpressed “Kaari Arcano, madame. I have an offer for you and your son.”
They came into the flat and Sebastian looked confused at his mother, and seized up Kaari “Who’s this bloke, mother?”
“Kaari Arcano. Sebastian, right? Nice to meet you, mate.”
Sebastian raised an eyebrow but shook his hand “What brings you here?” His eyes went wide as he too saw the symbol and sat with both of them. Elodie motioned Kaari to talk “It has come to my knowledge that you, Elodie, used to… be close to the Dark Lord and have been one of the first people to go against him. Dumbledore admired you and tried to recruit you for the Order of the Phoenix, am I right?”
“You never told me that last part, Mama.”
“Hush, Sebastian. Yes, he tried to recruit me and I rejected his offer. That man makes of poor, innocent children his toy soldiers, and that is something I am against. Children are children, even if they think themselves the next Superman or Wonder Woman. We ought to leave their childhoods alone, not stain them with blood and loss.”
“Well, neither of us are children here, are we? We are adults who need your experience, knowledge and expertise, and your son’s experience as a Curse-breaker, of course. We are the Phoenix Resistance, and our main jobs are smuggling innocents out of the harm’s way and weaken the Dark Lord with raids.”
Elodie looked at Kaari “I take you also have Trojan Horse within their walls?”
Kaari frowned and Sebastian translated “She’s asking if you also have a spy working for them and you.”
“Oh. Yes, we do! Though, we can’t say who, but we do, aye.”
“Good. I have one condition.”
He waved his hand, inviting “Go ahead.”
“I have to meet the boss, whoever it is. I want to tell them what I know myself.”
“That can be arranged.”
Two days later, Elodie had put on a royal blue suit and brushed her hair, and walked into the tavern, following Kaari all along. Her son stayed behind and admired the place. She came into their base of operations and was surprised to see a small, blonde woman with glasses and who didn’t seem to notice them. She also had some white scars on her body. Lighting scars. She knew a remedy or two to keep them at bay, as well as a surgery to remove them from sight. Kaari started signing “Dev, this is Elodie. Elodie, this is Devon Marlowe.”
Recognition came into her eyes. She had been the poor girl who nearly died after being struck by lightning. Her colleague had done her treatment, as well as attended her. She spoke as Kaari translated “Miss Marlowe. Your strength knows no bounds, I see. I’m delighted that someone like you is the force behind this.”
“Mrs. Dubois. Many speak of your talent for healing, as well as your past with the Dark Lord. I won’t lie, your knowledge and experience will certainly be of help to us. I’d be glad to hear your story.”
“I take that you can read my thoughts.” Devon nodded. She turned to Kaari “Leave us. This is women’s business.” He tried to complain, but she raised her hand to shut him and waved him to leave. He sighed. He couldn’t win this fight.
I won’t say that he was once a saint. He had his faults, but surely everyone had them. I could swear that there was this softness, this connection when we were alone. He told me his family history once, drunk and feeling embarrassed. You see, he is a hypocrite. A half-blood, borne of a pureblood woman who was crazy in love and a poor muggle man who was forcibly roped into the scheme. She seduced him with a love potion. I wasn’t aware then that a child borne of love potions couldn’t be able to love anybody whatsoever.
I knew he felt embarrassed about it. But I thought he meant the circumstances of his birth, not his blood. When he took things too far, I tried to warn him of dancing too close to the sun. We argued, and broke apart. I wouldn’t see him that way ever again. As I healed, I started my opposition against him, and everyone was appalled, but I didn’t care. I had my Miro beside me, and together we did our best, but alas, we were few, and many were attracted to him, what he offered. In a way, he shares that with the Devil. He hasn’t always been that pale bald man with no nose and monstruous affairs. No. He was beautiful, and once was Hogwarts’ future and pride. But greed and power got the best of him. And thus, he went that far.
I know some people who can be of help, and that would be glad to take him down. I also know you’ve been asking around in the hospital. I am sick, yes, but I have also made a vow: I won’t allow myself to die until he dies first. Until that day, you have my help. I possess more knowledge, so ask away.
They talked some more about strategies and what use her son would be, and soon was his turn. He wasn’t thrilled to be bossed by a young girl, but it was better than being undercover forever.
Waving goodbye to Kaari, they left with homework: to get to know Voldemort’s plans for everybody and bring supplies.
Elodie’s apartment, London, 21:10
Her son had been awfully quiet for some time now, and barely said a word to his mother. The moment James and his family left to sleep, Sebastian stopped Elodie and questioned her “Why was never father here?”
“I kicked him out.”
“But why?”
She sighed “Like the Dark Lord, he had dangerous hobbies and would’ve been a danger to stay here. I made him choose between that or me. He didn’t choose. He left.”
“What’s his name?”
She sighed. It’s been over forty years. He was either dead or with a family of his own “Lyubomir Vulchanov. He’s a pureblood man from Bulgaria and Norway. And… a necromancer student.”
Sebastian nodded, and sighed “It’s time then.”
Elodie blinked “Pardon?”
He looked at his mother “I’m a grown up. I have my own family. There’s nothing stopping you from seeing him.”
“Do it for me. I don’t want you to give up on the love of your life for me. Please.”
Elodie sighed “I’ll think about it. But it’s been forty years. Maybe he’s married and has beautiful children.”
“I have a feeling that it’s not the case.”
During two weeks, she tried to write him a letter. She still remembered where he lived after all those years, but nothing of it made sense. She had burned over fifty letters. Then, while watching a movie, the craziest and most rash decision she ever made came to her.
Tromso, Vulchanov manor, Norway, 30th of August, 1997
Elodie’s heart raced incredibly fast, her small luggage weighing in her hands. At least they had a bell. She took a few deep breaths and pressed the bell, and then knocked on the door. At first, silence. Then, she heard a few steps inside and someone opened the door; there he was.
He was older, naturally, and had white hair and his blue eyes seemed tired, and was dressed with a simple shirt and some maroon pantaloons. He narrowed his eyes through his glasses. He asked something in Norwegian.
“It’s me, Miro. Elodie.”
He stiffened and recognition came through his eyes “Elodie…?”
She bit her lip “Surprise, I suppose?”
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endlessly-cursed · 2 years
Over the Brink of War, Prologue: The Calm Before the Storm
Author’s Notes: 
This year has been eventful in many ways, especially in the fandom, and especially from the moment I interacted properly with my dear friend Lari @kathrynalicemc​ Ever since, creativity and awesomeness ensued. This first prologue is dedicated to you, sweetie, as a Christmas gift. 
Summary: Elodie Dubois has a secret / Semele’s life takes a turn / Jacob is not doing so well... 
Featuring...: Elodie Dubois, Sebastian Dubois, James Dubois, Jacob Dubois, Semele Thorne, Charles Beaufort
OCs mentioned: Lyubomir Vulchanov ( @magicallymalted​ ) Penny Haywood, Isabelle Dubois, Ben Copper 
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June 1996, York, England, 20.06 p.m. 
“Thank you for the dinner, mother, it was incredible,” Sebastian kissed her mother, smiling at her with the same smile he had “it was lovely as usual.” 
“Yeah, Gran, you outdo yourself every time,” her grandson James agreed. 
Elodie smiled at her boys “I am glad. James, dear, when is the baby due?” 
James smiled widely “It shall be due early into the next year. We have been confirmed it will be a girl.” 
Elodie beamed “How lovely! I have missed having some ladies around.” 
They both smiled and hugged the old woman goodbye. The moment the lift was running down, she ran towards the bathroom and started to cough and vomit, feeling light and dizzy, trembling and weak. She sighed and cleaned herself, looking into the mirror and taking off her wig: every day she lost more and more hair. 
How long did she have to carry this burden? She had wanted to announce her illness, but the moment her grandson announced that he’d be a father with his Veela wife, she had decided to keep it a secret until it was either too late or had no other option. She had begged her own doctor not to say a thing unless she were indeed dying. 
I cannot die before that bastard. 
She had promised herself that she’d keep herself alive until Tom Riddle, now Voldemort, were truly dead. She had high hopes for the boy, Harry Potter, and had corresponded with him the whole time, telling him facts he should know of him, as someone who knew him intimately. 
She sighed and went to the kitchen, where her meds she passed as ‘old woman’s meds’ were hidden and took them. She’d have to go to the hospital soon. She only got out with permission and approval of the staff. But for now, she’d enjoy listening to the newest songs on the radio as she watched MTV. She may be old, but she still enjoyed some drama and missed feeling young and alive. 
The last time she felt like that was before she conceived her dear son. She didn’t regret having him, but did regret the circumstances of it. She knew that Lyubomir’s obsession would get worse and affect their child, but she still missed the Miro she had fallen in love with: the sweet, kind, affectionate, loving and soft-spoken man who made her feel alive, beautiful and in tune with herself. She did wonder if she had told him that she was carrying their child he would’ve turned his back on necromancy and be a father. She wondered if he would’ve loved being Sebastian’s father. Part of her said yes, another part said no. 
She wanted to call him and tell him everything, beg him to come back and be his father and the grandfather of James at least. But her voice always told her ‘It is too late by now. He doesn’t deserve it. He never did. He doesn’t even remember us’. But could one truly forget what they had? Did he consider her the love of his life like she did? Did he miss her? Ever thought of contacting her? She always mused about it. Did he? 
She shook her head. Of course not. He was probably buried on his studies, too busy playing God to care. Why would he? Tears threatened to spill. No. No. No. For her sake, she wouldn’t. She took a deep breath and started to do her makeup and put on back her wig until she reached St. Mungo’s and was safe back on her bed. To her treatment. To her chemo, which she had planned herself and appointed her doctors. 
With her head high and a smile, she left her home and went back to her actual life: a life in white walls full of death and people who danced at the edge of it every day. 
London, England, Big Ben, 22.30 p.m
Semele Thorne walked blindly across the Big Ben with her boyfriend, Charles, and walked her towards something she couldn’t see. No matter what she asked, he always said to have patience and let things flow, and she did as he asked. 
When they finally reached their destination, he dropped the fold and she gasped. There was a private room with petals of roses everywhere, candles and a pillow fort built. She looked back to him and smiled “Is this all for me?!” 
He smiled “Yes, but first things first,” he dropped to his knees and she gasped “Will you marry me, Semele Alexandrina Thorne?” 
She nodded “Yes. Yes, Charles!” She threw herself to his arms as he placed the ring on it and picked her up, taking her to the pillow fort. They spent most of the night tangled on one another, giggling and enjoying their engagement. She’d soon be Mrs. Beaufort! What else could she ask for? 
She had met him a year ago and the two clicked instantly, too instantly said her aunt Anais. But she didn’t mind. Soulmates were soulmates, right? Sometimes they didn’t need time, they just loved one another. And she did love him. 
But sometimes she doubted her love. It didn’t feel quite like the books of fairy-tale or how her mother had written about it in her diary. She was but a child when they buried her but she missed her every day and her aunt had plenty to tell herself from her, having been sisters-in-law. They had fallen in love after her mother beat her father on a debate in the Ministry and the two of them went from scholars to lovers, and though her father was older than her, they loved one another nevertheless. 
She wondered if Charles loved her too. She knew that he was wounded from his previous fiancée, but she was not her. She was far more mature than her, according to him. He always said how crazy she was and that she was childish, stupid and like other girls, unlike Semele. That flattered her very much. 
How little she knew at the moment, that the fall of the government would bring severe consequences. 
Nottingham, England, 1996, 00:35 a.m. 
Jacob Dubois found himself running away from Death Eaters again. They had been after him for some time, and though he had improved on his running routine, the prowess did not change much. He still had skill, but the hunger, tiredness and constant moving did not help. Other outcasts like Remus Lupin had helped him, but only for a while. Only Tonks, a former classmate of his dear sister Isabelle had helped him with no prejudices. 
He ducked, dodging a Cruciatus Curse and attacked with a defensive and sneaky spell, and an Expelliarmus over there. He dodged an Incacerous and a Bombarda, and attacked with a Flipendo and Depulso, finishing off the third one with a special spell that Severus Snape had taught him long ago: Sectumspectra. The man screamed and moaned in pain, and he took his chance and jumped off the bridge, apparating himself to safety. He lived not-so-away from the Chateau Dubois and always kept an eye on his sister and her wife, Penny. He found her sweet and perfect for Penny, and was now with child. That is why he always spoke the Lord’s name and openly offended Death Eaters: to protect Isabelle like he hadn’t been capable during her time at Hogwarts. For the sake of her and his future niece, he had to do questionable things, something like an Unspeakable, and keep them out of harm’s way. And corresponding with Ben Copper, who often visited the pair, helped. Of course, Issy didn’t know of their correspondence, and now with her pregnancy, she shouldn’t. 
She deserved a family, not to be on the run and terrified for her life. That was his job. The one he had been having since his expulsion from Hogwarts in his sixth year. He thought he was saving them, but after Duncan's death it all went downhill. He auto-healed his own wounds with an Espikey and hoped for the best. He had been hit by the Cruciatus Curse before, and only went to the hospital because an idiot young wizard decided to. He had to bribe the nurses not to rat him out. He was an outcast and Dumbledore would want his secrets of who the Mahoutokoro former student had been and what he had done with Rackepick. Though he could tell that he had indeed killed her, he’d want a confession. He refused to end up like Sirius Black. He wasn’t that stupid to believe in an old man who made his students his little puppet soldiers while he crossed his arms and watched. He would not be his toy. The example of his relative Elodie was good enough. Isabelle also could tell Dumbledore’s nature, but said nothing out of politeness. 
He laid on his bed and looked at the time. Nearly 1 a.m. He exhaled and closed his eyes, dreaming again of facing a faceless foe, both battling until he was struck with green lighting and then he woke up. He was going to die, but when? Where? How? Would he be a hero like Rowan Khanna, or a coward? 
Only time, and the fall of the ministry the next year, could tell.
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endlessly-cursed · 2 years
— And another if you're feeling up to it because I'm greedy xD, Elodie + Miro: “I wish you would believe me."
Elodie softened at his words and took a deep, shaky breath “I want to, Godric knows I do...”
“But?” He inquired.
“I don't believe than any of this will do any good to anybody.”
Miro inquired further “What do you mean, 'any of this?”
“Playing God, Lyubomir!” She finally snapped. Lyubomir. She never called him by his full name. Unless she was dead serious about something. “One thing is curiosity, but another thing is reversing death! It was created for a reason, Miro! You may not get it, but why else must it be there? Don't you understand what will happen if people would stop dying? Do you think I'd be here? That you would be here?”
Miro opened his mouth to argue, but stopped short, looking at Elodie's eyes. And he knew well that look. He had seen it thousands of times at Hogwarts. This time, he could not convince her of his purpose and vision. Instead, he slumped in defeat “You truly don't believe me.”
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magicallymalted · 2 years
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Riddle Era Siblings: Lyubomir and Ivalya
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magicallymalted · 2 years
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Riddle Era: Ivalya Vulchanova
Ivalya Vulchanova was truly the gem of the Vulchanov family in her era. Charming, social, and extremely confident in her talents, she represented everything that Lyubomir by comparison seemed to lack as a child and was celebrated within their family and the Norwegian Wizarding Society as a figure of the new age while still holding onto the preferred social graces of the older generations. Yet behind closed doors, she was much less passive than she let on. Iva was six years older than Miro and often acted as his voice when it came to matters of their household and family name, conveying words on his behalf and getting through to their parents when he was unable. She had a great love of the performing arts and worked hard to eventually become a ballerina, though unfortunately her life was cut short when tuberculosis took her at 21, leaving behind a disappointed fiancé, a grieving brother, and a broken family that would continue to crack at the foundation.
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magicallymalted · 2 years
🔥 📙💧 for Miro and Nancy?
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🔥 Give us a list of general likes and dislikes, such as colours, textures, music, weather and other stuff!
Likes: Snowy weather, wizard chess, coffee, history, dark blue, collecting chocolate frog cards, ice skating, corduroy, archivism Dislikes: Strong scents, feeling taken advantage of, fruit, needing glasses, chaos, the unknown, pureblood supremacy, being watched
📙 What kind of subjects (of conversation, of discussion, in school or whatever) does your OC find interesting or engaging or that they can talk for hours about? What kind of stuff do they just find fun?
It's a sad time when the subject of death is brought up around Lyubomir, but nonetheless he will speak long on the topic of asked while carefully dancing around the darker sides of his research and his purposes for diving into it. Miro is also very interested in the history of magic (hence his job as an archivist, and chocolate frog collection) and finds it quite fascinating.
💧 What is the earliest memory your OC can recall? Do they know what their first words were or remember where they took their first steps? Do they have any mementos of their childhood they’ve kept such as a stuffed toy or tiny baby clothes?
Miro's earliest memory was when he was around three years old and his parents were having a dinner party (of which he was not allowed to be a part of). With some maneuvering he managed to escape the nanny and run into the dining hall in the hope of saying goodnight to his parents and sister but the moment he burst through the door, his father started yelling at him and brought him to tears. Iva had to drag him out of the room while their mother tried to smooth things over with the guests.
He doesn't remember what his first words were nor the place where he took his first steps, though either milestone was not in the presence of his parents. While he didn't particularly keep any of his childhood things, his mother held onto nearly all of it, as she did with Ivalya.
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🔥 Give us a list of general likes and dislikes, such as colours, textures, music, weather and other stuff!
Likes: Divination, gossip, purple, waltzing, writing, knowing things about others, ocean water, violet poppies, secrets (finding them), escaping death (whoops), quidditch Dislikes: When questions go unanswered, dying (*how infuriating!*), secrets (not knowing them), most legumes
📙 What kind of subjects (of conversation, of discussion, in school or whatever) does your OC find interesting or engaging or that they can talk for hours about? What kind of stuff do they just find fun?
Anyone but herself, most certainly: fun incidents, gossip, heartbreak, tragedy, mystery... Nancy tends to live vicariously through others and thrive off of their drama — alive or dead. That aside, she does love to discuss quidditch and writing and prior to her death, she was in the process of writing a field guide for navigating Hogwarts (and all of its secrets) to which she enjoys telling students about. As a ghost, she seeks fun in spying on people (all decently, of course) and will attempt to get students to document her findings where she is unable in exchange for trade secrets.
💧 What is the earliest memory your OC can recall? Do they know what their first words were or remember where they took their first steps? Do they have any mementos of their childhood they’ve kept such as a stuffed toy or tiny baby clothes?
Nancy never gave much thought to her earliest memory, not because it was traumatic, but because she doesn't particularly feel there's anything interesting worth remembering. She has a faint recognition of a birthday party when she was four years old but it's not a particularly strong one. According to her mother, apparently her first word was "why," and considering that she died in her teens, she wasn't particularly around long enough to keep any mementos (sad 😢)
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endlessly-cursed · 2 years
Official OC Ships
Brunhilda of Cologne x Mathilde Coventry [ @camillejeaneshphm ] x Lachlann Doherty [ @hphmmatthewluther ]
Henriette of Wessex x Frederick of Kent [ @that-scouse-wizard ]
Sancha Delgado x Betwixt, Monarch of the Changelings [ @hphmmatthewluther ]
Luxia Thorne x Evander Mountmorris [ @foundersofhogwartslegacy ]
next gen;
Dayana of Glasgow x Sam Doherty [ @camillejeaneshphm ]
Odalric the Red x Matilda of Essex
Akelda the Tragic x Edward the Valiant [ @cursedvaultss ]
Matteo Somerset x Sancia D'Este
Ipolytta Howard x Thomas Somerset x Drystan Gaunt [ @foundersofhogwartslegacy ]
Primrose Gray x Malcolm Stolberg-Burke [ @gaygryffindorgal ] 
Cecilia Balinor x Lavinia Wakefield [ @gaygryffindorgal ] 
Jesse Seymour x Nadia Erbland [ @gcldensnitch ] 
Beatrice Brown x Orla Atkinson [ @nightmaresart ] 
Blanche Dubois x Lionel Astor [ @cursebreakerfarrier ] 
Ernest di Napoli x Abigail Bennett [ @mjs-oc-corner ] 
Adonis Demiurgos x Minerva Kennedy [ @unfortunate-arrow ] 
Marcellus Thorne x Victoria Montgomery [ @nightmaresart ] 
Nilufer Sultan x Simon Battersea [ @unfortunate-arrow ] 
Phineas Falcon x Hestia Herron [ @cursebreakerfarrier ] 
Emmeline Falcon x Abraham Alden [ @cursed-herbalist ] 
Sara Rosier x Carmine Elderberry [ @potionboy3 ] 
Lihuan Wei x Noelle Brenton [ @magicallymalted ] 
Lucie Cromwell x Thane Greenaway [ @potionboy3 ] 
Ambrose Cromwell x Melinda Ives [ @kathrynalicemc ] 
Jude Dubois x Caspar Brokenshire [ @cursebreakerfarrier ] 
Vincent Somerset x Margaret Taylor [ @camillejeaneshphm ] 
Enya Thorne x Robert Astor 
Atticus Demiurgos-Kennedy x Iolanthe Arcano [ @kathrynalicemc ] 
Albert Rosier x Ruth Marchmont [ @potionboy3 ] 
Elodie Dubois x Lyubomir Vulchanov [ @magicallymalted ] 
Lawrence Somerset x Millicent Abbott 
Denise Shannon x Remus Lupin 
Delphine Vixen x Bessilyn Quinn [ @gaygryffindorgal ] 
Sybil Vixen x Valentina de Valerio [ @camillejeaneshphm ] 
Rue Selwyn x Regulus Black 
Isabelle Dubois x Penny Haywood 
Valentina Somerset x Caiden Solace [ @camillejeaneshphm ] 
Semele Thorne x Kaari Arcano [ @kathrynalicemc ] 
Rocío Gallardo x Trinity Reynolds [ @hphmmatthewluther ] 
Almudena Gallardo x Neville Longbottom
Jimena Gallardo x Jebron Perphyra [ @nicos-oc-hell ] 
Mary Ann Von Deyne x Gabrielle Blanchet [ @nightmaresart ] 
Harry Seymour x Savannah Bradford [ @mjs-oc-corner ]
Lennox Arcano-Thorne x TBD [ @gcldensnitch ]
Diana Somerset x Tiberius Dormer
Shreya Battersea-Parsons x John Arthur [ @potionboy3 ] x Kevin Farrell
Lady Marie Beauchamp x Eloise Bridgerton 
Lisbeth Foy x Ada Thorne 
Esmeralda Yakovsdotter x Genya Safin 
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endlessly-cursed · 2 years
MA- Lucille Dubois
"𝙈𝙮 𝙬𝙖𝙮 𝙤𝙧 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙝𝙞𝙜𝙝𝙬𝙖𝙮."
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Name: Lucille Clymenestra Dubois 
Nicknames: Lucy, Lu 
Birthdate: 4th of January, 1997 
Zodiac Sign: Saggitarius 
Personality Type (MBTI): tbd 
Blood Status: Half-blood 
Nationality: British, with Norwegian and with Bulgarian and Russian ancestry 
Physical Appearance
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Hair: Blonde- almost white 
Eyes: Blue 
Height: 1.56m 
Weight: 62kg 
Body Type: Average build 
Skin Tone: Fair 
Distinguishing Marks (scars, birthmarks, etc.): tbd 
Lucille grew up in a rich neighbourhood and a few miles away from Dubois Chateau, where she lived a comfortable life and never asked for anything. From her mother, she had veela powers, which gave her beauty and ability to beguile men. From her father (as well as grandfather and great-grandfather) got a family curse from her Vulchanov genes which eventually would be fatal to her. 
Mother: Isolda Descartes 
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A Veela, she was homeschooled on her home near Hogwarts and thus always ran into Hogwarts students. Many were captivated by her, but she never cared for them... until she met James Dubois, an introverted boy with a muggle camera who captured everything and seemed like an interesting boy. The two of them fell in love during the SWW and in 1996 they married. On 1997, their only daughter Lucille was born. Sadly, Isolda would be killed on the BOH in 1998 and Lucille was mainly raised by her father. The plan was to be raised mainly with her great-grandmother Elodie Dubois. Sadly, she passed away that year too. Her great-grandfather Lyubomir took care of them until his death and left her both Vulchanov and Dubois’ fortunes... as well as the family curse. 
Father: James Dorian Dubois 
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The grandson of Elodie Dubois, he was raised by his father Sebastian and often visited his grandmother Elodie. Like him, he grew up with the image of his grandfather as a mythical creature and didn’t knew him until he was in his twenties and married already. He was an introverted boy who was barely noticed and who had few friends... until he fell in love with Isolda. They both decided to stay away from the Second Wizarding War and raise quietly their girl, despite knowing that Voldemort would target her to hurt Elodie, her great-grandmother. Thankfully, Voldemort was defeated and Elodie lived to say goodbye to her one-year-old. 
House: Ravenclaw
Best Class: Potions, flying 
Worst Class: COMC, Herbology and HOM
Boggart: The bodies of his deceased family chasing him 
Riddikulus: They instead do a samersault 
Patronus: tbd 
Patronus Memory: she can’t produce a patronus 
Mirror of Erised: Herself, without a curse and being a normal kid 
Amortentia (what she smells like): chanel nº1, strawberry, eau de cologne, fresh French baked goods and smoke 
Amortentia (what she smells): tbd 
11-18: Hogwarts student 
19-28: TBD
30: Dead
Personality & Attitude
Priorities: Herself, gaining power, tormenting Yvonne
Strengths: Intelligent, individualistic, cunning and incredibly quick-witted 
Weaknesses: Hypocritical, overzealous, a bully and a nightmare of a person 
Stressed: Always 
Calm/Comforted: Hardly ever 
Colors: Blue, white, black and golden 
Weather: Snowy and stormy 
Hobbies: Tormenting the other branch of the Dubois 
Fashion: Lucie dresses like ‘old money’, copying many looks from her great-grandmother Elodie, whom she has ideolized 
Significant Other/Love Interest: TBD 
Friends: TBD 
Rivals: Yvonne Fleurie Dubois (cousin) 
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Lucille and Yvonne have a complicated relationship. Lucille is adamant on patronising and antagonising Yvonne, especially on carrying on the feud of their ancestors over Chateau Dubois. She’s always trying to best her and it doesn’t help that they’re on the same house and are the same age, only a few months apart. When Lucille dies at the age of 30, she does it in Yvonne’s arms. Did she kill her? It’s a mystery! 
She has inhereted her great-grandfather Lyubomir’s ( @magicallymalted​ ) curse and it ends up damaging her badly. Until before, it had been dormant on her father and grandfather 
She uses her veela power to lure the best purebloods into her bed to gain more power, which will end up backfiring against her 
She smokes and drinks ever since she’s 13, and makes her parents feel impotent 
She soon consorts with the remaining close-minded purebloods just to spite Yvonne 
She and Yvonne have a physical fight on sixth year when Lucille openly tells Yvonne’s secret... in The Daily Prophet, alleging that she tried to kill her. 
For the next years, she tries to frame her for murder to have her thrown in Azkaban so her line dies 
And may or may not succeed when they turn 30, after yet another fight in the woods that lead to Chateau Dubois, where they find Lucille’s dead corpse, full of inhumane scars and dark magic 
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magicallymalted · 2 years
OC Birthday Masterlist
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January 28th - Janet Spindle
February 3rd - Gemma Han
February 12th - Gwendolyn Montague
February 25th - Roderick McKenzie
March 17th - Deaglán Herrity
March 22nd - May Lécuyer
April 30th - Avalon Cole
May 20th - Lyubomir Vulchanov
June 24th - Sabine Bellerose
July 1st - Astraea McKenzie
July 13th - Joel Mayfair
August 10th - Nancy Maxwell
September 19th - Marco Han
October 8th - Lyse Spindle
December 3rd - Noelle Brenton
December 16th - Roger Jr. Weasley
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endlessly-cursed · 2 years
𝑶𝑽𝑬𝑹 𝑻𝑯𝑬 𝑩𝑹𝑰𝑵𝑲 𝑶𝑭 𝑾𝑨𝑹; 𝒂 𝒕𝒑𝒓 𝒔𝒊𝒅𝒆𝒔𝒕𝒐𝒓𝒚
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...starring Semele Thorne, Elodie Dubois and Jacob Dubois
Jacob has always been an outcast; his ideas were too liberal, too radical, and his way of acting and thinking was too rash and dangerous, and his involving with his involvement with the Cursed Vaults made it worse. The moment he was expelled, he set off to all over England to find himself and keep his little sister from bigger dangers. When Devon Marlowe contacts him to join their ranks, he accepts, ready to make himself worthy.
Elodie Dubois had lived a long life, but the moment Voldemort took over the Ministry, she knew she needed to kill Voldemort or at least be the cause of it for the sake of her son, but during war-time, innocents are hurt in the crossfire, especially in civil wars, the only war where brother kills brother...
Semele thought her life all figured out: she'd marry a rich elite man, amass her wealth and have a stable job at the Ministry, but when her fiancé proves to be the rich douchebag everyone warned her about and the Ministry falls, she finds out about the Resistance and joins in, looking for purpose... And get revenge on her parents' murders.
The series' guests:
Anaïs Thorne, aunt of Semele
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Valentina Somerset, cousin of Semele and fourth cousin of Jacob
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Brooklynne Yaxley, aunt of Eloise and relative to Jacob, Valentina and Elodie
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Lyubomir Vulchanov, ex and father of Elodie's son ( @magicallymalted )
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The Phoenix Resistance members @kathrynalicemc
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Want your OC to join this project of mine? Do hmu and @kathrynalicemc for this! The only rule is that your main OC(s) doesn't have any previous connections to the original TPR
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endlessly-cursed · 2 years
💋+ Elodie and Miro!
Ahhh, Mirodie my beloved
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So, I think that Elodie did most of the leading. It was during the Yule Ball and they were taking a stroll through the snowy Hogsmeade, Elodie with that golden dress I sent you and she gave him The Look, putting her hands on his shoulders and he took the hint and kissed while it snowed. He later gave her his jacket so she wouldn't freeze, but she joked saying that, in this moment, she didn't feel the cold at all. That ofc made him blush lol 🤣💛
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magicallymalted · 2 years
Riddle Era Character Sheet - Lyubomir Desislavov Vulchanov
What if it were possible to reverse the cycle of life and death, as one would rewind the hands of a clock?
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࿐ General ࿐
Name: Lyubomir Vulchanov
Name Meanings: Lyubomir: "peace and love" | Vulchanov: "Wolf-like"
Nicknames: Miro, Lev, Lyubo, etc.
Birthdate: May 20th, 1927
Zodiac Sign: Gemini
Personality Type (MBTI): INTJ (The Architect)
Blood Status: Pureblood
Nationality: Norwegian
Ethnic Background: Bulgarian, Russian
Sexuality: Bisexual (but a little private about it)
Residence: Tromsø, Norway | London, England
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࿐ Physical Appearance ࿐
Hair: Light brown
Eyes: Blue
Height: 6'3"
Weight: 80kg (177lbs)
Body Type: Ectomorph
Skin Tone: Pale
Faceclaim(s): Jannis Niewöhner (older, Iain Glen? idk yet)
࿐ Background ࿐
Hometown: Tromsø, Norway
Lyubomir was born in the Vulchanov family's second home in Norway, after they fled from Bulgaria a few generations prior. It was secluded and up until his schooling at Durmstrang, he hardly left unless for special events. There was a strong feeling of being cut off from muggle society and speaking only to purebloods and the occasional half-blood. The walls of the wide corridors displayed several generations of Vulchanovs—some mad, many dead before their time, and very few who lived to accomplish anything as great as Nerida herself.
࿐ Family ࿐
Mother: Petya Vulchanova (née Kostomarova)
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A Russian heiress who left her home after the Revolution of 1905, Petya was admittedly an older match for Desislav, but she knew well how to handle her own. Crafty, stark, and yet surprisingly maternal, she was one of the very few who could've been prepared to enter into a family as turbulent as the ancient Vulchanovs.
After Lyubomir's birth, his mother developed erythroblastosis fetalis and struggled to have any more children. Thus, she somewhat smothered him in an effort to protect him and the family line out of fear of what his father would do if something were to happen to him.
Father: Desislav Vulchanov
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Lyubomir's father was a difficult man who seemed all too out of touch with the society that he appeared so concerned to keep under his hand. A blood purist to the bone with an overbearing and belligerent manner, Lyubomir didn't just have a poor relationship with his father— he was often afraid of him. Speaking out against him took a great deal of courage that Miro often had a hard time pulling together.
Desislav never truly had a formal "job" as there wasn't ever a need for one. The wealth of his line sustained them well enough and it would seem that doing any sort of work that wasn't in his best or future interests was beneath him. Yet, the narcissist in him loved when others would recognize the things that he did do, including philanthropic activities to sustain the calibre of Durmstrang's facilities and education that he deemed appropriate.
Sister: Ivayla Vulchanova
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Iva was six years older than Lyubomir and often acted as his voice when it came to matters of their household and family name, conveying words on his behalf and getting through to their parents when he was unable. She had a great love of the performing arts and worked hard to eventually become a ballerina, but unfortunately her life was cut short when tuberculosis took her at 21. Since then, Lyubomir has had quite a detrimental fascination with the reversal of death.
࿐ Hogwarts/Magic ࿐
Wood: Walnut
Core: Serpent Horn
Length: 12"
Flexibility: Whippy
Schooling: 11-13 Durmstrang, 13-17 Hogwarts
House: Ravenclaw
Best Class: History of Magic
Worst Class: Herbology
Boggart: Losing his mind (if anyone has thoughts on how that may show up feel free to let me know lol)
Riddikulus: tbd
Patronus: Brown Hare
Patronus Memory: Seeing his sister's first performance
Amortentia (what he smells like): Moss, dark chocolate, dusty books
Amortentia (what he smells): [something related to s/o]
Quidditch: No
Prefect: Yes
Clubs: No
OWL Classes (taken independently):
Transfiguration - Exceeds Expectations
Charms - Exceeds Expectations
Herbology - Poor
Potions - Exceeds Expectations
History of Magic - Outstanding
Defense Against the Dark Arts - Outstanding
Divination - Exceeds Expectations
NEWT Classes:
History of Magic - Outstanding
Transfiguration - Exceeds Expectations
Defense Against the Dark Arts - Exceeds Expectations
Charms - Acceptable
Study of Ancient Runes - Exceeds Expectations
࿐ Career ࿐
11-17: Student 17-22: British Ministry of Magic Archivist 22-39: Norwegian Ministry Archivist 17-Retirement: Necromancy Researcher
Personality & Attitude: Since birth, Lyubomir has always been a quiet and internal individual, much to the chagrin of the rest of his family who often exercised an extroverted disposition meant for entertaining. He was quick to fall to tears in his youth and somewhat naïvely just tried to go along with whatever people wanted from him in an effort to appease them. Later on, many within the Norwegian wizarding society never quite knew what to make of him, especially as the dichotomy of his outer intensity never fit with how he became upon being spoken to. He walked and stared with the severity of someone who had been on the front lines of war, but when he spoke it was often merely the voice of a soft child when contending with the ferocity of high society.
Priorities: Knowledge
Strengths: Introspective, reliable, hardworking, protective, contemplative
Weaknesses: Overcommitment, sensitivity, easily manipulated
Favorites: Snow, wizard chess, coffee, history
Colors: Dark blue, seafoam
Weather: Icy, damp
Hobbies: Wizard chess, reading, collecting chocolate frog cards, ice skating
࿐ Relationships ࿐
Very few at the moment... sad :’) Though anyone can definitely feel free to reach out to discuss something!
S/O: Elodie Dubois (@endlessly-cursed) -
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Miro and Elodie met when the former transferred to Hogwarts through their mutual friend, Tom Riddle. At the time, Elodie was pursuing a relationship with him until his decided path left her with heartbreak. Miro was the one to comfort her after their falling out, and she started to frequent his company often which led to both of them catching feelings. 
After Miro’s own fallout with Tom, he and Elodie became much closer, "unofficially" starting to date in her 6th and his 5th year, before they officially started after graduation, with them moving in together. Although Miro's parents weren't particularly happy about the whole ordeal, his mother managed to convince herself and his father that the relationship was only temporary. She would unfortunately be right.
Over time, Miro's career as an archivist at the ministry got the best of him and he started to sink deeper and deeper into the studies of necromancy. Elodie tried to get him interested in another things, but he always came back to it, and the two started arguing more and more. Elodie then broke it off with an ultimatum: his work or her. With him unwilling to choose, she told him to leave and never return—so that's what he did.
[more tbw]
࿐ History ࿐
The Vulchanovs were a very old and traditional pureblood family that, while not as powerful as they used to be, still held a significant impact among their peers, for better of worse. After Harfang Munter took over Durmstrang in the event of Nerida Vulchanova's death, they never officially attempted to enter back into the spotlight of running the school founded by their ancestor. It may have been because the school had transformed into a very different vision than what Nerida had intended, though many behind closed doors and through hushed whispers thought the reasoning to be the mysterious deaths that henceforth plagued the family line, in addition to the frightful madness that seemed to follow certain members like a shadow.
Some said that they were cursed (potentially by Harfang Munter himself) while others simply chalked it up to being so far removed from the muggle side of life that they were effectively delusional in their perceptions of the world. Lyubomir's great-grandfather was the first one to relocate the family line from their primary residence in Bulgaria to their second home in Norway during the rising tensions with Russia and the Ottoman Empire. He was, as well, another case of unexplainable death.
During his time at Durmstrang, Lyubomir always felt as though there were eyes on him from both students and professors, which he anticipated was brought on by the reputation surrounding his last name. The pressure to excel was overwhelming, and so when he was 13 he plucked up the courage to tell his parents that he was going to Hogwarts instead under the guise of "expanding his knowledge and understanding of the wizarding world."
࿐ Misc & Trivia ࿐
He likes to collect chocolate frog cards, especially as it was something that also helped him learn English
He has an almost obsessive fascination with death and spent most of his adult years studying necromancy and the reversal of death
He was further spurred on during his school years to pursue this line of study by Tom Riddle, who often tried to pull out of him a further fascination and understanding of the Dark Arts
He speaks Bulgarian, Russian, Norwegian, and English
Becoming a prefect helped him find a little more confidence in his own authority
He has a very sensitive nose
He was fired from his job as an archivist for the Ministry after others raised concerns of his spending a little too much time cataloging documents and books pertaining to dangerous topics
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magicallymalted · 2 years
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࿐ Lyubomir Vulchanov ࿐
Pureblood | Durmstrang Transfer | Archivist | Necromancer | Ex-Knight of Walpurgis
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