#oc: sebastian dubois
endlessly-cursed · 1 year
Over the Brink of War, Chapter One: A Historic Fall
A/N: The first chapter is finally after months gatekeeping it out of laziness lol. This series is in the same universe and timeline as @kathrynalicemc​ ‘s The Phoenix Resistance. The og cast belongs to her. Also, check out The Phoenix Archives for more BTS work with new and old characters! 
Summary: Elodie receives an offer she’s been waiting to receive... for 40 years 
Featuring..: Elodie Dubois, Sebastian Dubois, James Dubois, Kaari Arcano, Devon Marlowe ( both belonging to @kathrynalicemc​ ) Lyubomir Vulchanov ( @magicallymalted​ ) 
Word Count: 2.2k 
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Bill and Fleur’s wedding, 17:40
Elodie watched her son dance with his wife, as well as her grandson dance with his own. They all smiled and danced away, no worries or concerns between them. Suddenly, her stomach turned. She thought it was her illness yet again, until something inside her told her “Something’s about to happen. Something bad. Terrible, even.” Instinctively, she grabbed her great-granddaughter, who happily fussed with her shirt and pearl necklace and told her family to pick up their things.
The feeling was growing stronger, and worse. She felt it’d happen at any moment. Baby Lucille started fussing, noticing her great-grandmother’s queasiness and she rocked her, trying to calm her down, but it was helpless. Something was about to happen, and it’d happen at any moment. James kept pressing why they were leaving. She just told them to trust her on this one.
She could hear a girl shriek “YOU’RE CHEATING ON ME?!”
Before he could even open his mouth, Kingsley’s Patronus announced the Ministry of Magic’s fall, and death eaters came in, plunging into chaos. “James, get your wife and daughter into safety. We’ll deal with them.”
James and Isolda quickly left, and Sebastian and Elodie plunged into action. She struck one death eater in the chest with an ancient spell, then waved her wand and knocked out three. She prayed to Rowena that her grandson and great-granddaughter had apparated. One death eater grabbed her, but she elbowed him in the nose and struck him with the head of her wand, and was soon stupefying death eaters left and right.
Sebastian was also a quick one, and for a moment, she saw him. They focused on the same way, and had the same face when they were passionate about something.
However, Elodie, at her advanced age, was only so strong, and signaled her son that she’d make herself scarce and to come home safe. She ducked one death eater and apparated herself in the hospital, coughing up blood and shaking. Her nurse was quick to grab her and chide her for having been so reckless. She retched the whole night.
Lone Star Tavern, Whitechapel, London- 25th of August, 1997
Kaari greeted Devon and she signaled him to sit down. He asked “Who else have you thought for this, Dev?”
“Henry, obviously, and someone else. She’s quite old, and there is a rumor that she is sickly, but her knowledge and experience could help us with the war.”
Kaari then looked at two photos. In there, one was from a long time ago, perhaps the fifties: stood there a beautiful woman, of sweet blue eyes, dark hair and behind her was Tom Riddle, who looked at her in an interesting way. It read ‘Celestial Ball, 1948’. So, maybe someone that was close to him?
The second photo was a recent one: stood there a woman with platinum hair, in her sixties, perhaps seventies, with the same blue eyes, but with wisdom and secrets behind her eyes. It read ‘Elodie Dubois, 1992’. “From what I gather, Elodie used to be a girlfriend of Tom Riddle, until his goals separated her and dated someone else. She also has a son from that relationship, Sebastian, though we have no information of the father, though many suspect that he was Lyubomir Vulchanov, a pureblood who is a bit fascinated with necromancy. The point is, she knows the Dark Lord in a way we don’t, as well as his past and is from a house of healers, and she is a talented healer and dueler. She was notorious in Bill and Fleur’s wedding. Her age hasn’t gotten in the way of her prowess. I think she and her son would make two fine additions.”
Kaari nodded “It’d certainly be wise to include the Dark Lord’s ex here. What she knows of him may help us, though I wouldn’t take her to raids, but she can train the young ones. Her son, I’d be open for that.”
“You know what to do, right?”
Kaari smirked “Haven’t you heard? I am the kind of guy grandmothers like.”
Nando’s, London, 09.30am, 1997
Elodie had come out of her monthly hospital stay and had gone out for groceries, keeping a low profile. Surely these death eaters had some regard of a poor old lady? She tried to reach a jar of jam, but she was too short. Cons of old age. You had the height you once had when you were twelve.
“Allow me.” A masculine voice suddenly came. He had a rather long, thick black hair and several scars, and smelled like the north—Norway, to be exact. He gave her the jar and offered to help her with the groceries, a winning smile on his face. He wanted something from her. And he was no death eater. She quickly gave him a helpless old lady smile and both of them walked, aware that they were being watched “I hope I have reached Elodie Dubois. Not that I wouldn’t help a helpless old lady.” He winked.
“How can I help you, sir?”
He whispered “More like how can you help the world, Mrs. Dubois.”
She then observed around, and a golden flick came into her view, like a phoenix coming back from the dead. The youngsters had been quicker to form some sort of resistance against Tom. At least they had been quicker this time. Elodie was quick to put on her mask and groaned in pain “Oh, my back aches. Please, good sir, would you accompany me to my home? I’m afraid I can’t carry all of this on my own.”
He smiled “It’d be my pleasure.”
As they got away from the supermarket and started getting deeper into the streets. The moment they reached her flat and came into the elevator, she extended her hand “Elodie Dubois. What is your name, young man?”
He instead kissed it, but Elodie remained unfazed and unimpressed “Kaari Arcano, madame. I have an offer for you and your son.”
They came into the flat and Sebastian looked confused at his mother, and seized up Kaari “Who’s this bloke, mother?”
“Kaari Arcano. Sebastian, right? Nice to meet you, mate.”
Sebastian raised an eyebrow but shook his hand “What brings you here?” His eyes went wide as he too saw the symbol and sat with both of them. Elodie motioned Kaari to talk “It has come to my knowledge that you, Elodie, used to… be close to the Dark Lord and have been one of the first people to go against him. Dumbledore admired you and tried to recruit you for the Order of the Phoenix, am I right?”
“You never told me that last part, Mama.”
“Hush, Sebastian. Yes, he tried to recruit me and I rejected his offer. That man makes of poor, innocent children his toy soldiers, and that is something I am against. Children are children, even if they think themselves the next Superman or Wonder Woman. We ought to leave their childhoods alone, not stain them with blood and loss.”
“Well, neither of us are children here, are we? We are adults who need your experience, knowledge and expertise, and your son’s experience as a Curse-breaker, of course. We are the Phoenix Resistance, and our main jobs are smuggling innocents out of the harm’s way and weaken the Dark Lord with raids.”
Elodie looked at Kaari “I take you also have Trojan Horse within their walls?”
Kaari frowned and Sebastian translated “She’s asking if you also have a spy working for them and you.”
“Oh. Yes, we do! Though, we can’t say who, but we do, aye.”
“Good. I have one condition.”
He waved his hand, inviting “Go ahead.”
“I have to meet the boss, whoever it is. I want to tell them what I know myself.”
“That can be arranged.”
Two days later, Elodie had put on a royal blue suit and brushed her hair, and walked into the tavern, following Kaari all along. Her son stayed behind and admired the place. She came into their base of operations and was surprised to see a small, blonde woman with glasses and who didn’t seem to notice them. She also had some white scars on her body. Lighting scars. She knew a remedy or two to keep them at bay, as well as a surgery to remove them from sight. Kaari started signing “Dev, this is Elodie. Elodie, this is Devon Marlowe.”
Recognition came into her eyes. She had been the poor girl who nearly died after being struck by lightning. Her colleague had done her treatment, as well as attended her. She spoke as Kaari translated “Miss Marlowe. Your strength knows no bounds, I see. I’m delighted that someone like you is the force behind this.”
“Mrs. Dubois. Many speak of your talent for healing, as well as your past with the Dark Lord. I won’t lie, your knowledge and experience will certainly be of help to us. I’d be glad to hear your story.”
“I take that you can read my thoughts.” Devon nodded. She turned to Kaari “Leave us. This is women’s business.” He tried to complain, but she raised her hand to shut him and waved him to leave. He sighed. He couldn’t win this fight.
I won’t say that he was once a saint. He had his faults, but surely everyone had them. I could swear that there was this softness, this connection when we were alone. He told me his family history once, drunk and feeling embarrassed. You see, he is a hypocrite. A half-blood, borne of a pureblood woman who was crazy in love and a poor muggle man who was forcibly roped into the scheme. She seduced him with a love potion. I wasn’t aware then that a child borne of love potions couldn’t be able to love anybody whatsoever.
I knew he felt embarrassed about it. But I thought he meant the circumstances of his birth, not his blood. When he took things too far, I tried to warn him of dancing too close to the sun. We argued, and broke apart. I wouldn’t see him that way ever again. As I healed, I started my opposition against him, and everyone was appalled, but I didn’t care. I had my Miro beside me, and together we did our best, but alas, we were few, and many were attracted to him, what he offered. In a way, he shares that with the Devil. He hasn’t always been that pale bald man with no nose and monstruous affairs. No. He was beautiful, and once was Hogwarts’ future and pride. But greed and power got the best of him. And thus, he went that far.
I know some people who can be of help, and that would be glad to take him down. I also know you’ve been asking around in the hospital. I am sick, yes, but I have also made a vow: I won’t allow myself to die until he dies first. Until that day, you have my help. I possess more knowledge, so ask away.
They talked some more about strategies and what use her son would be, and soon was his turn. He wasn’t thrilled to be bossed by a young girl, but it was better than being undercover forever.
Waving goodbye to Kaari, they left with homework: to get to know Voldemort’s plans for everybody and bring supplies.
Elodie’s apartment, London, 21:10
Her son had been awfully quiet for some time now, and barely said a word to his mother. The moment James and his family left to sleep, Sebastian stopped Elodie and questioned her “Why was never father here?”
“I kicked him out.”
“But why?”
She sighed “Like the Dark Lord, he had dangerous hobbies and would’ve been a danger to stay here. I made him choose between that or me. He didn’t choose. He left.”
“What’s his name?”
She sighed. It’s been over forty years. He was either dead or with a family of his own “Lyubomir Vulchanov. He’s a pureblood man from Bulgaria and Norway. And… a necromancer student.”
Sebastian nodded, and sighed “It’s time then.”
Elodie blinked “Pardon?”
He looked at his mother “I’m a grown up. I have my own family. There’s nothing stopping you from seeing him.”
“Do it for me. I don’t want you to give up on the love of your life for me. Please.”
Elodie sighed “I’ll think about it. But it’s been forty years. Maybe he’s married and has beautiful children.”
“I have a feeling that it’s not the case.”
During two weeks, she tried to write him a letter. She still remembered where he lived after all those years, but nothing of it made sense. She had burned over fifty letters. Then, while watching a movie, the craziest and most rash decision she ever made came to her.
Tromso, Vulchanov manor, Norway, 30th of August, 1997
Elodie’s heart raced incredibly fast, her small luggage weighing in her hands. At least they had a bell. She took a few deep breaths and pressed the bell, and then knocked on the door. At first, silence. Then, she heard a few steps inside and someone opened the door; there he was.
He was older, naturally, and had white hair and his blue eyes seemed tired, and was dressed with a simple shirt and some maroon pantaloons. He narrowed his eyes through his glasses. He asked something in Norwegian.
“It’s me, Miro. Elodie.”
He stiffened and recognition came through his eyes “Elodie…?”
She bit her lip “Surprise, I suppose?”
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yuuniee · 6 months
“Oh dear, it seems you’ve met with such a terrible fate... Would you like me to help you out?”
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Name: Sebastian Dubois
Japanese: セバスチャン・デュボア (sebasuchan dyuboa)
Dorm: Pomefiore 👑
Birthday: 24th November
Age: ???
Height: 182 cm
Dominant Hand: Right
Homeland: City of Flowers
Family: Unnamed mother, unnamed father
Voiced by: Daisuke Ono
Nicknames/Aliases: Monsieur Ten-face (Rook), Anglerfish/Ankou-senpai (Floyd)
Grade: Third
Class: 3-C (no. 08)
Club: Movie Appreciation Club
Best Subject: Ancient Curses
Hobby: Crocheting
Favorite Food: Creme brulee
Least Favorite Food: Escargot
Pet Peeves: Failure
Talent: Identifying gems
Appearence: Sebastian is a young man with curly black hair that’s divided right in the middle, green eyes, fair skin, and slightly toned body.
In his school uniform, he wears the standard Night Raven College uniform; white shirt, violet vest and pants with gold stripes facing out on each leg. Except, he wears his black jacket on his shoulders like Lilia and he wears black pointed shoes with his white socks visible. He also wears a golden armwatch on his right wrist.
In his dorm uniform, he wears the standard Pomefiore uniform with violet eyeshadow.
Personality: He is outwardly a generous, polite and caring gentleman that always smiles and dotes on everyone in a loving manner. Yet he also seems to bear a cruel and sadistic nature that shows at certain times...
Unique Magic: “Hourglass Effect”
It allows him to control time for a limited amount in a small area. He can also use it on himself, someone else or an inanimate object. However, it takes a lot of concentration and energy to use, so he can’t use it for too long or else he may accumulate blot and it may lead to overblotting.
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P.S: This is actually him without his coat, vest and jacket, and also I had to put sneakers since the picrew didn’t have these options that I put on his appearence... I know it’s free to edit, I just chose not to!
🥀 Fun Facts:
Everywhere he goes, he carries a pocket mirror. When asked, he’ll just say to fix his uniform or makeup because he wants to be flawless at all times.
When MC and Grim first meet him, he introduces himself as a staff member. Later, Rook tells them that he is actually a third year student but he’s told the same joke to everyone else.
In his Dorm Uniform story, he mentions his grandmother used to bake pies at Mondays and it would smell delicious. That was why he had tried to bake one himself to keep a tradition going.
Strangely, Lilia seems to know him a bit too well... He even warns MC and their friends about him and tells them to stay away from him. When he hears that, he comes out and says, “That fae sure knows how to lie about someone. I was only intending to befriend you all as my precious juniors!”
From canon cast, he seems to bear hatred for certain people like Vil, Silver, Azul and Epel... Though he doesn’t show it on the outside, you can see his eye slightly twitching.
Sometimes, at night, he may go on a midnight stroll in his dorm as to clear his mind.
[More facts are yet to come!]
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tidetospine · 2 years
Hello, I am new to Mao's channel and these RP's (well, I watched a few of Mao's videos from Abyssal Despair and Dawning Century. Love the art style btw.) ,and tumblr in general. I would like to ask a few questions if you all are okay with it:
I am curious to know who the cast and host's mun's are for this DanganRP. If they wish to remain anonymous I completely understand.
What the inspiration for both the RP and its name " Tide To Spine"?I'm curious to know its meaning.
Are there specific pronouns that the cast prefer's to use? I ask because I'm familiar with Angelop's works and I noticed that Orpheus was a part of this and they go by (they, them) (sorry I'm rambling at this point).
Who is who? I know who Orpheus looks like, but I was having a bit of trouble interpreting who is who.
Again, You don't have to answer this if this is either too much or too insulting if you don't want to. I'm not a very good people person when it come to being more than giving out compliments (or whatever my social issues are), but I do sincerely hope everyone has a wonderful and enjoyable experience. Have a nice day
One by one...
Hi! For the privacy of the players, we will not be disclosing the muns of our accepted cast. However, I can say that the characters here in the roster video are the mod teams OCs - from left to right, they belong to mod Celyca, mod Anya, and mod Moa.
TTS's name is inspired from the song, From Tide to Spine, off the soundtrack for Amnesia: A Machine for Pigs. Mod Moa's previous game (Dawning Century) took some inspiration from the Amnesia series, and TTS does too, as well as from Layers of Fear and The Binding of Isaac.
+ 4. We have just set up a roster page where you can view everyone's relevant information. But, if you wanted something quicker and easier to read, here you go! Each name links to the character's respective roster art piece. Adrian Wieslander (he/him) - Socialite Avril DuBois (she/her) - ??? Caligula Lacoste (any) - Party Planner Florida (she/her) - Traveling Merchant Freja Björklund (she/her) - Ult. Shepherdess Jigoku Kobayashi (she/her) - Ult. Martial Artist Johann Strauss (he/him) - Former Violinist Kaien Hattori (he/they) - University Student Magnus Majoris-Maroune (he/him) - M.C. Morgan Davies (she/her) - Antique Dealer Naoyuki Kannouji (he/him) - Ghostwriter Nuno of Meradeur, Magus of the Infinite (any) - Keymaster Orion "Ori" Lee (he/him) - Wanderer Orpheus Kanata (they/them) - Bouncer Sachiko Matsuoka (she/her) - Gardener Sebastian Skies (he/him) - Clerk Serge Qingren (he/they/any) - Embalmer Taka Izukunzo (they/them) - Librarian Yuuki Yukiyama-d'Aureville (she/her) - Antique Collector Additionally, one of the accepted applicants refused their position, so if you notice a slight difference in the characters in the roster video against this list, that's why. Thanks for reaching out!
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practically-an-x-man · 4 months
❗️🍷🍒💔 💋🥩💄for Eris and Gia?
Thank you so much!!
Red Emoji OC Asks
❗️(exclamation point) - What was the scariest moment of your character’s life? Does it still affect them?
Eris: Their first genuine brush with death, for sure. Eris is used to being near-invulnerable, between their healing factor and their sheer skill in battle, so nearly dying of a dozen gunshot wounds was easily the scariest moment he'd been through. Other moments have come close, but that was primal fear in a way she'd never really felt before.
Gia: The moment she realized that "case study" she signed up for was really a front for HYDRA, and she was trapped. The rest of her capture was definitely painful and traumatic, but she grew to not really care whether she lived or died after a while. That first moment, on the other hand, was when she was still new and green and desperate, and she was terrified beyond belief.
🍷 (wine) - Does your oc drink? What kind of alcohol do they enjoy? What are their drinking habits? What kind of drunk are they?
Eris: Does enjoy alcoholic drinks - bourbon's a favorite, mead or mulled wine if they're feeling nostalgic - but has yet to find an alcohol strong enough to stand up to their healing factor. He hasn't been genuinely drunk a day in his life.
Gia: She doesn't get drunk very often, but is the type to have one too many glasses of wine or mimosas at an event and not realize it until she's a little tipsy. When she does get drunk, she's more of a cuddly/affectionate drunk.
🍒 (cherries) - Does your character have a best friend? How long have they known each other? What do they like most about each other? How did they meet?
Eris: Not exactly... there are people she respects and enjoys spending time with, but I doubt he'd even admit to having a "best friend" if he had one. In general, they appreciate the people who are competent in their field and assured in who they are - Rick, Harley, Robert Dubois, etc.
Gia: She has a few close online friends, since she finds it a lot easier to be friendly online than in person. She's never met them in real life, and hasn't shared her real name or any other significant details about herself, but they're definitely her closest friends.
💔 (broken heart) - Who has your character hurt most? Physically or emotionally? How did it feel? Do they regret it?
Eris: He regrets very, very few things that he's done in his life, so that's pretty much out of the question. Physically, it's hard to say: any act of violence you could name, she's probably done it at some point or another. Emotionally, though... probably Wisteria, their former lover that we see in Whatever Keeps You Around. The fic itself is already pretty emotional from Wisty's perspective (she runs into Eris again only to realize he's found a new lover, and seems more devoted to him than they ever were to her), but back in her own time, Eris broke off the relationship abruptly after Wisty was heavily injured in battle, and vanished the next day. She had to recover from her wounds mostly on her own, not to mention the emotional pain of splitting up.
Gia: Probably her older brother. They were incredibly close when they were younger, but that relationship first began to fracture when Yadzia (their younger sister) died, and then fractured further after Gia went into HYDRA. Sebastian still believes she's alive, but she hasn't reached back out, and it's been a lot of emotional turmoil on both ends.
💋 (kiss) - Is your oc a good kisser? Have they kissed anyone before? Do they even enjoy kissing? What was their first kiss like in comparison to their most recent?
Eris: Oh, sure. It's like any other skill, and she's had centuries to practice. His enjoyment of it comes and goes, it's really situational (in quieter moments? absolutely. but try to kiss him when he's busy in battle and you'll probably get your head cut off). Their first kiss was so long ago that they don't remember it, but their most recent kiss was of course with Rick, and they'll never admit how much they enjoyed it.
Gia: Nope. Even if she had some experience before HYDRA, her hermit-like lifestyle after the fact means she's desperately out of practice. She enjoys kisses as a romantic gesture, but doesn't have a particularly strong physical pull towards them since she's ace. She had her first kiss in high school, and her most recent one with Kate, and they were both about the same (sweet but inexperienced)
🥩 (steak) - Does your oc have any coping mechanisms? Healthy or unhealthy?
Eris: In a way, his callousness towards violence is a bit of a coping mechanism - if she bothered to think more heavily about the scope of what she's done, something would probably break, so it's easier just to be careless. In some respects this has helped them, and they haven't gone so far into apathy that they've just become a killing machine, but I wouldn't say it's a healthy coping mechanism.
Gia: Her main coping mechanism for her trauma from HYDRA is just to keep to herself and rarely leave her home, which is a very unhealthy coping mechanism to have. She's working on it, though.
💄 (lipstick) - What does your oc think of their face? Do they have a positive or negative opinion? Do they wear makeup? Do they have a skincare routine? What traits do they like most about their face?
Eris: Is decidedly neutral. His face is his face, what of it? She's been around way too long to see it in any emotional way - they've been looking at that same face in reflections for a thousand years, it's not like it's changing any time soon. She likes her freckles, though.
Gia: She actually does feel like she's quite pretty! She's not a big fan of the scars she has from when her clover got sooty blotch and it reflected onto her, but for the most part she does like the way she looks. She has a regular skincare routine, and sometimes will do at-home spa days for self-care when she's going through a particularly rough patch.
0 notes
ibims1seb · 10 months
My OC’s
Good day Tumblr! I would like you to meet just a few of my OC’s, who I may, or may not, feature on this blog:
Sebastian Fortune: A demigod, who has been broken so many times, that it is quite surprising that his molecules have stayed together over the time. Well, at least partly…
Teror: A Whumper, who doesn’t want to be a whumper, but he still enjoys whumping, but also doesn’t like Whump (this shall continue)…
^^ sort of hero and villain Whump, also mentioned Team Whump
Tristan Parks: A former military doctor who really likes his personal space.
Yuki: A military subject who also really likes Tristan’s personal space.
Constantine Johnson: a military general who doesn’t like Tristan’s personal space(as in, he will eliminate it)…
^^ military and human experiment Whump, more comfort than hurt tbh
Nathan Northstar: A Whumpee with parental issues, who doesn’t even realise he is a Whumpee. Because we don’t have enough of ‘em.
Lucas Northstar: A whumper, that’s all there is to say.
^^ royalty Whump
Ann Collins aka. Antique: “Yes that is my fucking name, now shut!”
Dusk Hutson aka. Lightling: “Please excuse my siblings. I can not afford therapy right now.”
Dawn Hutson aka. Darkling: “Something in here will be a murder weapon. You will be the victim. And no one will be able to proof who did it.”
Sven Dubois: *the one they are talking to*
^^hero and villain Whump
These are only the finest of the collection and also the ones you will probably find on here in the future. If there are more, I will add them, and if you have any questions, ask! I dare you! I’ll probably post the character sheets soon too.
Though, please remember that these are my OC’s and if you should use them in any way (role play, features, etc.) please tag me or ask for my permission first. Don’t get me wrong, I would love to see it, but I would also like to get the credit for something I did!
And with that out of the way, be excited for what’s to come…
If I ever find it in me to actually post something about them :)
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lacontroller1991 · 3 years
Trained for Sin (Rick Flag x PlatonicChild!Reader)
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@h-hxgirl​ @artemis-cr0ck​ @yelenas-lova​
Requested by @phoenixofthevalley : Could you do a fic with a child reader or oc where they're new on the team and after the new team "saves" Rick from the freedom fighters, the child and Rick bond and Rick is pissed off that Waller put a literal child on the team and Is very protective of them. Maybe the child has sharp claws and kind of acts like an animal
Author's Note: I hate peacemaker too, if I could I would kill him. Also for this I'm gonna kind of base it off of Ratcatcher 2 and Bloodsport's relationship and maybe up the age of the child to an late tween (14ish). Also sorry this is late but I hope you enjoy!!!!
Warnings: Language, Violence, Blood, Guts, CHARACTER DEATH, murder, TW absent father, Gore
The soft sand filled in your shoes as you walked on the beach next to your team. You mindlessly wrapped your fingers in your hair as you tried to wring out the water before Waller’s voice echoed through your ear.
“Task Force X, you have a new objective. You are to rescue Colonel Rick Flag. I’ve sent his cords. You are to execute his captors with extreme prejudice.” You looked at your team in confusion but most of them didn’t seem to have a problem with it. Yes, you may be a criminal, but you still have a conscience.
“Alright, we’ll camp here for tonight. In the morning we will get Colonel Flag and then continue our objective,” Bloodsport, or Robert DuBois spoke firmly as you curled into a ball waiting for sleep to take you.
You watched in disgust as Bloodsport and Peacemaker walked through the camp, making a game of who could kill the most. You never liked killing, using it only as a last resort when you needed to, but something about the way both of them were making a competition out of it sickened you to your stomach. Your ears perked up as a branch behind you snapped, alerting you of a potential assailant. Turning around, you lodged your claws into the man’s neck, him freezing in place as the blood began spurting out from where your claws had pierced him.
“So that’s what you do,” a soft accent noted as you looked over to Cleo who held Sebastian on her shoulder.
“No, it’s one of the things I can do. My ears make it easy for me to hear and move out of the way before something comes at me. These claws are just for an extra layer of protection.” She nodded in response as you continued to stalk toward the tent. Stopping in front of it, you could hear laughing coming from inside before DuBois ripped open the curtain revealing a lady and a shirtless man, who you were assuming is Colonel Flag.
“The hell are you doing here?” He asked, eyes scanning over the group before landing on your smaller frame, his eyes doing a double take, “is that a child?”
“We’re here to save you. And this is Lion, they’re on our team,” DuBois replied before looking at the table, “is that tea?”
You sat outside of the tent as Rick and Sol Soria looked around, Rick apologizing profusely for the loss that Soria just had. Breaking away from the conversation, Rick made his way toward you before taking a seat next to you.
“How old are you, kid?” He asked with concern and disgust that Waller would even consider putting a kid on the Suicide Squad.
“14, sir. My name is (Y/N) (Y/L/N),” you introduced as you stuck out a hand that had indents from where your claws were retracted. Shaking it lightly, Rick looked at you, most specifically your ears.
“What do you do?” Giving him a dry laugh, your claws extended from your hands as they shone in the light.
“Well, I can climb up really high and have enhanced hearing. I can fit into smaller places and these are to kill someone if needed,” you replied with hesitancy as he gave a slight nod, understanding where you’re coming from.
“So how did you end up in Waller’s grasp?”
“My dad gave me up to Ms. Waller,” Rick’s eyes widened at the thought of a father giving up their child, “I killed someone two years ago. But they deserved it. They were beating on some cats and it just set me off I guess. Like an urge. Ever since then I’ve been in that prison.”
“That’s horrible, kid. I’m sorry you went through that,” he replied with sorrow as you shrugged your shoulders and leaned back, letting the sun hit your face.
“It’s whatever. I don’t really miss my dad. He was never really around emotionally after my mom passed away and his trauma from his job made everything harder.”
“What did he do?”
“He was a special ops officer, I think. He went to West Point and then Afghanistan to do whatever. Never was the same coming home, according to my mom at least,” you commented as he stared at you, his dad sounding too much like a friend of his he had when he was in the Green Berets.
“What’s his name?”
“You sure do ask a lot of questions Colonel Flag.”
“Rick is fine. What’s his name?”
“Poe,” you replied with curiosity in your eyes as Rick gaped his mouth at you before calling Bloodsport over.
“Did you know this is Poe’s kid?”
“Poe David?”
“Yeah, Poe David,” he laughed as DuBois looked down at you with interest.
“Fucking hell, didn’t know he could have a kid,” DuBois retorted as you looked between the two men.
“Do you know him?”
“Yeah, we worked with him for a little bit. He was a good soldier,” Rick voiced before noting the way you shrunk into yourself, “but doesn’t make him a good dad,” offering you a small smile, he patted you on the shoulder before leaving you alone in your own world.
You looked through the small pile of clothes that Sol had provided for the gang, trying to see if there was anything you could wear.
“What do you think you’re doing?” A gravely southern voice asked as you looked up from the pile to see Rick wearing a yellow shirt and a pair of pants that was probably a size too small.
“I’m looking for clothes, you know, to help you guys.”
“Kid, you can’t. For one, you’re only twelve. They wouldn’t let you in. Secondly, I want you to stay with Sol. Just for now. I’ll come back and get you when this is over,” he stated as you stared at him dubiously.
“Waller will have my head. I have to go with you guys,” he shook his head with his hands on his hips.
“I don’t want you there. You’re a kid, it’s way too dangerous.”
“I’m going. I have nothing else to live for anyways,” you uttered, hoping off of the log and making your way over to the van, deciding to help Cleo out with an outfit.
Rick was right. You had underestimated how dangerous this mission actually was. After all, this was your first mission and you clearly did not have a full understanding of what you were actually supposed to do. You were currently placing explosives on the walls with Peacemaker and Nanaue when you noticed that Peacemaker was stalking off, after Rick, Cleo and Gaius. Not giving it a thought, you continued placing the explosives on the walls before you moved up a level and repeating the process. When you got to the fourth level, your skin tingled, ears twitching and gut turning. Something was wrong. Seriously wrong. Looking ahead of you, you saw that the others were way ahead of you. If you slipped out now, you were sure they wouldn’t notice. Turning around, you ran down the stairs and followed the scent of Peacemaker, which took you to an underground lab. Looking around, you saw numerous people with starfish covering their faces behind bars. You plugged your nose tightly as you tiptoed through the lab, making sure that you couldn’t be heard. Rounding a corner, you saw Cleo holding Sebastian and you saw Rick and Peacemaker standing across from each other.
“They experimented on children!” Rick shouted as the building rumbled, dust floating around you before a bigger explosion threw you back, burying you in rubble. With your ears ringing, you tried to straighten out your vision while tugging on your legs. Looking down, you saw a big piece of concrete trapping your legs beneath it. As you took a deep breath, you placed your hands on the lip of the concrete and used all of the strength you could muster up to move it slightly, just enough for your small frame to get out from underneath it. Once you escaped the chunk of concrete, your ears picked up on some grunting coming from in front of a pile of rubble. Walking toward the pile, you took a quick sniff, the scent of blood, Peacemaker and Rick the most prominent in that area. Rick. Looking at the pile of rubble, you scouted a small little slot that led to the other side where the two men were.
“Fuck, I hate doing this,” you mumbled before shrinking yourself enough to crawl through the hole. As you neared the other side, you could see two pairs of feet shuffling around as the grunts and impact of metal against skin amplified in your ears. Crawling out of the other side, you grew back to your normal size and saw Rick being thrown against a grain machine, Christopher easily picking him up and doing it again. As quickly as you could, you unsheathed your claws and slid between Christopher’s legs, slicing through his achilles as he let out a groan of pain before falling to his knees. Running toward Rick, you noticed his eyes had a flash of terror as a hand shot out and grabbed one of your legs, pulling you down and dragging you back toward Peacemaker’s body. Getting up on top of you, Christopher held a metal grate against your throat, choking you.
“Get off of them!” Rick shouted before tackling Christopher off of you while you took a deep breath. After regaining your breath, you crawled back to your feet and jumped on Christopher’s back, claws right on his jugular veins.
“Get off of him or else I will rip your throat out,” you threatened as Christopher paused while Rick looked up at you and slightly shook his head, silently begging you not to do what you were about to do.
“Kid, you can’t do shit,” Chrostopher mocked, arms quickly trying to throw you off, but not getting a good grip.
“I warned you,” you stated, digging your claws into his veins and puncturing through them to reach the Carotid arteries. He started choking as his hands went up around his throat, blood spurting out and onto Rick’s face, who quickly closed his eyes and turned his head to the side to avoid Peacemaker’s blood going into his mouth. With a final grasp, you withdrew your hands from around his throat as pieces of artery stuck to your claws, Christopher collapsing onto Rick and bleeding out. Getting off of Peacemaker’s back, you pushed him off of Rick before offering the Colonel a hand. Hoisting him up, he just looked at you in shock.
“You’re way stronger than you look,” he commented while trying to wipe the blood off of his face.
“It’s the genetic encoding. Gives me enhanced everything really,” you replied, picking off the pieces of arterial lining from your claws before eyeing a gun. Walking toward the weapon, you picked it up and cocked it, not bothering to look over to your commander as you made your way back to Peacemaker’s body and lodged two bullets in his head.
“For good measure,” you explained before handing the gun back to Rick, “we need to get out of here.” Walking away, you headed toward the stairs before a hand shot out and grabbed your arm. Turning around, you faced Rick who held a look of gratitude in his eyes.
“Thank you for saving me, kid. But that was too dangerous. I don’t want you to ever do something like that again,” he warned as you gave him a small smile.
“Don’t worry, Colonel. I won’t. Do you have the files?” Worry etched its way onto his face as he looked around for the hard drive that he almost just lost his life for.
“Where the fuck is it?” He asked, frantically looking around before Cleo showed up from a hole, clutching the drive in her hand.
“I have it right here, Colonel.” She announced, quickly handing it over to Rick who put it in his pants.
“Let’s get the hell out of here,” he remarked, before following you and Cleo out of the lab and living to fight another day.
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Anonymous and @blooo0ooop requested baby Flagman and Dad!Flag and I am more than willing to give it
If I Go Universe - Sebastian Knows (Rick Flag x OC)
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Summary: Rick and Dee had a plan. Settle into the new house, get married, maybe have a kid when they finally feel like they have the rhythm of this new life down. But as has been said before: The future is not set in stone.
Pairing: Rick Flag x OC / Squad Family & OC (Delphia Holman)
Word Count: 2370
Warnings: fluffffff, pregnancy, vomiting, language, dad!flag, definitely some suggestive language
Timeline: February 2022
if i go masterlist
A/N: yeah sorry I don't post on a schedule and I've been posting like crazy....but I'm just in love with this little family and I cannot be stopped
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It was a beautiful day. One with cause for celebration. Rick caught the murderer, with help from DuBois, and was home safe with only a few scratches. So Delphia had cooked up her fiance’s favorite. Shephard’s pie with a cheesy top, green beans, homemade rolls, and sweet tea. Such a country boy at heart.
She held his leg tightly under the table as they ate. Her grip fierce and thankful and trying to express more than she ever could with words. It had taken everything in her not to look into the future of the case he was working on. When he was gone from the house questioning people or following a lead, she would keep herself occupied with anything and everything so she could remain focused and present. She trusted him with her life. She could trust him with this. So the house was immaculately clean, Harley’s hair was re-dyed, the spring garden was planted, and Abner had a job interview with the local state park working cleanup.
As they all ate, DuBois recounting how he had swooped in and saved Rick’s ass, Rick placed his hand on top of Delphia’s. She looked up at him, eyes glossy with joy, and he smiled. A small and grateful thing that made her hours of worry so very worth it, before he nudged her forehead with his own. He breathed in deep, closing his eyes as he practically fell into her.
“He didn’t save my ass,” he whispered, causing a giggle to rise up in Delphia’s throat, “I was doin’ just fine without ‘im.”
“Sounds like he figured out the last piece of evidence, though.” She nodded her head towards DuBois with a smile.
“Fine — I’ll give him that,” he sighed, nudging her head with his one more time before going back to eating the last of his meal.
“Seemed like you guys made a good team.”
“Yeah. Yeah, we did.”
“Maybe…Maybe you could start doing this — with DuBois,” Delphia suggested nonchalantly as she picked at her remaining green beans.
Rick’s brow furrowed. “What like…Start a PI office?”
“Something like that.” She shrugged, giving up on eating anything more. “DuBois’s been struggling to find work and you’re both more than qualified and — and you were never gonna be happy lazing around this house anyway.”
“Baby girl — I was gonna be more than happy to laze around this house with you for the rest of my life.” He lifted his brows in thought with a slight grin. “But if you’re suggesting I get do something else on the side — “
“Just shut up and do it, Flag.” Delphia knocked his shoulder with her own playfully. “Before I change my mind.”
“Yes ma’am. I’ll talk to DuBois after.” Then he seemed to notice how much food she had left on her plate. “You okay, baby? Ya hardly ate anything.”
Delphia looked down at her plate with a furrowed brow. She felt like she ate a ton, satisfied and maybe even a little nauseous if she thought hard enough. But Rick was right. She’d barely touched her shepherd’s pie — maybe a few bites taken out of each thing on her plate.
“I — I’m okay. Just not very hungry I guess.”
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Rick took DuBois out onto the back patio with a couple of beers once dinner was over. It was still relatively cold outside, so they started a fire in the firepit. Nanaue was back out in the pool as soon as he was let up from the table. Harley and Abner joined the rest of them outside, though when DuBois told them to fuck off they began trying out the volleyball net Rick had put up the week before.
“Would you like some help with the dishes?” Cleo asked with a smile.
“Absolutely. Wash or dry?”
“I can wash.” Cleo stepped up to the sink, taking Sebastian from her shoulder and setting him off to the side.
Delphia eyed the rat curiously as Cleo dunked the first pan into the soapy water. He was sniffing at the air, little hands ringing together as he did so. Then he climbed up onto the windowsill behind the sink and crossed over to Delphia’s side. He sniffed at her hand, small wet nose nudging at her skin before he looked up at her with his head cocked.
Delphia sighed as Cleo passed her the now-washed pan. “He just wants to swim in the water doesn’t he?”
Cleo looked over at her rat companion with a smile. “Possibly. He did really enjoy it last time.”
“You’re just gonna have to wait until we’re done with the dishes,” Delphia told him pointedly as she set the pan on the rack to finish drying completely.
But Sebastian wouldn’t stop smelling her hand and looking up at her expectantly. Like he had done a good job and was deserving of a treat. Cleo seemed to notice this strange behavior too. As she handed Delphia the next clean dish, she paused and watched as Sebastian pointedly crawled onto Delphia’s arm, took a big whiff of her skin, then looked across the sink at his caretaker.
“Okay, that cannot be him just wanting to go for a swim.”
“No, it’s not,” Cleo agreed, “I think he smells a change in your hormones, Dee.”
“You trained him to track human hormones?” Delphia asked as she gave Sebastian’s head an affection pat.
“Everyone has a unique signature — it’s good for following people in crowds.” Delphia did not want to know the reason Cleo needed for having rats track someone. “And he tells me when I’m about to get my period. Maybe that’s what he smells on you.”
Right. Her last period was…A while ago.
Oh, fuck.
Her last period was a while ago.
Delphia’s gut reaction was to snap her head up and look at Rick through the window above the sink. But he was distracted by the deep conversation he was having with DuBois. Beer bottles in their hands and serious faces illuminated by the crackling fire between them. Delphia looked back down to her occupied hands as they dried the next pan and swallowed hard. It felt like a rock had settled somewhere low inside her gut. Making her all the more aware of the fact that there may be something actually in there. And as she and Cleo continued to wash the dishes in comfortable silence, Delphia was far from it. Her hands began to shake, her tongue felt heavy in her mouth, her mind felt like it was too loud.
They talked about kids a few times. But any talk involving having any was also always paired with a plan. Buy a bigger house, get married, actually feel settled into this new life that they’ve given themselves and one day, maybe, start having kids. It was always just such a big if for them. They housed dangerous criminals for a living. Not exactly a healthy environment for a child. Not to mention that Delphia had reservations about the possibility of any of their children inheriting her powers. Growing up with them was a bitch and she was unsure if she was willing to put someone else through that.
God, but Rick would be a great dad. There was evidence enough in his interactions with his old squad members. He was gentle in his correction, stern but kind, and more than willing to joke and play when it was necessary. And as Delphia looked out the window at him one more time she could picture it. Him sitting out on one of their deck chairs, just like he was now, with a little baby bouncing in his lap. The image brought sudden tears to her eyes that she had to hide from Cleo.
There was no need to get ahead of herself though. Sebastian could be wrong.
Once the dishes were done, Cleo said, “Come, let’s join them outside.”
“Er — I’m gonna go upstairs really quick, I’ll be out in a sec,” Delphia replied as she dried off her hands, “Do you mind, when you get the chance — just tell Rick to meet me upstairs?”
Cleo nodded before pulling open the sliding glass door and stepping outside.
Making a beeline for the stairs, Delphia took them practically two at a time in order to get to the bathroom faster. She had a test under the sink. The second one from a two-pack after a moment of uncertainty nearly a year ago. She closed the door to their bedroom but left the bathroom door open as she took the test. Once it was fully saturated, she set the test down on the counter, set a timer, and waited.
She pressed a hand to her chest as she sat down on the edge of the tub. Her heart felt like it was going at light speed. She took a deep breath to try and calm herself down. But it didn’t seem to work. Her leg bounced and she couldn’t keep her hands still — her fingers constantly going through her hair or pinching at her face.
“Hey, Dee, Ratatouille said you needed somethin’?” Rick’s voice carried in from the bedroom as he walked inside.
“I’m in here,” she called to him, voice shaking.
“You okay?” he chuckled nervously as he stepped into the doorway of the bathroom, then, being the observant man that he is, he spotted the pregnancy test on the counter and his eyes went wide. “Are you serious?”
Her voice was small. So much smaller than it usually was and Rick reacted in kind. He moved across the bathroom to her in one easy stride and knelt down before her. In Rick’s presence, her leg had stopped shaking and her heart had slowed, but she couldn’t stop the big child-like tears that were falling down her cheeks.
“I’m sorry,” she whispered as she frantically wiped at her reddened face, “I shouldn’t — I shouldn’t feel as scared as I do — “
“Hey, hey, hey,” Rick shushed her quietly, taking hold of her hands and gripping them fiercely in her lap, “It’s okay to be scared. It’s okay.”
“I just….I just don’t want you to think I don’t want this.” Freeing one of her hands, she reached up a hand to his cheek, felt his stubble beneath her fingers, and she smiled. “Because I want everything with you — forever.”
“God, you really do love me don’t you?” he asked with a smirk.
She pushed at his face gently with a light laugh, but then she couldn’t help but coax him into looking at her again. “Yeah. I really do love you.”
They waited in silence for the timer to go off. And all Delphia could do was look at Rick. The distinct line of his jaw. The light stubble on his upper lip and chin. She traced his cheekbones with her fingertips, looked deep into those golden eyes flecked with green that looked back at her with such admiration and affection. She trailed the line of a scar over his right eyebrow. Parted his lips with the pad of her thumb. Yeah, any kid of his was going to be cute. And he was going to be with her every step of the way — no matter what. And yes they may live in a house full of ex-convicts and yes the kid may inherit her powers and yes this wasn’t exactly fitting into their future plans — but it didn’t matter. It didn’t matter one bit because she had Rick Flag at her side. And really, what more did she ever need?
The timer went off suddenly and loudly. Delphia nearly jumped as she reached for her phone and shut it off as quickly as she could.
“Do you want me to look first?” Rick asked softly, giving her fingers still splayed across his lips a kiss.
“No,” she replied, dropping her hand from his face, “I want us to look together.”
He nodded with a smile then helped her get to her feet. The white and blue pregnancy test sat almost ominously on the counter. Like a single actor illuminated by spotlight on the stage — about to give his last soliloquy. Delphia stood closest to the sink. Rick stood at her back, chest pressed up against her spine and reassuring hands on her hips. Her fingers no longer shook as she grabbed the test. Breath stilled in her lungs. She could feel Rick’s muscles tense, pulled taught, waiting as she lifted it into view. There was the little screen. They could read it now.
“Oh, my God,” she laughed, looking at Rick’s face in the mirror’s reflection with a shocked smile.
He smiled right back. She could feel his chuckle reverberate into her spine and ribcage. She put the test down and laughed again. She was pregnant. And she watched, almost dazed, as Rick’s hulking form curled around her. As his head bent over her neck, trailing sloppy kisses up and down her skin. As one of his hands skimmed under her shirt to rest against her belly.
“You’re stuck with me now, Holman,” he murmured into her shoulder.
“Not stuck.” She placed her hand over his and pressed it more firmly into her flesh. “Not if it’s you.”
He hummed into her neck. His fingers slipping into the waistband of her pants — drawing a gasp from her. Then he muttered, “Anybody else know about this?”
Rick paused in his ministrations. “The rat?”
“Yeah,” Delphia chuckled, leaning back into his form, “But I don’t want anyone else to know for a while. That okay?”
“That’s perfect.” He gave her neck another kiss, his hand sinking further between her legs. “Something just for us — for a little while.”
But before their celebrations could really get anywhere, Delphia felt a sudden stirring in her stomach. She tore away from Rick and collapsed over the toilet, spilling the dinner that she barely ate back into the porcelain. As hot saliva dripped from her mouth she groaned, feeling most definitely not in the mood.
“Wanna just cuddle in bed instead?” Rick suggested with a laugh.
“Yes, please.”
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Taglist (if you would like to be added for future installments just let me know): @bbygrgu @a-reader-not-a-writer @slayerx147 @xoxabs88xox @kasey-puff @witchygagirl @the-pink-petite-princess @blooo0ooop @woodlandmouth @csigeoblue @rexorangecouny @h-hxgirl @thisisthewayrose @blondiekook @darkestbeforethedawn16
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heresathreebee · 3 years
Ruby Moon Sunflower Seeds (four)
[Colonel Rick Flag X Kaia Castle (OC)]
Summary: Rick's not alone in his interest in the God's Eye artifact and Past Rick gets more info on Kaia's purpose. Previous Masterlist Next
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Tag(s): 16+ | 1.5k words | swearing, parental rights, vague mentions of parental abuse (Peacemaker and Bloodsport), Dad!Rick
AN: this is basically more of the same from the last chapter, my head is full of other ideas for these characters...
This sorcerer business is a real Doomsday Event, but god knows it feels like another one of those Quirky Things that happen now that aliens and magic are real. So maybe it is a big deal and he should be focused on protecting the world from devastation. 
Considering not 2 days ago Rick learned he has a child, he's suddenly got other things fighting for the title of priority numero uno right now. 
How could he have a kid? Him? Why didn't Kaia say something? Did she try? Did Waller have anything to do with this? Did she know? Does he want… what does he do with this information? Bury it? Storm out to her home and demand an explanation? 
Now is not the time. There are far more pressing matters at hand, lives at stake– including the girl's. That's what he repeats to himself as a mantra even as his hand slides over the biolock to enter the aptly nicknamed 'holodeck' after dark. 
Despite the hour, the room is not empty like he thought it would be. His heart leaps into his throat for a moment but none of these people are Waller. His fear quickly turns to suspicious confusion. 
"What the hell do you think you're doing in here?," he asks. 
Harley's here of course, but so is Digger, Peacemaker, Blackguard, and Dubois. A squeaking noise brings Rick's attention to his right, where Cleo and Sebastian are hiding in the dark. The rat waves. 
"How did you get in?" There is no severed hand to be found much to Rick's relief and surprise. 
Peacemaker– er John– squares his jaw. "We can ask you the same question." 
"Actually, as the only person in this room without a prison designation or a bed in Belle Reve, you can't." Rick struts around the room authoritatively. "Everybody out. Get some rest because tomorrow we're out in the field for recon." 
"Please Mr. Flag sir," Cleo's voice drifts closer and she's giving him these puppy dog eyes, "we're just having fun. We were taking a look at all the crazy alternatives to our world since we didn't get to explore that before." 
"Boomie's part kangaroo," Harley shouted. Digger's hey goes unnoticed and the woman points at Dubois, "and this one woulda been a baker if he had, you know, a dad who actually loved him." 
"Shut up, Harley," Dubois groaned. 
John scoffed. "My dad loved me. That's why he trained me to be a killer." 
"Hm. Weird." Rick claps his hands. "But seriously: get out. Everybody. I mean it." 
Harley giggles. "You were coming to see your kid again, weren't you?" 
Rick clenches his jaw till it aches. Harley puts her hands up in defense and says, "by all means, go ahead! Just let us hang out and then we'll all go to teddy bear land or whatever!" 
Rick's fingers twitch at his hip. Blackguard scoffs from the sideline. "I can't believe you fucked a witch. Actually scratch that: I can't believe she fucked you!" 
"Oh Mommy Flag's a witch?" Harley turns to Blackguard: "happens a lot to him I guess." 
Rick growls. "Her name is Kaia Castle and please do not refer to her as Mommy Flag ever again." 
"Makes it sound like she's his mother," John agrees. 
Rick finds himself edging closer to the Eye despite himself. Harley follows, egging him on with her eyes and always one step inside of his field of vision like a devil sitting on his shoulder. 
"Well new papa? We're waiting…" 
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Improv wasn't your strongest suit but today was turning into a Wing It or Die sort of deal so you roll with it. You, Rick, Eli, Deadshot, and Blackguard donned the clothes you were going to wear into the bunker now. Hart didn't have a special suit due to concerns he had some unknown alien tech in it and was already wearing shorts and a dinosaur t-shirt he came to the island in. As for the rest, Killer Croc and Boomerang were going to go around and meet the others at the underground entrance to the secret lair while the undercover party poses as investors for Dona Claremont's new project. 
Eli and Deadshot wore black tie suits and carried one standard handgun each, both looking uncomfortably unarmed as they pose as your bodyguards. Hart as your son might be passable– you could argue he takes after Rick as his father– but you and Blackguard as siblings were going to be a tough sell. Maybe they won't mention it, you thought! 
“Everybody just be cool.” It’s a lazy pep talk but it’s what you’ve got. You held Hart by the collar of his shirt, with Rick to your left and Blackguard– wait his name is Dick– trailing behind, you took a deep, calming breath and stepped out of the treeline. 
Rick introduced you all at the door. "We're guests of Claremont's– got lost on the way in and we were wondering if you could help us out." 
A dozen hands flew to the butts of their guns but nobody unholstered them. One guard did not reach for his gun, hardly even flinched, he simply moved to stand before the heavy iron door and staring the four of you down like you were under a microscope. 
You felt a warm hand on your back. "I'm Rick," your team leader/ fake husband said, "this is my wife, my son, and my brother in law." 
The unfazed guard-- clearly the leader of the group-- grilled Rick with a look. "And them?" He gestured his head at Eli and Deadshot.
The sharp eyed man gave you one the same stony stare and said, "you and your brother don't look related." 
Everyone is stunned into silence until you heard yourself say, "he's adopted." 
The guard gave a moment of thought, then nodded his head and your 'family' were allowed inside-- sans your protection detail. No questions about how you got there or why you came out of the woods nor references to the wet aftermath soaked into your guys' hair and new clothes (the bags weren't waterproof, Waller, why would you send them into a jungle without waterproof bags??). 
The lead guard Leung simply offered you all rooms to sleep in and tea while he got approval from Claremont to transport them to the lair. You let Hart off his metaphorical leash seeing as Weasel would need to bash its way through steel and concrete to get to him. He smiled and waved as he disappeared around a corner like a ghost. 
You hear a throat cleared behind you. 
Rick Flag stood there in a Hawaiian shirt looking damn fine. "That was some quick thinking back there, Castle." 
"You can call me Kaia," you said as you stripped yourself of your heels so as not to click around in that echo chamber of a room, "We might die together, might as well be familiar." 
"Hey– " he started but you silenced him with a raised hand. 
"I'm just being realistic," you amended, "but I have every faith you'll do your best to get us in and out alive." 
Rick shakes his head with a lopsided grin. "Nothing about you makes sense, Kaia. Your, er, relationship with Waller doesn't explain why you're here– and while you are a good leader, I don't believe that's the real reason she sent you." 
You lifted a shoulder lazily and plopped down onto the white leather couch, practically draped like a baroque painting. "I'm… useful. If I had to wager a guess, I'd say Waller picked me because of my abilities." 
"Your what now?" Rick unfolded his arms from his chest (pity, those bulging biceps looked extra delicious that way) and took a seat on the glass coffee table. 
You sighed. "It's not a conversation I'm used to having since I don't really use them but… yes. I have powers. They're… finicky and hard to control– especially because of my neglect to train myself– but they're still there... waiting…" 
Rick leaned his elbows onto his knees. "What are they?" 
Your brow furrowed. "It's hard to describe… it's like… oh god, I don't know, if you put a gun to my head and forced me to do it, I guess I would describe it like… like corruption and absorption." 
"... what?" 
You shook your head frantically. "Nevermind, you'll see them when you see them. If I can even get them to work." Your eyes wandered around the room looking for literally anything else to talk about. "Boy… Dona sure does love fish." 
That koi pond? Gorgeous naturalistic set piece scaling up the wall like the jungle knocked down the corner and grew into the building. There were lines along the walkways, glass panels where the water ran and fish could swim from pond to pond between the rooms. It must have been an open circuit aquarium because the glass looked cleaned and brand new with virtually no pond scum or algae build up. 
"And dinosaurs," Rick added, pointing to the completed pterodactyl skeleton hanging from the ceiling. 
"I like dinosaurs," you announced to no one in particular. 
Eventually Leung brought you tea and you forced Blackguard to sit down in the room with you as his bathroom break took too long. Hart was even harder to find but you did eventually catch up to him. He had a mysterious stain on his shirt which he refused to own up to and it troubled you to remember he wasn't a boy at all…
@blooo0ooop @sgnjimmy @romanticgumchewer-reactivated
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endlessly-cursed · 2 years
Over the Brink of War, Prologue: The Calm Before the Storm
Author’s Notes: 
This year has been eventful in many ways, especially in the fandom, and especially from the moment I interacted properly with my dear friend Lari @kathrynalicemc​ Ever since, creativity and awesomeness ensued. This first prologue is dedicated to you, sweetie, as a Christmas gift. 
Summary: Elodie Dubois has a secret / Semele’s life takes a turn / Jacob is not doing so well... 
Featuring...: Elodie Dubois, Sebastian Dubois, James Dubois, Jacob Dubois, Semele Thorne, Charles Beaufort
OCs mentioned: Lyubomir Vulchanov ( @magicallymalted​ ) Penny Haywood, Isabelle Dubois, Ben Copper 
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June 1996, York, England, 20.06 p.m. 
“Thank you for the dinner, mother, it was incredible,” Sebastian kissed her mother, smiling at her with the same smile he had “it was lovely as usual.” 
“Yeah, Gran, you outdo yourself every time,” her grandson James agreed. 
Elodie smiled at her boys “I am glad. James, dear, when is the baby due?” 
James smiled widely “It shall be due early into the next year. We have been confirmed it will be a girl.” 
Elodie beamed “How lovely! I have missed having some ladies around.” 
They both smiled and hugged the old woman goodbye. The moment the lift was running down, she ran towards the bathroom and started to cough and vomit, feeling light and dizzy, trembling and weak. She sighed and cleaned herself, looking into the mirror and taking off her wig: every day she lost more and more hair. 
How long did she have to carry this burden? She had wanted to announce her illness, but the moment her grandson announced that he’d be a father with his Veela wife, she had decided to keep it a secret until it was either too late or had no other option. She had begged her own doctor not to say a thing unless she were indeed dying. 
I cannot die before that bastard. 
She had promised herself that she’d keep herself alive until Tom Riddle, now Voldemort, were truly dead. She had high hopes for the boy, Harry Potter, and had corresponded with him the whole time, telling him facts he should know of him, as someone who knew him intimately. 
She sighed and went to the kitchen, where her meds she passed as ‘old woman’s meds’ were hidden and took them. She’d have to go to the hospital soon. She only got out with permission and approval of the staff. But for now, she’d enjoy listening to the newest songs on the radio as she watched MTV. She may be old, but she still enjoyed some drama and missed feeling young and alive. 
The last time she felt like that was before she conceived her dear son. She didn’t regret having him, but did regret the circumstances of it. She knew that Lyubomir’s obsession would get worse and affect their child, but she still missed the Miro she had fallen in love with: the sweet, kind, affectionate, loving and soft-spoken man who made her feel alive, beautiful and in tune with herself. She did wonder if she had told him that she was carrying their child he would’ve turned his back on necromancy and be a father. She wondered if he would’ve loved being Sebastian’s father. Part of her said yes, another part said no. 
She wanted to call him and tell him everything, beg him to come back and be his father and the grandfather of James at least. But her voice always told her ‘It is too late by now. He doesn’t deserve it. He never did. He doesn’t even remember us’. But could one truly forget what they had? Did he consider her the love of his life like she did? Did he miss her? Ever thought of contacting her? She always mused about it. Did he? 
She shook her head. Of course not. He was probably buried on his studies, too busy playing God to care. Why would he? Tears threatened to spill. No. No. No. For her sake, she wouldn’t. She took a deep breath and started to do her makeup and put on back her wig until she reached St. Mungo’s and was safe back on her bed. To her treatment. To her chemo, which she had planned herself and appointed her doctors. 
With her head high and a smile, she left her home and went back to her actual life: a life in white walls full of death and people who danced at the edge of it every day. 
London, England, Big Ben, 22.30 p.m
Semele Thorne walked blindly across the Big Ben with her boyfriend, Charles, and walked her towards something she couldn’t see. No matter what she asked, he always said to have patience and let things flow, and she did as he asked. 
When they finally reached their destination, he dropped the fold and she gasped. There was a private room with petals of roses everywhere, candles and a pillow fort built. She looked back to him and smiled “Is this all for me?!” 
He smiled “Yes, but first things first,” he dropped to his knees and she gasped “Will you marry me, Semele Alexandrina Thorne?” 
She nodded “Yes. Yes, Charles!” She threw herself to his arms as he placed the ring on it and picked her up, taking her to the pillow fort. They spent most of the night tangled on one another, giggling and enjoying their engagement. She’d soon be Mrs. Beaufort! What else could she ask for? 
She had met him a year ago and the two clicked instantly, too instantly said her aunt Anais. But she didn’t mind. Soulmates were soulmates, right? Sometimes they didn’t need time, they just loved one another. And she did love him. 
But sometimes she doubted her love. It didn’t feel quite like the books of fairy-tale or how her mother had written about it in her diary. She was but a child when they buried her but she missed her every day and her aunt had plenty to tell herself from her, having been sisters-in-law. They had fallen in love after her mother beat her father on a debate in the Ministry and the two of them went from scholars to lovers, and though her father was older than her, they loved one another nevertheless. 
She wondered if Charles loved her too. She knew that he was wounded from his previous fiancée, but she was not her. She was far more mature than her, according to him. He always said how crazy she was and that she was childish, stupid and like other girls, unlike Semele. That flattered her very much. 
How little she knew at the moment, that the fall of the government would bring severe consequences. 
Nottingham, England, 1996, 00:35 a.m. 
Jacob Dubois found himself running away from Death Eaters again. They had been after him for some time, and though he had improved on his running routine, the prowess did not change much. He still had skill, but the hunger, tiredness and constant moving did not help. Other outcasts like Remus Lupin had helped him, but only for a while. Only Tonks, a former classmate of his dear sister Isabelle had helped him with no prejudices. 
He ducked, dodging a Cruciatus Curse and attacked with a defensive and sneaky spell, and an Expelliarmus over there. He dodged an Incacerous and a Bombarda, and attacked with a Flipendo and Depulso, finishing off the third one with a special spell that Severus Snape had taught him long ago: Sectumspectra. The man screamed and moaned in pain, and he took his chance and jumped off the bridge, apparating himself to safety. He lived not-so-away from the Chateau Dubois and always kept an eye on his sister and her wife, Penny. He found her sweet and perfect for Penny, and was now with child. That is why he always spoke the Lord’s name and openly offended Death Eaters: to protect Isabelle like he hadn’t been capable during her time at Hogwarts. For the sake of her and his future niece, he had to do questionable things, something like an Unspeakable, and keep them out of harm’s way. And corresponding with Ben Copper, who often visited the pair, helped. Of course, Issy didn’t know of their correspondence, and now with her pregnancy, she shouldn’t. 
She deserved a family, not to be on the run and terrified for her life. That was his job. The one he had been having since his expulsion from Hogwarts in his sixth year. He thought he was saving them, but after Duncan's death it all went downhill. He auto-healed his own wounds with an Espikey and hoped for the best. He had been hit by the Cruciatus Curse before, and only went to the hospital because an idiot young wizard decided to. He had to bribe the nurses not to rat him out. He was an outcast and Dumbledore would want his secrets of who the Mahoutokoro former student had been and what he had done with Rackepick. Though he could tell that he had indeed killed her, he’d want a confession. He refused to end up like Sirius Black. He wasn’t that stupid to believe in an old man who made his students his little puppet soldiers while he crossed his arms and watched. He would not be his toy. The example of his relative Elodie was good enough. Isabelle also could tell Dumbledore’s nature, but said nothing out of politeness. 
He laid on his bed and looked at the time. Nearly 1 a.m. He exhaled and closed his eyes, dreaming again of facing a faceless foe, both battling until he was struck with green lighting and then he woke up. He was going to die, but when? Where? How? Would he be a hero like Rowan Khanna, or a coward? 
Only time, and the fall of the ministry the next year, could tell.
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yuuniee · 7 months
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tidetospine · 2 years
Thank you for applying to Tide to Spine - and welcome to the Auditorio de Soltaire. We hope you have the show of a lifetime. Text roster under the cut.
Adrian Wieslander - Socialite (Mod OC) Jigoku Kobayashi - Martial Artist (Mod OC) Naoyuki Kannouji - Ghostwriter (Mod OC) Avril DuBois - ??? Caligula Lacoste - Party Planner Cassandra Winifred Meyer - Ultimate Ventriloquist Florida - Traveling Merchant Freja Björklund - Ultimate Shepherdess Johann Strauss - Former Violinist Kaien Hattori - University Student Magnus Majoris-Maroune - M.C. Morgan Davies - Antique Dealer Nuno of Meradeur, Magus of the Infinite - Keymaster Orion “Ori” Lee - Wanderer Orpheus Kanta - Bouncer Sachiko Matsuoka - Gardener Sebastian Skies - Clerk Taka Izukunzo - Librarian Yuuki Yukiyama-d’Aureville - Antique Collector
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amorremanet · 7 years
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@lesbiananneshirley (***) — OMG I KNOW. istg, at least half of the places that I name myself are called, “Denton Falls” (which I came up with in high school, and it’s totally “the town in Ohio that Brad and Janet are from in RHPS” + “some generic term that I see attached to a lot of midwestern US locales, so I don’t get called out on just using the name of Brad and Janet’s hometown all the time”), and the other half are recycled from weird or interesting place names that I see while driving around, or remember from somewhere, or so on.
Oddly enough, it’s easier for me to name fancy-ass rich people estates — like, the places where Mrs. Havisham or Blanche Dubois would live, or where wealthy Purebloods would live in an HP fic (and ijs, JKR totally dropped the ball with Malfoy Manor and Grimmauld Place, because it does fit the Malfoys to just name their home after themselves, but 12 Grimmauld Place is just the street address, and while a soundalike for, “grim old place” fits that home, she could have gone all in and given these places some totally off-the-wall fancy weirdo names, and she chose not to)
Anyway, it’s easier to name rich people estates because they’re allowed to be kind of weird-sounding. Like, hey, “Wisteria Haven” (the name I gave the Crouch family’s Old Guard Wealthy Pureblood estate) sounds strange — well, that’s okay, because it’s the home of rich, eccentric Purebloods, who have to be REALLY eccentric by wizard standards because at least Crouch Sr. knows how to blend in with Muggles and seems like the sort of person who’d make his son learn how to do that, too.
Or like, okay, “Vigne Rêve” (“vine dream”) is a weird, pretentious-sounding French name…… but the ancestor of OC!Sebastian’s who sold off the old marquisate, came to the colonies with his family (except the older brother who stayed in Paris and the middle brother who disappeared a few years before while he was off supposedly schmoozing at Versailles) and Lafayette (during the whole, “Then France saved the American Revolution” business), and named the family’s new estate? …Yeah, well, Gaspard Moncrieff was a weird, pretentious Frenchman and he was totally obsessed with turning the family’s history as vintners into a more successful business.
So, hey, he would totally give the estate a weird-ass pretentious French name with some relation to wine. The, “He was totally pretentious” part is probably the only reason why he didn’t give the estate some more obviously wine-related name, since Gaspard wouldn’t have cared about giving his estate a name like, “the good wine place” — except that it didn’t sound elegant enough
But anyway, yes. Realest talk: naming places is awful, too
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endlessly-cursed · 2 years
𝑫𝒖𝒃𝒐𝒊𝒔 𝑸&𝑨
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Canon or Fiction? If your family is completely original: Where did the Family name come from? What was your inspiration and who was the first OC you created for it?
Oh, the Dubois are 100% canon too! Tho I did steal some inspo from this test from Pinterest that I took a silly night at 5 am in my bedroom when I couldn't sleep. The name Dubois came with my 5 am eyesight from this post too. I read "Dubois" instead of Dupuis and when I found out my mistake it was too late lmao.
The first member ofc was my og gal, Isabelle Dubois!!
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Family Ties: What other families are related/connected to this one? Are they Canon families or creator made families? (Tag them!)
The MacMillan family is the first known tie, for Charlotte was a MacMillan by birth
The Malfoys through Elise were also an attempt of Tristan to have more relevance and influence. It all played well... Until his daughter married someone outside the S28.
Her brother married into the French family of Minville, the headmistress' daughter at the time. Adrienne would soon pass on her flaming red hair onto her grandchildren
As for Blanche, she married the wealthy Astor family for love and had three children with him. Her eldest, Robert, married Enya Thorne, one of the wealthiest heiresses in the Wizarding World and had two sons, Dante and Lionel @cursebreakerfarrier
Adrienne's son Ètienne married the beautiful and rich Catalina Rosier, another French family and from the Sacred 28, though she was half-blood, being the illegitimate daughter of King Edward VII. They had three children, and Elodie, the oldest, became a single mother of Sebastian, who expanded his other Dubois branch until the birth of his granddaughter Lucille.
Jude Dubois was a single mother and daughter of Adrienne and Ètienne who had a son with Nigel Ashbourne, duke of Sandringham named Joseph. He had his grandmother's red flaming hair. She later married Caspar Brokenshire and had two daughters with him, Evangeline and Annalisa. Not much is known of the sisters.
Joseph continued the Dubois male line and married Annabeth Abbott and had a son with her, Rhys, who'd marry another Frenchwoman, Léah Dubois, red-headed as well and had four children: Guinivere, Jacob, Isabelle and Òphelie. Gwen carried on the Dubois tradition of being single mothers and got pregnant during a mission with her partner Malcolm Anderson and ran away to quietly give birth to their son Simon, who too has the flaming red hair.
Not much is known of Jacob, he is indeed a mystery, but many say he adopted children.
Isabelle married Penny Haywood and had two children, Yvonne and Silas.
Ophélie never married nor had children
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Foundations: What year and which OC was the founder of the family line? If the family goes back hundreds of years and you don’t know the first member, tell us about the oldest OC in the family you have created.
Though the Dubois trace back to the reign of Louis XIV and one of his mistresses, the records of the family were destroyed by the French rebels in 1793 in retaliation and only during Napoleonic times in 1805 there was a Dubois who survived the mess, Leopold's father, Charles. Not much is known, only that Leopold was his son.
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Fun Facts: Do you have any misc lore you have that you haven’t had a chance to post about? Talk about anything you like!
The Dubois were initially black haired and with brown eyes, but Charlotte's blonde hair and blue eyes passed down on her genes
The first red-headed Dubois is named Ravenna. It is not known much of her other than she was the mother of Tristan, but many speculate she could've been either a Prewett or a Weasley, more likely a Prewett.
The Dubois have a chateau that has been rebuilt three times, twice by fire and one in a fire by the rebels in 1793 when found out that some were related to Louis XIV and could claim the throne from the executed Louis XVI
Lucille is the youngest Dubois recorded, only 5 months younger than Yvonne.
The chateau was a cause of dispute between the Dubois siblings in 1994 and thus the cousin rivarly begun. It has not been solved yet
Adrienne Minville, wife of Ètienne, is considered the most important Dubois, for from her both branches descend from thanks to her children and their prominent marriages.
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Tagging @kathrynalicemc since the Lineage Challenge was created by her
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endlessly-cursed · 2 years
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Thankfully, her aunt Jude had some knowledge of raising a son on her own, and she had done a terrific job, mind you. Soon, Jude was protective of her oldest niece and was made her protege. Ètienne lamented history repeating itself, but at least it wasn't yet another posh entitled noble impregnating his favourite child. Though he often asked for the father of the boy, for it was clear that he had his looks, but Elodie proved to have the famous Dubois stubbornness.
Despite not having a father to 'provide' for him, little Sebastian never lacked anything in his life and was often spoiled by his grandfather and great-aunt. He was the most amiable and sweet boy, and surprised no one when he was sorted into Hufflepuff, though the least house to get sorted into the family, he was not resented for it.
He also became an ardent hater of Voldemort, though not as intense and passionate as his mother, who loathed the man for breaking her heart that long time ago– there was even a time where he asked if that awful man was his father, which Elodie replied that she was far too intelligent and had too much self-respect to let herself be charmed by that monster, much to his relief– and would soon be one of the first members of the Order of the Phoenix, and though he was some years older than the famous Marauders, he got to know those feisty gryffindors.
He was also the first Dubois to be a Cursebreaker and travel around until he turned 36. He travelled all of Europe, the former British colonies in Africa, India and Australia, Canada and all of Latin America and even a short trip to the Antartica.
Back at Hogwarts, he courted for a small time Andromeda Black, until it was clear that she favoured Ted Tonks, and both of them split amicably, often corresponding and sending him support for his family, having in each other a friend.
He fought bravely in both wars and survived with few scars due to his impeccable prowess and acquired skill. He retired in his 70s, noticing his old age kicking in, living a peaceful life.
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endlessly-cursed · 2 years
Got any headcanons about your hp ocs that you haven’t shared yet? Doesn’t matter which era
From Riddle Era, I was thinking on having Voldy kill Elodie's son, Sebastian, and also have a second love route...
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Also the Gallardo sisters will be shipped with canon peeps, I just don't know who
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Dessie adopted one girl whom they called Stephanie Sybil and this is her fc
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The Somerset/Grays def guided the Brokenshires into the peerage <3 @cursebreakerfarrier
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Despite not being usual, Jude asked for Caspar's presence on the birth of their daughter Evangeline. Her abandonment issues kicked in and practically yelled to the poor nurse to go and fetch her husband at once
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endlessly-cursed · 2 years
What is something(s) that you have yet to write about that you would like to explore?
Elodie's story, from the moment she meets Voldemort to the Battle of Hogwarts!! She has one of the most interesting stories and her life is just so interesting! Activist, single mother, soldier.
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There's a certain scene I hope to get right... Here's the reference
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