#m adrian caverley
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"Oh, Merlin, tell me, does THE LOVER get what he deserves?” He is NEUTRAL & CLOSED to finding out.” 
— he walks through the world as ;
name → edward “ted” tonks pronouns → he/him identification → cis-male year of birth → september 1957 - september 1958 face claim → tom holland blood status → muggle-born (metamorphmagus) sexual orientation → up to applicant occupation → photographer for the daily prophet  future information → member of the order of the phoenix, husband of andromeda black, father of nymphadora tonks
— he is best described as ;
SALT TAFFEY, as he passes by, the strong SWEET smell fills your nostrils which can only be associated with the pure HAPPINESS he brings, like a piece of whitby rock in all of it’s twiriling BRIGHT COLOURS, combined with the SALT of the SEA which reminds you he’s not one to be UNDERESTIMIATED. He is the COLOURS of the SKY, CHANGING & TRANSFORMING with the day, showing off it’s BEAUTY & INDIVIDUALITY even during a CALM MORNING or a STORMY NIGHT.
— his story starts with ;
tw: death
Edward Tonks lived what muggles would consider a normal life, until strange things began to happen. Growing up in the seaside town of Whitby in North Yorkshire, Ted spent his childhood down by the sea with friends, his memories stuck lovingly on his bedroom walls, taken on the polaroid camera his parents carried at all times. The extra family member in Ted’s life, The Little Mermaid Inn was owned by his parents and sat proudly by the seafront. The most popular spot for fish and chips in the town and tourists far and wide travelled the country just to taste their famous dish. Nothing in the world had made his parents wonder if their child was anything more than their perfect normal little boy. Until unusual things began to plague The Little Mermaid. Sliver trouts rained from the ceiling in the kitchen, crabs began to sing as they moved around in their tank and one day he miraculously transformed his head into a codfish as he was eating fish fingers with a girl from his school he’d had a crush on at table twenty-three, which caused her to run away and scream in terror. 
The word at The Little Mermaid was that a sea witch’s curse had been placed on the building or that the noise of the fryer late into the night had disturbed sirens that were rumoured to sing by the rocks just beyond the sea front. When his letter arrived to study at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, both he and his parents thought it was a joke, but the more they read the letter and the more they considered the strange goings on that had occurred, it seemed less and less like a clever practical joke. He was grateful they tried their best to understand his new world, giving his hand a squeeze as they ventured to Diagon Alley and telling friends he’d been accepted to a culinary school for gifted children to explain why he’d ever have left the only home he adored. Hogwarts School was incredibly different to Whitby, though thankfully they did at least serve fish and chips. The strange names for things were incredibly confusing and when he was sorted into Hufflepuff he was glad of the sorting due to the people around him, but he had little idea what the hell a Huffepuff was or how it differed from any other houses everyone seemed to be so passionate about. 
GORKEM POLAT [close friend] and his twin brother FURKAN POLAT [close friend] were more than happy to show him the ropes at Hogwarts, explaining what needed to be explained, though he found them to unreliable narrators about anything other than quidditch. Life in Hufflepuff was easy and relaxing for Ted, cleaning up on the quidditch pitch and attending parties in the common room, all under the nose of hopeful head girl and prefect AMELIA BONES [former best friend]. Aside from his BOOKER BAGNOLD [former close friend] who he’d met in his dorm, Ted’s main group of friends he found at The Hogwarts Gazette where he got a position in third year as the school’s photographer, being the best at working a camera due to his many years playing with his parent’s. The paper felt like the best environment for him to stretch himself creatively and his photo essays did not go announced by those around him. Younger Ravenclaw EMILIA GREY [close friend/colleague/housemate], quickly became quite jealous of his talents and upon realising he was able to transform himself into different forms to help get better pictures and better contacts, she changed her tune and demanded they work together on most of her stories. 
Ted was happy to oblige, he was always in the business of making friends rather than being divisive, which lead to him forming long lasting bonds with ELIZABETH BRAITHWATE [close friend/colleague/housemate], BENEDICT MISSLETHORPE [close friend/colleague/housemate], QUIRINUS QUIRRELL [close friend/colleague/housemate] and IRIS HOOKUM [close friend/housemate] whilst working at the paper. His friends came from various backgrounds and whilst people like Amelia and Iris came from established pure-blood families within the wizarding world, Ted soon discovered not everyone was like them. Ted had the displeasure of being in the same year group as RABASTAN LESTRANGE [adversary] and his group of friends, CAIUS BURKE [adversary], XERXES ZABINI [adversary], AURELIA ROOKWOOD [adversary] and KERVENS BORGIN  [adversary] who thought they were entitled to everyone’s time and attention because they were pure-bloods, which to Ted just meant their parents were more interested in furthering pointless long standing agreements than their children’s happiness. There was one pure-blood in their group who intrigued him however, who seemed different from her friends. Ted had noticed ANDROMEDA BLACK [potential love interest] when he was seated behind her in a Potions lesson. 
A quiet witch, she was easily the smartest person in the room, which he suspected was why Amelia was so adamant he kept away from her, though he knew it was because she longed to simply protect him. But Ted was a curious soul and somewhere between talking in class and  bumping into her at random they established some form of friendship. Ted was very fond of Andromeda and although he had meaningful relationships with other witches she was always the constant crush in his life. Leaving school and having made Head Boy in his final year to Amelia’s Head Girl, Ted moved to London and secured a job at The Daily Prophet, moving in with the friends he had made at school. A talented boy who was quick on his feet, Ted quickly made an enemy of fellow photographer ADRIAN CAVERLEY [rival] who had gone for a job in Investigative Reporting working under ELIAS SPENCER-MOON [boss] that ultimately went to Ted. Working with Elias has been a huge step in Ted’s career, though it has come at the expense of his personal life as it meant long hours and taking constant owls from the very demanding Elias. Working under such a big name, Ted has managed to stay out of the spotlight, until his job suddenly threw him into it. The night Booker died, Ted had been taking pictures of the event as a favour when it suddenly turned into a crime scene. 
Working during the period was incredibly hard for him, due to his close relatiosnhip with Booker and Ted was invested in finding his killer. When SILAS CRUMP [person of interest] was discovered and imprisoned Elias couldn’t have been happier but the verdict didn’t sit right with Ted, he had been reseraching the werewolves of London for some time and a family man down on his luck didn’t seem like the right person to attack a known advovate for creature equality. Though Booker’s death had rocked Ted, it was the passing of Amelia that broke his heart. Grief stricken, Ted took a leave of abscence to return to his hometown but the more he was away the more he was consumed in her’s and Booker’s case. Back in London, Ted is adamant he will proove if MASON TREMBLEY [person of interest] and Silas Crump conspired to kill two known advocates for justice and their motive behind the attacks. With his photo evidence on his side, Ted plans to use the photos and the word of the people who knew the defendants. The person who put Mason away, CLARICE FARIBAULT [person of interest] and an old friend of his who defended Silas, Andromeda Black.
— he is a LEVEL 6 WIZARD & a LEVEL 4 METAMORPHMAGUS readied for war ;
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“Oh, Merlin, tell me, does THE DETERMINED get what she deserves?” She is NEUTRAL & OPEN to finding out.“
— she walks through the world as ;
name → emma squiggle  pronouns → she/her identification → trans-woman year of birth → september 1955 - september 1956 face claim → zion moreno blood status → pure-blood sexual orientation → up to applicant occupation → investigative journalist for the daily prophet future information → n/a
— she is best described as ;
— her story starts with ;
Some people in life are simply better than others and Emma Squiggle has made that her mantra. Born in New York to the former British Wizarding Ambassador and her menswear fashion designer husband, Emma was raised in the knowledge that the world rewards those who were willing to try and thrive. Of course, Emma knew she would be thriving. Although the Squiggle family would not grace the tapestries of The Sacred Twenty-Eight, Emma never lost a wink of sleep over it. Everyone who was anyone knew old money was out and the best way to make a splash was good family connections, a healthy traceable bloodline and a winning smile. Her very busy parents put as much effort as they could muster into Emma, treating her as a best friend or an associate rather than a child. Whilst most children were trying to grapple with The Tales of Beedle The Bard, Emma was encouraged to sit at the table alongside her parents and discuss what a day of tutoring had taught her, listening intently afterwards as her parents discussed their days. The family moved back to London not long before Emma had received her multiple offers for schooling. Hogwarts was an easy choice for her. Her family had all attended and any school that was regarded as the best in the world would be the only one she would consider. 
The hat barely brushed her head before she was announced a Ravenclaw and Emma seated herself on the long mahogany table waiting for people to begin assessing one another so she could wow them with her brilliance. The qualities that Emma loved most about herself was her creativity, strong sense of self and considered herself a good leader- the issue with being sorted into Ravenclaw was that her entire house felt the same way and it was very difficult to get a word in edgeways. Her year group housed some very strong personalities, including Quidditch legends, ELEZAR SMITH [adversary/former romantic liaison], MICHAEL THOMAS [adversary/former romantic liaison] and CRISTIANO PARKINSON [acquaintance], self-established queen bee GENEVIEVE AVERY [rival] and political princess ISOLDE CROUCH [rival]. With everyone in her year intent on a wand measuring competition, Emma forged her own group of likeminded people it wouldn’t hurt her brain to try and associate with. It surprised her how much she adored the company of ADRIAN CAVERLY [former best friend/colleague] and RITA SKEETER [adversary/former best friend/colleague]. In a flock of pigeons they were the true flamingos and nothing made her happier than when they were together. 
The three bonded over their love of pop culture, good reads, newspapers and magazines. Each day the three would sit in the common room, passing round issues of muggle and wizarding publications they’d managed to get their hands on, underlining passages for the other to read. It had been Emma’s bright idea that they go into the press business together, though it’s something Rita debates. The school was lacking a newspaper and between them they had the skills to set one up and ensure it succeeded. Emma quickly declared herself the hard news journalist amongst them, happy to give up the position of editor in order to focus on the issues that mattered. Her passion lied in investigation and nothing made Emma’s heart beat faster than a good story. The mystery of The Shrieking Shack was one that made her famous, though her theory that there was a werewolf roaming their grounds was laughed off by most of the staff and the students, except for XENOPHILIUS LOVEGOOD [friend], though she wasn’t sure if that was a good or a bad thing. She earned herself a reputation for trouble, sticking her nose in places it didn’t belong and despite having a better wardrobe and more money than most of her classmates she struggled popularity wise. 
To her surprise, Michael Thomas didn’t seem to think that ambition was a bad thing. To the whole world they seemed like a couple, but the problem with Michael was that he was allergic to commitment and no matter how much Emma thought she could change him, the likelihood is no witch ever would. He was the first man to break her heart and began a bit of an unhealthy relationship for Emma when it came to love. Emma knew that she was always the better option. The smartest woman in the room, but boys her age were simply stupid. She went looking for love in all the wrong places, the fun single girl with the good job and the cute flat, with the failed love life. Unlike her best friend Rita, Emma didn’t have to pull any strings to get her job at The Daily Prophet, though it did help that her mother was good friends with the Cuffe family. She worked as the intern for ELIAS SPENCER-MOON [former boss], spending her time getting his coffee. Understandably for such a main character, Emma got bored pretty quickly and began taking it upon herself to listen in on Elias’ conversations and do some detective work of her own. 
It was only after she undercut him for a scoop and brought it straight to BARNABUS CUFFE [boss] she was awarded a position as an investigative journalist. Though Emma worked hard at her job, it just never seemed to be good enough- not in her eyes of course, but in the eyes of the establishment she worked for. While she was doing noble work trying to uncover injustice, Rita would write about Florence and her boyfriend having another argument and was gifted her own column by the time she was twenty-five. Emma was irritated about the whole thing, but then again she had always felt that way about her. Rita wasn’t a team player, she didn’t want to share the spotlight, always concerned with herself and enjoyed putting down others. Silently she plotted to take her down a peg, Emma knew there was only one real MVP at The Daily Prophet and until she had some breathing room no one would see it. At Rita’s launch party, Emma flirted shamelessly with Rita’s boyfriend AUGUSTUS ROOKWOOD [partner]. It didn’t take long for him to follow her out the door in front of Rita’s face and as she settled into bed with him that evening she did so with a smile. 
Emma didn’t expect to fall in love with him. She also didn’t expect for him to fall in love with her, yet here they both were five years later. With Rita out of her life, Emma is truly thriving. She has better friends like, EDGAR CUFFE [best friend] and AURELIA ROOKWOOD [close friend].  An investigative journalist, she has been on the front line trying to figure out who is responsible for the murders taking place in the city, by any means necessary. Like anyone with more than half a brain-cell, Emma believes The Ministry are some how involved, looking to point the finger at a werewolf to contain the issue. With whispers of a dark wizard on the rise bouncing around the street Emma is curious to see if any of these claims have traction and unmask such a figure. The topic of such an investigation has spelt trouble in paradise in one area of her life, as Augustus has often seemed a little too invested in her latest case. Emma believes she might be self-sabotaging, clear on who she has been sharing a bed with for half a decade, but with his behaviour becoming increasingly strange she can’t help but wonder, is she sleeping with the enemy?
— she is a LEVEL 5 WITCH & readied for war ;
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“Oh, Merlin, tell me, does THE GOSSIP get what she deserves?” She is NEUTRAL & OPEN to finding out.“
— she walks through the world as ;
name → rita skeeter pronouns → she/her identification → cis-female year of birth → september 1955 - september 1956 face claim → chloe bridges blood status → half-blood sexual orientation → bisexual occupation → columnist for society and scandals at the daily prophet future information → court reporter during the death eater trials, renown published author of multiple biographies including albus dumbledore, newt scamander, severus snape and harry potter
— she is best described as ;
The scent of INK & FRESH PARCHMENT spritzed with FRENCH PERFUME. She’s as DELICATE as the FEATHER of a QUILL and as SHARP as the nib at the end. Her words CUT, SHARP and QUICK, leaving your REPUTATION in RIBBONS with just a flick of her ELEGANT WRIST.
— her story starts with ;
tw: death
One of the most famous names in wizarding press, Rita Skeeter is the sharpest tongue in London no one wants to be cut by, although she can be a brilliant friend to you… for the right price. Rita came from good stock, with a father who was head of Public Information Services for the Ministry and a mother who was a top stylist for Witch Weekly. She was raised in a privileged household, watching from the bannister as her parents hosted beautiful parties in their obscenely tall townhouse. From an early age Rita longed for a life just like theirs, filled with beauty, travel, notoriety and respect. It fuelled her from the minute she woke up to the moment she rested her head. With her father constantly at work or away on business trips, and her mother consumed by her small social circle of gossips, Rita’s childhood soon became lonely. She spent most days by herself, exploring her parents personal library of articles and pouring over The Daily Prophet each day as it arrived, and her mother’s Witch Weekly on Sundays. Rita knew what her calling in life was. She was to be a journalist. The most famous journalist in the wizarding world of her generation. 
Rita learned that if she hovered in the shadows while her parents chatted away, she’d learn about many secrets and rumours, a technique she would perfect whilst away at school. By the time Rita had received her letter to Hogwarts she had already read biographies or articles of most of the professors and had researched as much as she could about the school, in order to ensure where she stood with faculty. She saw Hogwarts as an opportunity to finally practise her journalism skills on stories that slipped from the mouths of the students. Rita was sorted into Ravenclaw instantly, without hesitation, she began to sort through her fellow Ravenclaw students, unafraid of hurting feelings or causing disgruntlement as she searched for friends she deemed tasteful. EMMA SQUIGGLE [rival/former best friend/colleague] and ADRIAN CAVERLY [best friend/colleague] quickly became her closest friends, whilst DAISY HOOKUM [close friend/colleague], GILDEROY LOCKHART [colleauge/close friend] and XENOPHILLIUS LOVEGOOD [friend] quickly became good friends she enjoyed chatting news stories with. In her fourth year, Rita began The Hogwarts Gazette, under the careful gaze of Professor McGonagall, hiring herself as the newspaper's editor. 
The paper published a variety of articles focusing on school political issues, sports coverage, a gossip column and a fashion section. With a knack for finding things out and a clever way of spinning a tale, Rita ran the gossip column and had developed quite the habit of uncovering other’s dirty laundry and leaving it to dry for everyone to see. This, of course, did not sit well with everyone and Rita gained a negative reputation amongst her fellow students as someone to be wary of. The boys in her year group, HARRISON BAGNOLD [acquaintance/person of interest], KALEB JOHNSON [acquaintance], ELEZAR SMITH [acquaintance/person of interest], MICHAEL THOMAS [acquaintance] and CRISTIANO PARKINSON [acquaintance] were not her biggest fans, whilst younger students PETER PETTIGREW [person of interest], JAMES POTTER [person of interest], REMUS LUPIN [person of interest] and SIRIUS BLACK [person of interest] also found her constant prying into their personal lives just as invasive. Other people saw the light and wanted her on side.
Rita found she enjoyed the power of being feared and appeased by the likes of ANDRESSA PARKINSON [friend], ISOLDE CROUCH [friend], LUCILLE JONES [friend], FLORENCE JONES [friend] and BERTHA JORKINS [close friend]. By her seventh year, she was able to transform into a beetle and with this, was able to listen into many more conversations. She also learned that with a seductive smile and a wink here and there she could get anyone to tell her just about anything. Thanks to her continuous summer internships at Witch Weekly, through her mother’s connections and a good word here and there from her father, Rita eventually landed a job at The Daily Prophet as an intern. Peeking through her father’s files and transforming herself into a beatle to access events, meant that she began to get one scoop after the other. It was a lot of hard work, long hours and the lack of a social life but eventually Rita was awarded her own column and Rita Skeeter’s Scandal Sheets was born. At just twenty-five she was something of a prodigy, a major celebrity everyone loved and feared. 
Having similar interests, most of Rita’s friends at the paper also established themselves at The Daily Prophet, becoming fantastic journalists and photographers in their own right. But not everyone was happy about her success. Emma had been like a sister to Rita, her best friend- she trusted her with everything. With an absent family at home, Emma was her family, which made their falling out all the more harder. As Rita rose to fame, she watched as Emma tried to wriggle out of her shadow, Rita had never thought of Emma as in her shadow- though she could see why others would think so. The conversations became more brief, she noticed as her expression soured and then at a party that was held in celebration of her new column, Rita watched as Emma kissed the man she’d been seeing, AUGUSTUS ROOKWOOD [former romantic liaison] and disappeared out the door. Rita would never let anyone know how much it hurt her. She cried in private, winged her eyeliner and wore a brave face for work. It stung harder when Emma and Augustus made things official, but she’d never let it show. Rita had her column and her fame and not even Emma could take that from her. 
The disappearances and the eventual murders of BOOKER BAGNOLD [person of interest] and AMELIA BONES [person of interest] were more than just tabloid gossip. Rita was desperate to figure out who was behind the murders. The werewolf angle didn’t fit, so under the guise of her column, Rita attended exclusive events trying to find out information. A face in the crowd that had changed after the death of Booker. Harrison Bagnold and his girlfriend ROSALINE DAVIS [person of interest] had a knack for being around everyone who went missing, though it could just be coincidence. Alongside her photographer BENEDICT MISSLETHORPE [colleague], Rita has been following him to various events, including the most recent wedding of her former adversary GENEVIEVE AVERY-WILKES [adversary/person of interest]. Rita didn’t expect Genevieve’s husband to drop down dead at the wedding and divert her focus, although Rita is exploring the story on the killer bride, Rita has not yet exhausted the idea Harrison is in some way connected to what’s happened, and she is determined to get to the bottom of it before anyone else. Especially Emma.
— she is a LEVEL 6 WITCH & readied for war ;
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