#m gilderoy lockhart
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“Oh, Merlin, tell me, does THE SHADOW get what he deserves?” He is NEUTRAL & OPEN to finding out. 
— he walks through the world as ;
name → quirinus quirrell  pronouns → he/him identification → cis-male year of birth → september 1960 - september 1961 face claim → aramis knight blood status → half-blood sexual orientation → up to applicant occupation → researcher  for the daily prophet  future information → member of the death eaters, defence against the dark arts teacher at hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry
— he is best described as ;
MYSTERIOUS, he is quiet. The kind of person who doesn’t SPEAK UNLESS SPOKEN TO, though there is a FIRE in his eyes when he speaks with CONVICTION that would make the most unassuming SIT UP & TAKE NOTE. His scent is DARK yet EXOTIC & CHANGES each time you see him, a hallmark of his time spent TRAVELLING, but there always lingers the scent of OLD PAGES & INK as he furiously scribbles in the margins of his books he’ll not even let those closest to him read.
— his story starts with ;
tw: death
Quirinus Quirrell is a name not many care to recall despite its uniqueness, possibly because the wizard who holds it has faded into the background for most of his life. The youngest child of Janani Quirrel and her husband Cyril Quirrel, Quirinius felt like he had a great deal to live up to. His mother had held a position as a well respected barrister for The Ministry of Magic, whilst his father had worked in finance for The Department of Magical Sports and Games before they both retired. A good few years his senior, Quirinius’ brother and sister were impressive also, with Maira Quirrell, a Chaser for The Holyhead Harpies in her youth and his brother Tadeen Quirrell, a respected teacher at Ilvermony. Sitting amongst them, Quirinus felt as though he too would be destined for great things, it did after all run in his family. Much younger than Maira and Tadeen, Quirinius recalls his childhood as him always struggling to be heard above the noise. It was always in a moment Quirinius, after dinner Quirinius, I have a meeting Quirinius, isn’t it so wonderful your sister made the Hufflepuff team Quirinius! 
Whatever he accomplished was never quite important enough for his parents to pay much attention to. The day his letter to Hogwarts arrived was also overpowered by the ridiculous news his brother was getting married, which had happened to arrive on the same day; which his brother to this day swears was an accident. School felt like the first opportunity to set himself apart from his family legacy. A departure from the Quirrell family legacy, he was sorted into Ravenclaw, and breathed a sigh of relief he may finally be around more like minded folk. To his horror he found that whilst people in Ravenclaw did value reading books and cleverness, they did also value showing off and throwing other people under the Knight Bus in order to get the attention they so craved. The worst offender by far was GILDEROY LOCKHART [rival/boss], a boy who Quirinius might have felt sorry for if he hadn’t been so bloody irritating. Whilst Quirinius was intent on making a name for himself at Hogwarts, Gilderoy seemingly had the same intentions and preferred to do it all by making people feel as annoyed by him as possible. 
Each year working on the school newspaper Quirinius would be subjected to writing about the time breakfast was cancelled because Gilderoy was sent hundreds of Valentine’s cards, or how he took someone to the prefect's bathroom and flooded it with so many bubbles they spilled into the corridor. He had first assumed RITA SKEETER [colleague] handed him the pieces because he could execute them well through his hatred of Gilderoy, but having gotten to know her better later in life he now considers it was a wicked form of entertainment for her. One of the silver linings about working on “The Gilderoy Show” as he’d come to call it was the entertainment it also brought is best friend and fellow journalist IRIS HOOKUM [best friend/housemate] who enjoyed making jokes about Gilderoy he was always too self-obsessed to pick up on. Quirinius main friends came from working at The Hogwarts Gazette, including the beginnings of firmer friendships with EMILIA GREY [close friend/housemate/colleague], EDWARD TONKS [close friend/housemate/colleague], BENEDICT MISSLETHORPE [close friend/housemate/colleague] and ELIZABETH BRAITHWAITE [close friend/housemate/colleague], but everyone knew Quirinius enjoyed time to himself and he spent it on his passion project. 
Like any young wizard who grew up reading The Tales of Beedle The Bard and other such stories, Quirinius had very clear ideas about light and dark magic; which is why The Dark Arts became such a fascinating subject for him. At first his interest in it was most likely to establish himself above others, people who were known to perform well in Defence Against the Dark Arts were well liked and often became fine sorcerers working for The Ministry immortalised in print. By the time he had graduated, Quirinius had learned just about all there was to know about the Dark Arts, considering himself somewhat of an expert on the topic from a purely theoretical and academic perspective. Whilst his abilities and grades certainly qualified him for a job at the Auror’s Office, Quirinius interests lay in academia and he longed for the world to sit up and notice him due to his interests and talents. Straight out of the gate, Quirinius went travelling, learning all there was to know about the Dark Arts from various corners of the globe. He was gone for almost five years and was both shocked and appalled when publishers did not want to print his findings upon him returning back to Britain. 
Out of money and refusing to get a menial job or move back in with his parents, Quirinus took the spare room in Elizabeth’s house and tried to get a job working at The Daily Prophet with the rest of his friends. Due to his lack of experience due to travelling for all that time, the best he could land was a researcher's position working to Rita Skeeter, which was to him humiliating. Quirinius watched as Rita tried to pitch ideas for pieces which were inevitably handed over to ELIAS SPENSER-MOON [colleague] and his team, keeping her in her lane and him firmly in his also. Quirinius big break came finally when of all people, his former nemesis Gideroy Lockhart joined the paper as a contributing editor, with his head even larger than it had been before. Quirinius had been begrudgingly tracking Gilderoy’s success over the years, silently wondering how someone he remembered with not a great talent for defensive magic had managed to defeat so many evil creatures. Rivalry aside, Quirinius has breathed a sigh of relief to be away from gossip and finally on some real journalism, working on a special project trying to find the origins of the one they called The Dark Lord. 
He had been wondering about The Dark Lord for some time, silently researching and keeping notes, partly out of curiosity, partly out of that unacknowledged desire for importance. At the very least, Quirinius fantasised that he could be the man who tracked him down and wondered about what he might learn from him, or what story he could sell on him at the very least. Upon being ordered to work with Gilderoy, thanks to what he assumed was Benedict trying to be kind and mentioning he had done the research in the first place, Quirinius turned over everything he had worked on over the past two years, including why he considered the death of BOOKER BAGNOLD [person of interest] to have been caused by a spell rather than a werewolf attack as The Ministry had claimed. It was something he had pondered for a while, before being told by Rita to drop it, but upon reflection it now seemed more important. Now under the irritating and interfering gaze of Gilderoy, Quirinius is trying is best to find out all he can about the mysterious new wizard in town and is starting by attempting to get to know the people who are likely in his opinion to know something - the Black family, who always seem to be in the wrong place at the wrong time.
— he is a LEVEL 5 WIZARD & readied for war ;
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dailyprophet-hq · 1 year
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2nd April 1986
Dearest readers, it is I, Gilderoy Lockhart, acclaimed columnist for the Daily Prophet and expert in Defence Against the Dark Arts. Today, I must share the horrifying tale of a werewolf attack that occurred outside Mr Mulpepper's Apothecary on the spring equinox. What started as a seemingly ordinary day quickly devolved into chaos, injuring several individuals.
The werewolf burst through the doors of Mr Mulpepper's Apothecary, attacking everything in sight. Its first victim was RODOLPHUS LESTRANGE, who fell in one foul slash of its claws. ANDROMEDA BLACK let out a blood-curdling scream but pulled out her wand and fended off the creature just long enough for ANNABETH PEBWORTH, DORCAS MEADOWES and DOUGAL MCKINNON to come to her aid. The group hit the werewolf with spells, sending it flying into Cobb & Webb's.
ANDRESSA PARKINSON was in conversation with LUCIUS MALFOY when the werewolf advanced upon her, slicing her with its talons before turning its attention to ROSALINE DAVIS and clawing down her arm. Fortunately, Dougal had sealed the monster's mouth closed, preventing it from biting anyone. Annabeth and Dorcas froze the creature, but the chaos was far from over.
I suspect someone uttered a reverse spell, freeing the werewolf from its frozen state. No beast can escape Petrificus Totalus and Glacius without aid. Annabeth, Dorcas, and Dougal were determined to stop the creature from causing any more harm, but despite being battered and bruised, the werewolf was too quick for them. It managed to escape in the direction of Hyde Park.
The victims of this horrific attack have since been transported to St. Mungo's Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries, where they are receiving the best possible care. However, as a precautionary measure, I have personally emphasised the importance of administering the Wolfsbane Potion to anyone who may have come into contact with the werewolf.
In light of this appalling event, I urge everyone to remain vigilant and aware of werewolves and other magical creatures. While I have offered my expertise to the Ministry of Magic, they have not yet launched an investigation to identify the werewolf responsible for the attack.
Let this incident be a stark reminder that the magical world is not without its dangers. We must all do our part to ensure the safety of our community.
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aparecium-rp · 2 years
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Character name: Gilderoy Lockhart Age & Birthday: 20 & [UTP] Gender & Pronouns: Male & He/Him Occupation: [UTP] Blood status: Halfblood Previous house: Ravenclaw Affiliation: Death Eater Face claim: [UTP]
[to be written by player]
Played by: Time Zone:
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serverusslaype · 1 year
Shameless, pt. 5
snape x professor!reader fic
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Shameless Masterpost
HEY YALL!! oh my lordddd this was so fun and emotionally draining to write lowkey, i had o children on repeat at the end and i was in my BAG, that song destroys me.
if you're still here and still following this series, thank you very much, i truly do appreciate your support - that means all the likes, follows, reblogs, comments - everything and anything <33 if you are new, hello, welcome, hi, the beginning chapters will be on my blog, just scroll down, this series is the only thing i have posted, i'll be adding the part links in tomorrow as i want to go to bed hehe
i love u guys so much :) pls make sure you drink enough water today!
this is a very long chapter by the way so pls prepare yourself for potential spelling mistakes!
alright... away we goooo!!!
As you sprinted down the corridor, it felt like it was never-ending. You were almost out of breath as you reached the scene, your hand flying up to cover your mouth as you stared up in horror at the second bloody message. It eerily read: 'Her skeleton will lie in the chamber forever'.
"Oh my…" You breathed out shakily; the loudening sound of a crowd of hurried footsteps began to get closer and closer to you. Looking to the right, you spotted the other teachers - McGonagall, Madam Pomfrey, Flitwick, Sinistra, Snape and the caretaker, Filch. They all looked as distressed as you did, even Snape who is usually devoid of any emotion.
"The heir of Slytherin has left another message," McGonagall stated apprehensively, gesturing to the defamed wall with an outstretched hand as the other teachers gathered around, all sporting the same worrisome look. "Our worst fear has been realised. A student has been taken by the monster, into the Chamber itself." The Head of Gryffindor's voice was shaky, it sounded like she was about to burst into tears. You glanced at her with sad eyes, and she beckoned you to come to her with her other arm. You padded over to McGonagall as she laid an arm around your shoulders comfortingly, her thumb gently rubbing soothing circles into your skin.
Being the youngest of the teachers, you were taking this rather hard. Most of all, you were worried for the rest of your students. "What do we do Minerva?" You asked quietly after a moment of silence as the group of you stared at the wall in disbelief and what felt like denial. "The students must be sent home… I'm afraid this is the end of Hogwarts." She announced, her brows knitting together in a dramatic show of despair. You felt your stomach drop. The end of Hogwarts?…
Before you could get another word in, a familiar, cocky face appeared. "So sorry. Dozed off. What have I missed?" Lockhart asked over-enthusiastically with his signature million-dollar grin, bouncing on his heels as he clasped his hands together behind his back. You clenched your jaw in anger at him, your eyes narrowing into an unwelcoming glare as you stared at the man.
"A girl has been snatched by the monster, Lockhart. Your moment has come at last." Snape said bitterly, standing tall.
"My m-moment?" Lockhart replied, stumbling over his words like he'd just seen a ghost.
"Weren't you saying just last night that you've known all along where the entrance to the Chamber of Secrets is?" Snape quipped as the speed of sound, his tongue laced with venom. You glanced at Severus for a quick moment, your stomach doing somersaults. Instantly, Lockhart's grin disappeared. You swallowed thickly as he dared to glance at you, his mouth parting slightly in shock. Your jaw clenched again as you shuffled in your spot, resisting the urge to curse the man. McGonagall's comforting hand tightened around your shoulder.
"That's settled. We'll leave you to deal with the monster, Gilderoy." McGonagall said matter-of-factly. "Your skills, after all, are legend." She added, not hiding the smugness in her voice at all. The corner of your lip quirked up the tiniest amount at her words. Lockhart's face was the pure definition of shock for the last few seconds before he quickly returned to his fake, proud grin.
"Very well. Uh, I'll just be in my office getting err… getting ready!" Lockhart announced, feigning excitement. Did he think you were stupid? All of you could see through his brave act and see his true cowardly self. As you all stared at him, he spun on his heel and turned around, almost sprinting back in the direction of his office. You couldn't help but scoff quietly as he turned the corner, rolling your eyes at his pathetic self as you looked back at the message messily scrawled out on the wall. Your stomach twisted at the thought of one of your students being brutally slaughtered at the hands of a beast. It felt as if someone had just pushed you from a great height.
"Who is it that the monster's taken, Minerva?" Madam Pomfrey asked with inquisitive yet cautious eyes, pulling you from your thoughts. Professor McGonagall looked away for a moment, blinking slowly.
"Ginny Weasley." McGonagall replied gravely, sharing a glance with Madam Pomfrey before walking away, presumably back to her office. You'd been nurturing your Mandrakes with precision, but this whole debacle spurred you on to do as much as you could, even if that meant destroying yourself in the process. The students of Hogwarts' safety meant the world to you. You couldn't imagine the fear that was probably streaming through them all right now.
Ever since you were called by McGonagall to the second-floor corridor to witness the final bloody message scrawled against the wall, you'd been awake almost twenty-four hours a day; sleeping in your greenhouse at your desk to ensure you were there the exact moment your Mandrakes were ready to be stewed and made into juice for the Mandrake Restoration potion. Dark purple rings had appeared around your eyes as you worked day and night, fertilising, feeding and watering the Mandrakes, guaranteeing that the they were at their best when the time came. The threat of more students being attacked or snatched kept you awake most of the time.
Nothing of the sort had ever happened at Hogwarts before, and deep down, you were a little terrified. Though you refused to show it, it would only scare the students more. You had also heard through the grapevine that Hagrid had been arrested on suspicion of opening the Chamber of Secrets, which broke your heart. That man would never do such a thing, and you were positive he was being set up for it. It was a blistery, cold and frosty winter night and you had nodded off again whilst caring for the Mandrakes; your head drooped in the cradle of your arms on top of the table with your hair falling over your arms like a waterfall. You stirred awake, and it was a brutal war to open your eyes as the chilling air bit at your bare arms like a rabid dog. Shivering, you quickly blinked, rubbing your sore eyes with tired fingers, a gasp leaving your lips as you laid your eyes upon the scene in front of you. You couldn't believe what you were seeing. Before you had fallen asleep, the Mandrakes were in their own pots. Now, they had moved into each others. They'd finally matured! All those early morning and late nights you'd slaved away had paid off. Your chest was bursting with pride as you grinned to yourself. It was a bittersweet moment for sure.
"Yes!" You exclaimed, the rush of excitement fuelling you to stand up from your chair. You clasped your hands together eagerly, staring at the nesting Mandrakes like a baby who just took their first steps. You were so proud.
Humming to yourself, you stood there blankly. If you were being honest, you had to wrack your brain for a moment as the lack of sleep was starting to get to you - your brain was a little foggy. Yet, you pushed through it, retrieving your wand from your robes, but to your surprise it wasn't there. Your brows furrowed as you looked down at your empty pockets. It must have fallen out when you nodded off. You bent down quickly, scanning underneath the table with tired eyes, and sure enough, there was your wand. Sitting all by it's lonesome. You retrieved it with nimble fingers and stood back up with a whoosh, aiming your wand at the root of a Mandrake in front of you. "Diffindo." You spoke clearly, flicking your wand in a up-and-down motion, watching carefully as a thin white light severed off a thick piece of Mandrake root. It fell and landed on the table with a muffled thud. Quickly retrieving it, you placed it into a dark brown woven bag to the left of you, sealing it closed with the ivory-coloured drawstrings. Now, it was time to pay the Bat a visit. Hopefully he didn't cause you much… stress.
You sighed quietly, turning around with a whirl to have a quick look in a old, dusty mirror that had been overgrown by some vines of ivy. Merlin, you had really been neglecting yourself. You grimaced as you stared at your unrecognisable reflection, noticing the purple circles around your eyes. "Yeesh," you grit your teeth, fingers coming up to trace the lines forming at the end of your eyes.
It's not like you were there to impress Snape anyway, you were going there to drop off the Mandrake extracts and help him with the potion. That was it. Nothing else. Your chest tightened slightly at the thought, of course you wished it was different, but this was Professor Severus Snape you were talking about. The man was emotionless, he had no time for such childish things. A soft, strained groan slipped from your lips as you shut your eyes for a moment, just imagining what it'd be like if did feel the same way you did. Perhaps he'd make you tea in the mornings, visit you during your breaks, maybe even bring you small, meaningful gifts. Sighing defeatedly, you shook away your fantasy from your mind, slipping back into gloomy reality.
You made your way out of the greenhouse, but not before readjusting your dress and brushing through your hair with your fingers messily, a quiet 'ouch' falling from your lips as you reached a knot. Feelings or not, you wanted to at least look presentable. Falling asleep on your worktable didn't really do you any justice.
The obsidian night-sky had taken over from the blue one earlier, and you couldn't help but notice how beautiful the stars looked twinkling in the sky tonight. You stopped for a moment and admired it, quickly spotting your favourite constellation, Aquila. It took you back in time for a moment, remembering the fond times you had teaching students in Astronomy. You still loved Astronomy, but Herbology is where you truly belonged.
As you bid the night a silent farewell, you carried yourself into the castle, ensuring to be as quiet as possible considering it was around eleven o'clock at night, perhaps even midnight. You hurried to the spiral staircases leading down to the dungeons, that familiar, vile damp smell hitting your nose once again. Your nose scrunched up in disgust. As you continued down the path towards Snape's classroom, you spotted it; a warm amber light flooding out from underneath the door. It wasn't exactly a surprise that he was still awake, you knew he was usually out patrolling each night to catch students out of bed past curfew. You rolled your eyes at the thought and proceeded to rap on his door with your knuckles, awaiting his response, bag in hand.
"Come in." Came an agitated voice. You cringed slightly at yourself and opened his door and wandered in. As your eyes glanced around his classroom, you were instantly transported back to the times you'd served detention in here, scribbling rather inappropriate things on scraps of parchment. Looking back to Snape, you noticed he was sat at his desk, nose deep in what you assumed to be assignments. Your stomach suddenly felt rather light.
"Hello," you said sheepishly, stopping in front of his door as you shut it behind you, "You're up late." You commented, offering him a polite smile. Severus looked up confusedly from behind his desk, his brows furrowing as he noticed it was you and not a student. As his eyes connected with yours, they sent an anxious, shivery rush through your body.
"Y/N," Severus greeted you, his face still adorned with his infamous scowl as he looked at you directly for several seconds, scrutinising you as he tried to comprehend what you were doing at his office at such an ungodly hour. "What are you doing here?"
"The Mandrakes matured," you said excitedly, holding up the bag in your hand. Snape's gaze fell to your hands, eyeing the bag with an ounce of curiosity. "We can start the potion now to cure the students." You added happily.
Severus leaned back in his chair, looking back down at the assignments in front of him. You were a little bummed that he didn't look happier. "Brilliant, you may put them here." He said blankly, patting the empty space on his desk next to his pile of assignments. After several seconds, he spoke again with a curious tone. "…You said 'we', Y/N?" He stared at you. The way he said your name made your face redden.
"Erm, yes, well, I don't want you to over-stew the Mandrake root," You said with a cheeky smile. You were trying to lighten to glum mood. It was risky but worth it. High risk, high reward, you thought. "I thought it would be best if I did for you, since I was the one that raised them." You explained, shrugging sheepishly. Severus could sense the swelling pride in your voice, but he didn't mention anything, he wasn't sure if he'd say something awful and hurt you. It was rather pleasant to see you smiling in his presence instead of the usual upset and angry side of you.
Severus sat for a moment and pondered before speaking once more. "Very well." He said, that cold tone still very present in his voice. You bit down a little too harshly on your bottom lip out of nervousness, padding forwards to set the Mandrake roots down on a desk in the middle of the classroom. As you glanced around the classroom once more, fond memories of you and your friends whispering and sneaking notes to each other in class began to flood your mind, a nostalgic smile tugging at your lips.
"Are the cauldrons still in the same place?" You asked Severus, turning your head over your shoulder to look at him.
"Yes." Was all he said, nose still buried deep in his work. You rolled your eyes softly at his ridiculous work ethic. Every time you came in this room, he was always working hard. Of course, you admired his industrious nature, but you thought he would at least give himself some leeway and put the assignments down, maybe read a book or do something a little less work-related. Though, you weren't one to judge, perhaps he enjoyed it.
"Nothing changes around here." You chuckled quietly to yourself, a small smile spreading across your face as you wandered in the direction of Snape's storage cupboards, your fingers wrapping around the handle. Pulling it open with a exhausted squeak of the old and worn hinges, you let your eyes roam over the equipment, searching for a spare cauldron. As you had your back turned, Severus sneaked a glance at you over his assignments, his eyes narrowing vaguely as he stared at you for a short moment. Before you turned back around with the cauldron in your hand, he'd already returned his gaze to his desk.
Walking back to the desk you'd chosen to stew your Mandrake root, you let your eyes flick over at Severus for a quick moment, indulging in his appearance. Your eyes lingered, and you realised you loved the way his hair fell around his pale face like a pair of old curtains, a single strand curling onto his prominent nose. A tiny, bashful smile fell on your lips as you looked back to the cauldron in your hands, stopping at the desk to place the cauldron down. Whilst you were setting it up, you kept sneaking cautious glances in the direction of the broody Potions Master, your heart beat speeding up each time your curious eyes landed on him.
You retrieved your wand from your robes and cast a spell on the cauldron, watching as water suddenly filled it three quarters of the way up. After that, you cast another spell to boil the water, your face relaxing a tad as you reached for the bag of Mandrake root to your right, opening it and retrieving said ingredient. You dropped it in the cauldron with a satisfying plop, observing it carefully. Now, you had to wait fifteen minutes for it to stew, keeping an eye out for when it turned bright green.
You looked up at Severus, who was still scratching away at assignments with his quill. "It'll be around fifteen minutes." You announced, not really expecting a reply. He merely grunted as a weak sign of acknowledgment. That was the best you were going to get currently. You sighed quietly to yourself and decided to take a stroll around his classroom to kill some time.
Heading towards the shelves of jars and containers of rather vile looking ingredients, you clasped your hands together behind your back, stopping to have a look at a jar of rat tails. You grimaced at the sight, quickly moving on to another row of less disgusting looking jarred items. A content hum left your lips as you spotted your powdered asphodel root, placed neatly in a small glass container to the right of a phial of Phoenix tears.
"I see you have a surplus of powdered asphodel root," You commented, turning around to glance at Severus, who to your surprise, was already staring at you. A flash of butterflies shot through you. "You won't need anymore for a while, then?" You cleared your throat, chewing on your bottom lip out of nervousness.
"Not until I brew another Draught of Living Death." Severus replied slowly and coldly, his eyes scrutinising you. You turned around, nodding, tearing your gaze from him, continuing to walk slowly and peek at each jar nosily.
"Do you ever miss certain students?" You asked, catching Snape off-guard. His brows furrowed at you slightly, partially confused at your question.
"Not particularly," He replied slowly again, his mind racing through countless ideas as to why you'd ask such a question. "If that's your way of asking if I miss having you as a student, my answer may hurt your feelings, Y/N." Severus's lips quirked up at the corners into a small, reluctant smirk. In lieu of the familiar rush of irritation surging through you at his comment, you instead found yourself smiling. You were a little surprised at yourself, you half-heartedly expected to take offense at his dig. Severus was surprised at your reaction too, but he did not show it.
"Understandable," You laughed quietly; the butterflies fluttering like a storm in your stomach. "I wasn't the best student for you, if my memory serves me right." Another soft laugh left you. Severus felt himself almost smile at the pretty sound that slipped from your lips. It was a little jarring to see such a change in character in you. He'd prepared himself for you to yell at him again, or at least insult him back.
"No." He agreed, still staring at you. "However, you weren't the worst."
"Who was?" You looked at him this time, genuinely curious. Severus grunted at your question.
"I believe you know. Or, perhaps, can guess at best."
A cheeky smirk perked up on your face. "Benjamin Bluewater?" You stared at Snape, waiting for his answer. He only tilted his head at you, raising his brows a tad. You took that as a yes from him. "Yeah, he was a menace." You hummed amusedly, thinking back to the times Bluewater had caused Snape grief. One time, the boy had set off a rather foul-smelling prank in Snape's classroom, rendering it useless for that period. Snape almost had the boy's head that day for that mischievous mishap. Bluewater was insanely lucky to have another teacher walk by, diffusing the situation.
"Yes," Snape sighed exasperatedly, leaning back in his desk chair. For the first time, you felt comfortable in his presence. It wasn't tense, nor uncomfortable, and you weren't on edge, waiting for an insult. "I don't think I've ever met someone so… distasteful." You frowned at him, obviously in disagreement.
"Lockhart, surely?" You offered. Severus cocked his brow and tilted his head, nodding frankly at you, as if to say 'Yes, that's true'. You laughed and turned around, starting to head back towards your cauldron as it was starting to hiss. "Yeah, he's insufferable." You said as you reached your cauldron and retrieved your wand, using it to stir the stew.
There was a few seconds of silence between you two, only the hissing and bubbling of the cauldron echoing in the classroom. "I'll be sad to see him go." Snape said finally. Your head whipped up at him, a look of shock and confusion on your face. "I won't have the honour of coming across you threatening him in a corridor late at night anymore." He added, his lips quirking up slightly again. A dry laugh left your lips as you turned back to your Mandrake stew. "It was always a thrilling experience each time I neared a corner in a corridor when patrolling at night."
"Funny." You scrunched your nose up, trying to hide the amused smile that was painted on your face. With your attention on something else, Severus couldn't help but let his eyes linger on you for a few more seconds, silently admiring the way your hair fell over your shoulders. "I think it's done, Severus."
"You think or you know it's done?" He quipped, standing slowly to walk over to you, his majestic cloak billowing out behind him. He halted himself beside you, peering into the cauldron.
"I know it's done." You rolled your eyes at him, earning an eyebrow raise from the Potions Master. You had to bite back a smile. "Would you like me to do the potion as well?" You asked jokingly, daring to glance up into his dark, almost black eyes. That was a mistake, your cheeks flared up immediately. You quickly averted your gaze back to the cauldron, hoping he didn't notice.
"I believe I am the Potion Master of this school," Severus glared at you like he was offended you'd even offer that. You tried to hold back your laugh. He was so demanding at times. "Considering your… messy history with potions, I think it would be best if I handled this part." He added with a hint of amusement in his voice.
"You make a great point, Severus." You rolled your eyes and stepped back, awaiting instructions. "Can I at least get the ingredients?" You asked eagerly, sounding like a child. You cringed a little at yourself. "Very well." Severus sighed, his eyes still glued to the cauldron. As he finished speaking, you spun on your heel and headed to where you were strolling earlier. You paused for a moment, realising that you had no idea what the ingredients were. Before you could ask, Severus was already on the case. "Dandelion root, Phoenix tears and purified water." He listed, almost tiredly. You blushed furiously at the fact you'd embarrassed yourself yet again in front of Snape.
"Okay…" You trailed off, eyes frantically searching the shelves. My asphodel root was next the Phoenix tears, you thought, shuffling to the right slightly to reach for the phial of Phoenix tears. Dandelion root must be placed with the other Herbology based ingredients, surely? you wondered. Sure enough, you were right, your eyes landed on the jar of dandelion roots; hand reaching out to grab it. Erm, purified water, purified water… you thought, eyes scanning the shelves, quickly stopping as you spotted it pushed behind a container of fish eyes. "Ew…" You muttered, pushing the fish eyes aside to grab the purified water. Severus had the tiniest amused smile on his face as he watched you search the shelves for the Mandrake Restorative Draught ingredients, he was thoroughly entertained.
As you turned around to look back at Snape, ingredients in hand, your eyes caught his, and you noticed the smile on his lips. It almost made your knees buckle, you'd never seen him smile like that before, let alone at you. Immediately, the smile was wiped from his lips as your eyes connected. It made you a little sad that he felt he had to hide his true emotions from you.
"You are an expert at dawdling, Y/N." Severus commented, his eyes returning to their usual cold and harsh nature.
"Well, not that it's obvious to you, but I don't tend to come in here very much anymore." You quipped back, arching your brow at his words. It was intriguing to you to see just how fast he could just switch expressions. Snape offered you a condescending gaze as he brushed off your sassy reply. "Here, I've got everything you need." You said, placing the jars and vials on the desk in front of the two of you. "Brilliant." Was all Severus said as he barely acknowledged you, his shoulder-length mop of raven-black hair acting like a shield to his face. He was much taller than you, so you couldn't see past it whilst standing beside him.
"Can I watch?" You asked sheepishly, making Snape turn around to look at you. His brows knitted together, observing you silently. With a soft sigh, he turned back around to the cauldron and proceeded to pick up the jar of dandelion roots.
"If you must." Severus replied, a hint of curiosity in his voice. A small, appreciative smile fell on your lips. He glanced at you once more from beside you, sending butterflies soaring through you. You focused your attention onto his hands, watching how his quick and skilful fingers opened each jar gracefully, preparing them for each step. You watched as Severus took a pinch of the dandelion root, gently adding it into the cauldron, careful not to disturb the Mandrake root. After that, he grasped the vial of Phoenix tears with a cautious hand and poured it into the mixture, his eyes lighting up at the bubbles that started to form on top of the potion. Severus reached for the final ingredient of purified water. Dropping it in slowly, the mixture quickly shifted to a muted tone of green.
"Now, let it simmer for a minute or so, then stir it once clockwise, and then twice anticlockwise." Severus instructed sternly, picking up the empty jars and containers.
"Right," You nodded, a little nervous. You couldn't screw it up, right? Stepping forwards, you watched Severus stalk away to the shelves, glass jars and containers in hand. You looked back to the potion and waited for a minute and a bit, before using your wand to stir the green mixture once clockwise, and then twice anti-clockwise. A soft blow of air left your lips as a sign of relief.
"Well done. If only you could have been this competent when you were a student." Snape said sarcastically, peering into the cauldron, his brows raising in approval as he threw a side-ways glance at you. You rolled your eyes at him, fighting the urge to say something back. "Keep rolling your eyes, perhaps you'll find a brain back there." Snape quipped, obviously growing tired of your eye-rolls. It was impossibly hard not to roll your eyes at him right then and there, it was so fitting to do so. "I believe it's ready." He said, nodding once. A happy, proud and prideful grin broke out on your face as your stared at the draught, a sense of accomplishment washing over your small form. As Severus glanced down at you again, he couldn't help but stare at your happy little face, an odd and unusual sensation stirring in his chest. He swiftly turned away from you without saying anything else and headed back to his desk, leaving you alone, hiding his face as the smallest of smiles picked at the corners of his lips.
You had brought the draught to Madam Pomfrey in the infirmary at once. She was ever so grateful and thankful towards you, however, you were rather adamant that it was Severus she should be thanking. "Thank you so much, Professor L/N!" Madam Pomfrey cried with the Mandrake Restorative Draught in her hands, a gasp of relief leaving her lips as she lead you around the corner of a curtain, your body freezing as your eyes fell on a Petrified student. It was Hermione Granger.
"You should really be thanking Severus," You chuckled awkwardly, clasping your hands in front of your hips. "It wouldn't have been made without him, considering he is the Potions Master after all." You said, a hint of a laugh at the end of your sentence. "I only grew the Mandrakes." You added.
"Of course, but the Mandrake is the most important ingredient, do you not agree?" She said, turning to glance at you as she administered the potion to the skin of a Petrified Hermione. It stinged you a little to see a student of yours frozen and paralysed, almost lifeless. So you looked away, your eyes finding an interest in the floor.
"I suppose, but I wouldn't have been able to brew it myself, even Severus himself said I shouldn't." You hummed. Madam Pomfrey rolled her eyes softly at you. You pursed your lips.
"Don't believe anything that gloomy bat says, Professor L/N, you're more than capable of anything if you put your mind to it." She said sternly, her long dress gliding across the floor elegantly as she moved away from Hermione and to the next student behind the next curtain to your left. She left you alone to your thoughts, and perhaps she was right. Maybe you were capable of brewing the potion, but even if you were, you would still rather have Severus do it, especially since it was an urgent requirement. It had to be perfect.
A few days had passed since you had distributed the antidote to Madam Pomfrey and today was Friday, the last day of term for the students before they left Hogwarts to return home to their families for Christmas. Mixed emotions stirred within you as you sat at the table with the other professors, your eyes glazing over the House tables sat in front of you. This term had been full of unusual and unexpected moments, and you were hoping it would simmer down the next term. You weren't too sure whether you'd survive anything like that again. In fact, you were almost positive.
"Hello, and good evening to all," Dumbledore announced, wandering up to his beloved golden Owl Lecturn, his long and worn fingers latching around the wings. "Before we begin to indulge in this excellent feast, let us have a round of applause for Professor L/N," The Headmaster said, almost making you snap your neck from the speed you looked up. You were not expecting Dumbledore to publicly thank you. "Madam Pomfrey, whose Mandrake juice has been so successfully administered to all who had been petrified." He finished, and your cheeks flushed red with embarrassment. You didn't do well being in the spotlight, let alone being thanked by the entire school for something so miniscule in your eyes. You smiled sheepishly and gave a gracious nod at everyone who suddenly erupted into a chorus of cheers and applause. Looking to your right, you caught the eyes of Severus, who, to your surprise, was gazing at you proudly, a small, hesitant smile on his face. You smiled back at him and nodded once, resisting the grin that was itching to break out.
"Also, in light of recent events, as a school treat, all exams have been cancelled." Dumbledore added, which encouraged an even louder round of applause and further cheers. You allowed yourself to grin this time, relishing in the happiness of the students and teachers surrounding you. It was such a pleasant atmosphere, and all you could feel spreading through you was a homely-like warmth. Hogwarts had always been your home at heart, but this seemed to cement it.
Suddenly, the cheering and clapping ceased as the doors creaked open, revealing a very tall, very large bearded man with long, frizzy chocolate hair. He sported some raggedy matching brown clothes, and from this you could easily guess it was Hagrid. Mainly from his sheer height, but the beard and hair was also a dead giveaway. "Sorry I'm late," he announced, glancing around awkwardly, "the owl that delivered my release papers got all lost and confused. Some ruddy bird called Errol." He said, widening his eyes in a tired, yet joking manner. You couldn't help but smile at his comment, and a few quiet giggles fell from some first and second year students.
You leaned to Flitwick who was seated beside you. "Do you know who's owl that is?" You whispered curiously, glancing between the shorter Charms Master and Hagrid. Flitwick looked at you with an amused smile.
"Ron Weasley's owl, of course." He chuckled softly, returning his attention to the scene unfolding in front of him. You hummed. Of course it was, the bird matched his owner very well, you thought, another joyous smile gracing your lips.
"Without further ado," Dumbledore's raspy, wise voice boomed through the Great Hall, capturing everyone's attention. "Let us begin!" He cheered, a wide grin spreading across his bearded cheeks.
Instantaneously, plates upon plates of delicious, mouth-watering food materialised right in front of your eyes. Glorious and juicy roast turkey adorned with all the helpings sat temptingly in front of your placemat, a bowl of golden and crisp roasties to the right of it. Steaming hot green veggies sat to the left of the turkey, and you just couldn't wait to dig in, your stomach was growling like a chained up wolf. You let out a soft gasp at the beautiful sight, your eyes twinkling with delight. After all this chaos in just a few months time, you were all well-deserving of such gorgeous food.
"The food looks absolutely delicious, Dumbledore, thank you." You poked your head past Flitwick, looking at the older wizard with a grin, who had settled himself down in the Head seat. He casted his wrinkled, yet sparkling and wise eyes to you, and nodded graciously. "You are most welcome, Professor L/N." He smiled politely. You returned his smile without a beat and turned back to your plate, using the supplied silverware and utensils to serve yourself some of the rich and brilliant food in front of you.
Conversations and cheerful laughter surrounded you, and you couldn't have felt happier than right now. Whilst chewing on a piece of asparagus, you sneaked a glance at where Severus was sat, however, you found he was not there anymore. A sad frown pulled your brows together, and you swiftly glanced around the hall for a tall, black figure, but nothing caught your eye. You swallowed your mouthful and placed your utensils down on the plate with a soft clink. You turned to Flitwick again.
"Did Severus leave?" You asked quietly, careful to keep your voice down.
Flitwick turned to you, munching away happily on a hot roastie. He nodded before swallowing. "Yes, he tends to avoid these sorts of things. Each year he never fails to leave right before the big feast." The Charms professor explained. A sad knot twisted in your stomach at the thought of him being alone on a such a happy occasion. Though, it wasn't all too surprising. He does seem like the type to prefer to be alone instead of spending it with people he… works with. You pondered on your thoughts for a moment, before deciding to stand up.
"Excuse me." You smiled at the shorter professor beside you, grabbing your plate and loading it with some extra turkey meat, potatoes and some vegetables. Flitwick looked up at you with another mouthful, a little curious as he chewed and watched you get extra helpings with inquisitive eyes. With a full plate in hand, you quickly downed your goblet of wine. Flitwick didn't press you for answers to the nosy questions that were circulating inside his brilliant mind as he watched you head towards the door to the right of the dinner table. You gave him a small, coy smile and bid him a silent goodbye, wandering to the dungeons.
As you were walking in the direction of where Snape lurked, you got those same doubts again, wondering whether he would actually appreciate this act, or be appalled by it. You hoped it'd be the former, but you weren't very confident in that. Swallowing the bubbling anxiety in the back of your throat, you pressed on down the corridors, finding that familiar spiral staircase. You cautiously walked down it, a little wobbly from balancing the plate of hot food and also from drinking that goblet of wine in one go - you weren't a common drinker so in hindsight you probably should have thought that silly idea through a little more. As you reached the bottom of the staircase, you saw that same warm, amber hue of candlelight flooding out from underneath the door of Snape's office. Your heart began to pound in your ears as you neared his door; knees trembling a little bit.
You knocked on his door with your free hand and waited patiently for a reply.
"Come in." Severus said, sighing. You could sense the muted irritation in his tone, your fingers reaching reluctantly for his doorknob. You grasped it and turned it and opened the door. As you sauntered in, Severus didn't bother to look up, his eyes and nose still buried in what looked to be more… assignments. Does the man never give himself time to relax?
"Hi." You squeaked out awkwardly, leaning back against his door, the plate of food still held carefully in your hands. Severus's head shot up almost instantly at the sound of your voice, his brows furrowing together in what you hoped to be confusion rather than annoyance. "Erm, I brought you some food."
"I'm not hungry." Severus protested with a grunt, looking back down to the assignment in his hand. He must be lying, since you don't recall seeing him at breakfast, nor lunch.
"When did you last eat, Severus?" You asked, shuffling in your spot, attempting to hide the caring tone that accidentally slipped from your lips with a pathetic cough. Snape's brows furrowed deeper, a dark crease forming between them.
"What do you want, Y/N?" Severus groaned, his eyes glued to his desk still. You cleared your throat, demanding his full attention. A deep, exasperated sigh left his lips as he reluctantly tore his eyes away from his work, meeting your concerned ones. "Why does it matter when I last ate?"
"Because human beings need to eat." You arched a brow at him. He didn't seem to appreciate the tone you took with him. "I'm not a normal human being, Y/N." He blinked at you.
"Normal or not, you still need some sort of sustenance." You said matter-of-factly, tilting your head at him, silently ending the debate between you two. You padded towards his desk, pulling up a chair from the side of the room at the same time. You were definitely sure that the wine was encouraging your boldness, you even noticed the slight surprise in Snape's eyes as he continued to stare at you. "Will you eat, please?" You asked with a soft sigh, plopping yourself down in the wooden chair with a muted thud. You held the plate of food out in front of you, almost shoving it in Severus's face. His lips twisted for a quick moment, thinking.
"If it means you leave faster, then yes." His eyes narrowed at you like blunt daggers. The hostility was there, but it wasn't intended to be hurtful. Severus hesitantly took the plate from your hands, and slid the assignments out of the way on his desk, sitting the plate down in the middle.
"Oh!" You exclaimed softly, glancing at your dirty cutlery. "I almost forgot. Scourgify." You pulled out your wand and flicked it at the silverware, watching happily as the muck and grime dissipated from it like ice melting under the sun. Severus looked at you with suspicious eyes, scrutinising you, attempting to comprehend why you had paid him of all people a visit. "How come you left so early?" You queried, sitting back in your chair with your hands in your lap.
"Dinner parties aren't my forte." He replied, spiking a piece of turkey breast with the fork. A small smile painted your lips as you watched him place it in his mouth, his eyes lighting up ever so slightly at the divine taste that painted his tongue. "Perhaps I was mistaken…" He mumbled, glancing down at the plate of turkey, potatoes and green veggies, looking rather awestruck due to the glorious taste that was exploding in his mouth as of right now.
A proud smile slipped onto your lips as you looked away from Severus for a moment, letting your eyes wander around his dimly lit, and rather glum looking office. The bricks were a dark, worn black, with a beige cement sitting between them. He had shelves upon shelves of books, about everything you could ever imagine. Name it, and it's most likely there. So, he was a book nerd, you thought, smiling to yourself. Then, your eyes fell on the most beautiful record player you'd ever seen. Obviously, it was all black to match the whole aesthetic of Snape's office. It sat prettily upon a table in the corner, a small collection of well-kept records were leant up against it.
"You listen to music?" You questioned, a dry laugh escaping your lips as you stood up, drawn to the beautiful object.
"Why is that a surprise?" Snape asked, a little offended that you were shocked by such a revelation.
"Well, you don't exactly give me a music enthusiast vibe," You chuckled softly, glancing at Severus with glossy eyes. The wine had gone to your head slightly. "I can't imagine you listening to music." You added, allowing your chuckle to burst into a soft, hushed laugh. Severus rolled his eyes at you and turned back to his desk, shovelling another mouthful of turkey into his mouth, picking up an assignment with his other hand.
You turned your attention back to the record player and let your fingers trace the beautiful grains and grooves of the wood, the pads of your index and middle finger ending up on his record collection. You let your nosiness kick in as you flicked through them, spotting some seventies rock bands, classical compilations, and… Frank Sinatra?
"Frank Sinatra?" You queried with a curious, amused smile, glancing at Severus over your shoulder. Butterflies exploded like storm in your stomach when you found him already staring at you, though the look on his face wasn't what you wanted. He looked a little miffed. "I like Frank Sinatra." You quickly added, wanting to avoid any sort of conflict. You glanced back to where your fingers where dipping into his record collection, a furious pink blush tinting your pale cheeks. As you slipped your hand away, the end of your finger caught the play button, and suddenly the room was filled with a dark, melancholic and slow rock song. Your eyes widened in panic as you tried frantically to turn it off, however, nothing was working.
"Leave it, I… like it." Came a voice from behind you, immediately halting you in your desperate, albeit poor attempts to pause it. Severus was still sat at his desk, but he was sat back now, a little more relaxed.
"It's nice," you commented quietly, after a beat of silence, braving a look at Severus. His eyes were glued to his desk, the plate of turkey and vegetables pushed messily to the side. He seemed to be battling something. You swallowed thickly and sauntered over to him, your heels clacking against the brick floor. You stopped in front of him and held out your hand. "…Dance with me?" You asked, voice still quiet. The Potions Master looked up at you for several seconds, his harsh, dark eyes flicking to your open palm. Your heart was thumping so loud in your ears you were worried you wouldn't hear his answer.
Luckily for you, he didn't give you one. He just plainly accepted your hand, standing slowly, almost reluctantly. You backed away from his desk, one step at a time, his large, calloused and cold hand still in yours. You stopped in the middle of the room, gently pulling Severus closer to you. A smile tugged at your lips as you looked up to meet his cold gaze, placing his other hand on your hip. You began to sway side to side to the slow beat of the song, his fingers flinching slightly as you moved. Severus found himself lost in your eyes as you stared up at him. He wondered why someone like you had offered to dance with someone like him; it felt wrong almost, a Hufflepuff and a Slytherin, good and bad. As the chorus got going, a bright grin broke out on your face as Severus lifted his arm up to twirl you around, the skirt of your dress blooming outwards like a flower. His chest tightened as you stumbled slightly, your hand slipping onto his chest to steady yourself.
"Sorry." you muttered almost inaudibly, looking up at Snape through your lashes bashfully. He didn't reply, he only danced with you more, and you saw his the corner of his lips quirk up in a small, almost miniscule smile. Your heart fluttered at the sight and your smile was back on your face.
The two of you continued to dance carelessly to the song playing in the background, and any worries and anxieties had been long forgotten ever since the two of you touched palms. You found yourself getting lost in his eyes as Severus twirled you around again, a loud laugh leaving your lips as he brought you back towards him, his eyes half-lidded with admiration. You lifted your hand up this time and attempted to twirl Snape around. He almost fought against it, but the sad pout on your lips ultimately broke him, and so he let you twirl him around.
Severus didn't know what he was feeling as his hands found your waist, his stomach was in knots and his chest was tingly, it wasn't normal, and it worried him slightly. But his buzzing, worrisome thoughts were soon calmed the moment his dark, troubled eyes met with your bright, carefree ones. The sound of your laugh made him feel things he hadn't felt in years, and your beaming, gleeful grin sent shivers down his cruel spine. It felt so wrong, but it felt so right having you in his arms; having you this close to him. A few months ago, he wouldn't have dared to dream of feeling so… vulnerable. And with a Hufflepuff no less. Snape had always despised them, he'd believed them to be the weakest house, but your utter resilient yet soft nature had totally swayed him. He'd be lying if he said your beauty hadn't completely captured his attention too, though he would never ever admit that.
You reminded him slightly of Lily, and that's what frightened him. He let himself fall in love once, and he wasn't sure he was going to let himself do it again. Actually, he was adamant. He couldn't bear to deal with that pain again, it almost killed him. He wouldn't be able to stomach seeing you lifeless on the floor, your eyes dead and lifeless. Your life was not worth risking for his sake of happiness. Suddenly, Severus switched emotions like the speed of sound. He immediately released you from his grasp, you grin and laughter silencing immediately. It felt like someone had stabbed him in the heart the second your laughter ceased.
"Get out." He said coldly, pushing you backwards. Your brows furrowed at his words, confusion painting your face.
"…What?" You blinked at him, trying to comprehend what he'd just said.
"I said get out." Snape seethed. His tone was angry, relentless, cruel, uncaring. Before, it felt like you'd just opened another door with him, inviting you into his world, and then you'd been kicked out and sent to a different one.
"But… Severus…" You swallowed thickly, your throat tightening as tears began to burn your eyes. Was it something you said? Something you did?
Little did you know, it was something you did. You'd made him happy, you'd made him feel human again. After so long of shutting off his feelings and building a fortress around his emotions, encasing them in metres and metres of thick, impenetrable concrete, you'd broken through so easily, and it terrified him. His mind instantly shut off, almost like a defence mechanism the moment it felt anything other than hatred or resentment for another person.
Gods, it fucking hurt to see you cry because of him, but he couldn't show it, he refused to let you get hurt, or worse, killed because of his own selfish thoughts. And so he turned his back on you, his black cloak acting like a shield as he leant against his desk with white knuckles.
It felt like everything you'd done to get to know Severus had just been broken down a million times and thrown back in your face. It felt like… betrayal, almost, but you weren't sure why.
Hot tears were streaming down your face now as you stared at his back. He's shut you out. That's it, all those days, months you spent trying to get to know him went to waste. You sucked in a shaky breath and turned around, rushing to the door. You hesitated for moment, glancing over your shoulder. You'd hoped he might've changed his mind, but Snape still had his back turned to you, his head dropped in front of him. A strangled cry left your throat uncontrollably as you stomped angrily out of his office, wiping away your tears with harsh fingers as you stormed back to your quarters. Thank Merlin it was Christmas break now. Perhaps it was for the best.
part 6
ok pls dont hate me for the end lmaooo i just couldnt help myself LOL </3
let me know if you enjoyed this chapter, the next movie i'll focus on is prisoner of azkaban aka my favourite hehe, however that wont be for another few chapters i think. another update wont be due until tuesday or wednesday <3
thank you for all your support i honestly dont deserve it :') <33
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chocfrog-enjoyer · 1 month
Name-play and symbolism in Harry Potter
Sirius Black: Dog Black the black dog ( Sirius is a star in the Canis Major // Big Dog //constellation, the star is commonly known as the “Dog Star” ). A dog is a man’s best friend ( unlike Peter, the rat, who ratted his friends out )
Remus Lupin: basically just Wolf Wolf ( Remus - roman hero raised by wolves. In Latin lupus means “wolf”, and lupinus “wolf-like” )
Rubeus Hagrid: In Greek Mythology, Hagrid Rubes is a giant who is banished from Mt. Olympus by Zeus and has to take care of animals. Hagrid is expelled from Hogwarts and becomes the groundskeeper- later on he starts teaching Care of Magical Creatures.
Sybille Trelawney: Said to be a descendant of the legendary Cassandra, in Greek mythology Cassandra was a woman with the ability to foresee future and a curse, that no one believed her prophecies. Here’s my post on why Sybill isn’t a fraud.
Xenophilous Lovegood: Xenophilius's name comes from two Greek words: Xenos "strange" and -Phile "love" -> one who loves the strange
Bellatrix Lestrange: Bellatrix means “female warrior” in Latin. She was one of Voldemorts most fierce and loyal followers.
Nymphadora Tonks: Nymphadora translates as "Gift of the Nymphs.” A "nymph," in Greek mythology, refers to "a member of group of female 'spirits' found in different types of nature.” They had the ability to transform/shapeshift" They are further classified by where they were found. In Latin, “nympha” translates to “bride, mistress. young woman” referencing the fact that Remus married Tonks, who’s 13 years younger than him.
Minerva McGonnagal: In Roman Mythology Minerva was the goddess of wisdom, war, art, schools, justice and commerce.
Dolores Umbridge: The word umbrage means offence or annoyance, and the Spanish name Dolores has its roots in the Latin word "dolor," which translates to "pain" or "sorrow."
Fenrir Greyback: Fenrir is a monstrous wolf in Norse mythology. Fenrir represents the forces of evil and chaos.
Gilderoy Lockhart: The Levels of Processing model, created by Fergus I. M. Craik and Robert S. Lockhart in 1972, describes memory recall of stimuli as a function of the depth of mental processing.
Merope Gaunt: In Greek mythology Merope is one of the seven Pleiades, daughter of Atlas and Pleione. Merope is the faintest of the stars because she was the only of the Pleiades to have married a mortal. One myth says that she hid her face in shame because she had an affair with a mortal man. ( Replace mortal with muggle and we have Merope Gaunt )
Lucius Malfoy: Lucius deriving from Latin words, meaning light/bright/to shine. “Mal foy” means “bad faith” in French. Draco is latin for “serpent/dragon”
Lily Evans ( later Potter ) and Petunia Evans ( later Dursley ): Lilies are often associated with purity, renewal and transience, and Petunias symbolize anger and resentment
Alastor Moody: Alastor, an epithet of the Greek God Zeus, according to Hesychius of Alexandria and the Etymologicum Magnum, which described him as the avenger of evil deeds, specifically familial bloodshed.
Quirinus Quirrell: In Augustan Rome, Quirinus was an epithet of Janus, as Janus Quirinus. Janus is the god of beginnings, gates, transitions, time, duality, doorways, passages, frames, and endings. He is usually depicted as having two faces.
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thetorturedpoetsfest · 2 months
Welcome to Day 15 of The Tortured Poets Fest!
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Click the links listed below to check out all of the content our lovely Tortured Poets have created for all of us today! (and go to our bio to access the rest of the AO3 Collection)
✍️ Running With My Dress Unbuttoned by the_casual_author
Ship(s): Andromeda Black Tonks/Ted Tonks
Rating: Gen
Three days.
“You either marry Yaxely or there will be consequences. You know what they will be for your supposed lover.” Her father’s words were stern, and Andromeda feels sick as she recalls them.
She doesn’t have a choice.
Or: Andromeda is to be married. She'd rather do anything else.
🕯 Not If, But Which One by Lostinwond3rland @lost-in-wond3rland
Ship(s): Remus Lupin/Sirius Black, James Potter/Regulus Black
Rating: E
Dearest Readers,
Welcome back to the London social season. And what a special season it is turning out to be! It has come to this authors attention that the ever-elusive Black brothers will finally be returning from Paris to enter the fray of eligible young lords and ladies, looking to procure nothing but the most exceptional of matches. Will the now Duke of Grimmauld and Lord Black procure suitable matches? Will our two stars find counterparts as bright as they are? Or will they burn out, cutting their London stay short? This author is unsure as of yet, but is surely determined to find out.
Yours Truly, Lady Whistledown
** Grosvenor Square, 1813
The Black Brothers return to the London social season after quite some time away. Will our two shinning stars secure love matches while avoiding scandal? Or will they fall to the seduction of gossip mongers, uncouth desires, and unreasonable expectations?
Aka: Ye Ol' Gossip Girl with dead gay wizards 🗝 the manuscript by ghstboys @ghst-boys
Ship(s): Pansy Parkinson/Gilderoy Lockhart, Pansy Parkinson/Neville Longbottom
Rating: M
When Draco leaves Pansy right before their wedding, she's heartbroken. Back in her hometown, she meets Gilderoy Lockhart, a handsome professor. But is it possible that he's not everything he seems?
📜 Home to You by @toofadedtofight
Ship(s): Remus Lupin/Sirius Black
Rating: M
Sirius commits a crime and Remus has to deal with the consequences.
“If I wrote to you, would you read my letters?” Sirius asked weakly, clearly unsure of where they stood on now. 
“Always, Sirius.”
🖌 Old habits by as_ter @astridblavk Ship(s): Remus Lupin/Sirius Black, Remus Lupin/Nymphadora Tonks
Rating: T
A short-story inspired by Taylor Swift's song "The Black Dog"!!
Worried, Sirius immediately ran to him and crouched down in front of him. “What happened?” he asked, but the sandy-haired man seemed not to hear him. 
Or even if he did, he was very effectively ignoring him. 
Be sure to check our page for Day 16’s reveals! Until then, Tortured Poets <3
🩶 Your mods,@wolfpadx @multiimoments @heartsoncover @lemonlans @mercurial-witch @steveahoi damagecontrol & shewritesmaybe
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iamnmbr3 · 3 months
i love your taste in hp fics. what have you been reading lately?
why thank you! :) here you go!
Heart of Emeralds by Phantomato (words: 10,200 | rating: T | Regulus Black/Tom Riddle | Major Character Death)
The locket horcrux has his own agenda: reunite the soul, rejoin the main body. When Regulus’ defection gives him an opportunity to set this in motion, he finds himself relying on Regulus’ questionable loyalty.
The customer is always right by Metalomagnetic (words: 7,200 | gen | unrated)
In the summer of 1945, Caractacus Burke hires a new assistant to help with the shop. His son doesn't know what to make of Tom Riddle, the young charismatic man that doesn't seem to mind working hard for just a handful of coins.
Inhuman Resources by Asenora (words: 4,210 | rating: G | gen)
Speaking from the fire in the Gryffindor Common Room, Sirius Black will assure his godson that Dolores Umbridge is definitely not a Death Eater. How does he know? Well, he's seen the paper trail...
of all my demon spirits by basketofnovas (slashmarks) (words: 1,730 | rating: T | Gen)
After the end of term, Ginny gets a new diary and struggles with the events of her first year.
The Shack at the End of the Lane by Asenora (words: 4,156 | rating: G | gen)
It was an unconventional choice, on the part of the universe, to make Tom Riddle's victims meet his mother the moment they arrived in the afterlife.
Gilderoy Lockhart: Dabbling with Dark Lords by Math_and_Lunacy (words: 1,826 | unrated | gen)
He didn’t know who this Harry Potter person was, but surely Potter wasn’t half as brave and heroic as Gilderoy. Where, after all, were the series of books detailing Harry Potter’s adventures? Where were Potter’s fans?
Amulette d'amour by The_Carnivorous_Muffin, Vinelle (words: 97,035 | Tom Riddle/Alphard Black | unrated)
Tom is commissioned to repair a magical amulet.
Escape by SofiaDragon (words: 50,231 | rating: M | Gen)
Harry Potter reacts much differently to the Dementor attack on his cousin and it causes a cascade of changes in the lives of everyone he knows. He runs away to France to escape the English Ministry's bias and gets a solicitor (lawyer) to deal with his legal issues. Part one of a book 5 and on re-write that can be read stand-alone. Featuring: Snape's POV. People making decisions for Harry without talking to him about it first. The Horcrux in his head influencing Harry's mind. Professional psychologists/mind healers doing good work. Snape using cannibus. He would not go back to Privet Drive without bringing the law. He’d lose his temper and end up in Azkaban. Even with aurors at his back, he was likely to hex dear old Tuney into next week if he had to interact with her again. The fines would be worth it.
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drarryspecificrecs · 1 year
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2023.03 ~ Top 10 longest fics posted on AO3
1. Silver Lining by She_Who_Must_Not_Be_Named_0 [?, 386k]
►13 years have passed since Voldemort's defeat. In those 13 years, Harry has done his best to forget everything that happened during the Second Wizarding War. He is a professor at Hogwarts now. And so, as of the upcoming school year, will Draco Malfoy. They haven't seen each other in years, they haven't talked in over a decade. Nothing has changed since they were students at the school - and yet, so much has. And after a while, they begin to realise that, in the end, maybe they aren't so different after all.
2. Defying the odds by Ibbsterkisster [T, 213k]
►[...] There was only so much Draco Malfoy could take. He was intelligent, he could see what was happening, what he was fighting for, what he had to pay for a cause he didn't even believe in. He wasn't brave, he didn't rush into situations without thinking first. He wasn't a Gryffindor. Draco Malfoy was a Slytherin. And he was about to show the world and a certain green-eyed Saviour, how useful Slytherins could be. — Or: the one where the Houses reunite to kick Voldemorts ass while Harry and Draco are boyfriends
3. no need to panic by silverdragons33 [T, 158k]
►Apparently, in the wizarding world, having a predestined soulmate is completely normal. [...] When someone starts trying to murder Harry, Draco is assigned as his protection. And although neither of the two have any idea what awaits them on the path ahead, one thing’s for certain: This will either end in bloodshed, or something far, far worse. But, yeah, no need to panic.
4. His Only Love by Becstar7 [M, 148k]
►Harry is an incubus in the court of King Thomas II, where fae and crossbreeds are second-class citizens. When someone tries to assassinate his lord and husband, Draco, Harry leaves his home to find the one responsible. But all is not as it seems, and learning the truth about himself and the world around him leads to a conflict he could never have imagined, with forces far more powerful than himself.
5. Save the Date by @mallstars [E, 122k]
►In the twelve years after the war, Harry attends sixteen weddings. As his friends and acquaintances vow their lives to each other, he watches quietly from the sidelines. Step by step he pieces his life together and falls, slowly and thoroughly, for Draco Malfoy. /// Featuring Ron becoming an eBay enthusiast, Hermione refusing marriage altogether, Gilderoy Lockhart getting married in a fever dream of glitter and product placement, and Rita Skeeter spitting a steady stream of venom at Harry and Draco's every move.
6. With and Without You by @shewhomustnotbenamed [E, 117k]
►Harry and Draco realize that they’ve been living in the same building for the past five years, hiding from the Wizarding world in Muggle London for a variety of reasons. They grow unexpectedly close and Harry realizes that Draco’s relationship with his boyfriend is abusive, spiraling as he tries and fails to figure out how to help. In Harry’s rejection of the Wizarding world in general, he has fallen out of touch with his friends and his magical abilities, but has to reconnect with both in order to find himself again.
7. A Blanket Of Black Fur by DarkWizard [E, 78k]
►After being sequestrated in the Manor for months, Draco tries to escape. Comes a wolf.
8. The Practice of Everyday Life by @goblinmatriarch [M, 69k]
►After the War, Harry married Ginny, had three beautiful children, and remained best friends with Hermione and Ron, who had two children of their own, and they all were happily married until they weren't. Harry and Hermione are both struggling to navigate post-divorce parenting, Ministry careers, and then this fucking pandemic hits. If that wasn't bad enough, Draco Malfoy reappears out of nowhere with worrying information about magical wards falling and the future of magic itself at risk. Harry and Hermione will have to navigate horrifying bureaucracy, complex magical rituals, confusingly sexy Slytherins, and Having It All.
9. An Earlier Heaven by Relevant_Peach [T, 52k]
►An unexpected truce throws off Draco's sixth year plans to lay low and avoid taking the Dark Mark and being assigned a mission. He doesn't know why on earth Potter would want to gain Professor Snape's respect, but he's pretty sure it's impossible. Still, having a boon from the Chosen One could come in handy, and if nothing else, it will be entertaining to watch Potter try.
10. The Roles We Play by slytherin_heartstrings [?, 43k]
►Draco is content with living his life as Damian, at least until Harry Potter walks into his theatre and threatens to disturb Draco's hard-earned peace of mind. After all, Potter has always had a thing for ruining Draco’s life. /// Harry reckons he might have a premature midlife-crisis. Three years after the war he still doesn’t know what to do with his life, but maybe it doesn’t matter as long as he still has a house to renovate and a capybara in his shower.
11. Winner Takes It All by @skeptiquewrites [E, 40k]
►As with all his friends’ wagers, it starts small. Fifty Galleons for one kiss from Harry Potter is easily done.
※ Word count: 1k ~ 15k
※ Word count: 15k ~ 40k
Diagnosis: Unresolved by @lekendall [T, 16k]
Down to the Wire by @bluesyquill [G, 16k]
Draco Malfoy's Entirely Justified and Very Official War on Trousers by Tophats_and_Teacups [E, 15k]
I Like to Believe You've Been Dreaming of Me by @professordrarry [M, 19k]
In Search of Redemption by mavieenlair [T, 31k]
It was a bad idea ('cause now I'm even more lost) by @all-drarry-to-me [T, 36k]
Rotten Luck: a Lesson in Slander and Self Control by enoby_w [T, 17k]
To Sleep, Perchance to Dream by @violenttulips [E, 24k]
Ongoing Fest/Exchange
※ Fics would be listed elsewhere.
Divorce Flash 2023
Salt and Pepper Fest 2023
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lilacella · 2 months
I'm not sure if Sirius comes off a little too booktoky in this one...I feel like he is a little too cool and 'popular' xD But what can I do, that's just how I imagine him. I hope it isn't too annoying to read though 😅
Also, I aged Gilderoy Lockhart up a little for this I believe. So if you stumble across that, just ignore it xD
Song recommendations:
Prom Queen by Beach Bunny (tumblr refuses to let me embedd the link for some reason)
Chapter 4: Jealousy, jealousy
First Previous Next
"Wake up already you lovebirds, we will miss breakfast!" James hollered trough the closed curtains of Sirius dorm bed. Remus groaned next to him and buried his face deeper into the crook of Sirius neck. Sirius pulled him closer into his arms and pressed a kiss on his hairline.
"I am afraid we might have to acually get up, Moons."
"But 'm tired," mumbled Remus, his voice vibrating against Sirius skin. "And it's Saturday. Can't we just skip breakfast?" Sirius heart fluttered in his chest. How could he say no to this sweetness?
Since Remus and him had gotten together four months ago his feelings had only intensified. Being close to Remus was intoxicating and he couldn't get enough of it. He always needed to be close, holding hands, cuddling, snogging...and some other things as well. And Remus seemed to return Sirius desire for affectionate touches, sought them out just as much as he did, except - and that was the only hang up - when they were in public.
Remus still wasn't ready to let the rest of the school know about their relationship. Sirius didn't exactly mind whether other people knew or not but not being able to hold Remus hand whenever he wanted, not being able to take im on dates properly, bothered him more and more. Of course he didn't want to pressure Remus into anything but this was annoying.
"Sorry, Prongs, gotta go without us." He called to his friend.
"Oh come on, again? Can't you two keep it in your pants for one weekend?" James teased.
"Shut up," Sirius laughed. "Moony is sleepy, okay. So we'll join you later."
"Right sure, mate. Come on Pete. See you then. And don't forget to use protection," he yelled from the door, quickly slamming it shut behind him and Peter before Sirius spell could hit him.
"Wanker," Sirius chuckled, dropped his wand back on his nightstand and snuggled back against Remus. "Sorry bout the noise, Moonsy."
" 's alright. Just hold me." Sirius melted a little. With a content sigh he wrapped his arms tightly around the other boy, pressing his cheek against the top of his head, inhaling his scent.
"I love you."
The words had left his mouth before he could stop them. Remus seemed to have frozen in place. Fuck.
"Oh, thank you." Remus replied, suddenly sounding quite awake.
Thank you. Thank you! Thank you? Right. Thank you.
"And he didn't say anything back?" James asked, playing with a stone by throwing it up in the air and catching it again.
"He said 'thank you'," Sirius replied dryly while throwing another ferret towards the hungry hippogriffs their MC teacher had put him in charge of. It was snatched out of the air before it hit the ground.
"Oh. That's...that's rough Pads I'm sorry." James frowned in sympathy. "But that doesn't have to mean that he doesn't, right? Maybe he's just not ready to say it." Sirius shrugged his shoulders, exiting the hippogriff paddock and closing the gate behind him. "Maybe he just doesn't...He doesn't have to." James frown grew deeper.
"I'm sure he does. You should see the way he looks at you."
"Maybe he just likes looking at me. And thats it..."
"Bullshit. Padfoot, you know Remus. He isn't that superficial."
"No but he is a pushover. What if he just plays along so he doesn't have to turn me down?"
"What? No! Didn't he kiss you first?"
"Yeah but what if he only did that because he had noticed that..."
"That is an insane theory. Sirius, he likes you and - if you ask me - he loves you as well. Just give him some time to adjust." Sirius sighed deeply trying to dissolve the knot in his chest.
"It's okay. I should just be happy with what I've got with him. If he doesn't love me then that's okay."
James grabbed him by the shoulders, demtermined: "No, listen to me. That's not okay. You deserve to be loved, Pads. And you are, okay? Remus loves you and if he doesn't that's his own fucking loss." Sirius snorted, but couldn't surpress a smile. James pulled him into a tight hug. Sirius squeezed his friend lightly.
"Thanks, mate."
Another month had passed and Remus had still not said it back. Sirius hadn't pressed the topic and tried to convince himself that it was okay either way. Did it really matter if Remus was in love with him as long as they still got to be together? Deep down he knew the answer to that question was yes. It did matter greatly. But he pushed that thought down, together with his growing frustration about their secrecy.
Usually Sirius loved having shared secrets with the people he cared about. It made for a special kind of intimacy, similar to inside jokes or age old shared memories. But now that christmas was around the corner and all the couples around them seemed extra coupley and cuddly with each other, Sirius loathed it. He too wanted to go ice skating on the lake, hand in hand with Remus, he wanted to draw their initials surrounded by a heart into the fresh snow, he wanted to use every misteloe as an excuse to snog his boyfriend, take him to the christmas market in Hogsmead and buy him all the chocolate covered fruit he wanted. Well, technically he could do the latter but he couldn't expect a kiss in return. Not that he needed payment to do nice things for Remus but a boy could dream right?
Absentmindedly Sirius strolled through the deserted 3rd floor of the castle, on his way from his Advanced Curses class, that none of his friends were taking. When he turned a corner he almost bumped into Mary McDonald, who was so startled she dropped her books.
"Oh, sorry. Here let me help."
He quickly knelt down to help her pick them up.
"Thank you," Mary gave him a genuine smile.  When they both got up and Sirius wanted to continue his path, not really in the mood for forced small talk, he was stopped by an invisible barrier. Oh no.
They both looked up to the enchanted mistletoe sheepishly dangeling above their heads.
"Oh," said Mary. Sirius looked at her with wide eyes. This was bad. The misteloe spell was pretty much unbreakable from the inside. That's what made them so entertaining for everyone on the outside. They were trapped here, unless they kissed. This was so so bad.
Of course there were worse things than kissing Mary. Sirius never paid too much attention to her but she was a good friend of Lily so she must be a nice person. Under regular circumstances he would have probably just kissed her to get them both out of this and not made much of a fuss about it but...Well, while Remus didn't want them to be official, he was not particularly fond of girls flirting with Sirius. Sirius had told him multiple times that he didn't have any interest in girls whatsoever and even if, Remus would have nothing to worry about. But Remus did worry. And if he were to find out that Sirius had kissed someone else, even under the duress of the misteltoe, he would start all over with his 'You could have anyone, why do you want me anyways?' and the 'Are you sure that you don't want to go out with anyone else? You have options, you know.'
Sirius hated these conversations, that had been a constant in their relationship since day one. Part of Sirius was somewhat flattered, that Remus obviously thought so highly of him but the - much bigger - rest of him felt, as if Remus was trying to push him away. That nothing he did or said was ever sufficient to convince the other that he was good enough, that Sirius didn't care about his other options as long Remus was still one.
With a tortured smile he turned to Mary. The girl smiled back and took a step towards him: "Guess we have to get it over with, if we want to get out of here. There seems to be noone around to bail us out."
Sirius raised his hands defensively. "No!" Mary backed off, startled by his strong reaction.
"No sorry...I...I can't kiss you. I really can't. It's nothing personal. I just...," he trailed off. Mary raised her eyebrows.
"It's okay. Uhm...but we will be stuck here if..."
"I know," Sirius interrupted her, trailing his hand trough his hair. He sighed and leaned against the cold stone wall.
They had been stuck under the mistletoe for a good hour, all their attempts at calling for help or freeing themselves futile. Even if the other marauders might be looking for him by now Sirius wasn't sure when they would turn up. He had the map with him, so no chance using that.
Suddenly Mary let out a nervous laugh.
"Would it really be that bad? To kiss me? I mean we all know you are picky but..."
"Excuse me?"
"Well, you haven't dated anyone yet. And not for lack of opportunity. You don't show interest in any of the girls. I heard Samantha Jordan is actually quite offended by that."
"Is she?"
"Yes. Apparently she expected you to ask her out last valentines day."
"Why on earth would I do that?"
"See? Picky. Who doesn't like Samantha Jordan. She's quite fit! And pretty cool if you ask me."
"Maybe you should ask her out then."
"Very funny."
"I am just...otherwise inclined."
Mary looked at him attentively. "Oh? So there is someone?" Sirius flinched. He couldn't tell her. He had promised Remus.
But he could tell her part of it...
"I just...I don't think I care much for girls in general."
"Oh." Mary pondered this new found information for a bit. "I guess that makes sense. Noone in their right mind would turn down a chance with Samantha."
Sirius laughed. "Maybe you should really go out with her."
"Quite sure I'm not her type."
"Who knows, sometimes peoples dating preferences are very surprising."
"What are yours then? Are you into any boys?"
Sirius pressed his lips together and didn't respond.
"Fine then. But if you're gay...why won't you kiss me? You're not one of these guys that think girls are nasty, aren't you?"
"What? No! Of course not. I would kiss you, it's just..."
"Ahhh," Marys face lit up with understanding. "You want your first kiss to be with a boy. I get it. Well that is really unfortunate now." She looked up to their festive prison guard and sighed. "I am hungry though. We are missing dinner."
They did in fact miss dinner, but then, finally they heard footsteps coming down the hallway and soon a familiar voice called out for both of them.
"Sirius? Mary? Maryyy? Hello?"
"Lily, hey over here," Mary yelled over to her friend who hurried towards them, James, Remus and Peter in tow. "There you are! We were starting to get worried."
"Misteloe," said Sirius while pointing upwards and threw Remus an apologetic look. Remus mouth twitched. Obviously relieved, that Sirius would rather be stuck for hours, than to kiss someone else.
Lily shot down the mistletoe with remarkable precision and pulled Mary into a relieved hug.
"Are you going to get anything for Sirius?" Lily asked while they made their way through the hallways on one of their obligatory prefect rounds. Sometimes this occupation had it's downsides.
"What do you mean," Remus asked confused. Lily raised an eyebrow.
"For Valentines day? It is in three days!"
"Oh. Well I don't think he wants anything. Sirius isn't much of a gift person, always says he's already got everything. Also he thinks valentines is stupid."
Lily hummed thoughtfully. "Are you sure? I mean James is similar but he still liked the candy I got him last year."
Remus chuckled. "Of course he did, because you gave them to him. It wasn't about the candy, it was about..." Lily watched contentedly how the realization crossed his face. "Well fuck," Remus murmured. "What am I supposed to get him? There is no chance to go to Hogsmeade before?"
Lily shrugged her shoulders. "Maybe pick him some flowers."
"In February."
"You could steal some from the greenhouses."
"Are you encouraging rule breaking behavior, Lily?"
She rolled her eyes. "You could...I don't know. Maybe do something nice with him instead? Plan a little date? You haven't been out with each other at all."
"Yes, because people aren't supposed to know."
"I don't understand why though. What are you worried about? If anyone made any stupid comments I am sure Sirius would put a stop to that quickly."
"I just...Well if you see us together...Do you never think it looks weird?"
"What do you mean?"
"Well, Sirius is...he is fucking gorgeous. Everybody thinks that. Even the people that despise him cannot deny that he is very handsome. And I...I am pretty mediocre at best."
"You are being to critical with yourself. You look completely fine."
"Yes, exactly. I look fine, he looks perfect. He is charming and effortlessly cool and I am a bloody dork."
"Oh come on, that's just not true. I admit, you used to be a little...loopy. But that was in first grade! You've grown up!"
Remus shook his head. "This is really nice of you but still...If people saw us together they would certainly wonder what on earth he is doing with me."
"And then what?"
"Then they might start telling him that and then he might start wondering too," said Remus quietly. Lily gently shook her head.
"Remus," she said softly. "That's never going to happen."
When Remus entered the Great Hall Sirius was already sitting at their usual spot. James and Lily were off on one of their romantic walks around the castle and Peter had to take extra lessons with Prof. Flitwick, to fix his grades before the N.E.W.T.s. So Sirius was by himself. Except for Oliver Thompson, a 7th year Ravenclaw who was leaning on the back of Sirius chair, hovering over him. They were talking. Remus couldn't hear their voices but from the look on Thompsons face he could imagine.
Since word had gotten around that Sirius was gay - Mary had accidentally let it slip and word got out quickly - the girls had stopped hitting on him but some boys had started. And they happened to be lot more forward about it. Remus quickened his pace to reach them faster.
"Why not? Come on just one date! It won't kill you," he heard Thompson say.
"It might," Sirius replied dryly. "Sorry Thompson but I am not interested."
"Really? Not even a chance? I promise I'd make it worth your while." Thompson smiled suggestively and Sirius pulled a face in response.
Remus had reached them and without thinking he stepped in between them and pushed Thompson away from Sirius. Jealousy was pooling in his stomach like acid.
"He's not interested."
Thompson raised his eyebrows mockingly "Oh I am sorry, since when is it part if the prefect duties to cockblock?" Remus glared at the brawny guy.
"Step away, Thompson."
Thompson laughed. "Look at that! Loopy Lupin trying to tell me off!"
"Watch your mouth!" hissed Sirius angrily and got up from his chair.
Thompson sneered. "Why are you defending that loser? I mean I know you two are hanging out but we all know that's a pity thing right?"
The words made Remus feel sick and dizzy but he held his position. He would not just give up now. And he knew it wasn't true. Right? Of course not.
Thompsons patience however ran out and he roughly pushed Remus aside. "Out of my way, nerd."
Remus collided painfully with the table. He was about to pull his wand when Thompson was suddenly knocked back by a spell, landing on his ass. His eyed grew wide in shock as he realized that he couldn't even complain about the rough treatment, since his mouth had vanished without a trace.
"I said watch your mouth," Sirius stated coldly and put his wand away. When he looked over to the shocked Remus, his gaze immediately softend. "Are you alright?"
Remus answer was interrupted by a loud yell from the other side of the Hall.
"MR. BLACK! Into my office, NOW!" Professor McGonnagalls face was flushed red with anger as she crossed the hall with long strides.
"All weekend?" James asked shocked.
"He can be glad that it is only that!" Remus shook his head. "That was an incredible dangerous spell! You could have killed him, Sirius!"
Sirius glared at him. "I did that for you, you git."
"That was utterly unnecessary."
"As was your pseudoheroic attempt to drive him away. If you want people to stop hitting on me, there would be an easier way, you know?" Sirius got up from his bed and stormed out of the dorm.
"Sirius!" Remus called after him but to no avail.
James sighed. "What is it with you two."
Remus groaned and dropped back onto his bed.
After Sirius hadn't returned at bedtime Remus decided to go looking for him. James handed him the map and the cloak and told him to not rile Sirius up any further. As if he had consciously chosen to do that.
He found his boyfriend in the owlery, perched on a windowsill between the birds, as if he was one himself. "Are you still sulking?," he asked gently.
"I'm not sulking," Sirius snapped back. "I just don't want to deal with you right now."
Remus flinched. He felt bad for making Sirius this upset. But Sirius had gone too far!
"I'm sorry. I appreciate that you defended me but that was...a bit much." Sirius didn't look at him and kept his narrowed eyes fixated on something in the brickwork.
"I mean, It was a little funny...but I don't want you to do something like that for my sake."
"Well that's too damn bad because I will."
Remus sighed and sat himself next to Sirius in the window. The cold air crept through the layers of his clothing and he shivered a little. Sirius must have been sitting here for a while...
"Aren't you cold?"
Sirius gave him a disparaging look. "No."
"Sirius..." Remus wrapped an arm around Sirius waist. Touching usually helped when they've had a spat. But this time Sirius shuffled away from him, keeping his arms crossed. Remus stomach twisted. He hated this.
"Please. Don't be like that."
"Me? What am I doing? Why are you like that," Sirius called out angrily, jumping up and turning to Remus. Remus could see tears glistening in his eyes. His heart cramped. "We've been together for 8 months and you still want noone to know! I get that you need time but come on! We haven't been out once and because you want to keep it a bloody secret, people hit on me and then you get upset because people hit on me. And now you are mad at me because I dealt with it in a way that doesn't suit you! And you haven't..." Sirius stopped his ramblings for a second to steady his breath "...sometimes...sometimes I think you don't even like me."
Sirius turned his face away again but Remus could still see the tears rolling down his flushed cheeks. His throat was tight.
"Sirius..." he got up and approached him carefully. "Of course I like you! I...I'm sorry I made you feel like I didn't. Hey, look at me. Please." He gently put his hand on Sirius cheek, feeling hot tears on his skin and turned his head towards him. Sirius didn't resist. Remus softly ran his thumb over Sirius cheek, trying to comfort him. Anything to make him stop crying. "I am so sorry." He whispered and Sirius head dropped against his shoulder. Remus wrapped his arms around him, holding him close.
"I love you."
The words came out so easily all of a sudden, he surprised himself by saying them. All these months he meant to, but couldn't get them out. Like his body would simply not let him speak, not let him become so vulnerable. Maybe because he had been scared that if he said it out loud, it would become real. And then he would have no more excuses in front of himself to keep them a secret. And then...He truly feared what would happen if they were official.
Sirius slowly lifted his head, looking at him through long wet lashes. "You...really? You don't have to..."
Remus pressed a tender kiss on his lips. "I do. And I'm sorry I didn't say it sooner. I love you so much." Now he could feel tears stinging in his own eyes. Saying these words felt incredibly freeing.
They took their time on their way back to the castle. Slowly strolling over the dark pathways, hands clasped tightly.
"What do you wanna do for valentines day?," Remus asked into the comfortable silence between them.
Sirius gave him a surprised look. "Do you wanna do something? I'm not sure I can offer much. With the detention..."
"I could apply to watch your detention. I am a prefect after all," Remus grinned.
Sirius smirked mischievously. "Sounds like a plan, Mr. Prefect."
Remus looked over to his boyfriend. He was truly a sight to behold, drenched in moonlight, his silky black hair falling softly down to his shoulders, his eyes twinkling like stars on the nightsky..."You are so beautiful," he heard himself say. Obviously today was 'say your thoughts out loud day'.
Sirius laughed. "So that's why you like me, huh?"
"Bullshit. I like you because you are a mean cunt that hexes peoples mouth shut when they piss you off."
Sirius snorted. Then, after a brief pause he asked: "Would you still like me if I didn't look good?"
Remus chuckled in surprise. "Of course! But you would always look good. It's just how you are."
"That makes no sense. My apperance is hardly an ingrained character trait."
"No, it is! I mean...how do I explain this. Do you know how some people can pull off the ugliest clothing? Like no matter what they wear they always make it look good. I think that's you but with...bodies? Like you could take poly juice of...of Snivellus and..."
"Ewww why do you have to bring him into this?"
Remus laughed "Let me continue," he giggled. "So what I'm trying to say is, you could wear the most unattractive person but you would still look good. People would still think you were hot."
Sirius snorted. "You are being ridiculous."
"Maybe. Maybe I just like you too much..." he grinned. The events of the last hour had left him feeling giddy and carefree. And maybe that was the reason, why he said the following:
"I think I am ready. I think...I think I want people to know. I want to be able to point at you and tell people that you are my boyfriend. And I want all these guys to leave you alone."
Sirius face lit up and he stopped in his tracks. "Really?! Are you sure?"
Remus nodded. Sirius beamed and pulled him into a kiss. Remus rejoiced in the feeling of their lips moving together, hands and arms tightly wrapped around the other, before they reluctantly separated and continued their walk to the dorm, both smiling to themselves.
Since valentines, things had been nothing but wonderful between them. The reaction of the other students to them suddenly strolling through the hallways hand in hand hadn't been nearly as bad as Remus had expected. Maybe the tale of Thompsons fate had served them as a warning. People were definitely talking about them but usually left them alone. And so they spent the breaks together snogging in some corner of the castle or behind the greenhouses and the evenings in the common room snuggling on one of the couches.
But with May came study season and Remus became increasingly stressed. Sirius of course didn't have any concerns about the N.E.W.T.s but Remus spend exceeding hours at the library, revising.
Today was one of those days. Remus was sat behind a pile of book with Sirius next to him who had tipped his chair back and played with the hood of Remus cloak, when Lily and Mary joined them giggeling about something.
"What is wrong with him?"
"Don't be so harsh Mary, he's only a kid."
"He is fifteen! I wasn't that supid at fifteen!"
"Who is stupid?" Sirius asked mildly intrigued.
"Lockhart." Lily dropped her books on the table and sat down across them.
"Who's that?"
"One of the 5th graders," mumbled Remus still focused on his book.
"The blonde one. Actually quite cute if he wasn't such a baby," Mary added.
"And what did he do?"
Lily and Mary exchanged a look and Lily looked over to Remus.
Sirius raised an eyebrow. "What?"
"Well...he said that he was going to 'romance' you," Lily giggled at her own words.
"What?" Remus looked up from his book.
"Yes. He seems to believe that he can unhitch Sirius. Absolutely ridiculous."
Remus frowned. Gilderoy Lockhart might be a little pretentious twat but he was quite good looking. A lot better than himself, anyway. Maybe he wasn't being that ridiculous...He looked over too Sirius who was pulling a face.
"What an idiot. Who does he think he is? Unhitch me...really." He turned to Remus. "Absurd isn't it?"
Remus shrugged his shoulders and turned back to his book. He felt queasy.
Since the revelation of Gilderoys plan and some - futile - flirting attempts from his side, he had become topic number one between Remus and Sirius and, by extension, the marauders as a whole. Sirius brushed the whole thing off as a kid having delusions and couldn't understand why Remus would feel threatened. Remus on the other hand was getting increasingly upset. James and Lily tried their best to calm him.
"Come on mate, do you really think Pads would cheat on you? That's mental."
"I am not worried that he will cheat, I am worried that he will leave me!"
"For a fifth grader."
Remus groaned in annoyance. "Look, I....its just..."
"He loves you."
"I know but I haven't exactly been a good boyfriend, haven't I? I made him keep it a secret for months, didn't tell him that I love him and now I am constantly busy studying. And I know he is bored. But I need to study if I want to pass and...and what if he is so bored that he'd rather spend some time with Gilderoy than another afternoon in the library..." he trailed off, feeling terrible.
James shook his head vigorously. "He doesn't care about that. Do you really think he'd leave you because he's bored?"
"Well frankly, yes. I do. Because being bored gives him time to think and then he might realize how blinded he was and how much better off he would be with someone else." His voice broke.
James put a hand on his shoulder. "Moony. You are worried about nothing. Believe me, if Sirius suddenly lost interest in you I would know."
James had a point, Remus thought. But the uneasy feeling didn't dissolve.
"Excuse me, help! You're a prefect, right?" a group of agitated students ran towards Remus who was on his way to the hall with Sirius.
"Yes. I am. What's the matter? And no running in the hallways please!" He just knew that Sirius was gonna make fun of his Prefect voice later.
"Gilderoy." The students tried to catch their breath. "He is at the Hippogriffs."
"What the fuck is he doing there," Sirius asked immediately pissed off.
"He wanted to ride one."
"What?! Does he have an urgent deathwish or something?"
"He wanted to impress...Well he wanted to impress you. Because you take care of them. So he thought if he could ride one..."
Sirius groaned loudly. "What is wrong with that kid?"
"But he got snatched!" Interrupted one of the younger students.
"Snatched?" asked Remus with growing concern. Sirius was already hurrying towards the paddock, the group of students in tow. Remus ran after them.
As they made their way downhill it started raining. Soon all of them were drenched. Suddenly a hippogriff emerged from the clouds, a screaming Gilderoy in it's claws.
Remus caught up to Sirius and grabbed his arm.
"Is this really your concern? What do you even want to do? Shouldn't we get a teacher?"
Sirius shook him off. "I can handle this."
"Sure okay, run to save him!"
Sirius spun around. "What is your problem? Do you want him to die?"
"And since when do you care about that? Or do you care because it's him?"
Sirius pulled a face, angry. "I care because of the hippogriffs. Do you know what happens if they kill someone? I won't let that happen." Sirius turned back around and continued walking.
"Sirius, wait. I...I'm sorry. I just don't want you to get hurt."
Sirius turned around again and in one swift motion pulled Remus into a brief but intense kiss. "I'll be fine."
Remus watched helplessly how Sirius entered the paddock, unleashed and mounted another hippogriff with ease and set off.
It took a few attempts until Sirius managed to free Gilderoy and steered all four off them safely to ground. The group of students and Remus watched in awe.
After they had landed Sirius grabbed Gilderoys arm and roughly dragged him off the paddock.
"Someone get him to the hospital wing."
"You saved me!" Gilderoy swooned. "How can I ever repay you?"
"By staying the fuck away from me! I've got a boyfriend and no intention about swapping him out, eventhough he seems to think otherwise. So get a fucking grip, kid." Sirius grabbed Remus hand und pulled him back to the castle.
They went back to the dorm, Sirius was drying off his wet hair and they both changed into dry clothes.
"I'm sorry about earlier," Remus said. "I was worried about him. I just...I guess I just didn't want you to be the one saving him. Stupid I know."
"Remus...you're not stupid. I mean...I guess I would probably be jealous too, if someone announced that he wants to take you away from me." Sirius pushed a strand of hair behind his ear. "I'm sorry I made you feel so insecure."
"It's not your fault..."
Sirius gently cupped Remus face. "I love you. And I don't want anyone else. Especially not this little twat."
Remus smiled weakly. "I feel like a little twat myself to be honest."
"You aren't. You are great. And you would never be so stupid. Trying to ride a hippogriff...fucking maniac."
Remus leaned his forehead against Sirius.
"Will we be okay?"
"Of course we will, Moonsy. We'll be just fine."
The exam season went by in a blur off study sessions, eating and sleeping. The last exam had finally passed and Remus could feel reasonably confident that he'd be leaving Hogwarts with decent grades and he could enjoy their final night at the pub without worries.
"So you two will start Auror training?" Mary asked Lily and James.
Lily nodded. "It sounds like it's quite challenging but I'm up for it"
"Of course you are! You are brilliant," James beamed at her and she blushed a little.
"What about you Pads, have you decided already? Are you going to join us?"
"Nah, don't think so. I would probably get into trouble the first week." Sirius grinned. "I thought maybe I'll do cursebreaking."
"Cursebreaking?" asked Peter surprised. "Isn't that super dangerous?"
Mary nodded, concerned: "I thought that was a job for when you desperately need money...didn't you get a bunch from your uncle?"
"Yes but I will certainly not rest on it. And I think it will be fun. I mean can you imagine me working for the ministry?"
Remus hesitantly shook his head. He couldn't. Actually cursebreaking was the perfect job for Sirius. He was made for it. But Peter was right. It was quite dangerous and Remus wasn't fond of the thought of Sirius getting hurt.
"You'll do great there, mate. They need people like you," James backed Sirius up.
"I guess chances are that we'd still work together sometimes. There is quite some overlap in the fields."
"And what about you, Remus?" Mary turned to him now.
"Me? Oh I don't now. I guess I'll see what I can get."
Mary frowned. "But you're grades should be good, with all the time you spend studying. I'm sure you'll have options."
Remus forced a smile. With his lycanthropy in mind he doubted her words strongly. "We'll see."
He could feel Sirius nudging him under the table, sensing his discomfort. "Well if you don't find anything I can always take care of you."
Remus shook his head decidedly. "No. Absolutely not."
"Why not?" Sirius asked, sounding offended.
"Because I don't want you to. I need to be able to support myself."
"Well sure, but if you weren't I could..."
Mary and Lily exchanged puzzled looks. "I don't get why that would be necessary..." Lily wondered.
"And why would you not want that? Not having to work, being taken care of...sounds nice to me," Mary mused.
"Well I don't like it. I don't want to be dependent on someone else."
"You are making it sound liked I'd use it to control you," Sirius complained.
"No, I don't think that. I just..." I don't deserve it, he thought.
Sirius huffed. "Suit yourself. But I will not let you starve, as stubborn as you might be, trust me I am worse." He gave Remus a smile and Remus couldn't help but return it. He knew, if he had to be dependent on someone, then he wanted it to be Sirius.
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fandomsaligninstories · 3 months
Year Two: The Chamber Entrance
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Chapter List
WC: 1,112
29th May, 1993
Violet didn't know what she was doing. 
It was nearing eleven at night, and despite feeling exhausted from a long day of studying, she couldn't sleep. She decided to go for a walk, maybe read a bit in the common room, but she found it just as impossible to get comfortable on the couch as her bed. So she did the one thing all students were expressly forbidden from doing- she decided to wander the castle.
It was deathly silent as she walked around, and just as dark, as all the lights had been extinguished. She wasn't sure where she'd wandered to, until she heard a rush of footsteps coming near her. 
She pressed herself against the wall, hidden in the shadows, until the footsteps receded. She could feel her heart pounding in her chest, suddenly worried about being caught, but she moved down the hall as she heard hushed voices.
She tucked herself against the wall, leaning slightly around the corner to see the group of professors. Movement in the corner of her eye had her jumping back, until she realised it was only Harry and Ron. They shared a wide-eyed look before all leaning around the corner to listen.
"...The Heir of Slytherin has left another message." Professor McGonagall was saying to the group, "Our worst fear has been realised, a student has been taken by the monster into the chamber itself! The students must be sent home; I'm afraid this is the end of Hogwarts."
Violet looked over to the two boys, who had equally panicked expressions. 
"So sorry. Dozed off." Professor Lockhart said, joining the group, "What have I missed?"
"A girl has been snatched by the monster, Lockhart." Snape replied, his tone ever annoyed, "Your moment has come at last."
"My m-moment?" Lockhart stuttered.
"Weren't you saying just last night that you've known all along where the entrance to the Chamber of Secrets is?" 
Violet had to stifle her gasp, equal parts shocked and annoyed that the professor knew such information but hadn't done anything to help.
It was silent for a long moment, until McGonagall spoke up, "That's settled. We'll leave you to deal with the monster, Gilderoy. Your skills, after all, are legend."
"Very well! I'll just be in my office getting, uh... Getting ready." Lockhart took off quickly, presumably towards his office.
"Who is it that the monster's taken, Minerva?" Madam Pomfrey asked.
"Ginny Weasley." 
All of the professors left then, revealing more blood writing on the wall.
"Her skeleton will lie in the Chamber forever"
Violet looked over to Ron, his face a mixture of terror and shock. 
"Let's go." Harry urged, starting down the hallway.
"Wait, where are you going?" Violet questioned, following after them.
"To find Professor Lockhart. We have to go down into the Chamber of Secrets and save Ginny." Harry responded, glancing behind him at the shellshocked Ron.
"Wait, you can't just go down there!" She tried to plead, "It's dangerous!"
"This whole school is dangerous, Violet!" He responded, finally stopping in front of the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom, "Now, are you coming or not?"
Violet didn't know how to respond, so she simply stood there as Harry and Ron barged into the classroom. She argued with herself for several minutes on why she couldn't go with them, why she shouldn't go with them, and why she should go with them. She was no Hermione Granger, but she was still well practiced with her wand. By the time she'd made up her mind, the boys were walking out of the classroom, their wands pointed at Professor Lockhart.
"Harry!" She gasped, "What on earth are you doing?!"
"He's a liar and a traitor," He said hotly. Violet wanted to ask for more, but the trio was already walking away. She sighed and followed after them.
They were quiet until they entered the girls' bathroom on the second floor, stopping as they came face to face with Moaning Myrtle. 
"Oh, who's there?" She sighed, then smiled and giggled upon seeing Harry, "Oh! Hello, Harry. Oh, what do you want?" 
Harry spoke slowly, "To ask you how you died."
"Oh, it was dreadful." She was floating above the toilet cubicles, and she pointed at the one below her, "It happened right here in this very cubicle. I'd hidden because Olive Hornby was teasing me about my glasses. I was crying... and then, somebody came in."
"Who was it, Myrtle?" Harry asked.
"I don't know! I was distraught!" She huffed and sighed as she floated towards the group, stopping just in front of Harry, "But they said something funny, a kind of made-up language. And I realised it was a boy speaking so I unlocked the door to tell him to go away. And... I died."
"Just like that? How?"
"I just remember seeing a pair of great, big, yellow eyes over there by that sink." She nodded and pointed to the sink, then she left, moaning and whimpering.
Ron kept his taped up wand pointed at Lockhart as Harry moved to examine the sink, "This is it. I think this is the entrance to the Chamber of Secrets."
Lockhart looked at Harry with a wild look in his eyes, but stayed silent. Ron urged Harry to say something in Parseltongue. Harry closed his eyes before murmuring something in the Parseltonue. 
The group all stepped back as the sinks began to shift, sliding away from each other as the one Harry had determined to be the 'door' slid into the ground. They revealed a large, gaping hole in the ground; the darkness so black they couldn't see the bottom. 
Lockhart sighed in exasperation, "Excellent, Harry. Ah, good work. Well then, I'll just be, uh... There's no need for me to stay!" 
Harry, Ron, and Violet all blocked the professor as he tried to run out the door.
"Oh, yes, there is!" Harry huffed as the three students shoved the professor backwards, nearly sending him into the pit, "You first."
"Now, really, what good would it do?"
"Better you than us." Ron responded.
"Um, but... Obviously, yes." Lockhart seemed to accept his fate, though begrudgingly, as he turned and examined the hole, "Sure you don't want to test it first?"
Ron poked Lockhart in the back, effectively pushing him into the hole. Violet felt a sense of satisfaction as Lockhart yelled the whole way down. It took several seconds for the telltale thud to signify he had hit the bottom. 
"It's really quite filthy down here." Lockhart said, letting the trio know he was alive.
Violet groaned, "I'm really going to regret this." 
Then she jumped.
━⊱༻ ༺⊰━
@stellarlune-love @helendeath @skz-xii @cherriesfine
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thistlecatfics · 10 months
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The Hot Mess Express by @yrfrndfrnkly (17k, M, Minerva/Rolanda)
Being Albus's Deputy Headmistress was bad enough before Gilderoy Lockhart showed up…
Tags include: A.S.S., Lockhart bashing (does that even count as bashing?), Competent Women, caper!, meddling colleagues, Matchmaking, Ski Chalets, the Pyrenees, treasure chest of dildos, and 70s pornos, Hot Tub, outdoorsiness, Spelunking, tandem broom rides
This fic is just so fucking funny and clever and heartwarming. It's just such a warm fic - perfect to read this December with a cup of tea and snow flurries outside. The characterizations are so brilliant (Manipulative and campy Albus! A meaningful and moving Severus & Minerva friendship!), and Minerva's voice throughout the fic is so distinct and captivating and dry and hilarious.
Here are an excessive amount of quotes to convince you to read this fic:
"Not, mind you, that Minerva would prefer another sycophantic Percy. But a repeat of Charlie wouldn't be so bad: gentle natured and a dab hand at Quidditch."
"Commiserating with Septima about the forthcoming publication of her article in The Arithmancer (coming along slowly; Reader 2 is a hack)"
"experience has taught her that Gilderoy has very selective hearing: if his name isn't mentioned in a sentence, he's unlikely to register it."
"Honestly, his approach to Headmastery and Dark Lord Vanquishing is at least twenty-five percent style and another twenty-five living performance art."
"prays to the patron saints of sapphic Hogwarts teachers, Helga and Rowena themselves, that this ludicrous caper ends the same way that one had—the tub in the teacher's bathroom is practically a hot tub, after all."
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“Oh, Merlin, tell me, does THE GOSSIP get what she deserves?” She is NEUTRAL & OPEN to finding out.“
— she walks through the world as ;
name → rita skeeter pronouns → she/her identification → cis-female year of birth → september 1955 - september 1956 face claim → chloe bridges blood status → half-blood sexual orientation → bisexual occupation → columnist for society and scandals at the daily prophet future information → court reporter during the death eater trials, renown published author of multiple biographies including albus dumbledore, newt scamander, severus snape and harry potter
— she is best described as ;
The scent of INK & FRESH PARCHMENT spritzed with FRENCH PERFUME. She’s as DELICATE as the FEATHER of a QUILL and as SHARP as the nib at the end. Her words CUT, SHARP and QUICK, leaving your REPUTATION in RIBBONS with just a flick of her ELEGANT WRIST.
— her story starts with ;
tw: death
One of the most famous names in wizarding press, Rita Skeeter is the sharpest tongue in London no one wants to be cut by, although she can be a brilliant friend to you… for the right price. Rita came from good stock, with a father who was head of Public Information Services for the Ministry and a mother who was a top stylist for Witch Weekly. She was raised in a privileged household, watching from the bannister as her parents hosted beautiful parties in their obscenely tall townhouse. From an early age Rita longed for a life just like theirs, filled with beauty, travel, notoriety and respect. It fuelled her from the minute she woke up to the moment she rested her head. With her father constantly at work or away on business trips, and her mother consumed by her small social circle of gossips, Rita’s childhood soon became lonely. She spent most days by herself, exploring her parents personal library of articles and pouring over The Daily Prophet each day as it arrived, and her mother’s Witch Weekly on Sundays. Rita knew what her calling in life was. She was to be a journalist. The most famous journalist in the wizarding world of her generation. 
Rita learned that if she hovered in the shadows while her parents chatted away, she’d learn about many secrets and rumours, a technique she would perfect whilst away at school. By the time Rita had received her letter to Hogwarts she had already read biographies or articles of most of the professors and had researched as much as she could about the school, in order to ensure where she stood with faculty. She saw Hogwarts as an opportunity to finally practise her journalism skills on stories that slipped from the mouths of the students. Rita was sorted into Ravenclaw instantly, without hesitation, she began to sort through her fellow Ravenclaw students, unafraid of hurting feelings or causing disgruntlement as she searched for friends she deemed tasteful. EMMA SQUIGGLE [rival/former best friend/colleague] and ADRIAN CAVERLY [best friend/colleague] quickly became her closest friends, whilst DAISY HOOKUM [close friend/colleague], GILDEROY LOCKHART [colleauge/close friend] and XENOPHILLIUS LOVEGOOD [friend] quickly became good friends she enjoyed chatting news stories with. In her fourth year, Rita began The Hogwarts Gazette, under the careful gaze of Professor McGonagall, hiring herself as the newspaper's editor. 
The paper published a variety of articles focusing on school political issues, sports coverage, a gossip column and a fashion section. With a knack for finding things out and a clever way of spinning a tale, Rita ran the gossip column and had developed quite the habit of uncovering other’s dirty laundry and leaving it to dry for everyone to see. This, of course, did not sit well with everyone and Rita gained a negative reputation amongst her fellow students as someone to be wary of. The boys in her year group, HARRISON BAGNOLD [acquaintance/person of interest], KALEB JOHNSON [acquaintance], ELEZAR SMITH [acquaintance/person of interest], MICHAEL THOMAS [acquaintance] and CRISTIANO PARKINSON [acquaintance] were not her biggest fans, whilst younger students PETER PETTIGREW [person of interest], JAMES POTTER [person of interest], REMUS LUPIN [person of interest] and SIRIUS BLACK [person of interest] also found her constant prying into their personal lives just as invasive. Other people saw the light and wanted her on side.
Rita found she enjoyed the power of being feared and appeased by the likes of ANDRESSA PARKINSON [friend], ISOLDE CROUCH [friend], LUCILLE JONES [friend], FLORENCE JONES [friend] and BERTHA JORKINS [close friend]. By her seventh year, she was able to transform into a beetle and with this, was able to listen into many more conversations. She also learned that with a seductive smile and a wink here and there she could get anyone to tell her just about anything. Thanks to her continuous summer internships at Witch Weekly, through her mother’s connections and a good word here and there from her father, Rita eventually landed a job at The Daily Prophet as an intern. Peeking through her father’s files and transforming herself into a beatle to access events, meant that she began to get one scoop after the other. It was a lot of hard work, long hours and the lack of a social life but eventually Rita was awarded her own column and Rita Skeeter’s Scandal Sheets was born. At just twenty-five she was something of a prodigy, a major celebrity everyone loved and feared. 
Having similar interests, most of Rita’s friends at the paper also established themselves at The Daily Prophet, becoming fantastic journalists and photographers in their own right. But not everyone was happy about her success. Emma had been like a sister to Rita, her best friend- she trusted her with everything. With an absent family at home, Emma was her family, which made their falling out all the more harder. As Rita rose to fame, she watched as Emma tried to wriggle out of her shadow, Rita had never thought of Emma as in her shadow- though she could see why others would think so. The conversations became more brief, she noticed as her expression soured and then at a party that was held in celebration of her new column, Rita watched as Emma kissed the man she’d been seeing, AUGUSTUS ROOKWOOD [former romantic liaison] and disappeared out the door. Rita would never let anyone know how much it hurt her. She cried in private, winged her eyeliner and wore a brave face for work. It stung harder when Emma and Augustus made things official, but she’d never let it show. Rita had her column and her fame and not even Emma could take that from her. 
The disappearances and the eventual murders of BOOKER BAGNOLD [person of interest] and AMELIA BONES [person of interest] were more than just tabloid gossip. Rita was desperate to figure out who was behind the murders. The werewolf angle didn’t fit, so under the guise of her column, Rita attended exclusive events trying to find out information. A face in the crowd that had changed after the death of Booker. Harrison Bagnold and his girlfriend ROSALINE DAVIS [person of interest] had a knack for being around everyone who went missing, though it could just be coincidence. Alongside her photographer BENEDICT MISSLETHORPE [colleague], Rita has been following him to various events, including the most recent wedding of her former adversary GENEVIEVE AVERY-WILKES [adversary/person of interest]. Rita didn’t expect Genevieve’s husband to drop down dead at the wedding and divert her focus, although Rita is exploring the story on the killer bride, Rita has not yet exhausted the idea Harrison is in some way connected to what’s happened, and she is determined to get to the bottom of it before anyone else. Especially Emma.
— she is a LEVEL 6 WITCH & readied for war ;
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ghst-boys · 2 months
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the manuscript / read on ao3
pansy/neville, pansy/gilderoy / rated m / chapter 1 of 4
When Draco leaves Pansy right before their wedding, she's heartbroken. Back in her hometown, she meets Gilderoy Lockhart, a handsome professor. But is it possible that he's not everything he seems?
written for the @thetorturedpoetsfest
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weeklyreadings · 10 months
Week 47
Blind and Deaf by @cocomouse
Rated E. 18k. Wolfstar
Remus doesn't do blind dates.
They must be the worst possible social situation humankind has ever invented: two strangers some people have decided that maybe they should get in a committed relationship. You have two hours.
So no, he wouldn't touch that with a ten yard stick, not if he can help it.
But he knows better than to try and argue with Lily, so, here he is.
Save the Date by mallstars
Rated E. 123k. Drarry
In the twelve years after the war, Harry attends sixteen weddings. As friends and acquaintances vow their lives to one another, he watches quietly from the sidelines. Step by step, Harry pieces himself back together, builds a life from the wreckage of his past and falls, slowly and thoroughly, for Draco Malfoy.
A story told in sixteen parts, of patient and transformative love, of queerness, of reaching out and holding on. Featuring plenty of pining, Gilderoy Lockhart getting married in a fever dream of glitter and product placement, and Rita Skeeter spitting a steady stream of venom at Harry and Draco's every move.
Yours Truly by @skeptique
Rated M. 15k. Drarry
Every single one of Harry’s exes has gone on to marry the next person they date, and with the upcoming nuptials of numbers six and seven to each other, Harry’s feeling exhausted by it all. It doesn’t really matter if he lets people assume Draco Malfoy is his boyfriend for a moment of peace. In any case, Draco’s been away for five years and there’s no way he would find out, right?
Seeker's High by @corvuscrowned
Rated M. 40k. Drarry
Harry Potter doesn’t expect to take up running years after the war ends; it just sort of happens.
He also doesn’t expect that — as he fights tooth and nail to climb out of a post-war depression he didn’t realize he’d fallen into — he’ll end up running right into the arms of Draco Malfoy.
A half angsty drama, half romcom of Harry working on himself, learning how to accept help from his friends, and falling in love with his childhood nemesis.
Loverboys by @corvuscrowned
Rated E. 84k. Drarry
As post-war violence and tensions rise, it seems as if there’s no hope to unify the wizarding world. Except, maybe, a manufactured relationship between resident Saviour Harry Potter and known purveyor of the Dark Arts Draco Malfoy. (The fact that they detest each other is beside the point.)
But as Draco’s unrelenting mind games begin to wear him down, Harry has to remind himself that it’s all fake. The relationship is fake. The affection is fake. The pet names, the romance — even the engagement photos are fake.
But there’s something in Draco’s kiss that might just be real.
Buds, Blooms, and Beards by @corvuscrowned
Rated E. 27k. Drarry
Harry and Ginny have built an easy, happy life for themselves after the war. They run a thriving plant shop together, they have a great relationship, and they're definitely not gay.
But when they slowly begin realize that isn’t the case, Harry realizes that navigating his newly-discovered sexuality isn't easy - and he needs to get experience.
Luckily, Draco Malfoy is more than happy to help.
Turn On My Charm by bethanlovescoffee
Rated T. 17k. Wolfstar
Sirius Black is a YouTube phenomenon. A YouTube phenomenon who develops a crush on his video editor.
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dhr-ao3 · 3 months
Intruder in the Fog
Intruder in the Fog https://ift.tt/IBrbZCg by Prophet Publishing (glushka) A telling of Draco Malfoy's unlimited gratification at the expense of Hermione Granger. Coincides with the events of Book 3, "Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban" by J.K. Rowling. Words: 5036, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Series: Part 1 of My Tongue in Your Tail Fandoms: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling Rating: Explicit Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Rape/Non-Con, Underage Categories: F/M Characters: Hermione Granger, Draco Malfoy, Gilderoy Lockhart, Remus Lupin Relationships: Hermione Granger/Draco Malfoy Additional Tags: Rape/Non-con Elements, Rape, Underage Rape/Non-con, appeals to the prurient interest via AO3 works tagged 'Hermione Granger/Draco Malfoy' https://ift.tt/VIBoGuM June 11, 2024 at 09:08AM
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puuvillaa · 2 years
Fic recs
Here are all my hp fic recs since 2020. I copy-pasted them directly from twitter and added the year I recced each fic because I don't know, it kind of felt like relevant information. In 2020, I didn’t do monthly recs, so the ones from that year were divided into 5 categories that I've also added here.
Sorted by pairings
An assortment of pairings that only have one fic each
Hermione Granger's Hogwarts Crammer for Delinquents on the Run by waspabi
T 93.3k drarry
What a fun fic! An AU in which Harry didn't go to Hogwarts
Yoga by your_token_trophy_wife
E 7.3k flintwood
What a delightful fic!
Accidental Fake Dating Trope by aaliona
E 10.9k Harry/Adrian Pucey
This fic went from lighthearted and sexy to a hundred layers of miscommunication, and I loved it!
Through the Window by Mimifreed
T 2.4k Lavender & Remus
After Lavender was attacked by Greyback, Remus offered her help. And it comes with a twist I wasn’t expecting!
Why Heroes Make Bad Boyfriends by static_abyss
T 4.9k rarry
Oh the pining! I really liked the overall mood of this fic
take me up and up like a ladder by xslytherclawx
E 6.8k remily
This fic is such a perfect description of having a crush and then having sex for the first time. Absolutely precious!
Live Laugh Love: Werewolf Edition by toutcequonveut
E 13.2k Remus/Draco/Harry
This fic was both hilarious and sweet, and also nicely sexy! Tall Remus with big hands is one of my favourite flavours of Remus 😊
london calling by whitmans_kiss
Not Rated 1k Remus/Fabian/Gideon
This is painful but also feels like the perfect snapshot of the war. And Remus isn't wearing shoes
Wanderings With Werewolves by Ballyharnon
E 94.8k Remus/Gilderoy
How Lockhart wrote his book, Wanderings with Werewolves, and how Remus was a crucial part of it. Very interesting!
Burned Silk, Buckled Leather by @ruinsplume
E 12.5k Sirius/Draco
Sirius runs into Draco at a Muggle kink club
Kiss You Soft, Hold You Down by Anonymous
E 8.7k Sirius/Regulus
Oh the atmosphere of things being wrong but not knowing how exactly. Excellent
A New Type of Freedom by Notmycatsname
E 6.8k Sirius/Remus/Marlene
This was very hot, but it was also very sweet. Their dynamics are so nice!
Requiem, Rebirth by @fangqueen
E 9.4k Sirius/Remus/Ron
Ron finds an unusual way to come to terms with his homosexuality. Sad and hot, what a good combo
August Rain by @impishtubist
M 2.9k wolfstarbucks
What a sweet fic! Raising Harry and domestic bliss in the midst of a war
Multiple pairings
Paved With Good Intentions by REwrites
E 52.2k Regulus/Sirius wolfstar
Dark and heartbreaking and painful, but in this house we like to hurt sometimes. Note the archive warnings
A Sound Like the Dashing of Hope by Snegurochka
E 4.8k snupin, one-sided Peter/Remus
Peter watches Remus and Severus have sex
Animals And Angels by copperbadge
M 2.4k wolfstar snupin
This stands out to me because it's rare to see such an unhealthy dynamic for Remus and Sirius. Also Remus stopping to fight back breaks me
(Fics that I got the sudden urge to revisit but had to do lots of digging to find again because I hadn't thought to bookmark them 2020)
All the young dudes by gamesformay
M 222.6k wolfstar jily
I read this whole thing very intensely over a couple of days, didn't want it to end. Great writing, great plot, historically accurate
(Fics that blew me away (because of writing, worldbuilding, or plot) 2020)
Never Mind the Boggarts by somekindofpath
T 81.9k wolfstar jily
I love how damn funny this was while also being a profound look into power, privilege, and resistance. One of the fics I couldn’t put down
The Survivor by apolesen
E 145.5k wolfstar Remus/OMC
Realistic and historically accurate. One of those fics that I simply couldn't put down
(Fics that blew me away (because of writing, worldbuilding, or plot) 2020)
The Other of the Other by bshiat
T 5.1k wolfstar (remadora)
The haunting atmosphere and the slow descent to (possible) madness were already great, and then the best plot twist caught me completely off guard
(Fics that blew me away (because of writing, worldbuilding, or plot) 2020)
They Said There Were Chances by shessocold
T 6.1k wolfstar Remus/Caradoc
This hurts but in the nice way
Remus/Evan Rosier
Seeing Evan Rosier by smallbrownfrog
T 3.2k Remus/Evan
I've never read this pairing before, but I loved it! Beautifully written, and even the sad ending fits perfectly
And so we live, for the future by abyss_valkyrie
M 6.5k Remus/Evan
An interesting look into how they got together and maintained a relationship during the war. Beautifully written, too!
Mates by snapealina
E 8.3k Remus/Ron
Remus and Ron are roommates. Feelings happen. Remus is an idiot. This was such a fun fic
Scotch Game by Thevina
E 10.2k Remus/Ron
Remus in a kilt! Remus in a kilt! And that wasn't the only good thing about this but Remus in a kilt!
Black Forest by @saintgarbanzo & @ruinsplume
E 12.4k Sirius/Remus/Harry
If you know me, you know why I love this fic. Also the writing is exquisite
(Fics that gave me comfort one way or another 2020)
Upon Waking by coffeejunkii
E 20k Harry/Remus/Sirius
Gorgeously written, and the atmosphere is so gentle
Remus centric
Finding Home by aescrof
Not Rated 15.3k Remus centric
I really love the idea of Remus having lived most of his life in Greyback's pack and then running away to attend Hogwarts. I'm very fond of this rougher Remus
Vignettes from the Life of a Teenage Werewolf by flammable_grimm_pitch
T 6.8k Remus&his parents
This fic was so sad but also very sweet. I loved it!
Man-eaters of Kumaon by ignipes
T 38.8k Remus (wolfstar)
I don't even know what to say about this. It's so well-written, so atmospheric, just. Gorgeous. And the rest of the series is equally good
Turn and Face the Strange by @writcraft
M 2.4k wolfbucks
Gorgeous and intense and wistful, and I love how it explores the vulnerability of uncertainty. I actually just re-read this again
(Fics that I read several times 2020)
Crowns & Coffee Cups by @eyra
M 8.9k wolfbucks
This is simultaneously one of the sweetest and one of the most painful things I've read. It's nice to read about messy relationships every once in a while
Blood Moon by @impishtubist
M 6.5k wolfbucks
What if Sirius did betray the Potters and James survived? You get this fic. An interesting premise, and such a sweet ending!
Fics that include Percy
The Invisible Son by RaeWhit
M 14.9k Percy centric
This was a really interesting and a heartbreaking character analysis of Percy. It's nice to read about him when he's so often forgotten. Mind the tags
Sexetera, Ad infinitum by nqdonne
E 11.6k Percy/Harry endgame
Percy is stuck in a time-loop and going a bit crazy. Mind the tags, also contains untagged discussion of suicide
Terms of Parole by swtalmnd
E 6k Remus/Percy
Very sweet and made me smile
Twenty-nine by Endrina
M 84.7k perciver
An interesting look into Percy, and a murder mystery
Creature Comforts by @bunny-bopper
M 46.3k snupin
First snupin fic I ever read (also first hp fic I read in many many years). Good balance of angst and sweet, would definitely read again
(Fics that I read several times 2020)
That Awful Boy by @paracosim
M 98.2k snupin
Amazing characterisation of Snape and absolutely no character bashing, I love how Harry and Snape gradually grow to like each other
(Fics that I read several times 2020)
One More Dirty Job by Coriaria
M 28.6k snupin
This fic is so damn funny while being pretty dark, I've lost count how many times I've read it by now
(Fics that I read several times 2020)
Have Your Cake and Eat It by Cunegonde
T 120k snupin
This was such an interesting fic! But the ending broke me, although in a good way. Big yes to this fic!
artemisia absinthium by yuemmo
G 8 pages snupin
In 1994 Severus realises who his soulmate is. Very cute!
Come Healing by BrujaBanter
E 45.7k wolfstar
“This,” Remus releases Sirius’s throat and closes his hand firmly around Sirius’s cock, “Is mine. I will do with it what I want.” – this specific scene was so powerful that I had to find the whole fic again
(Fics that I got the sudden urge to revisit but had to do lots of digging to find again because I hadn't thought to bookmark them 2020)
Be With Me Always by TheHufflebean
E 63k wolfstar
The ear piercing scene and the subsequent obsession over Sirius’s ear are things that most stood out to me and I still think about
(Fics that blew me away (because of writing, worldbuilding, or plot) 2020)
Recto Verso by zambla
M 8.4k wolfstar
Every single word of this fic is so meaningful, so well thought out, and without a doubt this is one of the best written fics I have ever read
(Fics that blew me away (because of writing, worldbuilding, or plot) 2020)
Common Woodbrown by imochan
M 36.2k wolfstar
The narration in this was phenomenal. The very first scene already is so so good I'm still in awe!
(Fics that blew me away (because of writing, worldbuilding, or plot) 2020)
How to Save a Life by spaceflowrr
M 9.6k wolfstar
I'm not quite sure what I want to say about this fic. It was very sad and very painful but so so good
(Sometimes I want to hurt, or the saddest of the sad fics 2020)
Silver Bullets by clandestine_meetings
M 46k wolfstar
This has all the archive warnings, but I'm glad the description drew me in anyway because it was interesting and a good read. It does have a heartbreakingly sad ending, though
(Sometimes I want to hurt, or the saddest of the sad fics 2020)
Alone in Space by @lurikko
M 7.4k wolfstar
This isn't the saddest possible fic in some ways, but also the entire fic feels so much like loneliness and loss and uncertainty and all those similar big complex emotions that Remus is going through.
(Sometimes I want to hurt, or the saddest of the sad fics 2020)
Velvet Gloves and Spit by taotu
E 12.6k wolfstar
"This fic is so painful in all the best ways," I commented on this, and it's. Very accurate. Very painful but also comes with a hopeful ending
(Sometimes I want to hurt, or the saddest of the sad fics 2020)
A Wolf's Heart by mizdiz
M 87k wolfstar
I'm glad I didn't notice the warning for major character death before I was already invested because this fic was so good and I might have skipped it otherwise. But the ending hurts
(Sometimes I want to hurt, or the saddest of the sad fics 2020)
Subatomic by @ebp-brain
E 22.8k wolfstar
Sexy and humorous, and the writing is so good!
(Fics that gave me comfort one way or another 2020)
Subatomic by @ebp-brain
E 22.8k wolfstar
I already recced this in 2020 but I've reread it several times this month so I want to bring it back. My favourite flavour of daddy kink
A Brief History of Dragons by @eyra
M 21.4k wolfstar
I love the atmosphere, but I also very much love socially anxious Remus finding love
(Fics that gave me comfort one way or another 2020)
The Lines We Cross by REwrites
E 102.5k wolfstar
Hello, teacher-student relationship! Their dynamics are delightful, I smiled a lot while reading. Couldn't put it down
All the Young Dudes by MsKingBean89
M 527k wolfstar
Remus! I love him and I love this fic and I understand why so many people keep recommending it! Didn’t want it to end, would happily read for the rest of my life, couldn’t put it down
Wizard Beat by eprime
T 6.2k wolfstar
Remus Lupin is a famous singer. Sirius is a big fan. Such a fun concept! And what a cute fic too, I smiled throughout
Matching Wavelengths by allofthatblood
E 102.1k wolfstar
Age gap! I really loved their dynamic. It seemed very realistic and very sweet, and we got a good amount of angst too
Frog and Toad Aren't Friends Anymore by swordfishtrombones
M 10.2k wolfstar
This fic feels like melancholy slowly melting into awe of discovery. This fic feels intense and fragile. Beautifully written, and I extra love the title as well
The Barista, the Burglar, and the Sofa by orphan_account
E 21.3k wolfstar
I laughed out loud several times while reading this, and I kind of feel like that’s all that needs to be said
Unusual Practice by umbral_artist
E 2k wolfstar
About time I recced some pwp, so here's a prostate exam going unexpectedly (but also very much expectedly for a pwp). Very hot, immediately read it twice, it was so good!
Shackle Me by elixirsoflife
M 24.2k wolfstar
Soulmate AU! Heartbreaking but beautiful. Amazingly written
Just what the doctor ordered by WrappedUp
E 96.8k wolfstar
Age gap again, but this time Remus is older! A delightful read even with all the sad backstories and the angst. I laughed out loud several times!
As It Was by softghost
T 15.7k wolfstar
Remus is a necromancer and Sirius goes to ask him for help. This was a very interesting story and a look into loss and grief, and life and death
I'm Home by YumeNouveau
E 13.7k wolfstar
Interesting, spooky, and sexy. I was honestly happy I didn't read this one at night because that one scene was something out of my worst nightmares
Sirius and Harry Go to White Castle by spellingmynamewrong
T 52.6k wolfstar
Harry gets to grow up happy with Sirius! Wolfstar angst as Remus tries to locate them. Non-western magical history! This fic has it all
One to Speak, Another to Hear by seventymilestobabylon
T 60.6k wolfstar
This was so melancholic but very beautiful, and I loved it a lot! There's also an epilogue posted separately, equally good!
Forget-Me-Not by halictus
T 12.9k wolfstar
Remus has amnesia and knows there's something important he's forgetting. This fic hurt, but it was also relatively sweet
Like My History with You by aaliona
E 9k wolfstar
Very horny but also very sweet!
Marauders' Rest by Coriaria
E 45.9k wolfstar
Even though this fic deals with some heavy issues, it still felt light-hearted and happy. I loved it a lot, couldn’t put it down
i think your house is haunted (come live with me) by rachelwrites
G 8.3k wolfstar
Sirius is a demon. Remus does not know this. Together they're demon hunters. This was a fun and cute fic!
my love, take care of yourself by littleoldrachel
M 26.2k wolfstar
The wolfstar is nice, but honestly I loved this fic mainly because of Remus and Teddy's relationship. Remus is such a good and supportive parent, we love to see that!
A Dark and Silent Overture by @eyra
M 9.6k wolfstar
This hurts very much, but the writing is so very beautiful. Reading this actually ended up being quite a meaningful experience
A/S/L by Maraudererasmut
E 41.5k wolfstar
What a good texting fic. Also trans Remus! The second part is a wip but ends on a nice place
Morpheus and the Sky by shaggydogstail
T 4.9k wolfstar
I just like how this fic doesn't pretend that human relationships are easy. They're not. They're messy. And this fic is beautifully written
Combat Rock by trailingoff
M 4.6k wolfstar
The entirety of this fic hurts a lot, but it's so well-written that I keep wanting to read it. Meaning that I've read this several times
Beneath a Big Blue Sky by @eyra
E 68.2k wolfstar
I don't know how to describe in words how much I loved this fic, please read it
The Trouble With Falling In Love by wonder_womans_ex
T 11.4k wolfstar
This was hilarious! Remus is a beta reader to Padfoot, whose grammar is atrocious, and they're developing feelings. Also James is James
Black dog and the cherry tree by @wanderingbandurria
T 2.6k wolfstar
I really love Sirius as Padfoot, and this fic was so soft while also being melancholic
The Haunting of Sirius Black by @impishtubist
T 12k wolfstar
Sirius is mysteriously ill, and the reason behind it was very interesting! This was also very sweet
Barking by jellybeany
Not Rated 5k wolfstar
This was hilarious. I also enjoyed sulky Remus
We are gods, we are wolves by Notmycatsname
E 3k wolfstar
Older wolfstar happy together and comfortable in their own bodies, hell yeah!
Light in August by orestesfasting
E 21.1k wolfstar
Sirius goes to visit Remus in summer, and it's beautiful
Remnants by @eyra
G 13.7k wolfstar
40s AU. I really loved the descriptions and the gently blooming romance between Remus and Sirius. Also includes a bit of a mystery
Hypothetically by halictus
T 50.2k wolfstar
Remus has to spend the summer with his ex-boyfriend Sirius. I love all the academia in this fic, very interesting
Mercury Lies by snowywintertales
T 80.6k (wip) wolfstar
Remus is in Ravenclaw and a year older than the Marauders. This fic was so good I wouldn't have wanted to put it down at all
The Fall of the House of Black by palavapeite
T 56.2k wolfstar
Dark AU. This is one of those fics that I can't stop thinking about even after moving on to a new fic
Don't Panic by redspottywellies
M 58.6k wolfstar
Sirius steals Harry before Dumbledore can send him to the Dursleys and asks Remus for help. Fem!wolfstar
Sweater Weather by lumosinlove
E 156.1k wolfstar
Hockey AU. I don’t like hockey at all, but I liked this fic a lot!
Currents by lunchbucket
E 109k wolfstar
Olympics AU with some nice enemies to lovers, what more could I ask for
Berlin Angel by de_sire
E 89.6k wolfstar
Sirius meets Remus in Berlin
Sirius Black & The Six by BellaBabe
M 79k wolfstar
Band AU. This was one of those fics that I won't be able to stop thinking about for a while
The Great Gay Pornstar Twitter Feud of 2020 by Vixeree
E 9k wolfstar
Pornstar AU. Very hot!
Of Barnacles and Mermen by xinasvoice
E 38.6k wolfstar
Merman!Sirius AU. With merman sex!
Seventeen Hours by @eyra
E 16.5k wolfstar
This is painful but also one of those fics that completely sucked me in. Also Remus with a nose ring!
The Only Fun in Town by tigrrmilk
T 6.1k wolfstar
Local newspaper AU. Absolutely adore the writing in this!
A Farewell Letter by @thistlecatfics
M 500 wolfstar
Sirius’s last letter to his parents is unexpected. This was hilarious!
The Dog Pound by appalachian_fireflies
T 2.2k wolfstar
Sirius disappears from Grimmauld Place, and Remus goes to find him. Beautifully written
Sinking Slowly by LimeOfMagicLimo
M 3.4k wolfstar
Asexual Remus and sex worker Sirius. The emotional intimacy in this is so good
The Barking of Dogs by houseofhebrideanblacks
E 12.1k wolfstar
Still a wip, but I'll rec anyway because I loved it. Sirius and Remus meet at NarcAnon. Sirius is a drug addict, and Remus is not an alcoholic
57th Street On Fire by Suchsmallhands
M 30.8k wolfstar
Remus is a dealer, Sirius is his new buyer. This fic made me think deeply about human connections and the physicality of being a person
The Way We Were by torino10154
M 1.2k wolfstar
Sirius misses the past. This was lovely, although with an undercurrent of melancholy
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