#m pesa
biglisbonnews · 2 years
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Why Safaricom, east Africa's biggest telecom, is getting sued by its customers East Africa’s leading telecommunications company Safaricom is in trouble. Pressure is mounting on it, with two major lawsuits from its customers who are demanding accountability from the telco giant. Read more... https://qz.com/why-safaricom-is-being-sued-by-its-customers-1850194457
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aricastmblr · 2 years
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farmerstrend · 15 days
How Kenya’s Investment in Macadamia Nuts is Driving Regional Export Growth
Discover how Kenya’s investment in macadamia farming and digital innovation has propelled the country to become a leading exporter, overcoming regulatory challenges and boosting agricultural growth. Explore the role of MSMEs and digital platforms in transforming Kenya’s macadamia sector, driving productivity, and enhancing market access for sustainable economic growth. Learn how Kenya’s macadamia…
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saxafimedianetwork · 2 months
Abdirashid Duale Says Dahabshiil Targets Ethiopia Expansion After M-Pesa Safaricom Partnership
@Dahabshil targets #Ethiopia expansion after #MPesa @SafaricomET partnership, CEO says, welcomed the govt’s decision to allow the birr’s value to be market-determined A. Duale sees remittances as a key driver of development in #SubSaharanAfrica.
Continue reading Abdirashid Duale Says Dahabshiil Targets Ethiopia Expansion After M-Pesa Safaricom Partnership
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wamathai · 4 months
M-PESA Foundation holds free medical camp for fistula patients in Makueni County
M-PESA Foundation is holding a week-long free fistula medical camp at Makueni County Referral Hospital in Makueni County as it marks the International Day to End Obstetric Fistula. The foundation has invested KES 8.5m towards the camp Over 100 women living with fistula are expected to benefit from free surgeries, screening, and medical advice. The camp is being held in collaboration with the…
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kennomollo · 8 months
Get Paid Through Mpesa: 9 Online Jobs for Kenyans
Do you want to earn money online and get paid through Mpesa? If so, you’re in luck! In this blog post, we will discuss 9 easy ways that you can earn money from the comfort of your own home. We will also provide tips on how to make the most of these opportunities. So what are you waiting for? Let’s get started. How to make money online in Kenya through M-pesa. 1). News reporting on the Citizen…
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taarifaleo · 1 year
Safaricom increase M-pesa transactions limit to 500k par day
The telco, Safaricom, has announced that starting from Tuesday, August 15th, M-Pesa users will have the ability to make transactions up to KSh 500,000 per day due to the increased account limit. Initially, the mobile money account limits for M-Pesa users were capped at a maximum of KSh 300,000 per day, which limited users who desired to transact with higher amounts per day. This new development…
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minibloggerske · 1 year
How To Withdraw Money From Lipa Na M-Pesa
Safaricom offered two primary “Lipa Na M-Pesa” options for its customers in Kenya. Lipa Na M-PESA, offered by Safaricom, has become a trustworthy choice for settling bills, purchasing products and services, and even banking. This is thanks to the feature that permits the direct transfer of money to your bank account from M-PESA. The two main “Lipa Na M-Pesa” options were: 1. Buy Goods and…
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thecountiesinfo · 1 year
How to Deposit Money from M-PESA to KCB
M-PESA to KCB: KCB Bank Kenya Limited, commonly referred to as KCB Bank Kenya or simply KCB, is one of the largest and oldest commercial banks in Kenya. It is a subsidiary of KCB Group, which is a leading financial institution in East Africa. KCB Bank Kenya was established in 1896 as the National Bank of India. It later transformed into the National and Grindlays Bank after a merger. In 1970,…
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patricbensen · 2 years
M-KOPA Paybill Number: How to Pay for M-KOPA with M-PESA
M-KOPA Paybill Number: How to Pay for M-KOPA with M-PESA
M-KOPA is an asset financing company that has partnered with Safaricom to provide Kenyans with access to products and services. M-KOPA offers devices such as phones, TVs, Fridges, and even M-KOPA cash loans. In this article, we share the M-KOPA paybill number for those who already wish to pay their installments. M-KOPA has grown exponentially and right now it is in 4 countries; Kenya, Nigeria,…
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biglisbonnews · 2 years
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M-Pesa eyes the global remittances trillion-dollar market With global remittances set to reach $5.4 trillion by 2030, according to a specialized UN agency, African fintech darling M-Pesa wants to grab a piece of the pie. The Kenyan fintech behemoth is ramping up an ambitious expansion drive to woo markets in the global North.Read more... https://qz.com/m-pesa-eyes-the-global-remittances-trillion-dollar-mark-1850135856
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remotejobslisting · 2 years
Safaricom Ethiopia launched while M-PESA meets rival Ethio Telecom’s Telebirr.
Safaricom Ethiopia launched while M-PESA meets rival Ethio Telecom’s Telebirr.
Following an event attended by Kenyan President William Ruto, among others, including Safaricom Kenya CEO Peter Ndegwa, Safaricom Ethiopia is now fully operational. The company is currently operational in Addis Ababa, as well as 10 other locations across the nation. After the launching, more than 200K consumers may now access Safaricom services, and many more will be able to do so as the…
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Sean bienvenidos a un nueva entrega un tanto especial, ya que tengo el gusto de presentaros Ishibutai, localizado en la prefectura de Nara data del periodo Asuka(592-710). - En un principio se barajaron hipótesis de que podría haber sido utilizado para espectáculos, en la década de los 30, Ishibutai es un kofun y os estaréis preguntando ¿no se supone que tenían ojo de cerradura? - Los podian a ver de muchos tipos se empiezan a construir en el año 300 al 592 d.c pero eso será otro capítulo de la arqueología y prehistoria japonesa. La tumba pudo pertenecer a Soga no Umako un político y ocupa una extensión de 54 m es la mayor estructura megalítica conocida en Japón. - ¿Hasta cuando estuvo utilizada? la edad de uso os dejará helados se construyó en el siglo VI y estuvo hasta el siglo VII para ser más exactos en este segundo dato en el 626 d.c. - En 1957 fue nombrado patrimonio nacional por la Unesco, ¿Cuánto pesa esta mole? un total de 30 rocas que le suman un peso aproximadamente de 2300 toneladas y las piedras del techo suman una friolera de 77 toneladas aproximadamente. - Espero que os haya gustado y nos vemos en una nueva publicación de arqueología y prehistoria arqueología japonesa. - Welcome to a new, somewhat special installment, as I have the pleasure of introducing you to Ishibutai, located in the Nara prefecture, dating from the Asuka period (592-710). - At first, hypotheses were considered that it could have been used for shows, in the 1930s, Ishibutai is a kofun and you may be wondering, aren't they supposed to have a keyhole? - You could see them of many types, they began to be built in the year 300 to 592 AD but that will be another chapter of Japanese archeology and prehistory. The tomb could have belonged to Soga no Umako, a politician, and occupies an area of 54 m, it is the largest megalithic structure known in Japan. - Until when was it used? The age of use will leave you frozen. It was built in the 6th century and was there until the 7th century to be more exact in this second data in 626 AD. - In 1957 it was named a national heritage site by UNESCO. How much does this mass weigh? a total of 30 rocks that add up to a weight of approximately 2,300 tons and the stones of the roof add up to a whopping 77 tons approximately. - I hope you liked it and see you in a new publication of archeology and prehistory Japanese archaeology. - 新しい、ちょっと特別な回へようこそ。今回は、飛鳥時代 (592 ~ 710 年) に遡る、奈良県にある石舞台についてご紹介したいと思います。 - 当初は、1930 年代にショーに使用されたのではないかという仮説が考えられていました。 石舞台は古墳ですが、鍵穴があるはずではないかと疑問に思うかもしれません。 - さまざまなタイプのそれらを見ることができ、それらは西暦 300 年から 592 年に建てられ始めましたが、それは日本の考古学と先史学の別の章となるでしょう。 この墓は政治家蘇我馬子の墓と考えられ、面積は54メートルあり、知られている巨石建造物としては日本最大である。 - いつ頃まで使われていましたか? この 2 番目のデータは西暦 626 年で、6 世紀に建てられ、より正確には 7 世紀まで存在していました。 - 1957 年にユネスコによって国家遺産に指定されましたが、この塊の重さはどれくらいでしょうか? 30 個の石を合計すると約 2,300 トン、屋根の石を合計すると約 77 トンにもなります。 - 気に入っていただければ幸いです。考古学と先史時代の日本の考古学の新しい出版物でお会いしましょう。
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imninahchan · 8 months
Nina pfvr um da karina que se paga de womanizer mas na vdd se humilha por mulher
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───── 𓏲╰ ��ᩚ ·# [🍥] : KARINA + w o m a n i z e r
quer dizer, ninguém sabia sobre essa fama dela. Todos conhecem KARINA como aquela garota muito bonita, que acaba incomodam só por isso, mas nunca se passava pela sua mente que ela pudesse ser tão canalha. É quando você se aproxima do círculo de amigos dela que isso passa a ser perceptível;
os flertes, as frases lascivas ditas com tranquilidade, como quem não quer nada, os olhares, os toques escondidos no cantinho da balada pra ninguém descobrir. E o pior, quando ela faz isso com você ───── tá tão bonitinha, nossa... amei o seu vestido, ficou lindo em você. mas o que não fica bonito em você, hm? E ela está tocando o canto do seu rosto, escorregando a mão na curva do seu quadril e com os olhos na sua boca pintada pelo batom;
você cede, é meio que impossível não ceder aos encantos de um rostinho de boneca como aquela. Teme, no entanto, não quer ser mais uma garota bonita pra quem ela diz coisas mais bonitas ainda, e acaba indo fazer a mesma coisa com outra. E é aí que você percebe que a fama de KARINA nunca existiu porque ela nem é tão canalha assim. Claro, o jeitinho malandro pesa, mas a verdade é que ela a pilantra mais apaixonada que você já viu;
te liga de madrugada, a voz baixinha e doce pra dizer saudades de te ver, mô. Te convida pra assistir os jogos dela junto do time de vôlei, e fica toda boba ao te avistar na arquibancada. Deixa uns docinhos na sua mochila antes de você sair da casa dela, te pediu aquele livro emprestado mas nem leu, tudo que fez foi escrever um bilhetinho e colocar lá dentro só pra quando você abrir um sorriso crescer nos seus lábios ───── só tem você, okay? Eu gosto tanto de você, linda... Quer te ver de novo... Faz tempo que a gente não se vê. Sinto falta até do seu perfume, acredita? Deixei a minha blusa aí na tua casa, posso ir buscar, hm? Vai, deixa. Eu sei que você quer me ver também. E sempre parece que é papo furado, porém nem é.
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wamathai · 7 months
NCBA to sponsor over 100 students to the tune of Ksh. 12 Million
NCBA has announced a KES 12 million sponsorship for over 100 students this year that will be distributed through various partners. The partners include Dr. Choksey Albinism Foundation, M-PESA Foundation, Edumed Trust, SOS Children’s Villages Kenya, Daraja Kenya Initiative and the Palmhouse Foundation among others. They work with NCBA to empower underprivileged youth, aged 7-25 at Primary,…
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bishopsbox · 7 months
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One of the four colossal heads carved by Olmecs (800 BC). Heads measure up to 9 feet 4 inches (2.84 m) in height and weigh several tons, which causes a great deal of speculation on how the Olmecs were able to move them. Basalt quarry was found over 80 km away.
Una de las cuatro colosales cabezas talladas por los olmecas (800 AC). La cabeza mide 2,84 metros de altura y pesa varias toneladas, lo que provoca muchas especulaciones sobre cómo los olmecas fueron capaces de trasladarla. La cantera de basalto fue encontrada a más de 80 kilómetros de distancia.
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