#m watches spn
lgbtiwtv · 2 years
911 trailer canon buck/eddie truthing queen dying deancas canon for the hundredth time in deleted scenes…nature is healing
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winchestersickness · 10 months
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Season 2 + csa interpretation
2x05 // 2x10 // 2x21
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riverswater · 10 months
If you had one and you feel like it please tell me about them!!! I'm so curious about this <3
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weedsinavacantlot · 1 year
Some of you are just having a good time with it and I respect that but people who wholeheartedly believe that tomgreg is going to happen need a kind of therapy that hasn't been invented yet
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shehzadi · 1 year
it’s literally so fun to watch supernatural almost entirely for the insane family dynamics between dean & sam & mary & john while everybody else is still losing it over dean and cas i literally feel like
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flyingfish1 · 1 year
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heartshapedcas · 2 years
maddy (29, she/they) ♡ posts I would pin if I could pin more than one
my main -> @rivermp3
911 sideblog -> @applepiebuck
my poetry
my edits (web weaves + canva stickers)
all my other posts
Icon 🤍
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oldblackpeacoat · 1 year
if i find my 25k spn fic about the angels and their internal politics mainly written from uriel’s perspective and fix it up, will you still all talk to me? 🥺
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gayemoji · 2 years
fully convinced that none of us even go to supernatural except on this day every year when we all decide to indulge
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Homicidal ghosts are basically reverse necromancers
(@qwertyayup d e b a t e w/ m e)
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winchestersickness · 7 months
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luciferspit · 1 year
I just got on my old laptop and the only songs I have one there are from a playlist of the Destiel fic Twist and Shout... what a blast from the past lmao
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riverswater · 10 months
When I was in middle school (2008ish) some girls one year above me told me to watch supernatural because "dean and sam would be sooo hot together", so I went home & watch one episode, went back school the day after and said "aren't those two brothers??" and they were like "yeah. that's why it's hot" so matter-of-factly that I just accepted it. So maybe we can all just chill out.
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sgt-celestial · 1 year
btw my brother finally caught up to me in m*a*s*h (we watched s02e07 today) so now we're watching an episode per day together but im soooo excited to keep watching like im really really warming up to it
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rayshippouuchiha · 2 months
MHA Au where Izuku’s quirk let’s him see spirits/monsters but instead of befriending them like usual, he becomes a whole ass monster hunter. I’m talking full on spn salt and burns, illegal fire arms in his backpack, monster journals, etc.
Hmm gonna switch it up a bit but:
Izuku's neighbor is a monster.
Hands fisted tightly in the length of his Mama's skirt, Izuku watches, wide-eyed and trembling, as his Mama chats softly with the thing in the elevator with them.
"Say goodbye to Akuhara-san, Izu-kun," Mama prompts gently.
But all Izuku can do is clutch tighter to her and whimper.
"I-I'm sorry," Mama frets softly as she ushers him out of the elevator. "He's not normally this shy."
"Adorable little thing," the thing called Akuhara croons, voice whispery and soft in a way that makes the hair on the back of Izuku's neck stand on end. "Could just ,,, eat him up."
When Izuku manages to peek around his Mama's leg and look Akuhara-san grins at him with too many teeth, one spindly hand raising to wiggle long gnarled fingers in Izuku's direction.
Izuku squeaks and hides his face again.
But even after he's back in the safety of the apartment he can't help but wonder just how someone with antlers as big as that thing's had been could fit inside the elevator.
~~~ Later, when it's time for bed, Izuku tries to tell his Mama about what he saw.
"Scary," Izuku manages to whimper, remembered terror tracing down his spine.
"Izuku!" Mama gasps, one hand coming up to press against her chest. "What a rude thing to say, young man! I don't want to hear anything like that out of you again, you hear me?"
"Y-Yes," Izuku whispers, unsure of what, exactly, he's done wrong.
The kiss Mama presses to his forehead is a bit shorter than normal.
Sleep is a long time coming for him that night.
He tries again though, after another run in with the monster.
Tries to tell her about how wrong Akuhara really is.
How that thing, whatever it is, is dangerous.
But ,,,
It doesn't go well.
Izuku looks at Akuhara and he sees something more than a man, something twisted and wrong, staring back at him.
But the problem is ,,,
Izuku's not the only one looking.
"I see you, little morsel," Akuhara whispers to Izuku, mouth split wide in a vicious grin as a long, black tongue slides out to flick almost teasingly in Izuku's direction.
Izuku can't help it ,,,
He screams.
"-ever been more humiliated in my life!" Mama says, hand tight around Izuku's wrist as she drags him into the apartment.
Izuku cowers just a bit when she finally releases him, shoulders hunched and head bowed.
Mama is never really angry with him, not like everyone else, so for Izuku this is just ,,,
So much worse than Kacchan or the sensei at school being mean to him. So much worse than anything and everything the other kids have ever said or done to him.
"You will apologize to Akuhara-san," Mama finally huffs, hands planted on her hips and face flushed.
And Izuku ,,,
"No," It's a whisper but in the tense silence of the apartment, it might as well have been a shout.
"What did you say?" Mama blinks, obviously shocked.
He just can't anymore.
He's tried so hard to tell her, to make her see, and she still won't ,,,
"I-I'm not saying s-sorry to that, that thing," Izuku manages to shove the words out. "It's a m-monster. It's ugly and scary and you shouldn-"
The slap catches him off guard.
He yelps, hands flying up to clutch at the familiar throb of his cheek.
He's been hit before, gets hit often really these days, but never here, never at home where he's always been safe, and never by her.
"Y-You can't say things like that," Mama whispers, expression stricken as she clutches the hand she'd hit him with to her chest. "Y-You, Izuku, you can't just," she heaves in a shuddering breath, "just because you don't have a quirk doesn't mean you can say things like that about people who do."
Izuku's hands fall down to his sides as he stares up at her in horror.
And then he turns on his heel and runs to his bedroom.
Inko doesn't follow.
That night, with the bedroom door locked, his cheek still throbbing, and his chest heaving from the force of his sobs, Izuku tucks himself down in the darkest corner of his closet and cries himself almost sick.
It's not a quirk.
Izuku knows that.
Whatever it is about Akuhara-san that sets Izuku off so deeply isn't a quirk.
Izuku might only be nine years old and he might be quirkless but he knows quirks.
Whatever Akuhara-san is?
It's not natural.
Except, as Izuku learns through hours of research, hours of study and computer time when his Mama isn't home, maybe it is.
Maybe whatever it is that's pretending to be a regular man named Akuhara-san is actually very very natural.
And maybe that's not a good thing at all.
Izuku kills his first monster at 9 years old.
He comes out of the encounter bruised and bloody but alive and satisfied.
Come to find out, no matter how big a Jubokko's branches, not antlers as he'd first thought, are they're still vulnerable to salt and fire just like any other tree.
Inko never looks at him the same, never actually asks the questions Izuku can see lingering in her mouth but, well, she's alive and well and really that's all Izuku wanted in the first place.
Teeth gritted against the pain and careful of his bandaged arm, Izuku pulls a black-covered notebook from his desk and grabs a fresh pen.
Monster Analysis Vol 1 he scrawls across the front cover before he flips it open.
Akuhara-san might be gone but Izuku refuses to be caught unaware and vulnerable ever again.
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little-diable · 1 year
Feels Like the First Time - Dean Winchester
Written for @deanwanddamons SPN Flash Fic Challenge. Inspired by the song "Feels Like the First Time" by Foreigner. Please like and reblog if you enjoyed reading this! Enjoy my loves. xxx
Summary: Pwp, Dean is eating out the reader
Warnings: 18+, pure smut, oral (f)
Pairing: Dean Winchester x fem!reader (320 words)
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“Christ, Dean.” Her raspy words left him chuckling, green eyes flickering up to admire her pleasure-drunken features. Dean was nestling between her thighs, arms wrapped around them to keep her in place. His mouth was working on her heat, drunk on her taste, unable to hold back the moans that wanted to claw through him whenever she pushed herself closer to his tongue. 
“I’ll never get tired of this, still feels like the first time we ever did this.” His words left her gasping, unable to reply, taken over by the pleasure thumping through her veins. (Y/n)’s fingers tugged on his roots, begging Dean to keep on working his tongue, brushing along her arousal covered folds, fingers paying enough attention to her pulsing bundle of nerves. She choked on his name, unable to hold back as she felt the all too familiar sensation flushing through her, pushing her closer to the edge.
Dean loved seeing her like this, clinging to the pride that simmered inside of him, very well knowing that (y/n) was the only woman to bring out the man in him. She was all in the world to him, the one he loved, the one he’d sacrifice himself for, his all and everything. 
“‘m so close, fuck.” Her breaths grew shallow, struggling to leave her aching lungs as her orgasm started shaking through her. Dean pushed two fingers into her tightness, curling them against her sweet spot to intensify the feeling rocking through her system. He watched her fall apart, cumming on his tongue with a moan leaving her, reverberating through their shared bedroom. 
Their eyes found one another again, making a smile widen on both of their lips. Dean wandered up her body, lips finding hers to share a slow kiss, allowing (y/n) to taste herself on his tongue. His hands tightened their grip on the covers of their bed, murmuring a soft “Another round?”.
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