#m: zeus.
nectaric · 4 months
zeus & his family
its been a long time since i’ve talked about this, and i don’t even know if i’ve talked about it on this blog - but the time has come to address zeus’ opinions on his family, and how i have always envisioned their relationships.
on his siblings:
hestia is one of the most important people in zeus’ life, and he looks up to her immensely. he is protective of her to an extreme degree, and relies on her a lot for guidance (particularly when it comes to his own emotions). there have been times where this relationship has bordered on a little unhealthy but i think zeus has come to have a much more equal and loving relationship with her.
hades is complicated. in their youth, zeus admired and loved him a lot. as they grew older, and became separated due to duty, zeus’ struggle with his own trauma became apparent. he developed a loathing for hades born not out of spite but out of jealousy. part of him was envious of hades, of how removed he was, how he did not have to deal with the struggles of olympus or the pain that came with it. zeus was damaged and he saw hades so in control of it all (whether or not that was actually true) and it soured their relationship a lot, at no fault of hades. in modern times, i imagine the two have managed to overcome some of their troubles, but its a work in progress and zeus wants to make amends, even if he has a hard time.
poseidon, also complicated, but for different reasons. obviously, there was tension between them on account of zeus’ early days where he struggled to be a fair king, abused some of his power, and was generally a menace. then there’s the coup, where whatever trust they still had in each other was completed shattered. their relationship remained incredibly rocky for a long time, cordial at best and argumentative at worst. but following the coup, and his torture at the hands of typhoeus, zeus makes a very big effort to change. and i think somewhere down the line, they begin to mend. zeus loves his brother, even if poseidon pisses him off immensely.
demeter is one of his best friends, very much so in the only i’m allowed to make them miserable kind of way. their parting after the birth of persephone was initiated by demeter despite zeus’ own wishes, and they became good friends. zeus did what he could to provide for persephone while keeping his distance, and so they are pretty close. i like to imagine that they have a very classic sibling relationship, full of roasts w/ love and bonding over their mutual dissatisfaction at their childhood.
on his wife:
zeus loves her. despite everything they have been through, that he’s done to her and had done to him, he worships the ground she walks on. his affairs were not born out of spite or falling out of love with her, but oftentimes out of necessity or his rather impressive wealth of emotion. i like to imagine that they have reached some level of understanding and that she loves him too.
on his mother:
not much to say here other than zeus is a huge momma’s boy.
on his children:
zeus is not a perfect father. he is extremely flawed. he struggled for a long time with trauma, and paranoia, and fear. it made him emotionally distant, sometimes cruel. but zeus really does love his children - and as with the rest of his family, he has fought very hard since he chose to reform to make things right with them. he has attempted to admit to his mistakes and make them right. he has attempted to reconcile damaged relationships. it varies, of course, from child to child. he has a stronger relationship with children like athena, hermes, artemis, dionysus, eileithyia, or hebe. he has a more difficult relationship with apollo, ares, hephaestus, eris, or enyo.
he does not expect forgiveness, but he is going to keep trying to earn it with each of them, even if he struggles and fails sometimes.
regarding pjo kids: zeus loves them. zeus mourned them, sincerely, was inconsolable for ages when he lost both of them. he does what he can to protect them while remaining distant, because he has learned the hard way that involvement of any kind makes things so much worse for them. but i sort of refuse to subscribe to the idea that zeus has, at any point, been disinterested in their well-being nor that he ever intentionally tries to harm them.
tl;dr: zeus loves his family. that has always been the case, that will always be the case. he is flawed and he struggles and he has not always shown his love. he has hurt the people he cares about. but he is trying, desperately so, and is on his journey to make amends.
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surv1vrs · 30 days
Life on Earth started to crumble... War started compiling all over the world and no one seemed on stopping it. No part of the world seemed to be safe. One night, one country sent a few nuclear missiles and another sent a few emp missiles, set to devastate the same countries, before all colliding in the atmosphere, devastating the whole world, making the Earth barely survivable and wiping out technology.
When Earth fell apart, the greek gods and goddesses of myth, decided that their reign from above had not been any help to the world, and chaos had ensued. they felt they were needed on Earth to fix things. The only thing that was stopping them was that in order to leave their realm is that they'd have to become mortal, be reborn in as a mortal. But they knew it was the only way.
200 years pass since the world fell to pieces, and 200 years since the greek gods and goddesses first started to be reborn to the world but never at the same time, and some gods and goddesses have not been reborn.
The gods and goddesses have no memories of who they are, not knowing that they are reborn gods and goddesses, only when they are all reborn and together will they remember their identities.
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willowparkfanclub · 3 months
zeus is so bold commenting on poseidon having a forbidden kid as if he doesn't have TWO: one who is currently a tree and the other who's being raised by wolves. be serious
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mydairpercabeth · 3 months
Percy “I am impertinent” Jackson really looked Zeus dead in the eye and said “Your family is a mess”
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leah-jeffries · 3 months
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lilislegacy · 2 months
jason: father, i pray to you. i ask you for your generosity and to assist me by granting me a single lightning bolt. i will be forever grateful for your kindness and goodness.
zeus: fine. just one though.
percy: *creates waves hundreds of feet tall, summons a hurricane, splits a glacier in half, and drowns an entire army of monsters without even hesitating*
poseidon: haha. nice.
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g0thnico · 2 months
Thalia: "I would never touch Zeus's throne, he would kill me before recognizing me"
Percy: "Once I sat on my father's throne, it was dangerous but it was an urgent situation"
Nico, casually lying on Hades' throne while eating a pomegranate: "hi pops"
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crumpledroses · 3 months
Can't wait to see zeus go from "make sure i never see this one again" to offering percy immortality and then getting hit in the face with A Guide To Parenting And Other Family Issues By Perseus Jackson™
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greenyoshi73 · 3 months
Percy being there while Poseidon and Zeus speak in Ancient Greek is not the mixed-family / immigrant family household representation I expected from this show but well welcomed.
The parents switching to the native tongue to talk about family drama and the kids catch just enough to understand some of the drama.
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zarekthelordofthefries · 10 months
You don't get Hestia as an option because what, you think I'm gonna make this EASY on you?
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readerconfused · 3 months
Mr D insisting that Percy's name is Peter and immediately afterwards yelling at the demigods to get the hell out of the camp I LOVE THIS GOD
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nectaric · 4 months
sky blue
numerous gold rings on his fingers
colourful short-sleeved button-ups
gold hoop earrings
well-fitting blazers
a "world's okayest dad" coffee mug
a laptop full of olympian secrets (jk, economic records and development plans, mostly)
a lightning bolt
cat treats
charming smiles
open posture, big hand gestures
running his hands through his hair
gathering storm clouds over a grey city
marble pillars and specks of gold
a pristine office, with piles of papers and empty coffee mugs
a solitary throne
tagged by: @asoulunbound tagging: you!!
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mo-mode · 4 months
Zeus: this is COMPLETELY IMPERTINENT!!!! If that boy and his friends weren’t recovering my bolt, I would have already fried them!!
Poseidon and Hermes:
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hamletshoeratio · 3 months
I loved the Zeus - Posedion conversation so much because it is the most sibling tm scene in the show so far (after Posedion intervened and stopped his brother from literally murdering his son). They're literally at war one second, there's some levity a second later when they decide they're on the same side and then the youngest brother has to rub in the fact that he won and that he's going to tell everyone else in the family ASAP much to the older brother's absolute annoyance as he rolls his eyes. Not to mention "Who knows about father?" "... Hermes " "So... everyone knows?" Hermes canonically being the biggest blabber in Olympus lmao.
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lots of familiar faces popping up in the new conflict with some hot new drip
but they all pale in comparison to one returning cast member.
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etheriumhq · 7 months
prompts de zeus?
Nosso atual vice-líder da Gangue Olympus! Bem, para ele pensamos em personagens humanos incorporam traços e características associados a Zeus na mitologia grega, como liderança, justiça, coragem e influência. Novamente, os prompts não tem gênero definido.
Um líder carismático e corajoso que comanda comandos de guerreiros em Etheriom. Ele é conhecido por sua habilidade de inspirar e liderar em batalha.
Uma estrategista brilhante e diplomata habilidosa que desempenha um papel crucial na política de Etheriom. Ela é respeitada por sua sabedoria e capacidade de tomar decisões sábias.
Um guarda-costas altamente treinado e dedicado que jurou proteger os habitantes de Etheriom contra qualquer ameaça. Ele é conhecido por sua coragem e determinação.
Uma líder política que busca manter a justiça e a ordem em Etheriom. Ela é conhecida por sua imparcialidade e pelo seu compromisso em servir o bem comum.
Um estrategista militar astuto que lidera campanhas bem-sucedidas para expandir a influência de Etheriom. Ele é conhecido por sua habilidade de vencer batalhas aparentemente impossíveis.
Um guerreiro feroz e destemido que busca sempre o combate em Etheriom. Ele é conhecido por sua habilidade de lutar com bravura em situações de perigo.
Um guerreiro feroz e destemido que busca sempre o combate em Etheriom. Ele é conhecido por sua habilidade de lutar com bravura em situações de perigo.
Uma médica excepcionalmente talentosa que é reverenciada em Etheriom por suas habilidades de cura. Ela é vista como uma fonte de esperança e alívio para os doentes.
Uma guardiã dedicada dos bosques e vida selvagem em Etheriom. Ela é conhecida por sua conexão íntima com a natureza e por proteger os ecossistemas da cidade.
Um advogado renomado que busca aplicar a lei com justiça e equidade em Etheriom. Ele é conhecido por sua integridade e por defender os direitos dos cidadãos.
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