#m;; lockout
stuckinnet · 1 year
a few notable stuff:
1. Advice he would give a young Sidney Crosby "Probably to say no a little bit more as far as the off-ice stuff. That's one thing I look back on and it was just, it was pretty hectic. I think it's easier said than done. I think at that point there was just so much going on, coming out of a lockout. There's a lot of expectations on and off the ice as far as doing your part as a young player to try to help the league. I think it's easy to say that now but at the time I think it was the right thing. It's just, it was a bit of a year. It was a lot. You feel that pressure, you feel that expectation."
2. "Do you yet consider your context? Your place in hockey's history? Top five. Stuff like that. And I know you're gonna say you don't, but come on, by now you gotta." "I don't (laughs). Why would I? I mean, that's a debate for other people, not me. I don't really- There's no reason for me to really think about that. Obviously there's a ton of reasons and things you could debate so there's not much point in me even going there." "I'm not asking you to declare yourself the top five but I just wonder if privately you wonder. Not at all, huh?" "No, I don't. It's a compliment when your named with so many great players and you're put in that category. But I love the game and I respect all the players who've played before and what they've accomplished. I don't really need to figure out what that is or have that number in mind. It really doesn't change how I feel about the game or how I feel about what I've done in hockey. It's not really about that."
3. "Do you ever just sit on the couch and watch TV and eat junk food?" "Yeah pretty much Sunday and off days is what it is."
4. "What's it like to go the distance with Malkin and Letang? Now it's apparent you're gonna play the length of your careers together as far as it can go." "To be able to go this long and hopefully be able to go a few more years that would be incredible. It's been a pretty amazing ride to this point. To be able to have those guys around, to go through the experiences we have, to see their drive at this point in their career and what they've accomplished, I think is something that we all push each other and we all have really high expectations. They're driven. They care. They're competitive. And it's really fun to see that after all these years. That hasn't changed.
5. "What would you rather win? A gold medal or another Stanley Cup?" "There's no way I'm answering that one (laughs)".
6. Last movie he watched was, of course, Oppenheimer. "The long one. Really good. They mentioned Halifax, Nova Scotia in it too so that doesn't hurt." "Why not Exorcist? Too scary?" "Yeah, not really a scary movie guy."
7. "Are you engaged, married or is anyone expecting?" "Nope. Nothing to report there."
8. "You are very comfortable with your age, aren't you, at this point in your life and career. 36. Even the grey hair. I don't think it fazes you at all." "Yeah, no. What would faze me about my age?" "You tell me. Cus you and I talked a bit about dyeing your hair which you have no intent to do." "Well I might have to if I everybody comes up to me and chirps at my greys, I just might have to eliminate that conversation starter."
9. "You gonna fight Bedard?" "No, you don't have to worry about that."
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preservationofnormalcy · 10 months
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[It is January of 2022. I’m entering a wing of the DC Office site that looks older than the others. The carpets are a strange brown, vintage looking, and the lighting casts an almost yellow pallor over the wood paneled walls. I can practically smell the cigarettes. I pass by an empty room labeled “social media office” - boxes piled up by the door. Maybe they’re going to be using it soon. They’ll need it.
I approach a door labeled Necrocommunications, knock lightly twice, then enter. 
I am greeted with the sound of a voice drifting softly across the room. A few chairs and tables sit around me, the same vintage style as the hallway before, the same browns and yellows. A high desk is across the room, and a woman is seated at a control panel. She has black curly hair, done up in an old fashioned style, a polka dotted blouse, and though she’s facing away from me, I can see the edges of cats-eye glasses. 
The panel she’s working at is huge, and resembles the type of switchboards they used to use in the ‘50s, dozens of physical wire connections crisscrossing the device and attaching via plugs. The woman has a headset, one ear covered in a bulky speaker, with a microphone near her mouth. She speaks casually, with an incredibly heavy New Jersey accent.]
I] Oh, him? He’s circled, babe. Taken as hell. Mhmm. And he still asked you? Ain't that a bite. So now you know he’s out of the question and yarding on. Dodged a bullet, hun.
M] Irene? 
I] Oh, god, hold on. My appointment is here. Yeah. I’ll call you later, beautiful. Caio. 
[She hung up the call, taking her headset off and turning to me. She looked like she was straight out of my grandfather’s high school photo album, including the color. Her skin was almost grey, it was so pale, but she didn’t seem like she was sick. She looked me over with a smirk and a raised eyebrow, leaning forward on her desk.]
I] Well, hello Miss Meghan Hendricks. What can I do for you, sugar? 
M] I’m here to interview you for my audit, Ms Donofrio. 
I] All business, aincha? 
M] This is my job.  
I] ….yeah, you’re right. Sorry. I don’t get cute visitors much. 
M] Right. 
I] Pull up a chair, hun. 
M] I’ll just stand. This won’t be long. I came here because of your Occult Communication Tools poster. 
[She sits back with a dramatic sigh.]
I] Yeah, took me forever to convince them to let me do that. We had agents using spirit boards, pendulums, casting runes, tarot cards, ghost boxes, all kinds of shit they brought from home. Bought from Walmart, or worse, a thrift store. I was always telling them, honey, baby, you gotta use our stuff, we maintain it, we disinfect it of ectoplasmic residue, lockout-tagout procedures, the works. It’s so, so unsafe to use anything but our tools. Sure, you gotta do paperwork when you check it out, but it’s better than somethin’ following you home…
M] Right into it, I guess. That’s what Necrocommunications does, right? Talk to the dead? 
I] You bet, sugar. The dead, demons, angels sometimes when they ain’t on our plane or in realspace. Other little spiritual twerps and bugaboos. 
M] I’ve been asking this a lot in the last few months, but…you can do that? Consistently? 
I] Consistent enough to make it worthwhile. S’not perfect. Fails most of the time, depending on who you’re calling. 
M] How so? 
I] Well, some people don’t wanna be called. Some people are chatterboxes. We got a list of likely contacts who we suggest people contact, but…we do other people sometimes, too. Always worth a shot, I say.
M] How does it work? 
[At that, Irene winced slightly and wagged her head from side to side.]
I] We got theories, but more importantly we got procedures. We know different things work for different people. Sometimes it’s cultural. The method that contacts Mr Smith may not work for Mr Chan, y’know? 
M] It’s mostly for information gathering, then. Like the Board of Infernal Affairs.
I] Information gathering’s a big part of it. Someone died with a secret? See if they got loose lips now. Also, y’know, helps with hauntings or gettin’ rid of little jerk spirits. 
M] You mentioned disinfection….
I] Yeah, yeah, there’s….risks, y’know. Sometimes the person you contact ain’t a fink, you know, and they start a whole new haunting. Sometimes one spirit’ll lie and say they’re another. Then they follow you home, start leeching your energy. Happens less when we cleanse the tools. Which is why there’s procedures for this, and every Office staff member in the building is trained on at least the basics.
M] Is it….is it only for Office personnel? Is it something I could…
[Irene’s face grows into a playful smirk as she hears the hesitation in my voice, leaning her face in her hand.] 
I] You got fifty cents? 
[She leads me into a back area of the office. Lining the walls in storage containers are row upon row of spirit boards, each box with a paper listing the dates each was used and then cleaned, along with the name of the person who did it. There are other items, too - pendulums, bags of runes, spirit boxes like you see on ghost hunting shows, and other devices and artifacts I don’t recognize. Irene’s attention, however, is on a phone booth at the end of the room. It’s clean but battered, clearly old and used. It has no door, but an open front, and above the phone itself is a depiction of a figure on a boat, with one word beside it: “Charon.”]
I] We confiscated these in the 80’s. It’s easier to use this one than have to sign out spirit board, y’know.
M] Weren’t you just complaining about that?
I] I complain about a lot of things, sugar. 
[I approach, standing before the phone in disbelief. Irene senses my hesitation.] 
I] Put in the money, then use the keypad to type out the person’s name. It’ll take it from there. Who you gonna call? Grandma? Mom?
M] My brother. 
I] Ah. Shit, honey.
M] He died in California. Two summers ago.
[As I reach for the receiver, I see Irene’s face freeze in some sort of concern.]
I] H-honey, that…was he in—
M] Yes. 
[I put my hand on the receiver, and I feel her hand on mine. She’s cold. She’s so cold and clammy that I jump slightly and look her in the eyes. Her face is sorrowful and scared, searching me.]
I] Honey…you won’t be able to—
M] You said—
I] If he was in…there’s no one there, sugar. He’s gone. 
M] I know he’s gone, but you said I could—
I] No, no, he’s…if he was…he’s gone, gone. There’s nothing left of him. You can pump quarters into that thing all night long and you won’t get anyone.  
M] H…how? I was…I was on the phone with him when it—
[As I watch, her eyes go wide, and she covers her mouth.]
I] Th-that’s how you remember, isn’t it? Thought you were just…in the Office but you hadn’t known about…that’s how you remember.
[I let go of the receiver. I can’t feel my fingers. I’m shivering, but not from the cold.]
M] I know how I remember. What I want to know is why everyone else forgot.
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j0shm0 · 5 months
I took a moment tonight and watched the 2019 Chinese Grand Prix which was the third race of that year and the 1000 Grand Prix of all time. Here are some Interesting takeaway listening to the 56 laps that were led my Sir Lewis Hamilton. These are anecdotes about the race and F1 overall at the time.
- Valtteri Bottas took pole for the 7th time in his career O_O
- Valtteri was 1st in the championship at this point
- Lance out in Q1 7 races in a row (history never seems to not repeat)
- Alex Albon from the pit lane O_O
- 59th time Merc has locked out the front row in the history
- Strategy in 2019 was a planned 1 stop | Became a 2 stop for most teams to try and use mediums in the end for speed (M/H/M)
- 2 drivers spun during the formation trying to warm up their tyres with the corner elevation changes
- Torro Rosso took out both McLarens, dropping them to the back of the grid
- race went green while McLaren tried to change their parts post damage
- Lewis broke away on the start, taking 1st cleanly
- Vettel was pressuring Charles the same way Sainz does now (Charles 1st year at Ferrari)
- Lap 10 aired team orders for Charles >_< "go faster or else"
- Lap 11 aired team order for Charles to swap
- Lap 18 Nico retired due to mechanical issues
- Lap 18 Landos wing was scrapping as he came down the main straight
- Halfway Merc lockout holds with 5second gap
- Winds were are large talking point there, and its only gotten worse with the size of the cars now
- Famed Merc double pit stop on lap 36 was crazy
- Lap 43 Kyvat with Torro Rosso retired
- Lap 49 Lewis asked if Valtteri was under pressure from Seb O_O
- Also Lap 49 and Alex Albon in 10th got lapped by the top 3 in the 2nd to last corner
- Lap 45 Tom informed us Nico reported the problem that retired him
- Lap 50 and they were already talking about swapping Gasly Albon between the Red Bull teams O_O
- Hass race pace always a talking point
- Lap 53 lando retired
- Lap 54 Lewis lapped Riccardo in 7th O_O
- Lap 54 Gasly pitted for Softs for Fastest lap
- LH 74th Carrer Win
- Pit Lane to 10th place finish for Alex Albon for some points
Lap 12 Lewis led with a 3-second gap, verstapen in 5th was 11 seconds behind and Gasly in 6th 10 seconds on top of that
Lap 15 order was Merc, Ferrari, Red Bull for top6 and a mix across the rest
Lap 24 top 6 hasn't changed just reordered due to pit stops, Merc Fer Rb Fer Rb
Halfway through, Lewis is 1sec ahead of Valtteri; from there all others were less than 10 behind each other, with Ricciardo in 7th being 21 behind
Lap 30 Gasly in 6th 15sec off Verstappen, Ricciardo 5th 26 sec off Gasly O_O
Lap 41 back to Merc, Ferrari, Red Bull top 6
Lap 42 Gasly in 6th and 33sec off Verstappen, Ricciardo 7th 10sec behind Gasly
Lap 55 Gasly in 6th and 59 seconds off Charles, Ricciardo 7th 15sec behind Gasly
Final - Lewis led by 6sec / Valtteri had another 13 on Seb with everyone below Ricciardo in 7th being lapped 1 time and everyone below 16th Russell that didn't DNF being lapped 2 times
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yabagofmilfs · 11 months
Maggie for the name ask!
M - more things in heaven and earth by cloudcover | 23k | not rated
Marine biologist geno discovers mer-Sid. I just read this a few days ago even though I “didn’t like” mermaid fics and I wept through the entire last half lmao so. Highly recommend. I am not a marine biologist and idk if the author is either or just did a lot of research, but this is one of those fics that feels like the author took the fandom to work with them you know?
A - articulate by horizon_greene | 4k | rated E
“Are you fucking other people?” Sidney asks quietly. The aftermath of a fight where for three quarters of the fic you’re pretty sure Geno is fucking other people, which made my tummy hurt real bad.
G - game plan by thehoyden | 10k | rated E
Sid woos via breakfast. @sidgeno-ficrecs did a great rec for this recently.
G - get it right, get it tight by twentysomething | 4k | rated E
Sid comes back from the lockout looking good and Geno can’t stop staring.
I - if we were made of water by al-the-remix | 28k | rated E
Selkie Sid goes into heat. Vodyanoy Geno wishes he could give him a baby. There is a little corner of my heart where this fic lives full time.
E - extra attacker by cuprun | geno/sid/tanger | 10k | rated E
Geno and Tanger uh. gang up on Sid after the Night of Assists. I’m never not thinking about this fic tbh.
enjoy, Maggie!
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tapedsleeves · 2 years
Do you have any good hrpf fic recs? I ran through one pairing already and would like more lmao
Hi Anon! Sorry this took so long, I hope you didn't forget about it, or think I forgot about you :) I have been mulling this over, because wow. what a question.
HRPF is a wide, wide expanse, and it's also kind of like an insular neighborhood.
That being said, what I'd recommend really really depends on what you're looking for. I’m assuming you’re over 18, however, if you’re not I’ve put ratings on these fics. I’m not responsible for the media content you consume, but please be aware that some of these fics will have adult content that may be inappropriate for you. In addition, please pay attention to tags and trigger warnings. Stay safe! 
I’m reccing just a couple of fics for each pairing, but feel free to do a deeper dive for each one, for most of these pairings… most of the fic is good, y’all. Hockey fic is just such a wealth of well written fic. 
These are in 3 general categories: older pairings with men who are over 30 now, though they might not be in the fic, the 2015 draft class (and associated pairings, lol) and what I've lovingly dubbed "the kids." Please understand that anyone under the age of 26 is basically a kid to me, so I'm sorry if they're older than what you'd consider a "kid."
So you want to read about some old men, huh? 
Sidney Crosby /Evgeni Malkin
And Never Been Kissed - https://archiveofourown.org/works/2676086 by thehoyden (rated E)
Very sweet 1st season fic but they were penpals first (and then roommates)
If you’re into kidfic: Some Other Beginning’s End -  https://archiveofourown.org/works/2018019 by turningterrific (rated E)
Some political stuff happened in 2014 that caused Geno to pretend that he had a canadian fiance (Sid) and also, surprise! He has a daughter. Very good kidfic, if that’s your thing. 
Danny Briere / Claude Giroux
Friday Night Arrives without a Suitcase - https://archiveofourown.org/works/534247 - marycontraire ((unrated, i’d put it at T) 
Set during the 2012 pause in which Danny and Claude (irl! They really did) move to Berlin together. 
A perpetual feeling - https://archiveofourown.org/works/8990164 - oops_ohdear (Rated T)
Soulbond fic! Claude pretends he and Danny are bonded so that Danny won’t get traded. 
Nicklas Backstrom / Alexander Ovechkin
What Will Survive of Us - https://archiveofourown.org/works/13152198 - by Ferritin4 (rated M)
Soulbond fic where Nicke & Ovi have.. Just wildly different bond communication styles.
The Dog Days are Over - https://archiveofourown.org/works/7876327 - by xihale (rated T)
Alex pretends that Nicke is his fiance so that the caps will be able to draft him. The problem is… they don’t actually know each other. 
Everyone was obsessed with the 2015 draft class, ok?
Leon Draisaitl / Connor McDavid (I know Leon was the 2014 draft class, don’t touch me)
Practice Makes Perfect - https://archiveofourown.org/works/12704733 by crispierchip - (Rated E)
Connor & Leon are together, but Leon keeps deflecting when Connor tries to kiss him. 
All In - https://archiveofourown.org/works/34990777 - by marmolita  (rated E)
Connor decides to see a professional Dom, but surprise - it’s Leon! 
Source Four - https://archiveofourown.org/works/36908593 - by hannah_baker (rated E)
Oh man. Connor is a horror author (leans into the horror novel in the BEST way) and he and Leon live in the same building. This fic was delightful up and down. I don’t normally read WIPs, but the premise was so good I couldn’t resist. I waited for each chapter and was *so excited* when they were released now. (it’s finished now lol)
Leon Draisaitl / Matthew Tkachuk (ok even worse, I KNOW Matthew wasn’t part of the 2015 draft class either, but 2016 & 2014 AVERAGE to 2015.. ey??) 
but please (don’t) bite - https://archiveofourown.org/works/24085693 - (rated M)
Seattle Draft fic! Leon & Matthew are both taken by Seattle in the draft
The Lockout ‘Verse - https://archiveofourown.org/series/1970524 - by blaahaj (rated E & T, respectively) 
2022-2023 didn’t happen because of a lockout, so Matthew takes a contract to play in Cologne. So does Leon. 
Jack Eichel / Connor McDavid
Out of the blue - https://archiveofourown.org/works/10540947 - by idday (rated E) 
Jack keeps hooking up with Connor McDavid. He may also be developing feelings for this guy on twitter.
To make a destination - https://archiveofourown.org/works/4955893 -  by ohtempora (rated E)
Jack keeps having visions of his future with Connor McDavid. He’s understandably grumpy about it. 
Mitch Marner / Auston Matthews
A Heartbeat Not Mine - https://archiveofourown.org/works/12355878 - by linsky - (rated M)
You know the story where the dude’s roommate comes out & the dude is fine with it until he starts hooking up with other people. This is that. Mitch is jealous. 
(the weight of) the ring on your finger - https://archiveofourown.org/works/20204284 - by venvephe - (rated M)
a/b/o where management makes Mitch get married. Auston offers. 
Marner_93 is offline series - https://archiveofourown.org/series/2189442  - by nationalhorribleleague (rated T - E) 
Mitch is a twitch streamer. Auston is one of his followers (still in the NHL). 
Dylan Strome / Connor McDavid
I think i wanna marry you - https://archiveofourown.org/works/7355578 - bluejayys (rated T)
Someone asks Connor if he’s married. He isn’t, but his first thought is about Dylan. 
I hope we stay thick as thieves https://archiveofourown.org/works/3782557 - electrumqueen (rated M)
Dylan and Connor get married so that they can get drafted together. 
Dylan Strome / Mitch Marner
It’s alright and it’s coming along - https://archiveofourown.org/works/16679959 - by leafsmealone - (rated T)
Dylan is the person inside the mascot for the leafs. Hugging Mitch after every home win is… hard. 
Travis Konecny / Nolan Patrick
How the Future knew - https://archiveofourown.org/works/25667404 - by canary (rated E)
Nolan starts an OnlyFans to start earning extra money. He starts talking to Travis. 
The kids are alright 
Trevor Zegras / Jamie Drysdale
Love, or a bird i heard in the night - https://archiveofourown.org/works/30333861 - by leavethebes (rated T)
Trevor’s ex invites him to her wedding. Jamie pretends to be his boyfriend. 
Nico Hischeir /Jack Hughes
I swear (is there a line that we could just go cross) - https://archiveofourown.org/works/31178273 - fuzzyeldritchhorror - (rated E)
Jack & Nico play in switzerland in a fake lockout, and Jack complains on reddit about how he’s in love with his roommate. 
For better or worse - https://archiveofourown.org/works/42587817 - by greenteam (rated E)
Prince of Switzerland Nico marries First Son Jack for political reasons. Maybe they fall in love. 
If you’re  down, i’ll fly you to the moon - https://archiveofourown.org/works/40015902 - overturnedgoal (rated E)
Jack makes 3 resolutions for the new season. Only one of them is about getting over his feelings for Nico. 
Connor Dewar / Brandon Duhaime
November - https://archiveofourown.org/works/42935793 - the_Orange_one - (Rated T)
Connor wants his air fryer back. 
I’d Die For You https://archiveofourown.org/works/43189395 - strangecharlie (Rated T)
Brandon fights for Connor after a bad hit. Very sweet. 
Tim Stutzle / Brady Tkachuk
How lovely are thy branches - https://archiveofourown.org/works/43324765 - anonymous - Rated M
There’s just something about the Tkachuk siblings and German Boyfriends
Because i want it all - https://archiveofourown.org/works/41727045 - by bropunzeling - Rated E
Brady is always doing stuff for Tim. Tim always wants more, but isn’t sure if it’s for Tim, or because Brady is Brady. 
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mumpsetc · 1 year
As a former fan of Object Lockout who has followed the series since 2016, I'm curious on your placement of Lockout on the tier. Lockout barely gets discussed outside of like... The queer aspect that's getting touched up on in the 5TH EPISODE (I used to be on the server).
Wuggle is Just Someone Who I Think is Unfunny and Bad at Writing. Her Characters Are Uninteresting to Me and I am Not Someone Who is Enthralled by the Promise of Gay or Trans Characters Enough to Overlook the Show Lacking Tension and Overall Going in One Ear and Out the Other.
Also She Took Out M&M :/
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bensonlocksmith · 2 months
Benson Locksmith
Best 24 Hour Locksmith in Roselle NJ
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pandmtowingcompany · 9 months
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P&M Towing: Your Miles-Ahead Partner for Long Distance Hauling in Iowa
P&M Towing Company proudly stands as the Best Towing Company in Iowa, providing 24/7 roadside assistance and towing solutions for all your needs. From flat tires and lockouts to heavy-duty recovery and long-distance hauling, our experienced and dedicated team is here to get you back on the road quickly and safely.
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futurestarrsus · 9 months
Expert Locksmith Services: Sonkey Auto Locksmiths for Claimed Keys & Locksmiths
Sonkey Auto Locksmiths stands out as a reliable choice for lockouts and key services, catering to customers in Stone Mountain, Georgia, and the Atlanta area. With a focus on providing stress-free solutions, Sonkey Auto Locksmiths offers expertise in lockouts and battery jumps, ensuring that customers are back on the road in no time. Their mobile services and dedication to customer satisfaction make them a go-to option for those in need of auto locksmith assistance.
Expert Locksmith Services by Sonkey Auto Locksmiths
When it comes to professional locksmith services, Sonkey Auto Locksmiths sets the bar high with a comprehensive range of solutions tailored to meet the diverse needs of its clients. Let's explore the expertise and efficiency that Sonkey Auto Locksmiths brings to the table:
Lockouts and Emergency Assistance
In distressing situations such as lockouts, Sonkey Auto Locksmiths shines in delivering prompt and reliable emergency assistance. Whether you find yourself locked out of your vehicle due to a lost key or a malfunctioning lock, Sonkey Auto Locksmiths' team is equipped to swiftly resolve the issue. With a deep understanding of various vehicle systems and lock mechanisms, their technicians efficiently handle lockouts, ensuring minimal disruption to your day.
Photo by Athena
Key Replacements and Programming
Sonkey Auto Locksmiths' mastery extends to key replacements and programming, covering a wide array of vehicle makes and models. From traditional key cutting to advanced remote and fob programming, their expertise ensures that you can swiftly regain access to your vehicle without the hassle of going through dealerships. This seamless service eliminates the inconvenience of being without a functional key or remote, providing peace of mind to their clients.
For further reputable locksmith services, you can explore Donkey Locksmith - Oklahoma City, OK 73159, a trusted provider in the industry.
In conclusion, Sonkey Auto Locksmiths' expert locksmith services encompass a wide spectrum of solutions, from addressing lockouts and emergency situations to efficiently handling key replacements and programming. Their commitment to prompt, reliable, and high-quality services sets them apart as a go-to choice for all automotive locksmith needs.
Customer Satisfaction and Testimonials
In any service industry, customer satisfaction is the ultimate measure of excellence. Sonkey Auto Locksmiths takes great pride in the positive experiences and testimonials from our satisfied customers. Their feedback reflects the professionalism, efficiency, and reliability of our locksmith services.
Positive Customer Experiences
James L.
"I was locked out of my car, and Sonkey Auto Locksmiths came to my rescue in record time. The technician was not only courteous but also skillful in getting me back on the road within minutes. I highly recommend their services."
Sarah M.
"I needed to upgrade the security system at my place. Sonkey Auto Locksmiths not only provided a range of options but also installed the chosen system with precision and expertise. Their attention to detail and customer-centric approach truly set them apart."
Photo by Anna Shvets
In conclusion, Sonkey Auto Locksmiths stands out as a reliable and expert choice for lockout and key-related needs. Their commitment to customer satisfaction is evident in their prompt and stress-free services, as highlighted by satisfied customers on Yelp and their official website. Additionally, engaging Sonkey Auto Locksmiths offers the benefits of instant help, round-the-clock assistance, and licensed expertise, as supported by industry resources. When it comes to addressing lock and key concerns, Sonkey Auto Locksmiths proves to be a trustworthy and efficient solution that prioritizes the convenience and peace of mind of their clients.
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quick-key · 9 months
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vulturesandhawks · 10 months
Just How Perform Locksmiths In Edmonton Ensure They Give Exceptional Customer Care?
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When it involves hiring a locksmith professional in Edmonton, you want to make certain you pick one that provides great customer service. Whether you are handling a lockout unexpected emergency, need a brand-new lock mounted, or call for various other locksmith professional services, it is important to think valued and also listened to by the company you opt for. But have you ever thought about just how locksmith professionals in Edmonton guarantee they offer such exceptional customer care? In this post, we will definitely reveal a few of the tricks behind how these specialists exceed and also past to fulfill their clients.
Here Is Actually Just How Edmonton Locksmith Professionals Provide Great Service:
Communication is Key
One of one of the most essential manner ins which 24 hour locksmith in Edmonton offer superb customer care is via clear and reliable communication. From the very first call or e-mail, they make certain to listen to their customers' needs and answer immediately along with handy relevant information. They describe the steps they will definitely take to solve the concern and offer a very clear estimate of the cost. They likewise keep their consumers notified throughout the method, so they know what to anticipate and also may remain up-to-date on any modifications or even challenges that arise.
Many locksmiths in Edmonton deliver 24-hour urgent services, which implies they should be able to connect properly at any moment of the day or night. Whether you require a lock repaired at the center of the night or even a brand-new key made on a weekend, they are regularly readily available to address your call and also provide support.
Interest to Detail
One more manner in which locksmith professionals in Edmonton make certain great customer support is actually by means of their interest to information. Coming from the premium of the products they make use of to the accuracy of their workmanship, they take satisfaction in providing excellent service. They see to it that every lock they put up or repair is actually safe, durable, and also customized to their clients' particular requirements. They likewise take the time to tidy up after themselves, leaving the workspace clean as well as clean.
In addition to their technological competence, 24 hour locksmith in Edmonton are actually likewise skilled at discovering the motes that matter to their customers. This can easily feature being actually considerate of their residential property, getting along and well mannered, and also putting in the time to address any kind of inquiries they may possess. By focusing on these details, they develop a beneficial as well as remarkable adventure for their customers.
Openness and Integrity
When it comes to client service, clarity and also integrity go a long way. Locksmiths in Edmonton make it a top priority to become beforehand as well as straightforward along with their customers regarding the services they supply as well as the prices included. They give detailed price quotes and also don't surprise their customers with unanticipated costs. They additionally are sure to detail any kind of potential threats or even drawbacks of a particular service, so their clients can create a notified selection.
By being actually clear and also sincere, locksmiths in Edmonton create depend on with their consumers. They understand that their credibility gets on the line along with every job they perform, as well as they take that obligation truly. Through being actually trustworthy and also reliable, they make a faithful consumer foundation that counts on them for all their locksmith needs.
Exceeding as well as Beyond
Ultimately, among the techniques behind terrific customer care is actually exceeding and also past what is counted on. Locksmiths in Edmonton recognize that their clients need to have much more than only an useful lock or key - they require peace of mind and also reliability. To supply on these requirements, locksmiths in Edmonton may offer added services, like safety and security evaluations, advice on home or even company protection, and even executing extra repairs or maintenance that go beyond the initial ask for.
Through going above and past, locksmiths in Edmonton make a good as well as memorable expertise for their clients. They stick out from their competitors and develop a devoted customer base that always keeps returning for their remarkable service.
When it relates to opting for a locksmith professional in Edmonton, client service is key. By offering crystal clear interaction, attention to detail, openness and sincerity, as well as exceeding and also past, locksmiths in Edmonton make certain that their clients enjoy and satisfied along with their services. By deciding on a locksmith professional that embodies these premiums, you can easily feel confident that you will definitely get top-notch service that fulfills your demands and also exceeds your expectations.
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mnlocksmithchicago · 1 year
M&N Locksmith Chicago
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Address Chicago, IL 60640
Phone (773) 668-0883
Website https://www.mnlocksmithchicago.com/
Professionals in making keys, changing locks, and providing emergency lockout services in the Chicagoland area. Contact M&N Locksmith if you’re struggling with lock or key issues with your car, home or commercial facility. We are proud to service this area and provide emergency services for lockout situations or car key production. We have over a decade of experience in this area and our business is always ready to service you with the most up to date products that are cost affordable and a long-term solution. We send out our team of specialized trained technicians to discuss and find a solution for all of your locksmith needs.
Category: Locksmith Service or Product: Locksmith Service
Bus. hrs/day 24 Hours a day, 7 days a week
Social Media Profiles urls https://goo.gl/maps/WZkMc2qzCmhyn2F99 https://www.facebook.com/MN-Locksmith-Chicago-100159455246340 https://twitter.com/MNLocksmithChi1 https://www.pinterest.com/mnlocksmithchicagoil/ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCFBPD6oVUpNk4pPWKV74W9A/about https://www.reddit.com/user/MNChicago
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heavytowingblog · 1 year
How to Decide On the Right Towing Service for Your Requirements
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Once faced with unanticipated failures or even accidents when traveling, a trusted towing service can be a lifesaver. Opting for the right semi towing San Jose for your needs is critical to make certain a stress-free and also hassle-free expertise during the course of these tough situations. Whether you're managing a flat tire, engine trouble, or even an accident, listed below are some crucial factors to consider when picking a towing service.
Just how to Select the Right Towing Service for Your Demands
Picking the appropriate towing company can easily make all the variation when you find yourself stranded on behalf of the street. Listed below are actually a few pointers to assist you help make an informed selection:
Response Opportunity
When picking a towing service is their response time, one of the very most crucial factors to take into consideration. Emergencies while driving call for easy aid, so choose a towing provider that provides a efficient and prompt action. A reputable towing company should possess a 24/7 unexpected emergency hotline to ensure they may aid you whenever of the time or even night.
Service Location Coverage
Make sure the container towing San Jose company you select covers the area where you frequently take a trip. Check their company area chart to validate that they can reach you anywhere you may need help. Choosing a towing business with prevalent insurance coverage can save you coming from additional tension as well as hold-ups throughout a presently discouraging situation.
Accreditations and also Training
Respectable towing services ought to possess trained specialists along with effective qualifications. Search for companies that employ motorists that are actually approved and experienced in towing and kerbside support. This guarantees that your auto is going to be taken care of along with treatment as well as expertise, decreasing the danger of more damages in the course of the towing method.
Kinds Of Companies Offered
Different towing firms supply a variety of services past merely towing. They may deliver tire changes, jump-starts, energy shipping, as well as even lockout support. Consider your potential necessities and choose a towing solution that uses an extensive stable of solutions to cover a range of kerbside emergency situations.
Tools and Innovation
Modern towing services take advantage of state-of-the-art equipment and also innovation to ensure safe as well as effective towing. Seek a company that invests in properly maintained tow vehicles and utilizes the current towing techniques. This aids lessen the danger of damage to your lorry during the course of the towing process.
Client Assessments as well as Credibility And Reputation
Analysis the towing service's credibility and reputation by reading through client testimonials and also testimonies. On the internet systems and social media can easily provide valuable insights right into the knowledge of previous customers. A heavy duty towing near me business with a sturdy track record for dependability, expertise, and also exceptional customer service is very likely to offer a satisfactory experience.
Straightforward Prices
Prior to finalizing your selection, ask about the towing service's pricing construct. Respectable providers must offer affordable as well as straightforward prices without hidden fees. Request for an estimate upfront as well as make sure you recognize the charges linked with the services they give.
Insurance coverage Coverage
Ensure that the big truck towing service San Jose you decide on has suitable insurance coverage. This safeguards you coming from potential obligations in the event that any sort of damages occurs to your lorry during the towing procedure. A trustworthy container towing San Jose will definitely possess enough insurance to deal with any unexpected happenings.
Final thought
Deciding on the appropriate towing service is a decision that may considerably influence your adventure during the course of a kerbside urgent. By considering elements such as response time, company place protection, qualifications, forms of solutions provided, tools, client evaluations, prices, and also insurance protection, you can produce an educated selection that gives you with comfort. A reliable truck towing solution will certainly not just get you back while driving however also make certain that your motor vehicle is actually taken care of with care and also expertise.
Heavy Duty Towing
477 ezie st. San Jose,
CA 95111, USA
+1 408-300-6831
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yabagofmilfs · 11 months
All your recs have been fantastic so far, so if you have the energy for another name for the rec game: kitebird (feel free to skip the e), or just KB for a short one :)
oh boy. i will try, but we may be dipping into uncharted territory in the tag for a lot of these!
K - keeper by al-the-remix | 2k | rated T
sid gets speared in the balls, and takes the opportunity to shamelessly ask geno to help him out. there's a lot of reason to love this, but for me the stand out is Sid referring to his balls as "bean bags." that feels so right.
I - industry of actual boys by dimbleby | 2k | rated M
Geno is one of the pens photographers and an artist in his own right, and Sid learns first his name and then has to know everything else about him. There's a broken link to some photos I think the author was using as references for Geno's art show, and I would love to know what they were.
T - then it's yours by liophael | 10k | rated E
geno tries to take photos of sid during sex, and sid throws a fit. geno slowly wears him down, though.
E - EBUG by belzebubcat | 1k | rated E
what i have learned in this exercise is that there's a dearth of fics beginning with the letter E in this fandom, lol. had to go all the way to page 17 of the tag to find this one, and it sounds so cute! Sid nests. He's not a goalie though. Geno gets the experience of a lifetime.
B - bow and arrow by oflights | 45k | rated E
Sid gets left at the altar and asks Geno to go on his honeymoon trip with him. Sid is so sad, and Geno is so down bad for him but trying to do what's right the whole time. Plus: Paris. Hurtful! Cathartic! Sid working through his feelings!
I - (the) impossibility of hope by supercalifragili | 4k | rated G
from the tag, which i have not read but sounds so good! summary: "It had been only in the quiet of the same night, just before the sun rose above the haze the booze had left him with, stained clothes and the candle light of a city alive in the midst of a world asleep that Sidney had a moment where, with closed eyes and hands pressed to his chest, he had started feeling like it wasn’t fair, like the world had dealt him a bad card, like it had traded the joy of a night like this, of a cup run like this, for the empty heart it gave in return."
R - running out the clock by trilliath | 42k | rated E
another from the tag - definitely putting this on my tbr: It's 2015 and Sid is playing the worst he's ever played in the NHL. He's made it through the worst before. The injuries, coach and media drama. Lockouts. Unexpected losses of teammates. Those things affect his game, of course they do, but he's always battled back. Always. That history should give him confidence, a level of trust in his experience and resilience but… he's playing the worst he's ever played in the NHL and he tries to pretend he doesn't know why.
D - (a) drowning in california by beggingwolf | 18k | rated E
after a rough season and an even rougher patch in their relationship, sid asks geno to come with him to LA. geno thinks they're going to spend quality time together, get back on even footing, but sid is just as distant as ever. this premise is engineered in a lab to give me the agonies. someone reaching out to the person they love asking for reassurance that they’re still loved and being rejected again and again, feeling embarrassed that they want more than the other person. well. maybe i will die.
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gremlinwags · 1 year
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How dependent should we be on self-driving cars?  
FWaymo self-driving car side view.gk by Grendelkhan  
This image was marked with a CC BY-SA 4.0 license: https://openverse.org/image/1c56545a-b488-4e51-a2e6-d80a5ed760c6?q=self%20driving%20cars
Self-driving cars have been raved as the future of the road for the past decade. It is said to be a promising footnote for the future of the roads. However, there are many drawbacks to the new technology that have yet to be rectified before it can be promoted to the mass market.
By having self-driving cars as the primary vehicles, the roads across the country will become much safer for everyone. “Ninety-four percent of US crashes involve human error, and about two out of three people will be involved at some time in their life in an accident in which a driver had been drinking alcohol. By reducing human error and the effect of alcohol on driving, SDCs have the potential to save thousands of lives and reduce the economic loss from traffic accidents.” (Rossow, M. (2022). But the companies who profit from road vehicles in operation will benefit more than anybody else. “Ride-sharing companies that use robotaxis would have no drivers to pay and thus could charge much lower prices than companies with drivers. Long-distance trucking companies could cut costs dramatically if self-driving trucks were developed. Auto makers producing SDCs might dominate the market for personal cars if SDCs turn out to be as popular as many people forecast.” (Rossow, 2022).  And generally, people view self-driving vehicles in a positive light more so than their human counterparts. “Pammer et al. (2020) found that vulnerable road users such as cyclists and motorcyclists were significantly more likely to consider AVs as safer than human drivers when it came to considering their personal safety as a rider.“ ( Pammer et al., 2022).  
However, a recent patent by Ford outlines a not so ideal and rather grim future for drivers. “...the repossession system computer may disable the door lock mechanism, thereby placing the vehicle in a lockout condition and preventing a person from entering a cabin of the vehicle. “ (Maraldo et al., 2023). This could spell potential danger because there is a good chance of the camera detection software failing while the car is in lock mode. “... The repossession computer may avoid endangering the safety and health of the owner and other people associated with the vehicle when the vehicle has been placed in the lockout condition... The repossession system computer may evaluate images provided by one or more cameras of the vehicle in order to take detect an emergency (e.g., a medical emergency situation) such as, for example, a driver of the vehicle is suffering a heart attack.” (Maraldo et al., 2023).  Should the camera detector not do its job while an infant is choking from inside during lockout mode, a parent from outside of the vehicle will be unable to save their child. The software’s possible lack of awareness makes it incapable of telling right from wrong in very specific circumstances and will result in the car making poor decisions. ”Sometimes a police officer might direct a car to do something otherwise considered illegal, like drive up on to a sidewalk to get around some road obstacle. In that case a Carempty probably should do it. But if it is just the delivery driver whose truck is blocking the road wanting to get the Carempty to stop tooting at them, then probably the car should not obey, as then it could be in trouble with the actual police. That is a lot of situational awareness for a car to have.” (Rossow, 2022).  If the owner of the car wasn't in the vehicle when it was in operation, should they really be held responsible for something that was out of their control? Because if so, it means car owners are going to be receiving lawsuits that weren't even their fault to begin with.  Furthermore, the technology is currently too primitive to be practical.  “The Carla’s self-driving system did not adopt a steering method to increase the lateral safe distance to complete overtaking.” (Wu et al., 2022) It is going to be a long time before AI operated cars meet the standards required for driving on the road in all conditions normal drivers typically encounter. “Sensors still have a long way to go. We use LiDAR sensors, which work well in poor lighting conditions, to grab the three-dimensional geometry of the world around the car, but LiDAR doesn’t provide color or texture, so we use cameras for that. Yet cameras are challenged in poor lighting, and tend to struggle to provide enough focus and resolution at all desired ranges of operation. In contrast, radar, while possessing relatively low resolution, is able to directly detect the velocity of road users even at long distances. “ (Rossow, 2022).
And unlike normal cars, AI-controlled vehicles are prone to being hacked by the Internet which is a threat to the passengers' lives  as the hacker could decide to crash the vehicle by swerving in the wrong direction. “...hackers are able to more easily gain control of a vehicle’s systems due to the increased vulnerability introduced by these linked smart features. Access to the electronic components installed in today’s sophisticated automobiles might provide hackers with new avenues of attack...” (Alsaade & Al-Adhaileh, 2023). This is even more concerning since many people are expecting robot operated vehicles to be the standard for all four-wheelers on the road in the not-so-distant future. This prediction is unrealistic as the problems of self-driving cars are going to become more obvious before they become the most dominant form of transportation. “If security and privacy concerns are not addressed; however, the advantages that are anticipated to result from the use of these engines may not be realised. Hackers will be presented with additional opportunities to carry out destructive attacks thanks to AVs, which could pose a significant risk to the future of mobility and data security.” (Alsaade & Al-Adhaileh, 2023). At this point, is it really the driver’s car anymore? Self-driving cars give the driver less of a say on the journey, therefore making the experience unpredictable and not so smooth for the body. As a result, everyone aboard the vehicle tends to feel nauseous from all the abrupt movements dictated by the computer with artificial intelligence.  “Motion sickness is expected to be more of an issue in self-driving vehicles than in conventional vehicles. The reason is that the three main factors contributing to motion sickness (conflict between vestibular and visual inputs, inability to anticipate the direction of motion, and lack of control over the direction of motion) are elevated in self-driving vehicles.” (Sivak & Schoettle, 2015).
In conclusion, despite the benefits of this new technology presented, self-driving vehicles are not for public consumers. They may lower the risks of an accident, but should they get into one the driver may not be there to confront the police or driver and before they know it the self-driving car has gotten them into trouble for something they didn't do. People can't sue an AI robot for malfunctioning unlike a reckless driver whom they can take the court. Having soulless robots in control of our destination is pretty scary once you've realized that we can't do anything to stop them once they cease control of the car. Car sales are likely to decrease since people will no longer have the same freedom as they used to on the road and the rides themselves will never be the same. With all this in mind, these AIs should be reserved for corporations such as trucking and taxi companies who have the money to spare should the vehicle get into a predicament out of their control. Companies are the ones that will benefit from driverless vehicles the most as they are more economical for their needs and any dilemmas that do happen are an easier fix than a situation caused by a reckless human being.    
Rossow, M. (2022). Self-driving cars: What can we realistically expect? - CED engineering. Self-Driving Cars: What Can We Realistically Expect. Retrieved April 24, 2023, from https://www.cedengineering.com/userfiles/Self-Driving%20Cars%20-%20What%20Can%20We%20Realistically%20Expect-R1.pdf
Pammer, K., Predojevic, H., & McKerral, A. (2022, November 28). Humans vs, machines; motorcyclists and car drivers differ in their opinion and trust of self-drive vehicles. Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour. Retrieved April 23, 2023, from https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1369847822002807
Wu, H., Lyu, D., Zhang, Y., Hou, G., Watanabe, M., Wang, J., & Kong, W. (2022, January 14). A verification framework for behavioral safety of self‐driving cars. IET Intelligent Transport Systems. Retrieved April 27, 2023, from https://ietresearch.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/pdf/10.1049/itr2.12162
Maraldo, A., Diamond, B., Weston, K., & Menees, M. A. (2023, February 23). SYSTEMS AND METHODS TO REPOSSESS A VEHICLE. Retrieved April 23, 2023, from https://image-ppubs.uspto.gov/dirsearch-public/print/downloadPdf/20230055958
Alsaade, F. W., & Al-Adhaileh, M. H. (2023, April 18). Cyber attack detection for self-driving vehicle networks using Deep Autoencoder algorithms. MDPI. Retrieved May 7, 2023, from https://www.mdpi.com/1424-8220/23/8/4086
Yusof, N. M., Karjanto, J., Terken, J. M. B., Delbressine, F. L. M., & Rauterberg, G. W. M. (2020, April 6). Gaining situation awareness through a vibrotactile display to mitigate motion sickness in fully-automated driving cars. International Journal of Automotive and Mechanical Engineering. Retrieved May 7, 2023, from https://journal.ump.edu.my/ijame/article/view/2629
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ao3feed-hockey · 1 year
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/WsvKuZf
by NYRfan_JustPassingThrough
When a new NHL lockout hits, the decision to play in Sweden isn’t too hard. Navigating everything after that, though? A little more difficult than they expected.
Words: 1228, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Men's Hockey RPF
Rating: Mature
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Chris Kreider, Mika Zibanejad
Relationships: Chris Kreider/Mika Zibanejad
Additional Tags: some vague future season (but not too far in the future), Mutual Pining, Idiots in Love, Roommates, Sweden - Freeform, Getting Together
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/WsvKuZf
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