#m1 astray
teaospin · 11 months
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Started drawing last night for a few hours, just using 3 pages to sketch some stuff to “recalibrate” myself after 3 months of not drawing.
This was the last thing I drew and… I have to say it’s very nice imo, granted- I haven’t drawn the M1 Astray in YEARS. XD
Anyways- hope ya like it! ^_^
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gundamfight · 2 years
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prophbuilds · 1 year
MBF-EA1 Astray Prophet - A Retrospective
Although this wasn't my first Gunpla build, this was my first attempt to add some paint to an existing model. = )
In this short trip down memory lane, I'll show off some photos and some ideas I had when going into this. Although I've build other model kits in the past - even going so far as to help paint them - I really hadn't tried it on something that was built to be movable.
I also hadn't tried painting one (or helping to paint one) in decades. So enjoy this look back on my first real Gunpla project from 2014...
The MBF-EA1 Astray Prophet
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Like a fair number of folks... I like the Gundam Astray. To me, it's a solid design that can be a base for a number of mods. In this case, I went with something easy for my first real mod.
Something simple...
I remade my fave suit from the long dead Gundam MMO - SD Gundam Capsule Fighter Online. = )
Back when that game was still live, I pulled a fairly decent M1 Astray early on in the service's life. It was a solid suit within the game and it was a go-to once I upgraded it a bit. One of the things I did when I had the chance was switch out the classic red to my usual dark blue. After the game went dark, I kept that simple design change in mind but I never really acted on it. Years later, I managed to swing past a hobby shop a few town's over and scooped my first Gundam kit in decades! It was...
The AGE-1 Full Glansa.
What? You thought I'd just jump straight into painting up a build? o.O So... that AGE kit kinda' brought me back into the hobby. I got a few more, stumbled across my old screenshots from all those years ago and ordered me an Astray.
Full Disclosure: I did not realize the M1 had a permanent backpack. I thought that it came off like the colored frames until I looked in the booklet. This did kinda' bum me out a bit as i was hoping to get SEED kits with backpacks and swap them out. Still not a deal breaker! = )
The last kit I painted (Well... helped paint, really) was a F-14 Tomcat I had built with my father back when I was a young model maker. I loved the idea of doing stuff like painting the details most folks would miss or never even see. I loved the idea of straight up doing a completely new paint job like taking a basic OD Green plane and painting it in a jungle camo.
With this one, I wanted to remake my trusty Astray in plastic... with a twist. I wanted to bring over some details I wanted to do back then but it wasn't possible for one reason or another. I brought up a line art version of the suit and got to work planning out my colors in SketchBook. I'd bring back my dark blue and I'd give it some golden accents to break up the large amount of a singular color.
Once I had my kit in hand, I did something I never got the chance to as a kid building jets with my Dad - I busted out a rattle can and got myself a match small jar of paint and painted it right on the runner.
Before you type angry comments at me - Painting on the runner was the only option for me at the time. I don't have a spray booth or any good setup with which to paint parts. I didn't even have a working airbrush at the time. A can of spray paint is always a solid option and painting parts on the runner is just easier to handle when you don't have a set of clips to hold things. The following photos are from the longer post found here. -> [Main Tumblr Linkage]
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Looking at the dates, this all went down around eight years ago. Since then, I haven't really gone this big again. Not for a lack of trying... I still don't have a spray booth or a safe area to paint. I Do have an airbrush (a cordless number with a rechargeable air pump) but the poor thing is still stuck unused. I mostly just brush paint details. Not as impressive to watch but still a fun way to add to details.
If you made it this far, thanks for indulging this look back at my first real paint job. At some point, I'll stick together a work log for the "Mid-season Suit Upgrade" that I'm slowly picking at - the EA1 Prophet Astray Mk2.
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gatormeister · 2 months
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And High Grade Dagger L built!
Really fun kit, lots of cool poses, good looking weapons, and some pretty good articulation too. Overall a very sleek, simple, and nice design!
It’s also my first kit for Gundam SEED as a whole. Also a SEED Destiny kit and not SEED proper, so I am technically breaking my sorta weak rule on not buying kits from shows I haven’t started yet. I am planning on watching Destiny right after though, so I’m not too bothered by that. I have less of an excuse when it comes to the Zaku Warrior kit I also bought, but in my defense… both of these were cheap.
I also am just not a huge fan of a lot of SEED designs I find. Very bright colors that I’m just eh on. I don’t dislike any of them though so there’s that. I do find I like the designs of the Providence and the Force Impulse Gundams though, but I haven’t gotten to those in the show yet.
But continuing with the grunt theme of the Zaku and the Dagger, my first original SEED kit will probably be either the M1 Astray or the GINN. I thought it would’ve been from the Astray manga cause it’s called Astray, but apparently I was wrong about that.
My next kit to build will be one of the two 1/100s I have, so I’ll leave that up to a poll between the Full Mechanics Gundam Aerial and the Master Grade Ver Ka ZZ Gundam. Either one is fine by me, but I understand one is a lot more complicated than the other.
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ouroborosorder · 4 months
i bought a gunpla kit of the M1 Astray a while back because i thought its dual machetes kicked ass. turns out that this kit sucks absolute ass. the machetes don't even have the colors that they show on the box, not even in color correcting stickers. i have never felt more robbed in my life i wanted these sick ass machetes goddamnit
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etes-secrecy-post · 5 months
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Hi, before I explain my post, I want to say something important.
• What you see my blog has become a major overhaul. And despite the changes, I decided that my 2nd account will be now my artwork blog with a secret twist.
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Okay? Capiche? Make sense? Good, now back to the post…↓
#OnThisDay: Jan 2nd, 2019
Title: Cuteness Girl Members - The Dancerings
No #OnThisDay throwback post for the actual 'New Year' (Jan 1st, 2024) owing to our celebration. Now, its back with the 2nd day. 😊
Originally, I was gonna drew separately for my next HTF OC to join the three Dancerings; Maryline, Knify and Messlie (owned by my amigo D4RTHSP4RT4N) 🐿️♀🦨♀🐿️♀. But when I search hard of what Gundam Mobile Suit that they're fit, I've found this early mass produced 'M1 Astray' w/ a big brainblast Idea. So why not separately when I drew 3 HTF OC's in one big paper! 😁📝
So yeah, that's my first time ever to draw it. The three Dancerings in their 'M1 Astray' armors w/ their custom colors and their heart icons! 😃🤖
M1 Astray Maryline / Knify / Messlie [with their respective colored custom] Came from the real: MBF-M1 M1 Astray [CLICK ME!]
"Igelstellung" 75mm Multi-Barrel CIWS • The Igelstellung 75mm multi-barrel Close In Weapon System is a pair of head mounted Vulcan guns. These guns are small-caliber shell firing weapons that are designed to shoot down missiles and lightly armored vehicles, but are ineffective against the heavier armor suit.
Type 70 Beam Saber • The type 70 beam saber is the standard close combat beam weapon of Orb armored suits. The MBF-M1 M1 Astray is equipped with two beam sabers on its flight pack.
Type 71 Beam Rifle • The type 71 beam rifle is the standard ranged beam weapon of the Orb military. The beam rifle fires an energy beam that is highly effective against most targets, such as mobile suits, but is less effective against targets designed to take beam attacks, such as laminated armor or shields treated with an anti-beam coating. It can destroy a mobile suit with a single shot.
Shield • M1 Astray can can use a physical shield for defense, it is mounted on the left forearm and/or handheld. This is the same type of shield as used by Strike and Duel armors.
Anti-ship Sword • A 9.1m long physical sword, the M1 Astray can be optionally equipped with up to two of this sword. Despite its name, the sword can be used for both anti-MS combat and anti-ship combat. Stored in special sheath mounted on the side armor, the sword is similar in appearance to the anti-ship swords found on the armor Strike Rouge IWSP (MBF-02+P202QX).
Type 71-44 Improved Sniper Beam Rifle • A weapon from the MBF-M1A M1A Astray, this was a handheld beam weapon that was developed specifically for long distance shooting.
Special Equipment(s) / Feature(s):
Flight Pack • To increase mobility, the M1 Astrays are fitted with a fixed "flight pack" derived from the GAT-X105 Strike's Aile Striker pack. The flight pack did not provide true flight but it did increase the suit's overall mobility, and allows it to fly for a short period.
EF-24R Flight Rotor Shrike • After the First Alliance-PLANT War, some M1 Astrays are fitted with the "EF-24R Flight Rotor Shrike", which is mounted on the existing flight pack for improved aerial capabilities. When equipped with the flight rotor shrike, the M1 Astray is known as M1 Astray Shrike and is capable of independent flight in the Earth's atmosphere.
The Dancerings: Maryline, Knify and Messlie (HTF OCs) - owned by D4RTHSP4RT4N (dA) [CLICK ME!] Armors (Mobile Suit Gundam SEED) - Gundam series © Bandai Namco Filmworks, Inc. (SUNRISE), Sotsu
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gremoria411 · 11 months
So I mentioned recently (while rambling about SEED and SEED Destiny), that I’m not really a fan of most of the Gundam Designs from the series, exceptions being the IJ, Providence and Aegis. However I do like quite a few of the grunt designs.
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First up, the Ginn.
Gundam SEED was intended to update Mobile Suit Gundam for a new generation. How successful it was is debatable. But Y’know what I think they got right? The Zaku-analogue. The Ginn shares the same basic features as the zaku, but integrates the commander horn into a lovely hawk, and has wings to emphasise its mobility. It’s armour looks almost contemporary with modern equivalents, but it’s all blended together in this visage of a knight. The monoeye retains its trademark expressive nature, and the design has that wonderful quality of being equally pleasing as a single mobile suit or a team of grunts. The sword is just the icing on the cake, since it enables some very fun poses and (at least in the beginning) emphasises phase shift armour.
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Many of its variants are lovely too. The High mobility types (I (left)& II (right)) take the concept of an upgraded Ginn in two different directions, with the first adding new parts for a more complex look, and the other remodelling existing parts and adding a more samurai flavour, looking like a command variant of the original. The long range reconnaissance type is loaded with extra equipment, while the ceremonial decoration type - while functionally just a repainted regular unit - contain one of my favourite small details about ZAFT - since they had no formal culture they were drawn from, they simply ran a computer simulation as to which colours would best inspire the emotions they wanted for ceremonial duties. Which is honesty such a thing for them to do.
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The CGue and GuAIZ (which I shall continue to pronounce “Gooey-as” despite being informed that it’s “Gwaze”, as in “graze”) are essentially just bulked-up improvements on the Ginn. I’m not really sure how to describe my fondness for the CGue, other than it feels sleeker and more fragile- like you’d need to be an ace to use it. The GuAIZ makes me think of the Gelgoog, but (unlike many of the Seed Destiny units) has an identity beyond that. It’s delightfully bulky and round, with the olive green distinguishing it nicely from surrounding units. Also, kudos for giving it a shield claw, a weapon I didn’t think I’d like as much as I do.
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The BABI made this list alone for the seriousness with which everyone says it’s name. While it has very little focus in the anime itself, it’s design is interesting enough to be memorable. It’s essentially a flying brick covered in guns, with a very knightly design. Because of this, I find it evocative of the Gyan in the same way I find the GuIAZ evocative of the Gelgoog. It’s this wonderful mash of imposing seriousness and colourfully toyetic. I find the leg vents oddly pleasing as well.
I am rather fond of the M1 Astray aswell, but I’ll likely cover that if I ever chat about the Astray Series.
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charlezarrd · 2 years
Is there a SEED character you think should have been more focused upon?
Is there one you think should have had less focus?
Hi, I’m very late in answering this and I’m sorry, but I have Opinions™️ again.
I could pick just one of each, but I’m going to be fully honest, that would be off brand for me. SO.
Spoilers for Gundam SEED, (duh):
Characters That Needed More Focus:
1.) Yzak, i think, comes to mind immediately. We see a decent amount of him as a member of the villain quartet at the beginning, but after Nicol dies, we see not very much of him, especially leading up to his decision to abandon his revenge plot to rescue Dearka. I think seeing this change build in him gradually would be important to see for the message of SEED in general. (And also make his mini-redemption moment in Destiny, which i still haven’t seen, more impactful)
2.) Andrew Waldfeldt. I’d like to know how he survived being exploded, and ended up on Lacus’ ship. He plays a lot of the same role as Ramba Ral for kira, but with a bit more Vash The Stampede esque goofiness, and quite frankly, I love him. The character he’s initially presented as, and the Waldfeldt that shows up piloting Lacus’ ship aren’t neccisarily consistant though, and I want to see how he survived. It would have been nice to see him questioning ZAFTs motivations a bit more, and coming to his own conclusions on things.
That said, apparantly being in an exploding mobile suit in SEED is even less fatal than it is in Wing.
3.) Juri Wu Nein, Mayura Labatt, and Asagi Caldwell. The three ORB test pilots for the M1 Astray. Honestly, their deaths are more dissappointing than anything else, they could have just not died and the series would be the same. If you want deaths to have meaning, I’m of the philosophy, you need to focus on the characters for a bit longer than these guys got.
Characters that deserved Less Screen Time:
1.) Orga Sabnak, Clotho Buer, and Shani Andras. I was so dissappointed by these guys. They could have honestly never been shown, or been shown a lot less, just to illustrate the concept behind Boosted Men. But when I played G Generation Cross Rays, I thought that the character details of showing their hobbies would make them into tragedies, and the game was just stripping out a bunch of context, like it did with Rau Le Creuset. Instead it turns out they’re just assholes who fucking hate each other, with a mean streak. They feel like wasted potential, and the screen time devoted to them felt wasted.
2.) Sigh/Sai Argyle (I’m not sure how you spell it anymore). To be honest, the only role he served to the story was to create a weird love triangle, before he was immediately forgotten. He could have been written out of the plot and the story wouldn’t change in the slightest, except Flay might have come across as slightly less mean. You could have spent the screen time that was spent on him further establishing the relationship between Miriallia and Tolle, to make Tolle’s death more impactful. (Instead of “AND HE DIES ALSO!”)
I think thats it. There is a lot more that I think the series would benefit from changing, but not in terms of who gets screen time.
That said, for all the criticisms I have of it, SEED is still a fun story, and I do like it quite a bit.
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valkylander · 3 years
Asagi: Hey, quit your job!
Cagalli: Why?
Asagi: Join my emo band!
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vidfreak727 · 5 years
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gundamfight · 7 years
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studentmyself · 4 years
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gaspidariii · 5 years
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Not the best pic but gotta show off my bois. My Zaku II is hardest to see
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lesser-mook · 3 years
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Flay was robbed (Gundam Seed Destiny AR outtake)
The shit she went through, what she put other people through, because of severe emotional trauma. 
And her being so young, in peacetime, she was spoiled, a kid. She couldn’t cope in time when it counted, and that was an opportunity to show her character growth, maturity. She should’ve been the main character/pilot.
Getting more depth on her mentality, pain, biases, inner scars: Executed more properly with her literally venting her prejudice on the battlefield as a pilot, and through it, learning that she’s inflicting the same pain to someone else after becoming a POW (Prisoner of War).
She meets someone who also lost a parent because of the war: wink wink (She meets Athrun), and they have numerous heated exchanges. 
And maybe he takes her outside into the PLANTs, as supervisor, so she can see the humanity of the coordinators, families, kids, etc.
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Then she understands loss in a WAR is not a one way street, it’s not fair for anyone. (Common Gundam theme) 
Would’ve been more interesting than what we got.
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And seeing she resembles Christina  Mackenzie (Gundam Alex’ pilot), might as well make her another “Red Head” pilot too.
Say Kira got benched due to an injury, OR seeing how he doesn’t like to fight anyway & he’s good with machines; Say he becomes an engineer instead, and she steps up as a pilot, carries her weight around the ship for once; And it turns out she’s good at it/ at something. Maybe even Kira the coordinator can teach her how to pilot, or they can learn some basics together from Mu (Since Kira wasn’t a pro either).
They bond through this, she becomes more comfortable with him despite her issues with his genetic disposition, etc.
Boom. Flay the pilot, the character.
And then later she gets an M1 Astray or a Strike Rouge custom. Fact is, she’s doing something.
Or Natarle is the only one stationed off the Arcangel, Flay stays, gets her shit together in Kiras absence, she gets assigned a job on the bridge. 
SHE’S there when Kira comes back, and she’s there during the ORB fights, Kira trains with her, talks with her some of more, they go to space. Jaquin Due pops off, Rau’s kicking Kira’s ass- 
she’s so afraid of losing him again like her father, afraid of doing nothing this time; She leaves the bridge, dips into a spare M1 Astray, and effectively saves his life in contrast to her being useless earlier in the show  
And then during her piloting efforts, she is killed by Rau in the fight.
The difference is she’s active. 
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etes-secrecy-post · 1 year
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Hi, before I explain my post, I want to say something important.
• What you see my blog has become a major overhaul. And despite the changes, I decided that my 2nd account will be now my artwork blog with a secret twist.
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Okay? Capiche? Make sense? Good, now back to the post…↓
OnThisDay: Jun 3rd, 2018
Title: Astray Jason Red Dragon
Here's an "Awesome!" & throwback birthday drawing for Jason 🐶⭐ (VI - Cuteness Mecha Leader). 🙂
A powerful upgraded for his armored "Astray Red Frame"! 😁 With triple gun blades (two weapons holding in and one at his backpack) and a newly look V-Fin on his forehead with energy V-form revealed (called the "Ddraig") , Astray Jason becomes a "RED DRAGON"! 🔴🐲 Now his cerbera straight won't be alone this time by equipping three gun bladed weapons called The "Caletvwlch". A total of 4 blades, he can now do some slice 'n dice through opponent(s)! 😁⚔️
Astray Jason Red Dragon Came from the real: MBF-P02 Gundam Astray Red Dragon
• Beam Saber: Red Dragon is equipped with two beam sabers for close combat, they are located on the Red Frame's backpack which is lowered to the waist when the Flight Unit is equipped.
• "Gerbera Straight": A katana sword that is extremely sharp, and does not rely on the kinetic energy of a high-speed swing to cut. Unlike the normal Red Frame, Powered Red mounts the "Gerbera Straight" behind the left shoulder. This gigantic katana sword forge and created by Lowe.
• Caletvwlch: A customizable multipurpose equipment created by Lowe and mass produced by Junk Guild. The Caletvwlch is meant for cutting and induction welding, but can be used for combat if the limiter is disabled via a voice command. However, doing so would contravene the "prohibition of armed civilian armor" provisions, except when it is used for self-defense. The equipment normally consists of two blades and a welding torch, and is powered by an internal battery. During combat, it can function as a gun (aka G mode, where the welding torch functions as a beam rifle) or can be reconfigured into a sword (aka S mode).
It also has a scattering device that releases Mirage Colloid particles to help maintain the suit's balance while it moves in mid-air and to allow it to remain stationary in the air with ease. The particles can also create an air current to propel the MS and be used to detect any movements in the surrounding area. An unintended side effect is that the scattered Mirage Colloid particles can disrupt the Mirage Colloid stealth system of other armors nearby.
There is also the full disable mode, whereby the safety limit of the Caletvwlch is disregarded allowing it to fire a dangerously high amount of energy at its target, destroying it in one hit. However, doing this damages the Caletvwlch and renders it unusable. The Red Dragon has three Caletvwlchs on the Flight Pack, and their mirage control capabilities are improved due to synergistic effects.
Special Equipment(s) / Feature(s):
• External connector: A connector for attaching additional equipment to the back of the suit. It is similar in function to the hardpoint on the back of the Strike armor. The connector is exposed when the Red Frame's backpack is lowered to the back skirt armor.
• Flight unit: A modified version of the original M1 Astray's flight unit, the flight unit seems to be attached to the external connector on Red Frame's back and serves only as a supplemental booster as Red Frame's backpack is still present. In the Red Dragon form, the Flight unit is modified to allow the mounting of three Caletvwlch units.
• Ddraig Head: A head unit designed by Lowe Guele, it is to be used in conjunction with the Caletvwlch. It has enhanced sensors, Mirage Colloid control functions in corporation with the Caletvwlch, and can emit a beam antenna in various shapes depending on the need from the back of the V-fin.
Jason Watterson, Jr. - owned by Estar99 Armor (Mobile Suit Gundam SEED Destiny Astray R) - Gundam Series © SUNRISE, Sotsu
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fracolliastray611 · 2 years
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Battle of Cryvansk part 1
Before the battle of Cryvansk ever started, General Raphael Astray-Bonzon acquired tons of ammunitions, and recruited Tajiks, White Trinidadians and Bahamians, Paraguayans, Turkmens, Afghans, Serbs, Uzbeks, Belarusians, Lithuanians, Hungarians and Poles to incorporate them into the Phalanx Legion which were later deployed in Cryvansk, Craastania-Lupitania near the border of Sint San Marino, Southeast Casmania. When the original Casmanian troops stationed in Cryvansk who are mostly veterans of the Casmano-Moldovan-Yuan war from the Southeast were started to be mobilized and moved in to Sint Singaporeburg from the North. Since the unguarded Southeastern proto-state was about to be annexed by the Maedeob forces, Commander Bonzon decided to create a legion composed of new recruits, and he only have 10 weeks to prepare. He decided to create a unit composed of foreign men. He first acquired 50 Swiss and Austrian soldiers as the start-up troops for the legion, then he wandered around Central Asia, Canada, and Eastern Europe to find physically fit men aged from 16-27, he sailed to the Caribbean and arrived in Bermuda, Bahamas, and Trinidad to find White Men ages from 16-27, he recruited about 3000 men from all 3 countries. While he recruited 2000 men from Canada, Eastern Europe and Central Asia. The men are mostly from Serbia, Belarus, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Poland, Lithuania, and Hungary. One Croatian Serb, Malaysian-Visayan, Danish, 2 ethnic French, 5 Blue eyed-Afghans, 5 Turkish Cypriots, some Ossetians, Paraguayans, 1 Panamanian joined the legion as well, including 4 young members of the Spanish legion. The men were trained like elites, mostly with Spanish Legion tactics, Danny Roxo’s courses, and Scout Ranger instincts. Despite being recruits, they were trained like elites in order to pay their enemies with lots of casualties during the battle. Uniforms were now given, each has their own summer and winter uniforms, the camo pattern they were using is a Bosnian Woodland, Cadpat, with Ukrainian TTskko helmet covers, armed with SIG 550s, FN Fals, for the assault troopers, MG42 and M60 machine guns for the machine gunners, and a Finnish Mosin-Nagant and M1 garands for the snipers, marksman and riflemen. The 9th week has came, it is 2:00 in the midnight, the Legionnaires arrived in the borders of Cryvansk, the men are preparing for the enemy advances. They set up the machine guns, and artillery, they’ve began to man the buildings nearby as they could use it strategically for the upcoming battle. 2 days before the battle, the men has finally built up a trench, set up a barricade for the buildings nearby, but they are not yet finished. Although 4 scouts were sent to check for any hostiles nearby, making sure that the encampment isn’t closed from the base. All the men are positioned, while guarding the others who are constructing the defenses. The battle hasn’t started yet, and there is still more stories to be told.
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