#Strike Dagger
gundamfight · 1 year
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valdrinorm · 1 year
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what is WITH these two
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ultrainfinitepit · 6 months
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Ideas for Demiromantic and Demisexual angels. My previous designs were a shield and a sword so I wanted to make another complimentary pair. I tried to go for poison bottle and dagger, but they're not really clicking. Let me know what you think, or if you have suggestions for other complimentary pairs, or maybe I should go back to sword and shield?
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buckyegans · 9 months
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I’m not crying, you’re crying! (Support WGA!)
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atlasfoundation · 1 month
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Cloak and Dagger in Marvel Rivals
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venacoeurva · 1 year
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Wren through his life thus far, whoo (assume his prosthetics are either hidden using illusion magic or it’s ones he can wear under his pants, where applicable)
There’s a huge gap (obviously) that I haven’t written out yet but he also eased from one look into the other as time went on versus growing up and rapid-fire major life events like he experienced beforehand
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painted my nails
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belderchal · 5 months
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Rillimi, the Reckless Hunter What does it mean to protect someone? For her, it means destroying threats immediately, regardless of what happens to her in the process. These feelings manifested as an ability within her eyes, allowing her to spot threats and track their movements. Paired with her magical hiltless dagger, a weapon with no defensive capabilities, she fearlessly pursues her targets, waiting for an opportunity.
It's not that she enjoys fighting; but if someone has to do it, it might as well be her.
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dunetevenn · 4 months
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THE LINEART HAS BEEN DONE I'll see later what I do with the floor. But damn it was long (before that I needed to do a clean coffin in perspective on an other paper, then trace it on a clear paper sheet, then retrace the whole drawing on an other clear sheet, combining the clean coffin with the clean sketch on a new normal paper and THEN I was able to do the lineart. I think you can understand why I procrastinated so much lol).
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Swordtember 2023 Day 17 - "Forest Spirit"
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This sword belongs to an elusive guardian of the forest who shows no mercy to trespassers or those with ill intent. Though some believe her to be a human living among the wilds, others are convinced she must be a spirit- no mortal could move as quickly, travel as unerringly, and vanish away so entirely. No encounter with her has lasted long enough to produce a certain answer.
Swordtember Master List
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gundamfight · 2 years
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jaytodd1129 · 2 years
ok but like i hadn't actually noticed just how much Emma Appleton and Joey Batey kinda look alike (big eyes, brown hair, full lips, etc) until I read two fics where they are related and now I'm craving more "Renfri is Jaskier's mother/sister/cousin/whatever and now Jaskier and Geralt's story is extra tragic because Geralt is the one who killed someone that Jaskier loved very much PLUS.. perhaps at first Jaskier reminds Geralt so much of Renfri maybe that's why he treats him the way he does at the beginning of their friendship?? because it pains him to just look at his face. And maybe at first Geralt only indulges Jaskier BECAUSE he reminds him of Renfri, but as time goes on, Jaskier starts to become JASKIER in his head, and at some point Geralt realizes he loves Jaskier for who he is, not for who he reminds him of and that the love he has for Jaskier is completely unrelated to his and Renfri's past, but maybe Jaskier has a hard time believing it at this point, seeing as how Geralt has been obviously comparing him to Renfri all this time?? and so when Geralt makes a move on him Jaskier rejects him because he thinks Geralt wants Renfri not him, and Geralt needs to convince him otherwise"
..something like that.
plus, imagine Geralt leaving Jaskier in their camp to go hunting, and when he comes back, he manages to hear Jaskier singing a soft tune on his lute that breaks his heart, since it's so obviously about Renfri, I--
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beginningspod · 1 year
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It's time for Beginnings, the podcast where writer and performer Andy Beckerman talks to the comedians, writers, filmmakers and musicians he admires about their earliest creative experiences and the numerous ways in which a creative life can unfold.
On today's episode, I talk to TV and comics writer J. Holtham. Originally a playwright, J. moved to Los Angeles in the early 20-teens to pursue screenwriting, eventually landing a staff writer position on the show Pitch. Since then, he's written for Cloak and Dagger, Jessica Jones, Supergirl and The Handmaid's Tale. As a comics writer, the final issue of J.'s first miniseries Bishop: War College just dropped, and it is delightful!
I'm on Twitter here and you can get the show with:
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moontheoretist · 1 year
The Max Level Hero Has Returned!
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This moment when you became a parent at 17yo because you are a master blacksmith and your daughters are literal swords you made.
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noxianwilled · 1 year
"Seven generations of the Du Couteau family wielded this blade. And it shattered in my hand."
i wrote a little about this before we had the full comic out, so i'm just revisiting an old post. anyway, katarina as a character always (since the lore reboot) had a strong theme of going against her family, more specifically her father. her failure in her first mission and subsequent disappointment in him and his response to it drive so much of how she acts after, of the rebellion against his way of doing things. but one of the most fundamental things when it comes to my portrayal of her is that, after the whole fiasco that leaves her disgraced, the lesson katarina learned was that the cause she fought for was bigger than herself. she had failed noxus, and that was the unforgivable part. her mistake had been in the blind loyalty to her father and desperate need to be acknowledged by him and make him proud.
so after that, i always thought she dedicates herself to noxus entirely, and that she believes swain's noxus entirely. she doesn't care for nobility, despite her noble background; in fact, she doesn't want anything to do with the du couteaus and their legacy. i think she sincerely believes the propaganda — in the value of strength in all its forms, in the value of each person by who they are and what they offer to the empire and not for their birth.
i love the symbolism of the daggers being family heirlooms, passed on to the one who should have been the heir, only to end up broken in her hands. first of all, i think it's really neat that she holds on to them at all — that, despite her purposeful disdain and rebellion against her father and her family, she's not willing to just part with them. that, in a way, they're still part of her identity, her weapons; because despite being disowned and her despite her public disgrace, ultimately she's still katarina du couteau and a bunch of stuff other people probably have written about better than me in the sense of how your family shapes you and how for better or worse that influence won't just disappear and the fact that legacy (and especially her father's influence) continues to hang over her even after she shuns it (and is shunned, as well).
i also adore that it can be seen as even more representative of her relationship with her family as a whole in the sense of it being something she damaged, initially in an honest mistake, later on purpose — and that being her attitude towards everything she inherited. she doesn't embrace that legacy; she refuses to return to the du couteau home even after marcus is gone, she refuses to hold on to old allegiances to their house, she refuses his teachings and training by breaking the little rules he enforced in shaping her to be his blade, while in defining herself by opposition to those things she continues to maintain some relationship to them.
it takes years for that to change, for her not to be what her family wanted but neither define herself by her rebellion towards it, and she can only truly and completely finish this development during the events of the comic. noxus was what she embraced and gave her a sense of purpose, what she formed her own identity around. katarina embraced it so wholeheartedly, for what she believes it is, for what she is in it — not someone who should be respected by her family name but someone valued in her own right, for what she can do. after that falling out she had to make her own way, survive on her own, prove herself without her family's support. she's noxian to the bone because noxus became her reason to be and her foundation both.
so i also enjoy it greatly that, no matter how known, how iconic, how tied to her the old daggers were, they were shattered and not repaired. breaking away from her family heritage entirely would just feel right to her, it is the culmination of her character journey in that regard. she reforged herself into something new. her weapons being hers - a fresh start, not just for herself but for the du couteau name, when she is reinstated as head of the house, with her breaking the old and restarting with the new - is so important.
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cinna-bunnie · 1 year
i love elden ring lol, it's not a jumpscare game necessarily but things will just jump out of nowhere and beat the shit out of u
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