#ma'am thats half the school...please...
bumblingbabooshka · 2 years
That silly “Guys/Girls whose name starts with (letter)’ll ruin your life” type posts but the poster is vulcan so they only ever post “Girls whose names start with T” or “Guys whose names start with S”
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Little Fighter
Pairings: post time skip dad Kyotani × fem!reader married couple
Warnings: Some cursing, fluff
You and Kentaro had been married for about 4 years now and had gotten married shortly after graduation having been together since your second year at Aoba Josai. You had a 3 year old son and you were currently 20 weeks pregnant with your second child. Today while Kentaro was at his practice for the Sendai frogs, your son was at daycare so you could go to your doctor’s appointment to find out the gender of your second baby.
“Well Mrs Kyotani, congratulations, you are having a girl” the doctor said
“Really a girl?” You asked
“Yes ma'am” the doctor said “and would you like the prints of the ultrasound?”
“Yes please, I’d like to show my husband and son” you said
“She’s looking very healthy, and is growing perfectly, you are half way through now” the doctor said.
A little bit later as you’re walking to the car from your appointment, you get a phone call from your son’s daycare saying there was an incident and that he needed to be picked up, you agree and try to call Kentaro but he doesn’t answer. You sigh and drive to the daycare. Once there you park and go inside.
“Hello I’m here to pick up my son Kyotani Kaii” you said
“Mrs. Kyotani, yes there was a incident with your son” the daycare worker said
“I was told that over the phone but wasn’t given any details, can you tell me what happened?” You asked
“Well you see Kaii, and the other children were outside playing when the after school kindergartners arrived and joined them outside. Kaii was on the swings by himself when one of the 5 year olds apparently pushed Kaii off the swing he scraped his hands and knees on the ground, then Kaii told him that wasn’t nice and punched him in the face before pushing him over.” The daycare worker said
“Why didn’t one of you stop this, Kaii is only three?” You asked angry
“One of the staff didn’t see anything until Kaii was getting up, then hitting and pushing the other child” she said
“We’re the other parents called and notified as well?” You asked
“Yes but they aren’t able to pick up their child yet” she said
“Bring me my son now” you said “I promise you Kaii will not be returning we will find elsewhere for him to have daycare”
“Mrs. Kyotani I assure you we’re handling this situation, theres no need for that” she said as another woman came out with Kaii and his backpack.
“No miss I assure you once my husband hears of this, he will not be happy either if you think I’m mad you’re lucky you didnt get him to pick up Kaii” you said
“We tried calling him too, but weren’t able to get a hold of him” she said
“Come on Kaii, let’s go see daddy” you said looking at him
He ran up to you, with his arms stretched up with grabby hands wanting to be held. You could see the scrapes on his hands.
“You’ve got to jump baby remember?” you asked
He nods and just looks at you eyes glassy with unshed tears as he gave you grabby hands again. You count to three with him and as he jumps you pick him up comforting him as you move him to your hip. He whines not wanting to be on your hip.
“Come on let’s go see daddy” you said as you walked out
You get to your car and put him in his car seat giving him kisses on his cheeks. He’s still whining a little bit. Once you’re back in the car you drive to the gym where your husbands practice is taking place. You park as close to the entrance as you can get to. Getting Kaii out of his carseat you hold his hand gently because of his scrapes as you walked into the gym where practice is being held.
When you walk in you see Kentaro practicing his serves. When Koganegawa notices you when the door opens.
“Kyo, your wife is here” he said
He turns and sees you, he hands Tsukishima the ball. You release Kaii’s hand and he runs to his dad.
“Daddy” he cried as he ran to him.
Kentaro scooped him up in his arms and held him close to his chest. When Kaii started crying into his dad’s neck.
“What happened?” He asked looking to you for answers
“After my appointment, I got a call from his daycare, asking me to pick him up” you said “they didnt tell me why until I got there, but one of the five year olds pushed him off the swing, he has scrapes on his hands and knees from his fall but he got right back up, punched and pushed over the five year old”
“He was mean” Kaii said
“That’s my mad puppy” he said kissing Kaii’s cheek
“No mad puppy” you said
“What, he stood up to someone bigger than him and only hit after he was hit first” he said “besides hes not going back there anyway”
“He is three Kentaro, no more mad puppy talk, anyway, I told them he’s not coming back, and that they’re lucky I went to pick him up and not you” you said
“Damn right I would’ve cussed their asses out” he said
“Taro! We dont need our toddler swearing” you scold him
“I’m sorry love” he said and he kissed your cheek
Thats when you saw Koganegawa and Tsukishima trying to stifle their laughs. They thought it was funny and rare sight to see the usually aggressive and confrontational Kentaro Kyotani being extremely soft around his wife and son. Kentaro tried to set Kaii down but he whined and held on tighter.
“Okay pup I’ll hold you but let’s go sit so mommy can rest” he said and he took your hand squeezing it as he led you to the benches so you could get off your feet.
“I wasn’t able to hold him how he wanted because I didn’t want him kicking the baby” you said placing your free hand on your bump.
“How was the appointment are they okay?” He asked moving Kaii to sit on his knee one arm around him still holding him so he can place his other hand on your bump too.
“Yes, doctor said they are very healthy and growing perfectly and I know if they are a boy or girl” you said
“Really?” He asked eyes widening “tell me already”
“We’re having a girl” you said smiling
He pulled you into a sweet kiss before leaning down and kissing your belly.
“I love you Taro” you said
“I love you too, all three of you” he said
“Boy or girl?” Koganegawa asked
“Girl” you said
Tsukishima started laughing and Koganegawa groaned.
“Pay up loser” Tsukishima said holding his hand out towards Koganegawa
He groaned again and walking over to his gym bag he pulled put the money and threw it at Tsukishima
“Childish” he said rolling his eyes as he picked up the money
“What did I just miss?” You asked raising an eyebrow at them
“We had a bet going on, as to who’s guess was right for the baby’s gender” Tsukishima said
“How much?” You asked
“Koga bet 5000 yen (about 45.00 usd) that the baby would be a boy” Kentaro said “while Tsuki bet 5000 yen it would be a girl”
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julie-thefatones · 3 years
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A/N : I just wanted to thank @i-thought-i-knew-what-love-was​ for helping me with the idea of this story for I was having a block lol!!! Also im sorry if i didnt catch all the typos or mistakes, i tried my best lol! anyway i hope you guys like it :)
WARNINGS: 16+ (Kissing, Rude Language)
It was Summer 1985, it was unbelievably hot in Hawkins, IN this time of year.. but this year was different, it was hotter than any summer before that I could remember, so that only meant one thing.......Everybody and I do mean everybody was at the public pool. It was the only public pool in town and no on really thought or maybe they just didn't bother to get a pool of their own.
As I made my way to the pool just like every other day this summer, I felt different. I wasn't sure if it was because I did my hair different than usual, Instead of my usual half up half down action, I decided to do it to the side and crimped, it made me feel like I was in Teen Beat under the 'Your New Summer Doo' Section.... Or maybe it was my new swim suit that was all the rage this year with the coolest Neon Yellow and Hot Pink color block, sure it made me feel somewhat like a glass of strawberry lemonade but if i'm gonna be a glass of strawberry lemonade i'm gonna be the hottest glass of strawberry lemonade there is.
Well whatever, Im not going to let this strange feeling ruin my day at the pool, no way, nothing is going to ruin this day unless its an overly packed swimming pool with no room to breath...... as I walked through the gates of the public pool, I looked around, took a deep breath, and sighed "Ruined" I whispered to my self while closing my eyes. I walked over to my usual pool chair dodging kids left and right as i made my way, blocking out the parents yelling across the way for 'TOMMY STOP PUSHING YOUR BROTHER UNDERWATER!' I mean you think Tommy would know by now that when he tries to drown his younger brother, he's going to get yelled at. Taking deep breaths the whole way to my chair trying not to let anyone get to me, I laid my towel down and took my seat. I laid there for maybe 10 minutes before i heard Mrs. Fowl yelling once more "TOMMY STO-" but this time she was cut off *WHISTLE NOISE* "TOMMY! STOP DROWNING YOUR TWARP OF A BROTHER BEFORE I DROWN YOU! YOU KNOW THE RULES! YOU LITTLE DOUCHE" I heard a male voice call across the pool, I tilted my sunglasses down to see what was going down, first I saw Mrs. Fowl rolling her eyes at what the mysterious male just yelled, I scanned over to discover who this mysterious male was... He made his way down the side of the pool greeting a group of middle aged women who gawked at him. He was slowly getting closer to the Life Guard tower and thats when I realized who it was that was calling orders and greeting people across the pool...... It was Billy Hargrove, the new, but well known bad boy of Hawkins High School. Girls went Ga Ga over him, he was hot sure but I never really understood why these girls threw themselves at him, he was just a guy, I mean not to mention he was a major douche, didn't show respect to anyone he talked too, also I couldn't stand how loud his freaking car is!! like dude, not necessary, especially not necessary when its 3:00 in the morning!! did i mention he lived down the street from me. I was deep in thought, not realizing i was still staring at Billy, but now he was sitting at the top of the Life Guard tower, I didn't realize i was staring until he stared back at me and winked "Oh my gosh" I whispered to my self in embarrassment, I rolled over pushing my sunglasses back up feeling completely mortified, Maybe he would forget about it... I mean he has girls staring at him all the time.
I laid there for about 2 hours, forgetting about my slight interaction with Billy across the pool. I didn't feel bothered the last 2 hours until i felt a large presence blocking my sun, with out opening my eyes for not wanting to get out of my zen "Hey! Sasquatch, who ever you are, your mama wasn't a glass maker, so if you would kindly move out of my sun I would deeply appreciate it, thanks" I heard a cocky chuckle above me, as much i didn't want to, I opened my eyes, and there he was right above me... Billy "Ya know, its not polite to call people Sasquatch... and for your information my mom could be a glass maker... so you making assumptions .. well thats just plain rude" He said, licking his lips before continuing "But, i'm a very forgiving person so i guess ill let it pass" He said with a big cocky smile, I couldn't help but feel flustered, even though he was being so overly confident and cocky... he just had this charm about him ... but i wouldn't let him know that, I rolled my eyes in response and kept a straight expression laying still "Oh, Hey Billy.... I didn't know you worked here" I said with as little emotion as I could express "Now, I don't think that is true Y/N, I saw you checking me out earlier" He said with the same cocky but teasing tone, I scoffed "Oh please Hargrove, you wish i was checking you out" I felt him shift behind me before he answered "Ya know, usually when someone is just staring at another .. it means your checking them out" After hearing his words I tilted my sunglasses down to look at him "You flatter yourself sir" I said with a teasing smile, he scoffed and looked off and then back to me "hmmm alright Y/L/N, well my mistake" I rolled my eyes once more and pushed my glasses back up "Alright, you've blocked my sun for long enough, now move along Sasquatch" I said, back to no emotion, He chuckled "Yes Ma'am, I would hate to deprive you of your sun" He winked before walking away. I couldn't help but stare after him as he walked away..... I quickly looked away, realizing what i was doing ... What was I doing... I don't like Billy.
The next day rolled around, and I was feeling slightly more excited then usual to get ready to go to the pool. I know what you're thinking... NOO it had nothing to do with Billy... I just was excited to cool off in the water...... and lay in the sun again.... and maaaybe it had something to do with Billy, but its nothing big... I just like to give him a hard time, that is all... that. is. all.
I walked into the pool area, same as yesterday, but today I wore my red swimsuit that had little frills on the straps with a red Scrunchy to match. I laid my towel down, again like yesterday and just like clockwork I heard the same male voice as yesterday "TOMMY! DO WE HAVE TO GO THROUGH THIS EVERYDAY! NOW STOP DROWNING YOUR BROTHER SO I DON'T HAVE TO LISTEN TO YOUR MOTHERS TERRIBLY SHRILL VOICE YELL AT YOU TO STOP! IT IS LITERALLY THE WORST PART OF MY SHIFT!" I looked behind me to see Billy finish walking to his place at the Life Guard tower, I couldn't help but chuckle at Mrs. Fowl's face, mouth wide open in offense to what Billy said.
The afternoon flew by and Billy paid absolutely no mind to me, he just say on his tower and every now and then yelled at Tommy.... But other than that.. nothing. I Hate to say i was slightly disappointed, yesterdays banter was not only fun but the most entertainment i have had this summer, all my friends were away for the summer leaving me alone ... hence the coming to the pool by my self everyday. The past week went by the exact same way, I would show up to the pool looking the cutest i can look interchanging the 3 swimsuits i own, and the 3 different hairstyles i knew how to do. But nothing, he would yell at Tommy, sit and do nothing... except when he would flirt with bimbo mcBarbie or wanna be Farrah Fawcett, it made me have a pit in my stomach... not that i was jealous... absolutely not, I was just bored.
The next day, I showed up, the same way as I had been for the past week.. except today i had no expectations except to mock the plastic Phoebe Cates wanna be that would flirt with Billy endlessly today. Today I wore my red swimsuit once again, with the same matching scrunchy... I sat and prepared to be disappointed again. I sat for about 20 mins, and just like a week before.... someone was blocking my sun, I couldn't help but grow a small smile on my face, I tilted my sunglasses and looked right at mr. Billy Hargrove with his cocky smile in front of me "You're blocking my sun Sasquatch" I said with a teasing tone "Oh my apologies ma'am" he said right before walking away. Really that was it .... no banter nothing.... I sighed aloud before sinking into my chair, what was gonna do .... and as I heard Mrs. Fowl and Billy yell at Tommy, thats when it came to me.
I approached the edge of the swimming pool, took a deep breath, was i really gonna do this... just to get Billy's attention? I rolled my eyes at myself, before stepping into the pool. I carefully walked closer and closer to the middle of the pool, looking around at all the kids around me, they looked like they were having so much fun. I started to rethink my plan, I didn't want to scare any of these kids just to get a stupid guys attention... a guy i don't even like! 'this is so stupid' i thought to my self before starting my way out of the pool, but thats when i heard the most annoying high pitched laugh coming from the Life Guard tower, and thats when I saw the Bimbo Phoebe Cates wanna be standing beneath Billy at the tower, and with out thinking I went for it. I started flailing and putting my own head under water to mimic drowning "HELP! HELP!" I screamed each time i came up for breath "HELP! I NEED HELP" I continued to scream, Thats when Billy just casually climbed down from his tower like nothing was going on and walked at a normal pace over to the edge of the pool before getting in. Billy swam effortlessly to me, and before i even knew it he swooped me up into his arms bridal style, carrying me out like i weighed nothing.... as we were exiting the pool, I had to admit, the way the water dripped off his hair and down his chest, Billy Hargrove was insanely hot.... I couldn't help but just stare at him, his face was not only hot, but it was .... Beautiful .. i mean his complexion was flawless... his eyes were such a beautiful shade of blue, and his smile was brilliantly white.. and thats when i realized he was smiling at me, I slightly shook my head in order to leave the trance i was in "Wow Y/L/N, that was quite the scene you made there.... you alright?" Billy asked in his teasingly cocky tone he always had, with his big smile, I rolled my eyes "Gosh Hargrove, please excuse me for making a scene by almost dying .... how rude of me!" I scoffed, he licked his lips with a chuckle "Oh almost dying? My bad ma lady, you did in fact almost die" he glanced at the pool and then back at me "In the 4ft end of the pool" he said with a huge smile looking straight into my eyes, with embarrassment i glanced at the pool and back at him "I was not in the 4ft end! i was at least AT LEAST!!! in the 8ft end!" I exclaimed in defense to myself, I hated lying, not only did it make me feel terrible but i was bad at it!! I noticed Billy was still holding me, and I only noticed because Bimbo Barbie and Wanna be Plastic Phoebe Cates was staring at me with murder in their eyes. Billys grip tightened around my thighs and arm as he effortlessly held me "Y/N, I had to train in this pool for 5 hours everyday for week before the pool opened to get this job..... I think i know where the 4ft end is" He said to me with confidence, I was at a loss for words, I had no comeback except for "Well, they must have painted to numbers wrong on the pool" Great one Y/N, stellar... they totally painted the numbers wrong on the pool, especially since you stood just fine where you 'Drowned' .. it was totally the 8ft end ... I wanted to face palm so badly but i didn't wanna give myself away that easy, my thought was interrupted by Billys laughter "Ya know! I bet they did paint them wrong.... My bad Y/N" He said in a sarcastic tone, I rolled my eyes in response "Well Billy, Thank you for helping me ... now if you would please let me down" I said, even though I didn't mind him holding me.... it sure was fun pissing The bimbo twins off. He smiled and nodded his head and gently let me down "It was a pleasure saving you Y/N" and as he started to walk away he turned back to me "Ya know, i teach swim lessons... I could teach you a couple things" He said with a wink "Yeah! maybe! Don't want to drown again" I said while wringing out my hair "Good! wouldn't want your fellow swim team to know that you forgot how to swim over the summer" He said winking before walking away "Yeah!!! that would be embarrassing!!!" I called after him, once he was not looking my face hit the palm
hand so hard it's like they were magnets.
Before leaving, with all my pride gone anyway, I walked up to Billy "Hey!" I exclaimed up in order for him to hear me up there on the tower, He looked down at me and smiled "Oh Hey Y/N!" He responded "Billy, did you mean it?" he squinted his eyes like he couldn't understand me, I sighed "Did you mean it!!" I exclaimed a little louder, but he still squinted with confusion "Ya know! why don't you just climb up here and tell me" He exclaimed to me, I sighed and looked around "Why don't you come down here!!" I yelled back, and again he squinted, I rolled my eyes and started up the ladder "Was this really necessary Hargrove, I see you talking to the barbie twins all the time with out having them climb up here" I said exasperated, he just smiled propping him self up on his chair "Yes, but you see... Im not actually listening to them.. its the same thing every time" he says before he start " 'Oh Billy, you look so strong, please take me out for a ride sometime' 'Oh Billy, I bet you could bench me with ease' " He said in his best girl impression and then went back to his normal voice "and yadda yadda yadda, but you! if you're talking to me... it must be something worth hearing! so how can i help ya Y/N?" I couldn't help but chuckle "well, i was just wondering if you meant it, when you said you would give me swimming lessons?" I said, looking down at my hands that were clasping the edge of Billys seat to keep my balance, I could feel his eyes on me, but i refused to look at him until i heard his answer "Well, That depends.... are you asking?" He asked, with pure joy in his voice out of amusement, I mustered up my confidence to look at him "Maybe!" I said, he was smiling the largest, cockiest smile, placing his whistle in between his teeth, not breaking his eye contact with me and then *WHISTLE NOISE* "TOMMY! IM GONNA COUNT TO 3 AND IF YOU ARE STILL BEING A LITTLE DICK IM GONNA COME DOWN THERE AND TIE YOU TO A TREE ..... BET YOU WOULDN'T LIKE THAT KID!" He yelled, still not breaking contact , I again couldn't help but chuckle, he opened his mouth so slightly so that the whistle would just fall out with ease, his mouth still open he grew a sheepish smile "Yeah Y/N, It would be an honor to teach you to swim" I smiled "Good!! thanks" I said as I started to climb down the ladder "Hows 10pm tonight?" He said, and I popped back up to level with him to make sure i heard him right "Huh?" he chuckled "I said how about 10pm tonight?" I just sat there for a minute, no knowing what to say.... I would have to sneak out in order to do that but before i could stop myself i said "Yeah sure!! that works for me" He smiled even bigger "Great!! Ill see ya then Y/L/N" I started down the Ladder again "Great!!!" I exclaimed.
I ran home and did the usual, eat dinner with the family, go to my room and read whatever book i'm reading until my parents go to bed, in which i usually go to bed or sneak down to watch some TV to myself, but not tonight.... tonight i was sneaking out.... I've never snuck out before ... let alone sneak out to be with a boy.... and not only that .. the town bad boy ..... ugh! what am I doing.
As soon as I heard my parents bedroom door shut I finished prepping my hair and slipped on some shorts over my swimsuit. I ran down the stairs and snuck out the door, making sure to close the door very slowly in order to not make a sound, clicking it shut ever so slightly, as soon as it shut i sighed in relief and turned running into someone behind me causing me to scream "WHAAAA!" I screamed "Geesh Y/N!! Ya want the whole neighborhood let alone your parents to know your sneaking out" I heard Billy whisper to me as he clasped his hand over my mouth, I let out a huge breath happy it was just him and not some criminal, I licked his hand to get it off my face, he laughed before removing his hand "Excuse me Hargrove, you almost gave me a heart attack" he chuckled "You know this is your second brush with death today, I don't know if me being around you is good for your health" I smiled to myself, Oh no... You definitely are not Hargrove. I looked at him and then realized "Hey!! why are you here, i thought i was meeting you at the pool?" we continued to walk down to his car "You really think i was going to let you walk to the pool, by your self, at 10:00 at night" he said as he held the passenger door to his car open, I rolled my eyes "Im not getting in there" I said crossing my arms, he scrunched his eyebrows confused "and why not?" he asked "Because i hate your car" I said without thinking, he laughed, now leaning on his open car door, looking at me with an amused smile "Oh really? You hate my car!!! you have never been in my car, my car is offended" He said teasingly, I rolled my eyes once more "Why do you hate my car?" He asked, I sighed a big sigh "Because!! it's entirely too loud, which usually wouldn't bother me, but when its waking me up at 3:00 in the morning and i am having a really good dream... yeah that would make me hate a car." He just looks at me with disbelief before bursting into laughter "Well, we're gonna change that" he said winking at me and opening the door wider "Now please get in the car" he said gesturing to the car "No! i'm not getting in the car." I stood my ground, I was not getting in that- My thought was interrupted by strong arms scooping me off the ground and before i knew it I was in Billys arms "Billy!! what are -" he set me in the passenger seat of his car and closed the door before i could finish my sentence. Billy effortlessly swung into the driver seat and within seconds we were zooming down the street, in usual Billy fashion... I had to admit, it was exhilarating going this fast with the music blasting this loud I couldn't help but belt the lyrics along "THERES NO ONE LIKE YOUUUUUU! I CANT WAIT FOR THE NIGHTS WITH YOUU! I IMAGINE THE THE THINGS WE DOOO" I belted, Billy smiled at me in awe, I could feel the blood rush to my cheeks and Billy started belting the song, hitting his steering wheel to the music, nudging me with his elbow to join back in, so I did. We belted songs all the way to the swimming pool, it wasn't a super long drive... but it was probably the most fun I have ever had in a 5 minute drive. As we pulled up to the pool Billy turned off the car and within seconds he was at my door helping me out. "Soooo are you even allowed to be here this late?" I asked looking around for security cameras, Billy chuckled "ummm thats up for debate, but for tonight.. yes" I nodded along "Alright.... why tonight but not other nights? did you bribe the security camera guy" Billy looked at me as he unlocked the gate to the pool "Not exactly" He said with one of his famous Billy winks, I have received more winks from billy in the last 12 hours then i have received in the past year its self.... but I didn't mind. He finally got the lock undone and we walked in, out of habit i started walking toward my usual chair "Ha, where you going Y/L/N?" I stopped in my tracks and realized what i was doing, I started back to Billy, but being flustered I tripped over my feet causing me to fall right into Billys arms, I couldn't tell if he moved to come catch me or I was just falling in
direction and caught me... either way, I liked the feeling of his arms around me "You know, you're a real dork" He said with a chuckle, and in a moment we just stared into each others eyes, until me being me had to sneeze, I faced away and sneezed into my arm, Billy helped me gain my balance before letting go of me "ehem.... well i'm gonna get the pool cover off and then we will start the lesson" I watch as Billy hastily got the cover off, I felt bad letting him do it alone, so I started helping him, he looked up at me and laughed "What are you doing Y/L/N" He said with a chuckle, I smiled at him "What!!! I wasn't gonna let you do it by yourself!!" He just smiled at me and then shrugged as we continued to get the cover off. We were now standing in the middle of the pool "Okay, Y/L/N, let start with basics.... Floating" He said looking at me as if to say 'Come closer' "Y/N You're gonna have to get closer to me" he said smiling grabbing my hand a pulling me closer to him, I looked up and our face's weren't even an inch away with how close we were, I could feel his breath on my cheek "you're gonna want to get on your back" He said in almost a whisper, not moving from how close he was to my face, I blinked a slightly turned to look into his eyes "Excuse me?" he chuckled "To float.... you're going to want to get on your back to float" He said smiling, all of a sudden his face was gone away from mine and i felt one hand on my legs and the other on my lower back as lifted up my Legs and balanced me out ... I was now on my back floating in a pool with Billy Hargrove "Alright, Im gonna let go" he said, he actually sounded kind of nervous, which i have never heard from Billy, as i felt his hands start to move away from me I couldn't help stop my self "No" I whispered, not wanting his hands to leave from me, he smiled and moved closer "If i don't let go, you wont learn" He said, i felt his fingers lightly graze my lower back "Well, I also wont learn if you leave me on my own too soon... ill sink" I said trying have a teasing tone but it was slightly ruined by my heavy breathing, i couldn't help i was filled with all kinds of emotions right now. Billy leaned down closer to my face "Thats true, good job" He said with just as heavy breathing as me. We focused on my floating for about 15 minutes before we went on to other things, we swam all together for about an hour or so until it started to get pretty cold, I could help but shiver "You need to stop Y/L/N?" Billy asked making his way back over to me "Im just a little cold, i'm okay though" I said through chattered teeth, he chuckled and ducked lower in the water and came over to me the rest of the way "C'mon, get down here" He said pushing my shoulder so that I would be in the water as deep as him, he moved closer where his arms were now around mine, and once again our faces weren't even an inch apart "better?" he whispered, all I could do was nod my head, I really was getting warmer.... "You smell good" I said, Did i really just say that...... 'you smell good' ? really??? ugh! ... Billy laughed "Thank you, I take pride in that." he said, moving a little bit closer "As you should, smelling good is something you should take pride in" man i am one with the words, i'm surprised he is even still here, with my stellar flirting..... A week ago I didn't even like looking in Billys direction, and now..... Now i wanted nothing more then to feel him closer not only physically but personally... He was a lot different than i thought he would be. I felt him start to lean in closer to my face, I didn't know why but i back away, which made me really mad at myself.... why did I do that "Im sorry I-" as he apologized I moved back to where I was and closer, inviting him to continue what he was gonna do, he smiled and then moved in, before i knew it his lips were on mine with out thinking I started moving my lips with his, our motion so fluid, he was good at this, his hands were now on my back moving me closer, and there we were ... me and Billy Hargrove.. making out in the middle of Hawkins Public
Pool at
11:45 at night. We both pulled away by the sight of lights passing down the street, cautious of getting caught, we both looked back at each other and laughed "You're good at that" I said catching my breath, once again feeling the blood rush to my cheeks "You're very honest ya know that" he said, rubbing my back now "Ya wanna know something though.... You're good at it too" He said looking down and quickly licking his lips and then looking back up at me "How do you do that?" I asked, he scrunched his brows confused "How do i do what?" I sighed "Get me from hating you to ... to... this! in less than a week" I exclaimed in a slight whisper "Its my super power" he chuckled "Now, c'mon... I better get you home" and before I could blink his hands were off my back and he was effortlessly hopping out of the pool. totally disregarding the stairs, he held his hand out to help me out the same way "I think, Im gonna use the stairs... ya know because ... thats why they are there" I said teasingly, he rolled his eyes "But where is the fun in that" he scoffed as he walked over to the stairs to meet me, and as soon as I reached the top he had me slung over his shoulder "Aaahh!!! Billy, I know that events today may prove other wise, but I do know how to walk on my own" I said in protest "Sure! but what if i let you down and all of a sudden a eagle comes down and swoops you away and i wont be able to stop him" I rolled my eyes at his comment "The likely hood of that happening, is about as good as me winning the lottery 3 times in 2 days" I said still hanging upside down on his shoulder "Well, maybe i just like holding you" and then ladies and gentleman .... butterflies happened... oh boy.
We had a good 5 minute ride back to my house, where he held my hand, in which I tried to protest just to mess with him but inevitably gave in... I like it. When we pulled up, just like before Billy quickly got out of the car and had my door open in second, helping me out and walking me to my door with our fingers interlocked, I started for my door until i felt a tug of Billy pulling me back to him, I knew he was strong, but just one tug i was flying back to him, he had to catch me, in which our faces were once again within millimeters from each other "We gotta stop meeting like this" He said teasingly with his famous smile "I gotta tell you something" I slipped out "I know how to swim and I wasn't really drowning, I pretended to get your attention" I said entirely too fast, he chuckled "I know" I paused at what he said "You know?" I asked confused "Ya know Y/N, You are a terrible liar..... First off no one drowns in the 4ft end of a pool unless your 3, and second we may not have talked too often in school... but that doesn't mean I didn't notice you, You're the captain of the swim team, which is why i brought it up earlier today, so of course you know how to swim... I offered the swim lessons as joke.. and then you came and asked and..... I couldn't be happier you did" He said still holding me, I smiled and did a little excited hop "You noticed me?" I said a little too eager, he chuckled and looked away and then looked back "Theres no one like you Y/L/N" he said right before taking my chin lightly with his fingers and bringing me in for gentle but passionate kiss goodnight.
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ydolanssss · 4 years
A hood love story: G.D
Warnings: violence, sexual innuendos, a lot of cursing.
Pairing: Grayson Dolan X female reader.
Summary: bottom line is... remember where tf you came from.
Friday night lights.....most basic ass idea for a football game.
Just a whole shit-ton of rich ass white kids, acting like they hard when in actuality they have no awareness of anything outside of thier little gated community.
They weren't aware of the situation Grayson was in.
They either villainize him and where he's from, Or they romanticize where he's from. Either way they never talk to him.
They talk to ethan though, because unlike his brother he decided to just forget who he was and where he came from...that including his brother.
But you didn't think like them, you didn't treat people differently because of where they come from, or where they live. So you became friends with gray, best friends, and y'all were together all the time.
"hey gray you tryna go to the game today? You asked leaning on the locker next to his.
"there's a game?"
"yea against the cougars, you wanna go?"
"....mmm" gray never really went to any school event because well...he was kind of a loner, you didn't blame him tho.
"pleeeeeaaaseee, gray can we?" You asked with pleading eyes, and a quivering pouty lip.
"YESSIRRR, let's goo" you shouted, and skipped to class.
You went through the next couple of classes pretty quickly, went home, did some homework and waited for Grayson to come over.
"when you coming over hoe"
"I'm already outside, come on"
You run outside lock the door, hop in the car and head back to the school. The game had already started, but no one had scored yet. You and gray sit on the bleachers, and eat some popcorn.
"who you think finna win?" Gray said shoving food in his mouth. "I don't know, but prolly not our school, they haven't won a game in like...ever."
"true true" gray nodding in agreement untill his phone starts ringing. "Ayo hold up I gotta take this."
"hmm oh okay, I'll stay here" reassuring him. He walks to the back of the bleachers, "yo, wassup?"
*Anonymous* "Ayo when I see you, you getting lit tf up".
"Whoa, what? Who is this?" Gray asked confused as too who was tryna kill him.
"you know who this is lil bruh, it's daymen, oscars brother. You stole some shit from him the other day, and gave it to ya lil rich ass friends."
"what? Rich ass friends? Ion got no rich ass friends."
"okay okay, so you gon lie to me now huh?, Alright look, bring my lil brother his money or you getting lit tf up, and I take ya lil bitch for myself. You know the fine one, wit the braids."
"Don't you fuckin touch her."
Meanwhile you on the bleachers
"bitch what the fuck are you talking about?" Looking at claire and her lil posse.
"you know what I'm talking about, how long you been fucking my boyfriend."
"claire....who's your boyfriend?" You ask genuinely curious, because you do not keep tabs on miss bam-ba-lam-my-cars-a-hundred-grand.
"Grayson is duh." Because apperently that was common knowledge.
"g-grayson, Grayson Dolan the brother of Ethan Dolan, correct, just to make sure, Grayson with a "a" and a "o" not a I or a E. That Grayson?" Ya know...just to be clear.
"yes that Grayson, god are you dense?!"
"Oh no ma'am very much I am not, because the only grayson i know, don't fuck with bitches like you. Oh hell no, cuz yall don't fuck with people like him. And out of the mother fucking blue, he's your man, sweet-pea, i-is that what you telling me?" Because miss ma'am got you fucked alllll the way up.
"oh really how are you gonna tell me who I'm dating, I had sex with and who stole weed for me?" You pause....
"bruh what? Ugh now I know you tripping because Grayson don't fucking smo-"
"Aye, come on! Games boring anyway." Grayson yells from the bottom of the bleachers.
"alrighty well, miss. Thing I don't know what to tell you. Gods speed finding your Grayson because mine don't smoke." You picked up your things and walked with gray back to the car.
"hey what was the call about?" You asked
"huh? Oh it's was just my mom asking how long we were gonna stay at the game, I told her for the next hour so we could go do something else." He said.
You notice he kept looking around a lot, like he's was paranoid, waiting for something to happen.
"gray you good? You keep looking around, what's wrong?" You out ur hand on his shoulder concerned.
"huh?! Ohh nothing nothing let's go, come on"
He drags you to the car, and open the door for you, and he gets in the driver's side and drives off.
"ok I guess, um whatcha wanna do, wanna go to the park, or that on abandoned house that has a perfect view of the sunset, or ice cream, or ice cream and sunset. You looked at him, lip pouting head turn to the side, waiting for answer.
"uhh...ice cream only I wanna get you home okay?" He sighs, hands gripping the wheel tight as hell.
"umm what no I don't wan-"
"No! I have to get you home. I just, I just do, okay? Please I'm sorry for yelling come here." As you two pull in to the ice cream parlor's parking lot.
You lean in and he kisses you on your forehead, " I just need to be safe okay, it's late I don't want you out at night okay?"
"what? What do you mean I'm with you?"
He walks to your side of the car to open the door, "I know but....you cant be around me now at night at least it's not safe." After you get out he walks to the counter and tells you the get a table, you stand puzzled for a bit but you go anyway.
when he gets back with two oreo milkshakes, you ask him, "gray wait why isn't it safe? Why can't I be around you? What going on?." You ask frantic, worried your friend is in some sort of trouble.
"just because you can't don't- who is that?"
He asks leaned down a little.
"who is who? You turn around, and see a car speeding towards you both." Gray grabs your arm and pulls you down.
You do, you get to the car get inside and lean down, then you hear gun shots fire.
*bow bow bow bow*
The car skids off and everything is quiet, you look up and you see Grayson laid out on the ground. "oh my god...".
You get out hesitantly walking towards his body, "g-gray...baby, please oh God please no, god don't tell me he's gone" tears streaming down your face, you can't bare to walk any closer, and you drop to your knees and sob.
"no..please not my best friend." As the smoke clears you say this, the sun is setting in the background, it's a somber feeling somehow you feel safe and sad at the same time, while in that same moment your best friend, very much could be breathing his last breaths.
Then, like the miracle baby he is, Grayson wakes up, with a hell of pain in his shoulder. "Wha-? Ohh fuck my shoulder, holy shit, wait where's? Hey, hey, pretty girl why you crying?" He asks litterally sitting up looking at you holding his shoulder.
You stop crying, eyes shoot open. "Wha- GRAY!!" you run over and hug him, crying.
"i-i thought you were dead, *sniff* you were-*sniff* laying there not moving." Say sobbing into his shoulder.
He holds you with his good arm, "shh shh, it's ok, I'm not dead baby, I'm right here, I'm bleeding out of my shoulder and I should probably go to the hospital, but im not dead." His head sitting on top of yours
"oh shit, yea okay let's go." You help him to the car and start driving, you drop him off at the hospital and tell him you're gonna go take care of something.
You get back in your car and drive to a harbor, you then park and start disassembling his gun.
"god...I don't even know why he has this thing, granted he did get shot at but for fucks sake." You mumbled to yourself.
You speed back to the hospital,the doctors tell you he already out of surgery and he's doing fine, and they tell you his room number.
You walk back to his room. "Hey...Grayson baby, you okay?" You whisper not wanting to scare him.
"hmm? Oh yea hey come in." He's sitting up in bed both of his arms in slings. "Can you do me a favors and grab my juice box?"
You look on his tray and there's a little apple juice, juice box on it. "Oh yea sure sweetie." You poke the straw through the hole and hold it up to his mouth.
"Thank you."
"your welcome lovie." The doctor came in. "Ah, I see your already on it, that's good, very sweet of you." You look at him confused.
"um care to explain sir, or am I slow."
He chuckles, "my apologies, um since your friend, I'm assuming has two bad shoulder that have made him unable to move his arms at all he will need around the clock assistance."
You set down the juice box that he basically breathed in. "What do you mean both shoulders I thought he only got shot in one?"
"oh he did but his other shoulder is slightly sprained it's should heal up in a around 2 and a half weeks, while the other shoulder should take at most 4, but normally three. So due to his situation, his arm mobility is hindered untill a later date." He says with his arms crossed over his clip board.
You sit next to gray and look at him, "well I'm down, it's not like we don't spend every single second with each anyway." Gray laughs, "yea I guess thats true."
The doctors clear him and you help him get dressed but since it was late you threw a hoodie on him since there was no use for the sleeves.
You both get in the car and drive to your house, "come on gray we gotta get you to sleep." You tap and rub his tummy to wake him.
You get him up and walk up stairs to your bathroom. "Ok lemme brush your teeth." You sit on the sink and brush for him.
"okay that's done. Um alright it's 2 am ur tired I'm tired we can do the rest tomorrow okay?" You ask Grayson who's barley keeping his eyes open. "Okayyy." He says yawning.
"all right let's go to bed." You walk him over to the side of the bed and help him sit down.
" all right be careful and don't drop all the way down be careful not to lose your- oh fuck!"
You both lost your balance and fell on the bed, your on top of him millimeters away from his face. You never really looked at Grayson that way, never really looked at his eyes, dark as the ocean pulling you deeper and deeper to the point where you don't care if you drown.
Or his lips, they look so soft and smooth, if you were to kiss them it would feel like silk pillows. His lips..."oh fuck his lips."
Grayson catches your eyes staring at his lips and he sits up. "My lips baby, hmm that what you want?" You both sitting up on the bed. "Where? Your neck, cheek?" He drags his nose up the side of your neck to your ear.
"or that pretty little pussy?"
You gasp and get up off of him. "Um okay time to go to bed for real this time. Uh you good? you okay? Need any thing?"
"uh nah, nah I'm good. I guess...I'm laying flat then?" You turn to look at him.
"um yea I think that would be best."
You both start to relax and go to sleep.
"hey gray? I gotta ask you something, you know what's up with clair because she came up to me claiming I'm fucking her boyfriend, who's apperently you and also you stole some weed for her and that just dosent make sense to me."
He jerks his head to look at you "wait what!? When?"
"when you left to answer the phone she said your her boyfriend and she would know the person's she's been fucking and the guy who stole weed for her."
"so that's why- ughh fucking ethan."
"what? What about him? And what was that phone call about?"
He sighed "okay so I got a phone call from this guy named daemin, and I guess he thinks I stole weed from his little brother oscar, and I guess he's been watching me or something he said if I don't get his money he'll light my ass up and he'd go for my lil bitch himself, the one with the braids."
"oh shit so it was Ethan who stole the weed and prolly gave that guy your number, and prolly claimed he was you...now what the fuck wrong with claire?"
"Claire don't know that theres two of us and she don't talk to people he's friends with so he probably lied to her to."
Laying there in shock you think to yourself. "What kinda fucked up shit you got going on to lie about your whole identity and pretend to be your twin brother that you treat like shit?"
"ion know ask him."
You said it outloud.... again. "Oh shit my bad. But I will actually."
"what? No don't-"
"no gray this shit is crazy. YOU GOT SHOT! I'm not gonna let him get away with that shit gray! Now go to bed."
He sighs and closes his eyes.
Next morning comes around. You wake up early to make grays' breakfast. A protein shake with some greek yogurt mixed with fruit.
You go back upstairs and he's awake.
"hey boo sorry to keep you waiting. I was making your breakfast. Need help?"
"yeth please."
"okay silly, sit up, legs out, and stand up on three okay? One, two, three...theeeere we go."
You walk over to the bathroom. Brush his teeth, wash his face and...help him pee.
"okay so how do you wanna do this gray?"
"umm you could hold it? If you wanna."
"seriously grayson. But that's like-"
"look your gonna have to bathe me at one point within these three weeks so like might as well get used to it."
"mm true, gosh okay."
You pull his pants down quickly trying to get this over with as soon as possible.
"okay so do I just like h-hold it or something? Or like do I just let it hang there?"
"no no you got to hold it bro otherwise I'll piss on myself then you have to change my pants and my underwear and wipe my legs down."
"ewww... Okay okay I guess this is better. Um sorry if my hands are cold."
"your all good."
"speaking of shower, let's just get that out the way because you haven't showered in a brick."
He sighs "alright"
You help him get his clothes off and turn on the shower.
"alright hop in big dic- oop- I mean big head." You giggle to yourself.
"ouu ok baby, oh and just for pure curiosity, which head?"
You slowly turn to him. "The one that made you think of that dumbass question, goofy get in, naughty ass."
"okay! Okay! Shit you the naughty one." Said with a smirk followed by a failed and painful attempt to slap your ass.
"ow! Ow! Fuck my shoulder!"
"and that's what ya get, hop in." You say giving him a pinch on the ass.
"what a nice butt, good for you!"
"thank you queen." He smiles
"your welcome king." And proceed to bathe him
A couple hours later you left Grayson at home with him and a tv and left out all the snacks on the counter at a reachable level, whole you went out and....handle some business.
On the phone: "hey, meet me at the bleachers okay I need to talk to you about something."
"uh yea sure I'll be there."
A couple hours later, your sitting on the bleachers with the cold New Jersey air, causing your nose to become ice cold.
"hey." You jumped.
"oh shit! Oh hey sorry you scared me."
"ha, yea um sorry about that, so what did you wanna talk about?"
Now to most that seems like a very obvious question, it'd go something like 'hey why the fuck did you lie about your identity and completely drop your twin fucking brother'. Right? No.
The problem is you and Ethan have history, which also adds to the reason why your a lot closer to gray than Ethan and was like the breaking point of Ethan and Grayson relationship.
Basically in freshman year of highschool you and Ethan....dated?? Well no you did date but...it was shorted lived because he decided to cheat...on you. Crazy right? I know. And you'll never guess who he cheated on you with.....Claire!!! Isn't that amazing, what a coincidence.
So the day you found out was kinda intense.....
"What is wrong with you!"
"Why would you do that to her!"
"As long as we've know her!"
"Huh Ethan! What's the matter with you! Who raised you! It wasn't ma! I most definitely wasn't dad!"
Grayson being the lovely, kind, understanding soul that he is decided to give Ethan a piece of his mind after consoling you in the living room.
"Jesus Grayson! It wasn't even that bad!"
With his hands on his hips, mouth ajar and eyes bugging out of his head.
"you've gotta be shitting me. You made out with the bitch ON SNAPCHAT! THEY GOT YOU IN 4K BRO! What do you mean it isn't that bad!"
"look why does it bother you so much? Like it's not your relationship. It's mine."
"Because your my brother and I love you and I love her to, I want her to be loved and appreciated the way she deserves, and I expected better from you, I never thought, my brother, a fucking scumbag of a man. Had the audacity to cheat on his girl. I guess I stand fucking corrected."
They sit in silence for a while. Your in the living room nervous because you've seen them fight of course but, never this heated.
"well if you love so damn much you be with her, I don't fucking want her if there's gonna be this much drama."
Time for you to get angry.
"First of all motherfucker you cheated! Don't you fucking switch this around on me."
Grayson stands in front of you, tear filling your eyes by the gallons.
"I fuckin loved you....so much, so hard...I did. And this what you fucking do...this the last time I love someone as much as I loved you."
And with that you stormed out. Grayson followed disgusted with his brother.
"....so what did you wanna talk about."
You snap back into reality.
"umm well one your fucking brother was shot!"
He jumps back. "What?! Was he really? When by who?"
"a few days ago. most likely by a guy named oscar...who shot him because apparently, Grayson 'sober4L' Dolan™, stole weed from him. Now the only people in this damn highschool that smoke are those rich ass kids you hang out with, and gray got a phone call about this whole situation and claimed that if he didn't get his money or the weed back, he was gonna shoot up him and take his lil girlfriend, 'the one with the braids'."
He rocks back and forth anxiously, knowing he was caught.
"and of course the only girl he's around with braids is me."
"okay look i-"
"Aht aht wait, I'm not done."
"because at the same time grayson was on the phone I had and interaction with the lovely ms.claire. She claimed I was 'fucking her boyfriend' and I asked who and she said 'grayson the one who stole weed for me'."
He puts his head in his hands.
"so now I'm looking at her like she dumb because we both know Grayson dosent smoke, so a couple hours later I ask grayson about the situation and then he tells me about the phone call, so we put two and two together."
"so gray got a call from someone claiming he stole thier weed, claire your lovely girlfriend enlightened me on the fact that I was sleeping with her boyfriend, who stole weed for her. Knowing Grayson is neither dating her or smokes. So who on earth, could have Grayson's number, steal Grayson name and identity and create a whole new fucking life. Oh hmm let's start with the fuck-amato who made the fuck sure no one knew he was a twin and also dates the girl that my ex boyfriend cheated on me with...who just so happens to be the fucking twin. what do you have to say for yourself?"
There is a pause between you and him.
"umm....I'm sorry."
"y-your sorry....SORRY YA BROTHER GOT SHOT AND ITS ALL YOUR- you know what here what we're gonna do."
You pull out your phone and you had saved daemin's number.
"you are gonna call oscar and tell him the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth, and tell him you'll get his lil cousin his money back okay?" Because if not I will..."
"okay, okay, call him."
You call and the phone starts ringing. He picks up.
"hey daemin I have the actual guy you wanted to shoot at and damn near kill"
"word? Who is it then?"
"his twin brother."
"ohhhh shit. Aw damn aye is gray good man I feel like shit he didn't deserve this."
"he's fine but his brother ethan, on the other hand is the guy you should've got, but look since I don't want both of them shot the fuck up he is gonna over there and hand you the money okay?"
"shit alright"
You end the phone call and he sends you the address.
"alright let's go."
You and Ethan pull up to daemin's house.
"look when we get in here don't say shit give him the fckn money and don't say shit."
"alright alright"
You walk towards the door and knock on it. It's opens and there stands a guy around Ethan's height.
"um hi are you daemin?"
"yea that me, you got my money?"
"oh yea we do, Ethan give it to him"
He pulls 85 dollars out of his pocket
"here you go man, um sorry for-"
The door slammed in our faces.
"umm I guess that it-"
"how's Graysons shoulder?"
"oh it's good it's getting better I gotta get back to him though, he can't do everything by himself."
"alright cool I just wanted to make sure, does he need anything like I got bandages and a first aid."
"oh no no its fine my mom's a nurse I got all the stuff I need thank you though."
"alright bye drive safe"
"okay thank you!"
You and Ethan get back to the car.
Ethan turns to you. "Um he's nicer than expected."
"yea...um okay, I'm gonna take you back home. "
"yup okay sounds cool. "
The drive to Ethan's was awkward and quiet. He still stayed at him and Graysons childhood home. You haven't been there in years.
"well here we are. God it still looks the same."
"yea hasn't changed since the last time you've been here."
You turn to look at him.
"alrighty well- mphm"
Ethan kisses you holding the side of your face.
"I miss you. I do. I'm so fucking sorry for hurting you. You didn't deserve that, I took you for granted. Please give me another chance."
Your in shock to say the least. Staring at him in disbelief.
"...no Ethan."
"what? What do you mean?!"
"I mean no, I'm not going to go back to you I don't feel that way about you. And honestly once a cheater always a cheater, I just can't give myself back to the same person that changed me emotionally, to where it's hard for me to love people as much as I used to. Like what you do if I cheated on you, would you come back to me? And be honest with yourself."
He moves his hand.
"exactly...so don't expect me to be the same. Goodbye Ethan."
He gets out and goes inside and you drive back to your place.
You come back home Grayson in the living room, on the couch.
You sit next to him and talk to him about what happened, he was worried and frustrated at first with the fact that you went but understood it was your life at risk to. A couple of weeks pass, Graysons wound is fixed and you guys are let out for winter break.
Spending time with Grayson made you realize, what you deserved in a relationship, the love, appreciation, affection, loyalty. All of it, you deserved it.
And you got it, you and Graysons infatuation with one another, grew bigger and bigger over winter break. The Christmas vibes, sleeping in onesies and making cookies. Making love next to the fire place, trails of kisses going down both his and your body.
Afterwords..."hey Grayson? Can I ask you something."
"of course beautiful what is it?"
"how would you feel if we went back to school, ya know together?"
"when were we going separately?"
"nooo silly like together, a thing, an "item". We go back in a relationship. If that's something you want?"
"Are fucking joking! Of course I would baby. God, I've been waiting." And with that you finally found the love of your life, whom which in the future you had your two twin daughters with. Inez and Felicity.
You've never been so content.
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ktarima · 6 years
New Life: Chapter 1
Word Count : 2214
Rating : T (for mention of profanity)
Pairing : Julian x M!OC
Disclamier: All characters, settings and events are property of Pixelberry studios .
tag list: @choiceslife @griffinsbigdickenergy
Hey yall! Here's the next chapter of my fan fic ^.^ If you want to be tagged in the list, feel free to leave a comment. Enjoy!
Summary: Ben's first look of Berry High and meets a certain somebody that catches his eyes.Wow. First day of school and I’ve met the best principal I’ve ever seen. “Thank you Ms.Hughs. I hope I’ll enjoy my senior year here at Berry High.” I grin.
Principal Hughs pulls me into a quick hug. “Oh sweet pea, I promise you’ll enjoy every moment of your senior year here! Our students are so diverse and fun to talk to” She assures.
Wow okay, scratch that. Probably the friendliest principal I’ve met. “I’ll believe it, when I see it” I joke “I think my parents mentioned  something about a tour of the school?”
She claps her hands. “Of course! Let's get started right away.”
“Principal Hughs!” A voice shouts from across the hallway.She quickly turns around to see who it was.
“Good afternoon there Isa. How can I help you?”
“ Vice Principal Isa” She turns to me “ You must be our new student.”
“Yes ma'am,  I’m Ben Burton”  From the way she spoke, I assume Isa was the more strict principal compared to Hughs.
“ I’ve got my eyes on you. Don’t cause any trouble.”
“ I won’t?” slightly alarmed.
“Back on subject, Principal Hughs. There has been yet another accident in the science classroom. I need you to come with me.” Isa states.
“I’ll be right there” She turns back to me “ Sorry, duty calls. I’ll have Maria give you the tour instead”
“No worries.  I assure before Principal Hughs walks away.Someone remind me to not get on Vice Principal Isa’s bad side. I take the time to wander around the front lobby and admire all the photos plastered on the wall. Interesting choice of mascot… The Berry Tigers. I continue to wander until…
“Hi there. You must be the new student, Ben”
I turn around “Yep that…” I inhale sharply. For a moment, a faint memory of one of my closest friends renders in front of my eyes as I look at the girl standing in front of me.
The girl waves her hands in front of my face “Hello? We don’t have all day!”
I quickly shake my head and adjust my glasses. “That’s me. You must be Maria.”
She looks briefly at her watch. “We don’t have all day. Let’s get started with the tour.”
“Lead the way”
We proceed to walk down the various hallways as Maria quickly points out the different classrooms. I’m not gonna lie, I’m only paying half attention to what she says as I’m more distracted by her looks. Wearing a gray dress, she looked pretty unique with her tan skin, short black hair and a cute face.
… Am I sure I’m gay? I chuckle. Maybe its --
“So do you have any hobbies Ben?” Maria asks, interrupting my thoughts.
“Hmm? Oh yeah I have some.” I ponder for a bit “Mostly playing rpgs on my PS4… but I used to play sports and instruments when I was younger.”
“Did you now? Tell me more.” She asks, abit too excited.
“ Well… I swam on a team for about four years then tennis and taekwondo for another four years.” I could tell Maria was amazed. “As for fine arts, I played the clarinet in elementary then moved on to the violin.”
“Wow. You’re like the perfect student”
I laugh. “I’m hardly the perfect student.”
“Lucky for you, we have a lot of groups you can fit in with. We’ll wrap our tour with the extracurricular groups.”  
We stop at a hallway with Fine arts sign above the door. We walk down the hall as I hear faint piano playing. I peek slightly through the door to hear better.
“Woah” I whisper to Maria. “That’s some excellent playing!” The person continues to play a happy piece. “ Do you know the guy?”
“That’s Aiden Zhou. One of our talented band members”
Aiden finishes the piece and I applaud loudly. “Beautiful!” He stiffens at the sudden applause and gets up from his piano chair.
“Hey there Maria, who’s the person?”
“Ben Burton, our newest student this quarter.” She quickly introduces.
I offer a handshake “Nice to meet you. I have got to say, the way you played the piano was so nice!”
Aiden blushes slightly. “O-oh… it was nothing.”
“As much as we want to chit chat Ben, we have to move on with our tour”
“Aww, okay. I’ll see you around Aiden” I wave goodbye as we head out of the fine arts hallway. Maria quickly shows me the computer lab; where the video game group meets up, art , cheerleading room.
My stomach growls as we’re walking toward the courtyard. “Oof I’m a bit hungry”
“There’s a good diner around here called the Golden Griddle. That place has the best burgers in town.”
We continue to converse and as we turn the corner
“Nice! I’ll go chec---”
Before I could finish, I faintly see a football coming towards me and Maria. I hold out my hands to catch the football, until I realize too late that the football was meant for the student backing towards us.
“I got it!” The student says. Not realizing we were behind him…
The male student collides into me with some force and we’re both sent falling to the ground. Another student runs to us.
“Oof. Watch where you’re going!” I chastise as I get up.
“I’d say! That was really dangerous Caleb. You know better to throw a football around in school!”
“Sorry Maria. We were just heading out for practice” Caleb looks over to me “Oh, you must be Ben,the new guy!”
He offers a handshake. “Yep thats me. And you must be?” I look over to Caleb’s friend.HOLY FUCK. If my jaw didn’t drop to the floor, it should have. Caleb’s friend is hot! His face was perfect, along with his built physique; hidden by his gray jacket. I grimace slightly as it reminded way too much of Devin.
“ Sorry about that Ben. Didn’t see you there. I’m Julian.” I shake his hand.
“Nice to meet both of y’all.”
“Oh snap Julian, we have to go. Coach is waiting on us” They quickly apologize again before leaving.
We proceed to the last spot of the tour in front of a tiger statue. “And here we have our school mascot, Ollie the Tiger”
“Aww cute name” I joke. I examine the plaque beneath the statue and the message read,
“This school began as a bunch of empty plots of land and a promise to be open to everyone, A promise that ensured no matter who you were, or what you liked, you’d always be included. And together, we can accomplish anything.” What a heartwarming message.
“Wow.. that’s a deep message! I like it.”
“Yep. Ollie means alot to us” Maria looks at her watch. “I’ll have to get going. My next class is at 1:00. I hope you enjoyed the tour.”
“ Of course I did!” I beam “Thanks again for showing me around.”
“Oh one more question.”
“ Do you have any plays on going to Homecoming?”
“Uh…” Well that was a question out of left field.  “Well…I don’t know. Do you want to be my date?”
Maria steps back in surprise “Are you seriously asking me to go to the dance with you? We just met.”
I raise an eyebrow. “You asked, so I gave you an answer.”
“I… I would never attend a dance with a stranger.”
I shrug. “For now , it’s just a maybe”
She scowls. “Great. So you’re another maybe. How am I supposed to plan a dance if everyone a this school might come to it?” She mumbles even more before exiting the courtyard.
I take a quick selfie with Ollie the Tiger before looking up the address to the Golden Griddle. Time for some lunch!
The drive to the place didn’t take long, about five minutes. I roll up to an empty parking spot and turn off the ignition. Based on the online reviews, the diner was a popular spot in town. “ Let's hope it lives up towards its hype.” I pull open the door and enter the diner. The diner is well decorated, giving off a vintage vibe. I choose a seat at the counter and briefly look at the menu.
An employee comes up to me. “ What can I get for  you today?”
“Uh… I’ll get combo meal number 1 and a strawberry milkshake” I hand cash to the employee.
“Your order will be out soon.”
I kill time by playing some Dissidia Final Fantasy Opera Omnia on my phone. Five minutes later, my order appears before me.
I start to drool. “Wow… online pictures doesn’t do this justice” I set aside my phone before taking a bite into the juicy burger. “Hmmmmmm” This burger tastes so good! Probably the best one I’ve had in awhile. I take a sip of the milkshake and I had to take another bite of my burger to prevent myself from screaming of how good the milkshake tasted.
As I’m finishing up lunch, my phone rings. I wipe my hands before taking the call. “Hello?”
“Hey sweet pea. How are you doing?” My mom asks.
“Great! Just got finished with lunch. How’s everything on your side?”
“For once, smooth. The moving company came right on time and we have everything organized.”
“Cool. I’ll come home so I can get everything set up … at least in my room” I joke. “Oh wait, can you text me our home address? I forgot to ask before leaving this afternoon.”
“Sure Honey.”
“Thanks. See you soon.” I end the call before getting up. “Thanks for the meal.”
“Our pleasure. Please come again.”
I exit the diner and got into my car. “Well today has been a great day” I muse. I turn on some music before driving back home.
Bringing my car to a halt along the side of the house, I turn off the ignition and got out. I walk to the front door and rang the doorbell.
“Coming!” A voice shouts before opening the door. “Welcome back, sprout.”
We embrace for a small hug. “Hey there dad” I step into the house and slightly blown away by how everything was in place. “Woah. Y’all work quick! Looks like just home”
“Thanks. I did most of the work” He brags.” Oww!” I look across to my mom pinching his ear.
“Yep. Your dad did all  the work. ”
I laugh “I’m certain he didn’t have any help from a certain someone.” I pat him on the back. “I’ll get started on my room.”
My dad laughs. “Good luck.”
I stride pass the living room and turn the corner. I stop at my door and open it to be greeted by four boxes in the middle of my room. I certainly did not pack that many boxes… I think.
“Mom! Dad! Did I really pack 4 boxes?” I shout back into the hallway.
“Yes! You did.” They shout back in unison
“I call bullshit” I mumble. I approach one of the boxes in the middle of the room. “ What could I possibly have packed before we mov-” I stop before realizing the contents of the box. The box contained gifts, awards, pictures, yearbooks from Bowie.
Who in their right mind would pack this ? … Probably me. I lament internally. I push aside the box and open the other three boxes to see what was inside of each one. Clothes, my book and trading card collection and my PS4. Alright this shouldn’t take too long. Thankfully, my room already had a closet and drawer built. I set aside the clothes into the closet; separating each item by category. I move to organize my book collection until the front door bell rings.
“I’ll get it” my mom shouts.
I faintly hear some greetings and continue on with my work.
“Honey! Ben! Come to the front door. Our next door neighbors would like to meet the both of you” She shouts.
I grin slightly. It’s one surprise after another. I head out from my room and to the front door. Poking my head from behind mom, we’re greeted to sight of a hispanic couple. I get from behind my mom and introduce myself to the couple. Remembering what little spanish I know…
“Buenos tardes señor y señora. My name is Ben Burton” I offer my hand. I couldn’t tell if they were surprised or impressed.
“Oh, you can speak spanish?” The man ask, taking my hand in a firm shake.
“Ah… a little bit” I confess.
My dad rolls his eyes. “Show off”
I shrug as I step aside.
“Hello there. My name is Lucas Burton. It’s nice to meet you.”
“ We heard we were getting new neighbors and just had to come over and introduce ourselves.”
The woman nods in agreement. “My name is Julia Ortega and my husband is David Castillo”
“Our soon should be coming over soon. Oh there he is. Hijo! Come introduce yourself to our new neighbors.” David beckons to his son.
I could not believe my eyes. “Wh--” I barely manage to whisper out. His son carefully steps in front of his parents.
“It’s nice to meet you Mr and Mrs. Burton. I’m Julian Cast-” His dark brown eyes meet mines.
This has to be a dream
P.S: I may be going on a slight hiatus to focus on school ;-; sorry. Please look forward to the next chapter! ~
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artificialqueens · 7 years
Dragometry Circa 1979 ~ Hobnob
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AN: Ive been doing very successful things in 6th form and I’m a very successful student. As such i dropped english lit and took art instead. my passion for writing left me, but came back when i was looking at my dog sleep. He looked soft and i thought if he can do it, so can i. My friend mentioned in art how she ate a shroom once, and she forgot who she was for a bit and had a panic attack. I thought that sounded wicked and I wanted to embody that in this fic. Thanks Sarah
Chi Chi dipped her hands in her pockets and turned them inside out. Alas, there was no cash to be found. Only some dead flies and a used condom.
Just her luck. She had no way of paying the rent and it was due in tomorrow! She continued to walk down the streets of Camden disappointedly.
Just then her train of thought was broken by the local newsboy.
“Extra extra! Read all about it! Daily mail halfa shilling!” Little Bendela yelled in his school uniform.
Chi Chi approached him but in a non predatory way because she didn’t mess around with little kids like that.
“What’s in the news today little boy?” She asked, spitting on the floor.
“Im 26 ma'am” He answered in a cockney tone, his little red cheeks growing hot with rage.
“You’ll use no such tone with me boy!” Chi Chi said slapping the twat. “I’ll have a paper please.”
Little boy Bendelacreme sobbed and handed over the paper. Chi Chi opened it up and could barely believe what she was seeing.
“Blimey! A battle of the bands today with a cash prize of 100,000 quid!!” She exclaimed dropping into a perfect split in joy.
“Oo aye right you are mista! Down at the old theatre where all those donkeys were found!” Bendela added.
An idea formed in Chi Chi’s mind. The amount of rent she had to pay happened to be exactly 100,000 pounds conveniently enough.
“You know what? I’m going to enter!”
Ben began bursting into laughter as his little round face lit up with glee. “Oho thats a gaff if i ever did hear one! Everyone knows ur tone deaf miss Devayne, ever since you exploded that donkey.” He chuckled, wiping away a salty tear.
“Shut the fuck up.” Chi Chi said, slapping the cunt again to put him in his place. “You’ll speak when told to boy.”
“Even if you wanted to enta miss Devayne, yous need three or more band members. You know, like the Beatles and such.” Ben said whilst on the floor in agony clasping his face.
“Three or more members hm?” She said, scratching her stubble. “Fancy joining my band?”
“No can do, i gots to sell all these papers or my mum won’t let me in the house. Good luck miss.” He responded, already halfway down the street in fear of getting another beating. Silly silly little boy.
“UR MUMS A FILTHY SKETT GET BACK HERE.” Chi Chi shouted at him as he ran. It was no use. He was gone faster than Lance Armstrong on steroids.
Even Bendelacreme being a little batty crease couldn’t dampen her mood at this point. She was ready to win that battle of the bands with a total bop of a song.
She would create the next Oasis, the next Blur, the next Smashmouth.
But first she needed bandmates…
Just then she spotted Britney Spears vouging down the street looking like a complete plebb. It was better than nothing.
“Oi Britney! Yeah get over here!”
“My names Derrick” the blonde said, making her way over.
“Want to be in my band?”
“Lol Sure”
Disgusting. She was perfect. She wasn’t visibly on any heroin, and had shopping bags from tesco, so she wasn’t on benefits either.
“Sick, you’re going to play synth.”
“Like fuck i am.” Derrick said, embroiled with rage. “I was classically trained on the guitar.”
Chi Chi raised her mighty hand in slapping formation to Derrick. She needed to be taught some manners.
Derrick nodded before snatching the paper for herself. There it was. Right next to the article about the Piers Morgan donkey scandal. In big bold comic sans spelt ‘Battle of the bands.’
“Fat chance of us entering with two members.” Derrick roared.
“I’m working on it ffs get off my back.” Chi Chi screamed.
Just then she felt her tummy rumble. It was a deep and low rumble, akin to that of a barking dog, or even perhaps even a bin lorry driving by in the early hours of the morning.
Yes, Chi cHi was hungry. But she didn’t have any money. She spent her last paycheck on a lotto ticket.
“Let’s discuss this over a hearty Nando’s shall we?” she said, slapping Derrick on her manly toned back. “You’re paying.”
Derrick threw the paper to the floor. “I can’t pay. I spent all my money on Xanax and Tesco’s. All i got is a quid.”
She was right. A quid isn’t Nando’s money. Its Pick and Mix money at best. She’d just have to think of something fast.
“Lets beg like in oliver twist.” Chi Chi suggested. Derrick seemed to agree, but maybe that was because she threatened to beat her up earlier.
Just then Chi Chi set her eyes on someone walking down the street. Quick as a monkeynut with a jackhammer she made her way over to the individual and held out her hands.
“Please sir, can i ave’ some more?” Chi Chi said sadly, some eye infection goo coming out of her eyes instead of tears.
The individual looked confused for a moment, then got a ladle of porridge from her handbag and dropped it wetly into her hands.
“What the fuck it this. I didn’t want porridge did i, I wanted some money or something.”
“Oh sorry lol” the stranger offered taking back the porridge for later. “I don’t own any money at the moment. Teresa May and all.”
Chi Chi nodded agreeingly. “In that case do you want to join our band?”
The stranger nodded and sealed the deal with a wicked fistbump.
“My names Naysha Lopez. Synth extrordanair.”
“Your going to be on synth.”
“Well yes i just said-”
Chi Chi slapped her hard in the face in a fit of fury. Her word was law. She was the big dog.
“Aight we’re ready to rock. Let’s go back to my place.”
Derrick and Naysha nodded, getting into her 2003 Volkswagen that Chi Chi won in a game of chess.
The van was full of hippy shit. Fuckugly tie dye shirts, 42 vinyl albums of the Stone Roses, and a massive bong full of old weedwater.
“First we need to get our looks right.” Derrick suggested, taking out a large pair of scissors and hacking at her hair.
“And what we’re going to play.” Naysha added, beating out a mad eurobeat synth solo.
“Lads.” Chi Chi stopped them both, raising her hands. “Its not about how you look or sound.” She said sincerely, patting Derrick on the shoulder. “It’s about how much acid you take.”
She took out a small plastic bag with three tabs of acid, passing them out. They each popped the paper on their tongues and felt it dissolve.
“Alright now we’ve done that we should really figure out what we’re going to play.” Naysha said, picking the synth back up.
“How about we theme the song around the hardships of love.” Derrick said, sitting on a beanbag surrounded by her own hair.
“We-lets…lets wait like…half an hour. you’ll have better ideas.” Chi Chi added, taking a massive rip out of the dirty bong.
Half an hour later after hotboxing the camper van Chi Chi looked at her Casio sports watch.
“Oh dude the battle of the bands is in half an hour.”
“Shiit” Derrick said, her jaw hanging slack. “So what about if we came out on the stage in-in like picture this. We come out in geometrical shape costumes.”
“Yeah like Dragometry.” Naysha added, unable to move her head.
“Oh yeah meta..” Derrick nodded, writing it down, except the pen she was using was a cheese string and there was no paper.
“I have some old Capri Sun multi pack boxes in the back, let’s go out completely naked covered in those.” Chi Chi said, snapping her fingers.
Everyone clapped for the sheer excellence of that very notion. Around ten minutes later they were all naked and covered in Capri Sun boxes.
“Oh man.” Derrick said poking Nayshas body that was now unconscious on the floor. “Nayshas passed out and the battle of the bands is in like 20 minutes.”
“Yeah just like…” Chi Chi rubbed her finger over Derricks mouth in a shushing motion. “Just like i saw in um…nature shows, you pour water in their mouths and they’re fine…so…”
Derrick nodded taking a half empty Capri Sun and pouring it into Nayshas mouth. It began to bubble as Naysha hacked and coughed it out.
“Aaah there she is. Party animal.” Chi Chi laughed. “Alright let’s write a song.”
“I was thinking, we sing about the shapes we are, and sing about societal struggles and riots in london and an unfair corrupt justice system.” Naysha said swallowing the gargled Capri Sun and getting off the floor.
“I’m liking the first bit, like shapes and shit.” Chi Chi said, igniting the engine of the car and speeding away. “Were probably ready i think lets go perform.”
“You just hit a little boy selling papers back there.”
“Nah dude ur tripping.” Chin Chin said turning on the windshield whispers to get the blood off.
When they finally arrived after driving down the A38 the battle of the bands was underway. The entrance was bustling with people eager to see the peformances.
As the trio made their way through the crowd they got some funny looks, but maybe because they were wearing cardboard boxes and were sticky from Capri Sun juice.
Once they got to the bouncer he stopped them from getting through with a grunt.
“Oi leds, restricted area, bands only.” He said in a thick nothern tone.
“Oh? Haven’t you heard?” Chi Chi spoke confidently, her eyes facing different directions due to all the acid. “We’re the new band on the block!”
The bouncer simply shook his head.
“Oive never seen yous before. Whatre you’re names?”
They all pondered for a second before Naysha snapped her fingers.
“We’re Dragometry, the geometric power trio unsatisfied with social injustice.” She said proudly burping halfway through her sentence.
The bouncer looked stunned for a moment before nodding. “Meta…” he said letting them all through.
When they got inside they could scope out the competition. It seems the entirety of Camdens music scene had gathered to win that 100,000 quid.
As they made their way inwards they were stopped by a group of angry looking new yorkers.
“Oh looky here lads, what do we gots.” One of them said, cracking their knuckles.
“Looks likea buncha whimps to me!” Another one said snickering.
Naysha burst out in tears. Chi Chi had to do something for the credibility of her band!
“We’re only the greatest musicians since Cher Loyd.” She retorted with her quick drug induced whit. “Who are you?”
The three new Yorkers struck a dynamic pose and exclaimed in unison.
“We are Street Meats! Betty, Bob and Thorgy!!!”
“Gay.” Derrick said, picking some broccoli out of her teeth.
“Alright well, later lads.” Chi Chi said, pushing past the entitled fuckers. Bloody Americans.
“Not so fast!!” Bob said, grabbing her by the shoulders. “This is our turf, see? And we don’t take too kindly to people trying to get our 100,00 dollars!”
“Fuck i left the engine on.” Chi Chi said, turning to Naysha.
“We have a little bet to propose.” Thorgy said, taking out a hostage from her guitar case. “Win and we’ll leave forever. Loose…and we’ll kill this hostage.”
Derrick poked the hostage in the belly and scratched her stubble in consideration.
“Mmmmmm” She said, thinking hard. “…N-…..n…..hmmmmm. No.”
“Oh?” Acid betty said chuckling manically. “Did we forget to mention the hostage happens to be…THE QUEEN OF ENGLAND?”
“SHIIIT” Chi Chi bawled, sobbing into her hands.
“C-challenge accepted.” Naysha said, her eyes beginning to well up. “Don’t worry your majesty…we’ll get you out of this…” she said holding the queens wrinkled hands.
“Oi thanks lads.” The queen responded. Adjusting the crown on her head.
Just like that Thorgy stuffed her back in his guitar case and threw it into the coat room.
“Good luck ladies.” Bob chuckled, fist bumping Acid Betty as they walked away.
Things had just gotten serious. Now the common wealth was in their hands. Chi Chi felt sick.
“What are we going to do?” Derrick cried. His hands were shaking.
She took a deep breath and stood up straight, adjusting her cardboard box.
“I’ll tell you exactly what we’re going to do. We’re going to win this fucking battle of the bands, and then we’re going to be knighted by the queen of England, thats what we’re going to do.” Chi Chi said in a confident voice.
With newfound confidence the trio patted each-other on their naked sweaty backs. The first band had just begun to play. Les Chicken Wings they called themselves.
They were pretty sick ngl. A bit like The Clash but with cross dressers.
“BUY OUR VYNIL IN THE BACK.” The lead vocalist screamed once the band finished up. Chi Chi turned around and there stood Little boy Bendelacreme selling vinyls!
“Oh shit what happened to you.” She asked, grimacing at his horribly mangled body.
“I was left disfigured when you ran me over earlier. Would you like to buy a vinyl?” He said, holding out a disk in his bloodied hands.
Chi Chi flicked a shilling in his direction and took one.
“Lighten up miss Chi Chi! You look awful nervous.”
“I suppose you could say that.” She admitted, looking at the floor and shuffling her feet.
“Wotts wrong?”
“Well i managed to get a band together but instead of practicing we went back to my van and took acid so now we’re wearing cardboard boxes and we don’t have a song to perform, and if we fuck up the queen of England dies.”
“Hmmm, i think i saw this on an episode of friends once!” Ben said cheerily, his broken bones making a crunching noise as he smiled. “Joey told Chandler to believe in himself, and everything turned out aight.”
Chi Chi nodded. “Yeah.” She said under her breath.
She just needed to believe in herself. She had the music in her. If she didn’t give up she’d win the battle of the bands for sure.
“Thats right Chi Chi, believe in yourself.” A mystery voice said. She looked up.
Bloody hell! It was the Beatles! Here to perform for the whole of Camden!
“John Lennon, Paul McCartney, George Harrison, Ringo Starr, What are you doing here?” She said excitedly.
“We’re here to tell you to never give up.” John said in a liverpoolian accent.
“Yeah, you can do it.” Ringo said, smiling.
“Thanks the Beatles! I won’t let you down!”
“Yeah, its like we say in Yellow Submarine, “Rah, rah, ah, ah, ah, roma, roma, ma. Gaga, ooh, la, la… want your bad romance.” Paul added, patting Chi Chi on the shoulder.
“Now go out there and sing! Sing like the commonwealth depends on it!” George said inspiringly.
Chi Chi was ready. She heard somebody call them to the stage. Grabbing her synth she felt her fingers trembling.
She looked at her bandmates.
Derrick was holding the synth upside down.
Nayshas costume had fallen off do she was completely naked.
They were ready.
They each played the opening chords and leaned into the microphones.
“We are the girls of Dragometry. All shapes and sizes are what we bring” Each of them sang in harmony, feeling the rhythm and LSD run through their veins.
“Rectangle girls of the world” they yelled, feeling their metaphorical oats.
“Around every girl, in a circle I run You can be square, hon, but don’t be a nun” Naysha said into the mic, shining like the star she was.
“We just wanna celebrate. No matter the size, no matter the shape!”
The rest of the performance went pretty stellar in Chi Chis opinion. She came up with a particularly good line about being a bumblebee, and Derrick was bopping out like it was nobodies business.
The performance concluded.
Silence filled the room.
There was a moments pause as the audience was stunned. It was as if the spirit of Freddy Mercury had possessed them all on stage and caused them to create the single most amazing tune in the world.
“You guys suck wang!!” A member of the audience shouted, as the crowd began to boo.
The booing continued. How could that be? They created a total bop!
“Hey look! Their music killed John Lennon!” Another audience member yelled.
Chi Chi looked over to a very dead John foaming at the mouth twitching on the floor.
“They killed a member of the Beatles. Kill them! Blood for blood!!!” The crowd yelled, throwing empty bottles at Kopparberg at the trio.
They dodged the bottles and swiftly ran backstage and sighed together.
“I don’t get it. I thought that went well.” Chi Chi said sadly, throwing her cardboard box to the ground in defeat.
“I thought my stepford wife line was sick.” Derrick said sadly.
“I did too! And that circle thing Naysha said was totally tubular.” Chi Chi agreed.
They all sat down on the floor waiting for their inevitable demise. The audience would find a way backstage and shank them all to death for sure. Plus the Queen of England was probably going to die, and they lost the bet against Street Meats.
Soon enough they all heard banging on the door and angry yells. This was the end.
“It was good doing acid with the two of you.” Chi Chi said, holding both their hands.
“Yeah, thanks for seeing past the fact i look like Britney spears.” Derrick replied, squeezing her hand.
“And thanks for saving me earlier when i was passed out.” Naysha smiled sadly, still fully naked.
They all sat together and accepted their fate.
Just before they were mobbed by angry fans, a woman appeared in front of them.
Jesus! It was Debby Harry!
“Hey buckos” she said lighting a ciggy.
“Blondie? What are you doing here?” Chi Chi gasped, standing up in shock.
“I’m here to tell you to never give up fuckheads. That performance out there was absolutely shocking, but you still have a chance at saving the Queen.”
They all looked at their feet sadly.
“It’s no use world famous singer Debby Harry, if we go out there, we’ll be killed.” Naysha cried, wiping away some eye infection goo.
Debby slapped her hard in the face.
“You know. I used to go out on stage off my tits on LSD, stumbling around, saying nonsense about bumblebees. But i never gave up. Soon i moved on to singing about hearts of glass and it was lit. Everybody loved it.” Debby said with wisdom and a knowing look.
“Get out there and give them an encore they’ll never bloody forget!!”
Filled with newfound confidence the trio cheered and high fived. Blondie had given them the courage to go back out there.
They got back on stage and Chi Chi grabbed a mic.
“There they are!!” An angry hipster yelled.
“Kill them!” Another roared.
“Wait wait.” Chi Chi hushed them, raising her hands. “You see those people over there?” She continued, pointing over to Street Meats who were leaning against the wall eating mini sausage rolls.
“They have the Queen of England in their guitar case!!” Naysha said as Street Meats started to look panicked. “They said they would kill her if we didn’t win!”
The crowds attention turned from Dragometry to Bob Acid and Thorgy. They circled the guitar case slowly.
“Look- we can explain.” Bob began, backing away.
But it was too late. They unzipped the case and the Queen fell out. She got up and looked around.
“Wait a minute…” an audience member said, leaning in to examine her face. “This isn’t the Queen!!!”
Muttering and mumbles erupted in the room as somebody moved forward and pulled off the queens wig and crown.
“Jesus christ!! It’s Bono!!”
Bono escaped through the door like a startled deer into the woods. Fuck.
“Nobody cares about Bono. GET DRAGOMETRY!!”
Another bottle was thrown at Chi Chi, then another. The last thing she remembered was Paul McCartney hitting her directly in the forehead with a bottle of Carling.
Then complete blackness.
A few hours pass.
She feels comfort under her heavy body.
And a sharp pain in her forehead.
As Chi Chi opens her eyes she’s greeted to Little boy Bendelacreme in a well lit room with white walls.
“Ben??” She says weakly. “Where am i?”
“Ayup miss Devayne! Your in hospital. Bottle got you in the head i say. Right in the noggin.”
Chi Chi was confused. She turned her head and saw the three remaining Beatles standing over her bed looking apologetic.
“Yeah, sorry Chi Chi, we shouldn’t of lashed out like that.” Ringo said, his massive nose drooping with sadness.
“But i killed John.” Chi Chi said sadly.
“Nah, it was a drug overdose. Nothing to do with you at all!”
They all laughed together in unison. What a funny coincidence!
But Chi Chi couldn’t hear the laugh of her two best friends, Derrick and Naysha. She frowned again, rubbing her forehead. She feared the worst
“Where are my bandmates?” She asked, almost scared to get a response.
Bendelacreme took of his hat and held it to his chest, looking down to the floor.
“No idea I’m afraid.” George admitted, shrugging his shoulders. “Maybe they…managed to escape.”
Chi Chi liked that idea…but no. Her friends were gone. Probably trampled to death. She felt a great gap in her heart where her two best friends in the world used to be.
But for now, she was just grateful to be alive in a warm hospital bed, knowing that the Queen of England was completely safe.
She remembered what Naysha said at the end of their number.
Thank you, thank you.
Be different.
love yourself.
Love yourself.
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castielcoven · 4 years
[ I'm new to Tumblr, give me a break, honestly. Would appreciate some constructive criticism, thanks! Also yes, I'm not the smartest, so *please* no calling me dumb, I already know I am TwT, 3,151 words and weird, old original characters. I doubt anyones gonna read this but if you do good luck 😂]
"Matthew, honey?" Michelle chimed as she heard her front door shut, and in came her son, who was barely smaller than her, he had a very large bruise on the side of his eye.
      "Hey mama…" He mumbled, she sighed sadly and held the boy's hand, pulling him gently to the kitchen and getting an ice pack after he sat down, the all too familiar small hissing sound coming from beside him. Matthew smiled softly as he looked at his adorable de-fanged snake hissing at him gently, wanting attention. He giggled and pet her head gently, she began to slither her way up into Matthew's lap, her forked tongue licking his nose softly. He laughed and kissed Nature's head softly. Michelle smiled.
     "There hasn't been any new updates on the court case." She sighed, pulling out her phone and snapping a photo of his black eye and bruise. "Are there anymore?" She asked, looking at him, Matthew nodded and set Nature on the kitchen table, standing up and pulling his turtle neck off. Michelle cringed and inhaled sharply at her sons bruised and scabbed over torso. "Gods...Baby, I'm so sorry. I ought to have full custody of you by now, but there are these other people trying to fight for you…" She told, shaking and taking the pictures.
      "Really…? Who?" He asked, pulling on his turtle neck again and sitting down. Nature slithered in his lap after waiting patiently while Matthew pulled up his tights to show the bruises on his legs, Michelle sighed sadly and took the pictures.
      "A doctor and cop. I don't know who they are, they're anonymous, and the judge won't even tell me why they're fighting for you. I promise you baby, I'll win this court case. You'll be safe in my arms soon." She shook and sobbed a bit, hugging Matthew who nodded and hugged her back, Nature smushed between them, but the snake wasn't complaining.
      "I hope so…" He shook, clutching her. "I'm gonna go lay down...I-I need a nap…" He shook, biting his lip softly.
      "Alright honey. I'll wake you up for lunch." She told, pressing a gentle kiss to his bruise. Matthew just took Nature, going up to his room, setting her on the bed gently as he went to change into thermals. He shuddered and bit his lip as he looked at himself in his full body mirror. It was their routine for a while. He would come home from a tortuous week of beatings from his father, he would walk half way across town to his mothers since his father refused to drive him, he would strip and she'd take photos for evidence against his father, he'd put his clothes on and take a nap. It was stupid, and tedious, but he couldn't help it. He desperately wanted his schedule to change, wanting SOMETHING, to be different, but so far, nothing was popping up.
     "Hi there, miss! My name is Jacob Otori, I- Oh! Mrs. Anderson, hi!" Jacob laughed, Michelle giggled.
     "Hi there Jacob, odd for you to come to my house, eh?" She giggled. Matthew heard the all too familiar voice of his crush and patted out of his room to listen to the conversation.
     "I didn't know it was your house! It's very nice, ma'am!" He smiled. "I was going around and promoting the fundraiser. I wanna beat last year's goal. We raised just above 300k last time, I'm aiming for 750k this time." He smiled brightly. Michelle looked at him shocked.
      "Wow, you certainly are confident. We are just a small town, Jacob." She sighed with a smile. 
      "It was Natali who set the goal, I really just said I wanna beat how much we raised last year, I didn't really have a say since she's the treasurer." He giggled.
      "I find it amazing. I'm definitely donating this year. Oh! Do you wanna come in? Matthews here for the weekend, he's taking a nap at the moment, but he always wakes up in around an hour. Would you like some tea?" She smiled.
      "Oh, Matthew? Like the one with the wildly dyed hair?...I barely really know him, I didn't know you had a son." He smiled awkwardly. 'I have heard of him, everyone says he's a freak, though...I should give everyone a chance, those are just rumors. And I need a break, talking to people is tiring…'
      "Oh, yes. I sometimes forget he dyes his hair, it obviously doesn't look natural, but he's had it for so long it just looks normal to me." She hummed.
      "I wouldn't want to be a bother…" He smiled again, chuckling awkwardly.
      "I'm gonna tell you the truth because you're such a good guy, Jacob, but Matthew has a hard time making friends since he's so anti-social. I know he doesn't have any friends at school, and I'm just trying to get him at least a caring friend like you. Im aware of all of the rumors about him, and I'll tell you most of them aren't true. There's a lot that's been going on lately, I'm trying to win custody of him from his father, but that isn't going well…" She admitted, looking down. Jacob was a bit shocked, but intrigued. "It's been the same thing over and over every time he comes here, I can tell he's stressed and school isn't helping, nor is my counseling. I just want to make sure he has a friend I know is a good influence on him and is a sweet caring person. Especially one he can tell things that he wont tell me, it is sometimes better to get it out in the open than just keep it bottled up. I know he's not telling me quite a few things, and I just want to make sure he's okay. So please do me a favor and at least attempt to befriend my anti-social son?" She hummed, looking up at Jacob with a slightly pleading look in her eyes. Jacob was very prone to giving in to puppy dog eyes.
      "Of course, ma'am. I've actually been trying to figure out a way to approach him, not only because of all of the rumors, but there have been major scenes with him, like passing out in class, his panic attacks...I'm not making fun of him or anything, but a lot of the other kids did...And I just recently realized he was in most of my classes. When I started actually paying attention to him, no one really notices him, and sometimes he'll just leave the room without saying anything. The teachers know it too, they'll either watch him, or ask a student to go check on him." He ranted, looking away awkwardly. "And I've caught him staring at me multiple times, I think that's what made it so hard to approach him. Most of the rumors I've heard about him is that he's gay and has a crush on me. I don't really mind, but everyone makes it seem like such a bad thing." He told, Michelle listened, pulling Jacob into her home, which he obliged too. Matthew was still listening.
      "Matthew isn't very mentally stable. He has insomnia, very bad anxiety, not to mention he was always and is bullied due to looking like and dressing like a girl." She sighed.
      "I don't see a problem with it, really. I don't understand why some kids bully this practically invisible kid because he doesn't like to act his gender. Natali and Tash both act more manly than me and no one bullies them." He chuckled bashfully, Michelle giggled.
      "If only more people had your mindset Jacob, such an uplifting personality. Matthew comes to my office anytime he feels like he's going to have a panic attack. I'm guessing he's noticed your staring lately, because its people looking at him that stresses him out." She smiled.
      "Oh…! I'm very sorry, I didn't realize...I guess it was always weird he just left the room without alarm whenever I stared at him." He mumbled, sighing.
      "I tell the teachers about Matthew, they feel bad for him, so they basically let him do what he wants, as long as he gets his work done. Which he always does." She sighed, glancing up at the stairs and seeing Matthew up there she perked up, giggling a bit. "Matt, it's not nice to eavesdrop." She mentioned, making Matthew jump and Jacob raise an eyebrow before turning around and looking at the boy, who squeaked and ran to his room. Jacob was a bit confused while Michelle giggled. "He eavesdrops a lot. He's quite sneaky. Like you said, he's practically invisible." She smiled.
       "Ah, yeah." He sighed, giggling softly.
       "Oh, and if he does come down, just a warning he had a bad bruise on his eye, he told me it was some bullies at school." She sighed a bit, Jacob immediately felt bad, but he also wondered how bad it was.
      "Ah, I'm sorry ma'am. I let myself think I always catch the bullying at school, but clearly not." He mumbled.
       "It's okay, sweetie, no ones perfect. Thats half of the reason I want Matthew to have friends...You would tell me whats going on, while he doesn't tell me the names of his bullies because he doesn't want to get them in trouble." She sighed, shaking her head softly. "Matt? Are you gonna come down?" She called out, Matthew was shaking a bit, thinking it over. "Come on, honey. Jacobs here, he's a classmate, don't you think you should at least greet him?" She told.
      "Uhmmm...No?" He asked more as a question.
      "Maaaatt." Michelle sighed, Matthew just padded off to his own room. "Sorry...He's not good around people. Especially not any that are his age." She sighed. "I'm going to get a kettle boiling. Feel free to go and talk to Matt." She smiled, standing up and walking to the kitchen. Jacob smiled and nodded, this was his chance to befriend the weird kid. He stood up, beginning to walk upstairs, he got to the door he thought was Matthews, beginning to knock on it. Said boy had creaked his door open to watch him knock on the door.
       "Uhm...Matthew?" He asked out, looking at the door.
       "That's the bathroom." The adorable bluenette mentioned quietly, the redhead flinched and turned around, his face bright red as he looked at the half of Matthews being from behind the door.
       "Right…! I knew that!" He looked away awkwardly, making Matthew giggle. Jacob was a bit astonished he made the unusually quiet boy laugh. He was the first time he had even heard his voice. "Ah, uh- c-can I come in??" He smiled. "You were listening in on our conversation...I don't know for how long but you probably heard I had been looking for a way to approach you, y'know to be your friend." He smiled.
      "I was listening since the beginning. You don't have to be my friend just because my mom asked you too. I'm the weird kid, you don't have to pretend like I'm any normal person." He hummed, looking at the floor.
      "Its not just because of what your mom said! I really had been trying to find a way to talk to you, but anytime I tried, you just ended up walking out of the classroom…" He told.
      "I didn't know why you were staring at me, it was stressing me out." He mumbled, looking away as his face lit up slightly.
      "Understandable, but really, I do wanna be your friend. I guess we should get properly acquainted first." He hummed, clearing his throat and bowing politely. "My name is Jacob Otori, I'm from Japan, I'm 17 and I know both Chinese and Japanese." He smiled, Matthew giggled a bit at the formal introduction. "Now your turn, if you wanna, that is." He smiled patiently.
       "U-uhmm...I-I'm Matthew Anderson, I'm 16, going to be 17 in October...U-uhm...I-I'm from Canada, I can s-speak French, G-Greek and Latin." He explained, shaking and looking away awkwardly, wondering if he sounded like he was bragging.
        "You can speak French and Greek?? Wow! Honestly, Chinese and Japanese are so boring, but you got to have the tongue of a GOD to speak that complicated stuff!" He laughed, smiling. Matthew giggled, which actually turned into a laugh.
       "Well...I-It is hard...B-But I can try to teach you." He mumbled, looking away slightly and shifting around.
       "Really?! You would? Thats awesome!" He smiled brightly, Matthew smiled back awkwardly, but it was a genuine smile.
       "Yeah...Uhm...Y-you can come in, but...uh…" He blushed madly, looking away in a bit of embarrassment.
       "I'm not gonna judge you for anything you say, have, or do. Unless its just that bad, which you don't even look like you're capable of doing." He giggled, Matthew just laughed back awkwardly.
       "O-okay...But it's still kind of embarrassing since I've never had anyone over before. My room's a bit...girly." He told, blushing. And opening his door, dashing back in slightly. Jacob just raised an eyebrow and walked in, finally seeing what Matthew meant. It looked like a room Natali would enjoy. The walls were a milk pink, the ceiling lined with star fairy lights which were illuminating a room. There was also a floor lamp and more than enough pop band posters literally any teenage girl would be obsessed with. He had a full sized bed, which was incredibly messy, but he had a cotton pink and blue blanket with bright white pillows. He had a small TV on a vanity which had makeup and school supplies around it, a few bean bags, and a rug and in the corner, the opposite of his bed, was a huge tank, but Nature was nowhere to be found. He also had a closet in the corner.
       "Woah." He was only able to say. "This looks like a damn sanctuary! If only my room looked like this." He laughed. Matthew blushed.
       "Really? It's so girly, though." He mumbled.
       "So? I like girly things. I would kill for a room like this!" He laughed, Matthew smiled and giggled.
       "Well...uhm, thanks." He giggled, smiling adorably. Jacob just smiled back.
       "What do you wanna do? We could have a sleepover! My parents went out to fly home for their anniversary, so I'm free to do whatever." He hummed.
        "S-sure...I'm sure mom wouldn't mind. And i-its an excuse to stay here instead of going to my fathers." He mumbled.
        "Is it too personal to ask, or can I ask what exactly is bad at your dads? There are rumors around the school that he beats you, but your mom said most of those rumors aren't true." He asked, looking at Matthew who curled up to himself silently. Jacob immediately took that as a yes. He gasped quietly and crawled onto his bed with him, hugging him as gently as he could. "I'm sorry...My dads a cop, you know. We could report him." He told, rubbing his side gently as Matthew leaned into his touch.
        "H-he always wins assault court cases. No one knows how...Its been difficult for mama to get custody of me because there's a third couple trying to get me. She doesn't know them, and I don't know them. They're anonymous…" He told, shaking and snuggling into him.
        "Well my dad would make sure he gets to prison. This isn't just assault, its child abuse, Matt. Child endangerment, and this third party trying to get you? Who knows what's going on, but my parents would help your mother get custody of you." He mumbled, Matthew sniffled a bit.
        "Please don't tell anybody the rumour is true…" He told, his lip quivering.
        "Hey, hey, don't cry. I'm not going to tell anyone. I can't believe someone actually spread around something that personal, and not to mention they make fun of you for it." He sighed, pressing a small kiss to Matthews forehead, making the small Canadian blush madly.
        "Th-thanks…" He mumbled, shaking. "W-wanna watch some TV? We have cable, but we also have hulu and netflix." He giggled quietly. "The desk I have is for natures tank and not the TV, so we have to sit on the beanbags." He smiled, pointing to the two purple beanbags sitting on the fuzzy rug.
        "Ah, so...What is Nature? Like what kind of animal is it? I don't recognize the tank…" He told, following Matthew, watching him plop down on the beanbag, sitting on the other one as he grabbed the remote.
        "Nature's my snake." He told as if it weren't a psychotic thing, Jacob stared at him.
        "That's the last kind of pet I'd expect you to have." He mumbled, Matthew laughed.
        "I have a mouse too, his names Dumpy." He told, pointing to the small cage underneath the vanity that was previously unseen.
        "Dumpy?" Jacob laughed. "What kind of snake do you have? I'm surprised it hasn't eaten the mouse…" He admitted.
        "Natures a domesticated snake. She's an Inland Taipan." He told, Jacob flinched and looked at Matthew dead in the eye.
        "That is literally the most poisonous snakes in the world!" He called out in shock, looking around to find the snake, she wasn't in her tank and that was suddenly stressing him out.
        "She domesticated, don't worry. She doesn't bite, she's actually really sweet, I've had her since I was six." He hummed. "She's 11 years old and I pulled out her fangs when I was little." He told.
       "You're being serious?! You ripped out the most poisonous snake evers fangs?!" He stared at him with a startled expression.
       "I don't really know where Nature is." He told, whistling a few times.
       "Don't call her please-" He begged as a slithering was heard, her head popping out from under the door and slithering in, Matthew smiled as Jacob yelped and fell off of the beanbag.
       "She's fine, really. Nature, show Jacob your teeth." He told the snake who slithered over to him, staying a lengths away, smelling his fear. She opened her mouth and showed her lack of fangs. "You can pet her, really she isn't violent." Matthew giggled and walked over, Nature watching her master. "Nature, love on Jacob." He smiled, petting her head softly as she slithered over to the Japanese American man, looking at him.
      "Why's it staring at me." He asked, staring back at her.
      "Let out your hand." Matthew giggled. "You saw she doesn't have fangs, shes harmless." He giggled. Jacob was still hesitant. "Nature, bite me. Show him you're harmless." He told, holding out his hand, Nature immediately dashed and bit in his hand, pulling away and licking Matthews hand and looking at Jacob, making sure he was looking at the nonexistent bites on her master's hand.
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cauldronoflove · 7 years
Ok so this is really obscure, but I've had this idea for a while now, and I'd love to see you work with it? Headcanons for a time travel AU in which Peter Parker is messing with Stark Tech and gets sent back to the 1940s? He could work with Peggy Carter in the SSR to solve the case and pretend to be her little brother. Plus in 2017 Tony and Steve working together to get him back. If you think it's weird or want to skip it no worries! If not, then thank you so much, I love your headcanons!!
i love this concept so much you dont even know?? but also okay i realized abt halfway through these 2.5k+ words that this wasnt exactly what you asked for and i feel kinda bad about that but i hope you still like it all the same!! also i wanna say thank you for thinking of me for this prompt im super flattered????
- peter wasnt technically supposed to be in the 4th basement of stark tower
- technically he was on his lunch break and was supposed to be using said time to both eat and work on his spanish homework
- but he'd heard these whispers from a couple of the older interns about some of the old stuff that mr. stark had thrown down there because he never had time to finish them and peter had an idea
- see, he's been wanting to move up a bit, have mr. stark trust him a little more, and what's better then maybe taking one of his old designs and making it better and making it work
- so thats why he's in the fourth basement of stark tower, trying to remember if he's had his tetanus shot because some of this stuff is seriously Old
- and then he stumbles onto this little pyramid shaped....doohickey
- its the only thing in 4 floors of Things that doesnt have a label or a file or a crude drawing taped to the front of it so now peter is Officially Curious
- he kinda fiddles with it for a few minutes until his phone beeps with his 'hey pete youre gonna be super late getting back to work again' alarm and he about drops this thing on the floor because like everyday the alarm scares him to death
- but because hes clumsy and because hes pete he actually does drop it and everything goes black
- but everything's fine because he wakes right back up and he's pretty sure that he electrocuted himself but thats happened dozens of times so he picks himself up and brushes himself off and realizes that he may have been out longer than he thought because theres fewer boxes in the room than before and geez his head hurts
- "are you quite alright?"
- oh god he mustve hit his head harder than he thought because that looks like
- "m-miss carter, no sorry, ma'am? oh, oh god i'm so sorry that was so rude, agent? agent ma'am?"
- "this is howard's fault isnt it"
- "howard? as in....oh god oh god"
- "do you know where you are?"
- peter parker loved a lot of things and one of those things was museums and one of those museums in particular had an exhibit on a certain mr. rogers and adjacent to that exhibit was a small plaque about the woman standing in front of him and oh god he was going to hyperventilate and throw up in front of a literal legend and hero at the same time
- "remind me to kill him later. right now lets get you something warm to drink, yes? maybe some new clothes, youre looking a little singed"
- flash forward half an hour and he's sitting in front of the agent carter sipping at some terribly bitter coffee while she pursed and unpursed her lips a few times
- (annnnd time skip back to present day)
- friday: mr stark theres a woman downstairs beating on the door asking for youtony, 47 names going through his head: ...go on
- enter may parker, in her pjs, fire in her eyes, carrying on the legacy of brunette women ready to end a stark's life
- "it is ten o'clock on a school night, i've talked to ned, i've talked to mj and liz, i've talked to every corner sub shop owner, i even had a nice long chat with pepper, yet no one could tell me anything so you better have answers as to where my nephew is anthony"
- and in that moment, tony stark's life flashed before his eyes
- "hey, friday, where is the kid?"
- "peter's vitals havent been detected since 1:32pm on floor D"
- tony: fu-
- (back to pete and peggy)
- so he's quickly caught her up on the gist of whats going on (aka he told her he's from 2017 ny and hed really just like to go home) and she's taking it surprisingly well, all nodding and hmm-ing and cursing howard stark under her breath, kinda how may is when tony does like.. anything
- but now shes leading him through their super secret base and he's trying not to stare because, has he mentioned, hes literally standing next to peggy carter
- "right, well, here's your cot. if you need anything, dugan can help you. he's that one, there, with the cigar. you get some rest and i'll find howard and see if we cant get your...issue squared away. oh, and whatever you do, dont accept anything dernier tries to give you, you've already blown up once today, i dont think you can afford another"
- present day
- tony's been working through the night, a marginally-more-than-slightly disgruntled may beside him, and an even-more-than-marginally-more-than-slightly peeved happy beside her
- ("how do you lose a teenage boy, tony" happy moans to his phone when he wakes up and sees all the missed calls and texts he has)
- good news: it only took like 2 1/2 hours and three shots of espresson for tony to figure out what happened to peter
- bad news: it wasnt even a Tony Stark Exclusive Design, it was a Howard Stark One-Time Use That Was Actually A Malfunction Design, he'd had several more coffees that werent even close to being strong enough, and he had a growing black eye from the punch may landed before happy could pull her away and calm her down (maybe that last part should be in the good news column)
- "so he's just stuck in the 40s alone, then" may surmises, rubbing at the tension headache in her temples
- tony doesnt respond because at this point he needs his other eye for miracle working and depth perception
- "well, probably not alone," happy begins. "i catalogued everything in that level, and that stuff came from one of howard's london facilities, so it was probably calibrated for that time, so he's probably with-"
- tony: "hap, please dont finish that sentence"
- may: "1940s london. so he's with steve, then, safe. with captain america. okay, i can handle that."
- tony: "no, ah, a little later than capsicle, probably"
- may: "so not safe with captain america"
- happy: "safe with agent carter, more likely"
- pete and peggy
- good news: pete made it through the night without being blown up by the howling commandoes
- bad news: once howard was finally located and sobered up, he explained that he hadnt built that particular device yet, so peter was kinda stuck
- peter wasnt coping well
- "i have a spanish test tomorrow! and a trig test on friday! and i'm supposed to hang out with ned on saturday, and then may's gonna kill me when i dont show up for sunday dinner, and shes gonna kill me in general because i never checked in because holy shit i never checked in!"
- howard: peggy he's crying what do i do
- peggy: do i have to do everything myself
- she advances on peter and takes his chin in her hand, locking eyes with him: peter, you know who i am, dont you?
- he nods as best as he can
- "then you must know that i'm going to do everything in my power and then some to get you back home, dont you?"
- "yes ma'am"
- "good. go take a walk while i talk to howard, and if anyone asks, youre my american brother in for a short visit." and then she pats him on the cheek and his soul kinda ascends then and there because agent carter just patted him on the cheek AND gave him permission to tell people he's her brother
- so he goes to take his walk but the thing is when he gets anxious, he likes to fiddle with the loose legos he keeps under his bed, building and rebuilding tiny structures to help ease his nerves
- needless to say, he's an Absolute Nervous Wreck while he waits for some kind of something from peggy or howard and there arent any legos to keep him busy
- so he kind of takes that walk right on down to the lab and starts poking around because even if he is a certified nervous wreck he's also thr most inquisitive little shit that ever did walk the earth
- peggy finds him two hours later with a pair of loose fitting goggles on his forehead, his sweater sleeves pushed up to his elbows, and some . substance on his hands
- "please dont tell me youre somehow howard's long lost son too," she says, taking his appearance in
- he shakes his head as the beakers in front of him emit a puff of green smoke directly into his already scrunched up face "no ma'am; it's just that mr. stark kinda has me on desk duty and never lets me get my hands dirty so i like to take every oppurtunity i can get"
- she nods, "good, because howard needs you to describe what you remember of the device, and then you and i are going to begin the slog through the logistics of it all"
- "ooooookay"
- which is how peter parker ends up sitting across from peggy carter, the both of them scribbling extremely advanced mathematics onto yellowing sheets of paper as howard stark tinkered with some spare parts he had lying around as he tried to construct a crude rendering of the device
- peggy mostly doesnt talk, actually, she hasnt spoken since explaining that shed picked her math skills up on an assignment shed once had where she learned she actually loved numbers and then howard had been letting her do calculations for him in her free time
- peter was too impressed to respond bc from what he gathered she'd only been on that mission for six months and she didnt have much free time which meant she'd had to pick it all up FAST
- anyway, they got at that for hours, until peter cant keep his eyes open and even howard is dwindling; peggy waves them both off to bed but stays and keeps scribbling away
- they repeat that routine for 3 days
- on the 5th night, after she waves them off, peter goes to his cot and he tosses and turns for hours, listening to the commandoes play poker and crack jokes, but he cant sleep
- finally he gets up and just starts walking, anywhere his feet take him
- coincidentally, his feet take him past what he quickly realizes is peggy's room
- "peter why are you still up? is everything all right?" she asks, pulling off these big hulking glasses that made him incredibly homesick because she reminds him so much of may in that moment, big glasses on, hunched over a book in her lap, hair pulled back out of her face
- and he apologizes, but she Knows something's terribly wrong, so she gets up and ushers him away from her doorway, and leads him down a hall or two and then theyre standing in an open space, and she's looking at him like shes trying to solve one of her equations
- "do you know how to throw a punch, peter"
- " whatever youre thinking i dont think its a good idea we dont have any gear and i dont want to get hurt-"
- she shakes her head and asks again, and he finally answers with a kinda
- "'kinda' will get you hurt; watch me" and she begins to demonstrate a few slow punches and he follows her movements and tries to copy them but hes a little sloppy but its ok because she corrects him and finally theyre just standing beside one another counting out punches when she asks "whats on your mind"
- and he doesnt even hesitate he just lets loose everything, how much he misses may and how terrible he feels that he cant get in touch with her, how much he misses ned and mj and liz, how much he misses his fire escape and the deli on the corner and the buildings and then he's crying again, but she gracefully doesnt point it out
- once he's done spitting out everything thats bothering him she gets this kind of sad smile and says, "you remind me of a man i knew. he cared so much about his friends, sometimes to the point of not even worrying about himself, whuch meant he was always in some sort of trouble, as you can imagine. but he always found his way out of a problem, even if he was the one who created it." she laughs slightly then. "i guess what i'm getting at is even if i cant get you back home, even if howard cant, i believe that youll figure it out."
- "are you comparing me to captain anerica right now because i'm already crying and i dont think i can take much more" he says through sniffles, his arms slack by his sides now
- she smiles and nods, keeping her stance, and peter feels an overwhelming sense of gratitude for this amazing woman who immediately helped him without much of a pause and who's made sure he was okay for the past 5 days and who's up at god knows what time showing him how to throw a punch and being his borderline therapist and he just wants to give her something in return
- "im not sure if im supposed to do this, because for all i know it could tear a hole in the fabric of time and space but i really want to show you this," he begins, pulling his wallet put of his pocket.
- he flicks the little photo holders out and theres may, and theres ned and mj and liz, and theres that cat he found that one time, and theres him and tony, and there, at the bottom, is the time he officially met steve after the whole fight thing and all
- "this was taken a couple months ago; well, a couple months for me, it's decades from now, but here," and he holds out his wallet for her to see and she looks over the photo curiously before she understands and a tear slips down her cheek and she smiles the most grand smile
- "thank you, peter" and she passes the wallet back and puts her hand on his shoulder and says "i promise i'll have you home in time for sunday dinner"
- and she does
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rinassance · 7 years
☆Jooheon x Coffee Shop AU☆
                          Monsta X Scenario [Lee Jooheon]
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When Jooheon works at your local coffee shop which also happens to be your favorite hangout spot
You walked down the long sidewalk almost reaching your destination. The sound of the rain trickling down, hitting the pavement, was surrounding you. You could also hear the drops of rain hitting your umbrella at a steady pace. It was quite cold and you wanted to go some place to warm up before heading home.
You decided to go visit your local coffee shop after a long day of school. It was a small but comforting store owned by a woman and her son.  Although it was a quite popular spot, it never got too overwhelming which made you even like it more. Their menu was intriguing and the employees were all nice.
There was one employee, however, that always managed to catch your attention. He had dark brown hair and a set of dimples that showed up whenever he smiled. You caught yourself staring at him multiples times during past visits, but you never had the courage to actually talk to him. You could tell he was friendly from the way he greeted customers. He smiled big and talked to them as if they were long time friends. Seeing him acting that way made you smile because its rare to find someone enjoy their job.
As you approached the small shop, your heart started racing. You noticed the dark haired boy inside, behind the cash register. You pushed open the doors while closing your umbrella, placing it in a plastic bag the store had put near the door for wet umbrellas.
“That’ll be $2.75” the boy smiled at the elderly woman that was across from him. I got in line and waited for the woman to finish paying. You took out one earbud while looking at the menu deciding what you would get this time. You didn’t know why you were nervous but you tried to push the feeling aside.
“Thank you ma'am, enjoy your coffee!” his voice rang through the store. I stepped up to the cash register, not looking at the boy in front of me.
“Can I-um have a regular coffee with two sugars and a pump of caramel…and a cinnamon roll please” you muttered out while looking down at your purse starting to get your money out.
“Alright, that’ll be $3.50” Out of the corner of your eyes you saw the boy looking at you, a small smile on his lips. You fumbled through your purse  and finally managed to get a 5 dollar bill out. While handing it to him, his fingertips brushed your hand lightly which gave you butterflies in your stomach. You took the change from him and moved to a nearby table, waiting for your order to be done. The boy had disappeared into the back while another employee had replaced him.
You were reading a new book you had bought, still waiting when suddenly a pair of feet were approaching you. They set down 2 cups of coffee and a brown paper bag, which what you assumed to be was your cinnamon roll. As they were dragging a chair you looked up and noticed a pair of similar eyes.
“Hi, my name is Jooheon,” the boy peered at you through his circle frames. “I know this is sudden but I’m on break right now and I thought maybe I could sit with you” he chuckled while rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly. You looked around and noticed that the shop had a lot of customers. Almost all the tables were taken, which surprised you because you had never noticed until now.
“Thats fine. I’m (y/n) by the way” you said, finally looking up at him while smiling. He gave you a smile back making his dimples appear. ‘Cute’ you said in your head while proceeding to drink your coffee. He noticed the book that was on the table and smiled.
“Can you believe the main character ended up dying?” he said looking at you with a shocked expression.
“Spoilers!” you exclaimed while covering your ears. Jooheon erupted into laughter, which just confused you.
“I was joking silly, I’ve never even read that book” you relaxed once he said that, glad that he didnt spoil the ending for you.
After a while you two had gotten to know each other and chatted until he had to get back to work. You had bought a new book and decided to read it after he had left. It was starting to get late and the once rainy day was turning into a dark cloudy night.
You were halfway through your book when you noticed the shop would be closing in 5 minutes.
“Shit” you cursed at yourself realizing you had to get home. As you started putting on your jacket and gathering your things, you saw the employees cleaning up. You scanned the room trying to find Jooheon but had no luck. Sighing, you took the bag that had your half eaten cinnamon toll and started walking to the doors. You stepped outside, into the cold dark night and started making your way to your house.
“Wait up, (y/n)!” you heard someone yell your name. You looked back to see Jooheon running, trying to catch up to you. You giggled, watching him  try to dodge people that were walking the opposite way. Once he caught up to you, you both started talking again. He noticed the book in your hand and turned to look at you.
“Ah, you’re still reading that book I see” you realized that he had taken an interest in it and started telling him about it.
“I’m almost done though, and fyi no the main character does not die” you said, rolling your eyes which earned a chuckle from Jooheon.
Before you knew it you two had made it to your front door. You didn’t expect him to walk you all the way home but he then informed you that he lived close.
“Thanks for letting me sit with you. I had fun today” he said, giving you a genuine smile.
“I did too. I’ll catch you around” you said while giving him a smile back. While he turned his back to you ready to walk to his own house, you called his name and told him to wait for a sec. You went into your house to grab the book you were reading.
“I figured since I finished you could have it. Find out the real ending” you smirked while waving to him. You closed the door and stood in front of the window.
Jooheon had the book in his hand but then quickly noticed a piece of paper sticking out. He took it and read it, another smile appearing on his face. He saw you through the window and waved at you giving you a thumbs up. You then closed the blinds and made your way up to your room. Before giving him the book you quickly wrote a message on a piece of paper.
Here’s my number, for when you wanna talk about the book p.s. by that I just mean for whenever you wanna talk xxx-xxx-xxxx
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minniesugakookies · 8 years
Betrayed [Part 4]
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Genre: Angst
Word Count: 3,442
Pairing: Jaebum x Reader
“It’s a small secluded place, soundproof too. No one will what we do in here.”
Masterlist ♥︎
Request ☾
Part 1 ✧ Part 2 ✧ Part 3 ✧ Part 5
A/N: yo i finally had the time to finish this. I worked on this from when i got home from school till now (thats from like 2ish to 8ish w o w) i tried to make it as long as i could (my brain can only think of so much im sorry its not longer) but here yah gooo 
“Thank you Dowoon.” We were now in my bedroom after he had ran all the way here with me on his back. He was pacing around my room, pausing once in a while to look at my condition. He only hummed in response. “He said that he never wanted to do that bet, you know.” I say softly. He stops and glares at me, but mostly at what I said. “What?” He said sharply. I looked up from looking at my hands. “He said-” “Yeah I know what you said, he’s still a fucking asshole. Who kisses a girl against her will?” He came and sat down beside me on the edge of the bed.
I didn’t know what to feel anymore. Jaebum, the man who I thought hated me, the man who I loved tore my heart in half, just kissed me and confessed his feelings for me. It felt like I was dreaming, like I didn’t know what was right or wrong anymore. Dowoon was furiously tapping his foot up and down with his head in his hands. “I can’t just sit here when my best friend just basically got raped by her high school crush.” He stood up and started making his way to door. “Dowoon! He did not rape me, he just kissed me.” I said angrily. 
“Yeah, against your will.” He turned around and pointed at me. I rolled my eyes at his overdramatic ness. I put my hands on his shoulders to try and calm him down. “Dowoon look, I get that you’re mad but just try and calm down a little bit okay?” He looked at me like I had just grown three heads. “What’s gotten into you? You were mad at me two days ago for taking your lunch without asking, but you’re not mad about this?” 
“I’m just, confused.”    
I didn’t go to work the next day. My co-workers kept calling me but I didn’t want to deal with their worrying or scolding right now. They sent me texts, telling me that Jaebum was acting weird and they were asking me what we talked about yesterday when we were alone in the room. I didn’t bother answering those either. Dowoon never called me that day either. What if he does something to Jaebum? I shook my head from the thought. Why should I care?
I sat for a little bit more, thinking about yesterday. Maybe I should go today. I looked at my phone and saw that it was around 10 o’clock, work started at 9:30. I sat and thought about it for a bit. 
Fuck it. 
“I’m here guys! Sorry I’m late I was just.” I pause thinking of a lie. “A little sick.” They all looked at me then at each other but then went work. I went to my area and started putting my things on like I do every time. The short red haired girl came up to me and just stood beside me, not saying anything for a second. 
“Can I help you?” I asked. Everyone said that this girl barely talked to anyone, no one had her number or anything and she was always at work and always on time, here before anyone else was. “Are you pregnant?” She asked suddenly. My eyes widened and I felt like they were going to pop out of their socket. “Excuse me?!” She just nodded then started walking away, back to her own area. Why did she ask me that? What’s her problem? 
Just then the manager ran into the room, getting everyone’s attention immediately. “Everyone may I have your attention! You have the rest of the day off today!” He said loudly and everyone sighed happily. “Why do we have the rest of the day off?” I asked softly. The manager looked at me and gave me a serious look. “Jaebum was hurt badly by one of the younger debuts.” He stated. Everyone gasped and started whispering. “W-who was it?” Another girl asked. The manager sighed again and rubbed the back of his neck. “His name is Yoon Dowoon.” 
I gasped loudly and everyone looked at me. “Y/n is something wrong?” One said. “Wait aren’t you friends with him? I hear you talk on the phone with him sometimes.” Another says. I didn’t care to answer their questions right now. “How, h-how badly is he hurt?” I asked hesitantly. He looked at me then shook his head. “I’m sorry I can’t tell you that, but just know that it was severe enough that he has to be in the hospital. So you can all go home since there is no more work to be done.” He nods his head then walks out leaving everyone in the room stunned. Everyone immediately started talking to each other, trying to guess what happened. 
What did Dowoon do? How bad did he hurt him? All these thoughts I didn’t have the answer too kept flying into my head. Could Dowoon do such a thing? Maybe it was a misunderstanding. Yeah, Dowoon wouldn’t do that to someone. I decided to call him instead of assuming things to make me feel better. Ater about the third ring he picked up and by now I was the only one left in the room, everyone else has left. 
“Hello? Y/n?” He said. His voice was a little shaky and sort of raspy. “Dowoon please tell me you didn’t hurt Jaebum.” I pleaded desperately. He didn’t answer right away, making me twice as nervous as before. “Dowoon please I swear, I told you not to do anything!” I raised my voice as I started pacing around in the small room, something I do when I’m nervous. “Y/n, I’m sorry. I just wasn’t thinking and I was so mad and-” 
“Dowoon I can’t believe you! He didn’t do anything!” I yelled even louder than before, making my voice echo slightly. I was scared, nervous and mad. All I could think about was how we we’re going to get out of this situation and how mad I was at Dowoon. I stopped pacing and swept my open hand through my hair. I hated myself for being worried about Jaebum and how he was holding up. What if Dowoon did something really bad? The manager had said it was severe. “I’m sorry Y/n, how can I make it up to you? Please.” I shook my head, even though he couldn’t see me. “Dowoon can we just leave each other alone for a little bit. Just after all of this ends.” 
I heard him sadly sigh over the phone, giving a small ‘okay’ then ending the call, not even saying goodbye. I put my phone in my back pocket and then sat down in one of the chairs putting my head in my hands, thinking over everything that has happened over the time I had started working here. The 7 boys who had bullied me in high school, I now do their makeup. Jaebum, the man who did hate me had kissed me then the next day my best friend for 5 years had maybe almost killed him. 
I leaned back into my chair and groaned loudly. Maybe I should go visit Jaebum. He might have no visitors, and I don’t know what hospital he’s in. I kept thinking, debating if I should give the effort to look for him or just wait for the news. I got up from the chair and made my way to the door, opening it then walking out. I was met with a dark hallway, only a few lights were on and there were about five people walking around. Man this place clears out quick. I kept walking down the hall and wondered if I should ask one of these people where Jaebum is staying, but I thought that would be suspicious. I just watched as the people rushed by me into other rooms then coming out with papers. I heard music playing in some of the rooms and guessed it was other groups or solo people. 
I made it to the elevator and waited for the signal that I could get on. It finally dinged and I traveled into the small space with my head down and pressed the button for the bottom floor. The doors closed and the elevator jerked downwards giving me a weird feeling in my stomach. I stood there silently as soft elevator played, thinking to myself. I tend to do that a lot now, thinking about how I’m going to fix everything I seemed to mess up. Why I was ever so stupid to believe the things people told me. 
“Excuse me, ma'am?” 
I whipped my head to the side to see a very nice young looking man with light brown hair and tan ish skin. I could tell he was American or Canadian from his eyes and body structure, also how his skin wasn’t as pale. He was decently good looking with blue-ish grey eyes. He was wearing just a simple white t-shirt and jeans with a black toque on. “U-um yes?” He motioned his head towards the door then smiled, showing off his perfectly white straight teeth. I looked towards the door to see that it was open again. “Oh yes, sorry I was just thinking.” He nodded and let me get out first and then followed me out. We were awkwardly walking side by side to the front door until he decided to speak up. “My names Luke.” He outstretched his hand for me to shake it. I shook his hand, smiling and then introducing myself also. “I’m Y/n.” Luke smiled as he retreated his hand back to his side.
“That’s a pretty name.” I looked down so he wouldn’t catch my blushing face as I played with my fingers and thanked him softly. “So, what do you do here?” He asked as he started to continue walking. I looked up and quickened my pace, trying to catch up with him. “Oh I’m a stylist for the group Got7.” He hummed in response but didn’t say anything afterwards about what he did. 
“What do you do?” I looked up at him, waiting for his answer. Boy was he tall. I was guessing he must be at least 6 feet, or it seems like it to me because of my short height. He looked down and smiled, catching my staring I immediately turned my head so I was looking ahead. He chuckled softly. “I’m just a boring old studio manager.” I scoffed. “Studio managers aren’t boring, you have a pretty stressful job. I would say.” He pondered my comment for awhile. “I guess you’re right.” 
We made it too the front doors and I was about to bid goodbye when he stopped me. “Wait, can I have your number? You seem nice and I really want to get to know you.” He got quieter at the end of his sentence, seeming like he was shy. I giggled and nodded, asking for his phone so I could put my number in. 
Once we exchanged numbers, we went our separate ways. I didn’t catch the glance he made my way when I was turning around.                                                              
“Dowoon I said I needed some time to think about everything.” Dowoon had tried calling me and talking to me everyday after the incident. It had been almost a week and he was still trying. Jaebum still wasn’t back from the hospital but there was rumor that he was coming back tomorrow. Since there was nothing to do, we were temporarily moved to Dowoon’s group until jaebum gets better. 
Dowoon still didn’t give up, holding my shoulders do I wouldn’t escape from him. “Y/n please, I miss my best friend.” A hint of desperation was in his voice, his hands tightening their grip on my shoulders. “Dowoon I’m right in front of you, it’s not like I’m dead. I just need time.” I simply stated. I softly moved his arms from my shoulders and walked back to my station as he sadly stared at my back as I walked away. 
Jaebum was finally out of the hospital and he looked like he was just ran over by 12 buses. His hair was tethered and some of the dye has faded. He had some cuts on his face and bruises on his arms. Everyone in the room gasped at his appearance. He slowly trailed into the room and sat down at my chair, his expression appearing to be angry. I guess when your stylist's best friend attacks you right after you kissed them, I would be mad too.
 He didn’t acknowledge me at all. He just stared into the mirror, wincing at his appearance. “Jae-Jaebum are you alright?” I asked hesitantly just as I was picking up the foundation to cover up his scars. He didn’t answer. Only closing his eyes and loudly sighing. I softly started to apply the foundation without his permission anyway, presuming he just wanted a natural look as he normally did. 
He never stopped me. I almost thought he was sleeping but he moved my hand once in awhile if I ever hit one of his cuts to hard. I stopped suddenly but he didn’t react. As much as I hate to say it, I was worried about him. What happened to him? Why is he acting like this?
“Jaebum, can we talk for a second?” He opened one eye. It felt like he was trying to find out what I was implying but when he nodded and got up I’m guessing he couldn’t figure out what I wanted to talk about. He led me out of the small room and turned down the hallway. He looked for a room as I followed him. He suddenly turned and lead me into a smaller room than the one before. It was slightly bigger than a janitor’s closet but smaller than a studio room. 
“Why are we in here?” I asked while looking around in the room. There was barely anything in it, just a few boxes and some mic stands. He glanced at me before leaning on the wall. “It’s a small secluded place, soundproof too. No one will what we do in here.” He stated. I started to get nervous and I felt my face get hotter. He saw my face and started to chuckle. “What? Are you nervous about being alone in here with me?” I glared at him and shook my head. “What is this place anyway?” I smirked at me before sighing and looking around the plain room. 
“It’s going to be a room where we would go and just practice our vocals. It’s not quite ready yet.” 
He suddenly moved closer to me, almost pushing me against the wall but not quite. My eyes widened and I moved back on instinct. My back hit the wall and he smirked, moving closer. “Do I still have an effect on you? Even after all these years?” My heart was beating so fast I swear he could hear it. My face was so hot I blessed the gods that it was dark in here so he couldn’t see my tomato of a face. “J-Jaebum I came in here to talk to you.” 
He didn’t move from his position and ignored my comment. “Cause you still have an effect on me, you know.” I gulped as my face got even hotter, if that was possible. He leaned in even more, almost closing the small space between us. “Why don’t we have a proper kiss this time?” My senses came back after he said the word kiss. I lightly pushed him back and regained control over the situation as I was finally able to calm down. “That’s what I wanted to talk to you about. Also what did Dowoon do to you?” 
His expression immediately got darker making me more nervous than before. I tried backing away but my back was already pressed against the wall. “I don’t want to talk about that.” He stayed in place just staring at the floor angrily. His breathing got louder and I got scared that he was either going to faint or angrily hit something or worse, me.
We stood in silence for a little bit. The only noise was our breathing and my fast heart beating. I debated whether or not to leave since everyone was probably wondering where we went by now and I didn’t want to cause a riot of people looking for the man that just got back from the hospital for being attacked by a person who worked here. “Jaebum I think we should leave now.” I quietly said, already walking to the door. He glanced up at me then to the door. He sighed then got up aiming for the door handle but the door suddenly opened and in walked Luke. 
He was surprised, looking from me to Jaebum with his eyebrow raised in a shocked positioning. He pointed from Jaebum to me “Am I interrupting something or?” I quickly shook my head while Jaebum just scoffed. “No! We were just talking.” Luke nodded his head slowly still looking at Jaebum. “Well are you guys done talking because I have to set up the room.” He moved past us and into the room, starting to take out mics from the boxes and putting them on the mic stands. “Um yes we’re leaving now. Let’s go Jaebum.” I grabbed his arm and dragged him out of the room and I heard Luke chuckle softly.
“Who is that beach bum?” Jaebum said from behind me. I rolled my eyes. “He’s not a beach bum Jaebum, he works here. He’s a studio manager.” Jaebum scoffed at my answer. “I’ve never seen him before; and how do you know him?” I rolled my eyes once again. “I met him on the elevator; and what’s with all the questions?” He didn’t answer. 
We made it back to the room but no one questioned our disappearance, they were all doing the same thing as when we left. “I thought everyone would be flipping out because we were gone for so long.” I tailed off just thinking outloud. I looked around and made eye contact with the short red haired girl. She was doing Youngjae’s makeup. She caught my eye and gave me a sympathetic look then rubbed her stomach before turning back to continue with Youngjae. Did she just- Yah. I’m not pregnant you. I scoffed at her mentally then went to my station which Jaebum was already seated at, playing on his phone. 
“We didn’t get to talk about that kiss Jaebum.” He stopped playing in his phone, shutting it off before looking up at me from his spot in the chair. “What’s there to talk about? I kissed you and then your friend beat me up, even though you told him not too. He just couldn’t resist could he?” I narrowed my eyes at him. “How do you know I told him not to?” He swiveled around so he was facing me but still in the chair. “He told me while he was basically beating me up.” He got up and just stared at me not saying anything then smirked.
I looked away, not wanting to meet his piercing gaze. He grabbed my chin, making me look at him. He wasn’t smirking anymore, his eyes held something in them but i couldn’t quite figure out what it was. “You’re really beautiful, Y/n.” He said as soft as a whisper. I couldn’t move. I couldn’t breath. He was so close to me that it reminded me of the first time he kissed me. I never thought of it but his kiss actually, felt good. “Jaebum there are people-” He put his finger on my lip making me stop talking.
“Can I please kiss you Y/n, without your friend interrupting us. I truly did love you. I can’t be more sorry for hurting you like that. If I could turn back time, I would’ve never agreed to that bet.”
His voice was so soft and soothing. I almost let him, wanting the feeling of his lips against mine again. I hated how I never moved on from him but I’m also grateful that didn’t, because I’m now standing in front of my high school crush, so close that if I moved even a little our lips would touch. “Y/n.” He said my name so softly, he said it with so much delicacy.
Before he could say or do anything else I moved forward and put my lips against his, for a slow and passionate kiss.                 
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