#maastrash fic
maastrash · 6 years
Second Chances Chapter 2
Summary: For Azriel, Elain Archeron is the one that got away. He had been deeply in love with her since high school–even though she had no clue who he was. Now, 10 years later, Elain is engaged and happy. Knowing he missed his chance, Azriel tries to move on from the girl who captured his heart for so long. But, when Elain’s wedding is suddenly canceled, fate seems to finally be on his side. The world has given him a second chance, and this time he won’t mess it up.
A/N: I like this chapter so much more than the first and we finally get some Elriel fluff!!! Also, shout out to my incredibly wonderful beta @fireheart-of-your-dreams who fixed my MANY grammatical errors 💗she’s the best! Anyways hope you all enjoy :)
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Masterlist // AO3 
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Azriel tried not to fidget as he waited for the door to open. By the cauldron, it had been ten years since he’d seen Elain Archeron face to face. Occasionally he had looked her up on social media, but all the stalking in the world could not prepare him for when she opened the door.
She was still the most beautiful girl he’d ever seen. Her hazel eyes sparkling, her golden brown hair falling beautifully out of her messy bun, and damn if she didn't look devastating in her pajamas. Azriel didn’t even know he was staring until Rhys coughed, interrupting his thoughts. Azriel quickly snapped out of his daze, trying and failing to suppress the heat rising to his cheeks. Luckily, Elain saved him from embarrassment and started talking first.
“Azriel,” she said softly. “Long time no see.”
He couldn’t believe she actually knew who he was. “Elain, you look lovely.” Thank goodness his voice sounded more confident than he felt.
“Please come in,” she said, stepping out of the way to let him and Rhys enter.
Rhys immediately went to embrace Feyre. Gods, those two hadn’t even been apart 2 hours and they acted like it had been years. Azriel could only hope to find a love like theirs one day.
“So,” Feyre said breaking the silence “If we’re actually going to make this work, you guys need to practice and get a story straight. We don’t leave until tomorrow so that should give you plenty of time to prepare.”
“Feyre mentioned that you were going to bring your new boyfriend a few weeks back, Elain, so it won’t be suspicious,” Rhys added.
“A weeks ago?” Elain turned to Azriel. “Did you know about this?”
Az chuckled “I found about 30 minutes ago. Don’t worry, we’re on the same boat. Rhys and Feyre like to plan on their own and then let us know at the last minute.
“Hey!” Feyre interrupted. “I knew you were gonna say yes, so I came prepared. Also, the only people who know it’s fake are Rhys, Cass, and Nesta, so you’re gonna have to put on a show for literally everyone else.”
“I think we can handle it,” Az said smoothly.
“Ok well we’ll leave you two alone to get your story straight,” Rhys said heading towards the door.
“Oh, and by the way, I already packed for you, Elain! You’re welcome!” she called as she shut the door behind them.
“Those two,” Az chuckled.
“Tell me about it,” Elain smiled lightly.
Gods, she was absolutely stunning when she smiled.
“So,” he said, rubbing his neck sheepishly, “got any ideas for how we met?”
“Hmm… I’ve always wanted a super cute ‘how we met’ story since Greyson and I just met in a college class,” she trailed off.
“What about we had the same favorite coffee shop and kept running into each other before work?” he suggested.
“I like it. Cute and believable.”
“How long have we been together?” Az asked
“I mean, considering my breakup...” Elain paused. “I’d say not too long. Maybe 2 months?”
“Sounds good. Now we should get to know each other. Favorite color?” he asked, sitting down on the couch.
“Pink,” Elain said gently, settling down next to him.
“I like blue and black.”
“Ooh. Dark and mysterious. Favorite holiday?”
“Hmm. I’d have to say Christmas.”
“Me too.” She grinned. “Why?”
“Ok don’t judge me” Az started hesitantly “Me, Rhys, and Cass have an annual snowball fight. We’ve been doing it since we were kids.”
Elain couldn’t help but burst out laughing, and Az thought it was the most beautiful sound he’d heard in a while. He wanted to keep making her laugh.
“You still do that?” she gasped. “Like as adults?”
“Hey, one day, you’ll have to join us. You’ll see what all the fun is about,” he said, smirking.
With a giggle, Elain responded, “I just might have to.”
Hours passed, and Elain and Azriel asked questions until they knew everything a couple should know about each other.
When Feyre and Rhys returned, it was morning, but neither Elain or Az had slept. In fact, Elain couldn’t believe so much time had passed.
And, although she was still mourning her tragedy of an engagement, it felt good to laugh and smile again. Even better, it was nice to just feel something again. It was as if talking to Azriel made her pain and fear fade for a bit. It also didn’t hurt that she had fun with Azriel. He was funny, sweet, and surprisingly, they had a lot in common.
“OMG, did you guys stay up and talk all night?” Feyre exclaimed.
“I guess we did,” Az said sheepishly.
“Well, I guess you guys really will pass for a couple,” Rhys chuckled.
“Oh, perfect, you just reminded me” Feyre burst. “We need pictures of you guys in different outfits and locations to show the family.”
“Oh, yeah, I guess that makes sense,” Elain said, trying to fight her blush,
“Perfect. Go get changed. We’ll wait for you outside and bring your suitcases because we’re going to the airport straight after,” Feyre called.
Elain was so tired she could barely keep her eyes open as she waited in the airport security line. Feyre had made them take pictures everywhere and change outfits constantly. They had gone to the park, the coffee shop, the movies, restaurants, smoothie places, the mall, and she was utterly exhausted.
By the time they made it through security and were at the gate Elain was dozing off until someone gently nudged her shoulder.
“White chocolate mocha?” Az asked. “I thought you could use the caffeine.”
“You thought right,” Elain chuckled. “Thank you. I’ll pay you back later.”
“Don’t even think about it,” he said with a wink.
Az had been her boyfriend for 1 day, and he was already more generous and thoughtful than Greyson had ever been. Fake boyfriend, Elain had to remind herself. This wasn’t real. Azriel was only doing her a favor. It didn’t help that he was so kind and everything she wanted in a boyfriend - she stopped herself. He wasn’t her boyfriend. He was just being a good friend. Elain kept telling herself that until she knew she wouldn’t forget it.
When they finally boarded, Elain sighed and settled into her seat. The lack of sleep from the night before and the exhaustion from the photo shoot finally seemed to catch up with her. As the flight attendants droned on about safety precautions, Elain closed her eyes and let herself fade away.
Azriel turned to see Elain sleeping on his shoulder. It was the cutest thing he had ever seen. She looked so peaceful and happy - he groaned. He had to stop this. He was just here as a fake boyfriend. She just had her heart broken and he shouldn’t even be thinking of her like that. He was helping out a friend and nothing more. Az was still trying to get Elain out of his mind when he, too, dozed off.
“Feyre what are you doing? Rhys whispered, “You look like a crazy person.”
“This is too cute! Don’t worry, they’ll thank me for it later,” Feyre answered as she snapped a picture of the sleeping pair.
“You know, they’re not actually dating right?”
“At least not yet,” Feyre said, mischief coating every word.
“I don’t even want to know what you’re thinking,” Rhys groaned.
“Then just wait and see.”
Looking at the picture, Feyre couldn’t help but smile. They were already such a perfect couple.
Let me know if you want to be tagged!!
PS this is how I imagined Feyre's picture lolz
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Tagging these sisters:  @court-of-fuck-me-daddy @girlnovels @aelinninielelain  @julesherondalex @rosehallshadowsinger @ifangirlninja @dreamerforever-5 @queen-of-wings-and-fire @rhysanoodle @jemma-nessian-and-elriel @books-and-words-addict @nightinshadow @wolffrising  
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ncssian · 4 years
some nessian fics i really like + why i like them;
this coincidentally went along with @anidealiveson's thanksvember idea, but it's a little different. these are either my favorite nessian fics ever or fics that i thought did something really well so im gonna put them in the hall of fame anyway :)
(also im sure most people have already heard of most of these but idc)
Sympathy for the Devil by @saphie3243: ACOTAR series told from Nesta's POV; maybe the best and most comprehensive take on Nesta's thoughts, inner workings, and emotions. It gives such an honest glimpse into her character that it feels like canon. Would recommend if you love reading longass essays on why Nesta is the way she is.
POETRY by @sayosdreams: short oneshot where Nessian are assigned to a creative writing project together that was just tender enough to imprint on my mind forever; on this list for the line "I think I just fell a little bit in love with you."
Drops of Sapphire by @sayosdreams: open for a surprise :)
Like Pristine Glass by @ladynestaarcheron: I only read one chapter of this fic and it was the last one, which meant I cried all night and refused to read it from the beginning b/c it hurt (also great writing). Features Nesta running away from the Night Court, Nesta with kids, and Cassian being forced to face his mistakes.
Tidal by @flowerflamestars: No thoughts all I know is that Pacific Rim sexy!!! The aesthetic makes me feral and jaeger-pilot Nessian make me feral!!
Love Her Like She Should Be Loved by @julemmaes: This fic is so crucial for anyone who's ever wanted to slap the IC around or see Cassian stand up for his girl. I wish there was a word for this specific trope b/c it's my favorite trope ever, but for now I call it romantic-partner-goes-feral-when-people-are-mean-to-the-love-of-their-life. Also Nesta being treated like an outcast will never not make me cry.
Sister by @theoverlyenthusiasticwriter: the same trope as LHLSSBL! Newly mated to Nesta, Cassian's temper is hanging on by a thread when he has to be around Rhys and the IC, remembering how they treated Nesta when she was depressed and alone. Very angsty and dramatic ficlet; 5 stars. (this person has a lot of amazing nessian fics this one is just my favorite)
Under The Weather by @thewayshedreamed: my favorite take of the many Cassian-taking-care-of-sick-Nesta fics out there. It feels extra special when Nesta and Cassian are barely acquaintances but he'll drop everything to take care of her anyway. Also caring Cassian>>> cocky Cassian.
Hellhound by @thewayshedreamed: more caring Cassian! He intervenes when Nesta is on the verge of a panic attack and helps calm her down and it's all very sweet and soft. (oneshot)
Mad Woman by @smallerinfinities: this fic is fairly new but it instantly grabbed my attention; it has escort Cassian providing Nesta with ~therapy~ which I didn't know I needed until I read it for myself. (multipart)
What's Wrong With A Good Story? by @maastrash: I can't believe I forgot to add this the first time around but this fic is a Nessian staple! Other than Nesta in scrubs and terminally ill Cassian (crying), the relationship development in this fic is adorable and makes me not care if the ending is tragic or not.
A Court of Fever and Frustration by @theoverlyenthusiasticwriter: nesta takes care of cassian this time, and it's PERFECTTT. romance has always been about the little details to me, and this fic is full of little details: rubbing someone's back, knowing where they're hurting without asking, soothing touches. i also think being sick makes characters vulnerable in a way that physical injuries just can't and i love seeing cassian absolutely wrecked in front of nesta. ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️
some hand-picked faves from @lady-therion's masterlist (these are the five-star comfort fics for when i'm really missing nessian):
Close Quarters: snowed-in-a-cabin fic that is soft, warm, and ~tender~
The Warrior's Heart: mostly smut, but like poignant smut? it's not necessarily emotional but it makes me emotional, and it's entirely because of the writing.
Entirely My Own: more of the same type of smut that makes me feel the same way as TWH. i think the word i'm looking for is "intimacy", and it's my absolute favorite thing to find in a fic.
Honorable mention goes to Her Dark Affection: dom!Nesta, enough said.
this is definitely not an exhaustive list and im sure i've forgotten a lot of wonderful fics, but i will be updating this as i find/remember more fics i love! also make sure to check out the complete masterlists of all these writers bc there are definitely works not on this list that i think people would enjoy the hell out of.
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maastrash · 6 years
I love your writing so much!! can you tag me in Second Chances??
Aww that’s so sweet thank you sm!! I will absolutely tag you 🥰❤️
For anyone who hasn’t read you can find the masterlist here :)
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julemmaes · 3 years
the seven of us tag list
If I've tagged you in this post it means you're in my general acotar tag list, but I've been meaning to make a tsou specific one for a while now. In case you're relatively new to my blog you might not even know what I'm talking about, but it'd be my next gen nessian fic, this one right here.
If you wanna be tagged in this, please reblog this post, if you don't, just don't interact with this post at all and I'll know not to add you:)
@sjm-things @kris10maas @awesomelena555 @sannelovesreading @queenamydien-of-nargothrond @ireallyshouldsleeprn @messyhairday-me @ncssian @observationanxioustheorist @my-fan-side @booksstorm @maastrash @sayosdreams @thedarkdemigod @courtofjurdan @thewayshedreamed @hellasblessed @nahthanks @archeron-queens-blog @sleeping-and-books @bri-loves-sunflowers @thegoddessofyou @ghostlyrose2 @claralady @queenestarcheron @oop-theregoesgravity @perseusannabeth @terrible-and-proud @anne-reads @fantastypenguins @laylaameer01 @thalia-2-rose @darkshadowqueensrule @bookstantrash @lanyjoy-13 @the-regal-warrior @lordof-bloodshed @swankii-art-teacher @rowaelinismyotp @dealingdifferentdevils @moodymelanist @live-the-fangirl-life @flora-shadowshine @ladygabrielli1997 @gabtapia @meridainthedisneyland @nessianforlife @superspiritfestival @rhysandswingspan
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1000 Follower Celebration
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First off - Holy Shit, I honestly can’t believe it.
I can’t express enough how touched I am by all your continued support and encouragement 🥰 Wow!
I’ve been blown away by this community - even more so once I started writing - you all make me so happy.
To celebrate, I wanted to do something fun!
Send me a Title and I will write a 100 word drabble for the potential fic
I promise to answer every submission!
Thank you all so much for your unending support. Tumblr has become my happy place, and fic writing a joy.
I love you.
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1k followers celebration collection
@acourtofsnakes @allthebooksunderthemoon @astra-ad-mare @becarefuloflove @booklover41802 @charlizeed @cookiemonsterwholovesbooks @danibutterr @doubt-less @emily-gsh @enormousbooklover @foughtconquered @fromthelibraryofemilyj @hakunamatatazz @i-have-but-one-brain-cell @in-love-with-caramel-macchiato @jorjy-jo @lemonade-coolattas @mariamuses @mayhemories @midsizewitch @rowaelinrambling @morganofthewildfire @nerdperson524 @rowaelinismyotp @rowansfirebringer @sayosdreams @sheharahu @sleeping-and-books @stardelia @story-scribbler @superspiritfestival @themoonthestarsthesuriel @swankii-art-teacher @tomtenadia @westofmoon @whimsicallyreading @moodymelanist @realbookloverproblems @gracie-rosee @julemmaes @yesdreamblog @the-regal-warrior @rowanaelinn @thestoriesyoutell @autumnbabylon @sunflowermoonshinewrites @maastrash @annejulianneh111 @the-lonelybarricade
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elrielllll · 4 years
I just want to help
A/N: Hey guys! So this is an extra scene from one of my previous mini fics, I just want to help. Remember that?😅 You don’t have to read the other 3 parts to understand this one, but if you fancy some elriel angst- it’s right here !
I missed writing these two in this universe so much, so I hope you enjoy!  
Word count: 1432
She was tired. She was sick of it. She was fed up. And she wanted out. Those were the thoughts that were running on repeat through Elain’s head. 
It was midnight, or sometime after that, she wasn’t really sure, and she was alone. She was in the garden, eyes closed, letting the night's wind kiss her cheeks, feeling the gentle sting as it touched the tracks the tears had left on her skin. The robe she was wearing was thin, it was the first one she’d come across and Elain couldn’t bear to go back inside, and her toes curled into the damp soil in protest to the thought. 
Why did he do this? 
Elain… she just didn’t understand. She only wanted to help him, to heal him, to make him see that he had a friend. 
He’d come home injured. It...it had physically hurt Elain to see him in pain. Alone. In pain. And then he let her heal him and she’d thought that she may have finally gotten through to him, broken past the harsh words, looks, the dismissals. She knew of course, that it was all an act, a defence but it had knocked her back time and time again. He had said thank you. That she did a good job and she helped him. 
But then he’d closed the door in her face, and with the sound of the lock clicking the echoes of his past words floated towards her. 
I don’t want you here.
I don’t. Want to be friends with you.
I don’t want your help. 
Usually less would have put her off. But that wasn’t the worst thing. No, the worst was how they clanged around in her hollow chest. Elain wished that she could say that it was a new feeling for her, but of course it wasn’t. But maybe- maybe worse than that was the look he’d gotten in his eyes when she’d told him she wasn’t going to let him push her away. 
“I’m not going anywhere Azriel. You can push me away all you like but I’m not going anywhere. I’ve already got shot for you, what worse is there?”  
“A lot.” 
“Then I guess I’m going to find out.” 
And it was there- right there in his eyes. Hope
“You should leave.” 
“I don’t want you here.” 
“That’s a shame. Because I’m not going.” 
And again- hope. 
“You’re staying?” 
It was that memory- of that hope that seemed to haunt her more than anything else. It was like she was an addict, she wanted more and more of it until his eyes were shining like honey and the cloud of doubt was gone. Through all this, even if she was crying, in the garden, in the middle of the night because of him…she couldn’t hate him. And she still couldn’t stay away. 
Elain could fight for something just as well as anybody else. 
And she truly believed that he deserved a chance. 
Slowly, through all this thinking, her breathing had evened out and the tears had stopped. She felt strangely at peace. It was odd, and there was no way for her to describe why she felt like that, how on earth she wasn’t angry or upset, she didn’t know. 
Maybe it was her visions? Maybe they knew something she didn’t yet. Maybe he was worth it. 
Lots of maybes and no certainties. That seemed to be Elain’s new certain. 
The wind picked up the speed, whipping around her bare ankles and she shivered, opening her eyes and pulling her robe tighter around herself. She was aware of her hair falling out of it’s messy braid but she didn’t have the effort to move it. Then the gust of wind died away, and in its place was measured footsteps. 
They whispered on the grass and a single shadow coiled around her foot. She smiled down at it gently, fondly almost. She was fascinated by them, how they worked, why and where they came from and why this one in particular seemed to like her. Much the same questions she had for the male they belonged to- though perhaps excluding the last one. 
She was tired. She was sick of it. She wasn’t really fed up. She didn’t want out. 
A throat cleared lowly behind her and she lifted her head. She stayed quiet, and slowly, so slowly he moved to her side. 
Elain felt like she was moving through water, like the peace she’d felt was making her sluggish as she glanced to where he stood. He was close enough that she could reach out to him and touch his hand. 
She didn’t. 
He didn’t speak, and he didn’t look at her. So she didn’t speak and she didn’t look at him. Instead she looked at the patch of poppies that had been struggling recently. They were doing better now, a lot better. It had seemed that an extra bit of love and time was all that they’d needed. 
A rough sound from her right caught her attention. She let her gaze flick to Azriel and saw him swallow heavily before clearing his throat for the third time that night. So Elain took pity on him. 
“How’s your side? A lot of pain?” 
He didn’t look at her when he spoke. She thought that perhaps he was seeing his own Elain right in front of him. 
“No,” he said roughly. “No, you did a really good job. Thank you.” 
Elain dipped her head. “Of course.” 
There was a pause and the air sat heavy between them. Then he said: “ you’re crying.” He must have looked at her then. Elain was uncomfortable with how much that made her feel. 
“I was,” she said simply and she caught him nodding tightly out of the corner of her eye. His shoulders tensed. 
“I-” he started- then stopped himself. His jaw clenched and his shadows drew closer to him. The one by her foot remained. 
“Why are you here Azriel?” Elain finally asked. She was tired. She was sick of it. 
He was silent for a long time. Maybe thinking, maybe ignoring her, she didn’t know. 
When he spoke, it was so low that she barely caught it. 
“I don’t want to be alone.” 
Elain wasn’t sure that she’d heard him correctly. But then he spoke clearer. “I don’t want to be alone anymore.” Maybe it was the garden that made him open, showing her the faintest hint of himself through that fissure that she’d managed to create. He said it again, to her this time. 
“I don’t want to be alone.” 
“You don’t have to be.” 
Azriel glanced at her in surprise, and in all honesty, Elain was surprised by herself too. That was normally the kind of thing she said in her head and kept for her alone. 
“You don’t have to be alone Azriel,” she repeated, taking in a deep breath that tasted of flowers. 
His voice was like silk. “Are you lonely?” 
Elain didn’t want to pretend. “Sometimes. But I’m working on it.” 
That seemed to strike him. He didn’t speak for a while and she didn’t push him.
Eventually he moved towards her, his shadows moving until they encased them both. 
“You’re cold,” he said and Elain couldn’t help the smile. 
“And you’re very observant.” 
Maybe his smile was like a whisper and that was why she couldn’t hear it. He lightly shrugged out of his jacket and held it up tightly between his hands. “May I?” he asked and Elain nodded. He reached around her to drape the jacket over her and Elain’s breath caught as his breath brushed her cheek and his fingertips lightly trailed her arms. The scent of him surrounded her and she couldn’t fight to keep her eyes from fluttering closed. 
He was gone as soon as he arrived. As he stepped back he told her, “I have to go. I’m sorry.” With a powerful beat of his wings and a new gust of wind he took off, leaving her to watch his silhouette against the bright night sky. 
Elain thought that maybe his apology was for more than just leaving. 
She snuggled further into his jacket, warm from his body and let herself feel covered by his scent. It was heavy, like he was here with her. 
Elain was about to walk back inside when she felt a tickle on her ankle. Looking down she saw that he’d left that little shadow with her. A smile pulled on her lips and she gripped the lapels of his jacket tighter. 
She was tired.
~~~~~~~~~~~ Thank you for reading!! 
@classywastelandpirate @sleeping-and-books @meowsekai @awkward-avocado-s @superspiritfestival @abraxos-is-toothless @stars-falling @thesirenwashere @queen-of-glass @nite0wl29 @negativenesta @illyrian-bookworm @theshadowsinger-and-thefawn @b00kworm @tswaney17@welcometothespeaknowworldtour @cursebreaker29 @thewayshedreamed @perseusannabeth @bamchikawowow @qoingcrazy @lovemollywho @tyheronthorn @gorl-power @fucking-winchester-trash @keshavomit @a-happybird @mysweetvilllain @thefangirlofhp @woodland-mist @maastrash @empress-ofbloodshed @courtofjurdan @dreamerforever-5 @jemma-nessian-and-elriel @maybekindasortaace @elriel-incorrect-quotes @verifiefangirl @myshadowsingeraz  @ireallyshouldsleeprn  @januarysears @illyriangarbage @lord-douglas-the-third  @laylaameer01 @illyrianwitchling @awesomelena555  @laylaameer01 @fatimafares123 @illyrian-lover-flower @ireallyshouldsleeprn
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shyvioletcat · 3 years
I have no idea if you’ve seen NCIS: LA, but they have an episode just like your fic Treacherous of two agents posing as a married couple in the suburbs!! It’s season 3 episode 22 for reference!
Prompt based on that: A comes home and sees blood, panics and follows the trail thinking B has been hurt/killed. Carefully pushes the door open and finds A has simply cut their foot and didn’t hear B
I have watched some and I did go looking for this episode but came up bust in my search. It could have provided some good inspiration I’m sure. We all love a good fake relationship.
*EDIT: TAGLIST DONE. Sorry if you’ve already seen it and are getting the notification.*
Treacherous Masterlist
Grabbing the shopping bags out of the boot of the car Rowan swept his foot under it to activate the automatic close, all the while suppressing a yawn. He was dead tired. Aelin had gotten her revenge after the pen incident, setting an alarm clock in his room to wake him up at exactly 3:47. The damned thing hadn’t been within reach so he had to get out of bed to turn it off. And from copious missions together Aelin knew once he was up, he was up so he’d hadn’t bothered to try and get back to sleep. Knowing her she might have set others up in the room anyway, even if he had tried to sleep again paranoia would have kept him awake. All the while she slept blissfully across the hall.
Being just the two of them in the house they hadn’t bothered to keep up the bed sharing part of the charade. They slept in separate rooms and thank the gods for that. If he didn’t have that space to himself he might have never been able to get away from her and have some quiet. Aelin seemed to fill every room she was in and it was suffocating for him… most of the time. She had a way with people he had admired at times, it was what made her such a good agent, especially when undercover. Not that he would ever tell her any of that. No need to inflate her already insufferable ego.
When he had grumpily asked her over his third cup of coffee why she’d chosen 3:47 exactly she’d smiled at him, bright and cheery as ever after sleeping in until 8 o’clock, and alluded to some lockeroom talk she’d heard about certain measurements—in millimetres. When he had rolled his eyes she had gone on to clarify she was talking about 30 and not just 3 he’d promptly left the room, well and truly done with her immaturity. Her laughter had chased him out.
Shifting the shopping bags so he could open the back door, Rowan entered the kitchen expecting to find Aelin in there preparing the food for the ridiculous party tomorrow while listening to some obnoxious music very loudly just to piss him off. But she wasn’t, in fact the house was silent.
“Aelin,” he called, stepping around the length of the counter.
That was when he saw the blood.
Rowan dropped the bags, things crushing on impact. The blood pooled in one spot, then splatters made a path across the tiles. He didn’t have a gun on him, but there were enough stashed around the house and he found one in a low kitchen drawer. It was pointed and ready in moments and Rowan made sure he didn’t disturb the blood on the linoleum floor.
“Aelin,” he called again. “Agent Galathynius.”
Still silence. He followed the trail of blood towards the small bathroom that was on the bottom level, his heart pounding in his ears. There wasn’t enough that the situation looked dire, but the assailant may have dragged her off to another location, hidden away from windows. Why hadn’t the team been alerted to anything? Where was the back-up? Panic started to fill him, but his training kept it under control. If something had happened to Aelin…
He shook his head to shake out the thought. She was a perfectly capable agent, one of the best. Rowan was overreacting and he needed to calm down. A deep breath in and he nudged the door, when there was no reaction he kicked it open, gun ready. Eyes darting around the room, his gun dropped to the side when he took in the scene before him.
Aelin was seated on the floor, holding wads of toilet paper on a wound on her foot, wincing from what he gathered to be pain. She hadn’t noticed his entrance and was still focused on her foot.
“Aelin,” Rowan said, but got no response, so he tried a little louder. “Aelin.”
She jumped looking up at him. “Why do you have a gun?”
“Did you not hear me calling out?” Rowan asked, putting the safety back on the gun.
Aelin took small earbuds out of her ears. “What?”
Rowan rubbed a hand over his face, panic turned to exasperation. “I called out to you and you didn’t answer.”
“Podcast,” she held up her earbuds in explanation. “But the gun?” Aelin then asked him, her attention going back to her foot.
“The blood trail…” he said but didn’t elaborate.
Aelin straightened where she sat and looked up at him, then laughed. “Did you think I’d been murdered in the bathtub?”
Rowan didn’t answer her question. “Would you mind telling me what happened exactly?”
Aelin sighed. “I was trying to cook and I knocked a knife off the counter and my hands were full so I couldn’t catch it. It nicked my foot and now here we are.”
“Okay,” Rowan said, the adrenaline finally settling and he knelt down to assess the injury.
“What are you doing?” Aelin brows were furrowed in confusion.
“Inspecting the cut, you can’t get at it from the right angle,” Rowan said, turning her foot and earning a hiss.
“I can do it myself,” Aelin said and tried to pull her foot away but Rowan held firm. She relented with an over dramatic sigh and leaned her back on the bathtub.
Aelin had already got down what he needed, so he cleaned the cut up and foot, putting a large bandaid on it to stop the bleeding. “There,” Rowan said succinctly, brushing a thumb unconsciously along Aelin’s arch before letting go, making her suppress a laugh. She was ticklish.
“Hmm,” Aelin said, looking at him curiously.
“What?” Rowan asked, standing and washing his hands. When he turned around to dry his hands on a towel she was still looking at him.
“Careful Whitethorn, someone might think you were concerned for my well-being if they found out about this.”
“Not likely,” Rowan scoffed. “It was the paperwork I was concerned about.”
Aelin snorted and walked past him, Rowan taking a moment before he followed. There had been a moment when… He shook his head. Concern for a partner was only natural, no matter the feelings of enmity between them. The two of them couldn’t stand each other, but that didn’t mean he wanted her hurt or dead. Rowan left the bathroom, headed for the kitchen to put away the groceries when he heard a frustrated exclamation.
“Are you serious, Rowan?”
Any concern he had felt evaporated at Aelin’s tone. Entering the kitchen he found her holding a carton of eggs, leaking yellow and clear goop. They must have cracked when he dropped the bags in his panic at the blood.
“You need to go get more,” she told him, dropping the ruined eggs in the trash.
“No, I am not,” Rowan groaned. He was tired, he didn’t want to take another trip to the grocery store across town.
“Oh, you are. I needed those eggs for the barbecue tomorrow, so because of your overreaction over a little bit of blood I am now eggless,” Aelin explained. There was no answer from him as Aelin unrolled some paper towel to clean up both egg and blood. “Off you go.”
Too tired to fight anymore Rowan just grabbed his keys and left to get more precious eggs.
Tags:  @fucking-winchester-trash // @literary-licorice // @galyxsy // @tangledraysofsunshine // @highqueenofelfhame // @3am-reading // @soup-that-is-too-hawt // @aelinfire-bringer // @nalgenewhore // @highladyofthesith // @http-itsrebecca // @sleep-and-books // @alifletcher2012 // @westofmoon // @sleeping-and-books // @ttakeitbacknoww // @armixers-unite // @mariamuses // @chocolate-eating-bitch-queen // @velarian-trash // @queenofxhearts // @heroesofterrasen // @highladyofstoriesandmusic // @empire-of-wildfire // @camerooonchiu // @crackedship // @lowhangingtreebranches // @over300books // @yourwhisperingshadows // @thesirenwashere // @tswaney17 // @impossiblescissorspeachpaper // @cat5313 // @judelovescardan // @flowerspringsea // @chaoticskyy // @the-regal-warrior // @fanfictrash3000 // @blueeyes425 // @starseternalnighttriumphant // @bamchickawowow // @thehuntressofmoon // @giorgia-the-trashpanda // @flora-and-fae // @thereaderandfangirl // @illyrian-bookworm // @chemicha // @meltalgel // @gay-book-nerd // @that-odd-puzzle-piece // @i-love-all-books // @in-love-with-caramel-macchiato // @girl-who-reads-the-books // @hizqueen4life // @the-third-me // @1islessthan3books // @bestmelle // @cursebreaker29 // @b00kworm // @superspiritfestival // @aesthetics-11 // @maastrash // @mynewdreamwasyou // @the-last-apprentice // @charincharge // @firestarsandseneschals // @scarznstars // @absolute-dissapointment // @thesurielships // @df3ndyr // @trinitybailey2003 // @hellasblessed // @booknerdproblems // @larisssss // @sevenfreckles-for-sevenloves // @rolltide7 // @scandinavianromantic // @tillyrubes10 // @starwarsslytherin // @minaidss // @paytin77 // @jesstargaryenqueen // @anntheintrovert // @starbornvalkyrie // @loudphantomdragon // @woollycat22 // @claralady // @perseusannabeth // @fangirlprincess09 // @maddymelv // @sierrareads // @more-espresso-less-depresso-xx // @jlinez // @lysandra-ghost-leopard // @rowaelinismyotp // @pullnpeeltwizzlers // @anne-reads // @jadeaffliction // @gracie-rose // @elriel4life // @miserablesmusings // @tothestarswholistentodreamers // @littleboxofthunder // @empress-ofbloodshed // @booksbqueen // @rowanwhitethornisbae // @aelin-queen-of-terrasen // @alyx801 // @amandaswallowtail // @louiseleblancdiggory // @abookishfreak // @danibutterr // @nicetomeetyoufabi // @icantpeopletoday // @post-it-notes33 // @crystalfireandblazingice // @mariejulie2000 // @thegreyj // @thenerdandfandoms // @castielspelvis // @swankii-art-teacher // @grandma-noob-lord // @vanzetanze // @lizzyfirebringer // @aflickeringsoul //  @highlady-brittney // @story-scribbler // @linguine-panini // @pastasiren // @surielandiareendgame //  @charlizeed // @endlessdaydream // @magnifique1807 // @wordsafterhours //
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divinerivals · 4 years
as ive joined the dark side, i need some good acotar blogs. would you mind recommending some? thanks hun!!
Alright babes. First off welcome and I’m so glad you finally jumped in and devoured all the books!!! I just have to bug you to read CC now lmao. 
Secondly, This is going to be a fairly long list so bare with me. In fact I’m just gonna have everything under the cut for you. This isn’t even close to all the amazing blogs out there. But it’s definitely a good start! I’m also breaking this down to two parts. General and fanfic. Some of these blogs you might be following already just a fyi.
Well let’s get to it huh?
*I did have to cut out several accts because there's a max amount on how many people you can tag 🙃 y'all feel free to add to this*
@blade-given-form @courtofmaasdestruction @darklove9314-blog @darkshadowqueensrule  @highfaenesta @illyriangarbage @inyourmindeye @justgiu12 @nessiancalore @ncssian @negativenesta @nesta-stan @nestalytical @nessian-archeron @nessianstuff @redisriding @romaisamaria @shameless-nessian-stan @silver-flames @silvernesta @sjmsstuff @the-bookish-deer @theshadowsinger-and-thefawn @trash-for-nessian @verifiefangirl
@aelin-queen-of-terrasen @charincharge @chococannolii @dawninlatin @elriel-incorrect-quotes @elucien @empress-ofbloodshed @julemmaes @ladynestaarcheron @maastrash @nightcourtcinnamonroll @noodlecatposts @rhysanoodle @sayosdreams  @seasonofthewicth @sensitiveillyrian @shyvioletcat @snelbz @starborn-faerie-queen @tacmc @thewayshedreamed @tswaney17 @unhealthyklarolineobsession @vidalinav @westofmoon
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maastrash · 6 years
It’s On, Archeron (Nessian Oneshot)
A/N: Ahh Happy Valentine’s Day everyone! I finally wrote my fic celebrating 800 followers! Thank you to @a-court-of-nessian and @happy-smiling-things for suggesting a Nessian fic! I’m so glad I finally got to write a roomate fic :)
PS: Thank you to @actuallyacotartrash for beta reading this for me 💗
Summary: It’s Valentine’s Day and Nesta is miserable, but maybe a certain roommate can change her night for the better :)
Read on A03 here!
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Today was not Nesta’s night. It was Valentine's Day for crying out loud and here she was lying in bed eating chocolate like a heartbroken loser in a TV drama. She sighed. It had been 2 years. 2 years since Thomas - she didn’t finish that thought. Even though so much time had passed she still couldn’t bring herself to seriously date anyone else. Sure she had flings and a multitude of one night stands but she didn’t give a crap about any of them. No, she didn’t give a crap about anyone or anything. At least that’s what she told herself.
She had the ice queen act nailed. She hadn’t seen her sisters in months and it pained her every night, but she would not give in. She was still mourning the death of her mother and the more recent death of her father, but she wouldn’t let it show. Yet there was one crack in her icy exterior that she couldn’t seem to fix - one that continued to grow every single day. She couldn’t ignore the tug that pulled her to her loud, annoying, but devastatingly handsome brute of a roommate. Cassian.
Although he annoyed her to no end she found herself thinking about him constantly. Every day began and ended with him flirting with her and she couldn’t deny that sometimes she found him endearing. He had made it crystal clear that he wanted her, but he was a player. He never had long term relationships and never took anything seriously, but still, Nesta was drawn to him. No matter how hard she tried to fight it, Cassian got under her skin in more ways than one. Some days he made her so angry she actually thought she would kill him. Other days he managed to make her blush and stutter like a complete and utter fool. And although majority of the time they flung insults at each other, Nesta couldn’t deny that their little spats were the highlights of her days.
Groaning, Nesta threw her chocolates onto the floor, turned off the light, and shut her eyes hoping sleep would finally end her miserable night.
Nesta awoke to the sound of guns shooting, people screaming, and utter chaos. Not real, she realized, the TV. Cassian.
She glanced at her phone. It was 11 pm for crying out loud what was he doing? Not even bothering to put on a robe Nesta stepped out of her room preparing to end her roommate.
“CASSIAN WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU THINK YOU’RE DOING?” she screamed as loudly as she could without waking their neighbors.
“Hey Nes,” he smirked, his eyes darkening as he took her in wearing an oversized shirt and some very short shorts. “Looking good.”
“What do you think you’re doing? I’m trying to sleep you psycho.”
He gave her a lazy grin one she absolutely despised. “Since I have no date tonight I thought I might forget about how lonely I am by binging this show.”
“Well. Turn. It. Down.” she grit out, her patience thinning.
“Why don’t you join me instead since you’re clearly not doing anything either.”
“Cassian I would literally rather die.”
“Dramatic much sweetheart?”
“I told you not to call me that.”
“Ok Nesta,” he enunciated “I’ll turn it down.”
“Good and if you fall asleep without turning the TV off I’ll literally kill you.”
“I make no promises,” he shrugged. “Come watch and you can make sure I turn it off.”
“What is it?”
“Come find out.”
She groaned sliding onto the couch. There was no beating a determined Cassian and she was not trying to waste money by leaving the TV on.
“Give me some blanket you brute. I’m freezing,” she snapped.
Cassian chuckled “As you wish.”
Nesta really tried to watch the show but it was just so boring. Before her brain could tell her to stop, her hands were in Cassian’s hair.
“Hey Nes, what are you doing there?”
“I’ve always wanted to feel your hair. It’s so soft.” She said massaging his scalp gently.
“I like tired Nesta. She’s very nice.” Cassian said softly, leaning into her touch.
“Whatever brute, I’m tired because you’re making me watch this stupid show.”
“Ok then let’s do something fun instead,” he said standing up abruptly.
“Like what?”
“Trust me?” he asked, offering his hand for Nesta to take.
“Don’t make me regret this.”
“I promise you won’t, sweetheart.”
“Cassian you have to be joking. This is the stupidest thing I have ever heard.”
“Rhys, Az, and I do it all the time. Trust me you’ll like it.”
“No I’m going to bed,” she said, heading towards her room.
“Why? Think you’re gonna lose?”
She stopped, turning around slowly, “Shut up and give me the socks.”
He gave her a slow smile handing her a pair of ridiculously slippery socks.
“On 3. 1, 2, 3.”
Nesta pushed off the wall sliding down the hallway trying her best not to fall flat on her face. Thankfully within a few seconds, she was able to grasp the edge of their couch, stabilizing herself.
“I have to same I’m disappointed.” Cassian said shaking his head dramatically. “4 seconds is quite pitiful.”
She rolled her eyes, carefully making her way back to the starting line. “Fine let’s see how fast you can do it.”
Cassian handed her the timer and almost knocked her down as he pushed off the wall crashing into the couch. Nesta gaped. 2 seconds? How was that even possible?
“Well if you told me I could crash into the couch like a crazy person I would have done it better,” Nesta said, her voice dripping with sarcasm.
“Oh, it is so on Archeron.” Cassian drawled as he slowly made his way back to the end of the hallway.
“No timing this time. Let’s race.”
“You’re making a mistake Nes.”
“Who’s scared now?” she smiled devilishly placing her hands on her hips.
“Don’t say I didn’t warn you,” he said, smugness coating every word.
“Shut up Brute,” she said, pushing his shoulder. “On 3.”
“1, 2, 3.”
Nesta pushed off the wall as hard she could, not caring how hard she would hit the couch. She wanted to win. Needed to win. She was so close, a fingertip away, and then before she knew it, she was on the ground.
She was about to scream at Cassian when the ground moved, Not the ground she realized, a person. She was on top of Cassian.
“Shit Nesta are you ok?” Cassian asked, worriedly checking her for injuries.
Then Nesta did something she hadn’t done for so long. She laughed.
She was laughing and she couldn’t stop. She slowly pushed herself off Cassian and lied down next to him on the floor still laughing. It wasn’t long before Cassian was laughing too.
Once she actually couldn’t breathe anymore and the laughter faded, she and Cassian remained on the floor.
“So,” she said breaking the silence. “Who won?”
Cassian turned his face, grinning “I think it’s a tie.”
“BS! You tackled me, cheater.”
“Fine Nesta Archeron you beat me,” he said, raising his hands in defeat.
She turned on her side to face him fully. She had never been this close to him before. She had never noticed how beautiful his eyes were. They were such a rich brown - she could get lost in them for ages. She never noticed the little scar above his eyebrow or the slight dimple in his cheek, and before she could stop herself her fingers gently brushed the hair from his eyes.
“Nesta,” he said grabbing her hand.
“Sorry I don’t know why I did that. I -”
She was cut off as Cassian’s lips crashed into hers.
At first, she didn’t know what to do. She should pull away. Pull away and keep the ice intact. But as she debated she realized she didn’t want to. She closed her eyes, melting into the kiss - melting her icy exterior. With Cassian, she let her walls fall.
He pulled away first smiling softly as he brushed some of her hair out of her face.
“So how long have you wanted to do that?” he smirked.
She groaned “Don’t you dare ruin the moment Cassian.”
He laughed kissing her softly before pulling away again. “You’re right. Happy Valentines Day, Nes.”
“Happy Valentines Day, Cass.”
And for the first time in 2 years, Nesta Archeron truly felt hopeful for the future.
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julemmaes · 4 years
Honey extra - The Sex Playlist + a little scene
Elide Lochan x Lorcan Salvaterre roommates au
A/N: I posted part five on the same day acosf was released, so if you didn’t see it, go read it, cause it’s.. long and it took me years to finish and I saw it didn’t get the same attention the previous parts did, and yeah
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fic masterlist
this takes place somewhere between part five and six
Elide was one of the few lucky girls whose period was never too bothersome. The pain was always very bearable and only lasted a few hours, and most of the time, it wasn't even a real pain, just a slight pressure in the lower abdomen. She could go about her day without having to stop every few minutes because of a cramp - unlike Aelin, who died every month as if someone was stabbing her in the guts.
She also didn't have a heavy flow, which she would always thank the gods for, if they existed. She couldn't understand how her friends could put up with such misfortune.
Not that they could do otherwise, of course, but she was always in awe when they told her about their period-catastrophes. She knew that if it were her turn to suffer like that every time, she would rip her uterus out of her belly.
And at that moment, lying in a fetal position on Lorcan's bed, she wasn't entirely sure she'd be able to keep from doing it herself before the cramping stopped. Because for some strange reason, her body had decided to turn against her this month.
The last two weeks had gone by in the blink of an eye, she and Lorcan had fucked on every surface in the house and between work and classes and studying, Elide had gotten very little sleep. Considering also that every time she lay down, her boyfriend would slip in behind her and she couldn't say no to herself, to that pleasure so exhaustive and ecstatic, it made her forget that her body needed rest.
It had taken Lorcan to remind her that they couldn't go on like this.
So when she'd found a bloodstain in her underwear the previous night, just before going to bed after her shift at the diner, she hadn't worried so much and had thought that they'd finally take a few days off and maybe her body would calm down.
Elide wasn't a fan of period sex and the few times she'd done it she'd been so grossed out that she'd risked barfing in the middle of it. It simply wasn't for her.
What she hadn't expected though, had been cramps so strong they had pulled her from sleep in the middle of the night. Elide had gotten up and gone to the bathroom because she'd started moving around too much and didn't want to wake up the boy sleeping blissfully next to her. She had started pacing the living room, trying to figure out what the fuck she was in such pain for.
When it felt like someone had stuck both hands in her uterus and was digging their nails into her ovaries, Elide had knelt on the floor by the couch, leaning forward with her fists pressed against her stomach.
Lorcan had found her in that position around half past four.
To say he'd been scared out of his wits would be an understatement.
He'd thrown himself to the floor beside her almost immediately, all traces of weariness gone the second he'd heard her whimper in pain and seen that Elide was biting her lower lip so hard it was drawing blood.
When they had established that it was just her cycle, Lorcan had taken her back to his bed and now they were both lying between the soft blankets she had given him.
They had both been puzzled by this new symptom. After all, Lorcan had never seen her suffer from her period in all the years they had lived together and neither of them had expected it to be any different this time.
Elide had had to joke that it was the fault of his huge cock that had literally stabbed her in the uterus, and Lorcan had apologised in earnest, looking at her with wide eyes and pulling away a little, as if he really felt guilty. She had burst out laughing and then pulled him to her again, taking one of his arms and putting it around her body so that his big hand covered her belly.
He'd started moving his fingers over her lower abdomen, applying pressure from time to time when she seemed to tense up due to a cramp. It helped, somehow, to have him there to massage her. To hold her to his chest as they cuddled.
Now, Elide kept her eyes closed, his head resting on top of hers as they both dozed. Or at least she thought so, because Lorcan spoke, his rough, low voice too close to her ear, "How do you feel?"
She sighed, pulling her knees up slightly. His legs immediately followed her, as if they couldn't bear to be away from her body. She smiled, "A little better." then yawned, "I guess it's the fact that I was already tired as it is, what with university and all."
Lorcan hummed behing her, "I see," then he moved, pulling away only briefly, "maybe we should take it slower, with everything I mean."
Elide nodded slowly. She turned her head towards him, still with her eyes closed, but pursed her lips forward, silently inviting him to kiss her. He chuckled, but a second later their mouths clashed in a simple peck on the lips.
The music playing from the speakers suddenly changed from the sweet melody of a love song to something quite different.
"Cause I eat up for a while, let me through. The shake, the screaming aloud, I'ma fool. In my face you shake, leaking everywhere."
Elide's eyes went wide, "Lorcan!" she let go a surprised chuckle, "What is this?" she turned to him fully and could finally see the satisfied smirk on his face.
"It's a playlist I made yesterday," he then lowered his voice an octave, looking at her lips, "For when we can take the time to think about music instead of jumping right into it," he murmured.
Elide swallowed, nodding slowly, continuing to listen to the song.
Definitely very different from what he normally provided her with.
"I like it," she continued, then draped her arms underneath his, resting her head against his chest as he pulled her close to him and lay on his back, making her lie completely on top of him, "our sex playlist." she smiled, playing with the ends of his hair.
Lorcan hummed again and Elide felt it throughout her whole body when he said, "I called it 'elide'."
She had to force herself to calm the hot spirits that that new information had triggered in her body, but she was glad to know that he wouldn't be able to use that playlist with other people, considering it bore her name.
"I like it even more now," she confessed under her breath.
His arms tightened around her back and then his hands began to rub her lower back, where he knew she was feeling the most pain. Elide fell silent, enjoying his warm hands on her skin, and only had time to thank him before sleep beckoned her again.
The playlists
1. The Fixer – Brent Morgan
2. Why iii Love The Moon – PHONY PPL
3. Couch Potato – Jakubi
4. Anyway – Noah Kahan
5. comethru – Jeremy Zucker
6. Why Not Me – Forrest.
7. Loving – Surfaces
8. always, i’ll care – Jeremy Zucker
9. Like Strangers Do – AJ Mitchell
10. Yellow Lights – Harry Hudson
11. Glue Myself Shut – Noah Kahan
12. Colour Me – Juke Ross  
13. Lovesong (The Way) – Charlie Burg
14. Lucky Love – Michael Seyer
15. Freak In Me – Mild Orange
1. Skin – Rihanna
2. Do It For Me – Rosefield
3. Body Party – Ciara
4. When We – Tank
5. Rockstar – Rihanna
6. F***in Wit Me – Tank
7. On Top – Trey Songz
8. Acquainted – The Weeknd
9. Freaky – Gemaine
10. Make You Feel – Alina Baraz
11. First Fuck - 6LACK & Jhené Aiko
12. Young God - Halsey
13. How Many Times – DJ Khaled
14. Fuck You All The Time – Jeremih
1. I Don't Know Me Like You Do – Low Hum
2. I Don't Wanna Be Okay Without You – Charlie Burg
3. Why Can't I Have You – Gloria Laing
4. If I Go, I'm Goin – Gregory Alan Isakov
5. Let Me In – Skinny Living
6. Reason To Hate You – Rhys Lewis
7. Be Your Man – Rhys Lewis
8. Yours – Jake Scott
9. Loved Us More – Munn
tog tag list (if you wanna be removed or added just send an ask or dm me)
@maastrash​ @ireallyshouldsleeprn​ @sleeping-and-books​ @ladywitchling​ @thegoddessofyou​ @ghostlyrose2​ @claralady​ @anne-reads​ @sayosdreams​ @perseusannabeth​ @letstakethedawn​ @simping4bookboisngrls​ @post-it-notes33​ @booksstorm​ @nalgenewhore​ @queen-of-demons-and-hell​ @miserablemusings​ @lanyjoy-13 @vasudharaghavan​ @cupcakey00​ @bri-loves-sunflowers​ @queen-of-glass​ @thewayshedreamed​ @the-regal-warrior​ @fangirlprincess09​ @januarystears​ @rowaelinismyotp​
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rhysismydaddy · 4 years
We’re Fighting (Nessian fluff)
Ik I said I was coming out with Malorian, but when do I ever do anything I say? Anyway, here’s some wrote-in-five-minutes, total fluff/humor for Nessian.
I’ve been releasing a lot of little blurbs recently, so a multi-chapter fic is coming next!
Nesta was on her side, glaring at the wall, when she felt a very heavy, very familiar weight settle into the mattress behind her. The frigidity of her glare increased. 
“Why are you in my bed?” 
She heard that soft, sensuous chuckle she’d always loved a little too much. “Nesta baby, you’re a fucking nutcase. We live together.”
Rolling her eyes, she bit back, “We’re fighting. Sleep on the couch.”
“Don’t roll your eyes at me, little lady,” he laughed, somehow sensing what she’d done. “And we aren’t fighting. You are pissed off, and won’t tell me what I did. I’m innocent.”
That got her attention. 
“Innocent?” she yelled, whirling around and smacking his shoulder. “Innocent!”
Cassian smiled up at her, always happy to ruffle her feathers, and gripped his shoulder in mock pain. “Naughty, naughty.”
She ignored her body’s response to that and hit him again. He grinned. 
“Innocent as freaking Mary.”
“Sleep on the couch.”
Her boyfriend of over four years scoffed at that idea. “Absolutely not. You bought that thing, which means it’s meant for fucking midgets. I can hardly fit a single butt cheek on it.”
A smile tugged at her lips, but she snuffed it out. “That sounds like a you problem, Cassian.”
“Actually, it sounds like a you problem, because I’m not leaving.” He reinforced his decision by closing his eyes and letting out a loud, obnoxious snore.
Despite herself, she laughed a bit. “If you think that’s going to annoy me, you should really hear yourself when you’re actually asleep. It’s even worse. You sound like a dying moose.”
His golden eyes opened again, bright with humor. “I don’t snore.”
“Yes, you do. Every single night. But it won’t bother me tonight, because you’re going to the couch!”
“I don’t think I am.” 
She cursed him soundly, flopping back down to her pillow. He smiled, closing his eyes again, sure he’d won the argument. An idea formed, and she didn’t even caution herself before leaning over and squeezing his nostrils together tightly. 
His eyes flew open, and he flicked her wrist until she let go. “What are you doing?”
“If you stay in the bed, you’re not going to get an ounce of sleep,” she told him, dead serious. She’d stay up all night if she had to. 
He rolled his eyes, but instead of retorting, just looked at her, eyes drilling holes into her soul. “Why are you mad? Why is what I said at dinner such a big deal?”
Her anger and annoyance threatened to retreat at how soft his voice was. “It’s not a big deal.”
“Big enough for you to try and boot me out of the bed,” he commented.
Nesta rolled her eyes in deflection, turning on her back and looking up at the ceiling. It wasn’t a big deal. 
At least it shouldn’t have been. 
He hadn’t done anything different or unusual. Someone in their friend group had joked about how long they’d been together, and he’d given the company line they’d both said numerous times: “Least we’re not married.”
It was kind of a joke between them. 
When they’d first met six years ago, they’d both decided against getting married. Cassian thought it was pointless, and Nesta had seen firsthand what a bad marriage could do to someone’s spirit. 
Her sisters had even resigned themselves to never being bridesmaids. Everyone had accepted it. 
But for some reason, when he’d said it earlier that night, something in her chest had crumpled. Especially since it was true.
They’d been together for so long, she couldn’t imagine her life without him. But she still called him her boyfriend. Not her husband, not her partner. 
Which, given what she’d learned earlier this week, made it sound like they were in fucking high school. 
“I’m waiting,” he reminded her, poking her in the arm. 
“Just go to sleep, Cas.”
He did no such thing. Propping himself up on an elbow, her boyfriend looked down at her with questioning eyes. He was always so understanding with her, even when she acted insane. “Tell me.”
“It’s nothing; you were right. I’m so happy, I’m shooting daisies out of my ass. Goodnight.”
Cassian laughed a little, but didn’t give up the chase.
“Have you changed your mind about getting married?” he asked, way too good at reading her face and emotions. “You’re upset that we’re not married?”
His gaze on her was too much, so she pressed her eyes shut and blocked it out. Despite not being able to see him, she knew he was still right there, waiting. And that he’d continue to wait until she gave in. So she sighed and let the words she’d been holding in loose.
“I’m eight weeks pregnant,” she whispered, ears going into overdrive to pick up his response.
They were met with nothing but silence.
For once in his lifetime, Cassian was silent. 
She wanted to see him, wanted to know his every expression, but was too scared what it might be. 
Curiosity won out in the end, and she peeked her eyes open, only to be stunned by what she saw. 
Instead of nervousness or anger or dread, he was smiling from ear to ear, a look she’d never seen in his eyes. “You’re pregnant?”
Nesta nodded, confused. 
They’d talked about having kids, but they always agreed to wait a few years before even seriously discussing it. But he looked... he looked thrilled. 
Before she could ask, his head came towards hers, and he kissed her softly, then quickly ducked down to rest his head against her chest. She could feel his smile against her skin as his arms wrapped around her, holding her tight to him. 
Then his hands snuck down to her still-flat belly, and he murmured, “I’m going to be a dad.”
She nodded.
“We’re getting married.”
That was a change in topic.
He glanced up at her, eyes still full of so much joy it took her breath away. “You clearly don’t like the idea of being a mom with a boyfriend, so you can have a husband instead.”
The stupid organ in her chest swelled so quickly she thought she might pass out, but she still muttered, “Great. Now all I have to do is find one.”
“You’re so very funny,” he said back, flicking her nose.
His hands were still on her belly. “So you’re not mad?”
“Mad?” He looked at her like she was crazy. “First of all, it takes two to make a baby, so I could never be mad at you. Second, I’ve always wanted to be a dad. And to see you barefoot and pregnant, yelling at me over something stupid.”
She didn’t have time to respond to how true that was likely going to become before he scooted down the bed and began to press kisses all over her stomach and abdomen. 
“You’re giving me the greatest gift possible, Nesta,” he murmured in between kisses, and a tear slipped down her cheek. “I’m so fucking excited.” 
“Me, too,” she whispered back, finally admitting it to herself. 
Because she was excited. He’d make a great dad, and she couldn’t wait to see the child they’d created. 
His cheek against her stomach, Cassian asked, “City hall tomorrow, or a big, fancy wedding with you in a tulle gown and me with my hair slicked back?” 
Nesta flicked the top of his head, even though she couldn’t stop smiling. “City hall tomorrow. It has to be in the afternoon, because I have a doctors appointment in the morning.”
“A baby-related doctors appointment?” he asked, coming back up to hover above her with a small smile on his lips. When she nodded, he said immediately, “I’m coming.”
She raised her eyebrows. 
“I’m coming to all of them.”
Something about that statement, and the fact that he was willing to marry her whenever and wherever she wanted, made another tear escape. He brushed it away with his thumb, looking a little concerned. 
“I love you, Cassian.”
The concern vanished, replaced by nothing short of admiration and love and happiness. “I love you, too. I’ve wanted to marry your stubborn ass since the day I met you. I’ve just been waiting for you to realize you wanted it, too.”
Nesta rolled her eyes, a huge smile on her face. He knew her better than she knew herself sometimes. 
He kissed her softly, both of them grinning like idiots. “Can I sleep in the bed, then?”
She nodded and laughed, wrapping her arms around his neck and vowing to never let go.
This made me so happy to write. I’m such a sucker for cheesy fluff. Thanks for reading. Drop prompts/asks in the box :)
@maastrash @sjm-things @bamchickawowow @a-bit-of-a-cactus @aesthetics-11 @b00kworm @sleeping-and-books @musicmaam @savemesoon8 @hizqueen4life
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shyvioletcat · 4 years
I read your Christmas list of prompts
And I feel like these 3, 14, 38, 62 SCREAM aelin and Rowan (mainly aelin to Rowan) lol
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This one is late, I know. But here it is! Another fic for my Rowaelin Holiday Celebration. Set in my teacher au, which includes Camp Shenanigans. Please enjoy. Oh and i just went with 1 out of the 4. It’s the card.
Aelin sighed in frustration. She was great at giving presents, fantastic even. She always knew what to get everyone once Yulemas rolled around. But this year she had lucked out, and it was really bruising her ego.
She prided herself on the annual Secret Santa at work, every year the recipient of her gift gushed about how perfect it was. But this year she had no idea what to get, and that was because she had managed to pull stick-up-his-ass Rowan Whitethorn from the moth eaten Santa hat Lysandra had held in front of her. Her best friend and most likely future cousin-in-law had been incharge of the whole thing but had refused to let Aelin swapped when she asked. That’s the name of the game she’d said and sauntered off.
So now Aelin had dragged Aedion shopping with her, just so she could get some sort of help. Aedion had agreed because he’d managed to pull out a dud himself.
“What do you get Manon Blackbeak?” Aedion mused and he browsed a table of holiday inspired knickknacks.
“Bottle the blood of her enemies,” Aelin replied. “I think she’d drink it straight.”
“She probably would,” Aedion agreed and he left the knickknack table.
Manon worked in the science faculty and was honestly one of the most terrifying people Aelin had ever met. So naturally, after a tense getting to know you period, they'd mellowed out into being respectful collegues and eventually some semblance of friends.
“We’ve got a betting pool going on how soon into the end of year party her and Dorian end up in some closet making out,” Aelin dropped casually. “Again.”
“Does Dorian know?” Aedion asked as they walked side by side to go browse elsewhere.
“Dorian is in on it,” Aelin said. “He thinks a half hour tops.”
“Manon would never let him have it that easy,” Aedion added.
“That’s what I told him,” Aelin said. “And then I also told Manon and she said he’s dreaming.”
Aedion scoffed. “Did you just rig it for yourself?”
“Of course not, I never mentioned the bet to her at all,” Aelin replied innocently.
“Why don’t I believe you?”
Aelin tried not to smile. “Fine I did, I promised to split the money with her.”
“I knew it.”
The cousins had reached a holiday display, decorations, cards, and holiday specific foods all set out.
“Hey,” Aedion said with a grin. “You could give him this.” He held up a card.
Aelin looked over and saw what the card had on it.
Will you be my ho ho ho?
“What, and end up in the middle of a sexual harassment case? No thank you.” Then Aelin added, “Why would I even get that for him anyway? I hate him.”
“Of course you do,” Aedion said like he knew all the secrets of the universe.
“What?” Aelin snapped.
Aedion gave her a grin that made her understand exactly why people tended to get infuriated with her. “Nothing.”
Aelin picked up a candy cane and pointed it at him threateningly. “Whatever you’re thinking, stop it.”
The grin stayed, Aelin wanted to throw something at him.
“Okay, let’s focus here. You’re his friend of sorts. What should I get?” Aelin said, wanting to just get out of the bustling shops by now.
“I dunno, he’s still pretty private even though it’s been six months,” Aedion said.
Aelin sighed heavily. “I’m going to have to do it. I’m going to have to do the mug and pen.” Even just saying it left a bad taste in her mouth. “I don’t know what else to do and you’re absolutely no help.”
She didn’t want to resort to the cliche teacher gift but really she had no other choice. She had to get something. Dragging her feet Aelin walked to the kitchen section to look for the least offensive mug she could find, then she would make her way to stationary and find a nice pen. Why did she have to get Rowan Whitethorn? Her reputation would be ruined.
The last day of term rolled around and that evening they had the staff get together in a function room of a local restaurant. They were all standing around snacking, drinking, laughing, holiday songs playing in the background. Aelin held court in the corner with most of her faculty, honestly the loudest group in the room. Although Dorian was off trailing Manon like a lost puppy. The two of them were yet to disappear, Manon holding out to the appointed time. Aelin caught her eye across the room, Manon gave her a wink, Aelin tipped her glass in return.
“Ho! Ho! Ho!”
Fenrys appeared in a very cheap looking Santa suit, foregoing the beard, not wanting to hide his beautiful face apparently. He walked over to the tree and started calling out names, obnoxiously good in his role. Aelin sighed, she was still a little cut up about her more than average present. Maybe she could keep it from getting out, keep her reputation intact. It wasn't likely though, everyone loved the intrigue and gossip of who got who.
“Rowan! Seems that even if you’re a grumpy bastard you still get presents,” Fenrys’ voice boomed in the space.
Rowan made his way to the front, even managing half a good natured smile at the joke as he got his wrapped mug and pen. Aelin had to turn away; she was so annoyed. A few other names were called out then Aelin heard her own. She put her drink down and made her way to Fenrys. He was giving her a winning smile.
“I just want you to know your secret Santa had absolutely no help from anyone,” Fenrys said as he passed her a small package.
Aelin took it back to her little corner, shaking it before she started unwrapping it. What she found inside were her favourite chocolates, her all time favourite chocolates. Chocolate hazelnut truffles. These were one’s you didn't just buy from the grocery store. These were only sold at a little store in the heart of the city.
“Okay, which one of you got me this?” Aelin asked her friends.
No one came forward, adamantly denying it was them, it looked like Aelin would be joining in on the present gossip tonight. It took her a while, but curiously it had been Lorcan to give her the answer she wanted.
“It was Rowan,” he snapped as Aelin had been hounding Connall for information for quite a while. “Now, go away. I’m sick of hearing your voice.”
“Happy Yulemas,” Aelin said far too sweetly. She was too stunned to give him any more of a threat, replaying what Fenrys had said in her head. Rowan hadn’t had any help so how did he know exactly what chocolates to get her? She spotted him over by the drinks table, steeling herself she made her way over to him. Not only had he managed to get her the perfect present, but she had given him such an abysmally awful one she hoped he never found out it was her.
Aelin cleared her throat as she poured herself a drink from the punch bowl. “Thanks,” she said lamely.
“It didn’t take you long,” Rowan said.
“Lorcan gave you up,” Aelin told him and she saw Rowan roll his eyes. “I have to know, how did you find out they were my favourites.”
Rowan gave her a wry smile. “Santa told me,” he said cryptically. “And I don’t mean Fenrys.”
Aelin just looked at him, confused, gears in her head working. Before she could figure it out or ask more questions Rowan was walking away.
“Oh,” Rowan said, turning back to her. “And thanks for the mug.”
Tags: @fucking-winchester-trash // @literary-licorice // @galyxsy // @tangledraysofsunshine // @highqueenofelfhame // @3am-reading // @soup-that-is-too-hawt // @aelinfire-bringer // @nalgenewhore // @highladyofthesith // @http-itsrebecca // @sleep-and-books // @alifletcher2012 // @westofmoon // @sleeping-and-books // @ttakeitbacknoww // @armixers-unite // @mariamuses // @chocolate-eating-bitch-queen // @velarian-trash // @queenofxhearts // @heroesofterrasen // @highladyofstoriesandmusic // @empire-of-wildfire // @camerooonchiu // @crackedship // @lowhangingtreebranches // @over300books // @yourwhisperingshadows // @thesirenwashere // @tswaney17 // @impossiblescissorspeachpaper // @cat5313 // @judelovescardan // @flowerspringsea // @chaoticskyy // @the-regal-warrior // @fanfictrash3000 // @blueeyes425 // @starseternalnighttriumphant // @bamchickawowow // @thehuntressofmoon // @giorgia-the-trashpanda // @flora-and-fae // @thereaderandfangirl // @illyrian-bookworm // @chemicha // @meltalgel-ig // @gay-book-nerd // @that-odd-puzzle-piece // @i-love-all-books // @in-love-with-caramel-macchiato // @girl-who-reads-the-books // @hizqueen4life // @the-third-me // @queen-of-glass // @bestmelle // @cursebreaker29 // @b00kworm // @superspiritfestival // @aesthetics-11 // @maastrash // @mynewdreamwasyou // @the-last-apprentice // @charincharge // @aelinfeyreeleven945tbln // @scarznstars // @absolute-dissapointment // @thesurielships // @df3ndyr // @trinitybailey2003 // @ladywitchling // @booknerdproblems // @rowaelin-cressworth // @sevenfreckles-for-sevenloves // @rolltide7 // @scandinavianromantic // @tillyrubes10 // @starwarsslytherin // @minaidss // @paytin77 // @jesstargaryenqueen // @anntheintrovert // @starborn-faerie-queen // @loudphantomdragon // @woollycat22 // @claralady // @perseusannabeth // @fangirlprincess09 // @maddymelv // @sierrareads // @more-espresso-less-depresso-xx // @jlinez // @littleboxofthunder // @empress-ofbloodshed // @booksbqueen // @rowanwhitethornisbae // @aelin-queen-of-terrasen // @alyx801 // @amandaswallowtail // @louiseleblancdiggory // @abookishfreak
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tswaney17 · 4 years
New Fic Announcement
I Do Bad Things with You - Elriel
Eeek! I’m so excited to be sharing this. I’ve had this prompt sitting on my Pinterest board for years and I cannot believe that I finally got around to it. When I originally saw this prompt, I immediately thought Elriel. So, I’ve been working on parts for it over the last two weeks. I’m currently on chapter 3. I’m hoping to have the first part up next weekend. 🤞 Not sure how many parts this will be yet. I’m hoping to do weekly updates with it, but no promises. 😘 Just a forewarning, this is going to be a very dark AU. There will be violence, sexual assault, probably smut, and every other warning you could possibly think of. I will try to remember to post trigger warnings on the updates, but I forget things easily. I just wanted to warn you ahead of time. For a little tease, I’ve posted the prompt that inspired this fic below. Enjoy!
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Please let me know if you would like to be added or removed from my tag list. No hard feelings if you want to be removed. Hope you all enjoy the angst train you’re about to embark on. 💙
Tagging: @rhysanoodle @featherymalignancy @julesherondalex @nalgenewhore @alifletcher2012 @shyvioletcat @lovemollywho @24hourauthor @mis-lil-red @ttakeitbacknoww @belamoonbeam @chemicha @stars-falling @megaburrito2 @amitynotpity @watermilanfish @blackjacks-donuts @julemmaes @negativenesta @captainthefangirlofhp @21shotglasses @littlehoneyybee @eloeloeheheh @pilesofriles @welcometothespeaknowworldtour @tintinnabulary @abimomeopectore @keshavomit @theshadowsinger-and-thefawn @meowsekai @theoverlyenthusiasticwriter @astreia-oniria @rabia-mms @b00kworm @the-regal-warrior @mirainthedark05 @maastrash @sleeping-and-books @abraxos-is-toothless @xprincess-oof17x @verypaleninja @dreamerforever-5 @judexcardanxgreenbriar @elrielllll @mu-si-ca-l @tanaquilpriscilla @queen-of-glass @fourshizzle149 @ducksmurf135 @pajikas @jemma-nessian-and-elriel​ @rhyswhitethorn​ @verifiefangirl​
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maastrash · 6 years
New Elriel Fic :)
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Hello everyone!! Ever since I saw all the beautiful fics and art from the secret Santa the lovely @rosehallshadowsinger organized I realized how much I love Elriel and @fireheart-of-your-dreams beautiful fic has inspired me to write my own!
I will be posting the first chapter of Second Chances on Sunday January 13! So if you want to be tagged let me know :))
And without further ado the summary:
For Azriel, Elain Archeron is the one that got away. He had been deeply in love with her since high school–even though she had no clue who he was. Now, 10 years later, Elain is engaged and happy. Knowing he missed his chance, Azriel tries to move on from the girl who captured his heart for so long. But, when Elain's wedding is suddenly canceled, fate seems to finally be on his side. The world has given him a second chance, and this time he won’t mess it up.
Elain Archeron had an easy life. She was engaged, had a stable job, and lived in a nice city. But when her fiancé leaves her out of the blue, everything she’s ever known is ripped out from under her. Utterly lost and heartbroken, she begins to slip away into a dark place–one no is able to pull her out of. Forced to go to a family reunion, Elain finds herself floundering to find an excuse for why her relationship ended so suddenly. Choosing instead to fake happiness, she finds herself a fake boyfriend. And although she knows the relationship is a lie she can’t help but fall for the handsome Azriel. Could he be her second chance at a life she’d given up on and a love she never thought possible? 
(TYSM to @fireheart-of-your-dreams for helping me with the summary I appreciate it so much 💗💗💗)
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julemmaes · 4 years
Playlist(s) Lorcan made for Elide in Honey + a little scene (cause I'm dumb and I couldn't write today, sorry)
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fic masterlist
this takes place just right after part one
Lorcan walked into her room moments after she'd slipped into her pajamas and Elide thought about how many times she'd risked being caught naked by her roommate unintentionally and how many times, instead, she'd wanted to walk into his room in one of those lacy little underthings she wore for everyone but him just to see how he'd react.
Her best friend looked like a whipped dog as he walked over to the bed and reserved a coy smile for her, "I did something for you."
Elide sighed, closing the laptop on her legs and looking into his eyes. She was still angry that he'd lied to her for months, but the fact that he'd brought her his cigarettes and his trusted lighter had cooled the blinding rage that had hit her the day before.
"Is it a playlist?" she asked under her breath.
He nodded, "I sent it to you five minutes ago but you didn't see it," then pointed at the bed with his chin, "May I?"
Elide didn't answer, but moved in between all the papers and books to make room for him and he settled down next to her on the pillows.
"I called this one 'I'm sorry' - because it's true," he murmured, spreading his legs until his thigh touched hers. Elide felt a jolt go through her body, as she did every time he grazed her, but Lorcan didn't seem the least bit touched by the fact that their bodies were in contact in at least three places as he continued to scroll through his spotify account.
He handed her the phone and the second their fingers touched, Elide had to call on every sane part of her brain not to grab the pillow behind her back and scream into it.
She frowned, scrolling through the songs, "You chose them just for the title didn't you?"
"Obviously." he said and when Elide looked at him she saw he was holding back a smile.
She couldn't help but smile back, "Did you even listen to them?" she asked already knowing the answer.
He shook his head, scratching his neck, "Only one or two."
She giggled, "You're an idiot."
Lorcan actually smiled at her at that point, and then spread his arms, wrapping one around her shoulders, "I made you another one, like the usual ones, but I don't feel like giving you two playlists in one day. You don't deserve them."
She turned a confused and angry expression on him, "I don't deserve them? And let's hear it, why not?"
"Because you've been ignoring me all day," he said, lowering himself to her and nudging his nose to her hair, "And you made me miss you."
Elide scrunched her nose, "I'd like to remind you that we're fighting-"
"Are we?"
"We are," she shoved him, "And normally fights go on until the one in the wrong apologises."
Lorcan looked at her, pulling her tighter against him, "I'm sorry?"
Elide nodded, snuggling against his chest and playing the apology playlist, making him explain why he had picked up smoking so soon after quitting. They talked for over three hours and when she woke up the next morning, Lorcan was gone and her bed had been cleaned of books and notes.
Now, the playlist(s) - Lorcan normally doesn’t name the playlists, but he puts the date in which he put them together
1. Honey – Johnny Balik
2. imagine if – gnash
3. Honeybee – The Head and The Heart
5. Maine – Noah Kahan
6. Running After You – Matthew Mole
7. Fresh Roses – Juke Ross
8. You Are Loved – Matthew Mole
9. No Right To Love You – Rhys Lewis
10. You & Me – James TW
11. I Can’t Make You Love – Dave Thomas Junior
12. Walk With Me – Taba Chake
13. Home To You – Sigrid
14. Alone With You – Canyon City
i’m sorry
1. I’m Sorry – Peach Tree Rascals
2. I’m Sorry – Joyner Lucas
3. I’m Sorry – John Denver
4. I’m Sorry – Brenda Lee
5. Sorry – Mali-Koa
6. Sorry – Halsey
7. I’m Sorry – Zauntee
8. I’m Sorry – Arilena Ara
9. I’m Sorry – Mokita & Stand Atlantic
10. Sorry – Future
11. I’m Sorry – curlybamm
12. I’m Sorry – TobyMac
13. Sorry – Beyoncé
14. Sorry – Tanya
15. Sorry – Joel Corry
16. Sorry – Otis Stacks
1. Vacation – Johnny Stimson
2. Changes – Jeff Bernat
3. How Does It Feel? – Samm Henshaw
4. Your Soul – Forrest.
5. Emerald – Rini
6. Take Yours. I’ll Take Mine – Matthew Mole
7. I’m With You – Vance Joy
8. Have I Told You – Matthew Mole
9. Morning Breeze – Juke Ross
10. Please – Noah Kahan
tog tag list (if you wanna be removed or added just send me an ask or dm me)
@maastrash​ @ireallyshouldsleeprn​ @sleeping-and-books​ @ladywitchling​ @thegoddessofyou​ @ghostlyrose2​ @claralady​ @anne-reads​ @sayosdreams​ @perseusannabeth​ @letstakethedawn​ @simping4bookboisngrls​ @post-it-notes33​ @booksstorm​ @nalgenewhore​ @queen-of-demons-and-hell​ @miserablemusings​ @lanyjoy-13​ @vasudharaghavan​ @cupcakey00​ @bri-loves-sunflowers​ @queen-of-glass​ @thewayshedreamed​ @the-regal-warrior​ @fangirlprincess09
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