#mac and kenzie are so similar
lavenezolanarusa · 7 months
Paper Lover
Clarifications at the end!
Dedicated to: Timothy <3
Writing Prompt / Original Idea:
A writer who can enter and exit his/her book whenever he/she wants, and falls in love with one of his/her own characters in such a deep manner, that just wants to make him/her real but inside knows...
That just can't be real.
P.S.2: Each character has a symbol to differentiate themselves.
☆= Writer
♡= Character you have fallen in love with
◇= Love interest of the character
Mac looked at the draft written in her handwriting on a piece of paper, visibly doubtful of what she would do next. Until a few months ago, she discovered his ability to enter the chapters of her book and he only did it to correct some meaningless things... that, of course, until she created her.
Karina, or as she liked to call her, Kj.
That girl with long curly hair, with those eyes of deep color contrasting with the light or with her emotions, who liked to dress in sports or baggy clothes, who could enjoy both a hockey game and a good movie, who deep down He was the human version of a golden retriever...
Which unfortunately could only be found among the pages of those writings.
Although our girl with reddish-orange hair found it difficult to admit it, it was a truth that she had to digest. Even though that girl with chocolate hair with copper touches had stolen a large part of her heart, her thoughts, sighs and longings... it wasn't real.
It was just the fruit of her imagination and inspiration to create worlds and realities. A relationship between two worlds that would never merge; Fresh in her memory is that afternoon in which, admiring part of the city while sitting on a roof, each one let go of what was worrying her and Kj said that she wanted to die; Mac's response?
"I know your life is shit, but most of all I wish you'd keep living."
That simple phrase put a smile on Kj's lips, those strawberry-colored lips that she wanted to kiss so much to check that its flavor was the same as its color. She knew that if she walked away so suddenly he could destroy his beloved's heart, so she made one of the most complicated decisions of his life; seeking solace in creating a character similar to her in personality and, perhaps with that, appeasing that crazy desire of wanting to take Karina to her reality.
The solution, although hard, difficult and pitiful, worked. They were days of seeing how little by little the shine in those eyes was for someone else. How that sweet voice spoke of the millions of plans he had to make with that person, with his new friend with whom he was little by little falling in love.
Kenzie tried her best to copy every bit of her personality, but she wouldn't be so cruel as to give him the fate of being called and looking like her. Brown hair dyed yellow, almond-colored eyes that envisioned a future for her as a filmmaker even though they hid a lot from their owner... it didn't take much for Karina to become interested in her as soon as she saw her. Her name still tickled his ears... Lauren.
Step by Step. Part by part. The relationship between the two movie lovers was built while the writer's heart broke every time her pencil touched the paper to write an interaction between the two; Although a part of her being wanted to break those ties, her rational part screamed at her to let Karina go, that even if she wanted to love her, a paper Lover would not do him any good.
Love creates, but it also destroys. It makes the butterflies tickle in your stomach pleasant, but it also won't hesitate to attack you from behind when you hear "I don't love you."
And that same love was what had pushed her to write a supposed "Happy Ending": the wedding of Karina, her beloved star, and Lauren, that opportunity that left her to be happy. She should not have been surprised to hear that they both wanted her to be in charge of the wedding under the argument that there was no one else suitable; Even though it hurt, she didn't refuse.
Knowing that she had to change the names in the final product, she gave himself the freedom to write her name one last time, concealing it as best she could, hiding the thread of bitterness under the veil of the fatigue of the preparations and, before the ceremony, She gave herself the opportunity to look for the last time at those little olive eyes that she dreamed of being the owner of so many times.
☆: Kj... -she called her one last time, with a security that she did not possess at that moment.
♡: Yes? -she asked sweetly, adjusting that white suit in which he would get married that afternoon.
☆: I don't know, just... thanks for being who you are, I guess..
That bright smile appeared on the bride's lips, making the heart of the owner of the letters shrink in a way she never thought she would feel. She let her opponent out, she wanted a moment alone... she called herself stupid until she was out of breath, she cursed over and over again the fact that she had fallen in love with Her, she even considered leaving there and eliminating that scene completely, refusing to give an end to the story but she still didn't do it.
She came out to show her face, taking a deep breath before collecting her thoughts; she bit his tongue so as not to speak as soon as heard the "If anyone opposes this Union, let him speak now or remain silent forever", she dug his nails hard into his hand when she saw that kiss and, waiting for everyone to come out, threw roughly knocked down the ring she was wearing. *
For the wedding party, she fell into the cliché of looking for a song from a romantic movie, arguing that "They each meant something to the other," and that they should have something to remind them of them. What they didn't expect was for it to be so... specific.
"Ma Belle Evangeline" *.
Mac watched them from an internal balcony of the living room, biting his lips to keep from crying. It didn't take long for the lyrics of the song to resonate, and there was something that only the writer knew... that was her last goodbye to her paper world, her last sigh directed to her Kj.
Or, rather, the last look at her Evangeline.
~Look how she lights up the sky…~
~Ma Belle Evangeline~
The lyrics intersected, Karina and Lauren danced, masters of their perfect dream, and Mac, in his mind, gave himself the small freedom of identifying with certain parts of that melody.
☆: So far above me yet I...
◇: Know her heart belongs to only me... -the girl with almond-colored orbs murmured, looking at her now wife.
☆: Je' Tadore [I adore you...] -Mac murmured.
◇: Je' Taime... [I love you...] -Lauren told her.
☆/◇: Ma Evangeline...
~You’re my queen of the night, so still…~
~So bright…~
☆: That someone as beautiful as she...
♡: Could love someone like me... -the one with copper curly highlights admitted with a smile adorning her lips.
~Love always finds a way, it’s true!~
◇: And I love you, Evangeline...
That musical bridge didn't take long to begin, and thousands of eyes followed the happy couple who danced under the spotlight of happiness; That was the golden test for MacKenzie, and even if she wanted to run away and convince himself that she could delete that scene and pretend that he shouldn't stop seeing her Kj... she knew it would be his downfall.
~Love is beautiful...~
~Love is wonderful!~
◇: Love is everything... Do you agree?
~Mais oui!~
Holding back tears and pursing her lips, MacKenzie took a sigh to finally get it out of herself. Letting a few tears roll and opening her lips one last time, only to utter...
~Look how she lights up the sky...~
☆: I love you, Evangeline.
 "Because sometimes, and only sometimes, love is also stepping aside to let that special person be happy with someone else."
(Beautiful, precious and divine clarifications:
-Throwing a ring on the ground symbolizes that the owner of the ring does not want to be there.
-I know that the Ma Belle Evangeline song (Like her movie) is from 2009, but I thought it was a nice gesture to add it)
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raith-way · 3 years
Who are/were Mac and Kenzie's favourite characters of the MCU in their universes? How do they react upon meeting them?
This is such a good ask!! I haven't made too many notes about this fic, so I'm still learning most of this. Alright, here goes. Thank you!!
Tony. For both of them, their favorite MCU character is Tony Stark. They both admit that he's flawed and far from perfect, but they love his growth and his journey. Which is why their ultimate goal becomes: save Tony Stark at all costs. The first time Mac meets Tony, she jumps on him. Literally. Locks her arms around his neck and refuses to let go, while telling him that he's a wonderful human being and that it's such an honor to meet him. When she finally lets go, she can't stop smiling at him and telling him that everything is going to be okay now even though it clearly confuses Tony. Kenzie plays it a little more cool, tells him that being able to meet him has made all of the insanity worth it, but inside she's freaking out just as much as Mac but has enough restraint to not jump on him. Barely. Kenzie is also, just a little, disappointed that he looks like RDJ instead of Matt Bomer.
Bucky. Having Bucky as her (second) favorite is very conflicting, considering she isn't always a big Steve fan and Bucky's history with Tony. Despite that, Mac absolutely loves Bucky. No other MCU character has made her laugh and cry quite like he has. If saving Tony is the main mission, then protecting Bucky becomes her new lifestyle. The first time Mac sees Bucky, actually sees him, she punches Steve in the face. Because Bucky is found while he's still the Winter Soldier and Mac gave explicit instructions to not approach the brainwashed assassin, and Steve didn't listen so he got punched. After Bucky is brought to the Tower, Mac cries for a solid hour and won't allow anyone near her. Turns out, reality is nothing like movies and she needs time to adjust.
Thor. None of her friends ever understood why Thor is her (second) favorite, and Kenzie doesn't care to explain because clearly they just don't understand how amazing he is. God, alien, she never cares about that distinction. The point is that Thor was an outsider, someone who had everything and then lost it, and he still managed to stay optimistic. The first time Kenzie meets Thor, she's not impressed. Okay, she's a little impressed even though she still thinks that Alexander Skarsgard is a better Thor than Chris Hemsworth. The first thing she says to him, which completely confuses him, is: "I guess you'll do." She still has to fight the urge to ask him questions, about Asgard and space and his thoughts on Earth, but she does pay close attention to him even at their very first meeting.
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puckngrind · 3 years
Leave Her Wild: chapter 4 - N. MacKinnon
Summary: MacKenzie has Nathan over for dinner after his long road trip.
Warnings: swearing, consumption of alcohol, and well...smut🙈
Word count: 3,238
Series masterlist / Puck ‘n Grind’s masterlist
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“Let me get this right, Mac.” Mosi sips her wine and looks over at Kenzie on the other end of the couch. “This man buys you dinner, is an utter gentleman, walks you back to your hotel, tells you he likes you then kisses you?” She snaps her fingers realizing her friend is fully paying attention to the game on the television. “Plus you haven’t gotten that smile off your face since the game started.”
“Sorry, they are going into OT.” Kenzie sips her wine. “And maybe the best first kiss I’ve had ever.” Kenzie runs her finger over her lips.
“So you were listening to me?” Mosi laughs and continues her line of questioning.
“Yes! That's it Nate!” Kenzie jumps off the couch as he scores the game winning goal.
“I’m sure you will be saying that a lot soon.” Mosi mumbles.
“I heard that Mo.” Kenzie kicks her as she sits back down.
“Tell me I’m wrong, 'cuz you know you can't.” She smirks.
“It’s not like that.” Kenzie grabs her phone to text Nate. Looks back up to her bestie. “It’s not about sex.”
“But you want to sleep with him. I mean why wouldn’t you? Half of Denver probably does.” Mosi statement makes Kenzie pull her legs into her chest and buries her face in her knees
“I want to date him.” She says into her knees that her head is firmly buried in. “He’s intriguing, funny, sweet, and attractive but Mo…”
“What Mac? What possible issue do you have with dating Nathan? Beyond your streak of bad luck in the dating field but they were nothing like this.” Mosi scoots closer to her and lifts up MacKenzie’s head with her hand.
“I like my freedom. You know that. He’s professional hockey player. He could have any girl he wants. Literally, any girl. He trains back home in Canada in the summer. Travels more than I do for work. Mo, our schedules…” she trails off listing the things she thought about on her flight home. She had worked with professional athletes before. Their significant others are at the mercy of the athlete's career when it comes to most aspects of life. She has seen some of what Nate described when he mentioned some are in it for what can be provided for them and not for the athlete themselves. It’s not just the money but status. She’s seen true love too. She knows it works even with the professional spotlight.
Nate: Are you an Avs fan now? Gabe wants to know.
Kenzie laughs which makes Mosi's eyebrow peak with curiosity.
Kenzie: tell Gabe I’m a fan of that 29. He’s seems pretty good.
Nate: I’ll let him know. I’ll call you when we get back to the hotel.
Nathan was back in town the next week. The two planned on an early dinner at MacKenzie’s place Sunday since he had a game Saturday. The knock on the door startled her. She looked at the oven clock. Ten minutes early. She opened the door to see Nathan holding a bouquet of wild flowers. They agreed to wear comfortable clothes and she’s thankful he showed up in sweatpants and an Avs shirt.
“Come in.” She moves to let him in. He kicks off his shoes and hands her the bouquet before taking off his coat. “Thanks, Nate. Thought you weren’t romantic.” She sniffs the flowers with a smirk across her face then walks down the hall.
“Thank the boys. I was told girls love flowers.” He chuckled nervously and she looks back to see the pink in his cheeks. “This is the mirror of Cale’s place. Similar to Tyson’s.”
“Guessing that means you don’t need a tour. Dinner will be here soon.” Kenzie moves into her kitchen to grab drinks and put the flowers in water. Nathan follows her and closes in before she can do so. "Hi. Sorry you lost last night. Would you like a drink? That came out wrong." She shakes her head redirecting her attention back to the wine glasses.
"Sure. We’ve only lost a few it’ll be fine. Can I kiss you again?" He dips his head down, turns her so he can look into MacKenzie's chocolate eyes.
"You don't have to ask, you know?" She bites at her lip as Nathan presses his body into hers, wrapping his hand up her back then under her hair. Kissing her just as he did in Washington two weeks ago. Kenzie grounds herself by finding his hips. He breaks away and places his forehead on hers.
"I've been thinking about kissing you again since I forced myself to walk back to my hotel two weeks ago." Nate breathes out then stands up to really look at her. He goes to kiss her again and MacKenzie's phone buzzes. She puts her hand on his chest then pats.
"Hold that thought." Kenzie picks up her phone to open the app for the building then heads to her front door to meet the delivery person. She returns to find Nathan has found a mason jar, filled it with water, and placed the flowers neatly in it. "Well..." She says shocked at the gesture.
"This is okay, right?" He holds up the jar. Kenzie nods with a little laugh. "What's for dinner?" Nate eyes the brown unmarked bag.
"Well you said you wanted to try the new greek place but never have time... so I picked that." Kenzie started to unload the hummus, gyros, and baklava on to the counter.
"You remembered that?" Nathan looks shocked at a small detail from their conversation in Washington.
"Yeah. So want to watch a movie or eat at my table? I'll be honest. I don't eat at it a lot." She goes to grab the boxes and he reaches in to grab them. Again, she notices how large his hands are as he easily picks up everything. She grabs the wine glasses and walks to the couch sitting the glasses down before curling up on the couch. Nathan follows suit.
"How did you sit so gracefully?" Nate tries to shift himself to look at Kenzie. She shrugs her shoulders and hands him the remote. "Why do you want me to pick something?" "You are my guest. Just find something." She leans over and starts opening the boxes. Remembers the plates and forks and pops up to run to the kitchen. By the time she returns to the couch Nate has found a rom-com. "Not romantic, huh?" She bites the inside of her cheek and looks at Nate's reaction.
"I'm trying plus got some tips." He admits with some pink still in his cheeks while he stares at Kenzie.
"Oh yeah, tips?" She turns and pulls her legs under her to face Nate. "Do tell!"
"Well, Gabe told me where to go for the flowers and Ryan suggested rom-com." He runs his fingers through his hair.
"Well, you've been more romantic than just those two things so don't sell yourself short, kay?" Kenzie leans up on her knees and kisses him.
"Why is this so easy with you?" Nate admits as Kenzie turns her attention to the food.
"I don't know. It's new. I'm a hot mess so I'll just warn you now." She hands him a plate.
"I don't think it's just because it's new. Also, I'm sure I am just as much of a hot mess, Kenzie." Nate takes a bite and makes a sound of approval.
The two talk about the movie, Nate's trip, Kenzie's next trip, home, and anything that came easily out of their conversation while eating. Once they were done eating, Kenzie nestles into Nate's side while he has his arm on the back of the couch.
"Maybe I could take you out on a real date this week?" Nate runs his fingers up her arm leaving goosebumps in his path. “Not that I don’t enjoy this or dinner in Washington but a date out.”
"That would be nice. Whatcha thinking?" She looks up at him and he kisses her lips softly.
"Well, maybe... you can say no... dinner then the Halloween party with the team?" Nate contorts his face.
"I was thinking you had just dinner in mind. I don't know. It's just players and their..." She trails off in her own head. Why she’s so confident with him but then not she wasn’t exactly sure but this was one of those moments.
"Yeah, my teammates and their wives or girlfriends. Maybe I shouldn't have asked you. Dinner? Let's do dinner." Nate pulls his phone out. "Is tomorrow or the next day too soon?" He hums and you can hear a little nervousness in it.
"I'm free tomorrow for dinner." Kenzie leans forward to turn so she can look at him. "Thank you." He cocks his head to the side. "For dropping the party thing. Reading the, I don’t know, fear that came with you asking. Which is dumb because I’ve met most of your team and some of the girls but going would make it look like I was your girl and well we’ve just kissed plus I don’t know if you are seeing anyone else.” Kenzie puts her hand over her eyes realizing she just said all the things stirring in her head. He doesn’t answer but Kenzie doesn’t want to look him in the face. “Nate, I told you. I’m a hot mess. Broken, borderline workaholic, who has been hurt too many times by men who didn’t think I fit their mold. Hot fucking mess.”
“Hot for sure.” Nate pulls Kenzie’s hand from her eyes. The fire in her cheeks apparent. He pulls her to his lap so her legs are stretched across the other side of the couch. Kenzie makes a noise of surprise. “Like hot hot. I don’t mean just your looks. You are gorgeous but your brain, Kenzie, it’s so sexy that I cannot believe you give me the time of day.” He kisses her lips then moves down her jaw and to her neck. Kenzie moans then bites her lip. “You like that, eh?” She doesn’t answer but moves herself so her chest is pressed against his while her legs straddle his muscular taunt thighs. Nate puts his hands firmly on her hips and presses Kenzie down into him showing her the effect she was having on him. He kisses her the way that makes Kenzie melt. Arms wrapped around his neck with a hand scratching at the nape of his neck. Kenzie breaks their lips embrace for a moment pulls back a little to see Nate’s lust filled eyes.
“Nate, you sure about this?” She slides her hand around his neck so her thumb can rub is swollen lips.
“Did you just ask me for consent?” She nods. “Fuck that’s hot.” He nips at her thumb while shifting his hips. “We are in agreement here? I need to hear you say it.”
“Yes, Nate, take me to bed.” Before Kenzie finishes her sentence Nate is standing up with her firmly attached to his body. He walks down the hall while she peppers kisses over his neck and collarbones. “Last door.” She breathes out.
“I know Kenz.” Nate cockiness noticed as he enters her room. Landing on the bed Nate lays Kenzie down and climbs on top of her. His tongue presses through her lips asking for permission and she moans while he continues. His hand starts exploring her body then gathers up the hem of Kenzie's shirt. "Do ya need this?" He pulls his body up to remove it then taking in her body. "Damn, Kenz..." Nate sucks his bottom lip into his mouth then pulls his shirt off from behind his head. She reaches up so her fingers can dance on his abs.
"Same Nate." MacKenzie pulls at Nathan's side and he falls on her. "oof."
"Shit. Sorry. You okay?" Nate leans up on his elbows.
"Yes, well 200 pounds of Canadian beef landed on me on my rib cage." Kenzie leans up to kiss him and pull him back down to her.
"205 actually." Nate places his hand over her bra. "Can I see if there is any injuries?" He wags his eyebrows then moves to unclasp and discard the lace garment. His lips and fingers immediately on her peaks only letting up to switch. Kenzie hooking her arms and legs around his body while rolling her hips up into Nate. He grunts while moving his body down hers. Removing her yoga pants then panties. "Seriously, Kenzie. You are beautiful." Nathan whispers while kicking off his sweats and boxers. Kenzie's eyes going directly to his erection.
"You are quite handsome yourself." She sits up and holds Nate's face.
"Now, can you go back to the confident Nate that carried me in here and fuck me like you want to." Kenzie licks her lips and places her hand on the base of his shaft.
"You sure? You'll tell me if you don't like somethin' right?" Nate questions while shutting his eyes with the sensation of Kenzie's movements.
"Promise. Now come here." She goes to pull him in again but he slides between her knees and kisses down her thigh. He blows on her core and slips his tongue through her folds making Kenzie's thighs tighten around his head. He hooks one arm around her leg and pulls it out using his other hand to to dance at her entrance while his tongue finds Kenzie's clit. "Fuck, Nate! Yes, that." Her hand finds his hair while the other holds tight to her pillow above her head. He moves his finger inside and curls it which makes Kenzie jump.
"You are so so wet." Nate looks up to Kenzie's glued shut eyes, lips parted, and back arched. Both hands how holding tight to her pillow. He adds another finger pumping it then curls his tongue around her clit and sucks sending Kenzie over the edge. Her toes curling into the sheets.
"Nate, YES! Fuck don't stop." MacKenzie screams out. Nate doesn't let up but moves to his knees keeping his fingers firmly in place. With his other hand he pumps himself a few times before pressing into Kenzie. Kissing her lips hard while shifting his weight to his forearms. Nate's thumbs finding the under part of Kenzie's jaw, holding her firmly in place. Quickly finding a rhythm that elicits moans and incoherent praise from both.
Nate bites at Kenzie's earlobe and whispers, "Sorry." Before releasing deep inside her. She pulls her body up flush with his as he pulsates causing Kenzie's orgasm to crash over her quickly. Nate kisses Kenzie sweetly then rolls over to pull her head to his chest still trying to catch his breath. His fingers delicately moving up from her hip. "That was..." Nate still breathing hard.
"Phenomenal but can I ask a question?" Kenzie shifts placing her chin on his chest to look into Nate's eyes.
"Anything. Shoot." Nate leans up to kiss her lips.
"Why did you say sorry before you came?" She reaches up to push his curled sweaty hair off his forehead.
"Well, I didn't exactly last long." Nate admits wincing then closing his eyes tightly.
"Nate, that's a compliment." Her response was unexpected by the way his eyes flew open.
"It's a what?" Nate questions with his nose scrunched up.
"Hear me out, and I know not all ladies feel the same but I find when you come quickly I'm doing something right. You are that into me, that turned on, you know?” MacKenzie runs her hand up and down his chest feeling Nate's muscles react as she moves.
"Wow. Well, you are very sexy that’s for sure.” Nate shifts both of their bodies then slide behind her to cuddle. “Also, noted for the future.” MacKenzie starts to wiggle free. “Whatcha doing?”
“I need to go… well, clean up. No one wants to sleep on wet sheets.” She wiggles more trying to get out of Nate’s grasp.
“Are you inviting me to sleep over?” He kisses her ear.
“I mean, yeah. I figured you would but if you wanna leave you...”
“No, no. I’m staying but hold on. Stay there.” Nate pops up off the bed then heads into her bathroom. Moments later returns with a wet and dry washcloth in hand. Kenzie takes in his naked body as he moves. “Why are you looking at me like that?” He sits on the bed and slowly cleans up Kenzie’s most sensitive area.
“How was I looking at you?” Kenzie smirks.
“Like you haven’t had enough of me.” Nate kisses her knee and stands back up. Tosses the washcloths in her hamper then crawls in behind Kenzie pulling her sheet over them.
“Well, I want more but we can rest. But I was actually wondering which guy told you to do that.” Kenzie points to her hamper. “Plus enjoying the view, obviously.”
“No one. It’s polite to clean up after yourself.” Nate pulls her closer tracing the definition of her abs. “I think you have better abs than me.” Kenzie flexes while rolling her hips back planting her ass on his hardening cock.
“Well, I like yours if that matters plus based on what I feel, you like mine too.” Nate groans while Kenzie reaches up running her fingers through his tousled hair. “Most men find my abs unattractive actually. Or maybe intimidating should I say.” Kenzie cannot believe she just said that out loud.
“Those men are idiots.” Nate pushes his thigh between Kenzie’s legs. “Absolute idiots.” He grunts as Kenzie reaches back to wrap her hand around the tip of his cock and slides as far as she can. “Kenz.” He moans.
“Yes, Nate?” She whispers while moving down his body and nestles between his legs. Nate grabs a pillow to prop his head up. She starts slow, kissing then licking from the based to the tip, massaging his scrotum while wrapping her lips around him almost choking while moving up and down.
"Oh fuck. Kenz. Kenz." Nate sits up making Kenzie pull off of him. He hooks his hands under her arms and pulls her to his lap leaning back to help her slide onto him. He sits here staring deep into her eyes. Kenzie wraps her legs around his hips and places her hands on his broad shoulders then squeezes. "I. Oh. Lucky. Fuck." Kissing Kenzie deeply he places his hands behind his back thrusting up while she pulls her hips up then back. They hit their highs again. Nathan moving his arms to wrap around Kenzie. They stay there staring at each other breathing hard.
"Hi." Kenzie breaks the silence and kisses his sweaty lips.
"Hi." Nate smirks.
"At this rate, we will run out of wash clothes." Nate laughs then kisses her deeply still fulling inside her which makes Kenzie shutter from overstimulation.
"We can shower." She moves to head towards the shower. Nate scoops her up causing a yelp.
"Thankfully the boys don't live on this side of the building." Nate sets Kenzie down in front of the shower. Her eyes go wide.
"Were we that loud?" She places her hand over her mouth.
"Nope." Nate pops the p and moves her hand to kiss her deeply. "But I'm just getting warmed up." He laughs a little while he leans back to turn on the water before pulling them both in.
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raith-way · 3 years
OOOOO will you tell me about traversing the multiverse?
I will happily tell you everything! Because this is my newest fic, and I have so many thoughts.
Okay, this story exists because of a conversation that I had with @asirensrage. We were talking about how I love the "real world character falls into X universe" trope, but I've always been too afraid to write it because it's a big daunting thing. I was also inspired by her incredible Supernatural fic, Caught In The Crossfire, and this story somehow became a real thing that I was making plans for and then even started to write. I will say that this story wouldn't exist without @asirensrage, because she both inspired it and has helped me figure out the little details while having to read my panic over planning out a new fic.
The story centers around Mackenzie Rowe. Well, the story exists around Mac Rowe and Kenzie Rowe. They are the exact same person, just from different universes. Not twins, not clones, just alternate selves. There's more to that, them being alternate versions of the same person, but I'm still working through that planning and so more on that will be revealed as the story progresses.
In Mac's universe, designated as Earth-1203, everything is nearly identical to our universe. Same major world events, there's a Marvel Cinematic Universe with a slightly altered cast, but a zombie apocalypse occurs at the beginning of 2020. Mac survives this zombie apocalypse for three years, before her universe is destroyed and sends her through a few different universes. (Have to read the first chapter to find out which universes!)
In Kenzie's universe, designated as Earth-1216, life is incredibly different. World Peace was established in 1946, following WWII, leading to an almost utopia-like society. Despite the changes, there's still a Marvel Cinematic Universe with a slightly altered cast that depicts how the world would have been if peace hadn't been achieved. Mac crashes into Kenzie's life, proving that other universes are in fact very much real, and then Kenzie's universe is destroyed and sends them hurtling through a few different universes.
Mac and Kenzie end up in Earth-199936, a few universes over from the Marvel Cinematic Universe that we know, and they're both confused because this universe is a blending of their respective MCUs. Their universes ended in 2023, but they arrive in 2012 just in time to see the end of the Battle of New York. Together, they make the decision to change up everything using their knowledge from the movies. Their ultimate goal? Save their favorite character, Tony Stark. A lot of things happen along the way, there are some surprise characters while trying to prove Mac and Kenzie's universe-hopping stories, and they'll learn that things become harder to predict the more that they change things.
As for Mac and Kenzie themselves, they're so incredibly similar while being vastly different. Since they are technically the same physical person, their physical attributes are identical. Same facial expressions, similar mannerisms, same allergies. They even have the same speaking voice, cheery and animated, and they talk using their whole bodies. Their personalities, however, are completely different. Mac is an eternal optimist. She lived through a zombie apocalypse and still found reasons to smile. She's a realist, but she also holds onto hope. Kenzie, on the other hand, is a pessimist that will fight you with a smile on her face. She's from a world that called itself utopian, and she questions everything and everyone.
The title I think is fairly self-explanatory. Traversing The Multiverse. It starts with Mac, whose universe is the first to go. It follows her through a few different universes, until she gets to Kenzie. The two of them go through a few different universes, before finally stopping in Earth-199936. There are also two other characters, Jamie Barnes and Wade Wilson, that get pulled from their universes and into the one that Mac and Kenzie have found themselves in. (Who is Jamie Barnes? Which version of Wade Wilson? Will be revealed as the story progresses.)
I can keep going. I can talk about their future pairings, how they interact with all of the characters, and even how they both celebrate getting to live out a nostalgic 2012 Avengers Towers fic. I can go over how I picked the Earth designations, because I really did go through the entire list of Marvel Earths to make sure that I didn't choose an Earth already in use. I can even list out Mac's MCU cast list, Kenzie's MCU cast list, and the cast list that they wind up living with. I can also spoil exactly who else gets pulled into Earth-199936, because I am excited for those characters. I think I've rambled enough for now though.
Thank you so much for the ask!!
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