mccall-me-maurice · 9 months
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[ welcome ralph allebach, son of storms and bringer of thunder. what is your destiny? ]
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teddyreblogslotf · 9 months
It's so funny when you ask if we want lore to back up a peice of art.
You think we won't say yes?
Of course we want lore.
Especially god Simon lore.
God nature Jesus go brr.
BRO OKAY this au is 4 years old so obviously there’s a lot of lore behind it but my favourite piece of simon lore that has to do with the drawing is that simon…. doesn’t wear shoes technically. the shoes he wears belong to ralph, who took him in after he crashed onto earth. he doesn’t own a single PAIR OF SHOES he just steals ralph’s
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happyliviin-blog · 8 years
I really want a new tattoo... I want a bigger one but that’s such a commitment and idk what to really get :/
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mccall-me-maurice · 9 months
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mccall-me-maurice · 2 years
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robert is one of the most powerful gods in my superhero au, and also this art piece took me 2 whole ass DAYS so please please enjoy 😭😭✌️
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teddyreblogslotf · 9 months
working on superhero ralph and i’ll give some lore with him :3
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mccall-me-maurice · 1 year
I challenge you to do inventory on all your LoTF AU's.
Like, just the au titles in a list. I wanna see how many you got.
foxhole court au
canon au
post-canon au
canon divergent au (canon never happened and i’m delulu)
angel and devil au
superstar au
elemental/superhuman au <- this au has a tag. it’s macksstories :)
greek god au
immortal au
ever after high au
monster high au
virtual reality au
ralph has cystic fibrosis and he’s dying au
genderbent au
dating game au (but everyone dies it’s okay it’s like omori)
clue au
actor au
hogwarts/magic au (mostly based on w101
pirate au
DAD AU???? um lord of the dads
flowerbeds and fishing lines au (sam is a forest wizard and maurice is a fisherman’s son and they fall in love basically)
librarian x supermodel au (it’s basically a hallmark movie)
tattoo artist x flowershop owner au (rogermon based WHOMP)
barista au
FURRY AU? idk i turned them into dogs and cats
royalty au
i have more i know i do but this is all i can think of at the moment so YUP……
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mccall-me-maurice · 3 years
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“There’s not enough rain in Oklahoma to wash the sins out of that house.”
Welcome, child of lightning.
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mccall-me-maurice · 3 years
So, for the superhero au
Can I talk to Jack? If so, hello Jack 😎
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Jack: Usually people don’t like me because of who I work for.
Jack: I mean, most people do though so that’s fun.
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mccall-me-maurice · 3 years
hey roger, what do you like most about simon?
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Roger: But… I don’t know much about him… Dyria ran away before I could know much
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mccall-me-maurice · 3 years
How does Peter communicate with Ralph when he’s undercover as a potg officer?
Peter: Very. Carefully. :). And only in emergencies.
Ralph: He sends me emails sometimes because he’s bored in the middle of work.
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mccall-me-maurice · 3 years
So This is Just Me Indulging on That Superhero AU
Fun Fact: This AU is over a year old, starting in March 2020 and still developing. I will 100% be drawing this au, and probably making a comic series with it.
Side Note: This post is really long, read at your own risk. It also doesn’t include all of the information of the au, just what I want to elaborate on
Okay So Here’s some Background Information that I want to include because with the comic pages it will be mentioned, but not in the detail that I would like it to be:
AOE - Alliance of the Elements: Consists of Jack Merridew, Roger Volkov, Maurice Bellomo, and Robert Evans. Is Controlled By PotG
PotG - Protectors of the Globe. Global Alliance that trains those with powers and protects the Earth from Extra Terrestrial threats. Funded and run by a member of each developed country.
The Runaways - Those who left PotG in a illegal fashion, exposing secrets about the organisation as they left. Members Unknown, Ralph Allebach is the known leader and only identified member.
Each Characters’ Powers:
- Jack Merridew: The Element of Fire, When angered it comes in fierce blasts that burn anyone it touches who isn’t protected. His powers falter in rain or underwater.
- Ralph Allebach: Controls the Weather, whenever he cries the sky cries as well. He can overcharge when using too much lightning energy, causing a sudden collapse. He can fly as well, along with being able to manipulate Roger’s powers to an extent, if he is focused enough.
- Roger Volkov: The Element of Air, espionage, and infiltration. He is the combat trainer of the AOE and can summon tornadoes and extremely high winds.
- Dyria “Simon” Cortés: Dyria is an alien from the planet Nagneon, born as the heir to the throne. His planet differs heavily from Earth and the PotG gave him the nickname “Simon” and began using he/him pronouns instead of they/them due to Earth’s society. He can summon the energy of the star on his planet and use his body to project its energy. He is one of the things the PotG wishes to understand but never can, as he is too powerful for them to experiment on without catastrophic consequences.
- Maurice Bellomo: The Element of Earth. Maurice can cause Earthquakes, control rock formations, summon plants and control most aspects of nature as a fighting technique. His powers are ever evolving and he is widely considered to be the least powerful Elemental as he hasn’t reached his peak yet. The Earth heals him at high speeds and he causes craters when distressed.
- Sam Pinch: Can manipulate electrical currents with his hands and has super speed due to an Atomic explosion that didn’t kill him or his brother. He talks extraordinarily fast and can remain unseen by most. In order to make up for the calories he burns, he has to eat in high amounts. His super speed is borderline uncontrollable when he is outside of his suit, body moving faster than the mind can comprehend. When manipulating electricity, he causes a blip of energy in the surrounding area. The explosion caused him to have heavy hearing loss and he wears hearing aids.
- Robert Evans: The Element of Water. Robert tends to spend all of his time in the ocean, only emerging when he is needed as he is currently on the throne under the waves. He can breathe underwater and communicates with sea creatures, as well as controlling water on land. His main tactic of combat against his enemies is to remove all forms of water in the human body, however he is known to have summoned hurricanes and high ocean waves to wipe out places.
- Eric Pinch: Has Chaos Magic, which grants him with the ability to manipulate reality in any way he chooses and has electrical powers very similar to Scarlett Witch (Marvel). Was also given to him in the Atomic experiment gone wrong, his body absorbing a certain unidentified element. He can control his powers to an extent, intense emotions causing him to lose his mental balance and become a death machine.
- Peter Curtis - No superpowers, but is an incredibly intelligent hacker and coder who works for Ralph but is currently undercover as a PotG officer. He regularly sabotages the PotG plans to kill the Runaways and trades information with Ralph. He is skilled in manipulating others.
Details of Importance:
- The Elementals are each over 4,000 years old, coming from a long line of those with powers who have since died off. They laid dormant until absolutely needed, the prophecy stating “Those who control the elements laid in deep sleep, growing stronger each day and emerging when the world needs them most.” The elementals came from different areas that correlated with their powers. Jack from a Volcano, Maurice from a Crack in the Earth’s surface, Roger from the middle of a Tornado and Robert from the ocean’s tides. Their identities are kept entirely a secret through masks and identity manipulation tactics.
- Only one of the Runaways laid dormant for some time, his appearance being a mystery as only those who control elements are supposed to emerge from the Earth.
- The Runaways were all once part of PotG, identities and numbers still unknown. They lay as the elementals biggest target currently. One was found in the remains of a thunderstorm with such high winds that his house collapsed, one in the remains of an old minefield, supposedly dead, the other two in an old farmhouse, right after their mother exploded. The runaways hardly pose a real threat, but the leader of PotG wants them to be brought in.
- Chips have been installed in each elemental’s scalp to track their whereabouts as well as their health and stats such as heartbeat, blood pressure, etc.
- Ralph and Jack’s ancestors met once a year to discuss their futures and when they realised extinction was on the horizon, the two populations had Ralph’s biological mother and Jack’s biological father merge their blood together through a cut on their hands, so whenever either of their bloodlines was in peril danger, they could call on each other’s powers to save them.
- The Prophecy was predicted thousands of years ago, after the first extinction of elementals and those who came after found remains of their civilisations. It reads that “Those who must save the world are those who destroy it first - The beings who control the elements lay deep in sleep, growing stronger with each second humanity breathes, and will emerge when the world needs them most. The globe must burn before it can be reconstructed with fragile hands, sculpting a new childhood for the young out of clay. The world must end for it to begin again. It all starts with the flicker of the boy from flame.”
- The Inferia Crystals: The Inferia Crystals were crafted by the ancestors of the elementals and those who set up humanity to build the prophecy. 4 crystals were stolen by the runaways and 4 remain with the elementals. They control certain sectors of the Earth, split into 8 parts thousands of years ago, and help some beings gain control over their own powers.
- Each Elemental has been tagged with a certain number, the correlation of number to person still unknown to those who wear the tags. They come in the form of a dog tag necklace, and they were told to never take them off. Jack is #2098, Roger is #3092, Maurice is #4266, and Robert is #5609
Areas Of Importance:
- PotG base - Unknown location, Run by Roger Volkov’s adoptive father
- The Arena - Located in the centre of the PotG base, The Arena is generally used for entertainment of the wealthy. Prisoners are pitched into a dome, an audience surrounding them on all sides, and are forced to fight to the death or until Roger Volkov’s adoptive father calls it off. Competitors are given poorly crafted weapons and armour, the arena not built for those of great power.
- The Crystalline Cave: The cave in which the walls hold the Prophecy, carved into glass. Each elemental has an area with carvings that glows when they pass by, but it is unknown as to why or what it means.
- The Runaways Base: The Runaway’s base is in an unknown location, on the top of an unknown mountain. They have charms and protective spells up to hide them from the public entirely, area appearing as government owned property.
If you don’t want to see this au, please block the tag
Thank you!!
Let the End, begin
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mccall-me-maurice · 3 years
So like how strong is Robert? Can he manipulate the water in a persons body for multiple people at the same time? Because since he can control the water in someone’s body, doesn’t that make him like.,.unstoppable?
Robert can manipulate the water in large groups of peoples bodies, small groups, and definitely a single person.
He can also summon hurricanes, tsunamis, he can manipulate the sweat on someone’s body, and he can make people cry on command.
So he’s pretty fucking strong. Which is why he stays underwater because he doesn’t want to cause a shit ton of damage.
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mccall-me-maurice · 3 years
If all the boys were in one big fight with one another (using powers, ofc), who do you think would win?
Eric. He can warp other people’s reality to be whatever he pleases. Simon and Robert would be a close second, but 100% Eric because he could just manipulate everyone into being exactly what he wanted.
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mccall-me-maurice · 3 years
Do the characters have backstories?
The elementals kind of do??? Their backstories are all thousands of years old, before they went dormant, so it’s extremely difficult to explore their concepts.
As for the runaways, they all have pretty gruesome backstories, because the PotG tortured most of them in the name of science.
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mccall-me-maurice · 3 years
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“There is an alien among us. We don’t know where, we hardly know who they are. What we do know is that they’re dangerous, explosive, and destructive. Dyria, also known to us as Simon Cortés, will kill us all. Respectfully, I will refer to this being as Dyria because while names hold power, I am not afraid of them or what they can do. Dyria’s escape was our fault, we went and we poked the bear with a stick. Emergency protocols will be instituted in schools in case of an attack. We know nothing about this creature, and we can no longer learn.” - Roger Volkov’s statement to the public the day Dyria (Simon Cortés) escaped PotG
((Colour Palette Inspired by @meqkoi pls go follow them))
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